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Showing 2251–2300 of 3305 results

  • More Glimpses Of Heaven (Reprinted)


    Following her successful Glimpses of Heaven, Trudy Harris has collected even more true stories of the tender beauty and pain of life’s end. Through her own stories and those of medical professionals and hospice workers, Harris brings readers with her on the search for God, forgiveness, faith, repentance, and ultimate acceptance and peace. The perfect gift for someone who has experienced the death of a loved one, More Glimpses of Heaven will bring peace and comfort to all who read it.

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  • Restoring Beauty : The Good The True And The Beautiful In The Writings Of C


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    More and more in our modern and postmodern culture the twin concepts of beauty and truth have been separated both from each other and from their individual connection to the divine source of Beauty and Truth. Even as our public schools move further and further away from their connection to the universal moral code, the world of art (both high and low) embraces an aesthetic that privileges ugliness over beauty, nihilism over form, and radical self-expression over the pursuit of higher truth.

    As both an effective apologist for truth-based education and as a sub-creator of his own beauty-enhancing fiction, C.S. Lewis is the ideal guide for those who would seek to restore truth and beauty to their proper place and role in our modern world.

    Sections one and two analyze Lewis’ eleven novels, showing how Lewis counters the growing cult of the ugly and helps restore a clearer understanding of the nature of good and evil. Sections three and four turn to Lewis’ non-fiction works to assess what advice Lewis can give educators at all levels who would steer their students away from chronological snobbery and values-free education toward a true re-engagement with the past.

    The book concludes with a commentary on Screwtape Letters that exposes what Satan’s main temptation tactics have been since the 1960s and a detailed bibliographical essay of books by and about Lewis.

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  • 5 Fingers : The Story Of The Free Medical Clinic Of America Knoxville Tenne


    Dr. Tom Kim, a physician specializing in Internal Medicine and Hematology-Oncology, is originally from North Korea. He managed to escape with part of his family during the Korean War at the age of six. His family eventually moved to the United States, and in 1979 Dr. Kim settled in Knoxville, Tennessee with his goal of “repaying his debt to America for the gift of a new life.” Dr. Kim was raised in a strong Christian environment, where he was taught to follow the example of Christ and become a light to the world. He believes that all people are challenged to love their neighbors as Jesus commanded. This includes providing our poor neighbors with the health care they deserve, and not simply relying on the government to respond to this need.

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  • By His Stripes We Are Healed


    By His Stripes We Are Healed

    God loves us and He wants us healthy, not sick. He has given me a mandate to reach the world with the message that God is still healing, and delivering people today. God can turn your negative report around; He did it for me, by healing me twice from cancer, and He wants to do it for you. God has blessed me to tell my testimony and pray for many people that were deaf, lame, had M.S., cancer, growths, injuries, back problems and much more, that are now healed. To God be the Glory!

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  • Divine Intervention : Amazing True Stories Of Gods Miracles Today


    The Bible contains some remarkable stories of miracles and divine interventions. Moses parted the sea. Peter healed a man lame from his mother’s womb. Jesus drove demons out of people and even raised people from the dead. Are these types of events still happening today? The answer to this question, as you will see from reading this book, is an emphatic YES! God is still very much at work in our world. Contained within is a collection of amazing, true stories that attest to this fact. You will read the astonishing first-hand accounts of people who have been healed of paralysis, terminal cancer and AIDS through prayer. You will see the love of God powerfully transform the life of an Islamic terrorist. You will witness the liberation of the demon-possessed, the resurrection of the dead and much more. Prepare to be awed and inspired as you experience Divine Intervention!

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  • No Wheelchairs In Heaven


    Jesus restored an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade-kept in Heaven for You…1 Peter 1:3-4

    You were born and set apart for a divine purpose and divine destiny, by an ever present, all loving and compassionate amazing Father in Heaven. It is His Story you have been born into, that leads to eternal life, and a transforming love that Jesus laid down His life for. At the tender age of 8, Allison who was born with cerebral palsy, prayed a humble prayer asking Jesus to help her, forgive her, and come into her heart. She wanted what He restores… the promise of Heaven and gift of eternal life. From that moment forward, she knew she was engraved in the palm of His hand, priceless and irreplaceable. At the age of 29 she left this earth for Heaven, without a labored breath. She was rewarded with a new resurrected body, kissing her wheelchair goodbye… This is our story of hope and inspiration woven into God’s unchanging plan… to love and prepare you for an eternal inheritance.

