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Youth Ministry

Showing 51–100 of 176 results

  • You Lost Me (Reprinted)


    Close to 60 percent of young people who went to church as teens drop out after high school. Now the bestselling author of unChristian trains his researcher’s eye on these young believers. Where Kinnaman’s first book unChristian showed the world what outsiders aged 16-29 think of Christianity, You Lost Me shows why younger Christians aged 16-29 are leaving the church and rethinking their faith.Based on new research, You Lost Me shows pastors, church leaders, and parents how we have failed to equip young people to live “in but not of” the world and how this has serious long-term consequences. More importantly, Kinnaman offers ideas on how to help young people develop and maintain a vibrant faith that they embrace over a lifetime.

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  • Youth Ministry In The 21st Century (Reprinted)


    There are many philosophies and strategies that drive today’s youth ministry. To most people, they are variations on a single goal: to make faithful disciples of young people. However, digging deeper into various programs, books, and concepts reveals substantive differences among approaches.

    Bestselling author Chap Clark is one of the leading voices in youth ministry today. In this multiview work, he brings together a diverse group of leaders to present major views on youth ministry. Chapters are written in essay/response fashion by Fernando Arzola Jr., Greg Stier, Ron Hunter Jr., Brian Cosby, and Chap Clark. As the contributors present their views and respond to each of the other views, they discuss their task and calling, giving readers the resources they need to develop their own approach to youth ministry. Offering a model of critical thinking and respectful dialogue, this volume provides a balanced, irenic approach to a topic with which every church wrestles.

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  • Modelo Coach Para Lideres Juve – (Spanish)


    El modelo coach es un enfoque poderoso e innovador para personas que lideran. En lugar de proveer respuestas, los buenos lideres hacen preguntas para descubrir lo que Dios ya ha depositado en otros. Aprende como crear conversaciones poderosas para asistir a otros a resolver sus problemas, alcanzar metas, y desarrollar herramientas de liderazgo en el proceso. El Coaching es el arte y practica que permite que los grupos e individuos se muevan de donde estan a donde desean estar y esta caracteristica le convierte en una herramienta poderosa para quienes trabajan con las nuevas generaciones.

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  • Skinny On Communication


    Everything you do and say sends a message to the people around you. So what message are you sending to the teenagers in your youth group-and to their parents and to other people connected to your ministry? It’s impossible to meet teenagers’ foundational needs without effective communication. And the more effectively you communicate, the better you can give your students exactly what they’re seeking and needing.The Skinny on Communication isn’t about formulas or a five-step plan that will solve your communication problems as a youth worker. But it will guide you through specific principles that can move you closer toward mastering this vital skill. You’ll explore practical ideas for communicating effectively with teenagers, parents, and other partners in your ministry-and you’ll see how all of these practices can be rooted in Christ-like love. Prepare to be challenged, and allow yourself to be surprised. And along the way, re-examine your assumptions and seek a fresh perspective on communicating effectively as a youth worker.

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  • Skinny On Service


    Take a look around at the brokenness in this world and its spiritual poverty. Jesus wants to change all of that, and he’s looking for teenagers who want that change to start in them. Youth worker, that’s where you come in! When your students serve others, they’re serving Jesus. Serving helps teenagers draw closer to Jesus and become more like him. And serving creates opportunities to talk about Jesus and share his amazing good news. Ultimately, every act of genuine Christian service points to Jesus’ act of service on the cross.The Skinny on Service unpacks the powerful reasons why it’s important for you and your students to serve others, but you’ll also get page after page of practical ideas on how to serve. You’ll be equipped to help teenagers discover the joy of serving faithfully “before,” even if they don’t personally get to see the fruit “after.” Teenagers aren’t just looking for a great youth worker-they’re looking for a Christ-follower who is leaving footsteps they can step into. And when you lead the way by serving, that’s exactly what you’re doing.

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  • Skinny On Outreach


    Does the idea of outreach excite you? Does it intimidate you? Does it frustrate you? In the context of youth ministry, outreach is simply looking beyond yourself and equipping teenagers to do the same. It’s about a commitment to encouraging and equipping teenagers to engage in a lifestyle of sharing the world-altering message of Jesus. Jesus commands us to reach out, compassion compels us to reach out, and true discipleship calls us to reach out. The Skinny on Outreach delivers specific, tangible ideas for building a youth ministry where teenagers discover how every area of life offers ongoing opportunities for relational evangelism. This book will fuel your passion for reaching out and sharing the message of Jesus-and for inviting teenagers into this exciting adventure, too. When your teenagers are on a mission with Jesus and telling people about him, they’ll also grow deeply in him. Help your students become life-changing ambassadors for Jesus’ message of grace and hope. And join Jesus in the quest for the unreached teenagers in your community!

