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Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

Showing 2001–2050 of 2068 results

  • Continuity And Discontinuity


    Evangelicals agree that the Bible is God’s inerrant word. But we sometimes differ on how to relate the messages of the Old and New Testaments. Without a basic understanding of this crucial matter, it is difficult to know how to use the Testament to formulate either doctrine or practice. For example: Was Israel the OT Church – are OT promises to God’s national people fulfilled in the church today? Or, is Mosaic Law binding in believers now – are twentieth-century Christians to obey the Ten Commandments, including sabbath observance? In this book, thirteen noted evangelical theologians discuss, fairly but clearly, the continuity/discontinuity debate in regard to six basic categories: theological systems, hermeneutics, salvation, the Law of God, the people of God, and kingdom promises. Covering much more than the differences between Covenant Theology and Dispensationalism, this work of distinguished evangelical scholarship will fuel much profitable study and discussion.

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  • Encountering Jesus : A Debate On Christology


    A lively and argumentative dialogue among theologians and philosophers of religion that offers insight into the problems of Christology and provides current perspectives on the issues.

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  • Contemporary Missiology A Print On Demand Title


    This comprehensive introduction examines the place, significance, and scope of the practice of missiology, its biblical foundations, motives, goals, and methods. Particular consideration is given to Asian, African, and Latin American missions, and to the church’s mission to the Jews.

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  • Christ In Christian Tradition 1


    A monumental work in scope and content, Aloys Grillmeier’s Chirst in the Christian Tradition offers students and scholars a comprehensive exposition of Western writing on the history of doctrine. Volume One covers the Apostolic Age to Chalcedon (451).

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  • Why God


    This book is a sensitive inquiry for anyone who has ever suffered and who wants to think through it theologically. It is a compassionate resource for coming to grips with pain, suffering, and evil.

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  • Apologia A Print On Demand Title


    Apologia is about contemporary theological education – its current state and its future. While many current trends in seminaries and departments of theology bring important new insights to the study of religion, says Max Stackhouse, they also erode – sometimes unwittingly – the capacity to speak of God, truth, and justice with warranted confidence. Theology is thereby undermined in all arenas – not only in academia, but in the life of the church and society.

    This book not only exposes the frailties of several current ideologies, but also draws noted scholars from five continents and a seminary faculty into an interdisciplinary discussion of the most significant recent literature on theological education. The results are fresh proposals for the reconstructing of theological education on foundations that are contextually alert, globally concerned, and mission- oriented.

    Apologia is a ground-breaking work, a book that begins and ends in dialogue, and points toward the ways in which Christian theology will have to redefine itself if it is to actively shape, and not merely reflect, the context in which we live.

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  • Christian Story Volume 2 A Print On Demand Title


    As a pastoral systematic, The Christian Story rises from, and strives to be a resource to, the life and witness of the church and its leadership. The first volume (revised edition, 1984) offered an introductory overview of the basic Christian doctrine.

    Now turning his attention to the individual doctrines, Gabriel Fackre here surveys a spectrum of views on authority – from inerrantist to experientialist – and sets forth an alternative perspective along ecumenical and narrative lines. The author’s search for a full-orbed position affirms Scripture as the source, the church and its traditions as resource, the world of human experience as setting, the Gospel as substance, and Christ as the center of authority.

    A detailed analysis of hermeneutical issues is included in the book. The quest for evangelical catholicity leads to a restatement of the fourfold method of scriptural interpretation: common sense, critical scholarship, canonical perspective, and the contextualization process – personal and social. An extensive exegesis of a key Christological text, John 14:6, illustrates how this method works.

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  • Formation And Reflection


    Can practical theology be truly practical?
    The answer is yes. This collection brings together top scholars in the fields of pastoral care, systematic theology, and biblical hermeneutics to offer a coherent practical theology for the pastoral mission of the church. As Christians around the world practice their faith, this important scholarly book highlights the salient struggles in contemporary Christian thought and seeks to bring together the best of the church and academy for the greater good.

