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Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

Showing 1801–1850 of 2068 results

  • More Coffee Shop Theology


    28 Chapters

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    Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have (1 Peter 3:15b).

    What are the negative aspects of today’s proliferation of information? Well, one serious consequence is that rapidly changing cultural standards are encouraging us to bargain away our beliefs. Everyone’s ideas claim validity as possible answers to our most pressing questions, and absolute truth evaporates like the morning dew. Today, more than ever, Christians must know what we believe and why.

    Here is a readable, understandable book that explains theological concepts and brings them into focus for everyday living. In this sequel to Coffee Shop Theology, More Coffee Shop Theology once again covers a wide array of theological concepts and brings them by the “digestible” handfuls into your living room. Don’t be turned off by the word “theology.” Dr. Moore has left all the big words in the fat books.

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  • Mystery Of Baptism


    As the Church continues to try to clarify the meaning of baptism, well-known liturgical scholar Kenneth Stevenson provides important insights into the historical issues with which we still wrestle. Is baptism a private or a public act? Is the symbolism of the rite still appropriate? Does the language of the baptismal service remain meaningful in a secular age? In order to answer these and other pressing questions, we must understand the thinking of those who have come before us. Stevenson does just that by looking at the writings of the 17th century Anglican divines such as Lancelot Andrewes, George Herbert, Richard Hooker, Richard Baxter, Jeremy Taylor and others, all of whom have a vital and prophetic significance for our understanding and practice of baptism today. Dr. Kenneth Stevenson is the Bishop of Portsmouth and a leading Anglican scholar. A member of the Doctrine Commission of the Church of England, he is the author of numerous books, including Covenant of Grace Renewed and The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Anglican Tradition, which is available from Morehouse Publishing, and Abba, Father.

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  • Remember Creation A Print On Demand Title


    While the creation-evolution debate continues to rage about how the world came into existence, few people wonder what it means that the world also now exists. In Remember Creation Scott Hoezee challenges readers to make today’s world more central to the Christian faith by enjoying and preserving God’s cosmos as a part of daily discipleship.

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  • Imagining God A Print On Demand Title


    This is an important, vigorously and eloquently argued book. Garrett Green undertakes to locate theology on a larger intellectual map, specifically that of religious and philosophical studies. His explanation of the concept “imagination” is original and powerful. Drawing on sources as diverse as Ludwig Wittgenstein, Thomas Kuhn, S.T. Coleridge, John Calvin, and John of Damascus, he has put together a tightly knit and powerful case for seeing “paradigmatic imagination” as the clue to the nature of religion and theology.

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  • End Of The Church A Print On Demand Title


    Through an examination of controversial, post-Reformation discussions about the church, Radner offers a significant theory that describes the relation between Christian division and the work of the Holy Spirit within Western modernity.

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  • God And Contemporary Science A Print On Demand Title


    New in the Edinburgh Studies in Constructive Theology. Vigorously defending the notion of “pantheism,” which locates the world within the divine being, yet still insists on God’s transcendence, Clayton’s seminal arguments draw on the Bible, philosophy, theology, and science.

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  • New Age Movement And Biblical Worldview A Print On Demand Title


    1. The New Age Movement
    2. Tracing The Origins Of New Age
    3. A Worldview Crisis
    4. Consciousness And Radical Transformation
    5. Spiritism And Channeling Vs. Biblical Revelation And Prophecy
    6. Magic, Witchcraft, Neopaganism, And The Goddess Movement
    7. Ecology And The New Age
    8. Health And The New Age Worldview
    9. The World Of Business
    10. Education
    11. Science
    12. The Arts
    13. The Meaning Of History
    14. Modern Satanism And Black Magic
    15. New Age: Critique And Transformation
    Index P. 608

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    In this urgently needed work John Newport delivers a comprehensive study of the impact of New Age beliefs on contemporary culture-and on Christianity itself–while also offering an effective, biblical antidote to today’s worldview crisis. After first surveying the historical development of the New Age worldview, from ancient times through important tendencies in nineteenth-century America to recent Far Eastern influences, Newport explores in depth eleven key areas of the New Age worldview and contrasts each area of belief with the traditional biblical worldview.