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  • Skinny On Parents


    Parents are the biggest influence on the lives of teenagers-a fact that research has proved again and again. Yet interactions with parents can be one of the trickiest areas for a youth worker to navigate well. Great youth ministries are passionate about helping parents-the key influence on teenage faith-succeed in their God-given roles. That’s the foundational message of The Skinny on Parents, which will lead you toward a place where you focus more of your energy on resourcing, equipping, partnering with, and empowering parents. Parents are not the enemy. Ignoring them will diminish the impact of your ministry. Most parents struggle with fears but also want help. And you can come alongside them to partner in helping teenagers fully step into a life of faith. This book is filled with practical ideas that will energize your ministry to parents and families. And if you as a youth worker provide help in a way that allows parents to feel more equipped and confident, then everyone wins: families, teenagers, and your youth ministry!

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  • Skinny On Volunteers


    A youth ministry needs a solid group of volunteers to be truly effective. We youth workers all know this-but how do we make it happen? Many of us don’t do much when it comes to mobilizing volunteers and equipping them for ministry. Our plate is already full, and building a great team sounds like yet another task to add to the list. But what if your efforts to mobilize and equip volunteers actually lightened your schedule? What if this investment of time actually paid back double, quadruple, or even tenfold?The Skinny on Volunteers will help you concentrate on three simple skills that will help you mobilize and equip leaders: recruiting, keeping, and training volunteers. Yes, volunteers take time. But you’ll discover the rewards of investing in a team of people who will love teenagers, connect with them, and disciple them.

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  • Earn Save Give Youth Study (Teacher’s Guide)


    John Wesley believed money was important as a way of expressing and living out Christian faith. To Wesley, the task was simple: earn all you can, save all you can, give all you can. In this essential little book, pastor and author James A. Harnish presents Wesley’s concepts and beliefs in plain, useful language, suitable for individuals to grapple with and groups to discuss and act upon.

    The four chapters of this book form the basis for a four-week churchwide stewardship program, along with the DVD, Leader Guide, Youth Study Book, Children’s Leader Guide, and the Program Guide on flash drive.

    Everything needed to conduct a 4-week youth study for ages 13-18, as part of the churchwide stewardship program. The Youth Study Book includes participant content as well as leader helps.

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  • Saying Is Believing


    Practical theologian Amanda Drury integrates sociological analysis and theological reflection to propose a theory and theology of testimony that can assist in the spiritual formation of adolescent Christians.

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  • Imperfect Marriage : Help For Those Who Think Its Over


    From legendary baseball Hall of Famer and his wife comes a marriage guidebook for the not-so-perfect marriage-filled with extremely candid, practical, and biblically based principles-proven to make any relationship successful.

    Darryl and Tracy Strawberry admit they have “made every possible mistake you can make in marriage.” Together, this devoted couple has suffered through-and survived-adultery, addiction, financial destruction, and many other all-too-familiar struggles.

    A no-holds-barred account of their personal journey, The Imperfect Marriage provides a step-by-step program that will help you and your partner understand the key issues that could be causing damage in your relationship and recognize turning points on the journey toward marriage restoration. Darryl and Tracy Strawberry know firsthand what it takes to make it through the battle and how to come out victorious. Beginning with putting God at the center, their words will inspire you to transform your marriage into an enduring and vital relationship.

    The Strawberrys keep it real and preach it real. They deal with real people, real problems, and offer solutions for the present. Through candid anecdotes, a great deal of self-awareness, and a true sense of honesty, Darryl and Tracy offer the vision, encouragement, and practical advice that every healthy marriage needs in order to thrive.

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  • Beyond Suffering For The Next Generation Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Beyond Suffering for the Next Generation: A Christian View on Disability Ministry will equip young people to think critically and compassionately about the complex issues that impact people with disabilities and their families, and inspire them to action. Students who embrace this study will gain a sense of confidence in knowing they are part of a growing worldwide movement that God is orchestrating to fulfill his command in Luke 14:21-23: Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame so that my house will be full.

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  • G I F T S


    While there are many activities and voices vying for your children’s time and attention, there are few that are more important than you teaching your children to pray. Cultivating a vibrant relationship with their Creator is the key that opens the door for your children to have a fulfilling and purposeful life. In this book you will find a creative, delightful tool to use as you help your children learn to pray. They will enjoy the beautiful illustrations and thoughtful, rhyming text. You will appreciate the way the pattern for prayer is laid out in an easy-to-remember format. And together you will open the G.I.F.T.S. of prayer and find the One “who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we ask or can even imagine.”

