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Showing 1351–1400 of 3305 results

  • Think Better Live Better


    Your mind has incredible power over your success or failure. THINK BETTER LIVE BETTER offers a simple yet life-changing strategy for erasing the thoughts that keep you down and reprogramming your mind with positive thinking to reach a new level of victory. As a child of the Most High God, you are equipped to handle anything that comes your way. To claim your destiny, start thinking about yourself the way God does and delete the thoughts that tear down your confidence. When you train yourself to tune out the negativity and tune into your calling, you’ll begin to live the wonderful plans God has made for you.

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  • Worship Changes Everything


    What Does Worship Look Like the Other Six Days of the Week?
    With wisdom and joy, Darlene Zschech shares her thoughts on what worship truly is and what it looks like in real life–during your weekday commute, when the laundry’s piling up, even while you’re out for coffee with a friend. In Worship Changes Everything, you’ll discover how to let praise and wonder invade every facet of your being and experience God in every moment of life. Get ready to be transformed by the purpose and freedom that come from living a life of worship. Now in paper.

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  • God And Churchill


    When Winston Churchill was a boy of sixteen, he already had a vision for his purpose in life. “This country will be subjected somehow to a tremendous invasion . . . I shall be in command of the defences of London . . . it will fall to me to save the Capital, to save the Empire.

    “It was a most unlikely prediction. Perceived as a failure for much of his life, Churchill was the last person anyone would have expected to rise to national prominence as prime minister and influence the fate of the world during World War II. But Churchill persevered, on a mission to achieve his purpose. God and Churchill tells the remarkable story of how one man, armed with belief in his divine destiny, embarked on a course to save Christian civilization when Adolf Hitler and the forces of evil stood opposed. It traces the personal, political, and spiritual path of one of history’s greatest leaders and offers hope for our own violent and troubled times.

    More than a spiritual biography, God and Churchill is also a deeply personal quest. Written by Jonathan Sandys (Churchill’s great-grandson) and former White House staffer Wallace Henley, God and Churchill explores Sandys’ intense search to discover his great-grandfather-and how it changed his own destiny forever.

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  • Raw And Reverent


    Following Jesus’ practice of prayer, may you experience afresh God’s power, presence, and relationship from this amazing discipline of communication with our awe-inspiring God.

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  • Sea Changed


    A moving story of one woman’s search for God, truth and fulfilment which has led to a transformed life and has ultimately witnessed God’s extraordinary healing power. Growing up with a strong sense of spirituality, Kate searched long and hard throughout the world to find the God who made sense of that spiritual longing. After catching glimpses of God in many cultures along the way, Kate finally found God and her life was transformed for ever. Despite a highly successful journalistic career, she felt there was a disconnect between her work and faith, which eventually led her to work for the charity World Vision where she is now the Chief Communications Officer. Kate has had some personal battles to face, including the loss of both her parents, the loss of a baby, and debilitating ME. She has recently battled breast cancer, from which God has miraculously healed her.

    Sea Change encourages readers to recognise the unseen hand that shifts our perspective, alters our trajectory and lifts us up even in our darkest moments.

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  • Psalms To Color


    Fill these beautiful psalms and other poetic phrases with your favorite colors. These illustrations will transport you, helping you relax and transcend the stresses of daily life. No matter your faith, you will derive spiritual satisfaction from these divine designs.

    Drawing quotations directly from the Bible, this coloring book offers important and inspiring messages to live by, including: “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” The book also includes Psalms such as “Take delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart” and “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Surrounding these uplifting biblical psalms are beautiful black-and-white illustrations adorned with florals, animal life, and much more for you to color!

    Additionally, this book is perfectly sized for on-the-go coloring and includes perforated pages so that colorists can easily remove and display their finished works. So pick up your copy of Psalms to Color: Words That Inspire and relax by coloring these hopeful and soothing images.

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  • Piense Mejor Viva Mejor – (Spanish)


    our mind has incredible power over your success or failure. THINK BETTER LIVE BETTER offers a simple yet life-changing strategy for erasing the thoughts that keep you down and reprogramming your mind with positive thinking to reach a new level of victory. As a child of the Most High God, you are equipped to handle anything that comes your way. To claim your destiny, start thinking about yourself the way God does and delete the thoughts that tear down your confidence. When you train yourself to tune out the negativity and tune into your calling, you’ll begin to live the wonderful plans God has made for you.

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  • She Believes : Embracing The Life You Were Created To Live (Reprinted)


    Dynamic Leader Helps Women Embrace the Life They Were Created to Live
    With over seven billion people in the world, it can be difficult for women to believe they were designed for a purpose. That they individually have value, and their life has meaning that goes beyond what they see or have been told to believe. But that’s just the life-changing message Debbie Lindell passionately shares and champions. Every woman, no matter her history, social status, or position in society, was beautifully and magnificently designed by her Creator to live an amazing life. In She Believes, Lindell shares with women the beautiful truth of God’s love for them, empowering them to live out their own unique purpose and bring change to their homes, their workplaces, their communities, and the world. With personal stories and biblical truth, Debbie invites women to trust God’s Word–and discover the incredible, abundant life that he created them to live.