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  • Holiness The Key To Revival


    This book is to bring hope, encouragement and fresh vision to the Church.

    It is for Christians who are:

    * Frustrated – but believing.
    * ‘Saved – but stuck’ (‘stuck’ in ‘the wilderness’).
    * Forgiven – but not in victory.
    * Disappointed, discouraged, disillusioned, doubting damaged, defeated and/or desperate.
    * Hungry for more of God.

    For sincere Christians, holiness is usually an aspiration which is only vaguely dreamt about, but with no real concrete, proven direction to follow. Many of God’s people recognize that holiness is a commandment of God……but – how do we become holy and walk in holiness and, is it possible?

    This book has the answer – based on the Word of God and testimonies of past saints who did walk in holiness and, through whose lives God was able to move, often bringing revival and thousands of souls to the Lord.

    Lack of teaching on this vital doctrine of Experiential Sanctification is a major reason why the Church is not walking in holiness and victory. The lateness of the hour and days in which we live surely spur us on to seek our God with all our hearts, and cry, ‘Create in me a clean heart, O God’. ‘Holiness – the Key to Revival’ will enlighten and excite the believer to experience a more effective personal Christian Life.

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  • Heaven Is For Real


    A young boy emerges from life-saving surgery with remarkable stories of his visit to heaven. Heaven is for Real is the true story of the four-year old son of a small town Nebraska pastor who during emergency surgery slips from consciousness and enters heaven. He survives and begins talking about being able to look down and see the doctor operating and his dad praying in the waiting room. The family didn’t know what to believe but soon the evidence was clear.Colton said he met his miscarried sister, whom no one had told him about, and his great grandfather who died 30 years before Colton was born, then shared impossible-to-know details about each. He describes the horse that only Jesus could ride, about how “reaaally big” God and his chair are, and how the Holy Spirit “shoots down power” from heaven to help us.Told by the father, but often in Colton’s own words, the disarmingly simple message is heaven is a real place, Jesus really loves children, and be ready, there is a coming last battle.

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  • No Fear


    We’ve all been gripped with fear at some time in our lives. Whether it is fear of death, fear of failure, fear of loss, fear of illness, or any other fear, our apprehension is universal. Walk with Shea Mahoney as she faces her biggest fears. Laugh as she recalls childhood stories where fear did not abide. Rejoice with her as God carries her through each fear that she faces.

    No Fear is her story, but it is also your story. It is a powerful reminder that you are not alone as you confront fear, that others struggle with fear, and that the perfect love of God truly does cast out all fear.

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  • Dared To Be Me


    Dared To Be Me is a reflection of a damaged soul, a darkened state of being, and the affects of rebellion due to pain. It expresses hope, through Jesus Christ. The problem is finding the way back to His marvelous light. It is a lifestyle captured through poetry, expressing feelings of despair, anger, bitterness, and loss. It attempts to reveal the importance of love, but beyond that the misery of disconnection. However, when God is revealed and salvation is granted, the reality becomes His will. Past experience of rebellion is replaced with joy and obedience. Recognition, at last, to live life God’s way!

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  • My Vietnam : Stories Of The War Years From The Inside Out


    My Vietnam chronicles the experiences of the Stemple family working with the Vietnamese in central Vietnam amidst the turmoil of the war years during the 1960s and 1970s. These incredible stories dramatically illustrate the triumphs and heart-break of life in war-torn Vietnam in a way not yet fully seen or explored.

    Ravi Zacharias, author and speaker
    “Charlotte not only offers her readers rich cultural insight but also marvelous instances in which only God in his sovereignty could weave the threads of hope and healing.”

    Dr. Gary Benedict, President, The Christian and Missionary Alliance
    “…Charlotte is a master story teller!”

