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Showing 1801–1850 of 3305 results

  • Quickword : A Compilation Of Devotionals, Short Sermons, And Inspirational


    This non-enticing but spiritually-captivating compilation has touched the lives of many people all over the world and is intended to touch your life. Rather unconventional, Quickword is based on the truth that God’s Word does not respect time, space, distance, or any other barrier to make the desired impact. Inspired by the dwindling faith of many Christians to be bold and truthful in the wake of political correctness, Quickword is designed to strengthen the believer and remind them of the core areas of our faith. It will also reveal the truth to unbelievers. I invite you to read on and refocus on eternal things.

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  • Quickword : A Compilation Of Devotionals, Short Sermons, And Inspirational


    This non-enticing but spiritually-captivating compilation has touched the lives of many people all over the world and is intended to touch your life. Rather unconventional, Quickword is based on the truth that God’s Word does not respect time, space, distance, or any other barrier to make the desired impact. Inspired by the dwindling faith of many Christians to be bold and truthful in the wake of political correctness, Quickword is designed to strengthen the believer and remind them of the core areas of our faith. It will also reveal the truth to unbelievers. I invite you to read on and refocus on eternal things.

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  • Good Morning Its Your Morning Manna


    God speaks through the Holy Bible, He speaks through the Holy Spirit and His words are spoken in volumes; and today, He wants to speak directly to you!

    Author Regina Smith has been given the task to reveal and share those intimate moments she has spent with God while on her journey, her daily walk and fellowship with God.

    Through this book, Author Regina Smith has been entrusted by God to share how she and her Heavenly Father began to develop delicious and fulfilling inspirations through “Good Morning! It’s your morning manna!”

    This book is filled with expressions on how to cope with everyday life’s struggles, challenges, circumstances and issues based on the scriptures of God’s Holy word.

    As you explore the pages, you will experience the blessings of the morning manna being sent down from heaven which exemplifies God’s spiritual feeding of His promises, packed with words of encouragement; to uplift and affect lives on a spiritual altitude to attain the people of God in all experiences and walks of life.

    The Morning Manna is an experience of God who is speaking directly to you in your time of need; to learn how God is answering your prayers and healing the land. It has been created to inspire and restore hope, to help build up our faith, refresh our beliefs, understand our intimacy with God, and to promote daily communication with Him.
    “Good Morning!
    It’s your morning manna!”

    The morning manna has been sent down from heaven to feed you spiritually with uplifting passages, to encourage your heart and fulfill your hungry soul!

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  • Life Without Faith Is A Lie


    Eternal Life can only be with GOD; eternal damnation or death is with the devil. This book will help you to see how you can be set free. You will learn how to:

    Hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ
    Believe with all your heart
    Repent from your old ways
    Be immersed in water and
    Teach what you have heard to others so that they may come to Christ and have eternal life with God.

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  • Calvarys Crimson Tide


    From the Foreword: …I have written the vision God gave me. I have written a book that proclaims the gospel of Jesus in the language of football. The “tables” you’re holding in your hand spell out what I believe to be God’s spiritual game plan for every person’s life.

    The execute this plan, first heed two pages from God’s playbook:

    An Invitation…Isaiah 1:18
    A Declaration…Philippians 3:7-8

    I have written the vision. I trust and pray you will take it and run!

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  • Viejo Violin – (Spanish)


    Dios usa a Olga poderosamente!!

    Nos gozamos enormemente de ver la transformacion que Cristo ha hecho en ella y en su vida. La amamos mucho!!!

    Es impactante ver y escuchar la manera en que Olga comparte el amor de Cristo en cada emision.

    De verdad, es impresionante ver la intensidad con la que Olga ama y exalta a nuestro bendito Salvador, Cristo Jesus!

    Yo le doy gracias a Dios por su vida.

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  • Viejo Violin – (Spanish)


    Dios usa a Olga poderosamente!!

    Nos gozamos enormemente de ver la transformacion que Cristo ha hecho en ella y en su vida. La amamos mucho!!!

    Es impactante ver y escuchar la manera en que Olga comparte el amor de Cristo en cada emision.

    De verdad, es impresionante ver la intensidad con la que Olga ama y exalta a nuestro bendito Salvador, Cristo Jesus!

