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    • Aligning With The Apostolic 1


      Volume 1 includes Introduction & Overview

      Written by Seventy Apostles and Apostolic Leaders from around the world and across the Seven Mountains (Spheres) of Culture, Aligning With the Apostolic is a pioneering, groundbreaking study and practical application and demonstration of the role and function of modern apostles in both the marketplace and the ecclesiastical realm, as well as the apostolic movement sweeping the earth today. Aligning With the Apostolic provides an unprecedented overview of the scope, nature, depth and breadth of the calling, function, gift, and office of apostles, and their role and function in the broader society and Kingdom of God as well as the church.

      This historic, five-volume series is edited by Dr. Bruce Cook, with Forewords by Drs. Peter Wagner, Bill Hamon, Lance Wallnau, Paula Price, Gordon Bradshaw, John Muratori and other leading apostles such as Rich Marshall, Lynn Scarborough, Johnny Enlow, and the late Kent Humphreys. The anthology also includes endorsements from John Eckhardt, Elisabeth Cochrane, Dr. Chuck Pierce, Dr. Elizabeth Hairston, and numerous others.

      Contributing Authors include Bill Johnson, Dr. Rick Joyner, Kent Humphreys, Dr. Tommi Femrite, Alice Patterson, Stephanie Klinzing, Dr. Joseph Umidi, Dr. Joseph Mattera, Mark Pfeifer, Sharon Billins, Jon Grieser, Ray Hughes, Axel Sippach, Al Caperna, Tom Webb, Ken Beaudry, Dr. Tim Hamon, John Anderson, Dr. Mark Kauffman, Ed Turose, Dennis Wiedrick, Lorne Tebbutt, Dr. Gayle Rogers, Candace Long, Paul Cuny, Dick and Dr. Arleen Westerhof, Christopher James, Daniel Geraci, Dr. Gordon Bradshaw, Dr. John Muratori, Dr. Paula Price, LaRue Adkinson, Larry Tyler, Fernando Guillen, Dr. Lee Ann Marino, Max Greiner Jr., Tim Taylor, Charlie Fisher, Dr. Doug Atha, Laurie Boyd, Kari Browning, Lloyd Phillips, Dr. Kluane Spake, Dr. Stan DeKoven, Dr. Tony Dale, Dr. Philip Byler, Dr. Michael Scantlebury, Curtis Gillespie, Dr. Stan Jeffery, Gary Beaton, Wende Jones, Dr. Carl White Jr., Dr. Erik Kudlis, Dr. John Burpee, Robert Henderson, Bob Cathers, Dr. Nick Castellano, Duncan Campbell, Dr. David Andrade, Dr. Ted Baehr, Dr. Berin Gilfillan, Dr. A.L. (Papa) Gill, Henry Falany, Dr. Michelle Morrison, James Nesbit, Cal Pierce, Walt Pilcher, Morris Ruddick, Mark Henderson, and Dr. Bruce Cook.

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    • Dark Threads The Weaver Needs


      Suffering is an age-old question that has puzzled the people of God since time began. After all, if our God is both a loving and an all-powerful being, why does He allow such pain and suffering in the world?

      At the age of eighty-two, legendary Bible scholar Dr. Herbert Lockyer took on this question. As he watched his wife of sixty-six years slowly fade from loving spouse to an incapacitated person who needed his constant care, it caused him to look upon her afflicted, helpless form, and ask, O my God, why?

      In this outstanding work, Lockyer does not present ideas on how to cope with suffering but teaches how to pass through it, removing self-pity and using personal trials as a springboard to help others. In the midst of his darkest hour, Lockyer examines the problem of human suffering in light of God’s love and His eternal plan.

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    • Pursuit Of God (Reprinted)


      The Pursuit of God is the enduring Christian classic written by renowned pastor and theologian A. W. Tozer. More than 65 years later, the words Tozer penned on a train from Illinois to Texas echo across the decades to resonate with power in the heart of anyone longing for a deeper experience with God. This devotional masterpiece is at once thought-provoking and spirit-enlivening, an invitation to think deeply about your faith even as you come alive to God’s presence surrounding, sustaining and–yes–pursuing you. “This book is a modest attempt,” Tozer wrote, “to aid God’s children so to find Him.” If you are hungry, The Pursuit of God will lead you to the only One who can satisfy the soul.

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    • Making Disciples In The 21st Century Church


      More than a decade ago, Bill Hull wrote The Disciple Making Pastor. Hull criticized America’s Sunday attendance strategies as being totally inadequate and emphasized the need to make disciples. I resisted Hull’s teaching, thinking he lacked church growth insight. At that time, I primarily judged church growth success by how many were seated in a church in the worship service.

      Yet now I applaud the concept of growing a church from the inside out and measuring success by disciples made and sent forth. The only command, in fact, of Christ’s great commission was to make disciples. The rest of the verbs in Matthew 28:18-20 are not in the command form but are actually participles. Jesus literally said, “having gone, make disciples.” (Matt. 28:18).

      We know that the goal of the Christian life is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever. While this is God’s ultimate plan, does he have a particular purpose for the cell-based church? I’ve been wrestling with this question for the past twenty-two years. This question confronts me every time I coach a pastor or pastors. In preparation for coaching, I ask myself, “What is my principal objective in helping this pastor?” “Where am I guiding this church?” “What am I trying to do?”

      This book answers these questions.

      I’ve come to the conclusion that the primary goal of cell ministry is to make disciples who make disciples. Christ’s last command to his disciples was for them to repeat the process and to reproduce new disciples. But how were they supposed to do that?

      We in North America and the Western world often project our own cultural bias into Christ’s great commission (Matthew 28:18-20). Most discipleship books, in fact, assume that discipleship is an individualistic endeavor–between me and God. And yes, there is an important individual aspect (e.g., personal devotions, etc.). Yet in Matthew 28, Jesus was talking to a group of disciples. He wanted them to follow his example by making disciples in a group. Jesus molded twelve disciples in a group and then sent them house to house.