    Thoroughly discussed are New Age consciousness, spiritism and channeling, magic and witchcraft, neopaganism and Satanism, New Age ecology, the New Age movement’s influence on personal health care, New Age teachings on business and prosperity consciousness, New Age perspectives on education and science, and much more. Throughout, Newport maintains a fair dialogue with his subject matter while also showing why this dialogue ought to bring renewed commitment to what the traditional biblical worldview has to say about each of these areas.

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  • Essential Truths Of The Christian Faith


    102 Chapters

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    For those who yearn for a deeper walk in faith, their journey can begin here. Dr. Sproul takes theology down off the dusty shelves of theological libraries and expounds in clear and simple, terms over one hundred major Christian doctrines. He offers readers a basic understanding of the Christian faith that will kindle a lifelong love for truth, which is foundational to maturity in Christ. Here are theologically sound explanations of the biblical concepts every Christian should know, written in a way we can all understand.

    Sproul’s homespun analogies and illustrations from contemporary life make this book interesting, informative, and easy to read. Take the next step!

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  • Abraham Kuyper A Print On Demand Title


    Abraham Kuyper (1837-1920) is one of the most remarkable men in the history of Reformed Christianity. He was eminent in Dutch public life for half a century and left a deep imprint on Dutch immigrant communities in the United States, Canada, and South Africa. A theologian, politician, journalist, university founder, and seminal thinker in the history of modern Calvinism, Kuyper offered an engaging critique of the nineteenth century that still has much to say at the end of the twentieth.

    This anthology, published in the centennial year of Kuyper’s famous Stone Lectures, gathers sixteen key writings by Kuyper never before available in English. Included in this volume are Kuyper’s definitive statements on politics, education, culture, and the religious currents and social problems of his time. Also included are Kuyper’s own conversion narrative, his critiques of Modernism and of Holiness theology, his proposals on common grace and Calvinist politics, his reflections on a culture in thrall to pantheism and evolution, and his classic address on “sphere sovereignty.”

    Freshly translated and rendered in a clear, accessible style, these writings clearly display Kuyper’s wide-ranging and creative Christian mind. Editor James Bratt provides helpful explanatory notes and an introduction to each piece. Photographs, cartoons, and short excerpts from some of Kuyper’s better-known works also make this an attractive volume that will stand as the premier Kuyper reader for years to come.

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  • Theology Of The First Christians


    In this masterful work, Walter Schmithals provides authoritative insights into such topics as apocalypticism, the Son of Man tradition, the Messianic secret in Mark, the kingdom of God, the conversion of Paul, doctrines of salvation, the foolishness of the cross, Paul’s problems with Greek philosophy, the church, worship, baptism, Eucharist, early Jewish-Christian relations, the formation of the canon, and the growth of Christian Ethics.

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  • How The Bible Came To Be


    In a clear and concise way, John Barton explains the process of the development of the Bible. He describes how that which we now know as the Bible came to be written and collected into the authoritative scriptures of the Christian church. With a helpful glossary of important terms, this work is a valuable resource for personal or group Bible studies, beginning Bible students, and all readers who have questions about the origin and transmission of Holy Scripture.

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  • Grounds For Understanding A Print On Demand Title


    This volume surveys the various theological approaches that Christian denominations bring to the issue of religious pluralism. In these diverse essays, writers from eleven different Christian traditions each share their confession’s characteristic approaches to the challenges and possibilities raised by religious pluralism. Readers will gain an understanding of the variety of Christian views and a wider appreciation for the range of Christian resources available for responding to religious diversity.