    Yo le doy gracias a Dios por su vida.

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  • Its A God Thing


    Readers will be captivated by real life stories-some simple and everyday, while others are miraculous-where the only possible response to how things turned out is: “It’s a God thing.”

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  • Show Me This Man Called Jesus


    This book will kick up a lot of “religious” dust in all of us. It’s what we do when the dust settles and our eyes are opened that will determine where we go from here. It is only when we see Him, that we see our destiny. We must not get offended with the truth. The truth is the only thing that will set us free. The enemy is behind offenses, as he does not want us to reach our destiny. Each one of us has a marvelous, unique destiny marked out by the price Christ paid for it. Hebrews 12:1b puts it simply, “Let us lay aside every weight and sin which does so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.” We would all agree that the church has a message for the world, but would we all agree that the world has a message for the church? They, most assuredly, do. Their cries identify the reason Christ came to earth as a man and became the sacrifice for those cries. For every cry, there is a provision in His sacrifice. Has the church in general disclosed the real Christ and His sacrifice that brings wholeness and purpose for all people; regardless of denomination, race and background? The world is crying out to the church, “Show Me This Man Called Jesus”! This book reveals truths to the world and the church that will awaken “hope” in both. Hope awakened in the church will bring her out of law into grace. Hope awakened in the world will bring the world to Christ!

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  • Thrive


    In Thrive, the newest book by Mark Hall, the lead singer for the popular group Casting Crowns reminds us what it really looks like to walk with Jesus. With powerful and relatable stories, grounded teaching, and great application, Hall helps everyone who wants to take the next step of faith.

    You can do more than just survive your life, you can thrive! Mark Hall explores the two sides of our faith– the roots that help us grow deep and the trunk and branches that are the fruit and working out of all that God does inside us — and gives us steps and inspiration for growth in every area.

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  • Godly Counsel Made Simple


    “The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound;” Isaiah 61:1

    Godly Counsel Made Simple is intended to be a teaching tool on “how to make doing the scripture” very simple; so that you can learn life lessons that God has designed for you to help build godly character for every stage of the Christian life.

    The author uses her real life experiences conveyed through stories that are light, simple, real and highlighted with a sense of humour, and yet very frank. From encountering God through the miraculous healing while on her deathbed, to experiencing His Presence at the family altar; she offers encouragement to every believer to see God perform His word through steadfast faith and simple obedience.

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  • Tale Of True Love



    How many days, months, or even years has your heart been aching and longing for real love? The 100% genuine even on your worst day kind of love? How long have you been longing for someone to see how smart you are, how kind you are, how beautiful you are inside and out? For someone who will love, accept, and treasure all of you with all your quirkiness, idiosyncrasies, and unique personality? For someone who will love all of your voluptuous curves or your sexy slenderness? Someone who will stand by you through thick and thin, sickness and health, poverty or wealth…UNTIL your natural end?! Someone who will encourage you when you are weak and celebrate with you in every victory? If you really want to have this kind of love. If you’re ready to set yourself in the safety of healthy boundaries out of the paths of all of the “relationship pirates,” lurking in the scenes of life waiting to rob and exploit you of your “good treasures.” If you are ready and willing to roll up your sleeves and put in some real work, then you don’t have to be a victim of loneliness, unappreciated, overlooked, unloved and single any longer. Join Sadira on a journey from disappointment and pain to a romantic fairytale love and a solid, loving, life-time relationship. There IS a “yellow brick road” that can lead you right into the arms of your God-given mate. So, let’s get to work, let’s take the RIGHT steps down the RIGHT roads to make you “relationship ready” for your RIGHT mate.

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  • I Live In The Secret Place


    Anne Latouche is a single mother of 2 children. This status was inherited by her due to a marriage that failed after 7 years. Why? God was not in it. The challenges of life after that, lead her to a closer understanding of God and how he works in the lives of individuals who seek to know his unconditional love for us, and he brings the victory that we need to get us through each challenge. Her message to those who read this book is, that no matter what you face when you are challenged, whether single parent or not, when God is at the centre of your world, you can have victory and you can rejoice because He is with you in the valley and He grants you his favour when you keep your focus on him and not on your circumstances. You can live in “the Secret Place”, “His Secret Place”. There you are safe.

