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Showing 1701–1750 of 3305 results

  • Word From Wormingford


    Canterbury Press is proud to have acquired this backlist Ronald Blythe title, consisting of illustrated collections of the author’s regular weekly column on the back page of the Church Times where, with a poet’s eye, he observes the comings and goings of the rural world he sees from his ancient farmhouse in Constable country.

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  • Monastery Without Walls


    Much of today’s fascination with and attraction to the Rule of St Benedict can be attributed to John Main, a Benedictine monk, who first saw that this rule of life for monastic communities could be relevant for Christian living in the secular world.

    He founded a community of lay people who shared his vision and from this small beginning has grown The World Community for Christian Meditation which today is active in numerous countries around the world and has thousands of members and associates. Its work, and its emphasis on meditation, derives directly from the Benedictine focus on prayer and lectio divina or holy reading.

    Right up to the end of his life in 1982, John Main wrote a series of remarkable letters of spiritual direction to WCCM’s growing family. Two collections have previously been published and are now out of print and the complete letters are now published in this single volume. Together they constitute a volume of remarkable spiritual wisdom and insight, as fresh and relevant for today as when they were first written.

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  • Simplified Life : A Contemporary Hermits Experience Of Solitude And Silence


    Today, as increasing numbers of people try to make sense of their lives in the face of unexpected or unlooked for change, this direct and compelling memoir by someone who has voluntarily embraced a life of radical simplicity and solitude is a real message for our times.

    What makes a young, Cambridge educated woman first join a religious order and then, if that were not demanding enough, seek a hermit vocation, literally on the edge of the world with only a simple hut as protection against Atlantic winds and storms? Here the author tells her story.

    For more than forty years Sr Verena lived a solitary life at the tip of the Lleyn Peninsula, looking out across the sea to Bardsey, Wales’ island of saints, and has only recently – with increasing age – moved nearer human habitation in the parish where R S Thomas was priest. For her, this narrow straitened place became a mirror of the whole of creation and the material poverty of her life became a means to ‘having nothing yet possessing all things’ in the words of St Paul.

    Over the decades, countless people have beaten a path to her door seeking spiritual counsel and direction for their own busy lives and her account speaks directly to those who may be facing an enforced simplicity leading them into something profoundly positive and life giving.

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  • View In Winter


    Ronald Blythe followed up his famous Akenfield with this book. In it he allows people from all walks of life to reflect in their own words on what it is like to be old. The result is a fascinating and moving series of confidences which we are privileged to share. Whether philosophical, resigned or despairing of their long years, Ronald Blythe discovers in their talk much that helps us understand the natural but isolating effects of old age. The View in Winter provides us with a gentle, perceptive and profound memoir and a deeper understanding of the pattern of our lives.

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  • Faith Hope Love And Deployment


    Just as Heather Gray and her deployed husband realized, many military couples need more than their own imaginations to keep their marriages flourishing during deployments. This is their answer to that dilemma.

    During her husband David’s last deployment to Afghanistan, Heather and he realized the need for a devotional that would not only draw them closer to the Lord, but also to each other while separated. They envisioned a combination of scripture memorization, stories of hope and struggles, a revitalization of the lost art of letter writing, and practical ideas for keeping connected during deployment. Not finding such a book, they began writing Faith, Hope, Love, & Deployment. Sadly, three months after beginning the project, David was killed in action.

    ”To answer the question of why I’m willing to lay my life on the line for my country. . . .” So began the letter Heather received from her husband on the day of his funeral. The letter was an assignment from Faith, Hope, Love, & Deployment. She knew then the value of the devotional they had been writing for military couples.

    At first Heather didn’t think she could finish it without his input and support. But in the months that followed, she realized that we actually learn and grow the most through our pain and trials. She finished the devotional with the hope it would be as much a blessing for other military couples as it was for her and David.

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  • Circling Year : Perspectives From A Country Parish


    Open the ancient door of an old church, says Ronald Blythe, and framed in the silence is a house of words where everything has been said: centuries of birth, marriage and death words, gossip, poetry, philosophy, rant, eloquence, learning, nonsense, the language of hymn writers and Bible translators – all of it spoken in one place. This work contains words spoken by Ronald Blythe in the churches he serves as a Reader in the Church of England, and as the local writer expected to add his own distinctive voice. Originating as addresses given at Matins or Evensong, they follow various paths into old and new liturgies, literature and the local countryside. They bring together the author’s delight in language, his recollections of farming, his recognition of friends and neighbours, and the hopes he has found in faith.

