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    Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

    • Apocrypha


      Using a thematic approach, David A. deSilva gives a brief introduction and summary of the largely unknown and unappreciated books of the Apocrypha. He also gives an overview to the social and cultural context of the world of the Apocrypha and early Christianity. From there, the book highlights the Apocrypha’s relevance and impact on Christian practices, spiritual formation, and on Early Church doctrine and theology.

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    • Rob Bell And A New American Christianity


      Some claim controversial leader Rob Bell, the author of Love Wins, is the new voice of American Christianity. While long-established church traditions and alliances shift and fray, Rob Bell is catching the attention of broad groups of evangelicals, liberals, and the disillusioned. Some leaders claim he represents the future of the church in both message and style, while others dismiss him outright as a heretic.

      Who is Rob Bell exactly? Is he as important as his appearance on the cover of Time magazine suggests? Is he the main influence on a new generation of American Christians, as some claim? Is he, as others suggest, simply a hipster megachurch pastor with good marketing skills? If so, why does popular culture give him so much attention?

      This important new exploration by James K. Wellman, Jr. sheds light on Rob Bell’s emotional power and looks beyond a personality to the dynamics of this important shifting time in American religion.

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    • Quest For The Trinity


      1. ‘The History That God Is’: Studying The Doctrine Of The Trinity In The Twenty-First Century
      2. ‘In Your Light, We See Light’: The Trinity In The Bible
      3. ‘Always With Him Are His Word And Wisdom’: Early Patristic Developments In The Doctrine Of The Trinity
      4. ‘From The Ousia Of The Father’: The Fourth-Century Debates 1
      5. ‘The Godhead Is By Nature Simple’: The Fourth-Century Debates 2
      6. ‘Understood By A Few Saints And Holy Persons’: The West And Augustine
      Interlude: The Harvest Of Patristic Trinitarianism
      7. ‘Distinction In The Persons But Unity In The Nature’: The Medieval Doctrine Of The Trinity
      8. ‘By The Testimonies Of The Scriptures Or By Manifest Reason’: Anti-Trinitarianism From The Reformation To The Eighteenth Century
      9. ‘A Transformation Which Will Go Back To Its Very Beginning’: The Doctrine Of The Trinity Since 1800
      Bibliography Of Works Cited
      Index Of Biblical Texts Cited
      Index Of Technical Terms/Phrases In Latin/Greek
      General Index Of Authors And Subjects

      Additional Info
      The doctrine of the Trinity was settled in the fourth century, and maintained, with only very minor disagreement or development, by all strands of the church–Western and Eastern, Protestant and Catholic–until the modern period. In the twentieth century, there arose a sense that the doctrine had been neglected and stood in need of recovery. In The Quest for the Trinity, Holmes takes us on a remarkable journey through 2,000 years of the Christian doctrine of God. We witness the churchs discovery of the Trinity from the biblical testimony, its crucial patristic developments, and medieval and Reformation continuity. We are also confronted with the questioning of traditional dogma during the Enlightenment, and asked to consider anew the character of the modern Trinitarian revival. Holmess controversial conclusion is that the explosion of theological work in recent decades claiming to recapture the heart of Christian theology in fact deeply misunderstands and misappropriates the traditional doctrine of the Trinity. Yet his aim is constructive: to grasp the wisdom of the past and, ultimately, to bring a clearer understanding of the meaning of the present.

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    • Misreading Scripture With Western Eyes


      Introduction: Coming To Terms With Our Cultural Blinders
      Part One: Above The Surface
      1. Serving Two Masters: Mores
      2. The Bible In Color: Race And Ethnicity
      3. Just Words? Language

      Part Two: Just Below The Surface
      4. Captain Of My Soul: Individualism And Collectivism
      5. Have You No Shame? Honor/Shame And Right/Wrong
      6. Sand Through The Hourglass: Time

      Part Three: Deep Below The Surface
      7. First Things First: Rules And Relationships
      8. Getting Right Wrong: Virtue And Vice
      9. Its All About Me: Finding The Center Of Gods Will

      Conclusion: Three Easy Steps For Removing Our Cultural Blinders?
      Resources For Further Exploration

      Additional Info
      What was clear to the original readers of Scripture is not always clear to us. Because of the cultural distance between the biblical world and our contemporary setting, we often bring modern Western biases to the text. For example: When Western readers hear Paul exhorting women to “dress modestly,” we automatically think in terms of sexual modesty. But most women in that culture would never wear racy clothing. The context suggests that Paul is likely more concerned about economic modesty–that Christian women not flaunt their wealth through expensive clothes, braided hair and gold jewelry.Some readers might assume that Moses married “below himself” because his wife was a dark-skinned Cushite. Actually, Hebrews were the slave race, not the Cushites, who were highly respected. Aaron and Miriam probably thought Moses was being presumptuous by marrying “above himself.”Western individualism leads us to assume that Mary and Joseph traveled alone to Bethlehem. What went without saying was that they were likely accompanied by a large entourage of extended family. Biblical scholars Brandon O’Brien and Randy Richards shed light on the ways that Western readers often misunderstand the cultural dynamics of the Bible. They identify nine key areas where modern Westerners have significantly different assumptions about what might be going on in a text. Drawing on their own crosscultural experience in global mission, O’Brien and Richards show how better self-awareness and understanding of cultural differences in language, time and social mores allow us to see the Bible in fresh and unexpected ways. Getting beyond our own cultural assumptions is increasingly important for being Christians in our interconnected and globalized world. Learn to read Scripture as a member of the global body of Christ.

