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Showing 2351–2400 of 3305 results

  • View Of God From My Rearview Mirror


    Oftentimes we can’t see God’s involvement in our lives on an everyday basis. We don’t see what He is doing until we look back at the events of our life, after they are past, and see how God has done incredible things, miracles sometimes.
    A VIEW OF GOD FROM MY REARVIEW MIRROR is stories, lessons and miracles from the life of Jim Rice. Jim brings an insightful look into issues that we all face in daily living, and he imparts a fresh faith to believe God for His participation in the everyday aspects of our lives. These stories will encourage you to see what God is doing every day in your own life.

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  • Hope Beyond Diagnosis


    The fear of cancer: how many millions of families have received that dreaded news or call? My wife received our call the morning of April 1, 2005. The doctor’s office advised the second biopsy taken on the lump removed from inside my throat was confirmed by the Mayo Clinic, Stage 3 melanoma. My wife asked if this was treatable and was told it most probably had metastasized and the prognosis was not good. The news, prognosis and surgery tell Part 1 of the journey.

    Part 2 of the journey graphically details the intervention of a God whom we in this country constantly debate, defend, disclaim and simply want little or no part of.

    Whatever your status in life, so many of us have been affected by this dreaded, killing disease that has no regard for age or gender. Just about everyone- those battling cancer, Christian people wondering if God still heals, people looking for a source of joy, hope and peace, people wondering if there is a God and are looking for something to grab hold of, and people who adamantly deny the existence of any God- should take the time to read this story.

    Part 3 is my attempt to share four years of intimacy with a God who has shared His heart, beginning in November of 2004. There is no hidden agenda here, just an average man wanting to share a very unique journey of a profound healing and intimate conversations with the “God of Hope.”

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  • Good Morning Dear Father


    Good Morning, Dear Father, is a testimony of love describing the Quiet Time and how it becomes our opportunity to:

    Knock for Love – A game of intimacy

    Dance with The Lord with Him always in the lead

    Progress from Like to Love

    Anticipate a daily surprise manifestation of The Holy Spirit

    Solve the riddle of the most important number One(ness)

    Discover God’s favorite song

    Decide when a new song becomes old

    Eat all you want with no spiritual dieting

    See how God’s jealousy turns into a wonderful love gift

    Surrender without worry

    Become spiritually alert

    Pray spontaneously

    Draw nearer to our Beloved God

    Realize the most important person in our life – Jesus Christ, The Savior

    Experience spiritual growth (A Promise)

    Sense amplified discernment of God’s Will

    Receive a perfect match up of God’s Word with our present spiritual maturity

    Feel your heart become strongly warm

    Recognize God speaking to us through cereal boxes and bed sheets

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  • To God Be The Glory


    When I celebrated my 85th birthday, I determined to put in writing the miracles of my life and ministry. As I counted the many miracles of God’s grace, not only for me, but for my family and the persons whom I was privileged to serve, the more I reflected upon the way the Holy Spirit has led and worked through all these years, and the more I felt compelled to put this in writing so that others might be blessed and challenged, as I have been during all of my life.

    I knew God’s hand was upon my life when I was told the story of the miracle of my birth, and I determined to share it with our children, our grandchildren, and now our great-grandchildren, so they would know the good news of God’s marvelous grace, and of the way He has worked in my life and has supplied every need. I also wanted the people with whom I have ministered, as well as those with whom I have worked hand-in-hand, to know how they have encouraged me and have been such a blessing to me.

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  • Prayer Works


    Years of drug and alcohol abuse and bad relationships culminated in an arrest-exactly the situation God chose to use to reveal Himself.

    Susan Wainscott traces how God worked in the life of her brother, Chris, as she prayed. Chris’s story portrays a man held captive by the bonds of sin. Susan witnessed the power of prayer as she partnered with the Holy Spirit to reach into the pain and mire to minister to Chris.

    But the Holy Spirit’s work encompassed more than Chris. God revealed Himself to Susan as well. Through the process, Susan learned more about God and His ways and what it means to go into all the world to proclaim the Good News.

    Prayer Works shows the journey of Susan and Chris as they battle a lifetime of pain and sin, struggling to live in Christ’s victory.


    “If you have ever wondered if prayer works, read this book. Susan Wainscot writes with honesty, vulnerability, and hope, because she knows the Source of all hope-Christ Himself. You will be captivated by the true stories in Prayer Works, but more than that, you will discover how to pray for your own needs and for the needs of others. Don’t miss this excellent resource!”