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  • Que Hacer Cuando Los Jovenes L – (Spanish)


    Cuando ayudar a los adolescentes en la multitud de problemas a los que se enfrentan durante la epoca de la vida por la cual estan pasando, no hay ningun manual que lo resuelva todo. Tanto si trabajas con adolescentes, como si estas tratando de educarlos en tu hogar, lo mas probable es que ya te hayas tropezado con unas cuantas cosas para las cuales te sentias carente de preparacion por completo, o mal equipado para enfrentarte a ellas. !Pero no estas solo! En la impactante Serie de libros Que hacer cuando…? te estamos ofreciendo respuestas a los dificiles interrogantes a los que te tienes que enfrentar cuando surgen esos desafios. Sabiendo que el noventa y cinco por ciento de las personas a las que se les ha diagnosticado un desorden en la alimentacion son jovencitas adolescentes, es probable que te encuentres con este problema si interactuas con adolescentes. En Que hacer cuando los adolescentes luchan con desordenes alimentacios, el doctor Steven Gerali te ayudara en los siguientes aspectos: * La comprension de los desordenes en la alimentacion, junto con los temas subyacentes que suelen contribuir a la aparicion de esos desordenes. * El reconocimiento de las seales de alerta que pueden significar que un adolescente esta desarrollando un desorden en la alimentacion. * La comprension del papel y la responsabilidad que le corresponden a la iglesia en cuanto a movilizar ayuda para los adolescentes con desordenes en la alimentacion. * La creacion de una intervencion cuando los adolescentes o sus padres niegan la existencia del problema. * El desarrollo de una estrategia de referencia a un especialista para los adolescentes que necesiten ayuda para enfrentarse a sus desordenes en la alimentacion. En este practico libro, descubriras las maneras de identificar y ayudar a un adolescente que este luchando con un desorden en la alimentacion, y encontraras una gran abundancia de recursos para conseguirles ayuda mas alla de la que tu seas capaz de darles.

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  • Youth Ministry Management Tools 2.0


    Youth ministry isn’t just meeting with students and teaching them God’s truth. It also involves a myriad of administrative and operational details. Youth Ministry Management Tools 2.0 provides youth ministers and volunteers with helpful insights, advice, and practical resources to successfully manage a youth ministry. You’ll find sample budgets, release forms for trips, and clear direction for screening applicants for volunteer positions. Authors Mike Work and Ginny Olson provide you with quick and accessible answers to all of your management, administrative, and supervisory questions and needs. Sprinkled throughout the manual are brief personal anecdotes by actual, in-the-trenches youth workers, case studies of church-office debacles, pivotal lessons learned over decades of ministry, nightmare scenarios to avoid, and glorious successes to emulate. No other book provides everything a youth ministry leader needs in one place at such an affordable price. This revised and updated edition of a youth ministry classic includes bonus online content, copy-ready pages and forms, and loads of other highly practical material.

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  • Team Mate Teen Planner Youth Version


    The Right Tool for Implementing Youth TEAM Evangelism. This pocket-sized booklet offers teens a fun and convenient method of praying for and following up on the progress of friends and relatives they wish to see come to Christ. Your teens will enjoy learning the principles of team evangelism, the importance of faithful prayer, and the benefit of keeping a record of those for whom they are praying. This booklet will encourage teens to touch the lives of their prospects by spending time with them and helping meet their practical needs.

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  • No Me Averguenzo – (Spanish)


    The musicians who best represent today’s Christian young people have united for the first time in a book challenging them to lift up the values of the gospel. Each chapter presents one musician writing about Christian values such as holiness, mercy, forgiveness, inclusion, evangelism and integrity. Featuring comments and notes by: * Alex Campos * Coalo Zamorano * Lilly Woodman * Funky * Lucia Parker * Rescate * Timmy Ost* Kyosko* Renova * Redimi2 * Pescao Vivo * En Espiritu y en verdad.

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  • Volunteer Youth Workers Guide To Leading A Small Group


    1. Why Small Groups?
    2. What’s The Point?
    3. What Does Change Look Like?
    4. Thinking Structure
    5. Leading Great Discussions
    6. Asking Great Questions
    7.Things That Might Help
    8.Stop Reading!

    Additional Info
    A lot of churches and youth ministries have given up on the idea of small groups, writing them off as too tedious, too difficult to manage, too hard to find volunteers for, too expensive to provide materials or curriculum for, or any other number of reasons. In A Volunteer Youth Worker’s Guide to Leading a Small Group, Mark Oestreicher argues a different perspec- tive, however. Marko insists that small groups pro- mote safe spaces to grow, consistency in teenagers’ emotionally tumultuous lives, and repetition that instills in them the importance of trust and tradi- tion. The Guide to Leading a Small Group is perfect for anyone feeling disenchanted with the concept of small groups, and after Marko succeeds in changing your mind in the first few pages, he’ll use the rest of the book to help you restructure and rethink your small-group programming so you don’t get burned out again. Marko is leading the charge in reviving small groups, and you can join him today.