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  • Journeys Of Jessica


    From Introduction:
    ….Do you know what a journey is? It is a trip that takes you from one place to another. A journey can be a process of development or movement, or a gradual passing from one situation to another….I am glad you joined us as we go through this series of stories. These stories will allow us to get a better understanding of Jessica as she starts her journey, and is made aware of her natural and spiritual heritages. We will travel with Jessica as she moves forward on the journeys of her life. I hope you enjoy the trip.

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  • To Believe In Love


    Arlene A. LaBoccetta
    Born January 29,1941
    Entered into Eternal Life February 8, 2013
    Jesus said “most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.” ( Jn. 12:24 )

    This book was completed on Mothers Day. Sunday May 12, 2013 about 3 month’s after Mom had went home to be with the Lord. Later that day our first butterfly appeared from it’s chrysalides. Weeks earlier we had purchased caterpillars and a butterfly habitat. The timing couldn’t have been better for this symbol of new life to appear.

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  • Transparent Woman : From Whore To Holy


    It’s difficult for the individual seeking to make sense in a world so filled with sexual language and bombarded with sexual overtures from television to magazine ads. There is no hiding place from the over sex crazed world we live in. But you don’t have to submit and yield to this way. God is ever present even when we ignore his presence. This book serves as an encouragement to first acknowledge our misguided choices and make choices that align with the will of our Father, then to repent and turn away from a lifestyle and behaviors that have limited our walk in the garden of abundant life.

    In serving God and the Kingdom of God I encourage all Gods children to stand up and be counted heirs to the GREATEST ARMY THAT EVER EXISTED, THE ARMY OF GOD! Putting on the full armor and living a life worthy of God’s promises.

    “Who will you serve the god of this world or the eternal GOD, the creator of heaven and earth?”

    In life there is always a choice, whether conscious or unconscious you choose.

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  • Gospel According To The Beauty Shop


    In this book, Janice Lancaster, PHD Professional Hair Designer takes you along the journey of her life. As a young girl from Memphis she engages the reader and takes them through the ups and downs of her growing up. She describes her successes in business and her hilarious failures in weight loss attempts.

    This book will make you laugh, cry and everything in between. The stories within this book will encourage your faith and help your understanding of the Jesus Christ that was so real in her life. During her hairdressing career she trained with Vidal Sassoon and many other giants in the hairstyling field.

    In 2008 she passed away from Pancreatic Cancer and it was her dream to publish this book. She was a devoted wife, mother, grandmother, and friend to many. She was a graduate of Memphis State University, received a degree in Christian Counseling from Jacksonville Theological Seminary. She was a proud leader of a branch of the Red Hats Society. She now resides in heaven with her Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.

    Life for her family has not been easy, but being able to publish this work in her honor brings them great joy. She had titled the last chapter, but did not finish it before her passing. As a tribute to her the final chapter is a collection of reflections and kind words sent in to the family by her family and friends. Please enjoy this book as her family introduce you to an amazing woman of God who we hope will give you a glimpse of the One she loved.

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  • Gods Economy : Gods Miraculous Provision


    There is no lack in God’s economy, and in her book, the author, Alberta Brown Jenkins, talks about the benefits to being a part of God’s family and what it means. She has experienced God’s faithfulness in her life, which has taken her from faith to faith. She will relate God’s promises to the challenges that we are confronted with daily. Her book is designed to bring hope, inspire, encourage, and motivate. She also hopes to serve as a witnessing tool and promote spiritual growth through Bible study, which, she believes, will provide guidance through any crisis.

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  • Cloud Of Unknowing


    Few things are as eternal in this world as man’s quest to better know and understand his Creator. Because the human mind is far too small to fully grasp the Almighty, believers who try to approach Him intellectually often “freeze up,” entering into a “cloud of unknowing.” But God is approachable.

    The Cloud of Unknowing dates back as far as the fourteenth century and has inspired generations of seekers in their efforts to connect with God. Created as a primer to instruct young monks to develop techniques for encountering God, its tone is not academic or austere but rather a loving call for believers to grow closer to God through meditation and prayer.

    If you desire to experience God in your heart, and yourself in God’s heart, The Cloud of Unknowing will be a book to read and reread for a lifetime.