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  • Worship God And Praise Away The Pounds


    This could be the last book you read about weight loss . . . It’s not a diet book. It’s not another gimmicky program. It IS the true story of one woman’s journey toward greater spiritual health and a healthy weight-a journey you can take! Through personal testimony and scriptural teaching, you will learn:
    * Why you struggle with eating and with weight
    * How to make lifestyle changes
    * How to put God first and let the Holy Spirit lead you on this journey
    * and much more!

    Inspirational and practical, this book can be the incentive and direction you need to “Worship God! And Praise Away the Pounds!”

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  • Lord The One You Love Is Sick


    A real love story, a tragic disease, a ripping loss, a faithful God. It’s all here, candidly and openly. You will be encouraged and challenged as you read.

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  • Ex Muslim : How One Daring Prayer To Jesus Changed A Life Forever


    Jesus revealed himself to a young, brash, Pakistani Muslim. But he didn’t just reveal himself; he turned Naeem Fazal’s world upside down. Moving from Kuwait to Charleston, South Carolina, had been an adventure. Surrendering his life to Jesus Christ was actual treason. And yet, Jesus brought Fazal the most powerful peace he had ever experienced: “It filled the room. It grew roots in my heart and in my soul. It intoxicated me.” In this riveting memoir, Fazal describes how God used extraordinary means to bring a young, underachieving, Muslim immigrant through Desert Storm, across the oceans, into college, and ultimately to pastor a Christian church in North Carolina. He demonstrates that no character flaw, no distance, no cultural chasm is too great for Jesus to reach across. Fazal is candid about his shortcomings, practical about the challenges of cross-cultural engagement, and ultimately inspiring that God is capable of far more than we have grown to expect. He says, “Jesus consistently, stubbornly refuses to limit himself to my expectations. Which makes getting to know him an unfolding adventure of epic proportions.” Whether you are a Muslim, Christian, or neither, Ex-Muslim makes a compelling case that life with Jesus Christ is a true adventure.

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  • Sharing Christ With The Dying


    Reach the Terminally Ill With the Good News

    Melody Rossi saw God work in the hearts of three close family members who died within a span of twenty-eight months. When she had nearly given up hope that they might believe, she was amazed to find their hearts softened to the gospel message.

    Melody learned that illness has a way of making a person hungry for the truth about spiritual matters. If your unsaved friend or family member is facing death, this encouraging book can help you share Christ in loving, natural ways. She shows how to:
    *Serve in ways that speak louder than words
    *Respond to signs of spiritual openness
    *Discuss matters of eternal importance
    *Cope with the ups and downs of this difficult time

    Filled with hope, joy, and practical wisdom, Sharing Christ With The Dying will lovingly prepare you to talk to family and friends about Jesus.

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  • Almost Out Of Grace


    Have you ever felt that you let God down in the way you handled your dating or marriage relationship? How about that deja vu feeling that you’ve had the same bad experience before-yet you can’t help repeating behavior you know doesn’t work. Emotions related to our relationships are constantly shifting from highs to lows. Sometimes, even when we know we are not in the right relationship, we still try to convince ourselves or our partner otherwise. Living in that kind of denial can lead us away from God, Christian friends, family, and the church. Does this describe you? And if so, do you ever wonder whether all your rationalizations and poor choices have exceeded the limits of God’s patience? Do you feel that you are Almost Out of Grace? If so, this book is for you.

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  • Arne Bryan : Pioneer Of Prayer Canada


    Arne Bryan, pioneer of Prayer Canada, simply obeyed the call of God to raise up Christian prayer for Canada’s leaders at all levels of government. He did it in his own way-just being the man that God made him. Watch how God moulded him through both historic and personal challenges. Catch his infectious faith as you read how he inspired hundreds of faithful prayer warriors to maintain a constant prayer watch for the men and women in parliaments and councils across this country.
    Arne Bryan had already lived a good lifespan when the call of God came to him. Why him? Why then? And how did he overcome the impossibilities of the huge job the Lord wanted him to do?

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  • Beautiful On The Mountain


    If you enjoyed the classic novel Christy and the bestselling Mitford series, then you’ll love Beautiful on the Mountain, a real-life tale about serving God in unlikely circumstances. In 1977, Jeannie Light left her fine plantation home amid heartbreak and came to Graves Mill, a tiny hamlet in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Alone in an utterly new kind of life, Jeannie was determined to find the courage to make a fresh start.

    To Jeannie’s surprise, she found herself called upon by her new neighbors to open the old, deteriorated country church, a place that had once united the fractured community of mountain folk. With no training, and no small amount of trepidation, she undertook the task. And as she embarked on an unforeseen series of adventures, from heartbreaking to hilarious, Jeannie would learn more than she ever expected about faith, loving your neighbor, and doing the work that God sets in front of you. Because sometimes, God calls us to go where there is no path . . . and leave a trail.

