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    Kevin Leman

    • 8 Secrets To Raising Successful Kids


      Want children who are patient, kind, humble, thankful, and respectful? Who have a good work ethic, strong character, and a healthy self-image? Who succeed in all areas of life–personally, professionally, and relationally–to the best of their ability?

      You can’t force your kids to be grateful for everything you do, but you can raise successful, responsible kids who grow into adults you can be proud of. With his signature wit and wisdom, international parenting expert Dr. Kevin Leman reveals eight no-nonsense strategies that build on the foundations of character, good behavior, respect, discipline, and a winning attitude.

      He shows you how to:

      – expect the best to get the best
      – minimize friction and optimize solutions
      – put your relationship first
      – and much more

      It is possible to raise a successful child in a “whatever” generation. Dr. Leman shows you just how simple it can be.

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    • Cuando Su Hijo Esta Herido – (Spanish)


      El popular experto en crianza de hijos y autor superventas del New York Times equipa a los padres con herramientas para ayudar a los chicos a enfrentar los graves desafios y ansiedades que enfrentan en la actualidad.

      Como padres, tenemos el fuerte impulso de proteger a nuestros hijos, pero esa proteccion puede terminar perjudicandolos de por vida. En vez de intentar salvarlos de las dificultades, debemos ensearles a enfrentar y superar sus problemas. En uno de sus libros mas importantes hasta la fecha, el Dr. Kevin Leman –psicologo y exitoso autor reconocido internacionalmente– les muestra a los padres como

      – ser buenos oyentes
      – decir la verdad, aun cuando sea dificil
      – hallar el equilibrio entre ser protector y sobreprotector
      – enfocar el dolor y la injusticia como una experiencia de aprendizaje en vez de promover la mentalidad de victima
      – y mucho mas

      Ya sea que el chico este tratando con una situacion hogarea dificil, con agresores, con la perdida de algun amigo, la muerte de un ser querido, la discriminacion, el abuso, un embarazo juvenil o simplemente que este intentando darle sentido a lo que ve en las noticias, este benefico y util libro ayudara a los padres a equiparlos para procesar, aprender y superar tales situaciones.

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    • When Your Kid Is Hurting


      As parents, we have a strong impulse to protect our children, but that very protection can end up handicapping them for life. Rather than seek to save them from the hard things, we must teach our kids how to cope with and rise above their problems. In one of his most important books to date, internationally known psychologist and bestselling author Dr. Kevin Leman shows parents how to:
      – be good listeners
      – tell the truth, even when it’s difficult
      – find balance between being protective and being overprotective
      – approach hurt and injustice as a learning experience rather than fostering a victim mentality
      – and much more

      Whether a child is dealing with a difficult family situation, bullies, the loss of friends, the death of a loved one, discrimination, abuse, a teen pregnancy, or even just trying to make sense of what they see in the news, this compassionate and practical book will help parents equip them to process, learn from, and rise above their situation.

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    • When Your Best Isnt Good Enough


      Are you an expert at finding flaws within yourself? Do you tend to procrastinate, set unrealistic goals, or continually try to please others? Writing in his warm and direct style, Dr. Kevin Leman shows you how to value your talents and gifts and accept your shortcomings. He shows how the way we develop as a child determines our degree of success or failure as an adult and explains how, regardless of the past, each person can develop a healthy lifestyle today. Dr. Leman also shows you how to apply these same principles in raising children with healthy self-esteem. If you want to make a positive change in your life, this is the place to start.