    Carol Kent, Speaker and Author of When I Lay My Isaac Down (NavPress) and A New Kind of Normal (Thomas Nelson)

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  • Sing Deborah Sing


    SING DEBORAH SING unfolds into a powerful journey that has led women of God, in Warri, Nigeria to celebrate at the feet of Jesus. Woman of God, you are invited to share in their joy as they fell in love with Jesus. Come and share in a women’s fellowship that was fed on love, the word of God, and spirit filled revelations. For those who are willing, SING DEBORAH SING will show you hidden treasures, in the word of God, that reveal God’s unfailing hope for women. Woman of God be blessed as the author passionately gleans scriptures from the word of God, and skillfully orchestrates a symphony that will create a song in the hearts of women of God. Words of truth that will give you the ‘push’ to sing praises to the Lord.

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  • This Child Will Be Great


    In January 2006, after the Republic of Liberia had been racked by fourteen years of brutal civil conflict, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf-Africa’s “Iron Lady”-was sworn in as president, an event that marked a tremendous turning point in the history of the West African nation.

    In this stirring memoir, Sirleaf shares the story of her rise to power, including her early childhood; her experiences with abuse, imprisonment, and exile; and her fight for democracy and social justice. She reveals her determination to succeed in multiple worlds, from her studies in the United States to her work as an international bank executive, to campaigning in some of Liberia’s most desperate and war-torn villages and neighborhoods. It is the tale of an outspoken political and social reformer who fought the oppression of dictators and championed change. By telling her story, Sirleaf encourages women everywhere to pursue leadership roles at the highest levels of power, and gives us all hope that we can change the world.

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  • Maleta – (Spanish)


    A moving story of common wisdom from the best-selling author of El regalo del viajero.
    Orange Beach, Alabama is a simple town filled with simple people. But they all have their share of problems: marriages teetering on the brink of divorce, young adults giving up on life, business people on the verge of bankruptcy, and many of the other obstacles that life seems to dish out to the masses.

    Fortunately, when things look the darkest, a mysterious old man named Jones has a miraculous way of showing up. Communicating what he calls “a little perspective,” Jones explains that he has been given a gift of noticing things that others miss. In his simple interactions, Jones speaks to that part in everyone that is yearning to understand why things happen and what we can do about it. Based on a remarkable true story, The Noticer beautifully blends fiction, allegory, and inspiration.orever.

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  • Amish Grace : How Forgiveness Redeemed A Tragedy


    On October 2, 2006, a gunman killed five Amish girls in a Pennsylvania hamlet. A stunned nation watched as the children were laid to rest—and as their grieving parents forgave the murderer. How could they pardon such a heinous act? The authors explore this question and reveal how God’s mercy can triumph in our vengeful world.

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  • Think On These Things


    A leader’s ability to achieve anything great for God begins in his or her heart and mind. quoted from John C. Maxwell

    Effective leadership starts with healthy, clear thinking. Successful leaders know how to focus on the essentials.

    Best-selling author and leadership specialist John C. Maxwell shares meditations sure to challenge us as leaders to reach our full potential as servants of God. In this 30th anniversary edition of his very first book, we learn that our ability to achieve anything great for God begins in our hearts and minds.

    Ready for a change of heart? Ready to be transformed by the renewing of your mind? Increase your effectiveness as both leader and servant as you think on these things.

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  • What Southern Women Know About Faith


    Bestselling author, speaker, and columnist Ronda Rich draws on her rich legacy as an 11th generation Southerner to celebrate the faith heritage of our country’s Steel Magnolias.

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  • Something Else To Smile About


    Humorous anecdotes, poignant encounters, and touching narratives breathe life into lessons on character, leaving a legacy, true greatness, personal integrity, and overcoming adversity.

    In Something Else to Smile About, Ziglar shares stories of:
    *the country lawyer who won case after case by understanding his opponent’s point of view *mediocre college athlete’s who became legends in the professional ranks
    *a Catholic sister whose “tough love” motivates the chemically additced to take personal responsibility
    *countless individuals who’ve learned that failure is an event, not a person

    Whether you need a morning shot of ambition or a refreshing thought before a good night’s sleep, Something Else to Smile About is a daily source of motivation and encouragement you’ll turn to again and again and enthusiastically share with others.

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  • Be U : Be Honest Be Beautiful Be Intentional Be Strong Be You


    Mary Mary wants to encourage young women to discover the true beauty that lies within by encouraging an awareness of natural beauty and a celebration of inner uniqueness. Professing their faith in God, the sisters of Mary Mary believe in the strength of family and the joy of being a woman.