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  • Many Voices One God


    Pluralism presents both promises and challenges for Christian theology. This collection of essays features prominent theologians reflecting on the meaning and abiding relevance of Christian revelation.

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  • Calvins First Catechism


    John Calvin’s first catechism–originally written in French in 1537 and then in Latin in 1538–provides a valuable, clear, and concise introduction to his thought. Now for the first time, readers have available Ford Lewis Battles’ English translation of the 1538 Latin edition and a current discussion of it in the same volume. This commentary on the first catechism also utilizes other sources such as Calvin’s Commentaries and Institutes, as well as the latest Calvin research. This volume is an excellent introduction to Calvin’s theology and will be useful as a text for college and seminary courses as well as church discussion groups.

    The Columbia Series in Reformed Theology represents a joint commitment by Columbia Theological Seminary and Westminster John Knox Press to provide theological resources from the Reformed tradition for the church today. This series examines theological and ethical issues that confront church and society in our own particular time and place.

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  • Foolishness Of Preaching A Print On Demand Title


    What is the foundation of good preaching? How should preachers prepare themselves to faithfully and effectively address the church? And, just as importantly, what ought congregants, who come to church to hear a word from God, hope for from their preachers? These are often asked – and often answered – questions. But Robert Farrar Capon tackles them with a freshness and a frankness that make both the questions and the answers new.

    In Part 1 of the book, “The Bedrock of Preaching,” Capon discusses how essential it is to have “a passion for the Passion” (to believe passionately in the Good News of salvation in Christ), how to overcome the stumbling blocks to genuinely accepting grace, and how to relinquish a false sense of control over our salvation. This part of the book also has important things to say to those of us who listen to sermons and who look to the pulpit for words of grace and hope that are truly meaningful to our lives today.

    In Part 2, “The Practice of Preaching,” Capon concentrates on the mechanics of preaching in anything but a mechanical way. He begins by discussing the ingredients of preaching, emphasizing the importance of not just reading but really hearing the Word in the original Greek and Hebrew, and offers some pointed comments on the Common Lectionary. He then goes on to illustrate how to preach effectively from notes, giving specific, day-by-day suggestions for preparation. He also shows, using the full text of one of his sermons as an example, how to preach from a more fully written manuscript and explains how to move from first notes to final notes for a sermon, again using some of his own notes as an example.

    In Capon’s creative hands these instructions are not just a nuts-and-bolts exercise; they are lively, challenging lessons in preaching that, for all their practical advice, never lose touch with the center of preaching and belief – the astonishing grace of Jesus Christ.

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  • Religious Mystery And Rational Reflection A Print On Demand Title


    How should philosophy approach what by definition surpasses its competence? Can it do more than describe the religious experience without discussing its object? Can religion make genuine truth claims – especially when so much suffering and evil in the world seem to go against them?

    These are some of the basic questions raised in the first part of this collection of essays by Louis Dupre. A philosophical analysis of faith must take account of the unique system of symbols in which it expresses its belief, rituals, and modes of worship. The justification of religious symbols has become a particular problem in an age that tends to separate the objective from the subjective, interpreting the former literally and denying objective reality to the latter. In essays on von Balthasar’s theory of religious form and on the nature of ritual, Dupre attempts to restore the original meaning of religious symbols, while integrating them with the modern emphasis on human creativity.

    Only after having secured the intrinsically symbolic nature of the religious act can philosophy discuss the religious experience without running the risk of ending in pure subjectivism. The third part of this work is devoted to the mystical experience as well as to the low-key religious experience characteristic of believers living an a secular culture. In the light of a negative theology (in which this entire work was written), the two appear to have surprisingly much in common.

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  • Truly The Community A Print On Demand Title


    Originally published in 1992 as The Hilarity of Community, this edition includes a new title, preface, and entirely new cover design. Truly the Community continues to be one of the best sources for understanding what it means to live together as the church of Christ.