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    • Intimate Connection : Secrets To A Lifelong Romance


      Creating a happy, lifelong marriage is about much more than physical compatibility. It’s about a lifestyle of 24-7 intimacy that bonds couples in a mutually satisfying relationship. In The Intimate Connection, bestselling marriage expert Dr. Kevin Leman explores key secrets to the love life couples crave. He helps readers:
      – understand each other’s needs, backgrounds, and personalities (and how those factors influence every marital interaction)
      – talk so their spouse really listens
      – turn negative game
      -playing into positive behaviors that help couples grow closer
      – create deep, long-lasting intimacy that’s divorce

      Whether couples are new to marriage or have been married a long time, Dr. Leman’s time-tested strategies will create the kind of exciting intimacy, mutual respect, and fulfilling communication that will keep husbands and wives in each other’s arms for a lifetime.

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    • Have A New Sex Life By Friday


      Given enough time, stress, and kids, even the most satisfying sex life can turn ho-hum. Before long, you find that your conversations center on taking the garbage out, you only make love with the lights off, and experimenting in the bedroom means changing the color of the duvet.

      Dr. Kevin Leman throws bored and frustrated couples an intimacy lifeline. In just one week, couples will learn
      – why women need sex (and what stops them from wanting it)
      – why men want sex (and why what’s important to her is important to him too)
      – how to reclaim space just for the two of them
      – how to communicate better for a more intimate connection
      – how to spice things up in the bedroom
      – and more

      Dr. Leman’s candid advice comes with a guarantee that with just a little attention to these doable strategies, husbands and wives can experience the kind of exciting intimacy they long for–not only by Friday, but throughout their entire marriage. Includes a bonus section of questions and answers on how couples can improve their sexual communication.

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    • Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours (Revised)


      This bestseller equips parents with seven principles of reality discipline–a loving, no-nonsense parenting approach that really works.

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    • Be The Dad She Needs You To Be


      “I want to marry somebody just like . . .” Surprise! The relationship that matters most to your daughter isn’t the one with her mother-it’s the one with you, Dad. Her self-esteem, choices, behavior, character, and even her ideas about or choice of a marriage partner are all directly tied to you, as the most important representative to her of the male species.

      In Be the Dad She Needs You to Be Dr. Kevin Leman, internationally acclaimed psychologist, New York Times bestselling author, and father of four daughters, will show you how to: make each daughter feel unique, special, valued, and receptive to your ideas. discipline the right way. talk turkey about what guys are really thinking. keep the critical eye at bay. wave the truce flag when females turn your family room into a battleground. set your daughter up for relationship success.

      Whether your daughter lives with you part-time, full-time, or not at all, you can gain a warm, lifelong relationship-one based on mutual love and respect.

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    • Planet Middle School


      You are about to embark on a fantastic journey

      If you’ve ever watched one of those movies where regular people are walking around minding their own business, until without warning their chests burst open and alien life-forms come slithering out, then you know what it’s like to suddenly find yourself with a middle-schooler. Your once-peaceful home full of silliness and laughter morphs into the twisted landscape of a forbidding alien world, where moody adolescents drag their claws and moan about . . . well, just about everything.

      Welcome to Planet Middle School. Better get comfortable. You’ll be here awhile.

      Lucky for you, New York Times bestselling author Dr. Kevin Leman successfully navigated Planet Middle School with five children. With his expert guidance, you’ll see how you can help your child not only survive but thrive during these turbulent years. Leman shows you how to:
      * understand your child’s rapidly expanding world
      * respond rather than react to mood swings
      * tell your child about sex (before someone else tells their version)
      * create opportunities for your child to practice selflessness and gratitude
      * ensure that your kid is one who loves home and family
      * and much more

      Middle-schoolers can be a strange, unpredictable species. But with a little help from Dr. Leman, you can ride out the interstellar storm with humor and confidence.

      Houston, we have a problem.

      It happens to every parent. One day, you have a sweet son or daughter who loves to snuggle on the couch and who puts a smile on your face just by walking into the room. The next day, it’s as if someone left the door open and let in an alien with a smart mouth and an attitude that, frankly, you could do without. Entering middle school is like stepping onto a different planet–for parent and child alike.