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  • You Can Still Wear Cute Shoes


    As the pastor’s wife, do you feel that you’re “married to the ministry”? McKay understands! She knows what it’s like to live your life before the congregation—from finding friends and coping with criticism to saying goodbye and starting over. Her witty guide will help you support your husband—without losing yourself.

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  • Butterfly In The Wind


    Laura speaking:
    Some might say mine was an ordinary life. It may sound like any other until I tell about my parents, Rebecca and George Stewart. Theirs was a love story carved in God’s predetermined will. Time and space could not deter them. My birth and Rebecca’s breakdown did not dull Father’s unconditional love.

    Rebecca wrote in her diary, “What is life? Sometimes so tangible and clear, other times it is like a butterfly. I go to catch it and the wind blows it away. I know it’s there, just beyond my grasp. I desperately reach out, but it is gone.”

    Father, an architect, built this house for Rebecca shortly before their wedding. They lived and loved and gave birth to me here. Who could have known of the pain and trial ahead? I can feel so much of my father in these beautiful rooms, perhaps because he put so much of his love into this house.

    Marissa, my stepmother, let me believe I caused that great disaster in their lives, but her dying confession led me to the truth.

    When the disaster happened-after they took Rebecca away-Father had little left.

    Except for me

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  • Butterfly In The Wind


    Laura speaking:
    Some might say mine was an ordinary life. It may sound like any other until I tell about my parents, Rebecca and George Stewart. Theirs was a love story carved in God’s predetermined will. Time and space could not deter them. My birth and Rebecca’s breakdown did not dull Father’s unconditional love.

    Rebecca wrote in her diary, “What is life? Sometimes so tangible and clear, other times it is like a butterfly. I go to catch it and the wind blows it away. I know it’s there, just beyond my grasp. I desperately reach out, but it is gone.”

    Father, an architect, built this house for Rebecca shortly before their wedding. They lived and loved and gave birth to me here. Who could have known of the pain and trial ahead? I can feel so much of my father in these beautiful rooms, perhaps because he put so much of his love into this house.

    Marissa, my stepmother, let me believe I caused that great disaster in their lives, but her dying confession led me to the truth.

    When the disaster happened-after they took Rebecca away-Father had little left.

    Except for me

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  • Lifes Lessons For The Young At Heart


    This is a must-have, must-read book. It will encourage the right spirit in both adults and teens. It was written by a pasto’s wife (who has a passion for the young at heart). All the stories are based on actual events. You will be inspired to put your spiritual walk in perspective.

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  • Never Say Never


    Have you ever told God never to do something specific in your life? This book is an amazing story of how Jesus Christ worked through the life of a 60-year-old widow, leading her to live and work with the churches in Kenya that were planted on previous mission trips. It tells of the people and churches of Nandi Hills growing in number, strength, and unity in the Lord, and how God worked in marvelous ways. May your faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ grow as you read this inspiring story.

    Never Say “Never” is a vivid picture of God at work in the life of one of His choice servants, Judy Rushing. As you read, you will follow along a path of faith where God has shown Himself strong in her life as she has trusted Him. Through challenges from major life decisions, to literal life and death situations, God told her just what she needed to know to follow His plan for her life. From these accounts, your faith will be strengthened and stretched.

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  • Gods Providence And Lifes Lessons


    Are you stressed about the state of the world today? Do not despair: God’s Providence and Life’s Lessons, by Norma K. Riggs, a first-time author, is a collection of prayers and short stories inspired by years of personal joy, maturation, and pain that brings God’s comfort into every need. Each two-minute retreat with God will help you recognize and react appropriately to all human conditions, promote a God-first attitude, and encourage praise and worship. God speaks something for everyone.

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  • Farewell To Islam


    A true story of a man and his rescue from Iran.

    It’s a story of an ordinary person who faced many challenges in life, yet only One, Jesus Christ, was in control all along. You will meet Him in a unique way and see how He influenced my life, and be inspired and encouraged that He can and will do the same for you.

    Faith: Although I was born to have a “Father-child” relationship with the almighty God, the truth of that had not been revealed to me until God removed the veil and opened my eyes to this truth, and conversion took place in my heart.

    Trials: Thirty years later, when visiting my homeland for the second time, I was faced with an unpleasant surprise when the government of Iran did not permit me to leave the country!