    Dr. Marvin Eyler, Former Chaplain, First Marine Division, Danang 1970-71
    “Charlotte Stemple’s exciting and informative new memoir is compelling reading. I recommend this captivating book to lay persons, to mission historians, and to military veterans.”

    Peter Burgo, Editor, Alliance Life (alife) Magazine
    “I have met few storytellers as poignant and compelling as Charlotte Stemple. Be forewarned: unless you’re willing to endure some serious eyestrain, DON’T PICK UP THIS BOOK-because you won’t want to put it back down.”

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  • My Vietnam : Stories Of The War Years From The Inside Out


    My Vietnam chronicles the experiences of the Stemple family working with the Vietnamese in central Vietnam amidst the turmoil of the war years during the 1960s and 1970s. These incredible stories dramatically illustrate the triumphs and heart-break of life in war-torn Vietnam in a way not yet fully seen or explored.

    Ravi Zacharias, author and speaker
    “Charlotte not only offers her readers rich cultural insight but also marvelous instances in which only God in his sovereignty could weave the threads of hope and healing.”

    Dr. Gary Benedict, President, The Christian and Missionary Alliance
    “…Charlotte is a master story teller!”

    Dr. Marvin Eyler, Former Chaplain, First Marine Division, Danang 1970-71
    “Charlotte Stemple’s exciting and informative new memoir is compelling reading. I recommend this captivating book to lay persons, to mission historians, and to military veterans.”

    Peter Burgo, Editor, Alliance Life (alife) Magazine
    “I have met few storytellers as poignant and compelling as Charlotte Stemple. Be forewarned: unless you’re willing to endure some serious eyestrain, DON’T PICK UP THIS BOOK-because you won’t want to put it back down.”

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  • Bringing Courage To The Courageous


    “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9

    People today are bombarded with news about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yet more often than not, this news is grim and void of anything positive to report. Now more than ever, we need to hear that God is still faithful to His word at going before our brave men and women in battle, equipping them to be strong and courageous in the face of adversity. Bringing Courage to the Courageous gives an up-close view of the unique role that chaplains play in a unit deployed to a combat zone. Take a journey and see how God works in and through the lives of our brave men and women in uniform and what they sacrifice on a daily basis to keep our nation free, and come away knowing that miracles still happen on the battlefield today!

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  • No Fear


    We’ve all been gripped with fear at some time in our lives. Whether it is fear of death, fear of failure, fear of loss, fear of illness, or any other fear, our apprehension is universal. Walk with Shea Mahoney as she faces her biggest fears. Laugh as she recalls childhood stories where fear did not abide. Rejoice with her as God carries her through each fear that she faces.

    No Fear is her story, but it is also your story. It is a powerful reminder that you are not alone as you confront fear, that others struggle with fear, and that the perfect love of God truly does cast out all fear.

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  • Cracker Poemer Collections


    SKU (ISBN): 9781609577803ISBN10: 1609577809J. Carroll BarnhillBinding: Cloth TextPublished: September 2010Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Cracker Poemer Collections


    SKU (ISBN): 9781609577797ISBN10: 1609577795J. Carroll BarnhillBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2010Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Miracles In The Forgotten Land And Beyond



    Eighteen year-old Setan Lee was in shock as soldiers jumped out of huge trucks in Battambang Temple Square, shouting, “Enemies!” and pointing guns at them. This was the New Year celebration and they had no idea why these “black uniform soldiers” were ordering them out of the city at gunpoint to an unknown destination. Setan’s best friend asked one of the soldiers why they were calling them the enemy. He answered with gunshots that left Setan’s friend dead at his feet!

    Thirteen-year-old Randa Yos was at home in Battambang with her family that fateful day when they heard shouting in the street, ordering people to come out of their homes into the streets. They had just learned that the black uniform soldiers had taken her father from his office at the University. They and thousands of others were forced at gunpoint to march to an unknown destination.

    That day began four years of slavery and starvation in the killing fields for thousands of Cambodians. The horror of Setan and Randa’s lives during their imprisonment and how they finally escaped will hold you spellbound as you read their story.