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  • Uphill Battle (DVD)


    Three years after a painful divorce due to her husband’s addiction to pornography and subsequent infidelity, Erica Stratton (Shelby Smith) works as an accountant to provide for her two children. Though she appears independent and strong, she struggles to free herself from the devastating memories of her broken marriage. Firm in her resolve to never trust again, she meets Michael, and begins to question her decision. Torn between her broken past and an unknown future, will Erica find a way to heal?

    From the creators of Stand Strong, Uphill Battle is an inspiring story of hope and faith for those faced with starting over again. Awarded the Dove Foundation’s highest honor of five doves, this powerful film features the original song “She Knows” performed by Katie Dellenbach.

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  • Francis And Clare


    SKU (ISBN): 9781612614540ISBN10: 161261454XJon SweeneyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2014Publisher: Paraclete Press

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  • Theres Reason To Be Encouraged


    Do you ever find yourself discouraged, doubtful, helpless or even hopeless? Paul E. Murrell brings you out of those negative feelings with encouraging stories, short devotions, memorable quips, and wonderful verse. In There’s Reason To Be Encouraged, Paul gives you something to lift your spirits, no matter what kind of difficult situation you find yourself in at the moment. You can read the book in a single sitting, but you will want to go back to some parts of it over and over again. There’s Reason To Be Encouraged has been described as a “hot tub for the soul.” As you read, you will be warmed, invigorated, and renewed.

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  • Living Freedom : Losing A Spiritual 10 Lbs


    “Freedom,” the author proclaims, “is meant to be lived!” As a woman, Alison Wallwork is able to speak directly and intimately to the unique troubles faced by women, and she identifies the core problem: the myriad variations of fear. She also outlines the ready solutions presented in God’s Word. In addition to sharing the story of her own life, she provides inspirational testimonies of other women who are “Living Freedom” by putting the precepts of this book-which are drawn directly from The Book-into practice in their daily lives. Baggage-real or imagined, emotional or psychological-is rooted in the burden of spiritual baggage, and shedding it requires a spiritual solution. Every woman should read this, and every man should give it to a woman he loves-though it wouldn’t hurt him to read it himself first! (138)

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  • Mother Gap : A Daughters Search For Connection


    25 Chapters

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    When a daughter feels disconnected from her mother, her heart hurts. There’s an empty spot, a gap, where love should be. Her heart cries out…Mom, I need you! Aren’t I good enough? Won’t you love me for who I am?

    These unresolved emotions set the course for all the daughter’s relationships. Her need for affirmation affects her friendships, her marriage, her children, and future generations. But there is One who can fill the hole in her heart and cover that gap. Jesus offers the emotional healing that makes connection possible. Especially for daughters wounded by their mothers, He becomes a bridge of forgiveness. This is Jessica’s story, shared with candor and compassion. Despite enduring emotional abuse, she experienced the grace to keep reaching for her mom; grace only God could supply.

    Perhaps you have experienced the Mother Gap, or know someone who has. If so, this story is sure to bring encouragement. Jesus meets our heart’s yearnings for connection. He invites us to be free of resentment and bitterness, envy and strife. Each chapter’s personal application questions prompt reflection, and lead to healthier relationships.

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  • God Is Waiting For You


    I have endured through many painful tears as a young girl and now as an adult, but that did not stop me for the passion I have in my heart. I love writing and hope this gets to you the moment that you need it.

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  • For 35 Years I Ran From God


    PART I – My Life For The Devil
    PART II – My Life For The Lord

    Additional Info
    This book is a testimonial of a person that was on the road to hell with his worldly desires and pleasures until he found Jesus and fell in love with HIM and this changed his life forever…

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  • Through The Fire For His Glory


    When promotion comes, all hell breaks loose! You must remember when you feel like giving up God’s word declares in Isaiah 54:17 “No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me.” When God makes such a declaration it doesn’t mean that we won’t experience persecution and attack, but He does declare that when calamity comes we must stand on his word knowing he has already fought our battle, provided a way of escape and that we are more than conquerors. Nothing shall separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord!

    As you delve into each chapter, and meditate on each scriptural nugget tucked away in designated places, allow the Lord to personally speak to you regarding your own situation.