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  • Red Sea Rules


    Just as Moses and the Israelites found themselves caught between “the devil and the deep Red Sea,” so are we sometimes overwhelmed by life’s problems. But God delivered the Israelites, and He will deliver us too. The Red Sea Rules reveals, even in the midst of seemingly impossible situations, God’s promise to make a way for us. His loving guidance will protect us through danger, illness, marital strife, financial problems–whatever challenges Satan places in our path. Using the Israelites’ story as an example, Robert Morgan offers ten sound strategies for moving from fear to faith. Among them:
    Realize that God means for you to be where you are. Acknowledge your enemy, but keep your eyes on the Lord. Pray. Life is hard. It is certain that we will face difficulties, and that God will allow them, as He allowed the Israelites to become trapped between Pharaoh’s rushing armies and the uncrossable Red Sea. But just as certain is the fact that the same God who led us in will lead us out. As The Red Sea Rules makes clear, He is in control. Updated edition with new study questions accompanying each chapter.

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  • Instinct : The Power To Unleash Your Inborn Drive (Large Type)


    Modern life can seem like being lost in a jungle. With distractions and dangers emerging from every direction, it’s easy to lose focus. Over time, we lose touch with one of our most powerful, purposeful, God-given attributes–the desire to be fruitful and multiply, what Bishop T. D. Jakes calls our “instinct for increase.” Combining historical, cultural, and personal examples with biblical insights, in INSTINCT Bishop Jakes outlines how to re-discover your natural aptitudes and re-claim the wisdom of your past experiences. When attuned to divinely inspired instincts, you will become in sync with the opportunities life presents and discover a fresh abundance of resources. Knowing when to close a deal, when to take a risk, and when to listen to your heart will become possible when you’re in touch with the instincts that God gave you. Bishop T.D. Jakes–iconic preacher, bestselling author, and entrepreneur–has inspired millions of people around the world. Here he writes from the peak of his personal power about how to experience the satisfaction of a life well lived. If you long to conquer the jungles of life, INSTINCT offers the personal and professional tools needed to navigate your course successfully and according to God’s design.

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  • Secret Flower : And Other Stories


    It won t take you long to see why Jane Tyson Clement s short stories have become perennial favorites for adults and children alike. Written with a measured beauty that recalls Tolstoy and Tolkien, these tales are rich in allegorical symbolism and evocation of mood. They are infused throughout with the thrill of expectancy, a sense that something new is on the way, and a certainty that God is seeking us, just as we seek him. In an age where cleverness often counts more than substance, Clement s stories offer a break from all the noise.”

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  • Now Is Eternity


    Bad days are one thing everyone has them now and then. But what about the darker clouds that settle over a life for weeks or even months at a time? What about separation and divorce, prolonged illness and hospitalization? What about the loss of a friend or a parent, the absence of a child or a spouse?

    For the friend or family member who just isn t coping, no matter what you say, the sturdy simplicity of this little volume offers something most well-meaning sympathy cards forget: a gentle insistence that there is still a God who watches over all, and a stubborn faith that the worst trials of life s difficult hours will one day be overshadowed by his comfort and peace.
    In reminding us of the power conferred by hope, “Now Is Eternity” is a source of daily strength.”

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  • Life 101 : A New Visionary Understanding Of Christian Fulfilment


    Dr. Ngonde Ajah Thomas is an ingenious physician who by the grace of God has unlocked the treasure-chest inherent in the teachings of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and is using this to impact his generation. Through his private and public interactions; he untiringly brings out the best in others, helping them to live life more effectively and to experience unmatched fulfillment in their careers, relationships, educational pursuits and marriages. His inspirational counsel, acute wisdom, and giving spirit have remedied the marital homes of some, transformed the lives of others and restored others on the true paths of their purpose. Life 101: a New Visionary Understanding of Christian Fulfilment is Dr.Ajah’s seminal work. This book offers you a well-spring of biblically-based motivational tips on achieving your life goals and leading a fulfilled life. It would lift your faith, shape your attitude and unleash your potentials to the maximum.

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  • Life Lines : Poems Of Faith And Hope


    Dr. Atwater is married to Dr. Beverly Roberts-Atwater a medical doctor and a licensed psychologist. They met at Michigan State University, and the poem “Boundless Love” describes their commitment to each other. It is to Beverly that this book is dedicated. Dr. Atwater gives God the glory and praise for all of the many blessings in his life. And, he hopes that this book will be a blessing to you.

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  • Life Lines : Poems Of Faith And Hope


    Dr. Atwater is married to Dr. Beverly Roberts-Atwater a medical doctor and a licensed psychologist. They met at Michigan State University, and the poem “Boundless Love” describes their commitment to each other. It is to Beverly that this book is dedicated. Dr. Atwater gives God the glory and praise for all of the many blessings in his life. And, he hopes that this book will be a blessing to you.