      The early church followed Christ’s pattern by making disciples through the house churches that periodically celebrated together in public worship. In 2 Timothy 2:1-2, Paul tells Timothy to continue the discipleship process by passing on the pure gospel message to faithful men and women. Even though the term “disciple” is later replaced by words such as “brothers/sisters,” “Christians,” and “saints,” the concept remain

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    • Treasure In Living Water 2


      Treasure In Living Water, Volume 2 is a continuation of more wonderful, inspirational messages from the Lord with accompanying artwork, to lift you up. Enjoy!

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    • Falling Upward : A Spirituality For The Two Halves Of Life A Companion Jour


      A valuable new companion journal for the best-selling Falling Upward
      In Falling Upward, Fr. Richard Rohr seeks to help readers understand the tasks of the two halves of life and to show them that those who have fallen, failed, or “gone down” are the only ones who understand “up.” The Companion Journal helps those who have (and those who have not) read Falling Upward to engage more deeply with the questions the book raises. Using a blend of quotes, questions for individual and group reflection, stories, and suggestions for spiritual practices, it provides a wise guide for deepening the spiritual journey. . . at any time of life.

      Explains why the second half of life can and should be full of spiritual richness

      Offers tools for spiritual growth and greater understanding of the ideas in Falling Upward

      Richard Rohr is a regular contributing writer for Sojourners and Tikkun magazines

      This important companion to Falling Upward is an excellent tool for exploring the counterintuitive messages of how we grow spiritually.

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    • Guidebook To Prayer


      Explores 24 different prayer methods while also exploring prayer in light of each person of the Trinity.

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    • Mantenimiento Milagros – (Spanish)


      Con cada don que “recibe” de parte de Dios esta la responsabilidad de “mantenerlo”, pues si no, se arriesga a perder la bendicion de ese don. Aunque muchos cristianos entienden este concepto con respecto al area de la sanidad fisica, tambien se aplica a muchas otras areas de nuestra vida. Los dones pueden llegar en forma de respeto, honor, favor y oportunidades, al igual que compasion, amor, perdon, reconocimiento e instruccion. Y lo que hagamos con los dones que recibimos de Dios puede afectar a la trayectoria de nuestra vida.

      La autora y maestra Joan Hunter le conducira por un viaje de revelacion a medida que usted…

      Aprende la diferencia entre tomar y recibir
      Edifica su confianza en la provision milagrosa de Dios
      Entiende como posicionarse para recibir los dones de Dios
      Es consciente de obstaculos para recibir
      Descubre los secretos de mantener las bendiciones que recibe

      Aprender a mantener los milagros que recibe afectara a cada area de su vida. Cambiara su modo de pensar, vera usted con vision renovada, y vivira con el latido del corazon de Dios.

      With every gift you “receive” from God, there is the responsibility to “maintain” it, or else you risk losing the blessing of that gift. While many Christians understand this concept as it relates to the area of physical healing, it applies to so many other areas of our lives, as well. Gifts may come in the form of respect, honor, favor, and opportunities, as well as compassion, love, forgiveness, recognition, and instruction. And what we do with the gifts we receive from God can affect the trajectory of our lives.

      Author and teacher Joan Hunter will lead you on a journey of revelation as you…

      Learn the difference between taking and receiving
      Build your confidence in God’s miraculous provision
      Understand how to position yourself to receive God’s gifts
      Become aware of hindrances to receiving
      Discover the secrets to keeping the blessings you receive

      Learning to maintain the miracles you receive will affect every area of your life. You will change the way you think, you will see with renewed vision, and you will live with the heartbeat of God.

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    • En Su Presencia – (Spanish)


      Este libro no habla de quienes fueron otros y lo que hicieron, !sino de quienes somos nosotros y lo que podemos hacer!

      El internacionalmente aclamado maestro de la Biblia, Dr. E. W. Kenyon, levanta el telon para revelar el lugar santisimo y nuestra capacidad de entrar en su interior para estar en la presencia del Padre, quien esta disponible para cada hijo de Dios. En el aprendera a…

      Escalar a nuevas alturas de realidad espiritual.
      Quitar la neblina que ha rodeado el tema de la oracion aventurandose a la Luz de la Vida.
      Estar firme sobre sus derechos como hijo de Dios.
      Situar todas las cosas en sujecion bajo los pies de Dios.
      Vencer a los enemigos de su vida de oracion.
      Usar la autoridad del nombre de Jesus.

      Este libro ha sido un desafio y una bendicion para incontables multitudes en todo el mundo. No aceptara la invitacion, abrira la puerta y entrara en la presencia del Padre?

      This book is not about who others were and what they did but about who we are and what we can do!

      Internationally acclaimed Bible teacher Dr. E. W. Kenyon lifts the curtain to reveal the Holy of Holies and our ability to enter within to stand in the presence of the Father, who is available to every child of God. In this book, you will learn to…

      Climb to new heights of spiritual reality
      Remove the mist that has surrounded the subject of prayer by venturing into the Light of Life.
      Stand on your rights as a child of God.
      Put all things in subjection under God’s feet.
      Overcome the enemies of your prayer life.
      Use the authority of the name of Jesus.

      This book has been a challenge and blessing to multitudes all over the world. Won’t you accept the invitation, open the door, and enter into the presence of the Father?

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    • Christ Of The 40 Days


      The tragic events of Good Friday did not signal the end of Jesus Christ’s ministry to His disciples-far from it. Easter morning was the beginning of a unique and important portion of Jesus’ ministry on earth. For the next forty days, until His glorious ascension to heaven, Jesus appeared many times to His disciples. During this precious period, Jesus taught His followers about the requirements of discipleship, His own divine nature, and the power they would soon need to expand the kingdom of God “into all the world” (Mark 16:15). Today, we can experience that same power to accomplish God’s work.