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  • Volunteer Youth Workers Guide To Resourcing Parents


    Every youth leader, volunteer, or pastor has failed at some point in their communication or interaction with their teenagers’ parents. Most youth workers are still pretty young themselves, and most parents are guarded and pro- tective of their kids. These factors combine to create a minefield, of sorts, for parents and youth workers to navigate. In fact, youth ministry mogul Mark Oestreicher starts off A Volunteer Youth Worker’s Guide to Resourcing Parents by admitting some of his own failures in his interactions with students’ parents. But then Marko uses the rest of the book to explore the importance and deep significance of being intentional with parent contact and interaction, and not letting family ministry slip through the cracks in favor of teenager-only ministry. If you’ve had some discouraging interactions with parents lately, this book might help provide a new perspective, allowing you to show some grace, both to yourself and the parents you’re trying to minister to.

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  • Volunteer Youth Workers Guide To Understanding Todays Teenagers


    Many parents have taken a defeatist approach toward understanding their teens. But that’s where you, the volunteer youth worker, come in. Mark Oestreicher shows that Understand- ing Today’s Teenager is both possible and rewarding, if one has the right tools. Marko explores the dimensions of nature vs. nurture, brain activity, culture, biology, and emotional development, all of which lead teenagers to do the wacky things they do that adults don’t understand and often can’t remember having done themselves. Marko also reminds us that adolescent development doesn’t end at the age of 18 just because United States law says it does. A Volunteer Youth Worker’s Guide to Understanding To- day’s Teenager uses a combination of science, logic, and compassion to help bring us back from the cliff edge and remember why we started working with teens in the first place. Use this book is a jumping- off point to re-ignite your passion for teens.

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  • 77 Fairly Safe Science Activities For Illustrating Bible Lessons (Reprinted)


    Nothing captures the attention of young people (and adults) like a creative object lesson. This hands-on book gives pastors, teachers, speakers, and homeschoolers 77 exciting science activities that reveal the order and grandeur of creation and encourage an appreciation of all God has made. These easy experiments illustrate the laws of nature, teach Bible principles, and affirm God’s power as Creator. With catchy or unexpected results, the demonstrations make Bible truth unforgettable. The clearly explained experiments use common household objects, require little setup, and are illustrated with pictures and diagrams.

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  • Understanding Sexual Identity


    Today’s youth struggle with difficult questions of sexual identity. How can a youth worker offer wise care and counsel on such a controversial and confusing subject? Mark Yarhouse, director of the Institute for the Study of Sexual Identity, equips youth ministers so they can faithfully navigate the topic of sexual identity in a way that is honest, compassionate, and accessible. Reframing the focus away from the culture wars, Yarhouse introduces readers to the developmental considerations in the formation of sexual identity—all of which occurs in the teen years. He offers practical and helpful ways to think about homosexuality along with suggestions for talking with people who experience same-sex attraction. He also helps parents and youth volunteers learn to graciously respond to children and teens who struggle with questions of sexual identity, and discusses how youth ministry can become more relevant in the lives of youth who are navigating these issues.

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  • Youth Workers Commentary On James


    One reason for writing these books is that most curriculums that are now available for youth leaders and their students are just skimming the books of the Bible (example: 4-12 lessons on the Gospel of John that do not go beyond the surface of the text). We are talking about writing books that would have the entire Biblical text printed in each book. Books that actually go deeper into the meaning of the text. We are thinking of dozens of word and character studies, with many fascinating historical and personal stories, followed by in depth thought provoking questions. This series of books will include insights and observations not usually covered in typical commentaries.

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  • Spiritual Formation In Emerging Adulthood (Reprinted)


    The shift from adolescence to adulthood, a recently identified stage of life called “emerging adulthood,” covers an increasing span of years in today’s culture (roughly ages 18-30) due to later marriages and extended education. During this prolonged stage of exploration and self-definition, many young adults drift away from the church.

    Here two authors–both veteran teachers who are experienced in young adult and campus ministry–address this new and urgent field of study, offering a Christian perspective on what it means to be spiritually formed into adulthood. They provide a “practical theology” for emerging adult ministry and offer insight into the key developmental issues of this stage of life, including identity, intimacy and sexuality, morality, church involvement, spiritual formation, vocation, and mentoring. The book bridges the gap between academic and popular literature on emerging adulthood and offers concrete ways to facilitate spiritual formation among emerging adults.