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  • To Love As God Loves


    I first met the men and women I am writing aobut in this book twenty years ago. I was a graduate student at the time, and though I was struggling with Christianity, I had not yet found a form of it that could draw both my heart and my head to God. God’s for all of us, ours for each other, God’s world, and God, all of these things are Christian love.

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  • Models Of God


    MODELS OF GOD – Theology for an Ecological, Nuclear Age MODELS OF GOD is in fact a new systematic theology, indeed a new way of thinking about metaphorical theology and materially a radically new presentation of Christian themes.. The power of Mc Fague’s work is in its ability to speak to the American Protestant mainstream, challenging Christians with models of God that reflect both ecological sensitivity and concern for justice.

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  • Light Has Come


    Thousands of books have been written on the Fourth Gospel, but few have had the lasting impact of this modern classic by respected missiologist Lesslie Newbigin. Developed over a period of thirty years during which Newbigin led Bible studies as a bishop in the Church of South India, this excellent commentary on John is unique both in its power to prepare pastors and teacher to effectively declare the Word of God to others and in its ability to clearly communicate John’s message to contemporary Western readers.

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  • God And Human Suffering


    In contrast to many writers who gloss over one or the other, Dr. Hall is true both to the reality of suffering and to the affirmation that God creates, sustains, and redeems. Creative is his view that certain aspects of what we call suffering–loneliness, experience of limits, temptation, anxiety–are necessary parts of God’s good creation.

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  • 6 Theories Of Justice


    Dr. Lebacqz surveys three philosophical approaches to justice: John Stuart Mill’s utilitarianism, the “contract” system of John Rawls, and the “entitlement” views of Robert Nozick. These are followed by analysis of three theological approaches: that of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, of Reinhold Niebuhr, and the liberation theologian Jose Porfirio Miranda. A comparison of the effectiveness of each approach in providing direction for facing and dealing with contemporary issues and situations adds to the usefulness of this volume

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  • Great Reversal A Print On Demand Title


    There is no denying, writes Allen Verhey, that churches today are called to discern the shape and style of life “worth of the gospel of Christ” in the twentieth century. Even in the face of changing situations and new moral problems to address, the contemporary church stands self-consciously in a tradition of which the New testament is a normative part.

    In this major new study of New Testament ethics, Verhey examines first of all the ethic of Jesus, for it is there that the tradition begins. He then analyzes the different forms in which the early church handed down the memory of Jesus’ words and deeds in the development of a moral tradition. Next he deals with that tradition as it came to canonical expression in the New Testament writings.

    In the last part of the book Verhey focuses on the use of the New Testament in the continuing moral tradition of the church, surveying proposals for the use of Scripture, identifying the critical methodological questions, and defending a “modest proposal” for the use of Scripture.

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  • Faith We Affirm


    Although now featuring a new cover, The Faith We Affirm, by Ronald E. Osborn, remains the same useful resource on the inside. This overview is based on the statement of faith in the Preamble to The Design for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Designed to engage Disciples in thinging responsibly about the faith we affirm in the light of our heritage, this resource will work as either an individual or group study.

    The Faith We Affirm includes six chapters that can be used for an intensive six-session course or divided to supply a quarter’s study. Questions for discussion and reflection end each chapter.

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  • Responsible Technology A Print On Demand Title


    This book provides a multi-disciplinary Christian analysis of the forces shaping the operation of modern technology, and offers an alternative framework of biblically rooted normative principles. It argues that technology is a value- laden activity and presents principles for basing it on God’s will.

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  • 4th Day A Print On Demand Title


    Drawing on both scriptural evidence and scientific investigation, Van Till constructs a theologically sound and scientifically coherent perspective on the nature of the cosmos. Since evolution and creation deal with distinctly different questions, he argues, both concepts can be taught with integrity – as complementary views of the universe and its history.

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  • Theology For A Nuclear Age


    The possibility of a nuclear holocaust has brought humankind into a radically new, unprecedented, and unanticipated religious situation. Gordon D. Kaufman offers a cogent and original analysis of this predicament, outlining specific proposals for reconceiving the central concerns and symbols of Christian faith. He begins with an account of a visit to Peace Park in the rebuilt city of Hiroshima. Reflecting upon this experience, Kaufman foresees that further use of nuclear weapons will result not in rebuilding but in annihilation of the human enterprise.

