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Jane Peart

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  • Montclair Homecoming


    When Joy Montrose received her commission to paint a mural depicting the healing miracles of Jesus at Good Samaritan Hospital, she never anticipated forming a close friendship with Evan Marshall. But the bond between the talented young artist and the gifted surgeon has grown, even though their lives are worlds apart. Now, with the family estate falling suddenly and unexpectedly into Joy’s hands, she finds herself sifting not only through the memorabilia of generations but through her own heart and aspirations. Is it truly love that she feels for Evan? If so, can she at all reconcile it with the wounded healer’s lack of faith in God or with her personal need for freedom to pursue her calling as a painter? In this final book in Jane Peart’s beloved Brides of Montclair series, the faith and lives of an American dynasty wind to a poignant, present-day culmination as a young woman struggles with choices of love and obedience that will shapes the years to come.

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  • Daring Bride : Montclair At The Crossroads 1932-1939


    24 Chapters

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    Craig Cavanaugh opened his briefcase and drew out the folder containing the manuscript. It was getting dark when he finished reading. No question, he thought, Kitty Traherne can write.

    Her face came back into his mind. He saw the pain in her eyes, heard the urgency in her voice, as he recalled the passion with which she had told him her reason for writing this highly controversial book. A slight flush had swept over her pale face as she said, “I think this country is in danger of being drawn into another foreign war, Mr. Cavanaugh.”

    Kitty Traherne, who had been a field nurse in France during World War I, knew the madness of war firsthand and couldn’t bear to see it happen again. She had to risk doing whatever she could to prevent it, however the public might respond-and despite the bitter rift she was creating between herself and her family, the Camerons. She had to tell people about the horror of the last war, remind them of the awful price paid by the young men who were made to fight it.

    As an editor, Craig Cavanaugh dealt with writers all the time. But something about Kitty Traherne touched him in a different way. Craig would fight to publish her book-and in the process, he hoped to get to know its lovely author….

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  • Pledge


    29 Chapters

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    For the sake of peace in the family, Jo-Beth kept her feelings to herself. But she and Wes were pledged to each other, and nothing could change that. Not even war.

    With the death of her father, Jo-Beth, her brother, and their mother, Johanna, move in with relatives in town. There, Johanna makes a living sewing her exquisite quilts-and Jo-Beth discovers a special friend. Kind, thoughtful, and deep, Wesley Rutherford draws Jo-Beth like a magnet … and their attachment to one another becomes strong. Strong enough to endure separation while Wes studies in Philadelphia. Strong enough to make their future together seem certain … until the Civil War forces a decision that places Wes at odds with friends and family.

    Can their love survive a war that will rend a nation in two? Like the pieces of silk, velvet, and ribbon in one of her mother’s quilts, the patchwork events of Jo-Beth’s life will be knit together by God into a pattern of their own-one of sorrow, joy, and grace….

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  • Mirror Bride


    “Why, Cara, why did you do it?” “Maybe no one wants to see me as I really am. Maybe in this family it isn’t all right to be different. And I am different, Kitty, whether anyone wants to admit it or not.” “But, Cara,–it just seems like tonight you set out deliberately to cause trouble.” “Even you don’t understand, do you, Kitty?” “I do, I mean I’m trying to. You’re my twin, I want to understand!” “Yes, I know we’re twins, but who am I?” demanded Cara hotly. “We’re not like paper dolls cut out of the same cardboard!” Although identical in appearance, the Cameron twins were dramatically different in temperament. Cara, vivacious, adventurous. Kitty, sensitive, introspective. But these differences had never kept them from being each other’s best friend, confidante, and close companion; that is — until one fateful summer — the summer everything changed. It began as a carefree vacation at Cape Cod; a summer filled with sailing, swimming, shell-searching, dances, and parties. But slowly Kitty starts to suspect that her twin is keeping something from her. Puzzled, hurt, and more than a little resentful, Kitty longs to find out what it is. But something hidden in her own heart prevents her from doing so, because Kitty has her own secret she cannot share.

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  • Heros Bride


    “You see I must go, don’t you, Kitty?” Kip asked. Everything in her cried out, No, I don’t understand. What about her dreams, her desires, the life they had planned together? Then she remembered the epitaph on the head-stone in the old hillside cemetery, the one that had made such a lasting impression on her: “What I gave, I have; what I spent, I saved, What I kept, I lost.” It had been true a hundred years ago, and it was just as true now. If she did not let Kip go freely, he would go anyway, and she would lose him. You could not keep what did not want to be kept. Eventually Kip would be lost to her unless–“Of course, Kip, I understand.” When Kitty Cameron, in love with the dashing Kip Montrose, is forced to accept the dangerous career he has chosen for himself, she faces a difficult challenge. In order to follow her heart, she makes a decision that will irrevocably change her own life forever. Determinedly overcoming parental objections as well as her own sensitive nature, Kitty sets out to accomplish her goal. Drawing on inner resources of faith, Kitty emerges from her sheltered girlhood as a woman of enormous bravery, spiritual strength, compassion, and courage. Having survived physical danger, heartbreak, and loss, Kitty discovers that sometimes the reality of love is more fulfilling than its illusion.

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  • Shadow Bride


    Trying to build a new life in England with her young son, Blythe finds contentment, security, and the love of a good man. But her hopes of beginning again with the proposal of a prestigious marriage seems impossible when a chance meeting reveals that she is still imprisoned by her old forbidden love.