      Even more important, those forty days provide us with the promise of His everlasting presence, for Jesus did not say, “I will be with you,” as one who has to go away and come back again, but “Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world” (Matthew 28:20), as a presence that is never to be withdrawn.

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    • How To Conduct Spiritual Warfare


      Have you ever been oppressed by a spiritual or physical infirmity and couldn’t seem to break free? Have you ever wondered how Satan works against believers? Have you ever wondered what Jesus’ call to “free the captives” means for believers today?

      In this book, Mary Garrison imparts the wisdom that she’s gathered in her years of ministry on how to conduct spiritual warfare. Along with sharing personal experiences and testimonies of people who have broken free from spiritual strongholds, she equips readers to distinguish between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. Join her in discovering how to effectively engage in spiritual warfare, exploring such questions as…

      *Who is the enemy?
      *How do I recognize Satan’s strategies?
      *How do I discern and try the spirits?
      *By whose authority do believers work?
      *How important is faith in spiritual warfare?
      *And so many more!

      This book will prepare you to take action. Every power must yield to the risen Christ. Equipped with His power and authority, you can cast out demons and set the oppressed free-you can walk in victory!

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    • 2nd Coming Of Christ


      The Lord will come again; He promised us that. But is His church ready? We know neither the hour nor the day of Christ’s return, but we are instructed to be ready at all times. Amy Semple McPherson felt the urgency of this call, and she challenges the church to be ready for His glorious return.

      Join “Sister Aimee,” whom Time magazine named one of the most influential people of the twentieth century, in discovering what the second coming of Christ means to the church today. In this book, she answers questions that face many believers…
      *Is Christ coming?
      *How is He coming?
      *When is He coming?
      *For whom is He coming?

      The harvest is ready, and the Lord will come back to reap a bountiful, mature body of believers. Allow this book to prepare you to rise up and meet Christ when He appears in the clouds of glory!

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    • Selections From The Writings Of Fenelon


      Franois de Salignac de la Mothe-Fenelon was a French archbishop, theologian, and writer whose excursions into the contemplative life, especially quietism, caused controversy in the church of his day. Today, his writings remain as an encouragement and source of spiritual growth for many Christians.

      Fenelon’s writings poured forth with the spirit of Christian love and the spirit of the Savior of mankind-a love that, Fenelon believed, could conquer self, bind us to our neighbor, and raise us into the presence of almighty God.

      This collection of Fenelon’s work, including doctrinal teachings, letters, meditations, prayers, and devotions, is sure to empower your devotional life and bring you closer to the God you seek.

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    • Heaven And The Angels


      H. A. Baker’s first book, Visions Beyond the Veil, was a vivid account of the heavenly visions a group of homeless Chinese boys received from God, and the miracles that followed. Until that time, Baker knew little about the biblical doctrines of heaven and angels. In Baker’s own words, “Because I had been in such ignorance of the life of the world to come, and because these revelations have so transformed my own life and my work on the mission field, I felt led to gather the best of the things that had come to my knowledge in one way and another and to put the material in book form.”

      The result, Heaven and the Angels, is a thorough collection of biblical teachings on the afterlife, including discourses on…
      The New Jerusalem
      The inhabitants of heaven
      Our perfect future bodies
      The duties of angels, on heaven and on earth
      How believers can participate with heaven today

      Heaven is more than something to be experienced after we die. The miraculous power of God and the ministry of angels are available for every believer, if we will allow our eyes to be opened and our minds to be enlightened.

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    • True Believer : Character Duty And Priviledges


      Famed educator, pastor, and abolitionist Asa Mahan wrote his classic book The True Believer as a response to the question: What are the true character, duties, and privileges of a child of God in this life?

      In it, Mahan addresses such topics as…

      *The confidence of the believer
      *Attaining the fullness of joy
      *The glory conferred from heaven
      *The doctrine of perfection
      *Receiving instruction from the Holy Spirit
      *And much more

      Whether you are new to the faith or a longtime believer, Mahan’s zeal and reasoned teaching on the Christian walk will build your faith and deepen your understanding of your relationship with God.

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    • How I Know God Answers Prayer


      This dramatic and stirring collection of testimonies is an everlasting tribute to the reality of a powerful God who responds to the prayers of His believers. Serving with her husband, Jonathan, on the front lines of China’s Boxer Rebellion at the dawn of the twentieth century, Rosalind Goforth was an eyewitness of how the mighty hand of God responds to prayer in miraculous ways during times of intense struggle.

      This timeless Christian classic stands as a challenge for all believers to never give up reliance on God in prayer, no matter how great the obstacles.

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    • Wall Around Your Heart


      Family members hurt us. Friends betray us. Fellow Christians deceive us. But Jesus provides a path through the pain-the Lord’s Prayer.

      In The Wall Around Your Heart, Mary DeMuth shows you that you can reach wholeness and healing in the aftermath of painful relationships by following the road map of the Lord’s Prayer. You’ll walk through story after story of hurt people who are led through biblical truth into amazing, life-sustaining, joyful growth.

      Life is hard. People can be mean and petty and awful. But they can also be amazing and beautiful and sacrificial. God is good. He is faithful. You can trust him with your relationships. “He’ll send people to call out what is hard in your heart,” Mary shares. “And that’s a gift to you.”

      Allow God to access the wall around your heart. Dare to say, “Tear down the bricks, Lord, whatever it takes.” Pray first. Ask for bravery-for yourself and for others. Risk engaging despite your hurt. Seek the shelter of Jesus.

      You don’t have to resign yourself to your wounds! You can rise above the pain. You’ll usher in a new life-an openhearted way of relating to others that expands the kingdom of God. In the process, you’ll draw closer to Jesus, be healed, and become an agent of healing to others.

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    • Prayers That Change Things In Your Circumstances


      Circumstances involve facts or events that take place around us. David Hume wrote, He is happy whose circumstances suit his temper but he is more excellent who can suit his temper to any circumstance.

      Through prayer we can learn how to change our circumstances, even negative ones, into positive opportunities for growth and wholeness.