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  • Feminist Interpretation Of The Bible


    This book is the result of a collaborative effort on the part of a group of outstanding theologians, historians, and biblical scholars within the American Academy of Religion and the Society of Biblical Literature. Clarifying for themselves and others the distinctive character of feminist interpretation, they continue the process of liberating the word that concerns the whole church.

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  • Suffering Of God


    In this comprehensive and thought-provoking study, Terence Fretheim focuses on the theme of divine suffering, an aspect of our understanding of God which both the church and scholarship have neglected. Maintaining that “metaphors matter,” Fretheim carefully examines the ruling and anthropomorphic metaphors of the Old Testament and discusses them in the context of current biblical-theological scholarship. His aim is to broaden our understanding of the God of the Old Testament by showing that “suffering belongs to the person and purpose of God.”

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  • Old Testament Theology


    John Hayes and Frederick Prussner offer a thorough study covering the history, methodologies, and difficulties that are associated with the writing of Old Testament theology. Their impressive work features comprehensive history, summaries, contemporary issues, comparative evaluations, recent developments, and individual sections on more than fifty theologians and Old Testament scholars. Provides insights to the related issues of neo-orthodoxy, archaeology, philosophy, the church, and culture.

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  • Handbook On The Basic Bible Texts


    This volume provides the complete text of key Scripture passages that form the basis for theological study. The text used is the highly readable and modern New International Version. The verses listed are grouped by the classical categories of systematic theology (e.g., God, Christ, Salvation); on disputed points, verses from which the major theological views derive are given. Footnotes provide clarification and brief commentary on verses as appropriate. This work is intended to assist the theological student who might not take the time to look up the verses cited in systematic theologies, but it will also be useful to anyone seeking to better understand the major themes of Scripture.

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  • Students Dictionary For Biblical Theological Studies


    This dictionary contains nearly thirteen hundred entries, covering the whole field of Old and New Testament studies. The entries range from technical grammatical terms to obscure theological jargon and are often terms that are difficult to find in other dictionaries. Wherever possible, cross reference, is made to related or equivalent terms. The majority of entries include a brief description of explanation of the term and an example from the Old and/or New Testament. Hebrew and Greek words are transliterated so that the dictionary can be used easily by students at any level, whether they have studied the languages or not. The New International Version is used for all biblical quotations.

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  • Rudolf Bultmann : Intrepreting Faith For The Modern Era


    Bultmann’s pioneering study of the New Testament initiated a new era in biblical studies in the 20th century. Together with Karl Barth, Bultmann broke with liberal theology, but his often misunderstood programe of demythologization took him in a radically different direction from Barth. In many respects Bultmann set the agenda for biblical theology in the decades following World War II. This volume concentrates on the key texts and ideas in Bult mann’s thought. It presents the essential Bultmann for stu dents and the general reader. Roger Johnson’s introductory essay and notes on the selected texts set Bultmann in his historical context, chart the deve lopment of his thought and indicate the significance of his theology in the development of Christian theology as a whole. Substantial selections from Bultmann’s work illustrate key themes: God as ‘Wholly Other’; Jesus and the Eschatalogical Kindgom; Existentialist interpretation; Kerygma; Faith and Modernity in conflict; Demythologizing: controversial slogan and theological focus.