      But these years don’t have to create chaos in your family. In fact, they can be some of the best, most fruitful years of all, a time when you can grow closer rather than drift apart. From the internal storms of hormonal changes to the external challenges of peer pressure and our technology-saturated culture, your child is under constant bombardment. Learn how to come alongside your middle-schooler with the love, understanding, and values that will see you both safely back home to earth when your time on Planet Middle School is over.

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    • Have A Happy Family By Friday


      Every member of a family plays a vital role in the health and happiness of the household. Everyone is important, deserves to be treated with love and respect, and needs to know that when they make mistakes they will still be loved unconditionally. And when every member of the family is pulling for each other and on the same team, everybody wins.

      Is this kind of family life even possible?

      Parenting expert and New York Times bestselling author Dr. Kevin Leman says it is, and he’s ready to show you exactly how you can make it happen in your family–in just five days. He shows families how to
      * communicate honestly and kindly
      * prioritize the right things
      * maintain great attitudes and behaviors
      * determine the role each person plays in the family structure
      * make family time count

      As always, Dr. Leman’s outstanding advice is laced with humor, great stories, and the wisdom that comes from a lifetime of experience.

      If you’ve had it up to here with bickering, hurt feelings, and emotional exhaustion, Have a Happy Family by Friday is just what the doctor ordered.

      Does any of this sound familiar?
      * You’re sick of the word whatever.
      * You’d have a coronary if you ever walked into one of your kids’ rooms and it was picked up.
      * You remember way back when you and your spouse paid attention to each other.
      * A good day is when you only send your kids to their room once.
      * An exciting evening with your spouse is no yelling and no trips to the ER.
      * You’d like to ground your kids for life . . . somewhere else.
      * Everybody wants a piece of you, and there’s nothing left to give.
      * The only family member who listens to you is the dog.
      * You spend a lot of your time wishing things were different in your family.

      Well, wishes can come true. You can be on your way today to a happy family by Friday. Is it really possible? Yes! Embrace the truths and suggestions in this book, practice them, and watch them last a lifetime.

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    • Birth Order Book (Reprinted)


      The Order in which we are born has a powerful, far-reaching influence on the way we interact with others- at home, at work, with friends, and in the public square. Dr. Kevin Leman’s classic book on birth order is getting a new look, bring his engaging, fascinating, and often funny observations to a new audience. With insight and wit, Dr. Leman shows readers how birth order affects personality, marriage and relationships, parenting style, career, and children. Anyone who wants to gain understanding about the ways they interact with others- and even overcome ingrained tendencies they never thought they’d be rid of will love Dr. Leman’s insightful book.

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    • Way Of The Wise (Reprinted)


      Do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity. Let love and faithfulness never leave you.” These and other seemingly simple lessons were hard-won for a hardheaded young man who was more “wise guy” than “wise” early in life.

      Now, internationally known psychologist and New York Times bestselling author Dr. Kevin Leman shares the biblical wisdom that has shaped him into the successful, joy-filled person he is today. With his trademark wit and humorous stories from his personal life, Dr. Leman shows readers how to jump-start or revitalize their lives both spiritually and practically with words from one of the wisest men of all time. (Hint: It’s not him.) Dr. Leman offers hope, courage, and a fresh perspective on living a great life, all in a compact, readable package. This lively and inspiring book makes the perfect gift for professionals, graduates, and anyone who could benefit from simple truths for living well.

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    • Se El Papa Que Ella Necesita Q – (Spanish)