    Many writers, both secular and religious, have decried the lack of intimacy and community in our contemporary culture. Few of them, however, offer practical suggestions for counteracting the isolation and alienation felt by so many people today. But Marva Dawn does this–and more–in Truly the Community. Through an intensive study of Romans 12, Dawn offers specific guidance for building vital Christian community life.

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  • Paul And Empire


    Catch up on your reading! Horsley has gathered together important recent pieces on Paul’s mission to the Gentiles, concentrating on four areas: (1) the imperial cult, (2) patronage and power in Roman cities, (3) the terminology Paul used to articulate the gospel, and (4) the nature of early church assemblies.

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  • Preaching Doctrine : For The 21st Century


    SKU (ISBN): 9780800629656ISBN10: 0800629655Robert Hughes | Robert KysarBinding: Cloth TextPublished: November 1997Fortress Resources For PreachingPublisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product

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  • United Methodist Studies (Revised)


    In this fourth edition, the bibliographies define the basic resources for students and instructors of seminary-level courses in United Methodist history, doctrine, and polity, as determined by the Advisory Committee of the Division of Ordained Ministry of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry of the United Methodist Church.

    This essential, completely updated reference tool provides basic bibliographies for students of the Methodist movement and Wesleyan heritage. It identifies standard texts with emphasis on the best modern critical interpretations available. Materials are arranged topically, each entry carrying an item number, with an index for cross-referencing.

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  • Bible In English Translation


    128 Pages

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    Choosing a translation of the Bible in the English language used to be relatively simple. At most, one would have been forced to choose between the king James Version and the Revised Standard Version. A visit to the bookstore today reveals a bewildering array of choices: in addition to the venerable KJV there are the NRSV, NIV, JB, REB, NASB, GNB, NKJV, CEV, LB, and more. Adding to the confusion which this variety of translations produces are the hundreds of editions in which they appear. So which do you choose? This book will help students of the Bible evaluate, for themselves, the strengths and weaknesses of the different contemporary English translations of Scripture. To aid the reader in making that assessment, Sheeley and Nash begin with a brief overview of the Bible’s structure and history, highlighting the development of the canon and pointing out the major events in the story of the Bible’s translation into English.

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  • Theories Of Culture


    Since the 1970s exciting new directions in the study of culture have erupted to critique and displace earlier, largely static notions. These more dynamic models stress the indeterminate, fragmented, even conflictual character of cultural processes and completely alter the framework for thinking theologically about them. In fact, the author argues, the new orientation in cultural theory and anthropology affords fresh opportunities for religious thought and opens new vistas for theology, especially on how Christians conceive of the theological task, theological diversity and inculturation, and even Christianity’s own cultural identity.

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  • Wild Spirit


    Reflections on the person and work of the Holy Spirit.

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  • Mary Magdalene


    Who really was Mary Magdalene? The living woman behind the image is still little known, and Esther de Boer attempts to fill this gap. The author examines not only Gospel texts, but also writings discovered in the Egyptian desert during the last century, to present a vivid, fascinating, and attractive picture of Mary of Magdala–disciple, apostle, and human being

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  • Caretakers Of Our Common House


    North American culture bombards girls and women with negative and demeaning images of their gender. It trains girls and women to “give themselves away” by overemphasizing their caring for others and underdeveloping their sense of voice and personal authority. Carol Lakey Hess asks in this book whether caring families and the church can make a difference in the outcome of our daughters’ development. Weaving together theological, psychological, and biblical sources, Hess examines how theologians of self-sacrifice thwart both the spiritual and the psychological development of women by subverting their necessary self-assertion. The importance of self-differentiation and cognitive autonomy and of caring and connection are discussed, using as illustrations biblical stories, excerpts from novels, and an in-depth look at eating disorders.