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  • Dawn Of Apocalyptic


    The Phenomenon Of Apocalyptic In Israel: Its Background And Setting
    Excursus: Apocalyptic Eschatology In The Later Apocalyptic Writings
    Excursus: The History Of Prophecy In Israel
    Isaiah 56-66 And The Visionary Disciples Of Second Isaiah
    A. A Third Isaiah?
    B. The Ideal Community Envisioned By The Disciples Of Second Isaiah
    1. Isaiah 60-62
    Excursus: Textual Reconstruction And Prosodic Analysis
    2. Isaiah 57:14-21
    C. The Ideal Undermined By Opposition (63:7-64:11)
    D. Tension Within The Community Grows (58 And 59)
    1. Isaiah 58:1-12
    2. Isaiah 59:1-20
    E. The Schism Widens, Vindictiveness Increases, Hope Is Deferred, And The Seeds Of Apocalyptic Eschatology Are Sown (65:1-25)
    F. Controversy Over The Building Of The Temple And Expulsion From The Cult (66:1-16)
    G. The Conflict Grows Acrimonious (56:9-57:13)
    H. The Other Edge Of The Sword: Judgment Against The Nations (63:1-6)
    The Origins Of The Post-Exilic Hierocracy
    A. The Second Group Competing For Control Of The Restoration Cult
    B. The Sociological Background Of The Post-Exilic Struggle
    C. The Rise Of The Hierocratic Party Of The Zadokites
    D. Ezekiel: The Pre-Exilic Zadokite Temple Structures Transformed Into A Hierocratic Program Of Restoration
    E. Haggai And Zechariah: The Hierocratic Temple Program Receives Prophetic Legitimation
    F. Bitter Controversy And The Zadokite Move To Reform The Hierocratic Tradition Along Narrowly Exclusive Lines
    G. The Chronicler: The Victorious Hierocratic Party Returns To A More Conciliatory Position
    Zechariah 9-14 And The Development Of The Apocalyptic Eschatology Of The Visionaries
    A. The Historical And Sociological Background Of The Continued Struggle
    B. In Defense Of A New Approach To The Oracles Of Zechariah 9-14
    Excursus: Past Biblical Research On Zechariah 9-14
    C. A Divine Warrior Hymn Drawing On The Ritual Pattern Of The Conflict Myth (9:1-17)
    D. The Divine Warrior Hymn Applied To The Inner-Community Polemic (10:1-12)
    E. A Taunt Against Foreign Nations Redirected Against Israel’s Leaders (11:1-3)
    F. A Commissioning Narrative Transformed Into A Prophecy Of Doom (11:14-17 And 13:7-9)
    G. An Apocalypse Molded By The Inner-Community Struggle (12:1-13:6)
    Excursus: The Textual Problem Of Zechariah 12:2 And An Alternate Interpretation
    H. An Apocalypse Structured Upon The Ritual Pattern Of The Conflict Myth And Reflecting Bitter Inner-Community Conflict (14:1-21)
    Excursus: Revealed Secrets
    Excursus: The Redactional Framework Of Third Isaia

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    In challenging both traditional and contemporary notions of the nature and history of the Biblical apocalyptic literature, Professor Hanson begins by saying that the origins of apocalyptic cannot be explained by a method which juxtaposes seventh and second century compositions and then proceeds to account for the features of the latter by reference to its immediate environment. “The apocalyptic literature of the second century and after is the result of a long development reaching back to pre-exilic times and beyond, and not the new baby of second century foreign parents. Not only the sources of origin, but the intrinsic nature of late apocalyptic compositions can be understood only by tracing the centuries-long development through which the apocalptic eschatology developed from prophetic and other even more archaic native roots.”

    In this ground breaking study, Professor Hanson focuses on one strand which can be seen running through the heart of many of the so-called apocalyptic works, the strand of apocalyptic eschatology. He seeks to demonstrate that the rise of apocalyptic eschatology is neither sudden nor anomalous, but follows the pattern of an unbroken development from preexilic and exilic prophecy.

    By means of a detailed analysis of the Hebrew text and a new translation of it into English, Professor Hanson demonstrates why scholars must look again at the apocalyptic eschatology. This contextual-typological approach will call for a reexamination of many opinions about this literature.

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  • Strength Of The Weak


    Bringing together issues of religion and life, politics and personal identity, feminism and liberation theology, Dorothee Soelle presents a powerful critique of modern society, striking at dehumanizing elements that combine to oppress both women and men. Over the years, Soelle had challenged European and American readers with incisive commentary on a variety of social, ethical, literary, and theological topics. This work embodies the constant drive to radicalization and the passionate involvement that have always been the hallmark of her writing.