      The Bible-based prayers in this book deal with a multitude of circumstances people face: The Need for Friendship, Betrayal, Broken Promises, Decision-making, Failures, Healing, Heartache, Loss of a Pet, Priorities, Property Loss/Damage Temptations, And many more.

      The reader will receive encouragement and faith by praying the prayers in this book. He will learn to face each circumstance with faith each faith. Prayers That Change Things in Your Circumstances is solidly based on the Word of God, our source of strength and faith. The reader will experience supernatural peace as he reads and prays.

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    • Playing God : Redeeming The Gift Of Power


      1. The Discovery Of Power

      Part I: The Gift Of Power: In The Beginning It Was Not So
      Genesis 1-2: Original Power
      2. Power Is A Gift
      3. Idolatry
      4. Injustice
      5. Evangelism And Justice
      John 2: The Wedding Wine

      Part II: The Grip Of Power: It Shall Not Be So Among You
      Exodus: The Ten Words
      6. The Hiddenness Of Power
      7. Risk, Rent, Privilege And Status
      8. Creation, Coercion And Violence
      John 13: Jesus, Power And Provilege

      Part III: Institutions And Creative Power: From Generation To Generation
      Acts: Paul’s Journey To Rome
      9. The Gift Of Institutions
      10. Principalities, Powers And Broken Institutions
      11. Becoming Trustees
      Philemon: The Peculiar Institution

      Part IV
      12. The End Of Power
      Luke 15: Prodigal Power

      Additional Info
      Power corrupts–as we’ve seen time and time again. People too often abuse their power and play god in the lives of others. Shady politicians, corrupt executives and ego-filled media stars have made us suspicious of those who wield influence and authority. They too often breed injustice by participating in what the Bible calls idolatry. Yet power is also the means by which we bring life, create possibilities, offer hope and make human flourishing possible. This is “playing god” as it is meant to be. If we are to do God’s work–fight injustice, bring peace, create beauty and allow the image of God to thrive in those around us–how are we to do these things if not by power? With his trademark clear-headed analysis, Andy Crouch unpacks the dynamics of power that either can make human flourishing possible or can destroy the image of God in people. While the effects of power are often very evident, he uncovers why power is frequently hidden. He considers not just its personal side but the important ways power develops and resides in institutions. Throughout Crouch offers fresh insights from key biblical passages, demonstrating how Scripture calls us to discipline our power. Wielding power need not distort us or others, but instead can be stewarded well. An essential book for all who would influence their world for the good.

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    • My Moms Letters From Heaven


      This is not one of those books about heaven that will make you question whether you will get there. The next life is no mystery-there are people in heaven, some of the same people that were here on earth. While physical forms change, personalities and characters remain for eternity. Soon after his mother died, Gerry Klassen found himself writing a letter from her perspective… and the letters just kept coming. She shares all about the hilarious episodes and different scenarios that make her able to connect with every kind of person imaginable, from Roman soldiers to famous leaders of the Bible to Jesus Himself. She gives her son a heavenly perspective that makes him realize… there’s nothing going on down here that God’s love cannot bring to a perfect and peaceful conclusion up there.

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    • Let Hope In


      Your past is not your past if it’s still impacting your present.

      Do you ever feel as though your life has become a broken record? You’re hearing the same song play over and over again? Nearly every human being on earth has likely spent some time on the carousel of pain. Whether you’re dealing with the guilt and regret of your own sinful choices, or you’re sitting in the shame of someone else’s deceitful actions, God wants to bring you healing. Pastor Pete walks us through the process of transformation, teaching us that if pain is not transformed, it will only be transferred. He reveals God’s truths in this process through the biblical accounts of Joseph and David. Pete identifies the process of changing your life by these 4 choices:
      Choice #1: Choosing to Transform Instead of Transfer
      Choice #2: Choosing to Be Okay With Not Being Okay
      Choice #3: Choosing to Trust Rather Than Please
      Choice #4: Hurt People, Hurt People, But Free People, Choose to Free People

      Whether you’re looking for a new beginning or just ready for a renewal in your walk with God, Pete shows us that anything is possible when you learn how to make new choices and let hope in.

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    • Jesus Greater Than Religion


      Abandon dead, dry, rule-keeping and embrace the promise of being truly known and deeply loved.

      Jefferson Bethke burst into the cultural conversation in 2012 with a passionate, provocative poem titled “Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus.” The 4-minute video literally became an overnight sensation, with 7 million YouTube views in its first 48 hours (and 23+ million in a year). The message blew up on social-media, triggering an avalanche of responses running the gamut from encouraged to enraged.

      In Jesus > Religion, Bethke unpacks similar contrasts that he drew in the poem-highlighting the difference between teeth gritting and grace, law and love, performance and peace, despair and hope. With refreshing candor he delves into the motivation behind his message, beginning with the unvarnished tale of his own plunge from the pinnacle of a works-based, fake-smile existence that sapped his strength and led him down a path of destructive behavior.

      Bethke is quick to acknowledge that he’s not a pastor or theologian, but simply a regular, twenty-something who cried out for a life greater than the one for which he had settled. Along his journey, Bethke discovered the real Jesus, who beckoned him beyond the props of false religion.

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    • Million Little Ways (Reprinted)


      The majority of us would not necessarily define ourselves as artists. We’re parents, students, businesspeople, friends. We’re working hard, trying to make ends meet, and often longing for a little more–more time, more love, more security, more of a sense that there is more out there. The truth? We need not look around so much. God is within us and he wants to shine through us in a million little ways.

      A Million Little Ways uncovers the creative, personal imprint of God on every individual. It invites the discouraged parent, the bored Christian, the exhausted executive to look at their lives differently by approaching their critics, their jobs, and the kids around their table the same way an artist approaches the canvas–with wonder, bravery, and hope. In her gentle, compelling style, Emily Freeman encourages readers to turn down the volume on their inner critic and move into the world with the courage to be who they most deeply are. She invites regular people to see the artistic potential in words, gestures, attitudes, and relationships. Readers will discover the art in a quiet word, a hot dinner, a made bed, a grace-filled glance, and a million other ways of showing God to the world through the simple human acts of listening, waiting, creating, and showing up.