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    • Understanding Biblical Theology


      Understanding Biblical Theology clarifies the catch-all term ‘biblical theology,’ a movement that tries to remove the often-held dichotomy between biblical studies for the Church and as an academic pursuit. This book examines the five major schools of thought regarding biblical theology and handles each in turn, defining and giving a brief developmental history for each one, and exploring each method through the lens of one contemporary scholar who champions it. Using a spectrum between history and theology, each of five ‘types’ of biblical theology are identified as either ‘more theological’ or ‘more historical’ in concern and practice: Biblical Theology as Historical Description (James Barr) Biblical Theology as History of Redemption (D. A. Carson) Biblical Theology as Worldview-Story (N. T. Wright) Biblical Theology as Canonical Approach (Brevard Childs) Biblical Theology as Theological Construction (Francis Watson).

      A conclusion suggests how any student of the Bible can learn from these approaches.

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    • Inerrancy And The Gospels


      Kenton Sparks and Peter Enns have generated a debate about inerrancy that is currently demanding the attention of biblical scholars and students. Armed with six degrees, professor Vern Poythress formally enters the discussion. He indirectly critiques mainstream biblical scholarship from those like Enns, Sparks, Allert, and McGowan, but does so primarily by positive example. As a top-ranked New Testament scholar, Poythress tackles some of the most difficult exegetical problems, showing the way forward on passages that have perplexed many: the centurion’s servant, cleansing the temple, cursing the fig tree, and more. Poythress demonstrates what inerrancy looks like in practice when applied to difficulties in the Gospels, ultimately proving that the case for inerrancy is in fact workable. All scholars who affirm the authority and inerrancy of Scripture will find in this volume great encouragement and insight as Poythress has provided an arresting case to stem the tide of skepticism.

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    • Dust Bound For Heaven


      In Dust Bound for Heaven Reinhard Hutter shows how Thomas Aquinas’s view of the human being as dust bound for heaven weaves together elements of two questions without fusion or reduction. Does humanity still have an insatiable thirst for God that sends each person on an irrepressible religious quest that only the vision of God can quench? Or must the human being, living after the fall, become a “new creation” in order to be readied for heaven? Hi 1/2tter also applies Thomas’s anthropology to a host of pressing contemporary concerns, including the modern crisis of faith and reason, political theology, the relationship between divine grace and human freedom, and many more. The concluding chapter explores the Christological center of Thomas’s theology.

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    • Balthasar : A Very Critical Introduction


      Hans Urs von Balthasar (1905-1988), like many other great Roman Catholic theologians, was initially marginalized, but over the years his reputation has only continued to grow. He was said to be the favorite theologian of John Paul II and is held in high esteem by Benedict XVI, and it is not uncommon to hear him referred to as the great Catholic theologian of the twentieth century. In Balthasar: A (Very) Critical Introduction Karen Kilby argues that although the low regard in which Balthasar was held from the 1950s to 1960s was not justified, neither is the current tendency to lionize him. Instead, she advocates a more balanced approach, particularly in light of a fundamental problem in his writing, namely, the authorial voice he employs — an over-reaching “God’s-eye point of view” that contradicts the content of his theology and characterizes his work.

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    • Riquezas Templos Apostoles Y S – (Spanish)


      Supported by biblical exegesis and theological analysis, the author presents answers for believers confused by the attitudes of self-proclaimed apostles and super-apostles.

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    • Thicker Jesus : Incarnational Discipleship In A Secular Age


      A groundbreaking argument for recovering Jesus for Christian ethics.

      Why have some Christians, such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Martin Luther King Jr., been able to speak truth to power at great personal cost, while others readily capitulate to injustice? In this magnum opus, Christian ethicist Glen Stassen argues that such robust Christianity stems from believing in a “thicker” Jesus, who is Lord over the whole of life and not just one compartment of it. Belief in this thicker Jesus results in “incarnational discipleship” and can help Christians deal with the challenges of what Charles Taylor has identified as a secular age.

      Stassen elegantly weaves the characteristics of incarnational discipleship as correctives to secularism, which is a complex phenomenon that deserves a sophisticated and rigorous response. Paying particular attention to the Sermon on the Mount, he finds solid ground for Christian faith and Christian ethics in a realist understanding of Jesus that works to give guidance across the board in tough challenges of our secular age.

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    • Holy Spirit : A Guide To Christian Theology


      A compact discussion of the Holy Spirit in Christian theology written by a leading expert in the field

      This volume in the Basic Guides to Christian Theology series presents a compact discussion of the Holy Spirit in Christian theology. Written by a leading expert on this doctrine, it begins with biblical perspectives on the Holy Spirit, and moves on to describe how the Spirit was understood through the major periods in the history of Christian thought, from the early church to the present. It is global in approach and considers contributions from theologians throughout the world. This brief volume provides an excellent overview of how the Holy Spirit has been and is currently understood in Christian theology.

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    • God Loves You (Large Type)


      That God loves us is the most profound truth in the universe. Experiencing this love has the potential to answer every question, solve every problem, and satisfy the deepest yearnings of the heart. So why are many people who believe this still unable to fully utilize the power of God’s love in their personal lives?

      In this probing book, Dr. David Jeremiah reveals that not fully understanding and appreciating every critical dimension of God’s love can lead to missed opportunities to experience His love. He explains how even the so-called negative dimension of God’s actions–hell, prohibitive commandments, pain and suffering in the world–can only be rightly understood by viewing them in light of God’s true love.