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  • How To Handle The PALIN Factor



    Whoever has said that P.A.L.I.N Factor is unstoppable is yet to see the strategies outlined in this book. This writing outlines 32 rounds of intellectual battles that are needed in order to handle the P.A.L.I.N. Factor.

    “The last title fight scheduled for more than 15 rounds was: Joe Louis vs. Bob Pastor (scheduled for 20 rounds).”

    No man is ever whipped until he quits-in his own mind.

    Napoleon Hill

    Buy this book and limit the influence of P.A.L.I.N. Factor.

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  • Homeless For The Holidays (DVD)


    Marketing director Jack Baker is on the fast track to the top—until a wrongful accusation costs him his job. Unable to find another executive position in a shaky economy, he takes a job at a local burger joint. But when his minimum wage paycheck won’t make ends meet, will his family lose everything by Christmas? Dove approved. 112 minutes.

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  • God Simple Poems To You 1


    This collection of poems were written to reach those that have little or no time to read novels and other books. God Simple Poems to you is filled with inspiring words and great advice to assist any individual with daily living.

    Despite the simplicity of the poems, the messages are strong and powerful and will hopefully make a difference in the life of the reader.

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  • Bum Phillips : Coach Cowboy Christian



    Bum Phillips became head coach of the National Football Leagues Houston Oilers in 1975. He retired from the league 10 years later as one of its most colorful characters of all time. While fans of Luv Ya Blue remember Phillips for his cowboy hat and boots, for his down-home Texas yarns, most people dont know he survived deadly battles during World War II, stumbled almost accidentally into football and later gave his life, during a trip to prison, to Jesus Christ. The book chronicles his transformation from a beer-drinking cowboy, U.S. Marine and football coach to a devoted son of God.

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  • Captured By Grace


    Timely and encouraging words to initiate a fresh experience of God’s grace. By following the dramatic story of John Newton, the Amazing Grace hymn writer, and the apostle Paul’s own encounter with the God of grace, pastor and teacher Dr. David Jeremiah helps readers understand the freeing power of permanent forgiveness and mercy. Dramatic stories and biblical insights highlight the very personal effects of grace and how grace: wondrously spans all our differences rescues us from our lostness helps us overcome our weaknesses, takes us from victims to victors

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  • From A Legend And Kingdom Of Darkness Into Poems Of Hope


    A tremendous testimony of God’s grace and love that ultimately births and inspires poems of hope. Antionette Campbell clearly displays her gift of writing. This will offer insight to those who may be walking through similar situations or simply facing obstacles in life. Victory is imminent and God is given the glory. A great mixture of story and inspirational poetry that will keep you reading until the end. This will be the first of many great books to come. -Laura Goncalves… Antionette Campbell’s life is a testimony of God’s grace and love to Deuteronomy 4:29-31. I’ll paraphrase it. If you truly seek God with your heart and soul; and when troubles come to you, in future days, if you’ll come back to God and listen to His voice. He won’t abandon you to ruin or forget the covenant He swore to your ancestors. -Lorraine Lambright

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  • Poignant Place In Him


    Every day life brings us new challenges, and every day God’s word gives us guidance to meet them. There are many questions that address situations that we can not understand but one can find the answer in the word of God (The Bible)

    “A Poignant Place in Him,” provides a collection of Bible verses mainly from the book of Psalms to answer some of the questions that will encourage and comfort you in your most difficult times as you pursue God and His purpose for your life.

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  • 12 Rules For Living


    This book is meant for followers of Jesus who would like some biblically-based, life-experience-inspired rules for living the Christian life.

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  • Poems Of Power


    Vivian Scott’s spiritual inspiration is reflected in her poetry.

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  • When A Child Prays Miracles Happen


    Bonnie J. Heath began her walk with the Lord as a child, when she faithfully prayed to God and attended church services. Since then, she has been inspired by God in many ways, especially in her work with children. As a teenager and young adult, she helped introduce many children to Christ. She continues to work with the youth through her church, Whites Chapel United Methodist Church in Conyers, Georgia, and other organizations. Bonnie has been a speaker for youth conferences, Girl Scout troops, Sunday school classes, women’s organizations, school and church sponsored youth events, and other organizations, all because of her love for and devotion to children.