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  • Beauty Of Grace


    Encouraging and Heartfelt Stories of Grace Connect Women’s Hearts with God–Now in Paper
    In this hectic life, it’s easy to forget that God is always near, even though he sends us frequent reminders. The beauty amid the mess, a well-timed word of encouragement from a friend, the memories that won’t let go of our hearts–they’re all ways God extends us grace. But if we’re not paying attention, we can miss them. With heartfelt stories from some of today’s foremost writers, The Beauty of Grace is a haven of calm contemplation amid the chaos. These inspiring stories helps readers appreciate the benefits of cultivating friendship, waiting on God, choosing joy, staying connected, learning to trust, and much more.Contributors include Jessica Turner, Lisa-Jo Baker, Holley Gerth, Ann Voskamp, Bonnie Gray, Tsh Oxenreider, Leeana Tankersley, Emily Freeman, Margaret Feinberg, and many others.

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  • Mulligan : A Parable Of Second Chances


    In this hardcover book endorsed by golf legend Jack Nicklaus and written in the appealing parable style of other bestselling books such as Who Moved My Cheese?; Gungo Ho!; and Whale Done!; golf pro Wally Armstrong and author Ken Blanchard walk you through time-tested steps for improving your golf game and your life. Told through the eyes of Paul McAllister, the Ivy League-educated founder of a multimillion dollar business, this inspiring story about relationships, forgiveness, and priorities is the shot of grace you’ve been looking for. Golf’s gracious do-over, a mulligan is the beginning of Paul’s own second chance. Guided by the wisdom and advice of an old pro, Paul learns about priorities, self-confidence, and playing a good game both on and off the course. If you ever thought it would be great to do some things over in life-to get a second chance-in the grip of golf pro Wally Armstrong and Ken Blanchard, author of the bestselling The One Minute Manager, The Mulligan becomes a life-changing principle.

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  • Romper Los Lazos Familiares – (Spanish)


    Como puedo entrar en la oficina del doctor, estoy abrumado. Inmediatamente me entregO la documentaciOn con una lista de las enfermedades fIsicas y mentales. Estoy aconseja revisar estas formas y observe si yo o un miembro de su familia ha sido diagnosticado con alguna de las enfermedades que figuran en las listas. Cuando yo estaba en mi juventud, me gustarIa comprobar simplemente no a las preguntas sin pensarlo dos veces. Pero como yo me acerco a la edad adulta, y he presenciado personalmente la desapariciOn de los miembros de la familia debido a estas enfermedades enumeradas, me encontraba estudiando la lista. No sOlo estaba estudiando la lista de enfermedades, pero el miedo comenzO a establecer en cuando me doy cuenta de que segUn mi mEdico, me fue pre-expuestos a estas enfermedades. Me refiero a realmente cuAntas veces un mEdico diagnosticO a alguien con una dolencia, sOlo decir que es hereditaria. Lo que mis oIdos oigan y ha advertido mi conciencia es que no importa lo que hago, estoy atascado con alguna enfermedad, porque de mi familia A.D.N.. Lo que un verdadero crush y golpe en mi futuro. Tan increIble como todo parece, me doy cuenta de que definitivamente era autEntico.

    Este proceso va en contra de todo lo que me ensearon y creer. Yo sOlo creIa que, a pesar de lo que mi familia era la maldiciOn, no tenIa que ser mi futuro. No importa quE enfermedad, enfermedad o ciclo abrazado o muestran mi familia, yo no tenIa que aceptarlo como el mIo.

    DespuEs de ver los miembros de la familia sufren de hipertensiOn, cAncer, diabetes, depresiOn, ansiedad, asma, enfermedades cardIacas, la esquizofrenia y los cambios de estado de Animo, decidI que la pelota se detiene aquI. Es hora de abrazar un nuevo y brillante futuro. Es el momento de “romper los lazos familiares.” !es cierto! No voy a abrazar la muerte prematura. No voy a seguir las pautas de auto-destrucciOn por hablar fracaso en mi vida. Me atrevo a pensar fuera de la caja. Voy a intentar hacer algo, a diferencia de la pauta establecida antes de mI. Voy a pensar y hablar de la vida, la salud, la fuerza y la prosperidad en mi mente, cuerpo, alma y espIritu. No sOlo eso, sino que voy a entrenar y ensear a mis hijos a presionar tambiEn mAs allA del patrOn y atrEvete a ser diferente. El lugar estA aquI; ahora es el momento de “romper los lazos familiares.”

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  • Aphorisms Adages And Advice For The Children I Never Had


    To soon old, too late smart. Over the course of my life, I have happened upon sayings that apply to specific situations in our lives. Actually, they relate powerful lessons. Over time, I jotted down many of these real-world insights and also began to compile a list of my personal experiences that I expected to pass along to my children.