      GOD LOVES YOU will enable readers to know God in a way that will consciously connect them with the healing power of His grace so they can experience the life of love they were created to enjoy.

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    • Cambiando De Lente – (Spanish)


      Crime victims have many needs, most of which our criminal justice system ignores. In fact, the justice system often increases the injury. Offenders are less ignored by this system, but their real needs-for accountability, for closure, for healing-are also left unaddressed.

      Such failures are not accidental, but are inherent in the very definitions and assumptions which govern our thinking about crime and justice. Howard Zehr proposes a “restorative” model which is more consistent with experience, with the past, and with the biblical tradition. Based on the needs of victims and offenders, he takes into account recent studies and biblical principles.

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    • Lifted By Angels


      A fascinating and inspiring look at the role of angels in the lives of people-how they lead us to and through a saving experience of Christ.

      What if heaven were much closer than we realized? What if its boundaries overlapped our own? What if angels moved in and out of our porous present, this moment that seems to us so real and concrete? It’s all true, and if the reality seems dim to us now, it beamed for the early Christians. Through their writings, sermons, songs, and art, the ancient faithful confessed a powerful and vivid belief that angels help carry us on our journey to God.

      Lifted by Angels goes back to those early Christians and presents modern readers with a vision of angels as seen through their eyes and experiences-how they understood the angelic realms, the guidance and protection of angels, and the struggles with the devil and his demons. Whether in trial or temptation, praise or prayer, we find angels present and positioned to help and comfort, guide and correct, walking with us till the point of death and beyond, escorting us to the very arms of Christ.

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    • Wholl Be In Heaven And Who Wont


      Who will go to heaven and the nature of heaven and hell is addressed in this timely book. Dwight Carlson believes that many have too narrow a view of God’s grace, and other have too broad a view of who will go to heaven. This book is a layman’s take on the scriptures and the literature of the last 1900 years

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    • Wholl Be In Heaven And Who Wont


      Who will go to heaven and the nature of heaven and hell is addressed in this timely book. Dwight Carlson believes that many have too narrow a view of God’s grace, and other have too broad a view of who will go to heaven. This book is a layman’s take on the scriptures and the literature of the last 1900 years

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    • Wesley And The People Called Methodists (Revised)


      This second edition of Richard P Heitzenrater’s grounbreaking survey of the Wesleyan movement is the story of the many people who contributed to the theology, organization, and mission of Methodism. This updated version addresses recent research from the past twenty years, including an extensive bibliography; and fleshes out such topics as the means of grace, Conference; “Large” Minutes; Charles Wesley; Welsey and America, ordination: prison ministry; apostolic church; music; children; Susanna and Samuel Wesley, the Christian library; itinerancy; connectionalsim; doctrinal standards; and John Wesley as historian, Oxford don, and preacher.

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    • Mouth Full Of Fire


      Series Preface
      Author’s Preface
      Introduction: An Exercise In Theological Interpretation
      Biblical Theology Or Theological Interpretation?
      Reading Jeremiah As A Theological Book
      Can Biblical Studies Admit Theological Readings And Remain Intact?
      Can Theology Made From Retold Narrative Still Be Called Theology?
      From Theology To Doctrine

      1. Word And Words In Jeremiah
      The Suitability Of Jeremiah As A Source For Word Theology
      The Distinctive Shape Of Jeremiah’s Word Theology
      First Elements Of A Word Theology

      2. Structuring Jeremiah As A Narrative About The Word Of God
      Establishing The Structure Of Jeremiah
      A Narrative About The Word Of God
      Concluding Reflections

      3. Word And Speaker
      The Word Of God Is The Speech Of God
      The Shape Of Jeremianic Discourse
      Jeremiah In His Times
      Jeremiah’s Call And Commissioning
      The Voice Of God In Jeremiah 2:1–6:30
      The Voice Of The Prophet In Jeremiah 14–15
      Concluding Reflections

      4. Word And Hearers
      The Covenant Preaching Of Jeremiah And The Prophets
      Jeremiah Against The Prophets
      The Hearers’ Dilemma: Jeremiah Or Hananiah?
      ‘The People’ In Jeremiah’s Preaching
      Concluding Reflections

      5. Word And Power
      The Power Of The Word Of God To Transform
      Overcoming The Failure Of The Word: Jeremiah 30–31
      Judgment Realized, Hope Deferred: Jeremiah 35–44
      New Life Out Of Death: Jeremiah 50–51
      How Does The Word Of God Exert Its Power?

      6. Word And Permanence
      Writing In Deuteronomy
      Jeremiah And Writing Jeremiah 36
      Two Modern Challenges To The ‘Jeremiah 36 Paradigm’ Of Enscripturation
      From Oral To Written: Recovering A ‘prophetic Paradigm Of Inspiration’
      Concluding Reflections

      7. From The Book Of Jeremiah To The Doctrine Of The Word Of God
      Words And Spirit In Jeremiah
      The Word, The Words And Jesus Christ: Jeremiah In Conversation With Karl Barth
      Theologies Of The Words And Word Of God
      Jeremiah’s Doctrine Of The Word Of God
      People Of The Word

      Bibliography Index Of Modern Authors
      Index Of Scripture References

      Additional Info
      I am putting my words as a fire in your mouth; these people are tender and it will consume them. (Jeremiah 5:14) In the book of Jeremiah, the vocabulary of “word” and “words” is not only uniquely prevalent, but formulae marking divine speech also play an unprecedented role in giving the book’s final form its narrative and theological shape. Indeed, “the word of the Lord” is arguably the main character, and a theology that is both distinctive and powerful can be seen to emerge from the unfolding narrative. In this stimulating study, Andrew Shead examines Jeremiah’s use of word language; the prophet’s formation as an embodiment of the word of God; his covenant preaching and the crisis it precipitates concerning the recognition of true prophecy; and, in the “oracles of hope,” how the power of the word of God is finally made manifest. Shead then brings this reading of Jeremiah to bear on some issues in contemporary theology, including the problem of divine agency and the doctrine of Scripture, and concludes by engaging Jeremiah’s doctrine of the Word of God in conversation with Karl Barth. The prophet’s major contribution emerges from his careful differentiation of “word” and “words.”

