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    Christian Living

    • Missional Discipleship : Partners In Gods Redemptive Mission


      “Where does discipleship end and evangelism begin? How does one fit with the other?
      Joining the two together properly is a challenge. Both are important and both are necessary.

      Missional Discipleship offers a holistic vision that effectively incorporates discipleship with evangelism. Thoroughly Wesleyan in its emphasis on God’s ever-present grace and the possibility of human response, this approach demonstrates that education and formation go hand-in-hand with mission and witness.

      Written by a cadre of scholars and seasoned ministers, this book is an accessible resource to assist pastors and leaders as they introduce to their churches and small groups the vision of mission discipleship. With topics ranging from service and compassion to discipleship and the family, this invaluable guide encapsulates what it means to engage a community of faith in embodying the gospel and equipping Christians to participate in the restorative and redemptive mission of God in the world.”

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    • Blood Covenant : The Story Of Gods Extraordinary Love For You


      His love, unfaltering.
      His commitment, unwavering.
      His covenant, unchanging.

      From the stories of Adam and Eve, Abraham, Moses, and David to the Gospels and beyond, the symbolism of the covenant is foundational to God’s redemptive relationship with humankind.

      Through The Blood Covenant, explore what relationship looks like through the lens of the covenant and experience a renewed appreciation for the magnificence and timelessness of God’s loving-kindness to us. This life-changing exploration of the ancient ritual highlights just how intense God’s love and commitment are. Images of the binding, wholehearted exchanges of friendship, loyalty, and sacrifice found in the covenant pervade the Bible. This expanded and enhanced edition of Jim Garlow’s classic Bible study will enrich your life and deepen your understanding of what God has provided for you through Jesus Christ.”

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    • Both And : Living The Christ Centered Life In An Either Or World


      What Is Our Identity?
      1. Evangelical
      2. And Charismatic What Is Our Ethic?
      3. Socially Progressive
      4. And Morally Traditional What Is Our Concern?
      5. Justice
      6. And Mercy What Is Our Community?
      7. Unity
      8. And Diversity What Is Our Method?
      9. Proclamation
      10. And Demonstration What Is Our Expectation?
      11. Already
      12. And Not Yet What Is Our Theology?
      13. Culturally Relevant
      14. And Orthodox

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      It’s an Either-Or world. We find ourselves caught between competing factions, secular or religious, conservative or liberal. We are pulled between extremes on one side or the other. But the Christian faith holds together seemingly contradictory ideas: Jesus is both human and divine; God is both three and one. There is a paradoxical power in the Both-And. Rich Nathan and Insoo Kim show how Christians can live out the fullness of the gospel through the Both-And. They affirm that we believe in both proclamation and demonstration of the gospel, justice and mercy, and unity and diversity as one body with many parts. The answer is not to choose one or the other, but to hold both together for a richer, more holistic experience of Christianity. Then we will live into the realities of the kingdom of God, both now and not yet, on earth as it is in heaven. The Both-And Christian is both timeless and timely, hewing to the orthodoxy of traditional belief while always contextualizing our witness in a rapidly changing world. Discover how you can deepen your discipleship with the larger vision of the Both-And.

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    • My Pathway Through Life With God


      This book has been written to encourage people as they go through their various challenges in life. It is my hope, that by reading some of the challenges that I have experienced along my pathway in life, and seeing how God brought me through them, it will give others hope and encouragement as they are facing their own challenges. By being honest with my feelings and trusting in God to guide me, God has often made what I saw as impossible to become possible for me. With God’s help, I now see how God helped me to grow through all of my experiences. He has always drawn me to Him rather than ignore me or push me away. Yes, my God is an awesome God! He has led me to where I am today. My prayer for you in reading this book, is that it will in some way touch your life with hope for your future and fill your days with the love, peace, and joy of the Lord! ELIZABETH LABLOND is a native of MA, whose pathway through life has had many curves with a variety of challenges in life. God has always been on the pathway with her, even though many obstacles made it seem to be impossible to move forward with that next step.

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    • What Happens When I Die


      These are questions that Bill Wiese, best-selling author of 23 Minutes in Hell, is asked everywhere he goes.

      Is there life after death? Do heaven and hell really exist? What happens to me when I die?

      In this gripping new book, What Happens When I Die?, Bill answers these all-important questions and explains paranormal phenomena that many people have shared with him as he has traveled to speak about his own supernatural experience.

      You’ll be surprised, and maybe even shocked, as you read about near-death experiences, deathbed visions, last words of famous people, and visits to heaven and hell, and you will see how these encounters line up with scriptures from the Word of God.

      In a moment our lives will be over. We are all only a heartbeat away from eternity, and there are no second chances. What will you decide?

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    • Confident Peace : Letting Revelation Change The Way You Live


      A Confident Peace shows the book of Revelation as more than prophetic timelines or tales with apocalyptic images. It inspires full surrender to Christ and living with confident peace even when life falls apart. When hurt by the sins of others, when persecuted by ungodly governments, when impacted by the death and disease of a fallen world, when frustrated by friends and family who repeatedly turn from God instead of to Him, Revelation helps us walk these unwanted roads with confident peace. A Confident Peace also reminds us the more things change the more they stay the same. God s holiness, Satan s deception, and humanity s sinfulness are constants from age to age. Looking into the future, Revelation gives us a confident peace to recognize Satan s deceptions, overcome our sinful inclinations and honor God with our lives today. Furthermore, A Confident Peace gives us God s big picture. It reminds us the One who started it all wins it all. With over 550 Old Testament references, the book of Revelation ties together God s activity throughout scripture. Seeing the thread of God s hand tightly woven in our past and future gives us confident peace, especially when it feels life is unraveling all around us.