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  • Chemistry Of The Blood


    The Chemistry of the Blood is one of Dr. M. R. De Haan’s most widely read books. In it, his scientific background is uniquely combined with his skillful exposition of Scripture to correlate Scripture and science. In addition to the title chapter on The Chemistry of the Blood, Dr. De Haan also discusses such intriguing themes as “The Chemistry of Tears,” “The Chemistry of the Bible,” “The Chemistry of Man,” and other striking truths.

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  • Apocalipsis El Drama De Los Si – (Spanish)


    This is the greatest story of all times that will affect all those that have lived or will live through the Great Tribulation! This study of the chapter of Revelation is an anticipatory vision of what is going to happen at the end of human history.

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  • Faith Of The Church A Print On Demand Title


    Historical in its approach, systematic in its scope, The Faith of the Church provides the reader with a stimulating overview of Christian theology.

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  • Worship Of God A Print On Demand Title


    While most Christians today value worship and regard it as a vital part of the church’s life and witness, there is also a wistful yearning that contemporary worship be vastly improved and given a more satisfying rationale.

    Calling his book a “compact guide to some of the main themes of the worship of God,” and believing that the agenda of worship “needs a serious overhaul in our churches,” well-known theologian Ralph P. Martin here reexamines the concept of worship, “recasting . . . its meaning in such a way as will express its essentially theological dimension and yet will relate its practice to the concerns, interests, and needs of men and women in our world.”

    To that end, then, Martin discusses several elements of worship: praise, prayer, hymns, the offering, the creeds and confessions, the sermon, baptism, the Lord’s Supper, and the role of the Holy Spirit. The main thrust of Martin’s discussion it to consider, in the light of Scripture and history, the theological rationale for the practice of each element. A final chapter summarizes the author’s definition of worship and diagrams a “service of worship” that involves all the aspects of worship he has discussed.

    Both theologically adequate and pastorally helpful, the book is designed for ministers and theological students, as well as lay leaders in the churches.

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  • Readings In Christian Humanism


    From biblical times to the present day, the massively influential and engaging tradition of Christian reflection on the value of being human is presented here. With its primary documents, carefully selected and edited by a team of experts, Readings in Christian Humanism fully represents the variety and vitality of the humanistic tradition found in historic Christianity. Bringing together highlights from the almost unlimited gallery of Christian humanist thinkers as stimulants to our own imaginations, this anthology also boldly sets claim to a ground for Christian humanism today.

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  • Por Que Creo – (Spanish)


    Here is a compelling, powerful declaration of what Christians believe and why. Dr. Kennedy offers intelligent, informed responses to common objections to the Gospel.

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  • Baptism


    Baptism is a gift from God to the church. If it is not, why make such a fuss about it? We may as well abolish the practice and thus put an end to the confusion and competing notions that surround it. Baptism is God’s gift to the church, Christ’s act within the church. This is a fundamental assumption. Now we must try to make sense of such a bold assertion. Few issues within the church are as controversial as baptism. By which method should it be administered? At what age? What if one changes denominations? Laurence Stookey sifts through the confusion and rhetoric to offer this practical, biblically sound guide to baptism. He examines the sacrament from historical, theological, and pastoral perspectives, and looks at how it has been altered through the ages. Stookey also suggests possible reforms, practices that need restoring and proper occasions for the service.

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  • God Has Many Names


    A major revolution in thinking about religion is called for in this challenging work by theologian and religious philosopher John Hick. The author persuasively argues for a true religious pluralism, respectful of the non-Christian traditions that have persisted over time–Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Islam.

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  • Suffering : A Test Of Theological Method


    How can an omnipotent God allow suffering and violence to pervade the world? Arthur McGill approaches this disturbing question by examining the concept of power that is violent, destructive, and dominative, and the power of God that is creative, totally open, self-giving, and expansive. Through consideration of power, McGill provides reflections on the nature of God’s inner life in the Trinity and concludes that “service” characterizes God’s relationship to the world, not “domination.”