    Victories: After two months of going between government offices and courtrooms, I realized that I might be there for a very long time! Then I chose a daring path and escaped from Iran with the aid of some men as my angels. These men, using horses, secretly brought me out of Iran in a dangerous adventure over the mountains into Turkey. God used these men to rescue me from the hands of my adversaries to safety.

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  • Heaven Sent Poems


    Dear Reader:

    What is the agenda that God has set for your life? How does one retain one’s faith while facing life’s vicissitudes? I received the answers to these questions in a unique way that I now share with you, praying that these messages will also enhance you spiritual growth. As a child I had little religious upbringing. However, I was always drawn to God’s words, strengthening my spiritual beliefs on my own by reading the Bible and praying. After my mother’s death, I joined a Methodist church and its college youth group where I met my husband.

    We raised three children, then after living on a sailboat for three years, my husband and I divorced. I returned to California to be reunited with our three children, seven grandchildren, two great grandchildren, and my twin sister.

    I continued my spiritual growth by joining a church and two prayer groups. But extraordinary help came to me as I slept. I believed the Holy Spirit sent me the words to these poems, thus strengthening my faith even further.

    I now share these poems with you, praying that they will also enrich you faith.

    With God’s blessing,
    Joanne Stocker

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  • Thin Places : A Memoir


    In her moving spiritual memoir, Mary DeMuth reflects on the “thin places” of her life-places where she was acutely aware of God’s presence. Through her own story, DeMuth invites you to discover new ways to experience a God who is ready to break through any ordinary day or extraordinary pain and offer you a glimpse of eternity.

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  • Woman To Woman (Reprinted)


    Reaching Muslim Women with the Good News

    Like many women in the Church, Joy Loewen didn’t fully understand Muslim women or their roles in the Muslim culture and religion. In fact, she was afraid of them and not particularly interested in befriending them. But with prayer, wisdom, and a lot of love, Joy overcame these obstacles, found that she actually liked them, and that many of these women are irresistibly attracted to the love of Jesus. For the last thirty years she has used this knowledge to build authentic connections with Muslim women, reaching out to them in a sensitive, effective way.

    In this practical and very personal book, Joy shares not only her insights into befriending Muslim women, but many helpful stories from her own experiences. Her goal is to help readers “move from fear to love and compassion” so that they, too, can love as Christ does. Woman to Woman is essential reading for Christian leaders, ministries, and any layperson who wants to grow in love for and understanding of Muslims.

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  • Palabras Que Mueven Montanas – (Spanish)


    Experience God’s Power!

    “He who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.” (John 14:12)

    Through authors’ Kenyon and Gossett’s words and ministry, you will discover what happened in their lives-and what can take place in your own life. Find out how you can…
    ” Walk in divine health and wholeness.
    ” Overcome the power of evil.
    ” Experience God’s power in your life.
    ” Perform the miracles that Christ did.
    ” See the “incurable” healed.
    ” Lead the lost to Christ.
    ” Minister in God’s anointing.

    Here you will discover how you can personally receive God’s healing touch and how God can use you to bring healing to others.

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  • My Time In Heaven


    Is there life after death? After a tragic accident, doctors pronounced Richard Sigmund legally dead. Eight hours later, God miraculously brought him back to life on the way to the morgue. During those hours, God allowed him to experience the glorious beauty, heavenly sounds, sweet aromas, and boundless joys of heaven that await every believer. God then returned him back to earth with a mission… …to tell the world what he saw. You will thrill to Sigmund’s eyewitness account of strolling down heaven’s streets of gold, seeing angels playing with children, talking with Jesus, meeting with people from the Bible and departed family and friends, seeing the mansions, and much more! Through Sigmund’s testimony, God has restored sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf and has even raised several people from the dead. Also, you will catch a glimpse of the horrifying reality of “the other place”–a place where no one wants to go.

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  • Kingdom Without Borders


    The twenty-first century has opened with a rapidly changing map of Christianity. While its influence is waning in some of its traditional Western strongholds, it is growing at a phenomenal pace in the global South. Miriam Adeney has lived, traveled and ministered widely. In this book she pulls back the veil on real Christians around the world–their faith, their hardships, their triumphs and, yes, their failures–and shares the inspiring and challenging story of a kingdom that knows no borders.

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  • Joy Juice : Delightful Flavors Of Joy In The Lord


    Joy Juice will encourage you and make you want the contagious joyful spirit Joyce has because of Jesus.