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  • Revelation Of God And As Human Reception In The New Testament


    SKU (ISBN): 9781563381980ISBN10: 1563381982Dan ViaBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 1997Publisher: Trinity Press International Print On Demand Product

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  • Makers Of Christian Theology In America


    This important reference work presents critical, analytical, and interpretive essays on more than ninety figures who have been particularly important in shaping and influencing the development of Christian theology in America. The work is organized into four major sections: The Colonial Period (1607-1789); The National Period (1789-1865); The Post Civil War Period (1865-1918); and The Modern Period (1918-1970). Each section has a separate introduction by the editors tracing major theological developments in that historical period. A substantial concluding article by Martin Marty traces theological developments, trends and movements in American theology since 1965.

    Each essay includes: (1) basic biographical data regarding the life, career, and major writings of the figure; (2) an analysis of the key theological issues and/or concepts to which the figure responded; (3) a critical discussion of the major theological themes developed in the course of the figure’s career; and (4) an assessment of the immediate influence of the figure’s thought and its significance for subsequent theological developments. Brief bibliographies at the end of each essay point readers to the most important and useful primary and secondary literature for each figure.

    “Makers of Christian Theology is a welcome and long-needed addition to reference and textbook possibilities for courses on Religion in North America. . . . It is dramatically more inclusive and even-handed in its selection of figures for an historical orientation to theological developments in North American Christianity than any previous attempt. . . . Both the design of the book and the content of the individual essays reflect the fruit of the best current work on Christian theology in America. I recommend it highly!” –Randy L. Maddox, Professor of Religion and Philosophy

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  • Natural Grace : Dialogues On Creation Darkness And The Soul In Spirituality


    The chasm between science and religion has been a source of intellectual and spiritual tension for centuries, but in these ground breaking dialogues there is a remarkable consonance between these once opposing camps. In Natural Grace, Rupert Sheldrake and Matthew Fox show that not only is the synthesis of science and spirituality possible, but it is unavoidable when one considers the extraordinary insights they have both come upon in their work. Sheldrake, who has changed the face of modern science with his revolutionary theory of morphic resonance, and Fox, whose work in creation spirituality has had a significant impact on people’s sense of spirit, balance each other with their unique yet highly complementary points of view. In these inspired dialogues a variety of ancient topics–including ritual, prayer, and the soul–are freed from the past and given new power for the future in the liberated universe Fox and Sheldrake show us.

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  • Matthews Narrative Portrait Of Disciples


    SKU (ISBN): 9781563382055ISBN10: 1563382059Richard EdwardsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 1997Publisher: Trinity Press International Print On Demand Product

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  • Exploring The Old Testament


    Exploring the Old Testament is a foundational text designed to help the reader gain a deeper understanding of the Scriptures. It is written in an easy-to-read style accommodating laymen, ministers, and lower level college classes.

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  • Theology For The Social Gospel


    This book is udoubtedly the author’s most enduring work. It is here that the author, the father of the social gospel in the United States, articulates the theolgoical roots of the social activism that surged forth from mainline Protestant churches in the early part of this century. Skillfully examining the great theological issues of the Christian faith–sin, evil, salvation, the kingdom of God–the author offers a powerful justification for the chuuch to fully engage society.

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  • Holiness Teaching New Testament Times To Wesley


    Heart purity, perfect love, entire sanctification–though John Wesley is acclaimed as the chief articulator of the doctrine in modern times, believers have both sought and known its truth in every generation of the Church. Included in this collection of Holiness classics are writings from the Shepherd of Hermas, Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian, Bernard of Clairvaux, and others. The volume editor introduces each writers contributions with pertinent facts and commentary that place them in their proper historical and doctrinal context. Volume I in the six-volume set of Great Holiness Classics, this text is a must for any serious student of holiness or theology. Cloth.

    344 pages.

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  • Situation Ethics : The New Morality


    Igniting a firestorm of controversy upon its publication in 1966, Fletcher’s work was hailed by many as a much needed reformation of morality and as an invitation to anarchy by others. Proposing an ethic of “loving concerns” Fletcher suggests that certain acts, such as lying, adultery, and killing, may be morally right, depending on the circumstances. Fletcher’s provocative thesis remains a powerful force in contemporary discussions of morality.