    God inspired Bonnie to write this book while she was reflecting upon fond memories of her childhood, in Americus, Georgia, and how God answered her childhood prayers. She wrote this book to encourage children to pray and to trust God. The stories in When a Child Prays, Miracles Happen are true and have been printed with the submitters’ permission. Through this book, Bonnie hopes to help many families and children deal with autism.

    Bonnie is proudly married to Donald Heath, Sr. and is the proud and devoted mother of Donald Heath, Jr. (DJ), whose inspirational prayer jump-started this book. She is the proud daughter of retired educator Juanita Jones and the late Paul Jones. She credits her parents, grandparents, and family members with keeping her grounded spiritually during her formative years and with placing in her an undying love for God. She is a devoted Christian and church worker, a school volunteer, a soccer mom, and the owner of JH Business Enterprises, LLC.

    Bonnie has a bachelor’s degree, from Georgia Southwestern College and a Master’s degree from Central Michigan University. She and her family reside in Conyers, Georgia.

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  • Grace In The Shadow Of The Cross


    Grace in the Shadow of the Cross is a creative autobiography about how one little girl’s unspeakable abuse became one joyful woman’s testimony of healing. This true story is told in three voices: Ann’s first-hand experiences are described through the character of Grace (who begins with the name Prophet). Accompanying her voice are those of Father God and Deceiver. Father God speaks mainly through Scriptures but also through private prayer conversations actually experienced by Ann. Deceiver’s cruel voice will be all too familiar to abuse survivors.

    This book is for those who have known abuse as well as those who love them. It is for the broken, the beaten, the humbled, and the humiliated. Ultimately, it’s a story of hope that will encourage you-no matter your past pain-that God loves you and desires to heal your heart.

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  • Bequest : A Fifty Year Journey To Find A Birth Father


    February 1998
    I have a growing sense of who is my biological father. I may never know for sure in this life even though some circumstances are formidable indicators. There are still questions and the need for proof positive.

    March 2001
    When I explained my problem to the lab director, and what I had available to work with, he was somewhat dubious. The analysis of envelopes and stamps that had crossed an ocean and been stored in a box for sixty years might be problematic. He told me he would attempt an analysis. He would need a sample of my DNA.

    May 2001
    Several weeks went by. Then, Friday evening, May 28, 2001, I was mowing the grass in the side yard. At exactly 7:34 p.m. Mary came out on the deck with the white kitchen phone saying the call was for me. “It’s the lab.”

    For many years, Donald E. Kersemeier wondered about the identity of his biological father. The results of the analysis forever changed his life.

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  • Sometimes Love Offends


    This book is the result of a “disturbing trend” within The Church (The body of true believers) to be increasingly molded by the world’s concept of what Christians are to be like, especially in the area of love. There is far more to love than what we read in 1st Corinthians chapter 13. By ignoring the more difficult aspects of love requiring “teaching, correction, reproof, rebuke, and training in righteousness”, as we are told The Word of God is good for, and are commanded to do in Scripture, we not only fail to love one another as Jesus loves us, but we fail to show Godly love to the world.

    If we are to use scripture to define “Love”, we need to examine how God, Who is love, acts out His love; how He speaks about His love. When we ask, “what would Jesus do?” we need first to look at what Jesus did, not imagine what He would do, if we are to answer the question properly. Otherwise, we may wind up loving them into hell instead of into heaven.

    This book is written to introduce some, and re-introduce others, to that full spectrum, including the more difficult aspects of love, and how we should properly use them. Love according to how God, Who is love, tells us to love, and demonstrates by His actions, what love is, and His love for us.

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  • Saint Francis


    Christian Encounters, a series of biographies from Thomas Nelson Publishers, highlights important lives from all ages and areas of the Church. Some are familiar faces. Others are unexpected guests. But all, through their relationships, struggles, prayers, and desires, uniquely illuminate our shared experience. He’s more than just a statue of the saint in the neighbor’s garden surrounded by adoring animals. As a wealthy young man, Franciswas a member of the “brat pack” of his day, wearing bright clothing, hanging out with rich friends, engaging in street brawls, and partying. After a dream in which God called him into service, Francis abandoned all his rights and possessions and began preaching simplicity and poverty, relying on God’s providence rather than worldly goods.In this Christian Encounters biography, read about this patron saint of animals who so delighted in God’s works that he once preached a sermon to a flock of birds.

