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    David Hormachea

    • Adulterio Y La Iglesia – (Spanish)


      No sin stays secret. But what do we do when it affects the entire church body?
      Trusted pastor and teacher Dr. David Hormachea says, “If I told you that I had never committed a sexual sin, you would not believe me. If I gave you the details of my sins, you would be surprised. However, based on the statement by Jesus Christ who said that if you look upon a woman with lust in your heart, you have committed adultery, I do not know if there is anyone who has not committed a sexual sin.” Dr. Hormachea approaches the sensitive subject of adultery with sincerity, giving counsel for our reality from a divine point of view. He walks readers through this often confusing, engrossing topic, taking a difficult problem and making it easy to understand.

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    • Mujer Sus Tensiones Y Depresio – (Spanish)


      Rediscover the joy of being all the woman that God called you to be.
      David Hormachea takes a close look at the issues that women face in today’s world, both in the home and at work. Women tend to have more anxiety and are very driven; men are also imperfect people who need to learn. Hormachea then explores tensions in the home and interpersonal tensions that affect most women, such as low self-esteem, the lack of appropriate romanticism and intimacy, daily pressures, small aggravations with big side effects, unhealthy family relationships, and changes in the female body. He concludes by outlining vital actions for living with dignity.

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    • Padres Buenos En Un Mundo Malo – (Spanish)


      Why do some parents seem to be more successful than others? Some parents have an approach, a style, or an attitude that help their children grow in a healthy, robust manner, even when they have considerable challenges. This book deals with the hard issues that parents face in family life and how they can enable their children not only to overcome challenges but also to become warmer, more nurturing, positive, flexible, assertive and creative as they grow older.

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    • Noviazgo Con Proposito – (Spanish)


      Instrucciones practicas para lograr una relacion exitosa. La decision de elegir a la persona con la que se compartira el resto de la vida es crucial. La importancia de la temporada prematrimonial llamada noviazgo no tiene referente alguno que pueda enmarcarla en un simple paso previo al matrimonio. Es mucho mas que eso. Es determinar bajo ciertas premisas el futuro de la pareja como gestores de la familia. Y esas premisas no pueden ser otras que las que nos ofrece la Palabra de Dios y el sabio consejo de su voluntad.

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    • Sexualidad Con Proposito – (Spanish)


      Descripcion (Description):

      La intimidad en la vida matrimonial es una experiencia unica que nos da una gran realizacion. Pero muchas veces, por ignorancia, rebelion o por motivos de intuicion personal o pasion, las parejas no logran el diseo divino, y encaran conflictos humanos serios.
      Algunas areas acerca de la intimidad que son cubiertas en este libro son:

      Conceptos incorrectos de intimidad
      Ignorancia acerca de la sexualidad
      Cuando es necesario buscar ayuda profesional
      La busqueda por una intimidad sexual
      Elementos necesarios para vida matrimonial

      Intimacy in married life is an unique experience that gives us great fulfillment. But for causes of ignorance, rebellion or for motives of personal intuition or passion, couples don’t complete the divine design, and confront serious human conflicts.

      Some areas of intimacy that are covered in this book are:

      Wrong concepts of intimacy
      Ignorance of sexuality
      When it’s necessary to look for professional help
      The search for sexual intimacy
      Necessary elements for married life

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    • Tesoros De Intimidad – (Spanish)


      Descripcion (Description): Es muy dificil tener entendimiento sin conocimiento. Tristemente existen muchas personas que no conocen el mundo intimo del sexo opuesto. Podemos investigarlo de tal forma que podamos comprenderlo mejor, para que exista intimidad a traves del conocimiento de otra persona. Tanto el hombre como la mujer estan hambrientos de amor, y las relaciones sexuales, separadas del amor, no resultan en satisfaccion, sino en desilusion.

      It is very hard to have understanding without knowledge. Sadly many lack knowledge of the needs of the opposite sex. We can investigate in order to understand better, to learn that intimacy existes by our knowledge of the other person. Both man and woman are hungry for love, and sexual relations separate from love does not result in satisfaction, but disillusion

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    • Cartas Al Joven Tentado – (Spanish)


      160 Paginas

      Additional Info
      En Cartas al Joven Tentado el autor hace un llamado a la juventud a tener una actitud radical. Les exhorta a “tomar la sarten por el mango”. Insta a los jovenes a saber manejar las pasiones que producen excitaciones. El joven con una fe radical aprende a no jugar al “amor” con el afan de conseguir sexo. A las senoritas les aconseja que no propicien el ambiente ni tengan acciones que provoquen tentaciones.

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    • Puerta Llamada Divorcio – (Spanish)


      A broad analysis of the problem of the divorce and solutions based on the word of God.

      Un analisis amplio del problema del divorcio y soluciones basadas en la Palabra de Dios.

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    • Cartas A Mi Amiga Maltratada – (Spanish)


      David Hormachea takes on a very hot topic in today’s society: abuse. Without compromising the privacy of his confidants, Hormachea allows us to enter the world of abuse through the testimonies he has received from abused people who face this unfortunate situation daily.

      David Hormachea aborda un tema verdaderamente candente en nuestros dias: el maltrato. Sabiamente, y sin lastimar la privacidad de sus confi-dentes, nos permite entrar a traves de los testimonios que ha recibido al mundo de las personas maltratadas y que a diario soportan las mas crueles heridas de este flagelo.

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