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  • He Leadeth Me


    Captured by a Russian army during World War II and convicted of being a “Vatican spy,” Jesuit Father Walter J. Ciszek spent 23 agonizing years in Soviet prisons and the labor camps of Siberia. Only through an utter reliance on God’s will did he manage to endure the extreme hardship. He tells of the courage he found in prayer–a courage that eased the loneliness, the pain, the frustration, the anguish, the fears, the despair. For, as Ciszek relates, the solace of spiritual contemplation gave him an inner serenity upon which he was able to draw amidst the “arrogance of evil” that surrounded him. Ciszek learns to accept the inhuman work in the infamous Siberian salt mines as a labor pleasing to God. And through that experice, he was able to turn the adverse forces of circumstance into a source of positive value and a means of drawing closer to the compassionate and never-forsaking Divine Spirit.

    He Leadeth Me is a book to inspire all Christians to greater faith and trust in God–even in their darkest hour. As the author asks, “What can ultimately trouble the soul that accepts every moment of every day as a gift from the hands of God and strives always to do his will?”

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  • Ask Bethany Updated Edition (Revised)


    From Bethany Hamilton’s fan letters come these honest, sometimes gut-wrenching questions—probably questions you’ve asked. Verses from the Bible add inspiration to Bethany’s sincere answers, and you’ll get to know her heart as you surf this personal book.

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  • Stories I Never Told You


    The story of John Rozema’s life begins in the tropical paradise of the Netherlands East Indies (now Indonesia). From the Netherlands, to the United States, and to many places around the world, we follow John as he shares with us his amazing life. We feel the pain, agony, and hardships he endured at the hands of an abusive stepfather; understand the almost-impenetrable fortifications he built around his heart; watch him masquerade behind a thousand masks as he searches for love in all the wrong places; and struggle with him on his subsequent quest for truth. After John’s miraculous encounter with the living God one cold November night in 1977, we journey with him as the Lord takes John to many mountain top experiences, but also through deep, dark valleys he could never imagine. More than a memoir just for his children and friends, The Stories I Never Told You is a gripping true-life account of the life of a man God reached out to save. It’s a story that could be our own.

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  • Pearls From Heaven


    Does your day need inspiration? In today’s busy world, so few of us take the time to seek the presence of our Father and Creator. This book was written to make it easier to connect each day with our Lord. It is comprised of old and new Christian writers who have sought out the Lord for answers to questions that we all have in our hearts. They have gained the wisdom and knowledge that only can be achieved by spending time with our Lord. They have included Christ in their daily lives and through their writings, they have shared their glorious experiences that you also can have as you draw near to Him. Each day, as you open this book and your heart to Him, you will be able to find some pearl of wisdom, a comforting word, scripture, and a new revelation which will empower you to walk the walk with our Lord. We have lost the art of walking each day with God; this book will help you to include Him in your daily life. It will leave you with that special feeling of closeness, which helps us to know we are never alone. Read it daily. May God bless each word you read and may it become a Pearl from Heaven, and may the world see the beauty of God’s graces through you as each pearl is placed in your heart.

    The one thing needed above all today is that we shall go apart with our Lord; sit at His feet in sacred privacy of His blessed presence. Oh, for the lost art of meditation. -Streams in the Desert

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  • Jewels Found Along The Path Of Life


    If you have ever wondered what it is truly like to become a real Christian and have an actual relationship with the living God and Creator of Heaven and Earth, then Jewels Found along the Path of Life is for you.

    Jewels Found along the Path of Life is the remarkable story of one man’s journey that began when he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior, was born again spiritually, and began a new walk in faith. It illustrates what it is like to get to know God personally, serve Him, and be used by Him, as it lists many of the encounters with God he experienced over the first twenty-five years of his saved life. Come along and walk the path of life with this man and share in the exciting journey, the many blessings experienced, the supernatural provision and protection found, and the numerous miraculous events that occurred as he continued to move forward in God’s plan for his life. See what it is like to walk on the path of life where one finds renewed hope, purpose, and fulfillment in their life-a path where perfect love casts out all fear, and the peace that passes understanding fills one’s heart even in the midst of fiery trials and great trouble. Join with this man as he learns about the unconditional love of God, His faithfulness, His goodness, His grace, and His immeasurable mercy. It is a journey that will change your life.

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  • Jewels Found Along The Path Of Life


    If you have ever wondered what it is truly like to become a real Christian and have an actual relationship with the living God and Creator of Heaven and Earth, then Jewels Found along the Path of Life is for you.