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    • Resurrection City : A Theology Of Improvisation


      In Resurrection City Peter Heltzel paints a prophetic picture of an evangelical Christianity that eschews a majority mentality and instead fights against racism, inequality, and injustice, embracing the concerns of the poor and marginalized, just as Jesus did. Placing society’s needs front and center, Heltzel calls for radical change and collective activism modeled on God’s love and justice. In particular, Heltzel explores the social forms that love and justice can take as religious communities join together to build “beloved cities.” He proclaims the importance of “improvising for justice” — likening the church’s prophetic ministry to jazz music — and develops a biblical theology of shalom justice. His vision draws inspiration from the black freedom struggle and the lives of Sojourner Truth, Howard Thurman, and Martin Luther King Jr. Pulsing with hope and beauty, Resurrection City compels evangelical Christians to begin “a global movement for love and justice” that truly embodies the kingdom of God.

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    • Is There A Future For Gods Love


      Historically, evangelical theology has been committed to revealed truth. However, can that commitment still function in a world that tends to be averse to truth claims and often resistant to authority?

      In addition to revealed truth, evangelicalism has always insisted on a direct, personal encounter with God in Christ and on personal involvement in God’s mission to redeem the world. How does evangelical Christianity’s understanding of a loving God fit in a world suspicious of any claim to a normative enounter with the divine? How can one answer the call to love and serve in God’s name when all such calls are often viewed as inherently intolerant?

      Henry H. Knight III wrestles with these and other questions as he explores the ways that evangelical Christians can prayerfully practice spiritual discernment while also contextualizing the gospel in order to practice their faith effectively without compromise.

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    • Calvins Theology And Its Reception


      A unique resource for the study of John Calvin’s theology, its reception, and insights for today.

      J. Todd Billings and I. John Hesselink have compiled an essential collection of essays for the study of John Calvin’s theology. Leading Calvin scholars examine the early and late reception-history of Calvin’s fundamental teachings, including reflections on the contemporary possibilities and limitations in developing Calvin’s thought.

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    • Como Entender El Futuro – (Spanish)


      With clear writing and a contemporary approach, emphasizing how each doctrine should be understood and applied by present-day Christians, Making Sense of the Future explores the fulfillment of Scripture—the bodily return of Christ. Topics include but are not limited to the primary views of the Millennium (thousand years): A millennialism—the reign of Christ is now being fulfilled; Postmillennialism—Christ will return after the millennium; Premillennialism—Christ will come back after the millennium. Whichever view the reader subscribes to, the end result is clear: there will be a sudden, personal, visible, bodily return of Christ. Written in a friendly tone, appealing to the emotions and the spirit as well as the intellect, Making Sense of the Church helps readers overcome wrong ideas, make better decisions on new questions, and grow as Christians.

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    • Como Entender La Biblia – (Spanish)


      With a strong emphasis on the scriptural basis for each doctrine—what the whole Bible teaches us today about a particular topic; clear writing, with technical terms kept to a minimum; and a contemporary approach, emphasizing how each doctrine should be understood and applied by present-day Christians, Making Sense of the Bible is required reading for understanding the relevant passages of Scripture. Topics include Canon of Scripture: the list of all books that belong in the Bible; Authority of Scripture: all words in Scripture are God’s words because that is what the Bible claims for itself; Clarity of Scripture: the Bible is written so that its teachings are able to be understood by all who read it; Necessity of Scripture: the Bible is necessary for knowledge of the gospel; and Sufficiency of Scripture: Scripture contains all the words of God he intended his people to have. Written in a friendly tone, appealing to the emotions and the spirit as well as the intellect, Making Sense of the Bible helps readers overcome wrong ideas, make better decisions on new questions, and grow as Christians.

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    • Creada A Su Imagen: Ministerio – (Spanish)


      Creada a su imagen, en palabras de la autora, responde a la necesidad de proveer herramientas biblicas y teologicas a mas de la mitad de las personas que asisten a nuestras iglesias. No hay iglesia que no testifique de la presencia, trabajo y teson de las mujeres en todos los ambitos de trabajo y servicio eclesial. Sin embargo, pocas veces nos preguntamos si nuestro ministerio es integral y pertinente a las necesidades y esperanzas de estas mujeres que son parte del cuerpo de Cristo. Esta obra pretende dar respuesta a esta necesidad y proveer una pastoral disenada para la mujer.

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    • After You Die


      At a time when people’s curiosity about the afterlife is stronger than ever, Pastor Frank Santora tackles this issue head-on, delivering cultural, scientific, philosophical, and biblical evidence to unveil the truth about the mysteries of the afterlife. Pastor Frank covers issues such as:
      * Is there life after death?
      * Is there a God?
      * Do heaven and hell exist?
      * Is hell the torture chamber that it’s been purported to be?
      * Are there second chances after we die?
      * Do we have a soul, and what does it look like?
      * What qualifies a person to get into heaven?
      * And what does Jesus have to do with it all?