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  • Creating A Scene In Corinth


    Creating a Scene imaginatively draws readers into Chloe’s house church, which has just received a letter from their church planter, the apostle Paul. Using group simulation, the book brings to life scholarly research on how the gospel penetrated the Roman Empire. As participants role-play early believers and debate with each other, they gain new insights and will never read 1 Corinthians the same way again.

    First-century Corinthians were just as human as church people today. They did not consider Paul’s letters authoritative Scripture when he wrote them, so lively group discussion and debate are encouraged. This method of Bible study works for many levels, from youth groups to Sunday school classes, or in college and seminary courses. “Besides, it s just plain fun!” writes coauthor Finger.

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  • Grupos Pequenos Y Celulas De I – (Spanish)


    Your small group can accomplish big things in the lives of your teenagers. And in ‘Help! I’m a Small-Group Leader!’ you’ll find methods and approaches you can use, foibles and minefields to avoid and solutions and tips that will help you nurture your small group into a growing community, whatever your goals. To top it all off there are 20 pages of questions that you can use in your small-group Bible study.

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  • Way For Youth


    A churchwide experience where children, youth, and adults explore the profound, life-changing impact of Jesus’ life and ministry

    The most amazing figure in history comes alive for children, youth, and their families.
    Stories include:
    Baptism in the Jordan River
    Mount of Temptations
    Nazareth – First preaching in the temple
    Sea of Galilee
    Sermon on the Mount/Beatitudes
    Samaria – Jacob’s Well
    Mount of Olives- cleansing the temple in Jerusalem

    The Youth Study provides everything needed for a seven-week study for ages 13-18. Designed to be used by both leaders and students along with the adult-level DVD.

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  • More Middle School TalkSheets Epic Old Testament Stories


    Middle school students are exposed to a lot of outside influences they don’t necessarily understand. It’s important to establish moral guidelines and role models early on, so they can grow with a strong understanding of Christian values. Where better to look for these role models than in the godly heroes of the Bible? The Middle School Talksheets series returns with a second year of thought-provoking stories from the Old Testament to discuss with your youth group or bible studies. David Lynn shares discussion topics and questions written specifically with middle school students in mind, promoting meaningful and thought-provoking conversations. The stories in these pages highlight pure moral principles and practices for teenagers to learn about and emulate. Each of the new 52 epic bible stories is easy to use and fit to your lesson plan, including hints and tips to facilitate conversation. These lessons also include optional activities, giving teenagers the inspiration and motivation they need andnbsp;to actively participate and have fun while they learn.

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  • Amplifying Our Witness


    Nearly twenty percent of adolescents have developmental disabilities, yet far too often they are marginalized within churches. Amplifying Our Witness challenges congregations to adopt a new, practice-centered approach to congregational ministry — one that includes and amplifies the witness of adolescents with developmental disabilities.

    Replete with stories taken from Benjamin Conner’s own extensive experience with befriending and discipling adolescents with developmental disabilities, Amplifying Our Witness:
    *Shows how churches exclude the mentally disabled in various structural and even theological ways
    *Stresses the intrinsic value of kids with developmental disabilities
    *Reconceptualizes evangelism to adolescents with developmental disabilities, emphasizing hospitality and friendship.

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  • Why Not Now Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    Like most of the rest of us, Christian students tend to set the bar too low for themselves, especially when it comes to actively following Jesus. This 6-week Bible study curriculum and correlated-but-stand-alone daily devotional will challenge students to accept the mission to live like Jesus now, not later, by telling the stories of adolescents from the Bible and in modern life who did — and are doing — significant and amazing things in the world and for the God who saves. In a society where cultural adolescence is lingering into the 30s, its no wonder Christian students often fail to confront the call to act meaningfully on their faith in Christ. It’s easy to package that commitment with big ideas like picking a college, a spouse, and a career — and then to never quite get around to it.

    God, however, posts no minimum age on discipleship, and his book contains several examples of younger people both willing and able — in his power — to do extraordinarily difficult and necessary things with their lives for him. Why Not Now? will mine stories from the young lives of Miriam, Joseph, David, Solomon, Daniel, and Mary to find why and how they said yes to God before they would have been old enough to rent a car in our modern society. All six of these people believed God could use their lives to do something that mattered. What is holding us back?

    To bolster the argument and generate interest in the books, Why Not Now? will also seek contributions from living examples of people who are doing or have done things we just don’t expect students to do these days. Abby Sunderland, for instance, generated worldwide controversy for attempting to sail around the world solo simply because she was 16 at the time. How dare she? How cold her parents allow that? Another 16-year-old, cheerleader Kealey Oliver, recently made news for courageously tackling a shoplifter at the local mall rather that letting him escape. She saw it as her responsibility to stand for justice. And 17-year-old Steven Ortiz made headlines by demonstrating the practical wisdom of bartering his way from an old cell phone to a convertible Porsche.