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  • Transforming God : An Interpretation Of Suffering And Evil


    Theologian Tyron Inbody suggests a new understanding of God in this highly accessible introduction to Christian perspectives of suffering and evil. Interpreting suffering and evil as religious problems, Inbody analyzes and assesses the notion of an all-loving and omnipotent Deity found in classical theism. He concludes with a radical reinterpretation of the Christian Deity as a vulnerable, transforming God, one recognized by both process and Trinitarian theology.

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  • Mystery Of God


    Moving beyond traditional ways of reading Karl Barth, William Stacy Johnson proposes an approach that makes Barth relevant for the postmodern period. Recognizing Barth’s insight that God is mystery, he suggests that theology is best seen not as a restating of old orthodoxies but as an ongoing response to that divine mystery. Johnson’s reassessment of Barth opens exciting possibilities for a new appropriation of Barth’s insights for contemporary theology and the church.

    The Columbia Series in Reformed Theology represents a joint commitment by Columbia Theological Seminary and Westminster John Knox Press to provide theological resources from the Reformed tradition for the church today. This series examines theological and ethical issues that confront church and society in our own particular time and place.

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  • After God : The Future Of Religion


    How can religion survive if, as the renowned scholar Don Cupitt claims, God is dead? In “After God” he takes us through the evolution of religious belief from the dawn of the gods to their twilight. Drawing on examples ranging from Plato to Donald Duck, he eloquently steers us back to an understanding of the supernatural world that every child instinctively has.

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  • Text And Truth A Print On Demand Title


    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable.

    The disciplines of biblical studies and systematic theology have in modern times been practised in relative isolation from one another. Francis Watson argues that the separate development of Old and New Testament studies and systematic theology impoverishes all three disciplines and distorts the object of their study.

    In the past, a ‘biblical theology’ that took seriously the theological responsibilities of the biblical interpreter was criticised by some scholars as detrimental to the practice of both the exegetical and the theological disciplines. Here Francis Watson argues for more theological involvement with exegesis and hermeneutics rather than less: biblical theology, he contends, must be practised in an interdisciplinary approach that can draw freely on the resources and perspectives of the two exegetical disciplines and of systematic theology.

    The first part of the book examines particular themes in theological hermeneutics. Contemporary hermeneutical debates – such as the relationship of history-writing and fiction, textual indeterminacy, and interpretative pluralism – are engaged from an explicitly theological point of view. The second part analyses Christian theological use of the Old Testament. It advocates an approach to Old Testament interpretation in which the retrospective Christian re-reading of Jewish scripture as preparing the way for the coming of Christ is once again taken seriously.

    This work builds on Francis Watson’s previous book Text, Church and World: Biblical Interpretation in Theological Perspective (Eerdmans, 1994) in advocating an approach in which biblical interpretation seeks to contribute directly to the work of Christian theological construction. It is only through this interdisciplinary approach, Watson contends, that the Bible will be interpreted in a manner consistent with its status as the holy scripture of the Christian community.

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  • Other Side Of Death


    247 Pages/9 Chapters
    in 9 Chapters

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    Dozens of cults members commit suicide in order to rendezvous with a spaceship stationed behind a comet. A suicide bomber kills himself and a number of innocent bystanders in order gain entrance into a heavenly paradise. The headline of a supermarket tabloid declares “Hell located beneath Antarctica!” Proponents of euthanasia promise that death relieves all pain suffering. What is the truth about life after death?

    Noted Bible teacher and author J. Sidlow Baxter examines the Bible’s teaching on heaven and hell and addresses the contemporary confusion over universalism, New Age spirituality, and Eastern Mysticism. Some of the specific topics addressed include marriage in heaven, infant death, purgatory, and the location of heaven. This intriguing study offers both guidance and spiritual comfort for readers wanting to understand God’s plan for human existence on the other side of death.