      Se el papa que ella necesita que seas es un llamado a los padres para que acepten el reto y luchen por convertirse en el padre amoroso y activamente comprometido que una hija necesita para tener exito en la vida y en sus relaciones.La relacion mas importante para tu hija no es la relacion con su madre, sino la que tiene contigo, con su papa. Su autoestima, decisiones, conducta, caracter e incluso sus ideas acerca de la seleccion de esposo se hallan todos directamente relacionados a ti, que eres para ella la representacion de mayor importancia del genero masculino. En Se el papa que ella necesita que seas, el Dr. Kevin Leman, psicologo de fama internacional, autor de best sellers del New York Times y padre de cuatro hijas, te mostrara no solo como hacer el papel de padre, y hacerlo bien, sino ademas te dira como:Hacer que cada una de tus hijas se sienta unica, especial y valiosaDisciplinar de la manera correcta- cuando sea necesarioHablar con franqueza acerca de lo que los varones en realidad estan pensandoMantener a raya el ojo criticoHacer ondear la bandera de tregua cuando las mujeres convierten tu sala de estar en un campo de batallaPreparar a tu hija para la vida y para el exito en sus relacionesBe the Dad She Needs You to BeA call to dads to step up to the plate to become the loving, actively engaged father that a daughter needs for life and relational success.In Se el papa que ella necesita que seas Dr. Kevin Leman, internationally-known psychologist, New York Times best-selling author, and father of four daughters, will show you not only how to get the fathering job done and done well, making each daughter feel unique, special, and valued, discipline the right way . . . when it’s needed, talk turkey about what guys are really thinking, among other important things.

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    • What A Difference A Mom Makes (Reprinted)


      Every mom wants the best for her son. She wants him to succeed in life, to be a man of character, to find a good woman, to be a great dad. But sometimes boys are hard for moms to understand. Sometimes they’re strange, annoying, and downright disgusting! Yet always they need a mother who is engaged and interested in them, because a mom is the most important person in a boy’s life.

      In What a Difference a Mom Makes, New York Times bestselling author Dr. Kevin Leman uses his wit and wisdom to show Mom how to lay the groundwork that will allow her son to grow into a good man. Armed with Dr. Leman’s expert advice and insight, Mom will gain an understanding of her boy at every stage, from that very first diaper change to the moment he leaves for college. Dr. Leman shows how to discipline a boy, how to command respect, how to let him fight his own battles, how to understand his sexuality, and how to weather the changes in the mother-son relationship as he grows up. Most of all, Leman shows Mom how to lighten up and have some fun along the way with that boy who will always have her heart.

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    • Have A New Teenager By Friday (Reprinted)


      Dr. Kevin Leman helps parents communicate with their teens, establish healthy boundaries, gain respect, turn selfish behavior around, and become the major difference maker in their teenager’s life.

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    • Have A New Kid By Friday (Reprinted)


      Family out of control? Thinking of calling Nanny 911? Try Dr. Leman’s action plans instead! His straightforward advice offers doable day-by-day strategies to change your child’s attitude, behavior, and character—and help you become the parent you’ve always wanted to be. Includes indexed section on how to handle everything from rolling eyes to punching walls!

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    • Have A New Husband By Friday (Reprinted)


      Have a new husband by Friday? Is that even possible? Dr. Kevin Leman says it is. The New York Times bestselling author and self-help guru shows even the most frustrated wife how she can have a new husband by Friday. Leman reminds any wife that if what she’s doing to get better behavior out of her husband isn’t working now, it never will. So it’s time for a change. That means it’s time to change her own patterns of behavior. Here’s how Leman suggests she handle it day to day: Monday: Secrets Revealed: Cracking the Male Code Yes, you’re different species, but you can work together in harmony. Tuesday: Creatures from Another Planet . . . or Creatures of Habit? To understand men, you have to track ’em to their den. Wednesday: Think about What You Want to Say, Then Divide It by Ten How to talk so your guy will really listen . . . and listen so your guy will really talk. Thursday: Think of Him as a Seal Waiting for a Three-Pound Fish Why making love to your man is a key to who he is and how satisfied he’ll be, and what’s in it for you. Friday: It Takes a Real Woman to Make a Man Feel like a Real Man How to open your man’s heart, revolutionize your love life, and turn him into the knight you’ve always dreamed of.