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  • Breeding Ground : A New Life


    How surprising it was to hear the Holy Spirit say to me, “This is your breeding ground,” while standing on the grounds of Harbor UCLA Medical Center in Torrance, California.

    It was a place where my two sons had been born with complications. Little did I know that twenty years later my destiny would unfold between the perimeters of these same grounds. Unknowingly I had enrolled in the school of the Holy Spirit and HE would be my Instructor. I would also give birth here to a ministry which consisted among other things, of a healing ministry. These grounds where medical scholars receive training would also become the place of my training in the spiritual realm.

    As you read this book you will become a part of these God-given classes that are given through divine revelations, while you gain knowledge regarding the five spiritual senses and their value. You can gain knowledge in your spiritual senses even in the absence of the five physical senses-such as in the story of “Baby O” who was believed to be born without any of his five physical senses. Then there is the revelation of the angels found in a hospital room that may have been instructors sent by the Holy Spirit. In sharing my experience you will also gain insight in such crucial areas as character development, ministry of intercession, and spiritual warfare. Your life will be transformed by the eye-openers given within these pages as they usher you into your own “breeding ground” experience!

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  • Watching For The Kingfisher (Expanded)


    “From small beginnings as a self-published writer producing booklets in response to demand from people who attended her retreats or quiet days, Ann Lewin has gone on to be on of the most successful writers of prayers and reflective poetry. With the “”Inspire”” imprint closing in 2009, Canterbury Press welcomes this fine writer and is pleased to announce a new edition of Ann’s bestselling book, “”Watching for the Kingfisher””, named after her most well known poem about prayer. Ann draws many insights into the nature of prayer from her love of birdwatching, and images from the natural world and from scripture permeate her writing. Wit, warmth and economy of expression characterise her style.”

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  • Magnificent Goodness Of God And How It Will Transform Your Life


    The goodness of God is one of the most revolutionary truths of the Bible, but our generation has lost faith in the goodness of God. The image you carry in your heart of God and what He is like will dramatically affect your life, character, and destiny. Do you believe God can be your hero? Do you believe God has a good heart? Do you believe that God can transform you into the type of Christian that you always wanted to be? When we begin to understand and believe what it means when the Bible boldly declares that “God is good always,” our lives will begin a breathtaking transformation, as we rise up to be a mighty witness for our Lord. Anyone who has been touched with the goodness of God cannot come away the same. The goodness of God encompasses everything that God is, and is a perfect representation of all His characteristics. The goodness of God is the foundation of all His works, plans, and purposes. If we are to understand what God is like, we must first know that He is good, and not evil. The devil works tirelessly to keep the truth of the goodness of God lost in the mindset of this world, and marshals all of his forces to cause confusion about the true character of our God. The goodness of God is the pinnacle point of the spiritual battle that rages all around us. Understanding the goodness of God is first and foremost in spiritual warfare, because without this, you can never stand for God faithfully.

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  • Miracles : A 52 Week Devotional


    The MIRACLES devotional draws from five of Karen’s most inspiring books, helping readers begin each week encouraged by a true story of God’s miraculous power. It includes stunning excerpts from each of Karen’s Miracles books, including A Treasury of Adoption Miracles, A Treasury of Miracles for Teens, A Treasury of Miracles for Women, A Treasury of Miracles for Friends, and A Treasury of Christmas Miracles. Perfect for holiday sharing, this special volume offers healing messages, beautiful verses of Scripture, and stories of real-life miracles happening all around.

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  • Obstacles Welcome : How To Turn Adversity Into Advantage In Business And In


    Ralph de la Vega, President and CEO of AT&T Mobility and Consumer Markets, shares the lessons learned in business and in life along the journey from Cuba to Corporate America.

    Ralph de la Vega arrived in the United States from Cuba in 1962. He was alone. He was scared. He was 10. Separated from his parents by Cuban authorities just moments before they were to board a plane to Miami, de la Vega was baptized early-and abruptly-in the waters of adversity. It would be four long years before his mother, father, and sister gained legal passage to America. But while the boy would never have chosen such circumstance, it’s the man who can look back and say he would not have changed it.

    In Obstacles Welcome, de la Vega recounts his journey as a young Cuban immigrant to president and CEO of AT&T Mobility and Consumer Markets, a subsidiary of AT&T Inc. (NYSE: T). A frontliner in the converging worlds of technology and communications, de la Vega takes readers behind the scenes of the Internet revolution, shares insights from the nation’s top technology companies, and chronicles the incredible obstacles intrinsic to successfully merging the largest wireless operations in U.S. history-those of Cingular Wireless and AT&T Wireless.