    But I was married for thirteen years then divorced. We were not blessed with children. So I passed these sayings along to pipe fitter apprentices who worked with me, and the lessons were received very well. Now I wish to share them with a larger audience, to the children and grandchildren I never had.

    To the parents who may read this, I acknowledge that my list refers to many situations that you might already be familiar with, but some of them may have slipped through the cracks in your advice to your children.

    Who can benefit from reading them? Anyone of any age actually can draw knowledge from these–whether one is working, playing, or attending the school of hard knocks.

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  • W Clement Stones Believe And Achieve


    Do you have high goals? Yes or no? Whether you do or do not, you can now learn how to motivate yourself to set high goals, become successful and stay that way. If ever there was a time when America needed the help of a positive mental attitude, it is NOW!

    Do you want to bring your dreams into reality? You can if you want to by following the principles in this guide. Remember, you have unlimited potential power. Convert it into actual power and USE IT!

    Become Successful And Stay That Way When You Believe And Achieve!

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  • Light When It Comes


    Vivid, engaging stories to help readers find greater spiritual meaning in their everyday lives

    We all have moments of joy, moments that move us somehow, spiritual moments that we can’t quite put a finger on. But then we rush on and soon forget. In this book Chris Anderson shares such moments from his own life in order to inspire readers who are seeking, hurting, doubting, or searching.

    Drawing on an ancient prayer tradition, the examen of conscience, Anderson relates personal anecdotes, short scenes, and stories in a collage style that stimulates readers to reflect on their own lives. He shows how the examen can serve as a simple but powerful way to remember moments of light, of struggle, of joy. And however small or fleeting these moments are, in them God is calling and meeting us.

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  • Joy Of Heaven 4


    In this fourth book in the series, the Lord decided to open the door more! Wee Angel and Felicia continue to visit more beautiful mansions, prayer areas and more on God’s Holy City. An awesome thought, Felicia said, “I’m finally home! ” Then they meet Jesus again, with David and Joshua from the Bible, including many, many more white winged horses with power riders. A quiet flight turns into a mission towards earth, meeting other formations of these horses and riders led by other names from Bible. During flight the Archangels join in!

    Jesus, riding his favorite winged horse, is in front and in command! Thousands of angels praising Jesus! Joel 3:30 “And I will show wonders in the heavens…” The inspired writing continues in book 4. I know everyone will be awed by reading this, Daniel Leske.

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  • Smuggling Light : One Womans Victory Over Persecution Torture And Imprisonm


    North Korea is dark.

    Literally dark-most of its regions are too poor to afford electricity and other basic needs. Figuratively dark-its daily life is hidden from outsiders, its citizens reticent, and its propaganda vast. And spiritually dark-its ruler, Kim Jong-il, is both worshipped and feared and the gospel is squelched without question.

    Into this darkness, Esther walked.

    Growing up a Chinese-Korean, Esther wanted nothing to do with Christianity until a visit to an underground church in China flooded her with the mercy and power of the Spirit-and she was given an unusual call: be a missionary to North Koreans. But again, Esther wanted nothing to do with it, or rather, with them. Rude, filthy, and abusive, North Koreans seeking refuge in China were the worst of the worst. However, when Esther slipped inside North Korea for the first time and witnessed for herself the shocking conditions, she finally understood: they acted desperate, because they were.

    Esther gave her all to her mission. Although imprisoned and tortured by both North Korea and China, sometimes destitute and always in danger, having few resources and little time for family, for the past fifteen years Esther has faithfully spread aid and the gospel witness to North Koreans. Smuggling Light is her true tale of bravery, humility, and complete reliance on the mighty hand of God in one of the darkest nations in the world.

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  • Troubles Dont Last You Do Persevering Through Adversity


    STILL STANDING! No obstacle Satan hurls your way will last. In every instance, you emerge victoriously. Life’s troubles are equal to speed bumps, you slow down just enough to drive over them, thump, thump, and then those bumps become a distant memory. The power residing in you helps you overcome adversity, resolve problems, and find peace. The only resolution to the never-ending problems of life is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Your relationship with him and the Father is sacred and eternal. Rest assured that at the end of all your trials, eternal bliss is waiting. With God as the benevolent guide: Troubles don’t last, you do.

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  • Reluctant Leader


    Taking on a leadership role does not always come naturally. Lack of confidence, self-doubt, apprehension and fear of failure all hold many gifted people back. In The Reluctant Leader, coaching experts Peter Shaw and Hillary Douglas share wisdom gained from working extensively with leaders across all sectors, helping you turn your natural hesitation into a confident use of your leadership gifts.
    Recognising the importance of humility, they offer many practical tips for gaining confidence by adopting good role models, building support, experimenting with a wider repertoire of skills, celebrating success and growing through failure.
    With many examples and tips for good practice, The Reluctant Leader explores reluctance at emotional, intellectual and practical levels, asking such questions as:
    – Why do I not want to stand out from others?
    – Why do I dwell on risks and fears?
    – Why do I shy away from conflict?
    – Why do I have to be 100 per cent sure before taking a step forward?
    – How can I overcome a fear of public speaking?

