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William Federer

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  • Change To Chains Volume 1


    How did past civilizations rise and fall? How rare is America’s experiment with a republic? With every crisis, is power being taken away from “the people” and transfered to the central government. Does history give us a clue as to where all this is all headed? George Washington warned in his Farewell Address, 1796: “Disorders and miseries…gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an Individual…[who] turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of Public…and thus to create, whatever the form of government, a real despotism.” Ronald Reagan stated at St. John’s University, NY, March 28, 1985: “Government that is big enough to give you everything you want is more likely to simply take everything you’ve got.” Woodrow Wilson warned in New York, 1912: “The history of Liberty is a history of limitations of governmental power, not the increase of it. When we resist, therefore, the concentration of power, we are resisting the powers of death, because concentration of power is what always precedes the destruction of human liberties.” In the nearly 6,000 years of recorded human history, power, like gravity, seems to inevitably concentrate into the hands of one individual, sometimes called pharoah, caesar, czar, kaiser, king, emperor, monarch, sultan, president or communist dictator. No matter what the autocratic leader’s particular title is, the default setting for human government throughout history has most often been monarchy. When power is concentrated, the State is supreme. When power is separated, the individual is supreme. America’s founders had a unique window of opportunity in the long train of world history, to maximize the freedom and opportunity of the individual. Ronald Reagan stated in 1961: “In this country of ours took place the greatest revolution that has ever taken place in the world’s history…Every other revolution simply exchanged one set of rulers for another.” Is past behavior the best indicator of future performance? What can we expect? Find out as world history comes alive from a whole new perspective in “Change to Chains – the 6000 year quest for control – Volume I: Rise of the Republic.”

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  • Endangered Speeches : How The ACLU IRS And LBJ Threaten Extinction Of Free


    “The Church is the conscience of the State,” wrote Martin Luther King, Jr., but is it anymore? With threats of Hate Crime Legislation and the Fairness Censorship Doctrine, find out how churches used to speak on public issues, but are afraid to now? Read how pastors previously endorsed candidates and spoke on political issues such as slavery, war, prohibition, child labor, women’s suffrage, Sunday blue laws and civil rights? What was originally meant by “separation of church & state”? When and how did things “change”? Read how Congress in 1913 created the IRS with its 501(c)3 status for non-profit organizations, and then limited them in 1919 and 1939. Find out why Lyndon B. Johnson amended the 1954 IRS Code to restrict 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations? See what effect McCarthyism and the 1950’s anti-Communist movement had? With 78 percent of Americans being Christian and 2 percent Jewish, find out how the 1 percent atheists effectively advanced their agenda. Has freedom of the majority become tyranny of a minority? Read Federal Court cases that actually define atheism and secularism as religions. See documented connections with communism by ACLU founder Roger Baldwin and other leaders. In contrast to churches, discover the treatment of other 501(c)3 non-profit organizations, such as the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Foundation, etc. You will be fascinated as the puzzle pieces of history fit together!

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  • What Every American Needs To Know About The Quran


    Fascinating, fast-paced, objective history of the world from a perspective never imagined. Current events will come into focus in the back drop of 1,400 years of inconceivable yet true events and conflicts. Thousands of books, documents and articles have been researched over several years in preparation for this book. In 2006, Keith Ellison became the first Muslim elected to the United States Congress. He swore in on a Qur’an. Most Americans know little about the Qur’an, who wrote it and how it spread. Mohoammed, who had 15 wives, fought in scores of raids and battles, even cutting off the heads of 700 Jews. Within one hundred years of his death, his followers conquered North Africa, the Holy Land, Persia, Spain – from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. Read how Sultan Mehmet II conquered the 1000 year old Byzantine capital of Constantinople – How Jefferson sent Marines to capture the Muslim Barbary pirate port of Tripoli – How Woodrow Wilson tried to save millions of Armenian Christians killed in a jihad in Turkey. You will not be the same after you have learned what every American needs to know about the Qur’an.