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  • Theological Anthropology


    This volume brings together a number of various perspectives on theological anthropology which found relatively wide acceptance in early Christianity. Writings from Irenaeus of Lyon, Gregory of Nyssa, Pelagius, the Canons of the Council of Carthage, Augustine, and the Synod of Orange comprise the sources pulled from as the reader is taken all the way into the sixth century of selected Christian anthropological thought.

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  • Receiving Woman : Studies In The Psychology And Theology Of The Feminine


    This book grew out of years of reflections on real women’s experiences. From them, Ann Ulanov states, “a common voice emerged speaking about each woman’s struggle to receive all of herself. Each was trying to find and put together different parts of herself into a whole that was personal, alive, and real to herself and to others.” This book focuses on helping women “receive themselves” by rejecting stereotypes and categories and seeking out their own individuality.

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  • Yahweh Is A Warrior


    Millard C. Lind’s classic study of warfare in ancient Israel. Israel saw God alone as delievering his people, without the need of human warriors.

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  • Inerrancy


    This is another in a series of books sponsored by the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy. The fourteen leading evangelical scholars who have contributed to this volume come from various denominations and have written on a wide range of topics related to the doctrine of the inerrancy of the Bible. Believing that this doctrine is “an essential element of the authority of Scripture and a necessary ingredient for the health of the church of Christ,” they have made a strong defense of it. This book is presented as an appeal to the church of Jesus Christ. To those churches that hold to the inerrancy of Scripture, it is a call to hold the line. To those churches that have given way to the persuasions of radical higher criticism, it is a call to return to the historic position of Christianity. Inerrnacy is shown to be a doctrine of crucial importance to the church. Among the chapter titles are these: Christ’s View of Scripture – Alleged Errors and Discrepancies in the Original Manuscripts of the Bible – Higher Criticism and Biblical Inerrancy – Legitimate Hermeneutics – The Human Authorship of Inspired Scripture – The Meaning of Inerrancy – Philosophical Presuppositions of Biblical Errancy – The View of the Bible Held by the Church – B. B. Warfield Versus G. C. Berkouwer on Scripture — Included as an appendix is the Statement of the Council. This Statement consists of three parts: a Summary Statement, Articles of Affirmation and Denial, and an Exposition. The intent of this declaration underlies all of the chapters in this significant book.

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  • Rapture Question (Large Type)


    Now completely revised and enlarged, using quotations from the New International Version — John F. Walvoord’s classic work on the Rapture! The Rapture Question examines the four views of the church’s role in the tribulation: Partial Rapturism, Pretribulationism, Midtribulationism, and Posttribulationism, with the revised edition particularly discussing the current debate between pretribulationism and posttribulationism. In updating his work, the author also added treatments on the Rapture in the Gospels, in 1 Thessalonians 4, in 1 Thessalonians 5, in 2 Thessalonians, in 1 Corinthians, and in Revelation. A bibliography of current literature plus general and Scripture indexes are included.

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  • Historical Theology A Print On Demand Title


    “An ideal historical theology, or even an introduction to it,” says Geoffrey Bromiley, “lies beyond the limits of human possibility.” And he does not intend this volume to be an all-inclusive theological study about everybody and everything. Rather, “this work is composed for beginners, for inquirers, for those who know nothing or very little of the history of theology, but who want to know something, or something more.

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  • Theology In A New Key


    “I do not think there are any issues on the theological and human scene more important than the ones liberation theologians are raising,” says Robert McAfee Brown. In this book Brown explores how we can respond to liberation theology without condescension, arrogance, or co-optation. He surveys in detail the kind of challenges to North American Christians issued by South American theologians. He then calls upon the church to work to make itself what it ought to be and to take sides politically in support of human rights.

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  • Speaking In Parables


    Too many times theology becomes abstract and systematic, and therefore is not effective at spreading the gospel. For McFague, Jesus’ parables and the stories, poems, and confessions of many early Christians should be our models of how to spread the good news. By examining common writing traditions, McFague shows how the Great Commission can be better served.