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    • Soul Detox : Clean Living In A Contaminated World


      As standards of conduct continue to erode in our shock-proof world, we must fight the soul pollution threatening our health, our faith, and our witness to others. Without even knowing it, people willingly inhale second-hand toxins poisoning their relationship with God and stunting their spiritual growth. Soul Detox examines the toxins that assault us daily including: toxic influences, toxic emotions, and toxic behaviors. By examining the toxins that assault us daily, this book offers the ultimate spiritual intervention with ways to remain clean, pure, and focused on the standard of God’s holiness.

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    • Missional Discipleship : Partners In Gods Redemptive Mission


      “Where does discipleship end and evangelism begin? How does one fit with the other?
      Joining the two together properly is a challenge. Both are important and both are necessary.

      Missional Discipleship offers a holistic vision that effectively incorporates discipleship with evangelism. Thoroughly Wesleyan in its emphasis on God’s ever-present grace and the possibility of human response, this approach demonstrates that education and formation go hand-in-hand with mission and witness.

      Written by a cadre of scholars and seasoned ministers, this book is an accessible resource to assist pastors and leaders as they introduce to their churches and small groups the vision of mission discipleship. With topics ranging from service and compassion to discipleship and the family, this invaluable guide encapsulates what it means to engage a community of faith in embodying the gospel and equipping Christians to participate in the restorative and redemptive mission of God in the world.”

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    • Blood Covenant : The Story Of Gods Extraordinary Love For You


      His love, unfaltering.
      His commitment, unwavering.
      His covenant, unchanging.

      From the stories of Adam and Eve, Abraham, Moses, and David to the Gospels and beyond, the symbolism of the covenant is foundational to God’s redemptive relationship with humankind.

      Through The Blood Covenant, explore what relationship looks like through the lens of the covenant and experience a renewed appreciation for the magnificence and timelessness of God’s loving-kindness to us. This life-changing exploration of the ancient ritual highlights just how intense God’s love and commitment are. Images of the binding, wholehearted exchanges of friendship, loyalty, and sacrifice found in the covenant pervade the Bible. This expanded and enhanced edition of Jim Garlow’s classic Bible study will enrich your life and deepen your understanding of what God has provided for you through Jesus Christ.”

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    • Both And : Living The Christ Centered Life In An Either Or World


      What Is Our Identity?
      1. Evangelical
      2. And Charismatic What Is Our Ethic?
      3. Socially Progressive
      4. And Morally Traditional What Is Our Concern?
      5. Justice
      6. And Mercy What Is Our Community?
      7. Unity
      8. And Diversity What Is Our Method?
      9. Proclamation
      10. And Demonstration What Is Our Expectation?
      11. Already
      12. And Not Yet What Is Our Theology?
      13. Culturally Relevant
      14. And Orthodox

      Additional Info
      It’s an Either-Or world. We find ourselves caught between competing factions, secular or religious, conservative or liberal. We are pulled between extremes on one side or the other. But the Christian faith holds together seemingly contradictory ideas: Jesus is both human and divine; God is both three and one. There is a paradoxical power in the Both-And. Rich Nathan and Insoo Kim show how Christians can live out the fullness of the gospel through the Both-And. They affirm that we believe in both proclamation and demonstration of the gospel, justice and mercy, and unity and diversity as one body with many parts. The answer is not to choose one or the other, but to hold both together for a richer, more holistic experience of Christianity. Then we will live into the realities of the kingdom of God, both now and not yet, on earth as it is in heaven. The Both-And Christian is both timeless and timely, hewing to the orthodoxy of traditional belief while always contextualizing our witness in a rapidly changing world. Discover how you can deepen your discipleship with the larger vision of the Both-And.

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    • My Pathway Through Life With God


      This book has been written to encourage people as they go through their various challenges in life. It is my hope, that by reading some of the challenges that I have experienced along my pathway in life, and seeing how God brought me through them, it will give others hope and encouragement as they are facing their own challenges. By being honest with my feelings and trusting in God to guide me, God has often made what I saw as impossible to become possible for me. With God’s help, I now see how God helped me to grow through all of my experiences. He has always drawn me to Him rather than ignore me or push me away. Yes, my God is an awesome God! He has led me to where I am today. My prayer for you in reading this book, is that it will in some way touch your life with hope for your future and fill your days with the love, peace, and joy of the Lord! ELIZABETH LABLOND is a native of MA, whose pathway through life has had many curves with a variety of challenges in life. God has always been on the pathway with her, even though many obstacles made it seem to be impossible to move forward with that next step.

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    • What Happens When I Die


      These are questions that Bill Wiese, best-selling author of 23 Minutes in Hell, is asked everywhere he goes.

      Is there life after death? Do heaven and hell really exist? What happens to me when I die?

      In this gripping new book, What Happens When I Die?, Bill answers these all-important questions and explains paranormal phenomena that many people have shared with him as he has traveled to speak about his own supernatural experience.

      You’ll be surprised, and maybe even shocked, as you read about near-death experiences, deathbed visions, last words of famous people, and visits to heaven and hell, and you will see how these encounters line up with scriptures from the Word of God.

      In a moment our lives will be over. We are all only a heartbeat away from eternity, and there are no second chances. What will you decide?

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    • Buscando Su Presencia – (Spanish)


      I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter hidden things, things from of old.
      -Psalm 78:2 NIV

      Thousands of years ago, God imbedded mysteries within the pattern of Moses’ wilderness tabernacle. But just as earthly treasures must be searched for and mined, we also must diligently search for the spiritual riches that God has buried for us in His Word.