    Obstacles Welcome is an innovation manifesto for those committed to bigger thinking and greater results both professionally and personally. He clearly defines how to:
    * Create a detailed action plan to boost success
    * Identify and take calculated risks without fear
    * Create a values-centric, decisive leadership style
    * Transform vision into measurable results
    * Recognize opportunities and overcome obstacles
    * Communicate well and build alignment
    * Unlearn thinking that hinders innovation
    * Dream big and throw off mental limits once and for all

    Opening a powerful cache of business strategy and in-the-trenches wisdom, de la Vega illustrates that within each obstacle we encounter, there’s an opportunity that carries the potential to transform our thinking, our organizations, our communities, and our world.

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  • Joy Journal : A Journal For Your Special Thoughts Created By The Geranium L


    Created by best-selling humorist Barbara Johnson, this is the place to put your own thoughts of hope, gladness, and love-with Barbara’s zany bits of joy, laughter and survival tips to inspire you along the way.

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  • Ministries Of The Holy Spirit


    The Struggle of the sudden death of his thirty-five year old daughter, Kelley, motivated Pastor Duncan to enter into a daily study of the Holy Bible seeking answers, understanding, and comfort from the Holy Spirit. Those studies greatly aided Pastor Duncan in healing his broken heart. As a result of those studies, this book, Ministries of the Holy Spirit was written. Ministries of the Holy Spirit is a book for anyone searching for faith, God’s grace, salvation, understanding, hope, comfort, strength to withstand the trials, and assurance. It is an humble work about the great work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of God’s children through His various ministries.

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  • Accounting For Life


    Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” What could be more important and practical than learning the fundamentals of life based on God’s Word? Accounting for Life-A Journey Heavenward illuminates these timeless principles of the Bible so that we can account to God for our actions, words, thoughts, and deeds in all facets of life (spiritual, physical, emotional, and financial), thus maintaining a godly relationship with the Lord as we journey Heavenward. Financial Advisor Tess Paje directs the reader to Biblical guidelines for relationships, ministry, emotional health, character development, prayer, and much more while recounting her own very personal journey to a life of faith and accountability to God.

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  • Cracking The Spiritual Code


    Are You Living The Abundant Life? This is the true story of an Indian man who walked away from Christianity and became agnostic until he had an encounter with God that revolutionized his life.

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  • Joy Filled Journey


    A Joy-filled Journey is a strong, powerful collection of Christian poems filled with hope, strength, and love that comes alive due to the awesome power of God. Masterfully written, each poem speaks to the mind, heart, and soul of readers with its uplifting message of love and joy a life with God can bring.

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  • Spiritual Vitamins : The Heart And Soul Of Todays Nurse Humor And Inspirati


    This volume of weekly devotions and humor will lighten not only the mood of the nurse, but all health caregivers. This is like taking your vitamins every morning before heading out the door. Reading the inspired messages of God’s love, hope and promises, as well as the humorous pages that only a caregiver or nurse can relate to will make any bad day turn into a laughable day. When you lie awake at night, wondering what you could have done differently for that difficult patient, take the suggestions on combating stress and insomnia and turn your dark nights into joy in the morning.

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  • Bronx : Exposing Its True DNA And Breaking The Stigma


    I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.
    Genesis 12:2b

    Rev. Pura M. De Jesus-Coniglio is an ordained minister in ministry for over 22 years and a Member of Love Gospel Assembly, Bronx, New York for 30 years. Rev. Pura along with her husband Deacon John of 35 years, are the founders of The New Generation in Christ Int’l. Ministries. She is the Director of the Operation Bronx/NYC Restoration Prayer Network, the “Regional Bronx House of Prayer;” and the Prayer Coordinator of the Bronx Region for PRAY NEW YORK, in which more than 500 churches and leaders representing all the Boroughs of NYC simultaneously prayer walk the “233” zip codes of NYC on the 1st Saturday of every June, since 2004. She has answered the apostolic and prophetic call of mobilizing and training teams in Kingdom Strategies for Transforming Cities & Nations. To accomplish this, she pioneered a School of Prayer with a focus on teaching, conducting seminars and conferences in Prophetic Intercession, How to Pray for Revival and Restoration, Spiritual Mapping, Praying for Community Transformation, Keys for Unlocking Your City, and Spiritual Warfare. Her prophetic message includes preaching on positioning the church for the next wave of revival and great awakening. She has brought this message and strategies throughout the U.S.A., Puerto Rico, Guatemala, Jamaica and Curacau. Her academic background includes a Doctor of Jurisprudence from C.U.N.Y. School of Law (1989) and Masters of Theological Studies/Urban Missions from Logos Graduate School (1985). Rev. Pura raised in Fort Apache the South Bronx, is an attorney for 17 years with her own practice in The Bronx; she is a genuine role model who is also in demand to speak at schools, colleges, and universities.