      Written for both nonbelievers and those familiar with the Bible, After You Die gives insightful answers to life’s most probing questions while offering hope to everyone who has ever wondered what happens to us after we leave earth.

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    • Introduccion Al Pentecostalism – (Spanish)


      Introduccion al pentecostalismo nos acerca al origen del movimiento pentecostal y con palabras del prologo “en una forma muy marcada llama la atencion al afecto y el sentir humano con su enfoque Espiritu-centrico. Inclusive, en su acercamiento a la dimension dinamica espiritual del pentecostalismo aparecen rayos postmodernos y metafisicos.” Written in Spanish, Introduction to Pentecostalism provides a look into to the origins of the Pentecostal movement and gives a clear understanding of its law and its Holy Spirit-centered focus on the human condition. The book also provides a glimpse into the postmodern and metaphysical aspects that make up the spiritual dynamic dimensions of Pentecostalism.

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    • Theological Dictionary Of The Old Testament Volume 12


      Volume XII of the highly respected Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament expands the scope of this fundamental reference tool for biblical studies. Ranging from p?sah, pesah (“Passover”) toqi 1/2m (“stand, rise”), these eighty-six articles include thorough etymological analysis of the Hebrew roots and their derivatives within the context of Semitic and cognate languages, diachronically considered, as well as Septuagint, New Testament, and extracanonical usages. Among the articles of primary theological importance included in Volume XII are these: par’?h (“Pharaoh”), p?sa, pesa’ (“sin, offense, crime”), seb?’i 1/2t (“Sabaoth”), s?daq, sedeq, sed?qi 1/2 (“[be] righteous, righteousness”), qds, q?des (“holy”), and q?h?l (“congregation”). Each article is fully annotated and contains an extensive bibliography with cross-references to the entire series.

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    • Cross Of Nails


      The Community of the Cross of Nails came into being as a result of the bombing of Coventry Cathedral in November 1940. Amid the destruction, two medieval nails were found lying in the shape of a cross u seen as a prophetic sign for the need of forgiveness and reconciliation, the people of Coventry offered forgiveness to the people of Germany at Christmas, just weeks after the bombing. Today, the Community of the Cross of Nails has 160 centres in 40 countries, working and praying to build peace, heal the wounds of history and enable people to grow together in hope through conferences, teaching in schools and prisons, and pilgrimages. This illustrated book tells its remarkable story from the beginning. It is also a work of contextual theology, offering reflection on the meaning of reconciliation in the contemporary world and relating experiences of imaginative forgiveness from Cape Town to Ground Zero.

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    • Interpreting The Parables (Revised)


      1. Introduction
      1.1 The Previous Scholarly Consensus
      1.2 The Sizable Minority Report
      1.3 Newest Developments
      1.4 The Scope And Outline Of This Book

      Part One: Methods & Controversies In Interpreting The Parables

      2. Parable & Allegory
      2.1 The Current Debate: Two Main Approaches
      2.1.1 Parable Vs. Allegory
      2.1.2 Parable As Allegory
      2.2 Evaluating The Debate
      2.2.1 Contemporary Literary Criticism
      2.2.2 The Rabbinic Parables
      2.3 Conclusions

      3. Form Criticism & The Parables
      3.1 Classical Form Criticism
      3.1.1 The Method
      3.1.2 Critique
      3.2 Hypotheses Of The Guarded Tradition
      3.2.1 Memorizing Jesus Teachings
      3.2.2 New Insights Into Oral Folklore And Social Memory
      3.3 Conclusions

      4. Redaction Criticism Of The Parables
      4.1 Positive Contributions
      4.1.1 The Illustration Of Distinctive Themes
      4.1.2 The Significance Of The Larger Contexts
      4.2 Invalid Allegations
      4.2.1 Misleading Parallels
      4.2.2 Dictional Analysis
      4.2.3 The Theology-History Dichotomy
      4.2.4 Prophecy After The Event
      4.2.5 Characterizing The Parables In Different Synoptic Sources
      4.2.6 Mistaking Stylistic For Theological Redaction
      4.2.7 Misrepresenting The Theology Of An Evangelist
      4.3 Conclusions

      5. New Literary & Hermeneutical Methods
      5.1 The New Hermeneutic
      5.1.1 The New View Of Metaphor
      5.1.2 A Critique Of The New View Of Metaphor
      5.2 Structuralism
      5.2.1 The Ideology
      5.2.2 The Method
      5.2.3 Surface Structures
      5.3 Poststructuralism/Postmodernism
      5.3.1 Deconstruction
      5.3.2 Reader-Response Criticism
      5.4 Other Literary Approaches [au: FYI, Edited To Match Text.]
      5.5 Conclusions
      Conclusions To Part One

      Part Two: The Meaning & Significance Of Individual Parables

      6. Simple Three-Point Parables
      6.1 The Prodigal Son (Lk 15:11-32)
      6.2 The Lost Sheep And Lost Coin (Lk 15:4-10; Cf. Mt 18:12-14)
      6.3 The Two Debtors (Lk 7:41-43)
      6.4 The Two Sons (Mt 21:28-32)
      6.5 Faithful And Unfaithful Servants (Lk 12:42-48; Mt 24:45-51)
      6.6 The Ten Virgins (Mt 25:1-13; Cf. Lk 13:24-30)
      6.7 The Wheat And The Tares (Mt 13:24-30, 36-43)
      6.8 The Dragnet (Mt 13:47-50)
      6.9 The Rich Man And Lazarus (Lk 16:19-31)
      6.10 The Children In The Marketplace (Mt 11:16-19; Lk 7:31-35)
      6.11 Conclusions