    Through the Fire, for His Glory reveals hurt, healing, disappointment, and frustration, but Evangelist Faye has persevered with a God-given resiliency that has kept her steadfast in the work of the Lord.

    From chapter 1, “Life Begins,” to the final declaration be prepared for a fresh revelation of what it really means to walk by “faith,” trusting GOD in the process, knowing that he is in control.

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  • On The Threshold Of Hope Workbook


    This workbook is for those who have suffered from sexual abuse and desire healing. It can be used by individuals or in small groups. You will find hope as you walk through these pages.

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  • Walk With Me


    Perhaps you feel your testimony isn’t worth sharing. Think again. In a world filled with megachurch preachers, complicated theologies, and distortions of the good news of Jesus, what can a down-to-earth faith look like?

    “Daddy loved to fish. This particular afternoon found me with him at one of the ponds close to our camp house out in the Walker community just off the Transport Cemetery Road. I was at an age where playing on the sandy bank with a stick was every bit as entertaining as fishing.

    Making a little too much noise resulted in a plea to be quiet, but he still kept fishing. I went on playing. The nearby minnows would dart in the shallows right along with dad’s patience when I would stamp my feet. He asked me to stop, and he kept on fishing.

    Maybe I took it as a challenge. I’m not sure now what was going through my head, but in a glaring display of the restlessness of a child, I had to slap my foot on that bank one more time. As he started toward me I knew I’d gone too far.

    I’d made a number of mistakes that afternoon, what was one more? I ran. Up the hill and away from certain doom I went. Not even halfway up the hill, terror took over when I realized he was right behind me. Like a scene from an educational program where a lion is chasing a baby deer, you knew it was not going to end well, and the narrator was going to be talking about how it was nature’s way. Man, did I feel sorry for that deer…”

    Walk With Me is a collection of stories and observations meant to encourage faith, examine your hope, and even laugh.

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  • Open Doors : No Matter What Your Past Holds God Holds Your Present And Your


    Asif and Leaha have written their story in a he said, she said documentation. And in a day and age when so many he said, she said scenarios end up in divorce court, it is refreshing to read how theirs has led to divine appointments and open doors. Their story celebrates the mystery of how God brings two people together, but it also distills practical insights from the lessons they’ve learned along the way.

    As you read their story, you’ll learn to love Asif and Leaha. Their authenticity and passion is infectious. Readng this book is like a long dinner with old friends you haven’t seen in a long, long time. But instead of hearing about last year’s vacation or where they will be sending their kids to college, you will hear stories about what God has done in their lives. This book is both candid and complex. But with each turn of the page, you’ll learn how to walk through the doors God has opened for you.

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  • From The Margins To The Mainstream


    14 Chapters

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    This book is not for everybody. It was written for a select group of Latino youth with a sense of destiny about their future. If that first sentence caught your attention, then you’re most likely the exact type of person I had in mind when I decided I had a message – a story – you needed to hear.

    A story is a powerful thing. If you think about it, our lives are surrounded by stories every day, everywhere we go…..that’s why I wrote this book – hoping that as I tell my story, it will help guide you and connect you sooner to your calling, purpose, and place in the future of our nation sooner rather than later.

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  • I Am In Here



    I sometimes fear

    That people cannot understand

    That I hear.

    And I know

    That they don’t believe I go

    To every extreme

    To try to express

    My need to talk.

    If only they could walk

    In my shoes

    They would share my news:

    I am in here.

    And trying to speak every day

    In some kind of way.

    Though she cannot speak, Elizabeth Bonker writes poetry that shines a light on the hidden inner world of autism and the world around us. I Am in Here is the spiritual journey of a mother and daughter who refuse to give up hope, who celebrate their victories, and who keep moving forward despite the obstacles. Elizabeth’s poetry and her mother’s stirring storytelling combine in this inspirational book to proclaim that there is always a reason to take the next step–with hope.

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  • Its A God Thing Volume 1


    Some things in life have no earthly explanation. It’s just a God thing.
    Miracles are not reserved for the characters in the Old and New Testaments; they hap-pen to everyday people. Series creator Don Jacobson (When God Makes Lemonade) and K-LOVE Radio Network (12 million listeners) have joined together to produce one of the most remarkable collections of modern day miracles ever compiled.
    From a hunter who survived a horrific accident to a mother woken up to escape an attacker, from a soldier guided to safety through unspeakable horrors to a young back-packer who walked free from a terrorist attack, It’s A God Thing presents some of the most amazing stories of God’s hand on our lives.