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  • What Difference Do It Make


    The more than four hundred thousand readers stirred by the story of Ron Hall and Denver Moore will resonate with the all new, stand-alone true stories of hope and healing offered in this intimate, authentic follow-up to the New York Times bestseller Same Kind of Different as Me.

    With new “Denverisms” and reflections from Denver on his personal dealings with homelessness and disrespect from others, additional insights from Ron on what we can learn from people unlike us and from those dealing with a terminal illness, and the stories of readers who have been impacted by the book’s central themes, this inspirational reader will generate a host of new fans. Topics include:
    *Faith and friendship
    *Racial reconciliation
    *Community outreach

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  • Jesus Te Llama – (Spanish)


    Jesus te llama is a devotional filled with uniquely inspired treasures from heaven for every day of the year.
    After many years of writing in her prayer journal, missionary Sarah Young decided to “listen” to God with pen in hand, writing down whatever she believed he was saying to her. It was awkward at first, but gradually her journaling changed from monologue to dialogue. She knew her writings were not inspired as Scripture is, but journaling helped her grow closer to God. Others were blessed as she shared her writings, until people all over the world were using her messages. They are written from Jesus’ point of view, thus the title Jesus te llama. It is Sarah’s fervent prayer that our Savior may bless readers with his presence and his peace in ever deeper measure.

    Jesus te llama es un devocional lleno de tesoros excepcionalmente inspirados del cielo para cada dia del ao.
    Despues de muchos anos de escribir en su diario de oracion, la misionera Sarah Young decidio “escuchar” a Dios con pluma en mano, poniendo por escrito cualquier cosa que creyo que El le decia. Fue embarazoso al principio, pero poco a poco sus encuentros diarios cambiaron de monologo a dialogo. Ella sabia que sus escritos no eran inspirados como lo son las Sagradas Escrituras, pero estos encuentros escritos le ayudaron a crecer en su acercamiento a Dios. Otras personas han sido bendecidas al ella compartir sus escritos, de tal manera que personas por todo el mundo estan usando sus mensajes. Estos estan escritos desde el punto de vista de Jesucristo, de ahi el titulo Jesus te llama. Es la oracion ferviente de Sarah que nuestro Salvador bendiga a los lectores en abundancia con su presencia y su paz.

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  • Designed To Shine


    Designed to Shine is a collection of poetry written during trials, times of joy, times of struggle, and so much more. You will find yourself laughing with understanding and believing in Happily Ever Afters!

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  • Fight Is On


    This book also shows how through the move of the Holy Spirit, the warm embrace of friends, the enlightment of doctors/professional help, a so called life threatening illness is not the end, but the beginning of a journey that introduces a closer encounter with God!

    This is a book that will be vital to those struggling with cancer, and also to those struggling with any illness.

    Elder Battle tackled cancer with all the faith, dignity, and hope that those who know her see, as a guiding light that shines so bright in her life that thousands of others who read her story will find illumination!

    Elder Louise Battle’s story will help thousands find their way through troubles/trials instead of being lost in fear/hopelessness and defeat. Through Louise’s story, we see cancer losing its power as we understand the seriousness of it, through God. God is still a Healer, cancer does not have to be a death sentence!

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  • Season Of Hope


    This book will especially help someone who is in a storm which they have been in for a while. It will help that person to understand that God knows about the storm, is using the storm to make them better and does have a season of hope in store for them. This book includes 20 poems, 20 matching meditations and accompanying scriptures. It also contains a narrative called Season of Hope Story. In his Season of Hope Story the author describes how God has dealt with him in his season of hope in hopes that it will help a reader recognize, appreciate and receive all that God has for him/her in their own Season of Hope.

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  • Rest In His Love Our Redeemer Jesus Christ


    Our faith is not about what we are DOING, but believing what God has DONE for us. Wow! Hallelujah!