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  • Destinys Bride


    Even while Randall was speaking, it was Pietro I saw, the tenderness in his dark eyes looking at me, the caress in his soft voice. In Randall’s voice there was not a shred of emotion; nor was there any in his expression. How should I respond? What should I say? I knew this was the hardest decision I would ever have to make. Either choice would demand a different price. Was I prepared to pay it? Was love enough in the one to bridge all the other differences of nationality, religion, and heritage? Was family loyalty, future security enough to decide for the other? What was my destiny? The heroine of Destiny’s Bride is Druscilla Montrose, who first meets Randall Bondurant when she is a bridesmaid at his wedding to her cousin Alair Chance. Eight years later, after Alair’s mysterious death, they meet again in a chance encounter. This leads to a strange series of events in which Druscilla debates, then accepts the position offered her by Alair’s widower. Against all advice, Dru becomes governess to her two motherless little cousins, a difficult decision because of the suspicions and accusations of family and friends that Randall might have been responsible for his wife’s death. She travels with the family to Italy. Here against the romantic background of nineteenth-century Europe, Druscilla receives two unexpected offers: One is a love that will mean giving up her heritage; the other requires a decision more important than any she has ever had to make before. Dru’s choices bring her into conflicts of loyalty, challenges of faith and duty, and threatened danger, as well as romance

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  • Yankee Bride And Rebel Bride


    For some reason at just that moment, Garnet glanced up at the house and thought she saw a shadowy figure standing at the window of the downstairs master bedroom in the wing Malcolm shared with Rose. With a little clutching sensations, Garnet wondered if Rose had seen her talking with Malcolm and if she minded that Garnet’s had been the last farewell. Garnet shrugged and walked back into the garden. What difference did it make one way or the other? Malcolm belonged to Rose in a way he could never belong to her. All she had of Malcolm were memories of by-gone days. Suddenly she remembered Malcolm’s parting words: “Comfort Rose if you can, and be kind to her and little Jonathan.” Garnet gave her head a careless toss as if casting off such tiresome requests. Rose and Jonathan were not her responsibility! And she had no intention of taking them on, in spite of what Malcolm had asked. Besides, there were plenty of servants to care for Jonathan, and Rose seemed content enough with her endless Bible reading and piano playing and walks in the woods. It is not any concern of mine, Garnet assured herself. “I have enough to do just taking care of myself!” — Yankee Bride and Rebel Bride is set against the turbulent backdrop of the Civil War South, and chronicles the life of Garnet Cameron, whose plan to marry the man of her dreams, Malcolm Montrose, is thwarted when he chooses a Northern bride. On the rebound, Garnet married Malcolm’s brother, thus entwining the lives of all four at Montclair, the magnificent ancestral Montrose family home.

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  • Follys Bride


    In a time of social unrest, slave rebellions, and growing political dissent, Sara, once impetuous and flirtatious, learns to overcome her pride as she comes under the influence of Clayborn Montrose, scion of the Montrose family and Master of Montclair. Her unusual beauty and her independent spirit places her on a collision course with romance, frustration, disappointment, and finally, true love.

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  • Fortunes Bride


    Slowly she turned to face the door just as Graham came through at full stride. At the sight of him a wild kind of joy seized her. Graham halted on the threshold. He drew in his breath sharply, and in spite of himself, his pulse thundered at the sight of the tall, willowy figure. The last time he had seen Avril she had been a child. Here in her place was a graceful young woman. “Avril, my dear,” he said, finding his voice. “Welcome home!” Fortune’s Bride, the third in a series of award-winning novels by Jane Peart, is a revision of the story of Avril Dumont, a wealthy young heiress and orphan, who gradually comes to terms with her lonely adolescence. There is romance and heartbreak, true love and fulfillment in this story of Avril’s seemingly unreturned but undaunted love for her bachelor guardian, Graham Montrose. Readers of Fortune’s Bride will be smitten with the charm of the old South as they follow Avril’s development into womanhood, and meet the people who give her a sense of self-worth. So skillfully drawn is the plot of this romance that the reader will suffer form ongoing suspense throughout Avril’s story.

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  • Ransomed Bride


    “I won’t lose you now!” said Cam in a voice ragged with emotion. The moon moved across the sky from behind the sheltering trees, and suddenly the two of them were enveloped in moonlight. “I love you, and yet I know I have no right to speak to you of this. I’m not free. I’m engaged–” “Oh, Cam, don’t!” she begged. “It cannot be. It is too late. There is no way–” A tremor coursed through her — a premonition of danger. This was madness, she knew. The two were as much star-crossed lovers as Romeo and Juliet, theirs as forbidden a love by all the same barriers of family, church, and honor. “There has to be a way. There must be. We’ll find a way!” Cam declared as he drew her into his arms. “Cam, let me go. We must forget this ever happened.” “How can we?” he asked in anguish. Ransomed Bride is a historical romance that brings to life a young couple’s choice between duty and love.

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  • Valiant Bride


    Noramary came out of the parlor into the hall. Stunned by what she had just heard, she felt slightly light-headed and leaned against the closed door for a moment to steady herself. The shock of Winnie’s elopement during the night had been followed by a second — the staggering request of her foster parents that she step into her errant cousin’s place as the bride of Duncan Montrose! “So you see, my dear, why we must ask this of you?” Aunt Betsy’s voice rang in her ears. Noramary closed her eyes, bringing back the scene that had just taken place. As her aunt had explained the dilemma Winnie’s irresponsibility had caused and what must now be done, Noramary had sat very still, eyes downcast, hands folded in her lap, hearing but not fully absorbing her aunt’s words. Now those same words burst upon her, strong and clear: “–marry Duncan Montrose!” Valiant Bride is a historical romance that brings to life a young woman’s choice between duty and love.

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