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  • New Testament Era



    I. Judah Under Persian Rule, 539-332 B.C.
    1. The Iranian Sphere Of Influence
    2. The Early Achaemenids
    A. Cyrus, Darius I, Xerxes, And Artaxerxes I
    B. Ezra And Nehemiah In Jerusalem
    C. Judaism In The Persian Empire
    3. The Late Achaemenids
    A. The General Situation
    B. The Samaritan Schism
    C. The Last Perisan Wars
    D. The Effects Of Persian Rule On Judaism

    II. Judea Under Hellenistic Rule
    1. The Hellenistic Sphere Or Influence
    A. Alexander’s Campaign
    B. Hellenism
    C. Diadochi And Epigoni
    2. Egyptian Hegemony
    A. Ptolemy I-III And The Rise Of Egypt
    B. Jerusalem Under The Ptolemies
    C. Ptolemy IV, Ptolemy V, And The Decline Of Egypt
    3. Syrian Hegemony
    A. Antiochus III, Seleucus IV, And Antiochus IV
    B. Religious Oppression
    C. Maccabeus, Jonathan, And Simon

    III. The Hasmonean Rule
    1. Rule By High Priests
    A. Simon As High Priest
    B. Hyrcanus I
    2. Kings
    A. Aristobulus I
    B. Janneus
    C. Alexandra, Hyrcanus II, And Aristobulus II

    IV. Palestine Under Rome And Herod
    1. The Roman Sphere Of Influence
    A. The Rise Of Rome As A World Power
    B. Pompey Occupies Palestine
    2. Triumvirs, Antipater, And Herod
    A. Antipater
    B. Herod I
    C. The Date Of Jesus’ Birth

    V. Palenstine At The Time Of Jesus And The Apostles
    1. The Division Of Herod’s Kingdom
    2. Galilee-Perea And Northern Trans-Jordan At The Time Of Jesus
    A. Antipas’ Two Territories
    B. Jesus’ Homeland
    C. The Synagogues
    D. The Reign Of Antipas
    E. The Land And Rule Of Philip
    3. Judea And Samaria In The Time Of Jesus And The Primitive Church
    A. The Two Territories Of Archelaus
    B. The Reign Of Archelaus
    C. The Establishment Of The First Procuratorship
    D. Roman Government
    E. The Jewish Administration
    F. The High Council
    G. Sadducees And Pharisees
    H. Priests And Essenes
    I. Pilate, Golgotha, The Primitive Church
    4. Palestine In The Time Of James And Paul
    A. Agrippa I As King Of Judea
    B. The Second Procuratorship, The Zealot Movement, And The Church

    VI. The Roman Empire In The Time Of Jesus And The Apostles
    1. The Empire, The Jews, And The Christians
    2. Augustus And Tiberius
    A. Augustus’ System Of Government
    B. The Provinces Under Augustus And Afterward
    C. The Status Quo Under Tiberius
    3. Caligula, Claudius, And Nero
    A. Disappointment Under Caligula
    B. Developments Under Claudius
    C. Disintegration Under Nero

    VII. The Roman Empire In The Subapostolic Period
    1. The Jewish War And The Civil Wars
    A. The First Jewish War
    B. The Roma

    Additional Info
    This volume by an internationally know New Testament scholar and historian offers a concise history of the complex and often obscure period, from the Jewish exile to the completion of the New Testament writings and the onset of the age of martyrs, which was of such crucial significance for Judaism and Christianity. The author’s attention is concentrated on the political, social and religious factors in this period. Beginning with the period in which Judea was under Persian rule, from which much of the religion and cultural heritage of Judaism derives, the author goes on to describe the process of hellenization that occurred after the conquest of Alexander the Great when Persian rule came to an end. The major portion of the book is devoted to the New Testament era proper, when Palestine was under Roman domination. Finally, the author traces the events which led to the ultimate divorce of Christianity and Judaism.