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  • Kidnapped By A Cult


    As a founder of the China Gospel Fellowship, one of the largest underground churches in China comprising millions of believers, Pastor Shen Xiaoming knew the meaning of persecution. Time and again, while preaching and traveling throughout Tanghe County, Pastor Shen experienced deprivation, disease, and imprisonment for the sake of the incredible spread of the gospel.

    But April 16, 2002, brought the persecution to a new level. Pastor Shen was kidnapped by the murderous Eastern Lightning cult after being lured into a supposed Bible conference. This dangerous cult believes that Christ returned in the form of a female Chinese leader in 1992, and they use force, torture, and indoctrination to convert others. For two months, Pastor Shen was held captive.

    As Eastern Lightning slowly gains worldwide attention for their violence, Pastor Shen’s first-person account of his life and work in Tanghe County and his persevering stand against this murderous sect will both inspire and inform.

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  • Condition Of Living


    -A young cynical journalist, after a childhood of tragedy, makes his reputation with unsympathetic no-holds-barred reporting.
    -A middle-aged newspaper editor who has lost something precious and doesn’t know how he’ll ever find it again.
    -A single mother with three kids, few options and a litter of pups she must either feed or find homes for.aqA Habitat for Humanity -A volunteer who believes that a home is more than shelter.

    The characters of this story are brought together by an uncharacteristic kind deed, a challenge, and a community project. In the midst of building a Habitat for Humanity house, they discover, to their surprise, that something much stronger binds them to one another-the condition of living.

    How God brings people and situations together for His purpose, we can’t often comprehend, but the result is real. Habitat for Humanity is a tool used to help elevate God’s people out of terrible living conditions. When it also becomes a catalyst to create a Godly condition within a person’s heart, we can stand in awe of His grace and goodness.

    Through the lives of those who played a role in this story we understand that Habitat for Humanity’s mantra of strength, stability and self-reliance through shelter will continue to bind neighbor to neighbor and heart to heart.

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  • New Wine Is Better


    The lively, amusing, and true story of Robert Thom traces his downward trek from a twelve-bedroom South African mansion to an orphanage to the hopeless world of an alcoholic on the verge of suicide. Then he met Mrs. Walker and his life was forever changed. She introduced him to the saving grace of Jesus Christ and soon he was walking in a world or faith, power, and joy, with one of the most power prophetic healing ministries in the twentieth century. Robert Thom’s story is a modern-day miracle that reveals the secret of faith-how it worked in the life or Robert Thom and how it can work for you.

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  • She Reads Truth


    Born out of the experiences of hundreds of thousands of women who Raechel and Amanda have walked alongside as they walk with the Lord, “She Reads Truth” is the message that will help you understand the place of God’s Word in your life.

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  • Revive America : A Call To Revival In The Land That We Love


    Revive America will give tried and tested steps for drawing closer to God in a world that seems to be going the other direction. In its pages, you will find some of your favorite song lyrics which will remind you of the importance of music and its role in great renewals as well as challenge you to surrender everything to Christ.

    Revival isn’t for the history books; it’s for your daily journal. As you read this book, remember to sing and pray your way to personal renewal in Christ.

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  • Reversing The Clock : Experience The Glory Realm


    SKU (UPC): 713757980722Artists: Joshua Mills | Steve SwansonMedia: CDReleased: September 2016Anchor Distributors Songs1. Turning Back Time2. Divine Restoration Of All Things3. Supernatural Health And Wholeness4. Healing Spirit Word5. Age Reversal Renewal Of Youth Fountain Of Life

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  • Garland Of Grace Coloring Book


    Study and meditate on the Book of Proverbs as you release yourself to the calming nature of coloring. Inside the beautifully bound coloring book you will find 58 illustrated single-sided pages to color, each with stylized text from Proverbs. In addition to the full coloring pages, there are 4 pages of inspiring cards, gift cards and book marks to color and share. Not only does the book provide creative expression to your devotions, it’s a pastime to share with your friends and family. Each page is perforated for easy removal and display. The book is bound in heavy-duty stock with embossed text and design and lavish applications of spot-varnish and rose gold foil.

    Perforated One-Side Printed Sturdy Pages
    Designed for Fun – Serenity – Calmness & Quiet Inspiration
    58 Full Page Ink Drawings With Scripture From Proverbs
    Includes 4 Pages With Gift Tags – Bookmarks – Cards to Color
    Presentation Page for Gift-Giving

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  • Run Baby Run


    One of the most influential Christian books of modern times, with over 12 million copies sold worldwide. The book is being re-issued with a compelling foreword by Tim Dilena to emphasize its relevance today.