    Jewels Found along the Path of Life is the remarkable story of one man’s journey that began when he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior, was born again spiritually, and began a new walk in faith. It illustrates what it is like to get to know God personally, serve Him, and be used by Him, as it lists many of the encounters with God he experienced over the first twenty-five years of his saved life. Come along and walk the path of life with this man and share in the exciting journey, the many blessings experienced, the supernatural provision and protection found, and the numerous miraculous events that occurred as he continued to move forward in God’s plan for his life. See what it is like to walk on the path of life where one finds renewed hope, purpose, and fulfillment in their life-a path where perfect love casts out all fear, and the peace that passes understanding fills one’s heart even in the midst of fiery trials and great trouble. Join with this man as he learns about the unconditional love of God, His faithfulness, His goodness, His grace, and His immeasurable mercy. It is a journey that will change your life.

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  • Sacred Spaces : Stations On A Celtic Way (Revised)


    A beautifully written, evocative exploration of the Celtic concept of ‘sacred space’

    There are many books that explore actual, physical, sacred space and pilgrimage sites. This is a different kind of book. It introduces seven traditional ‘sacred spaces’ but then leads readers into a deeper reflection on what such ‘sacred space’ means in our own lives and experience. The various sacred spaces explored are: the Celtic Cross; the infinite knot; hilltops; wells and springs; causeways and bridges; thresholds and burial grounds; and boundaries. In each chapter, the author introduces a ‘sacred space’ as the main theme and then illustrates this by associating it with a particular stage of life and a particular sacramental experience. The ideas are then brought together by means of a scripture story.

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  • Jesus Calling : Enjoying Peace In His Presence (Deluxe)


    Experience peace in the presence of the Savior who is closer than you can imagine.

    In this bestselling devotional, readers will receive words of hope, encouragement, comfort, and reassurance of Jesus’ unending love. The devotions are written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to each reader. Each entry is accompanied by Scripture for further reflection and meditation.

    This edition is sure to be a favorite in the popular Jesus Calling line. The fashionable teal color in deluxe leathersoft format has feminine floral touches, giving a gorgeous, elegant feel that will appeal to women to purchase for themselves or for all their friends.

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  • I Saw Heaven


    Have you ever wondered what lies beyond the stars when you look up at the sky? Most of us are very familiar with the solar system. In addition to planets, the Solar System is made up of moons, asteroids, comets, much smaller planets, dust and gas. Everything in the Solar System revolves around the sun. However, what lies beyond what we can see with our human technology? Did our Creator just stop creating in the darkness of outer space? What about this place called heaven? Is this a real place or just a fabrication for those who desperately need to know there is something wonderful to look forward to, after this life? On Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2009, the Lord opened my eyes to see something so extraordinary. He gave me a glimpse of heaven. It wasn’t until now that I felt it was time to put this in writing as an inspiration to all those who wonder, “Is there an afterlife, and if so, what is it like?” In the book I Saw Heaven, A glimpse into Eternity, you will take a journey with me to a place that is so far beyond what any of us could fathom. Up until this experience, my own view of heaven was largely based on the Bible, and little bits of information I have heard over the years. On that day, however, my view of heaven came alive like a 3D panoramic movie; but it wasn’t a movie; what I saw was real! After this heavenly experience, my life will never be the same, and I live to encourage others to receive Christ as their Savior, and to let them know that what awaits them when they die is a paradise that is unlike anything they could possibly imagine!

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  • Lady Thing


    A Lady Thing is a book series designed to encourage, inspire and transform the lives of young ladies around the world. It is a unique style of writing that focuses on reaching in depth to the hearts and mind of young ladies, drawing their attention to the SOUL purpose of their existence. The Lady Thing was written to create a safe ground where young ladies can relate and feel a connection as they read; bringing them to the realization that there is something FAR MORE GREATER within. It is about setting the pace to greatness, purpose and a destiny of hope…

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  • Im Blind Whats Your Excuse


    In my senior year of high school, my plan for the future was to be a chicken farmer in Arizona. Little did I know that God had a very different plan for my life. Over time, I have come to believe that God orders our steps, through tragedy and triumph, to serve Him as he sees fit.”

    Life can throw many unexpected curve balls our way which affect our outlook on our ability to serve God. God doesn’t want us to just survive our personal tragedies, He wants us to thrive under His personal care and direction.

    Ron Lester had the odds stacked against him. From a very young age he found himself working to help his family survive some very lean times. Because of dyslexia, he had a difficult time learning in school. Later, he found out the reason some things were so difficult for him was that he was gradually going blind. Despite all the obstacles in the way, Ron was able to surrender to God’s plans for his life. He went from a farm boy who could barely read to a full-time pastor, eventually earning his doctorate.

    This is the story of how God directed Ron’s steps through many difficult circumstances, showing that the impossible is possible with God’s provision and power in our lives.

