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Michael Scantlebury

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  • Fathers And Sons


    As we embark upon this study, there is something I would like for us to first understand, and it is this: God the Father is the ultimate Father. There has never been anyone like Him, nor is there currently anyone like Him, nor will there ever be anyone like Him. He is in a class all by Himself.

    Another thing we need to understand moving forward is this: respect produced by force and domination is not respect but fear.

    Also, when we speak of sons, we are not only referring to the male gender but a new class in God: those who have been washed by the blood of Jesus and entered the New Covenant with Him. Notice that the Scriptures never state “sons and daughters of God.”

    John 1:12 states, “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.”

    As such, I believe that women can also be apostles, and in a broader scope they qualify to “father” should that mantle be upon them.

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  • Esther Present Truth Church


    In a season where the Church co-exists harmoniously with truth and error, this book provides us with a precision tool and well-calibrated instrument of change that is able to fine-tune the global Body of Christ. The Book of Esther is rich with revelation that is still valid and applicable for the day in which we live. Hidden within its pages is a powerful “present truth” message. The lives of the people involved and the conditions that are seen have spiritual parallels for the Church. Our destiny as the Body of Christ is revealed. The preparations and conditions we must attain to are all similar.

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  • Leaven Revealed : Good Or Bad A Little Leaven Leavens The Whole Lump


    The Bible has a lot to say about leaven and its effects upon the Believer. Leaven as an ingredient gives a false sense of growth. In the New Testament there are at least six types of leaven spoken about and we will be exploring them in detail, in order to ensure that our lives are completely free of the first five, and completely influenced by the sixth These types of leaven include the following: The leaven of the Pharisees; The leaven of the Sadducees; The leaven of the Galatians; The leaven of Herod; The leaven of the Corinthians. However, the Leaven of the Kingdom of God, is the only type of leaven that has the power and capacity to bring about true growth and lasting change to our lives.

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  • Gods Nature Expressed Through His Names


    In our modern day names are assigned to a newborn baby at random-either due to the popularity of a name, or to honour someone as a namesake-during Bible times the name given to a child stood for much and had a prominence about it that the names of individuals no longer carry. In this context, it is vitally important that as we study the Word of God and the meanings of His Names. Some people (even Born-Again Believers) only have a very surface-level/superficial concept of who God is. To some He is just Where/Who you go to when you need something and for others He is just a vague peace in a troubled world. But in reality He is so much more! Let me say this to you: If you are a Born-Again Believer, everything that defines each one of us is influenced by our perception of God. Let me hasten to say that outside of the Word of God and prayer we cannot effectively cooperate with the Nature of God and outside of this it is impossible to know the real Lord and God as He desires to be known. We must always be seeking to interact with God at a higher level. Fully seeking to know Him more intimately and in His entirety in order to become more like Him! Thereby giving us the ability to better express His Nature and represent His Kingdom much more effectively in the earth! This is done by the study of His Names. How awesome it would be when we encounter God’s Nature through the varied expressions of His Names. His Names give us reference and guidance as to how He works towards and in us as His people – and by extension to society! As a matter of fact it adds a whole new meaning to how you draw near to Him; and by this you can now begin to know His Ways because you have come into relationship with His Nature!

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  • Jesus Christ : Apostle And High Priest Of Our Profession


    Perhaps the idea of Jesus as Apostle is one that is foreign to you. But the writer of the Book of Hebrews declares to us that Jesus Christ is the Apostle and High Priest of our Profession according to Hebrews 3:1 There is a dimension to the apostolic nature of Jesus Christ that I would like to capture in Jesus’ one-on-one encounters with several people during the time He walked the face of the earth and functioned as Apostle. We will examine at length the methods and ways Jesus used in His Apostolic anointing and we will learn how to appropriate them for ourselves so that we too can be equipped to function as Jesus functioned. The apostolic is not just in words and revelation knowledge, but it is also in demonstration and power. And no one better demonstrated and walked in both dimensions as The Apostle and High Priest of our Profession – the Lord Jesus Christ.

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