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  • Letters To Marc About Jesus


    Letters to Marc About Jesus is a beautiful collection of Henri Nouwen’s very intimate and very enlightening writings to Marc, his nineteen-year-old nephew, who struggles to find his true path in a world of confusion and apathy. Written with Nouwen’s characteristic grace and wisdom, these letters bear witness to his conviction that anyone can find lasting spiritual fulfillment if they simply take the time to maintain a daily awareness of Jesus in every aspect of life. Powerful and profound, Letters to Marc About Jesus is Nouwen at his best–teacher, guide, and mentor–and will provide the direction and inspiration necessary for any believer to change his or her life

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  • Sound Of Gods Applause


    Too often we lose our way in this world trying desperately to gain the praise of others – and neglecting the one opinion that matters most. But in this uplifting and hope-filled book, Les Hughes reminds us that as long as we look to God for approval, we will always make the right decisions and never lose sight of our Christian purpose. Just as Jesus’ disciples were to please their master rather than satisfy crowds, kings, and other mortals, we must humbly say and do what we know is right in God’s eyes, regardless of what people may think. The Sound of God’s Applause draws rich and inspiring examples from the Bible of Christians who follow the teachings of Christ in the face of fearful opposition. It also recounts stories of contemporary Christians who put God’s opinion ahead of the world’s and celebrates the remarkable fruits of their faith. Most important, The Sound of God’s Applause will give you the inspiration and biblical foundation you need to stop worrying about what others think of you, and find joy in a life spent pleasing God.

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  • Great Eight : How To Be Happy Even When You Have Every Reason To Be Miserab


    Olympic Gold Medal figure skater Scott Hamilton shares his eight secrets to finding happiness in the face of a life filled with challenges, difficulties, and career-canceling odds. With never-been-told, behind-the-scenes stories from the skating world, personal challenges including testicular cancer and a brain tumor, as well as divine miracles, Olympic Gold Medal figure skater Scott Hamilton shares the secrets to his lifelong journey to find the silver (and gold) lining in the clouds of life. His life principles, fashioned into eight secrets that begin with the rote of learning to skate the figure 8, are the keys. Scott says, “Skating taught me how to be happy. I have always kept these eight as my own private, personal secrets that I practiced daily with repetition, focus, and discipline. Now I want to share them with the world.”

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  • Walk With Me On Lifes Highway 2


    These Inspiration Quotes, original in content will serve as a ship at sea in the midst of Human existence. Some will lift burdens, bringing relief to troubled minds, you my fellow traveler will realize that faith is exercised although at times not realized of its use. To suffering people: Only Christ perspective can replace the hurt with ease and rejoicing, giving new hope and faith for better days. To those seeking: Only Christ Salvation can change you from who you are to what you should be, helping you to participate more fully in the affairs of your existence as you Walk With Me On Life’s Highway.

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  • Later : A Journey Of Hope For When Everyone Survives


    IT JUST SO HAPPENS that sometimes life is stranger than fiction. It just so happens that sometimes life takes dramatic and unexpected turns. It just so happens that, though God may not give us more than we can handle, life will. It just so happens that tragedies are endured everyday. It just so happens that an unexpected turn of events cast a family into a tragic situation that provided no exit. Just when the events showed signs of hope, any relief provided by it was snatched away by another twist of fate. Cancer does that to people. It just so happens, it did it to us. Wes, our 21 year old son, was inexplicably diagnosed with leukemia while being treated for a case of the sniffles. The next year provided trials we thought unendurable. That’s not to say that hope didn’t loom on the horizon or that humor couldn’t find a way into the mix because they did. It’s just that cancer patients live their lives in installments between tests. Once the “all clear” is received, hope fills the void; until, just before the next test, when fear shoves hope out of the way. Later is a story about the struggle between hope and fear and how we treat each during the battle. It just so happens that life is what it is and that hope is eternal. Come take this journey with us and see why it proves that nothing “just so happens”. “Later”.