    Dr. Lester is a true inspiration to anyone that feel they cannot do what God has called them to do just because they have some kind of disability. God will make a way, as long as they are willing. Dr. Lester is an Associate Pastor in Tucson, AZ. He and his wife, Betty, have 2 boys and 8 grandchildren.

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  • Healed Healthy And Whole


    Healed, Healthy and Whole. How We Beat Cancer with Integrative Therapies and Essential Healing Strategies is a gripping true story of a California couple who overcome devastating odds in a race against time to find healing for the husband’s deadly form of bladder cancer. This exceptional page turner is a journey of discovery full of faith and hope that leads to the world of integrative therapies and natural healing. Packed with resources, lessons and recommendations, the book is a must-read for anyone fighting cancer and other chronic conditions.

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  • Come Up Here The Door Is Open


    If you knew heaven’s door was opened wide for you to get a glimpse of heaven while on Earth, would you be willing to take a look? Catherine E. Wright was, and it changed her life for eternity. Come Up Here…the Door Is Open unveils Catherine’s numerous supernatural experiences with the heavenly realms of visions and angels, and explains why they resulted when she accepted Jesus’ invitation to enjoy a deeper spiritual life through worship. Scriptural foundations for her encounters, such as Acts 2:16-21, are provided, as are principles for accessing the heavenly realm. Come Up Here…the Door Is Open is a compelling spiritual memoir of the author’s spiritual life during periods of triumph, happiness, and sorrow. In it you’ll see how her own personal angelic visions and encounters with Jesus unshakably deepened her love for Him.

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  • Kisses Of Love


    “Two souls with but a single thought,
    Two hearts that beat as one.””
    Von Munch Bellinghausen
    This book is from me to you —
    a special kiss to say that you are my true love.
    I am so glad that we are together!

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  • 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens


    With more than five million copies in print all around the world, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens is the ultimate teenage success guide-now updated for the digital age.

    Imagine you had a roadmap-a step-by-step guide to help you get from where you are now, to where you want to be in the future. Your goals, your dreams, your plans…they are all within reach. You just need the tools to help you get there.

    That’s what Sean Covey’s landmark book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, has been to millions of teens: a handbook to self-esteem and success. Now updated for the digital age, this classic book applies the timeless principles of the 7 Habits to the tough issues and life-changing decisions teens face. In an entertaining style, Covey provides a simple approach to help teens improve self-image, build friendships, resist peer pressure, achieve their goals, and get along with their parents, as well as tackle the new challenges of our time, like cyberbullying and social media. In addition, this book is stuffed with cartoons, clever ideas, great quotes, and incredible stories about real teens from all over the world.

    An indispensable book for teens, as well as parents, teachers, counselors, or any adult who works with teens, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens has become the last word on surviving and thriving as a teen and beyond.

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  • Love Skip Jump


    Every significant event in the Bible happened because someone said yes to God. Start living the adventure of yes today! Shelene Bryan had it all-a wonderful husband, two great kids, a rewarding job, a dream home, and more. Then a friend saw the pictures on the refrigerator door of the two African kids Shelene’s family sponsors and she asked, “How do you know those kids are real?”

    That question changed Shelene’s life forever. In Love, Skip, Jump, Shelene shares how she loved being safe and comfortable. She had no desire to leave the USA. But she couldn’t shake the question and soon after was on a plane to Africa. She said yes to God, and not only met the kids her family sponsors but opened herself up to the journey God had been preparing for her, including founding, a charity that provides food and clean water to children around the world. “There’s only one thing we need to get right: to know and follow hard after Christ,” Shelene says. “When you’re uncomfortable, you need God in a whole new way. His quiet voice can finally be heard.” Some of the most amazing things God wants to do in our lives involve allowing him to take us on uncomfortable journeys. God is at work all around us. We don’t need to leave the country to see that. We just need to open our eyes. Comfort and safety are the biggest life-obstructing conditions of our current generation. What is holding you back from jumping in with your Creator? Don’t miss out on the incredible adventure God has for you. Say yes to God-love, skip, and jump your way to his plans for you!

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  • Common Sense Of An Uncommon Man


    SKU (ISBN): 9780718020439ISBN10: 071802043XJim Denney | Michael ReaganBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2014Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • Letter For Joe (DVD)


    A fun, modern day retelling of the story of Joseph
    Joe Roberts (Evan Schwalb) idolizes his older brother, Denny (Neil Schwalb), and Denny’s college friends. But to the guys, Joe is a pesky nuisance whose Christian faith makes him strange, so Denny devises an elaborate prank to write a fake letter and send Joe on a wild goose chase to strike up a friendship with the richest man in America, the reclusive billionaire Howard Hughes (Jeff Wise).