    Nicky Cruz’s powerful story of redemption, salvation and transformation is a powerful testament to the glorious transformative power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A vicious fighter, criminal, drug user, drunkard and thief he was the leader of one of New York City’s most violent gangs, the Mau Mau. But all that changed when he met David Wilkerson, author of The Cross and the Switchblade, who refused to give up on Nicky Cruz. When he finally met Jesus and accepted Him as his Savior, Nicky Cruz left his violent life and gang to start a ministry that impacts young people today. His story proves that anyone can be reached with the gospel of Christ.

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  • You Have A Brain


    Throughout his life, renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Benjamin Carson has needed to overcome many obstacles: his father leaving the family; being considered stupid by his classmates in grade school; growing up in inner-city Detroit; and having a violent temper. But Dr. Carson didn’t let his circumstances control him, and instead discovered eight principles that helped shape his future.

    In You Have a Brain: A Teen’s Guide to Think Big, Dr. Carson unpacks the eight important parts of Thinking Big-Talent, Honesty, Insight, Being Nice, Knowledge, Books, In-Depth Learning, and God-and presents the stories of people who demonstrated those things in his life. By applying the idea of T.H.I.N.K. B.I.G. to your life, and by looking at those around you as well, you too can overcome obstacles and work toward achieving your dreams.

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  • Facing The Mirror


    When you look in your mirror, do you like what you see? Or, are you like most people who avoid their mirror to mask the reminders of their mistakes, or the scars of their experiences. Even though trials are unavoidable, they don’t have to define us. In this book, author Daphne Delay shares the valuable lesson that she learned in front of her own mirror and how she was able to teach it to her son a few years before a tragic car accident left him scarred from third-degree burns.

    In this book, you will learn to see yourself as God sees you and also discover the truth about God. You will learn the truth about the lies and deception that have held you back and be taught how to live in the freedom that God intended you too have!

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  • Minute Motivators For Women


    Whether you pick up this book before you’re off to the races in the morning or when you’re winding down at bedtime, Minute Motivators for Women will inspire and encourage you over and over again.

    We don’t always need more knowledge. Often, what we need is time for reflection on what we already know. Each chapter of this engaging book will draw your attention to a single attribute that every godly woman wants to cultivate in her life, such as patience, wisdom, persistence, courage, and gratitude.

    The Tolers’ bite-size portions of inspiration make this the perfect devotional for, well, anytime, especially those days when you wake up feeling as though you’re already several hours behind. It also offers a terrific way to recharge in the middle of a hectic schedule. And reading a brief chapter at the end of your day will remind you that God has every aspect of your life under control.

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  • Running For My Life


    Running for My Life is not a story about Africa or track and field athletics. It is about outrunning the devil and achieving the impossible faith, diligence, and the desire to give back. It is the American dream come true and a stark reminder that saving one can help to save thousands more. Lopez Lomong chronicles his inspiring ascent from a barefoot lost boy of the Sudanese Civil War to a Nike sponsored athlete on the US Olympic Team. Though most of us fall somewhere between the catastrophic lows and dizzying highs of Lomong’s incredible life, every reader will find in his story the human spark to pursue dreams that might seem unthinkable, even from circumstances that might appear hopeless.

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  • Let Your Light Shine


    A little girl and her two siblings are raised by their grandmother, which is court-ordered after years of abuse and neglect from her parents. She grows up, moves away from home, and falls in love with a very special man. She gets married and has her own family, still carrying a secret in her heart that has affected her all her life.

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  • My Homesteaders Heritage


    My Homesteader’s Heritage is an account of the bravery and perseverance of two families who left family and friends in Europe to immigrate and homestead in Canada. They overcame the difficulties and hardships of a frontier land to pass on a legacy of faith, determination, hard work, and success for their children to follow and emulate.

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  • What God Can Do With An Idiot


    This book is written to give hope on what God can do with us-even though sometimes we make stupid (i.e. sinful, selfish, unbiblical) decisions. Nobody is perfect; we all blow it sometimes. But God can still help us get back on our feet, learn the lessons we need to learn, and press on for the glory of God in all that we do. A man by the name of Paul, who did some stupid things, was still inspired by the Holy Spirit to write Ephesians 3:20, “Now to Him who is able to do far more abundant beyond all that we could ask or think, to the power that works within us.”

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  • What God Can Do With An Idiot


    God can do amazing things with us-even though sometimes we make stupid (i.e. sinful, selfish, unbiblical) decisions. Nobody is perfect; we all blow it sometimes. But God can still help us get back on our feet, learn the lessons we need to learn, and press on for his glory. A man by the name of Paul, who did some stupid things, was still inspired by the Holy Spirit to write Ephesians 3:20, “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us…”

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  • Hikes Flights And Lookout Stories


    Hikes, Flights & Lookout Stories – Life Lessons From High Places is a collection of unforgettable tales from my life as a hiker, pilot, and fire lookout. The 33 chapters brim with true accounts of such notable narratives as the grueling 50-mile hike on the West Coast Trail of Vancouver Island, a near accident in a float plane on Quilcene Bay, and the night a fire broke out inside a fire lookout station during a tower-rocking lightning storm. You’ll read about a menacing storm and dehydration in the Enchantments, the author’s near-death experience making an instrument landing at Jamestown N.Y., and a funeral service for two kittens on Granite Mountain. The author is brutally honest about his errors of judgment, modest about his occasional heroics, and faithful in making relevant applications to life today. As with his other life-lesson books, you will wince or laugh, and perhaps even experience a bit of inspiration.