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  • Message Of The New Testament


    This is a companion volume to H.L. Ellison’s The Message of the Old Testament. It is a book that can be understood by the beginning Bible student and still be valuable for those who have studied the Scriptures for years. F.F. Bruce begins with Mark – and proceeds to the earlier epistles, the prison epistles, the pastoral epistles, Luke and Acts, Hebrews, Matthew, the general epistles, Revelation, and finally the Johannine epistles and gospel. He looks at the distinctive contribution of each book or group of books. The contents are: This was the Son of God, It is God who Justifies, The Eternal Purpose, God’s Firm Foundation Stands, A Faith for the World, Jesus Christ the Teacher, Unchanging and Onward-Moving, This is the Victory, The Church in the World, and The Word Became Flesh. Contains brief bibliography and subject index.

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  • Where God Meets Man


    This book about Luther’s theology is written out of a two-fold conviction- first, that many of our problems have arisen because we have not really understood our own traditions, especially in the case of Luther; and second, that there is still a lot of help for us in someone like Luther if we take the trouble to probe beneath the surface. It is an attempt to interpret Luther’s theology for our own day.

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  • Form Criticism Of The Old Testament


    Because of its long oral tradition the Old Testament includes an array of different literary types and compositions. Analysis of these genres in the biblical material is known as form criticism. Gene Tucker draws on contemporary speech patterns to illustrate how the scholar pinpoints various categories or genres. The basic principles of form criticism are outlined and many biblical examples given. The story of Jacob’s struggle at the Jabbok and the prophetic literature are treated in detail. While form criticism does not solve all the interpreter’s problems, it forms an essential tool for exegesis and for recovering the living history of Old Testament literature.

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  • Basic Questions In Theology 2


    The essays included in this volume focus on specific standpoints inherent to our understandings of God. From a survey of Western philosophies, Pannenberg concludes that the Christian view of truth is distinctive because of its emphasis on the future. On the subject of faith, he asserts that rational knowledge does not oppose faith, but rather gives support to it. Also, the ideas of Feuerbach and Nietzsche as well as those of the dialectic theologians are critiqued by the author. All in all, Pannenberg’s uniting of classic theological insights with contemporary life will speak to the contemporary appropriation of traditional Christian themes.

    In this classic, two-volume set of collected essays, Wolfhart Pannenberg gives special focus to the ways in which history, hermeneutics, reason and truth all guide and inform our various attempts at understanding God. This focus, then, offers the reader a unique insight into the revelation of God. Pannenberg writes, “To say that the revelation of God is not a supernatural event which breaks into history perpendicularly from above but rather that it is the theme of history itself, the power that moves it in its deepest dimension, is to say something about God and his relation to the world.”

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  • Paul As Apostle To The Gentiles


    The author competently demonstrates that the equality of Jew and Gentile is the main subject matter of Paul’s soteriological argument in his letter to the Romans. Chae argues that it is Paul’s self-awareness of being an apostle to the Gentiles that has significantly influenced the shape, content and structure of his inclusive argument. Thus he offers an important alternative to the prevailing post-Holocaust interpretation of Romans and of Paul.

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  • Sacraments A Print On Demand Title


    The Sacraments is the tenth work to appear in the American edition of Berkouwer’s monumental Studies in Dogmatics. In it the author examines, explicates, and defends the Reformed teaching on the sacraments in the light of the Word of God and church theology. In the process, Berkouwer discusses and evaluates the Roman Catholic, Lutheran, and various contemporary views of the sacraments.

    His method is to construct a general concept of the “sacraments” first, during which he takes into consideration the sacraments proper (baptism and the Lord’s Supper). He does not seek to analyze the essence of “the sacraments” apart from a consideration of the individual sacraments, for, Berkouwer contends, the nature of the sacraments turns precisely upon the concrete givenness of baptism and the Lord’s Supper in the historical revelation in Christ.

    The study proceeds to deal with the questions of: the number of sacraments, the relation between Word and sacrament, the efficacy of the sacraments in relation to faith, the nature of Christ’s presence in the sacrament, the meaning of “sign and seal,” and the controversial questions of infant baptism and open communion. In treating these issues, Berkouwer sorts out the massive complications that have developed over the years and, with devout faith and unfaltering logic, threads his way between confusion and oversimplification.

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