    Grateful for the opportunity, Joe spends all his savings on a flight to meet Mr. Hughes, armed with the phony letter and God’s promises that all things work together for good. However, what started as a practical joke turns serious as each man puts God’s forgiveness to the test. Set in small-town Florida and the freewheeling Las Vegas of the 1970s, this modern retelling of the biblical story of Joseph also features Gena Burghoff as Jodi Curtis and the original song “Finally” performed by Nick Hildyard.

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  • Drucker And Me


    Bob Buford tells the compelling story of an unlikely, 23-year friendship between the Austrian-born ‘father of modern management’ who loves Japanese art, and a wealthy Texas cable TV operator and ardent Dallas Cowboys fan. Under-the-radar they organize meetings with an elite list of leaders to revolutionize the world of non-profit organizations.

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  • Segundas Oportunidades – (Spanish)


    Nosotros los humanos somos propensos al fracaso. Somos expertos en enredar, revolver y estropear nuestras vidas. Quien de nosotros no ha mirado hacia arriba desde el fondo de un hoyo y se ha dado cuenta de que lo ha cavado por si mismo? Quien no ha caido tan hondo y ha echado a perder las cosas de tal manera que ha llegado a pensar que no habia esperanza? Es en estos momentos de desaliento cuando anhelamos un recordatorio de que hay esperanza para los quebrantados.

    Ningun recordatorio es tan conmovedor como una historia que hable de segundas oportunidades. Una historia de gracia en accion. A cuantos no les servirian mas historias como estas?

    Segundas oportunidades llega al mercado en el momento oportuno para las ofertas de Pascua y es el complemento ideal de GRACIA: Mas que lo merecido, mucho mas que lo imaginado. Esta lleno de relatos biblicos, contemporaneos y de ficcion extraidos de las obras publicadas de Max Lucado, donde se observa la gracia de Dios en accion, e incluye historias sobre nuevas oportunidades para aquellas personas propensas al fracaso, llenas de rebeldia, orgullo y otras condiciones. Desde Pedro hasta el rey David, pasando por una hija prodiga, estas historias les recordaran a los lectores la magnitud del evangelio sobre segundas oportunidades.

    We humans are prone to failure. We’re experts at muddying, mixing, and messing up our lives. Who among us hasn’t looked up from the bottom of a pit and realized he dug it himself? Who hasn’t fallen so far, messed up so badly that she thought there was no hope? And it’s at these low points that we crave reminders that there’s hope for the broken.

    No reminder is quite as poignant as a story of second chances. A story of grace in action. Who couldn’t use more stories of grace like this?

    Second Chances releases just in time for Easter promotions and is an ideal companion to GRACE: More Than We Deserve, Greater Than We Imagine. Filled with biblical, contemporary, and imaginative accounts of God’s grace in action pulled from Max’s previously published works, Second Chances includes tales of second chances for the rebellious, prideful, failure-prone, and more. From Peter to King David to a prodigal daughter, these stories will remind readers of the magnitude of the gospel of second chances.

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  • Surprised By Motherhood


    SKU (ISBN): 9781414387857ISBN10: 1414387857Lisa-Jo BakerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2014Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

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  • Living Life Undaunted


    Here are 365 thought-provoking devotions culled from the spiritually challenging words of acclaimed speaker and advocate Christine Caine. Including an introduction by the author, these short selections offer daily wisdom, inspiration, and companionship. These daily readings that encourage readers to do what God calls them to do are compiled from Undaunted and other inspirational writings from Christine Caine.

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  • Ways We Choose


    Rising above extreme adversity was the common response from those who were served in North Vietnamese prisoner-of-war camps. Dave Carey, a truly motivational individual, describes in heartbreaking detail his experience and, much more importantly, the lessons he learned from that experience and has applied in his life. His is a story of courage and honor and recommended to anyone who seeks to find the positive that can come from the worst of times.

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  • Do You See What Im Saying


    In Do You See What I’m Saying?, Dr. Claude asserts that we have the ability to ensure more successful journeys by following the “road map” laid out by the Holy Spirit. Given that God is in ultimate control of our lives, He has shown favor by giving us the ability to steer ourselves directly into the path of success. This book examines the “eight mental laws we must all understand,” laws which all refer back to seeing (imagining), speaking (confessing), and believing (faith). And that can be summarized even more succinctly: “If you want something different, you must do something different.” Practical and wildly encouraging, Dr. Claude points out the futility of passive, sideline faith and reinforces the message of faith in action, declaring the spiritual progression: “conceive, believe, confess, and receive.”

    Without faith in what you cannot see, it will be impossible to walk in your calling or make the right moves. These chess-like maneuvers can be classified as “destiny decisions,” which are best made when you lay aside your will and desires and concentrate on the will of God.