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  • Message Of Hope (DVD)


    “Six teens, in an afluent community, grow up with the benefits and luxuries that come with their birth right. They attend a Christian school and are taught Biblical studies from the Faithful Pastor Anne. But, except for the compassionate attempts of one single girl, Sarah, who dreams of love and heavenly things, many of the less fortunate in the surrounding area are left forgotten and ignored by the wealthy, yet uncaring adults, especially Sarah’s father, who is hardened by the world around him. Sarah’s close friends begin to realize that money and material things are not as attractive as the love and compassion that Sarah exhibits – now they desire to change the world around them for the better. After John is visited by an Angel, he writes a story, “A Message of Hope,” to honor his friends, Michael and Sarah, and even their materialistic parents begin to wonder what is right and wrong. Together, they realize that we all have the power of choice, to choose life and love over the things of the world. “

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  • Living And Active


    All in all, they need daily reminders and encouragement to follow God’s Word. The Bible is always useful for current situations that college students face, so the focus of these devotionals is more useful to them than other, more generalized types of devotional readings.
    To emphasize the enduring truth of the Bible, devotional readings come from every book of both the Old and New Testaments. The Bible is absolutely true, every part of it, every word of it. An index of passages and an index of readings are appended at the back of the book to show the biblical emphasis.

    Devotional readings include the scripture passage, so that students need not carry a separate Bible with them in order to read the selection. The readings are purposely kept short (300-500 words), so that students can gain the most from their available time. Devotionals are meant to be thought-provoking and applicable to current college situations.

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  • Living And Active


    All in all, they need daily reminders and encouragement to follow God’s Word. The Bible is always useful for current situations that college students face, so the focus of these devotionals is more useful to them than other, more generalized types of devotional readings.
    To emphasize the enduring truth of the Bible, devotional readings come from every book of both the Old and New Testaments. The Bible is absolutely true, every part of it, every word of it. An index of passages and an index of readings are appended at the back of the book to show the biblical emphasis.

    Devotional readings include the scripture passage, so that students need not carry a separate Bible with them in order to read the selection. The readings are purposely kept short (300-500 words), so that students can gain the most from their available time. Devotionals are meant to be thought-provoking and applicable to current college situations.

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  • Little Cream And Sugar


    If you are a coffee drinker-or know one-this book is for you! You’ll learn some little-known facts about coffee, and you’ll hear from coffee drinkers around the country as to why they drink the delicious brew. But not only that, you’ll also learn about how to face challenges and difficulties and come out smiling and walking closer to God. In the same way that coff ee can be viewed as a dark and bitter liquid or as a favorite beverage, problems can either drag you down or catapult you to a feeling of accomplishment and joy as you overcome them. In this book you’ll find: Coff ee facts and trivia Comments from coff ee drinkers everywhere Counsel on facing diffi culties and overcoming them Favorite Bible verses to use every day “A Little Cream and Sugar delights both palettes, while enjoying your coffee, it delights your spirit.” –Evelyn Turnquist, Convening of the Evangelists “I’ve known Jean for many years and found her to have a heart and concern for people.” –Dr. M.Tina Dupree, President/Founder, Motivational Training Center “What an inspiration…” –Sarah A. Person Jean “Notewell” Williams is a pastor’s wife who has traveled the world, meeting and getting to know all sorts of people, including coffee lovers. With a heart for evangelism and prayer, she combines wit and wisdom in this book to provide encouragement and strength to help you overcome life’s difficulties.

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  • Coincidence Or God-Incidence You Decide


    Have you ever had something happen to you that you couldn’t explain? Maybe you just attributed it to coincidence. But what if it was more than a random chance; what if it was orchestrated by God? In this book, we invite you to read true stories of ordinary people and decide for yourself whether you think it was random chance or something else – Coincidence or God-Incidence. Regardless of your decision, these stories are meant to inspire, encourage, and uplift you.

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  • Simple Sayings And Thoughts For The Mind Heart And Soul


    Wisdom, knowledge, and understanding are similar to finding a treasure chest full of diamonds and nuggets of gold. How can anyone not take advantage of such an abundance of wealth? In the midst of so much confusion, one needs to take the time to believe that there is wealth in the word of God and from his people to overcome such daily adversaries. We are challenged in our everyday lives, but may you take that first step of faith living for God and in helping others with love where there is failure. I know many books have been written with different opinions and advice by different writers about God and life. As the author of this book, I’ve tried to give some simple wisdom and understanding in so many areas of our lives, making it simple to understand-and, of course, with some sense of humor. As one who goes alone through the maze of life, sometimes it requires us to learn quickly in order to find the key to the cross. So where advice isn’t available, we are tempted, get off course, and learn the hard way, which gets more complicated if we become stubborn. Just like the whole armor of God protects every part of our spiritual and physical bodies, taking some good advice and motivation will help us progress as a child of God. For those who love to make things possible by taking advice, may this book help you to change your route and save you time. There are over six thousand thoughts of my personal sayings, which can be used as a text starter for a sermon or a conservation piece for inspiration. Please enjoy them; you’ve struck it rich with some great wisdom.-Joe Cervantes.