      7. Complex Three-Point Parables
      7.1 The Talents (Mt 25:14-30; Cf. Lk 19:12-27)
      7.2 The Laborers In The Vineyard (Mt 20:1-16)
      7.3 The Sower (Mk 4:3-9, 13-20 Pars.)
      7.4 The Good Samarita

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      In the last century, more studies of the parables were produced than for any other section of comparable length in the Bible. The problem is that few students of the Bible have access to these studies. In this substantially new and expanded edition, Craig Blomberg surveys and evaluates the contemporary critical approaches to the parables–including those that have emerged in the twenty years since the first edition was published. The classic works of C. H. Dodd and Joachim Jeremias set the direction for nearly all further parable studies in this century. Embodied in both scholars’ approaches are at least two assumptions that, for the most part, have gone unchallenged: (1) Parables make one and only one main point. (2) Parables are not allegories. But can these assumptions be supported by the evidence? Challenging this view and making his own important new contribution to parable studies, Blomberg argues that within proper definitions and limits, the parables are in fact best seen as allegories. In support of this “minority report” concerning parable interpretation, Blomberg not only sets forth theoretical considerations but devotes attention to all the major parables, providing brief interpretations that highlight the insights to be gained from his distinctive method.

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    • Doctrina Metodista (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)


      John Wesley distinguished between essential doctrines on which agreement or consensus is critical and opinions about theology or church practices on which disagreement must be allowed. Though today few people join churches based on doctrinal commitments, once a person has joined a church it becomes important to know the historic teachings of that church’s tradition. In Methodist Doctrine: The Essentials, Ted Campbell outlines historical doctrinal consensus in American Episcopal Methodist Churches in a comparative and ecumenical dialogue with the doctrinal inheritance of other major families of Christian tradition. In this way, the book shows both what Methodist churches historically teach in common with ecumenical Christianity and what is distinctive about the Methodist tradition in its various contemporary forms. Documents examined include The Twenty-Five Articles of Religion, The General Rules, Wesley’s Standard Sermons and Explanatory Notes upon the New Testament, The Methodist Social Creed, and the Apostles’ Creed.

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    • Bible And Literature


      The SCM Core Text The Bible and Literature explores the crossover between attempts to read the Bible as literature and to read the Bible in literature. It seeks to assess what form a truly inter-disciplinary approach to the reading of the Bible would have to take, taking into consideration the background knowledge, preconceptions and theories of reading which scholars from each discipline, literary and biblical studies, bring to literary and biblical texts. The book covers all the key methods of literary criticism such as narrative criticism, reader-response, intertextuality and feminist criticism and explores how they might be relevant to the crossover between the Bible and literature. The Bible and Literature is presented as an undergraduate-friendly textbook and will make a valuable addition to the reading lists of courses on theology and literature, hermeneutics, and Biblical studies.

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    • Black Theology


      The SCM Core Text Black Theology is an accessible introduction to the teaching and learning of Black theology in Higher Education and theological educational training establishments.aaThis text aims to sensitize readers to the inherited legacy of race, ethnicity, difference and racism, which has exerted a profound influence upon the lives of all people since the Enlightenment.aaThe book shows the diversity and vibrancy of Black Theology as an international movement that emerged not in the context of the academe but from the lived experiences of Black people and yet has gained recognition as an academic discipline.

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    • Signgificance Of The Message Of The Resurrection For Faith In Jesus Christ


      Studies in Biblical Theology Second Series 8″

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    • John Wesleys Teachings Volume 1 (Revised)


      John Wesley’s Teaching is the first systematic exposition of John Wesley’s theology that is also faithful to Wesley’s own writings. Wesley was a prolific writer and commentator on Scripture—his collected works fill eighteen volumes—and yet it is commonly held that he was not systematic or consistent in his theology and teachings.

      On the contrary, Thomas C. Oden demonstrates that Wesley displayed a remarkable degree of internal consistency over sixty years of preaching and ministry. This series of 4 volumes is a text-by-text guide to John Wesley’s teaching. It introduces Wesley’s thought on the basic tenets of Christian teaching: God, providence, and man (volume 1), Christ and salvation (volume 2), the practice of pastoral care (volume 3), and issues of ethics and society (volume 4).

      In everyday modern English, Oden clarifies Wesley’s explicit intent and communicates his meaning clearly to a contemporary audience. Both lay and professional readers will find this series useful for devotional reading, moral reflection, sermon preparation, and for referencing Wesley’s opinions on a broad range of pressing issues of contemporary society.

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    • Trial Of Jesus


      SKU (ISBN): 9780334016786ISBN10: 0334016789Editor: Ernst BammelBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2012Studies In Biblical Theology # 13Publisher: SCM Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Martin Luther The Bible And The Jewish People


      SKU (ISBN): 9780800698041ISBN10: 0800698045Editor: Brooks Schramm | Editor: Kirsi StjernaBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2012Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product

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    • Bible Made Impossible


      Biblicism, an approach to the Bible common among some American evangelicals, emphasizes together the Bible’s exclusive authority, infallibility, clarity, self-sufficiency, internal consistency, self-evident meaning, and universal applicability. Acclaimed sociologist Christian Smith argues that this approach is misguided and unable to live up to its own claims. If evangelical biblicism worked as its proponents say it should, there would not be the vast variety of interpretive differences that biblicists themselves reach when they actually read and interpret the Bible. Far from challenging the inspiration and authority of Scripture, Smith critiques a particular rendering of it, encouraging evangelicals to seek a more responsible, coherent, and defensible approach to biblical authority.