      With David Cerullo as your guide, this book will be your treasure map to assist you on this journey of discovery and transformation. With it, you will…
      *Explore ancient scriptural truths unveiling the pathway into God’s awesome presence.
      *Understand as never before the riches hidden within the tabernacle.
      *Discover the joy of ever-deepening intimacy with the Lord.

      Get ready to embark on a life-changing path that will draw you straight into the very heart of God!

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    • Miracle Maintenance : How To Receive And Keep Gods Blessings


      With every gift you “receive” from God, there is the responsibility to “maintain” it, or else you risk losing the blessing of that gift. While many Christians understand this in the area of physical healing, it applies to so many other areas of our lives. Gifts may come in the form of respect, honor, favor, and opportunities, as well as compassion, love, forgiveness, recognition, and instruction. And what we do with the gifts we receive from God can affect the trajectory of our lives.

      Author and teacher Joan Hunter will lead you on a journey of revelation as you…
      *Learn the difference between taking and receiving
      *Build your confidence in God’s miraculous provision
      *Understand how to position yourself to receive God’s gifts
      *Become aware of hindrances to receiving
      *Discover the secrets to keeping the blessings you receive

      Learning to maintain the miracles you receive will affect every area of your life. You will change the way you think, you will see with renewed vision, and you will live with the heartbeat of God.

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    • Turnaround God : Discovering Gods Transformational Power


      Don’t settle for less than what God can do.

      We often face situations in life that are hard. Whether it be a job loss, a difficult marriage, or problems with the kids-harsh storms come, and we can quickly feel overwhelmed, even desperate.

      In the beginning of creation, God entered the darkness and void and displayed his turnaround nature. He spoke words that turned darkness into light and filled the emptiness with fruitfulness. His turnaround power brought order into the chaos. In the same way, God enters our lives with the power of his turnaround ability and offers not just a slight improvement but a complete turn around.

      Turnarounds by their nature are radical. They bypass nice and sensible, they freak out the orderly, and they do not line up with agendas. But turnarounds reveal our miraculous Savior to a messed-up world.

      Using examples from her own life and those of biblical characters, international speaker and teacher Charlotte Gambill offers that God is more than just a little bit of help, he’s all the help; we need. It’s time for us to fully understand that there is nothing that God can’t turn around!

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    • This I Know For Sure


      Do you have a longing to know God more intimately? Do you desire a rock-solid faith to believe God for the challenges you are facing, regardless of how you may feel? This powerful new book by award-winning Gospel singer-songwriter and Bible teacher Babbie Mason challenges you to examine your personal relationship with God and make up your mind to believe God’s Word, regardless of your feelings or circumstances, and take hold of some non-negotiable principles of the faith. Whether you are wrestling with questions or fears, facing a health or financial or other crisis, or struggling in your relationships, these principles will enable you to trust God with your doubts, cease your wavering, and drive a spiritual stake of faith in the ground. Drawing upon the powerful words of 2 Timothy 1:12, Babbie identifies five spiritual “landmarks” that point us to foundational promises in God’s Word we can know beyond a shadow of a doubt.

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    • Going All In


      This powerful booklet, excerpted from All In tells us that the Gospel costs nothing, but demands everything. If Jesus is not Lord of all, He is not Lord at all. It’s all or nothing. It’s now or never. It’s time to ante up and go all in with God. No one has ever sacrificed anything for God. If you always get back more than you gave up, have you sacrificed anything at all? The eternal reward always outweighs the temporal sacrifice. At the end of the day, our greatest regret will be whatever we didn’t give back to God. What we didn’t push back across the table to Him. Eternity will reveal that holding out is losing out. Batterson writes, ‘For many years, I thought I was following Jesus. I wasn’t. I had invited Jesus to follow me. I call it inverted Christianity. And it’s a subtle form of selfishness that masquerades as spirituality. That’s when I sold out and bought in. When did we start believing that the gospel is an insurance plan? It’s a daring plan. Jesus did not die just to keep us safe. He died to make us dangerous.’

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    • God Of The Underdogs


      Matt Keller shows every underdog that God chose people just like them to do his work and change the world.

      Have you ever felt like an underdog? Like you don’t have the ability or confidence to pursue your dreams? The Bible is full of ordinary people the world considered underdogs. Yet God chose them to do his work.

      In God of the Underdogs, pastor Matt Keller tells his own story of being an underdog as well as the stories of the underdog heroes in Scripture. Men and women like Moses, Esther, King David, Samuel, Joseph, Paul the Apostle, and even Jesus. The stories and scriptures you’ll read will inspire you to face down the excuses holding you back, and you will be free to pursue your destiny as never before!

      Maybe you’re thinking, My past is too dark. “But it’s your past,” Matt assures you. God of the Underdogs will show you that the Creator of the universe wants you to accomplish great things for him. He wants to use your life in a way he will use no one else’s. Don’t shrink back from your destiny; lean into it. The Bible says you are a friend of God. Beloved. Highly esteemed. Known. More than conquerors. God sees your potential. It is your inability, not your perfection, that makes you an underdog worth using in God’s eyes. So rise up, underdog! God has a special plan for your life.

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    • Living A Supernatural Life (Reprinted)


      Looking for Signs of LifeBelievers around the world are experiencing God’s kingdom in a real and transformative way through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit working in and through their lives. Yet some are uncertain about the purpose of signs, wonders and miracles in our modern age of doubt. Living a Supernatural Life is a guide to understanding the Spirit’s power in our time, and a handbook for participating in His work. This book is a challenge to all believers to become more like Jesus in character and action, totally dependent on the Holy Spirit. By living as Jesus did, you will witness the light of God’s Spirit defeating the darkness, often in miraculous ways! Find out how to live in the reality of the supernatural realm, attuned in mind and heart to God’s kingdom coming in power through the Holy Spirit living in you.