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  • Faith Of FDR


    FDR was President for 12 years, longer than any other, being elected four times, 1932, 1936, 1940 and 1944. In office during the Great Depression and World War II, these quotes are taken from the 4,000 pages of his Public Papers 1933-1945, and the foreword he wrote for a 1941 edition Gideons New Testament distributed to millions of military personnel. “WE ARE INSPIRED by a faith that goes back to the first chapter of the Book of Genesis: ‘God created man in His own image.'”-January 6, 1942. “DEMOCRACY IS THE birthright of every citizen, the white and the colored; the Protestant, the Catholic, the Jew.” – November 4, 1940. “NAZI ARE AS ruthless as teh Communists in the denial of God.” – May 27, 1941. “I HOPE THAT you have re-read the Constitution-Like the Bible, it ought to be read again and again.” – March 9, 1937. “THOSE FORCES HATE democracy because it is Christian. They oppose Christianity because it preaches democracy.” – November 1, 1940

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  • Backfired : A Nation Born For Religious Tolerance No Longer Tolerates Relig


    How did America go from Pilgrims seeking freedom to express their Judeo-Christian beliefs to today’s discrimination against those beliefs in the name of tolerance? Learn the history of this disturbing development which has led to: Ten Commandments taken down; “Under God” removed from the Pledge; Prayer prohibited; Nativity Scenes banned; Salvation Army defunded; Boy Scouts sued; Christmas Carols stopped; Bible called “hate speech.” Discover how tolerance evolved: From Pilgrims to Puritans to Protestants to Catholics to Liberal Christians to Jews to Monotheists to Polytheists to All Religions to Atheists to ONLY POLITICALLY CORRECT. “The frustrating thing is that those who are attacking religion claim they are doing it in the name of tolerance. Question: Isn’t the real truth that they are intolerant of religion?” – Ronald Reagan, August 23, 1984.

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  • 3 Secular Reasons Why America Should Be Under God


    “All men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights”-Declaration of Independence, 1776. Do you like having rights the government cannot take away? Do you like being equal? Do you like a country with few laws? Then you want America under God! “The Rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God” – John F. Kennedy, 1961, Inaugural Address “We believe that all men are created equal, because they are created in the image of God” – Harry S. Truman, 1949, Inaugural Address “Our constution was made only for a moral and religious people, it is wholly inadequate to the government of any other”-John Adams, 1798.

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  • Interesting History Of Income Tax


    “The only things certain are death and taxes” – Benjamin Franklin. Yet few know America’s interesting history of Income Tax, such as: *1787-U.S. Constitution prohibited a “direct” Federal tax *1862-“Revenue Tax” on incomes went into effect to finance the Union during the Civil War *1895-Supreme Court made Income Tax unconstitutional *Woodrow Wilson thought tariffs on imports caused wars, so he worked to replace them with an Income Tax. *1913-Income Tax was only a 1% tax on the top 1% richest people in America. *1943-Paycheck Withholding began as an emergency effort to get funds to finance WWII. John F. Kennedy-“Lower rates of taxation will stimulate economic activity and so raise the levels of personal and corporate income as to yield within a few years an increased flow of revenues to the Federal Government.” (Annual Budget Message, January 17, 1963) Thomas Jefferson-“It is an encouragement to proceed as we have begun in substituting economy for taxation” (2nd Annual Message, 1802)

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  • American Minute : Notable Events Of American Significance Remembered On The


    An interesting and inspiring collection of history vignettes, one for each day of the year. Well-known national holidays and achievements are recalled in fascinating detail as well as little known facts of courage, sacrifice and captivating American trivia. A great gift for any journalist, teacher, student, radio host, politician, or avid history buff! A book you won’t want to put down!

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  • There Really Is A Santa Claus


    Saint Nicholas-Sinter Klaas-Santa Claus-The story of Nicholas, 3rd Century Bishop of Myra, Asia Minor (present day Turkey) and how stories of his generous life were embellished into legend. Discover additions of writer Washington Irving, Clement Moore, Civil War illustrator Thomas Nast, Coca-Cola artist Haddom Sundblom. Learn origins of the 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas tree, Carols, Kris Kringle, Creche’ scene, Poinsettia, Hanukkah…Relive events on Christmas through history, from Columbus to Valley Forge, the Great Depression to Korean War. Read Christmas Messages of U.S. Presidents, like Harry S. Truman lighting of the National Christmas Tree 1946: “If we as a nation, and the other nations of the world, will accept it, the star of faith will guide us into the place of peace as it did the shepherds on that day of Christ’s birth long ago.”

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  • George Washington Carver


    12 Chapters

    Additional Info
    Slave birth to international fame, George W. Carver advised Presidents, Congress and world leaders. Offered jobs by Henry Ford and Thomas Edison, he determined to stay at Tuskegee Institute to help those less fortunate.

    Discover the faith that motivated this great African-American scientist to create hundreds of uses for the peanut, soy bean, sweet potato revolutionizing the economy of America’s South!

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