      This important book has generated lively discussion and debate. The paperback edition adds a new chapter responding to the conversation that the cloth edition has sparked.

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    • Little Book For New Theologians


      Part I: Why Study Theology
      1. Entering The Conversation
      2. To Know And Enjoy God: Becoming Wise
      3. Theology As Pilgrimage
      Part II: Characteristics Of Faithful Theologians And Theology
      4. The Inseparability Of Life And Theology
      5. Faithful Reason
      6. Prayer And Study
      7. Humility And Repentance
      8. Suffering, Justice, And Knowing God
      9. Tradition And Community
      10. Loving Scripture

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      Whenever we read, think, hear or say anything about God, we are doing theology. Yet theology isn’t just a matter of what we think. It affects who we are. In the tradition of Helmut Thielicke’s A Little Exercise for Young Theologians, Kelly Kapic offers a concise introduction to the study of theology for newcomers to the field. He highlights the value and importance of theological study and explains its unique nature as a serious discipline. Not only concerned with content and method, Kapic explores the skills, attitudes and spiritual practices needed by those who take up the discipline. This brief, clear and lively primer draws out the relevance of theology for Christian life, worship, mission, witness and more. “Theology is about life,” writes Kapic. “It is not a conversation our souls can afford to avoid.”

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    • What Christians Believe About The Bible


      Christians talk frequently about the Bible, yet they do not always have an informed and wide-ranging understanding of varied Christian views about its nature. Don Thorsen and Keith Reeves combine their biblical and theological knowledge to create such a unique introduction to the Bible.

      This book not only provides an introduction to the interpretation of the Bible but also to the history and theological understanding behind it, equipping students to think critically about their own tradition’s approach to Scripture. It is perfect as a supplemental textbook in both introductory biblical studies and theology courses, but it will also be of interest to adult education classes.

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    • John Wesleys Teachings 2


      John Wesley’s Teaching is the first systematic exposition of John Wesley’s theology that is also faithful to Wesley’s own writings. Wesley was a prolific writer and commentator on Scripture—his collected works fill eighteen volumes—and yet it is commonly held that he was not systematic or consistent in his theology and teachings. On the contrary, Thomas C. Oden demonstrates that Wesley displayed a remarkable degree of internal consistency over sixty years of preaching and ministry. This series of 4 volumes is a text-by-text guide to John Wesley’s teaching. It introduces Wesley’s thought on the basic tenets of Christian teaching: God, providence, and man (volume 1), Christ and salvation (volume 2), the practice of pastoral care (volume 3), and issues of ethics and society (volume 4). In everyday modern English, Oden clarifies Wesley’s explicit intent and communicates his meaning clearly to a contemporary audience. Both lay and professional readers will find this series useful for devotional reading, moral reflection, sermon preparation, and for referencing Wesley’s opinions on a broad range of pressing issues of contemporary society.

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    • Como Entender Quien Es Dios – (Spanish)


      With clear writing—technical terms kept to a minimum—and a contemporary approach, emphasizing how each doctrine should be understood and applied by present-day Christians, Making Sense of Who God is explores the existence of God through inner knowledge and evidence found in Scripture and in nature.

      Topics include but are not limited to Traditional ‘Proofs’ for God’s Existence: covering cosmological, teleological, ontological, and moral evidence of the Creator; The Trinity: the three distinct persons each equal to the whole being of God; Creation: including the assertion that, when all the facts are understood, there will be ‘no final conflicts’ between Scripture and natural science; and God’s Providence: the Creator’s continued involvement with all created things and human actions that make a difference within God’s providence. Written in a friendly tone, appealing to the emotions and the spirit as well as the intellect, Making Sense of Who God is helps readers overcome wrong ideas, make better decisions on new questions, and grow as Christians.

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    • Between Babel And Beast


      The United States is one of history’s great Christian nations, but our unique history, success, and global impact have seduced us into believing we are something more–God’s New Israel, the new order of the ages, the last best hope of mankind, a redeemer nation. Using the subtle categories that arise from biblical narrative, Between Babel and Beast analyzes how the heresy of Americanism inspired America’s rise to hegemony while blinding American Christians to our failures and abuses of power. The book demonstrates that the church best serves the genuine good of the United States by training witnesses–martyr-citizens of God’s Abrahamic empire.

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    • 4 Views On The Apostle Paul


      The apostle Paul was a vital force in the development of Christianity. Paul’s historical and religious context affects the theological interpretation of Paul’s writings, no small issue in the whole of Christian theology. Recent years have seen much controversy about the apostle Paul, his religious and social context, and its effects on his theology. In the helpful Counterpoints format, four leading scholars present their views on the best framework for describing Paul’s theological perspective, including his view of salvation, the significance of Christ, and his vision for the churches.

      Contributors and views include:
      * Evangelical View: Thomas R. Schreiner
      * Post-New Perspective View: Douglas Campbell
      * Catholic View: Luke Timothy Johnson
      * Jewish View: Mark D. Nanos

      Like other titles in the Counterpoints: Bible and Theology collection, Four Views on the Apostle Paul gives theology students the tools they need to draw informed conclusions on debated issues.