    Why Not Now? will use stories like theirs — and those from Scripture — to equip youth leaders to challenge students to use their unique gifts, skills, and opportunities right now to do bigger things with their lives for God’s glory. The curriculum will include teaching outlines, commentary, group activities, discussion questions, a

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  • Genesis


    Studying the Bible can be a daunting prospect, with each passage revealing new truths at every reading. The Studies on the Go series is designed to help keep your youth group focused and exciting, exploring the rich depths in every book of the bible.

    In Genesis, Laurie Polich-Short delivers a set of 30 in-depth study sessions to unlock the potential in the first book of the Bible. Every chapter is examined with care and matched with questions to promote discussion in a group study setting. These segments also include tips to help your students apply what they learn in their everyday lives.

    The Studies on the Go series has provided invaluable resources for small group leaders, and Genesis is a title in that same tradition. Structured study questions and varied discussion topics promise a rich experience and deeper understanding of God’s word for your small group.

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  • High School TalkSheets Old Testament Epic Bible Stories


    In just four short years, high school students develop friendships and habits that affect them for the rest of their lives. They need to be inspired through strong role models who embody Christian values. Where better to look for these influences than in the godly heroes of the Bible? The Talksheets series returns with another year of thought-provoking stories from the Old Testament to discuss with your youth group or bible studies. David Lynn shares discussion topics and questions written specifically with high school students in mind, promoting meaningful and thought-provoking conversations. The stories in these pages highlight pure moral principles and practices for teenagers to learn about and emulate. Each of the 52 epic bible stories is easy to use and fit to your lesson plan, including hints and tips to facilitate conversation. These lessons also include optional activities, giving teenagers to actively participate and have fun while they learn.

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  • Middle School TalkSheets Epic Old Testament Stories


    Middle school students are exposed to a lot of outside influences they don’t necessarily understand. It’s important to establish moral guidelines and role models early on, so they can grow with a strong understanding of Christian values. Where better to look for these role models than in the godly heroes of the Bible?

    The Talksheets series returns with another year of thought-provoking stories from the Old Testament to discuss with your youth group or bible studies. David Lynn shares discussion topics and questions written specifically with middle school students in mind, promoting meaningful and thought-provoking conversations. The stories in these pages highlight pure moral principles and practices for teenagers to learn about and emulate. Each of the 52 epic bible stories is easy to use and fit to your lesson plan, including hints and tips to facilitate conversation. These lessons also include optional activities, giving teenagers the opportunity to actively participate and have fun while they learn.

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  • Real Conversations Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    For many teenagers, sharing their faith in Jesus to their friends is an overwhelming and scary prospect. Outreach is inviting their friends to a fun event once a year. In this entertaining DVD training, Jonathan McKee ignites the passion of Christian teenagers to live authentic lives and gives them tools to reach out to their friends in ways that won’t give them cold sweats! The message is simple: an authentic faith creates opportunities to talk about Jesus. In this dynamic DVD training, students will discover the secret to sharing the reason for the hope that’s within them.

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  • Equip : A Youth Workers Guide To Developing Student Leaders


    Most any endeavor of significance is going to require someone to be a leader. One of the main points Equip makes is that only youth workers (excuse us, youth leaders) who reflect on their own journeys can develop the personal leadership skills necessary to equip other leaders specifically students, in this case to mature and lead their peers. Simply put: Developing leaders develop leaders.

    In Equip: A Youth Worker’s Guide to Developing Student Leaders, Tim Milburn challenges youth leaders to create environments where student leadership development will thrive. Rather than step-by-step program (which he explains why he does not provide), Milburn uses anecdotal evidence as well as alliterative tips to get you started in recognizing how to apply the principles in your own context. Then he sets you free with an encouragement to implement in your own way, at your own pace, and in whatever methods work for you and the group of leaders you are developing. May Equip guide your leadership development philosophies, programs (or non-programs), and processes.

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  • Lo Que Todo Lider Debe Saber D – (Spanish)


    In a culture that changes at a dizzying rate, it is vital that youth leaders have a thorough knowledge of the needs, challenges, thought processes and questions that new generations face. This book is a highly needed and useful resource for those who love young people and wish to be effective in reaching them. Upon finishing this book you will significantly increase the impact and influence in the work you do with the youth.

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  • Lo Que Todo Pastor Debe Saber – (Spanish)


    This book is unique tool for developing a friendly relationship between pastors and youth leaders and it may help your church to have a wider impact in the community through its ministry to the youth.

    What pastor does not want to see more young people surrendered at the feet of Jesus and ready to serve in the congregation? And what youth leader in his right mind would not want the entire congregation to appreciate the young people and to embrace them with the gospel? That is what this book is about. It is about working as a team so that the church’s impact will continue to grow in effectively reaching and discipling new generations.