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  • Super Natural Christians


    In a readable and concrete style, Sallie McFague crafts a Christian spiritualilty centered on nature as the focus of our encounter with the divine. Reorienting our religious life from the “supernatural” to the “super, natural,” she suggests, can help us “see these earth others…as both subjects in themsleves and as intimations of God.

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  • Theology For Preaching


    The heart of the postmodern mind-set is an awareness of the relativity of all human thought and action. In Theology for Preaching, three authors collaborate to discuss the implications for proclamation when the culture behaves as if all human thought and practices are relative. Tips for sermon composition and theme are proposed. Sample sermons are supplied to demonstrate awareness of the cultural shifts that make preaching a worthwhile challenge in a postmodern ethos.

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  • Concerning The Eternal Predestination Of God


    The name of John Calvin is often associated with the doctrine of predestination. Readers will witness Calvin masterfully arguing his points, wrestling with the scriptures, and fully engaged in the polemical world of sixteenth-century theological debate.

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  • Wilderness Time : A Guide For Spiritual Retreat


    Time in “the wilderness” — solitary meditation on simplicity, prayer, and other key disciplines of faith — is directly in keeping with Jesus’ example of going apart to pray. Now, with the clarity and encouragement that distinguish the Renovare collection of spiritual resources, this gentle guide to retreat unshrouds that historical tradition — and so reveals marvelous opportunities for spiritual renewal in contemporary Christian practice.

    Helping us to create self-guided retreats — for individuals or groups — Emilie Griffin offers plans, encouragements, and suggestions based on her own experience and fortified by the inspiring words of contemporary Christian writers such as Eugene Peterson, Luci Shaw, and Virginia Stem Owens.

    A virtual primer for retreat, this volume defines the basics and provides practical tips on setting realistic expectations and on achieving the relaxation and freedom necessary for the soul to become, in the words of de Caussade, “light as a feather.” A detailed one-day retreat makes an ideal model for first-timers, and several different examples illustrate how time in the wilderness can be both accessible and wonderfully illuminating — no matter what your schedule. Wilderness Time is another balanced, practical strategy from Renovare helping us grow closer to God.

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  • G W F Hegel


    The only antholgy of Hegel’s religious thought, this volume offers sympathetic and clear entree to Hegel’s religious achievement through his major relevant texts. Starting with early theological writings, the Selected Texts move on through the Phenomenolgy of Spirit and Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences, and culminate with Hegel’s 1822 essay on faith and reason and his 1824 lectures on the Philosophy of Religion. Several selections are newly translated

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  • Postmodernity : Christian Identity In A Fragmented Age


    More than a guidebook to the postmodernity debate, Lakeland’s lively and novel volume clarifies the critical impulses behind the cultural, intellectual, and scientific expressions of postmodern thought. He identifies the issues it presents for religion and for Christian theology. Concentrating on God, Church, and Christ, Lakeland outlines the church’s mission to the postmodern world, including a constructive theological apologetics.

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  • History Of Japanese Theology A Print On Demand Title


    This is the first book on the history of Japanese theology written by Japanese theologians. Editor Yasuo Furuya and four other eminent Japanese theologians – Akio Dohi, Toshio Sato, Seiichi Yagi, and Masaya Odagaki – clarify the tumultuous history of Japanese Christianity and describe the context, methodology, and goals shaping Japanese theology today.

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  • Trinity In A Pluralistic Age


    This provocative collection of papers from an international array of theologians explores the Christian doctrine of the Trinity in the context of twentieth-century cultural and religious pluralism.

    How should Christians think about their faith in relation to other faiths and in relation to culture in general? Can the Trinity fit into a global religion? These essays – originally presented at the Fifth Edinburgh Dogmatic Conference – show how a full-orbed Trinitarian doctrine, with a proper emphasis on both the One and the Three, provides the necessary resources for successfully addressing the problems and the possibilities of contemporary pluralism.