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  • Redbird : A Memoir


    Here is a warm and personal tale of a young woman who was nurtured and protected through childhood, struggled into single parenthood, and, understandably, played defense with her life. Then, after the loss of someone very important and the despair that darkened her world, and unseen Hand turned on the lights, her outlook on everything changed and she discovered what some people never find – where and who she is suppose to be. Heidi found her way home and it was a little redbird that marked the trail.

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  • Look To The Cross


    Thomas Lawler is a simple guy, but with a vast imagination. Used by God, to write this collection of christian short stories.

    These short stories in this book are powerful to show God’s love for you and show all that Jesus did for you by dying on the cross.

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  • Thoughts And Prayers Of A World Changer


    We all go through trials and tribulations. Many of us think that we are the only ones going through certain hard times. Others of us just have no outlet when it comes to these hard times. Well for some this book is going to show you that you aren’t alone and for others it will give you a way to put your feelings on paper. This book may also serve as a devotional, an encourager, and sometimes pose a challenge for you to rise to. So whether you need encouragement, to be uplifted, or just challenged in your everyday life this book has something for you.

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  • Finding Grace In The Mirror


    12 Chapters

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    Susan has packed this book full of real life experiences that every woman can relate to. She will teach you that you are God’s masterpiece; created for Him and for your spouse.
    This book is an easy read that you’ll want to go back and re-read and hold on to the insights and wisdom as you do.
    This book is truly inspiring and eye-opening.

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  • Woman Standing In The Midst


    With the dawn of each new day comes the search for renewed strength as countless women choose to stand in the midst. Wrestling with a flood of thoughts and emotions are all part of their daily routine in their endeavor to overcome and prevail. Like Pharaoh’s daughter, they may not know the potential or purpose of the one for whom they must stand. Yet through courage and a strange sense of purpose they embrace whatever risks comes with their choice. Our world today is filled with the results and blessings of the fruits of their labor, which often costs them all. The many lives, families, marriages, homes and ministries that continue to thrive around us can be attributed to their sacrifice and selfless struggle. Many stood because they were left to, others stand because they have to but there are those whom the Lord have called to stand as examples and a source of strength to others in the midst. Their heroism must be complemented with a change of attitude and perception, resulting in a cultural transformation in the Body of Christ the Church. For ” There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus”.

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  • Will I Ever Find Love Again


    51 Chapters

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    When your world falls down around you . . .

    *A friend’s wife just died. Your mind is blank; you do not know what to say to him.

    Your loved one is starving to death; dying from cancer and you cannot do anything to help. You are the chief caregiver, the problem solver, now absolutely helpless.

    You pray, the heavens are silent. Your anger is deep. God is somewhere else; you have been abandoned. When you needed him most, he took a hike.

    Your loved one left this planet and you feel hurt and angry; the dreams you’ve had are forever gone. And your desperate loneliness is just too much to bear.

    *You wonder, is it possible to find new love on the Internet?

    This Stauffer Story will help you or your friend find the way through extreme difficulties. Learn how to look for and discover God’s fingerprints and hear God’s footsteps while seemingly stuck in the darkened valley. Discover how to find light, love and happiness.

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  • Pause For Moms


    The second book in Chris Maxwell’s Pause series, Pause for Moms, invites busy mothers to hit pause, rest a moment and notice the beauty in the now. To pause and hear, notice, see, observe. To be led beside still waters. To rest for a moment-for this moment.

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  • Fenced Off (DVD)


    Josh and Anne just moved into their first house. Jack is a young, idealistic social worker who is ready to be welcomed to the neighborhood. Next door are George and Tia. Retired and ready for a slower life, George is not inclined to give a warm welcome to the new neighbors, much to Tia’s chagrin.

    What starts off as a day of yard work and random to-do’s for Josh turns into a series of misunderstandings and confrontations. Inspired by actual events, Fenced Off explores the reality that loving your neighbor can be complicated.