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  • Simple Sayings And Thoughts For The Mind Heart And Soul


    Wisdom, knowledge, and understanding are similar to finding a treasure chest full of diamonds and nuggets of gold. How can anyone not take advantage of such an abundance of wealth? In the midst of so much confusion, one needs to take the time to believe that there is wealth in the word of God and from his people to overcome such daily adversaries. We are challenged in our everyday lives, but may you take that first step of faith living for God and in helping others with love where there is failure. I know many books have been written with different opinions and advice by different writers about God and life. As the author of this book, I’ve tried to give some simple wisdom and understanding in so many areas of our lives, making it simple to understand-and, of course, with some sense of humor. As one who goes alone through the maze of life, sometimes it requires us to learn quickly in order to find the key to the cross. So where advice isn’t available, we are tempted, get off course, and learn the hard way, which gets more complicated if we become stubborn. Just like the whole armor of God protects every part of our spiritual and physical bodies, taking some good advice and motivation will help us progress as a child of God. For those who love to make things possible by taking advice, may this book help you to change your route and save you time. There are over six thousand thoughts of my personal sayings, which can be used as a text starter for a sermon or a conservation piece for inspiration. Please enjoy them; you’ve struck it rich with some great wisdom.-Joe Cervantes.

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  • Heart Made Whole


    In Heart Made Whole, Christa Black Gifford shares her own stories of loss, betrayal, and personal tragedy, chronicling clear steps to redemption to help those in pain invite the true Healer into the tangled mess of their broken hearts. Gifford reminds readers that pain is not their enemy, however, unhealed pain can become their greatest foe if it’s not taken to Jesus.
    Growing up as a preacher’s kid, Gifford had been submerged in Christian culture for decades when she uncovered the truth–that there were broken parts of her heart that weren’t on friendly terms with the God who lived inside. Through disappointments and traumas, she had learned to guard her heart from God, keeping her angry, entrapped, and disconnected. As struggles and hardships continued, she finally learned to run towards her relationship with God when things got hard, instead of running away from Him like she had in the past. The more that she did this–building her heart’s capacity for intimacy and deep relationship–the more her heart began to heal from the inside-out. She teaches the reader to access the solution that’s already living inside of them–the God who forever made their heart a home. When trials and tragedy hit our lives in a fallen world, our hearts can get smashed to bits, and we end up putting God on trial and blaming Him for the mess. But Christa helps readers understand that they don’t have to live controlled by their circumstances – or angry with God. Instead, she provides powerful insight and practical steps to turn the painful fire that comes to destroy us into an unexpected friend that can produce our greatest healing. The condition of the heart determines the condition of life-and the heart can be bound up and healed, producing freedom and abundant life. With personal workbook sections for each chapter Christa helps readers experience steps to turn their pain into the healing and wholeness available to every believer.

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  • Saving My Assassin


    Strong women who stand up for justice in the face of deadly opposition have been featured recently in the international media–from the youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner boldly standing up for the educational rights of Pakistani girls, to an Iranian professor whose secret book club defied the oppression of a brutal regime.

    Virginia Prodan is to be counted among these women. Denouncing one of the most powerful and brutal communist dictators of the time, Virginia dared to defend Christians in communist Romania while fearlessly declaring Christ–even to the assassin who was ordered to kill her.

    Virginia’s true story of faith, obedience, and courage can still be witnessed today as she continues to defend, in court, those who have been discriminated against for their Christian faith–only now in her adopted country of the United States!

    Saving My Assassin: One Woman’s Stand against an Evil Empire is the unbelievable, true story of a living heroine of the faith.

    Virginia Prodan’s compelling story of courage in the face of intimidation and even death on behalf of others is a testament to her unwavering faith in a God who delivers. Exiled from Romania since 1988, Virginia frequently shares her story as a keynote speaker in large public forums–including public and private schools and universities–and has been featured prominently in media reports. She was the focus of a full-length documentary and has been interviewed by Fox News, Heritage Foundation, The Daily Signal, WFAA-TV Channel 8, Dallas Morning News, Fox-TV 4, BBC Radio, The Daily Signal, Heritage Action for America, Glenn Beck, KCBI-Dallas 90.9, and the Christian Science Monitor.

    Virginia is a naturalized American citizen and a single mother of two daughters and a son. Her first daughter is a graduate of SMU and is a professional counselor; her second daughter is a graduate of Harvard Law School and is a practicing attorney; and her son is a graduate of the US Air Force Academy, currently serving as a U.S.Airforce – Captain – helicopter rescue pilot.