    *Gary Badcock
    *Richard Bauckham
    *Henri Blocher
    *Gerald Bray
    *Colin Gunton
    *Trevor Hart
    *Lesslie Newbigin
    *Roland Poupin
    *Kevin J. Vanhoozer
    *Stephen Williams

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  • Finding A Voice


    SKU (ISBN): 9780334026624ISBN10: 0334026628Mark PryceBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 1996SCM ClassicsPublisher: SCM Press Print On Demand Product

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  • 4 Views On Hell


    Most contemporary Christians, while giving lip service to the doctrine of hell, prefer not to think about it. Few like to reflect on how God punishes the wicked. The authors of Four Views on Hell meet this subject head on and propose different views of what the Scriptures say about hell. Many Christians still hold to a literal understanding of hell, that it is a place of eternal smoke and flames. John F. Walvoord is a strong advocate of this view. William V. Crockett defends a metaphorical view, seeing hell as a place of eternal conscious punishment but not necessarily as being a literal fire. Clark H. Pinnock articulates the view of conditional immortality, that God eventually destroys the souls of the wicked rather than punishing them endlessly. Finally, Zackary J. Hayes explains the thinking that undergirds the doctrine of Purgatory. Evangelicals will have a greater appreciation for why this doctrine developed centuries ago in the church. The authors interact with one another by responding to each other’s articles.

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  • Theological Dictionary Of The Old Testament Volume 8


    This multivolume work is still proving to be as fundamental to Old Testament studies as its companion set, the Kittel-Friedrich Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, has been to New Testament studies.

    Beginning with ‘abh (‘ab), “father,” and continuing through the alphabet, the TDOT volumes present in-depth discussions of the key Hebrew and Aramaic words in the Old Testament. Leading scholars of various religious traditions (including Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican, Greek Orthodox, and Jewish) and from many parts of the world (Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States) have been carefully selected for each article by editors Botterweck, Ringgren, and Fabry and their consultants, George W. Anderson, Henri Cazelles, David Noel Freedman, Shemaryahu Talmon, and Gerhard Wallis.

    The intention of the writers is to concentrate on meaning, starting from the more general, everyday senses and building to an understanding of theologically significant concepts. To avoid artificially restricting the focus of the articles, TDOT considers under each keyword the larger groups of words that are related linguistically or semantically. The lexical work includes detailed surveys of a word’s occurrences, not only in biblical material but also in other ancient Near Eastern writings. Sumerian, Akkadian, Egyptian, Ethiopic, Ugaritic, and Northwest Semitic sources are surveyed, among others, as well as the Qumran texts and the Septuagint; and in cultures where no cognate word exists, the authors often consider cognate ideas.

    TDOT’s emphasis, though, is on Hebrew terminology and on biblical usage. The contributors employ philology as well as form-critical and traditio-historical methods, with the aim of understanding the religious statements in the Old Testament. Extensive bibliographical information adds to the value of this reference work.

    This English edition attempts to serve the needs of Old Testament students without the linguistic background of more advanced scholars; it does so, however, without sacrificing the needs of the latter. Ancient scripts (Hebrew, Greek, etc.) are regularly transliterated in a readable way, and meanings of foreign words are given in many cases where the meanings might be obvious to advanced scholars. Where the Hebrew text versification differs from that of English Bibles, the English verse appears in parentheses. Such features

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  • Redeeming Men : Religion And Masculinities


    Contributors to this book–historians, biblical specialists, theologians, ethicists, and scholars of comparative religions–examine the relationship between religious tradition and manhood. The essays cover a broad range of topics–from the dynamics of power in shaping masculine identity, to the role religion plays in shaping masculine identity, to the experience of myth, ritual, spiritual discipline, and community in the lives of men.

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