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  • Strange Brand Of Happy (DVD)


    Rated PG-13
    After losing his job David is pushed by his roommate to hire a life coach named Joyce. A decision aided in part by how pretty David finds this life coach, but also a desire to get unstuck in life. When Joyce invites him to join the volunteer group she takes to a retirement home David discovers his manipulative ex-boss, William, is part of the group and interested in Joyce as well.

    The motley crew of retirees instantly recognize the potential for drama with this love triangle. A wily old man goads the boys to battle for Joyce. As a result, David begrudgingly agrees to go to an open mic night Joyce holds for people to ponder the existence of God. It’s there that a poet says a few things that cause David’s head to tilt and move him a little further down the path of finding himself. The problem is the ungentlemanly competition he’s still in with William. When that turns extreme, David makes a decision that nearly ruins his dual-level progress with Joyce. He’s then forced to turn to the only community he has left, the ragtag band of retirees who point him in the direction of true north.

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  • Coffee With Jesus


    Start your day off right with this collection of Coffee with Jesus, the enormously popular online comic strip that reaches thousands of people every day. Get to know Carl, Lisa, Ann and Joe, and other familiar faces, along with a new friend or two, as they sit down with Jesus. You’ll laugh at the quirks and foibles of contemporary faith on display. You’ll also be encouraged to keep your eyes on Jesus, who authored our faith and is actively perfecting it. Featuring classic strips, exclusive new content and a peek behind the strip into the mind of the artist, Coffee with Jesus is the perfect start to your day.

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  • Razon De Mi Esperanza – (Spanish)


    America’s Evangelist presents his masterwork.

    Who would refuse rescue? This is the question Billy Graham asks throughout this book. The answer is sometimes surprising because there are actually people who refuse to be saved, even if they are in a hopeless situation. Why? Each chapter draws the reader in by posing questions for contemplation using relevant illustrations about what the world thinks in contrast to what the Bible says.

    As Mr. Graham has expressed for decades, his purpose is to engage the reader in considering his or her life in light of the here and now and the hereafter. Who would refuse rescue from a plane crash, a sinking boat, an automobile fire, or an assassin’s bullet? True accounts are given that cause readers to ask what they think and how they would respond to similar experiences and to ultimately bring them to life’s most important question.

    In what could be his final book, Billy Graham presents the core message that has guided his life and calling for more than 70 years. Filled with new stories and timeless truth, Graham once again calls the world back to its spiritual priority as only he can. The book coincides with a massive campaign of the same name by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association that will mobilize millions of people in the United States to invite friends and neighbors into their homes to hear the message of Jesus Christ through customized video and a new message from Mr. Graham.

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  • Siete Hombres – (Spanish)


    En Siete Hombres, Eric Metaxas, uno de los autores mas leidos del New York Times, presenta siete retratos cortos exquisitamente elaborados sobre hombres cristianos ampliamente conocidos -aunque no del todo comprendidos-, cada uno de los cuales demuestra de forma singular su compromiso de vivir, bajo determinadas virtudes, en la verdad del evangelio.

    Escrito en un hermoso y cautivador estilo, 7 Hombres aborda lo que significa (o deberia significar) ser un hombre en la actualidad, en donde los medios y la cultura popular nos muestran imagenes de masculinidad diferentes a las que observamos en las Escrituras y en la vida civil historica. Que significa realmente ser un modelo ejemplar como padre, hermano, esposo, lider, instructor, consejero, agente de cambio y hombre sabio? Que significa ser simbolo de honestidad, coraje y caridad, especialmente cuando la cultura y el mundo van en contra de esos valores?

    Cada una de las siete biografias representa la vida de un hombre que lucho y afronto desafios, haciendose fuerte ante circunstancias que hubieran acabado con la determinacion de cualquier otro hombre. Los siete personajes reseados -George Washington, William Wilberforce, Eric Liddell, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Jackie Robinson, Juan Pablo II y Charles Colson- invitan al lector a seguir un camino y un estilo de vida superior, uno que sea reflejo del evangelio en el mundo que nos rodea.

    In Siete Hombres, New York Times best-selling author Eric Metaxas presents seven exquisitely crafted short portraits of widely known-but not well understood-Christian men, each of whom uniquely showcases a commitment to live by certain virtues in the truth of the gospel.