    When God allowed my sorrow and pain to bring me to the cross, I quietly knelt in His presence. I could not ask for the reason of my sorrow and suffering. There were no words before Him. I met a God who said that He loves me even to the death. Heaven is closer to me now than ever before. My son’s death connected me with the reality of sin and death, and led me closer to my only hope, Jesus Christ. Now, I am forgiven and have hope that will see Jesus and my son some day at a beautiful place where there is no more pain, no more tears and no more fear. Nothing can separate us from the Love of Christ.

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  • Still Tougher Than Woodpecker Lips


    Al Rudolph can best be described as a student of life and a teacher at heart.

    This book is a must read for anyone looking for practical ways to not only fight the battles of everyday living, but to come out the victor. It offers matter-of-fact advice interwoven with humor and wit that is certain to give you the boost you need to endure the pressures of simply being human. Sure, life is tough but we can be Still, Tougher Than Woodpecker Lips.

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  • Aunt Maes China


    Why would a young woman give up a nursing career, a marriage proposal, and her family to head for South China, thousands of miles from home, where few had gone before?

    In the middle of World War I, when the United States Navy was heading to the Mediterranean to offer support to England and France, Beatrice Mae Tonkin was boarding a boat to take her in the opposite direction across the Pacific to the Kwangsi (Guangxi) province where she would spend most of the next twenty-seven years and where her life would be filled with dangerous adventures as she pioneered answering God’s call.

    Hated by the Chinese who thought she and her colleagues were masquerading as foreign imperialists, these so called “foreign devils” risked life and limb for the Master, while Mao and the Chinese Communist Party, a few provinces away, were preparing for their clever takeover of China.

    As Aunt Mae’s life story unravels, you learn it is juxtaposed with extraordinary encounters of danger and hardships between the years of 1917-1944, when China went through the reign of river pirates, corrupt warlords, dangerous philosophies, rogue armies, Japanese bombings, effects of WWII, the vicious actions of the CCP, and epidemics, but she remained undaunted in her task of carrying out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ and continued planting the seeds of Christianity until she was forced to leave.

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  • Simple : A Book For Simple Minds


    Few are aware of the invisible power that influences our lives. Within the pages of this book lies an astonishing story of a man who’s life was spared more than once, a man who was a witness to God’s awesome power. He knew of God but did not know Him on a personal level. This is a message that needs to be shared, a crystal clear revelation that turned one mans life around.

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  • Rest In His Love Our Redeemer Jesus Christ


    Our faith is not about what we are DOING, but believing what God has DONE for us. Wow! Hallelujah!

    When God allowed my sorrow and pain to bring me to the cross, I quietly knelt in His presence. I could not ask for the reason of my sorrow and suffering. There were no words before Him. I met a God who said that He loves me even to the death. Heaven is closer to me now than ever before. My son’s death connected me with the reality of sin and death, and led me closer to my only hope, Jesus Christ. Now, I am forgiven and have hope that will see Jesus and my son some day at a beautiful place where there is no more pain, no more tears and no more fear. Nothing can separate us from the Love of Christ.

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  • When The Power Of Christ Compels You


    From the Author:

    My book is for anyone who is struggling to make it thru the storm. It helps to build up their confidence in the word of Jesus Christ. Always remember there is still daylight after every dark storm. Prayer and worshiping is the key to God’s heart, because God is love, And God’s love is what every soul needs in order to achieve.

    Hopefully, my book will help you see this. Enjoy it.

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  • Provoking Thoughts In Poetry



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  • Haiti Past Present Future


    When I think about what could be in the future for Haiti, my heart beats with hope. I have seen firsthand children who were born into poverty grow up through our mission and become leaders. I believe the future of Haiti is wrapped up in three specific objectives.

    This first of these is its infrastructure. The country of Haiti has nothing to rebuild. We must build a new Haiti. From airports, to railroad systems, to roads and ports for shipping-Haiti must pioneer a future of mobility and commerce.

    The second objective is education. More than 50% of the children in Haiti never attend school. There is no greater poverty than not knowing how to read or write. That is slavery…and it must stop! The children of Haiti deserve an education to help make a better future.