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    • Have A New You By Friday (Reprinted)


      How many times have we tried to change our own habits, only to find that changing ourselves is even harder than trying to change someone else? Now, what the bestselling Have a New Kid by Friday has done for families and Have a New Husband by Friday has done for couples, Have a New You by Friday will do for individuals. With his signature wit and commonsense psychology, Dr. Kevin Leman will walk readers through their own personal five-day action plan. Readers will come to -accept the truth about themselves -boost their confidence by identifying the lies they’re telling themselves–and putting them to rest for good -change their lives by concentrating on becoming who they really want to be Based on content from The Real You, Have a New You by Friday is the way to a happier, more fulfilling life.

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    • Under The Sheets (Reprinted)


      Dr. Kevin Leman knows even married people have lots of questions about sex, but sometimes they feel too embarrassed to ask or don’t know where to turn for the best answers. For all those questions readers couldn’t imagine asking their pastor or even their close friends, Dr. Leman is ready with open ears and expert advice.

      With his trademark humor and wit, he offers frank answers to the burning questions all of us have about sex. Covering such topics as God’s original intentions for sex, body image, attraction, expectations, sex drive, sex after children arrive, and much more, Under the Sheets is comprehensive in scope and just what the doctor ordered. Readers will get not only the answers they crave but plenty of the hearty chuckles they expect from Leman. Perfect for newlyweds or couples who have been married for years. Now in trade paper.

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    • Chickens Guide To Talking Turkey With Your Kids About Sex


      Family commentator and humorist Dr. Kevin Leman and human sexuality expert Kathy Flores Bell team up to write a book for parents on teaching their pubescent children (ages 8 to 14) about sex.

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    • Senda Del Pastor – (Spanish)


      This book shows the reader, using glimpses of humor, how to lead their coworkers so that they consider their work a calling rather than just a job.

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    • 1st Time Mom


      If you feel nervous about this new role of parenthood (and who wouldn’t?), Dr. Kevin Leman will put you at ease. While affirming your joy, wonder, and fear, this book prepares you for this influential task by sharing the essentials of child-raising, including the personality traits and typical interactions you can expect to have with your first child.

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    • Way Of The Shepherd


      Find inspiration and a fresh perspective on the art of leadership in this account of a cub reporter who lands the interview of a lifetime and walks away with the keys to exceptional leadership. When the reporter meets with the most respected CEO in America, the businessman shares the seven secrets he learned long ago from his mentor_an eccentric but brilliant professor who taught him proven management principles that, while ancient in origin, are applicable in today’s fast-paced, high-tech world. The Way of the Shepherd is a compact, heart-warming story dotted with humor. It will teach you how to lead the people close to you so they will view their work as a calling rather than merely a job, a place to belong rather than a place to work. It shows leaders how to infuse work with meaning and how to engage, energize, and ignite their workforce and gives employees a better understanding of what makes for a quality work experience. It is a powerful metaphor for leaders that reaches back 5,000 years. It is . . . The Way of the Shepherd.

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    • Sheet Music : Uncovering The Secrets Of Sexual Intimacy In Marriage


      246 Pages

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      Get ready to make beautiful music together! Dr. Leman’s practical guide will help any couple stay “in tune” for an active God-designed sex life. Addressing a wide spectrum of individuals—with positive, negative, or no experience—his frank descriptions, line drawings, and warm and friendly tone will help couples find greater harmony through intimacy.

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    • What A Difference A Daddy Makes


      Study after study shows that fathers set up their daughters for success. Involved fathers_whether or not they live in the same house as their daughters boost their daughters’ academic achievement, promote their emotional health, increase their compassion for others, and even bolster the status of women.

      In What a Difference a Daddy Makes, renowned psychologist and bestselling author Dr. Kevin Leman seamlessly weaves the latest research on fathering with funny, moving stories about his own parenting experiences. He gives practical ideas and inspiration for fathers and provides specific direction for helping daughters grow into loving, confident, caring adults.

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