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    • Balancing Head And Heart In 17th Century Puritanism


      An examination of the doctrine of God in the theological construction of Stephen Charnock, exploring his use of reason and his commitment to experiential faith.

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    • Como Entender A Cristo Y El Es – (Spanish)


      With clear writing—technical terms kept to a minimum—and a contemporary approach, emphasizing how each doctrine should be understood and applied by present-day Christians, Making Sense of Christ and the Spirit explores Jesus Christ as fully God and fully man in one person.

      Topics include The Person of Christ: including the virgin birth—uniting full deity and humanity in one person while enabling Christ’s humanity to be without inherited sin—and the incarnation—the act of God the Son whereby he took himself a human nature; The Doctrine of the Atonement: the work Christ did in his life and death to earn our salvation; and Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension: affirming the goodness of God’s original creation of man as a creature with a physical body that was ‘very good’, and his rightful place in glory and honor that had not been his before as the God-man.

      Written in a friendly tone, appealing to the emotions and the spirit as well as the intellect, Making Sense of Christ and the Spirit helps readers overcome wrong ideas, make better decisions on new questions, and grow as Christians.

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    • Early Christian Worship


      Oscar Cullmann was born in Strasbourg and studied theology and classical philology there and in Paris. Since 1938 he has been Professor of New Testament and Early Church History in the Theological Faculty of the University of Basel and also, since 1949, Professor of Early Christianity at the Sorbonne, the Ecole des Hautes Etudes, and the Faculte de Theologie Protestante in Paris. He has received honorary degrees from Lausanne, Manchester, Edinburgh, and Lund.

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    • Since We Are Justified By Faith


      An accessible and academic reading of the doctrine of justification by faith.

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    • Delighting In The Trinity


      In this brief and winsome book, Michael Reeves presents an introduction to the Christian faith that is rooted in the Triune God. He takes cues from preachers and teachers down through the ages, setting key doctrines of creation, the person and work of Christ, and life in the Spirit into a simple framework of the Christian life.

      A rich and enjoyable read on the basic beliefs of Christianity that avoids dumbing down its profound and life changing truths.

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    • Meditation And Communion With God


      1. Introduction

      2. Reading Scripture Today: Communion With God In An Age Of Distraction
      A Renaissance Of Interest In The Spiritual Disciplines
      Religious Pluralism In America: Salad Bars Of Spirituality
      Biblical Illiteracy In America
      Reading The Bible In An Age Of Information Overload
      Scientific Studies Of Meditation: Health, Medicine, Neuroscience
      New Developments In Biblical And Systematic Theology
      Spiritual Benefits: An Enhanced, Meditative Reading Of Scripture

      3. The Arrival Of The Age To Come: New Intimacy With God
      The Father’s Real, Intimate Presence With His People
      Brought Near By The Spirit: Temple Of God; “Abba” Father Union With Christ: Real Presence, All The Time Trinitarian God, Christian MeditationExcursus: How Personal Agents Are Located In Space Extended Selves And Union With Christ Implications For Worship And Biblical Meditation

      4. Inaugurated Ontology: A Biblical Worldview For Meditation Theology: Trinity As Ultimate Reality Cosmology: How Heaven Disappeared, And How To Get It Back Anthropology: Who Am I? Christian As Trinitarian-Ecclesial Self Teleology & Soteriology: Purpose And Fulfillment Of Human Life

      5. A “New” Way Of Knowing God And Reading The Bible Epistemology: Knowing God And Heaven By Word And Spirit Bibliology: The Ontology And Teleology Of Scripture

      6. The Hermeneutics Of The Age To Come: Inaugurated Eschatology And Recovering The Ancient Four-Fold Sense Of Scripture

      7. Experiencing Communion With God In Biblical Meditation
      Biblical Meditation: Getting Started
      Excursus: “Centering” Prayer; The Jesus Prayer; Focusing Prayer Biblical Meditation: The Next Step: Whole-Brain Meditation Biblical Meditation As A Way Of Life: Worldview Meditation And The Five Practices Of Right Comprehension

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      As culture has become at once more secular and more religiously pluralistic, a renaissance of interest in the spiritual disciplines has been sparked in evangelical Protestant circles. Mounting levels of stress, burnout and spiritual dryness among those in ministry has only stoked this desire for spiritual nourishment and renewal. John Jefferson Davis helps us recover the practice of meditation on Scripture as he explores the biblical and theological foundations rooted in the arrival of “the age to come” in Jesus Christ. Indeed by virtue of our union with Christ, the Triune God of the Bible draws near to his people so that they may also draw near to him. Meditation on God’s revelation has always been central to enjoying communion with the Father through the Son and in the Spirit. Davis gives us fresh and practical guidance on removing the obstacles that block our fellowship with God and listening to Scripture in ways that can enrich our worship, faith, hope and love.

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    • Early Church On Killing


      What did the early church believe about killing? What was its view on abortion? How did it approach capital punishment and war? Noted theologian and bestselling author Ron Sider lets the testimony of the early church speak in the first of a three-volume series on biblical peacemaking.

      This book provides in English translation all extant data directly relevant to the witness of the early church until Constantine on killing. Primarily, it draws data from early church writings, but other evidence, such as archaeological finds and Roman writings, is included.

      Sider taps into current evangelical interest in how the early church informs contemporary life while presenting a thorough, comprehensive treatment on topics of perennial concern. The book includes brief introductions to every Christian writer cited and explanatory notes on many specific texts.

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