    Today, Virginia Prodan resides in Dallas, Texas, where she enjoys practicing law, writing, opera, swimming, the symphony, and traveling for pleasure. She also enjoys her numerous speaking engagements, where she continues to inspire and impact lives with her incredible true-life story.

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  • When Grace Showed Up


    Tich was a South African sports star who lost it all to alcohol. Joan had recently lost her husband. Their lives were at rock bottom when grace showed up and inspired these two middle class South Africans to move past the racial prejudices of the Apartheid era and launch a ministry together.

    The result was Lungisisa Indlela village (LIV), the legendary residential facility that rescues children, restores lives, and raises young leaders in South Africa. This is the story of transformed lives-both theirs and the orphans-as a country begins to embrace grace and love others as Christ loves the church.

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  • My Favorite KJV Verses To Color


    Engage with the Bible through the artistically expressed Scripture in this beautifully crafted Christian Adult Coloring Book. The pages incorporate a variety of delightful patterns, motifs and ink drawings that serve as a background for the free-hand drawn Scripture from the KJV Bible. Relax and be inspired while you enjoy this meditative pastime. Because the one-sided pages are perforated, you can share the joyful pastime of coloring and display or share your artwork as a source of inspiration. The book is bound in heavy-duty stock with embossed text and design and lavish applications of spot-varnish and copper foil. (Scripture Artwork Taken From My Creative Bible KJV: Bible for Creative Journaling.)
    Perforated One-Side Printed Sturdy Pages
    Designed for Fun – Serenity – Calmness & Quiet Inspiration
    64 Full Page Ink Drawings With Hand-Drawn Scripture From The Holy Bible: King James Version
    Presentation Page for Gift-Giving

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  • Under His Wings


    Conquering, Fear Through Faith is Gods Promise to Us. In his previous book, Surrounded by Angels, Theodore Mistra told his story of Gods healing power and love that encouraged him to overcome illness and return him to an active and fruitful life. Now, through his journey of discovering ultimate faith, Gods promises, love, and Gods will for his life as he struggles to come to terms with his second life threatening disease in three years. With an abundance of Scripture references to support the text, the reader is surrounded with Gods Word from the first page to the last. Through Mistras trail he grasps that God wants him to realize that his biggest obstacle is not in front of him, but inside of him. As the reader, you come alongside him as he opens his heart and completely surrenders to his Lord, Jesus Christ. He shares his joys, God incidences, battles with fear, and many blessings. Under His Wings will provide you with knowledge and understanding of Gods: -Promises -Peace -Patience -Presence -Power

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  • Vida Es Una Serie De Presentac – (Spanish)


    With his national platform, compelling message and personal charisma, Jeary is poised to be the 21st century’s answer to Dale Carnegie. In “Life is a Series of Presentations” this pitchmaster shows how to make the most of any interaction by mastering eight simple secrets.

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  • Mandala Coloring Book 1


    For centuries, mandalas have provided an elevated level of guidance to those seeking peace, inspiration, and a deeper connection to the world around them. Now, with Mandala Coloring Books, you can use these sacred patterns to help you find tranquility and balance in your life. Featuring many customizable mandala drawings, this book encourages you to use your imagination to create vibrant patterns that reveal your hidden creative potential and bring you closer to your true self. Each complex design will draw your eye inward, shifting your focus toward your center and allowing you to fully relax your mind as you express yourself through these beautifully fantastic illustrations. We added a blank page between each pattern for easier enjoyment.

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  • Pray Before You Vote


    ATTENTION ALL CHRISTIANS! Are you confused about who you should vote for this election? Do you wonder why voting is important? Do you see hypocrisy in Christian politicians? In this book, Freya Huffman will awaken you to the importance of voting and why God should be involved your vote. While we are citizens of the United States of America, foremost, we are citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven and our vote should mirror God’s views. God has called us to be stewards over this earth. 2 Corinthians 5:20 says we are ambassadors of Christ. An ambassador is an authorized messenger or representative. As a representative of Jesus Christ, and our vote should be reflective of His ways, not our ways. Jesus is not a Democrat or Republican! You can find Jesus’ characteristics in the platforms of both parties. It is important to know the issues and what the candidates stand for, then after all the research, “Pray before you vote.” Freya S. Huffman, is the wife of Pastor Rodney P. Huffman . Together, they have seven children: Ryan, Ebony, Akoli, Jeremiah, Jordan, Hannah and Kendall. She is the previous Dean of the Deliverance School of Ministry and is a professor at University of Phoenix, Strayer University, and Miller-Motte Technical College focusing in Mathematics, Business, Information Technology and Human Resources. She is also the founder of the Teknowlogy Factory, a technology consulting firm. She is a Minister at Waynesboro Deliverance Church in Waynesboro, Georgia and serves on the Prison and Witnessing Team Ministries. They reside in Warner Robins and Grovetown, Georgia.”

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