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    • Playing God : Redeeming The Gif Of Power


      Part 1. The Gift Of Power: In The Beginning It Was Not So
      Part 2. The Grip Of Power: It Will Not Be So Among You
      Part 3. Institutions And Creative Power: From Generation To Generation
      Part 4. The End Of Power: We Had To Celebrate

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      With Playing God, Andy Crouch opens the subject of power, elucidating its subtle activity in our relationships and institutions. He gives us much more than a warning against abuse, though. Turning the notion of “playing God” on its head, Crouch celebrates power as the gift by which we join in God’s creative, redeeming work in the world.

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    • Glimpses Of Grace


      Donna Rae James holds a Bachelor of Arts from San Diego State University; she is a Board Certified Biblical Counselor through the American Association of Christian Counselors. She is an Ordained and Licensed Chaplain through Chaplain Fellowship Ministries International and an Ordained Minister with Richard Boen Ministries. She is a retired educator. Donna enjoys being Nana to 5 grandchildren, writing, teaching and speaking. She loves fishing, target shooting and exploring the area in which she lives. She loves volunteering at her local hospital as Chaplain. She is married to her husband, Dewey, of 49 years and they live in the beautiful area of Pinetop, Arizona which is in the White Mountains. They both volunteer in Hospital Ministries together. Since 1992 Donna has been involved in Ministry. Much of it has been Prayer Ministry. This has taken her in and out of Hospitals from California to Arizona. She has been gifted with the ability to see God at work around her in the ordinary stuff of life. Her life experiences have offered her a unique perspective on life’s trials. She adores children and they relate to her well. Her ability to “counsel” has enriched her and the ministry God called her to. She is able to relate to most any age group or culture. She is a gifted teacher at elementary through adult. She has led Women’s Bible Studies, Women’s Prayer Groups and speaks at Women’s events. Her favorite Bible text is Isaiah 61. It is Donna’s prayer that in the pages of this book you will be encouraged, challenged and inspired to fall deeper in love with Christ. You can expect to shed a tear and to laugh as you read, “Glimpses of Grace.” Blessings to you from me.

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    • Follow Me Group Guide


      The Follow Me Group Guide is a practical tool for learning how to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and how to help others become disciples. Following the methodology and themes Jesus used to train his Twelve, the Group Guide is a companion to Dr. David Schroeder’s popular book, Follow Me: the Disciple-making Strategy of Jesus (aka Discipleship by the Book).

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    • Between The Gates


      Chapter 1 The Origins Of Jesus Matt 1:1-25
      Chapter 2 The Wise King And The Wicked King Sought By Wise Men Matt 2:1-23
      Chapter 3 Precursors To Ministry Matt 3:1-4:16
      Chapter 4 The First Discourse–The Sermon On The Mount Matt 5:1-7:29
      Chapter 5 Copius Miracles And Costly Discipleship Matt 8:1-9:38
      Chapter 6 The Second Discourse–The Mission Of The Twelve Matt 10:1-11:1
      Chapter 7 Jesus And His Inquisitors Matt 11:2-12:50
      Chapter 8 The Third Discourse–The Paradox Of The Parables Matt 13:1-52
      Chapter 9 Narratives Of Rejection And Acclamation Matt 13:53-17:27
      Chapter 10 The Fourth Discourse–On Discord And Status Matt 18:1-19:1
      Chapter 11 Lifestyles Of The Workers In The Vineyard Matt 19:2-20:34
      Chapter 12 The Triumphal Entry And And The Teachings Of Jesus The Sage Matt 21:1-23:39
      Chapter 13 The Final Discourse–Apocalypse Then Matt 24:1-25:46
      Chapter 14 The Demise And Rise Of The Davidic King Matt 26:1-28:20
      Index Of Modern Authors
      Index Of Scriptures
      Index Of Sidebars And Iillustrations
      Index Of Topics

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      Early in the scriptural record, Adam and Eve find themselves cast out through the gates at the Garden of Eden. In the Book of Revelation, Christians are promised entry through the gates into the New Jerusalem. Chuck Poole is known by the many readers of his books as one who speaks to the truth of grace-filled living through the struggles of this world. As with Beyond the Broken Lights and Don’t Cry Past Tuesday, Poole’s latest book will both challenge and comfort as you consider this journey we travel “between the gates.”

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    • Limitless Life : You Are More Than Your Past When God Holds Your Future


      Is your life limited by labels the world and other people have used to define you? Labels you have internalized and apply to yourself every day. Labels like Afraid. Or Addict. Orphan. Damaged Goods. Failure. Maybe even Religious. These labels might be sewn into your life with such tight little stitches that they feel like a part of you. They feel like they define you. But that’s a lie. If you let Him, Jesus can remove those old labels and tattoo new ones onto your soul. Then you’ll begin to see yourself as God the Father sees you. The limits will be lifted, and your life will be transformed. It’s the truth. Join Pastor Derwin Gray on a fascinating journey into what can happens when you offer your head, your heart, and your hands to the only one who can offer you truly limitless life.

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    • Serving Without Sinking


      1. Introduction
      2. Serving Can Be Joyful
      3. A Wrong View Of God
      4. A Wrong View Of People
      5. Served By Christ
      6. Friends With The Boss
      7. Bride Of The King
      8. Sons In The Father’s Business
      9. Still Being Served
      10. The Gift Of Service
      11. Service Is Love
      12. Slaves With A Master
      13. The Joy Of Serving Jesus

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      Many of us are serving, and feel like we’re sinking. We feel joyless, weary and burdened.

      John Hindley shows how Jesus was telling the truth when He offered people an “easy yoke”-a way of serving Him that is joyful and liberating. He explains why serving is so often joyless-and how our identity in Christ changes everything.

      If you are serving, but sometimes feel as though you’re sinking… you need this book!

      If you know someone who has burn out, or is heading in that direction…they need this book too.