    Last, but not least is the establishment of churches. Why? The church promotes values of family, community, and trust in God. With God all things are possible and there is no greater hope.

    I invite you to read my blog at where I share more long-term ideas for helping Haiti be a country of opportunity.

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  • Quilt Of Faith (Reprinted)


    Quilters understand with every stitch how God can make even scraps wonderfully new and striking with a little time, imagination, and love. In these touching books, Mary Tatem pieces together spiritual insights and stories of quilters into devotionals that feature some of the most beloved and recognizable quilt patterns in America. Readers will discover the historical background of each pattern and be enchanted by the spiritual reflections on joy, faith, creativity, gratitude, patience, hope, and more. Encouragement, inspiration, and celebration–as well as some great stories–await readers as they discover that, in God’s design, even the smallest scraps or most frayed fragments can be fashioned into something new, complete, comfort-giving, and beautiful.

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  • Quilt Of Joy (Reprinted)


    Quilters understand with every stitch how God can make even scraps wonderfully new and striking with a little time, imagination, and love. In these touching books, Mary Tatem pieces together spiritual insights and stories of quilters into devotionals that feature some of the most beloved and recognizable quilt patterns in America. Readers will discover the historical background of each pattern and be enchanted by the spiritual reflections on joy, faith, creativity, gratitude, patience, hope, and more. Encouragement, inspiration, and celebration–as well as some great stories–await readers as they discover that, in God’s design, even the smallest scraps or most frayed fragments can be fashioned into something new, complete, comfort-giving, and beautiful.

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  • Moment Of Christ


    Turns to the source and focus of all the author’s inspirational teaching about prayer – the presence of Christ. He describes this prayer as the stream of love that flows constantly between Jesus and his Father.

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  • Detour : An Off Road Safari


    This book opens a window into the heart of a loving missionary wife and mother dealing with the challenges of ministering in a different land. Refreshingly transparent in expressing her feelings, Patricia McGregor, with beautiful simplicity, tells it like it is, the joys as well as the sorrows. On occasion, too, her husband, Bishop Todd McGregor, as well as her daughters, Corbi and Charese (ages 15 and 16 at the time) share their thoughts.

    It is a moving saga, filled with adventure and surprise. The author has remarkable ability of seeing spiritual applications in the common things that happen every day. Life for her is a journey of obedience in the bonds of Christ. The road has many twists and turns, but even detours along the way serve to enlarge experiences of God’s faithfulness. To be sure, keeping the priorities of the Kingdom in order is not easy. There is a cross in it. Yet, however difficult the task, the love of Jesus shines through, and she makes you want to follow Him.

    Reading this book can be a tonic for your soul.

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  • Letusgo Fishing Com


    Anglers of America, get the whole family out of the house and on a fishing trip. It is so important today to rediscover fun activities that the whole family can enjoy together. On any given day, you will find each family member doing their own thing and very few actual family activities planned together as a family.

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  • I Saw The Lord


    You may be wondering why this book? Well; there are many books on the market that are inspired by God’s Holy Spirit to give hope to all Nations. According to Matthew 28:28-29 we are to go into all the world and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every nation around the world. I believe that the Lord has given me this charge. We are in the midnight hour and we can see all the end time characteristics as the Bible speaks about.

    We are living in a world of chaos and confusion. People are looking for solutions to their problems. We are putting our hope and trust in the wrong places. I can assure you that things are going to get worst before they get better. We need to return to our spiritual and moral standers of life. Revelation 2:5: “Remember therefore from whence thou art falling, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent”.

    Beloved it behooves us to get our house in order because Jesus Christ is coming soon. Take advantage of the hour accept the Lord Jesus before it’s too late. Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart. He wants to come in and sup with you and you with Him (Revelation 3:20). The Lord is speaking to you right now as you read this book? No matter what you’ve done in the past, No matter what you’re doing right now; take time out to give your life to Jesus. He loves you in spite of our short comings.

    There will be a one world order with justice, and Righteous judgment, but only through our Lord and Savior who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords?

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