    Drawing from Scripture, the habits of highly effective people, scientific research, and notable “godly movers and shakers,” Dr. Claude also asserts that despite our desire for a smooth life journey free of obstacles, overcoming challenges is essential for growth in Christ. His analyses of pertinent Scriptures are clear, insightful, and comprehensive. Do You See What I’m Saying? is filled with godly advice that can be applied right now.

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  • Brothers In Healing


    In this book, Jeff is sharing from some of his own adversities in hopes that you will see through scripture how God’s grace and mercy helped people in the Bible, helped in Jeff’s life and how God’s grace and mercy is sufficient to help you today no matter where you are in life.

    The hope is that by the time you are done reading this book, you will start to see how the Lord’s grace, mercy and love is what will help you through your situation no matter how small or big you think it is. No matter how bad we think it is, it doesn’t matter to Him. He has already paid the ultimate sacrifice and still wants you to come to Him, just as you are, so He can help and show you the way through it.

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  • Living While Dying


    On the day Donna Tarrant was diagnosed with breast cancer, December 17, 2002, she was standing at the kitchen counter slicing ham for the twenty-five or so guests that were due to arrive for a luncheon any minute. The phone call left her speechless. The doctor told her to buy green bananas; she would be alive to eat them! Any other time, she would have laughed out loud. Now, she was going to die.
    After half a night of research, she knew exactly what she was going to do. After the doctor’s appointment, she was determined. She would have a mastectomy and tram flap reconstruction, all on the same day. She did not intend to have chemotherapy or radiation. This is when God stepped in and made her realize that she was in control of nothing, except her dependence and faith in Him. She learned very quickly that He is in control and He does have a plan.
    She could make bold statements about what she was not going to do, but the truth of the matter was that she had to hand it all over to Jesus, her Lord and Savior. Finally, she received the peace that was missing. She could not attain that peace without giving it all to Jesus.
    After surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, she began anew to live her life-one of extreme appreciation for the gift that she had been given. Life was so much more precious now and she lived it fully. Then, the unthinkable happened.

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  • Living While Dying


    On the day Donna Tarrant was diagnosed with breast cancer, December 17, 2002, she was standing at the kitchen counter slicing ham for the twenty-five or so guests that were due to arrive for a luncheon any minute. The phone call left her speechless. The doctor told her to buy green bananas; she would be alive to eat them! Any other time, she would have laughed out loud. Now, she was going to die.
    After half a night of research, she knew exactly what she was going to do. After the doctor’s appointment, she was determined. She would have a mastectomy and tram flap reconstruction, all on the same day. She did not intend to have chemotherapy or radiation. This is when God stepped in and made her realize that she was in control of nothing, except her dependence and faith in Him. She learned very quickly that He is in control and He does have a plan.
    She could make bold statements about what she was not going to do, but the truth of the matter was that she had to hand it all over to Jesus, her Lord and Savior. Finally, she received the peace that was missing. She could not attain that peace without giving it all to Jesus.
    After surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, she began anew to live her life-one of extreme appreciation for the gift that she had been given. Life was so much more precious now and she lived it fully. Then, the unthinkable happened.

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  • Caught Up


    Caught Up is an inspirational story. Many times in life we make mistakes and feel unworthy of God’s love. This book introduces us to a patient God who never gives up on us and sends special people into our lives to show us the way. Just as Beaux comes to see, we should also understand that it is not too late to give our lives to the Lord.

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  • Love Nature Faith And Cowboys


    Love. Nature. Faith. Cowboys. Subjects of inspiration and wonder. Much could be said on any one of them: how they make us feel, how they change our perceptions of our world and of ourselves, how they fill us with hopes and dreams, and how our world is better for us having experienced them. Yes, even the cowboys.

    Normally, an author would focus on a single topic, in the hopes of conveying a message. But, in love, nature, faith…and cowboys, Stephen M. Nichols shares four themes which, though disparate, lend themselves to his unique brand of poetry. Together, they share some common elements of interest and involvement to which most readers can relate.

    You are invited to peruse the poetic thoughts and musing of Stephen M Nichols. May you be inspired, reminded of wonder, provoked to thought, and be moved by the emotions contained within his words.

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  • Divine Hope : Gods Promises For Your Future


    The divine hope is a book for every Christian and non- Christian. It explores what hope in God can do, it encourages us to confidently hope for the promised future and to live above discouragement.

    If you have ever been discouraged in life, I encourage you “Don’t quit yet”, there is hope for you. God has a perfect plan for you. In Jeremiah 29:11, the bible says:
    For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. This book gives practical steps into how to overcome hopelessness and also encourages us to have hope in every situation.

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