    Written in a beautiful and engaging style, Siete Hombres addresses what it means (or should mean) to be a man today, at a time when media and popular culture present images of masculinity that are not the picture presented in Scripture and historic civil life. What does it take to be a true exemplar as a father, brother, husband, leader, coach, counselor, change agent, and wise man? What does it mean to stand for honesty, courage, and charity, especially at times when the culture and the world run counter to those values?

    Each of the seven biographies represents the life of a man who experienced the struggles and challenges to be strong in the face of forces and circumstances that would have destroyed the resolve of lesser men. Each of the seven men profiled-George Washington, William Wilberforce, Eric

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  • Lessons Of Love (Revised)


    This book was written in response to a call from the Lord to develop a guide to assist lay people in reading through the Bible. If there are any errors, they are totally mine. I pray you will read these lessons with an open heart to God’s voice through the reading of His word. Along the way, many people provided encouragement and guidance. About 100 people participated in the original Bible study conducted through the mail and Internet. Those participants greatly encouraged me during the process of the intense study and development of the written lessons. Many provided funds for the mailings and prayer for my strength to endure the rigorous one-year process. Above all, my parents, Garner and Jean Baker, provided the most support in love and dedication to my vision for the lessons. Thomas Baker, my son, assisted with some of the typing and drawings. Letha Coleman, my daughter, prayed for me and listened patiently to my complaints and words of exhaustion. My eternal thanks to my family and friends who stayed the course and made this book possible. My husband wrote about 35 of the lessons so that I could attend to family emergencies and the lessons could proceed to the Bible study participants on time. Hopefully, these lessons will be a blessing to you.

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  • Beyond The Possible


    In Beyond the Possible, Reverend Cecil Williams, one of the most well-known and provocative ministers in the United States, reflects on his fifty years creating radical social change as the head of San Francisco’s Memorial Glide Church.

    Williams’ innovations, such as HIV testing during services, have drawn protest from more conservative factions within the Methodist Church, but his work in the community has drawn praise from the likes of Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, and Warren Buffett.

    Written with Glide Church founding pastor Janice Mirikitani, and with a foreword by Dave Eggers, Beyond the Possible is a book of wisdom, providing lessons that Reverend Williams has learned so that readers can learn to embrace their true selves, accept all those around them, and fully live day to day through social change as worship.

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  • Harriet Beecher Stowe


    So you’re the little woman who started this big war, Abraham Lincoln is said to have quipped when he met Harriet Beecher Stowe. Her 1852 novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin converted readers by the thousands to the anti-slavery movement and served notice that slavery’s days were numbered. Overnight Stowe became a celebrity, but to defenders of slavery she was the devil in petticoats.

    Most writing about Stowe treats her as a literary figure and social reformer while underplaying her Christian faith. But Nancy Koester’s biography treats Stowe’s faith as central to her life — both her public fight against slavery and her own struggle through deep personal grief to find a gracious God.

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  • Grace Gold And Glory My Leap Of Faith


    In the 2012 London Olympics, US gymnast Gabrielle Douglas stole hearts and flew high as the All-Around Gold Medal winner, as well as acting as a critical member of the US gold-medal-winning women gymnastics team. In this personal autobiography, Gabrielle tells her story of faith, perseverance, and determination, demonstrating you can reach your dreams if you let yourself soar.

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  • Jesus Feminist : An Invitation To Revisit The Bibles View Of Women


    For centuries, the role of women in the church has been a subdued one, with many limitations. The time has come, argues Sarah Bessey-called an “accidental grassroots voice for postmodern and progressive evangelical women”-to take a new look at Scripture and challenge old assumptions.

    In Jesus Feminist, Bessey shares her spiritual journey, which ranged from growing up in a post-gender-debate home to learning about the worldwide struggles of women and the obstacles even a well-meaning church can pose. Through disarmingly intimate storytelling, she tells how she grew to understand the story of God and the vastness of his work through women. Never one to shy away from the hard questions, Bessey engages critically with Scripture and church practices that are often used against full equality and shares how following Jesus made a feminist out of her.

    Filled with beauty, hard truth, and brave vulnerability, Jesus Feminist urges the church to stop asking “man or woman” as a qualification for ministry and to start helping everyone find freedom in the fullness, hope, glory, and work of Christ.

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