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  • Later : A Journey Of Hope For When Everyone Survives


    IT JUST SO HAPPENS that sometimes life is stranger than fiction. It just so happens that sometimes life takes dramatic and unexpected turns. It just so happens that, though God may not give us more than we can handle, life will. It just so happens that tragedies are endured everyday. It just so happens that an unexpected turn of events cast a family into a tragic situation that provided no exit. Just when the events showed signs of hope, any relief provided by it was snatched away by another twist of fate. Cancer does that to people. It just so happens, it did it to us. Wes, our 21 year old son, was inexplicably diagnosed with leukemia while being treated for a case of the sniffles. The next year provided trials we thought unendurable. That’s not to say that hope didn’t loom on the horizon or that humor couldn’t find a way into the mix because they did. It’s just that cancer patients live their lives in installments between tests. Once the “all clear” is received, hope fills the void; until, just before the next test, when fear shoves hope out of the way. Later is a story about the struggle between hope and fear and how we treat each during the battle. It just so happens that life is what it is and that hope is eternal. Come take this journey with us and see why it proves that nothing “just so happens”. “Later”.

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  • Holy Spirit Said See The Light


    This book will provide healing, strength, and inspiration from a Christian point of view. May it provide strength on your daily journey in receiving and sharing love and light.

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  • Whispers Of Love


    The love, the passion, the caring, the sharing, and the commitment. Love! Heart to heart and soul to soul, the way it was meant to be in the beginning. Come and share the insight and personality of this man’s perspective concerning this thing called love.

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  • At Home With God


    Retreats are increasingly popular, and in stressful and anxious times, perhaps the need to refocus our lives on what will nurture and sustain us inwardly is greater than ever. Some may find that staying at a retreat centre is unaffordable, family or work commitments make it impossible for some to get away, and the housebound have little choice about where they will pursue their spiritual journey. aaThis simple resource offers a complete kit for making a seven day retreat without going away. It is both gentle and versatile, recognising that some can only grab ten minutes’ solitude on the way to work or when the children are asleep, while others have more time on their hands than they would like. aaPenny Roker, a religious sister and experienced retreat conductor, provides a complete day by day programme using the seven days of creation as a pattern, plus many hints and tips for making the most of the time given to yourself and to God.

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  • Sin Temor – (Spanish)


    Each sunrise seems to bring fresh reasons for fear. They’re talking layoffs at work, slowdowns in the economy, flare-ups in the Middle East, turnovers at headquarters, downturns in the housing market, upswings in global warming. The plague of our day, terrorism, begins with the word terror. Fear, it seems, has taken up a hundred-year lease on the building next door and set up shop. Oversized and rude, fear herds us into a prison of unlocked doors. Wouldn’t it be great to walk out? Imagine your life, wholly untouched by angst. What if faith, not fear, was your default reaction to threats? If you could hover a fear magnet over your heart and extract every last shaving of dread, insecurity, or doubt, what would remain? Envision a day, just one day, where you could trust more and fear less. Can you imagine your life without fear?

    Cada amanecer parece traer nuevasrazones para sentir temor.Hablan de despidos en el trabajo,disminucion del ritmo de la economia, brotes de violencia en el Medio Oriente,bajas en el mercado de lavivienda, subidas en el calentamiento global. La plaga de la actualidad, elterrorismo, comienza con la palabra terror.Los noticieros difunden suficiente informacion causante de nerviosismo quejustifican boletines de ultima hora. De tamano inmenso y grosero, el temor nosmete como manada en una carcel de puertas cerradas. ?No seria fabuloso salirlibre?Imagine su vida, sin que la toque para nadala angustia. ?Que tal si la fe, no el temor, fuera su reaccion instintiva a lasamenazas? Si usted pudiera sostener un iman detector de temores sobre sucorazon y extraer cada indicio de miedo, inseguridad o duda, ?que quedaria?Visualice un dia, solo un dia, en el que pudiera confiar mas y temermenos.

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  • 40 Day Journey With Maya Angelou


    Maya Angelou is hailed as one of the great voices of contemporary literature, having authored twelve best-selling books, including I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. In this slim volume the legendary wisdom of this American poet, educator, historian, actress, director, and civil-rights activist is clearly evident in her own words. Editor Donna Schaper selects forty inspiring passages for readers to ponder while taking a spiritual journey with Maya Angelou. Such a journey may be made at any time but, as with other titles in the 40-Day Journey series, is especially inspiring to take in the seasons of Advent and Lent.

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