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  • Creative Bible Lessons On The Trinity


    The Trinity can be one of the most difficult ideas in the Bible to understand. How can our God be made up of three different people? Andrew Hedges answers this question in Creative Bible Lessons on the Trinity, an in-depth guide perfect for small groups and student discussions.

    Divided into three sections, one for each aspect of the Trinity, this book presents students with a clear understanding of the role each part plays. Biblical evidence is supplemented with discussion questions so your small group can talk about how they see the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit work in their own lives.

    Creative Bible Lessons on the Trinity also includes a guide to identifying and working with different learning styles, so you can connect effectively with each of the students in your small group. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to effectively teach your students to incorporate what they learn about the Trinity into their day-to-day lives.

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  • Como Usar El Humor En El Minis – (Spanish)


    The author’s mission in this book is to break with classical paradigms that discourage the use of laughter and humor as incompatible with the serious nature of the gospel. This material is the product of in-depth research into the history of the Bible, presented in a format that is easily absorbed by any reader. Since the Middle Ages and the Reformation, the Christian church has emphasized spiritual practices such as prayer, praise, devotional reading, and Biblical studies as the pillars of spirituality. But there is another element that hidden there in the inkwell and which appears in the Scriptures themselves over and over again. The laughter, the joy, and the sense of humor constitute an important part of the faith. This book also delivers practical advice about how to articulate humor and laughter in your ministerial work. Something unique about this book is the way it interacts with the Biblical texts, looking at the background of many familiar stories, and finding a sense of humor that was very relevant for the original reader. He also delivers clear information about how to take your first steps toward developing the art of creating humor.

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  • Theological Turn In Youth Ministry


    What haunts your youth group? So often we avoid talking about doubts and fears because we feel inadequately equipped to address them in any meaningful way. The crisis of existence can’t be answered with pat Sunday school formulas or a few Bible verses, let alone another relay race. The questions our youth have are often the same ones that perplexed the great theologians, driving them to search for God in the places God didn’t appear to be–places of brokenness, suffering and confusion. What if we let these questions drive our search for God too? Andrew Root and Kenda Creasy Dean invite you to envision youth ministries full of practical theologians, addressing the deep questions of life with a wonderfully adolescent mix of idealism, cynicism and prophetic intolerance for hypocrisy. Follow them into reflection on your own practice of theology, and learn how to share that theology through rich, compassionate conversation and purposeful experience.

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  • Sticky Faith Youth Worker Edition


    Many of the statistics you read about teenagers and faith can be alarming. Recent studies show that 40-50 percent of kids who are connected to a youth group throughout their senior year will fail to stick with their faith in college. As youth workers are pouring their time and energy into the students in their ministries, they are often left wondering if they’ve done enough to equip their students to carry their faith into adulthood.

    Fuller Youth Institute has done extensive research in the area of youth ministry and teenage development. In Sticky Faith, the team at FYI presents youth workers with both a theological/philosophical framework and practical programming ideas that develop long-term faith in teenagers. Each chapter presents a summary of FYI’s quantitative and qualitative research, along with the implications of this research, including program ideas suggested and tested by youth ministries nationwide.

    This resource will give youth pastors what they need to help foster a faith that sticks with all the teenagers in their group long after they’ve left the youth room.

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  • Journey For Youth


    Witness the birth of God-with-Us! Follow Mary and Joseph on the arduous journey to Bethlehem, feel their disappointment when there’s no room at the inn, and rejoice with the angels and the shepherds when Jesus is born. Combining biblical scholarship, theological interpretation, and spiritual insight, best-selling author Hamilton paints a vivid picture of Christ’s nativity.

    The most amazing moment in history comes alive for youth and their families. Stories include:
    Mary’s story and Nazareth
    Joseph’s story
    Mary in Judea
    The journey

    Provides everything needed to conduct a seven-week study, including reproducible handouts

    Study book with leader helps
    Further teacher helps on the Web at Hamilton’s webpage
    DVD used with adult classes also recommended for use with youth

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  • Complete New Testament Resource For Youth Workers Volume 2


    With lessons created, written, and tested by active, experienced youth leaders who work with young people every week … never before has there been a resource this comprehensive, this practical, and this relevant for teaching the New Testament to your students. Walking students through the New Testament used to feel like a daunting task—especially if you’ve tried to create studies that are relevant and engaging to your students. Now, you have a diverse team of nearly thirty youth ministry practitioners working for you—and they’ve put together more than 100 studies that will make your job easier while helping your students dig into the Bible. Whether you lead them yourself or hand the lessons over to your volunteers, each lesson is easy to implement and can be used alone or combined with lessons that have already been planned. You’ll also find a searchable CD-ROM, making it easier than ever to find exactly what you need to help lead your students deeper into the life-changing books from the New Testament.