      * Written in a personal, warm, gospel-hearted style.
      * Encourages readers to see not only how they serve, but WHY they serve
      * Points Christians away from themselves and back to Jesus
      * Frees people from the burdens of joyless, duty-based serving

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    • Listen Up : A Practical Guide To Listening To Sermons


      Seven Ingredients For Healthy Sermon Listening:
      1. Expect God To Speak
      2. Admit God Knows Better Than You
      3. Check The Preacher Says What The Passage Says
      4. Hear The Sermon In Church
      5. Be There Week By Week
      6. Do What The Bible Says
      7. Do What The Bible Says Today – And Rejoice!
      How To Listen To Bad Sermons
      7 Suggestions For Encouraging Good Preaching

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      Why on earth does anyone need a guide on how to listen to sermons? Don’t we simply need to ‘be there’ and stay awake? Yet Jesus said: ‘Consider carefully how you listen.’ The fact is, much more is involved in truly listening to Bible teaching than just sitting and staring at the preacher.

      Christopher Ash outlines seven ingredients for healthy listening. He then deals with how to respond to bad sermons – ones that are dull, or inadequate, or heretical. And finally, he challenges us with ideas for helping and encouraging our Bible teachers to give sermons that will really help us to grow as Christians.

      * Where does the authority of a Bible teacher come from?
      * Why is Bible teaching offensive?
      * Why is it important to hear Bible teaching in church?
      * How can we actually enjoy Bible teaching more?

      These (and more) are the questions answered by this practical guide, which includes effective, hands-on suggestions for implementing each idea. All with the aim of helping us learn how to listen properly, so that through His word, God will make us more and more Christ like.

      ‘We give Listen Up to all our new members’ – Mark Dever, Senior Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church

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    • Where Wisdom Begins


      The Bible says that the fear of the Lord is the “beginning of wisdom” (Psalm 111:10) and the “beginning of knowledge” (Proverbs 1:7). Proverbs 14:27 even calls it a “fountain of life”! But do people really understand what is meant by “the fear of the Lord”?

      Drastically different from the frightful trembling we feel in response to a threatening person or dangerous situation, the “fear of the Lord” is a deep sense of reverence and awe of the One who created us, loves us, and saved us.

      With comforting words of instruction, renowned Bible scholar Derek Prince explains…
      *How the fear of the Lord differs from other types of fear
      *How to gain wisdom and understanding, which are rooted in the fear of the Lord
      *How to overcome pride in order to submit to Christ and to others
      *How to stand in awe of God’s holiness

      Experience peace and confidence by cultivating the fear of the Lord, the place Where Wisdom Begins!

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    • Living As Salt And Light


      “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.”
      -Matthew 5:13-14

      From best-selling author and Bible teacher Derek Prince comes a message that was near and dear to his heart: our responsibility as Christians to have an impact on the nations in which we live. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus laid out three important facts: (1) as believers, we are to be the salt of the earth; (2) we are to be the light of the world; and (3) a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden. The world is watching us; we cannot hide. As salt and light, Christians should be a source of both flavor and illumination that influences the world around them.

      Unfortunately, many believers have not even begun to think about this. In this ground-breaking book, Derek Prince provides timely teaching on how to…
      *Take spiritual initiative in your area of influence
      *Utilize the weapon of prayer more effectively
      *Understand the power of praise and testimony
      *Wage spiritual warfare and defeat the schemes of the devil
      *Become history changers for a better world

      As Christians, we have a strategic position in our world. And, we have within our grasp the means to change the course of events in our cities and nations.

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    • God Will Use This For Good


      In the midst of dark times, hope can be found in God’s goodness and grand plan! Introducing us to the story of Joseph, this pass-along companion to You’ll Get Through This reminds us that God has not forgotten us and will redeem the messes in our lives for his glory—and our well-being. 64 pages, softcover from Nelson.

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    • Follow Me : The Disciple Making Strategy Of Jesus


      Part One: Learning Kingdom Values
      Part Two: Learning Kingdom Ministry
      Part Three: Learning Kingdom Leadership

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      Here is a much needed reminder that the Christian life means not just new birth, but new growth; not just deliverance, but serious discipleship. Schroeder hits on a marvelous program of showing people how to be created and re-created in the image of Christ.

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    • Experiencing The Power Of The Holy Spirit


      Bestselling author and pastor Lloyd John Ogilvie has spent years observing–and experiencing himself–the deep needs of Christians, and why those needs for love, comfort, guidance, or discernment often go unmet.

      In Experiencing the Power of the Holy Spirit, he draws on Scripture to illuminate the living and active work of the Spirit. Because many believers have a limited view of their great Advocate, Counselor, Helper, and Companion, they don’t realize that in day-to-day life they can depend on Him to…
      *encourage, guide, and correct them, and prompt them to speak or act appropriately
      *help them identify deep motives and penetrate to the root of personal struggles
      *help them discern in prayer what is best in a situation

      When believers build their lives upon reliance on the Spirit, they can live confidently in life’s stressful situations and relationships, knowing they have a Friend who is always there to help.

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    • Wesleyan Way Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      In this exciting and inspiring new study, Scott J. Jones helps seekers and believers to envision and practice discipleship as a way of life. Presenting Christianity from a Wesleyan perspective, Jones invites participants into a deeper, more thoughtful, more active commitment to Christ. This Leader Guide includes everything a group leader needs to plan and facilitate the 12 sessions, helping participants to explore what they have read, to view a 12-minute video, and to discuss the reading and video with the group. The guide walks leaders through the study format and provides options for tailoring sessions to the time-frame and style of each group.

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    • Wesleyan Way Student Book (Student/Study Guide)


      In this exciting and inspiring new study, Scott J. Jones helps seekers and believers to envision and practice discipleship as a way of life. Presenting Christianity from a Wesleyan perspective, Jones invites participants into a deeper, more thoughtful, more active commitment to Christ. This 8-session study helps participants focus on how, through discipleship with Jesus Christ, we become part of God’s work in transforming the world. During the week, participants have one hour of reading and a half hour of Bible reading. Then once a week the group comes together to explore what they have read, to view a 12-minute video, and to discuss the reading and video with the group.

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