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  • Obey


    Adventures of the Tiger Club Book One: Obey ABOUT THE BOOK: The story follows the life of a young tiger (“Bumba”) that experience challenges as a new believer in Jesus Christ. Charlene A. Harvey is a native Washingtonian. After being in Christ for many years, Charlene discovered that she has a passion for writing short stories. Charlene is married and a mother of two children.

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  • Consuming Youth : Leading Teens Through Consumer Culture


    Today’s relentless, consumer culture—dominated by popular media’s emphasis on bigger, better, and more, and catering to teenagers every want and desire—is leaving our youth adrift in a sea of conflicting messages. Messages that every youth worker must be able to decode and redirect away from the material world towards helping young people become who God created them to be: givers instead of receivers, servers instead of consumers. Consuming Youth is for any adult who recognizes that following Jesus means leading young people through the pitfalls of consumer culture, helping them discover vocation—where their great gladness meets a world’s great need, and unleashing the kingdom of God on earth.

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  • 10 Things Every 10th Grade Girl Should Know


    Tenth grade is a lot like that last emergency drill before life taps you on the shoulder and says, “It’s time.” Although you are still a minor, the next two years will require you to take on more responsibility and to make bigger decisions. Now is the time to mentally prepare yourself for the whirlwind ahead because after tenth grade, things begin moving very quickly. Between now and your senior year, several hallmark events await you, such as taking senior pictures, getting your class ring, going to prom, ordering your cap and gown, and finding a way to pay for it all. Before you know it, you will be eighteen, graduating, and embarking on a whole new level of life. If you are not prepared, your final years of high school will leave you dazed, confused, and wondering what just happened (not to mention broke).

    “10 Things Every 10th-Grade Girl Should Know” discusses the top ten things that affect the lives of young women ages 15-17 from a Biblical perspective without hiding behind political correctness. It is real talk for real times. Use it as a guide to avoid the common mistakes that many teen girls tend to make during this particular season of life. You may not be able to completely avoid having emotional baggage when you are done reading, but you can at least have a 2-carry-on limit.

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  • Asuntos Internos – (Spanish)


    Two of the most influential leaders in today’s church share secrets never before told regarding leadership and the mission that God has given them. Dante Gebel and Lucas Leys have collaborated here for the first time to produce a book that speaks directly about real leadership, opening their hearts to reveal intimate experiences and to share their ideas about what leadership should be in the future. This book is full of gems and treasures that will help you to be honest with yourself and to rediscover the purpose that should be motivating your leadership and the responsibilities that God has given all of us to influence the next generation.

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  • 101 Preguntas Y 101 Respuestas – (Spanish)


    How many times have the questions arising in our minds seemed to remain unanswerable? How often have we repeated these questions to people who also did not know the answers? And how many times have they asked us questions that we also cannot answer? Lucas Leys presents 101 difficult questions along with direct answers for each one. He offers answers that are well reasoned and balanced from a biblical and spiritual perspective so that young people can deepen their faith. Whether you are a youth leader who needs to the right answers to give or a teenager in search of satisfactory answers, this book is for you.

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  • Connect : Real Relationships In A World Of Isolation


    “In an age where teenagers are deeply engaged in virtual communities and social networks, they’re still feeling alone and isolated. It may sound all too simple, but the truth is that you have the opportunity to make a profound impact on the lives of students with the simple act of spending time with them, one-on-one. Whether you’re a volunteer or the lead youth pastor, getting some students to open up and share their lives can be a challenge. In this practical book you’ll learn the importance of connecting with students on an individual basis and get helpful ideas on how to engage a variety of students in meaningful dialogue. You’ll explore and learn more about connecting with six different types of students, including:
    * The “No Way” Kid
    * The “Not Interested” Kid
    * The “Checking Things Out Kid”
    * The “Stagnant” Kid
    * The “Growing” Kid
    * The “Looking for Ministry”

    Kid Connect will walk you through the steps to lead you into relationships with students that go beyond the youth room and impact them into adulthood.”

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  • Biblioteca De Ideas Promocion – (Spanish)


    More than 250 creative and time-saving ideas for organizing, promoting and fund raising for youth ministry. Contains more than 70 ways of helping you organize and manage your ministry more efficiently. This book offers you not only the opportunity of attracting the attention of your youth group, but to engage them using several promotional ideas for events and all kind of youth-froup-related activities. also, if what you need is to raise funds for some project, this book explains several ways of doing this. If you are a church youth leader, work in a school or in another place where there are young people, this book is precisely for you.

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