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    • Corners In The City Of God


      David Simon s THE WIRE lays out before us a city in which people struggle under the weight of poverty, political corruption, economic despair, educational collapse, and the drug trade. This volume explores the various theological, ethical, and philosophical challenges presented by THE WIRE. As each season of THE WIRE unfolds, the moral complexities of life in the city deepen, as the failures of one system have unforeseen effects in other corners of the city. Fleshing out the ongoing tension between the earthly city and the City of God, ”Corners in the City of God” is a theological companion to David Simon s masterpiece, inviting the reader to wrestle with the implications of belonging fully to the cities of the world, in all of their splendor and tragedy.

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    • King Of The Campus


      “Does the Kingship of Christ matter for your college experience?
      What would it look like for the kingdom to come to your university?

      What does it mean for shalom to reign on your campus?

      The message you hear when heading off to college is usually a series of “Do’s and Don’t’s”: Read your Bible. Go to Church. Don’t drink beer. Don’t have sex. While these are important, they are neither big enough nor compelling enough to warrant your attention and energy for four years but the kingdom of God is.

      KING OF THE CAMPUS is a conversation about faithfully engaging God’s mission of love in your local college context. From author Steve Lutz’s experience as a college minister at Penn State comes a book about living counterculturally and with purpose in the midst of academia. Themed chapters and discussion questions make this book is perfect for college small groups.”

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    • Angry Bird And Killer Bees


      1. High Voltage!
      2. Sex Talks
      3. Don Juan, Conquistador
      4. Princess
      5. Generation “Sext”
      6. Power Surge: Sex And Development
      7. Nester Or Nomad: Sex And Attachment
      8. START “the Conversation”

      Additional Info
      “”Mom, Dad what is sex?”

      Angry Birds and Killer Bees is a book that can help you turn “The Talk” into an ongoing conversation that counters the myriad sources of bad information children are exposed to on a daily basis and helps them understand the beauty of true intimacy.

      The three main sections “Sex: Myths and Messages,” “Sex and Biology,” and “Sex and God,” you’ll find information to help you talk with your children about sex, puberty, and the biological, emotional and spiritual levels of relationships. You’ll be able to help them:

      Navigate the social influences of their peers and the culture we live in.

      Understand the deep bonds that come from a healthy sexual relationship.

      View sex as a beautiful, God-given gift that is designed to enhance our emotional and spiritual lives.

      This book is designed to teach you how to talk to your children about sex in ways that do more than just label body parts and will help them grow into emotionally and sexually healthy adults.

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    • Making Neighborhoods Whole


      11 Chapters

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      Already with decades of experience speaking prophetically into the charged racial climate of the American south, John Perkins began to see a need for organized thinking and collaborative imagination about how the church engages urban ministry. And so the Christian Community Development Association (CCDA) was born, with Wayne Gordon an immediate and enthusiastic participant. Nearly thirty years later CCDAs eight key components of community development still set the bar for how churches, parachurches and nonprofits engage cities with the whole gospel. RelocationReconciliationRedistributionLeadership DevelopmentListening to the CommunityChurch-Based DevelopmentA Wholistic Approach to MinistryEmpowerment In Making Neighborhoods Whole Perkins and Gordon revisit these eight commitments and how they’ve played out in real communities, even as they scan the horizon of urban ministry to set a new tone. With profiles of longstanding and emerging community development ministries, they guide a new conversation and empower disciples of Jesus to seek the welfare of their cities to the glory of God.

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    • ReClaiming The Bible For A Non Religious World


      For over 200 years, scholars have been debating, analyzing, and exploring one of the most important books ever written-The Bible-and overturning much of what we know about this sacred library of books. However, a large group of people who actually use this book, mainly lay Christians, aren’t aware of this larger, deeper conversation. It is for these people that Spong writes Re-Claiming the Bible for a Non-Religious World, a primer on the history and significance of the Bible.

      In this thorough, substantive guide, Spong explores the origin and essential meaning of each of the individual books in the Bible, examining the background, the context, the level of authenticity and even the trustworthiness of the messages found there. He explains why these particular books, written between two and three thousand years ago, came to be regarded as authoritative and preserved as sacred; he traces the pathway that biblical religion has traveled as it evolved through the centuries, and he shows how people have misused many of these texts in the service of their prejudices.

      Reaching far beyond the familiar Sunday-school stories that have provided the content of most people’s biblical knowledge, Spong’s journey into the heart of the Bible is his attempt to call his readers into their own journeys into the mystery of God. “One does not,” he asserts, “have to twist one’s brain into a first-century pretzel in order to take the Bible seriously in this increasingly non-religious world.”

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    • Let Us Worship


      Let Us Worship shares vital principles about worship and how to lead others into worship. Judson Cornwall loved to worship God, and his love for worship shows on every page of this Spirit-filled classic. He wrote, Worship is best learned by worshiping. We learn by associating with the object of our worship, for He is an excellent teacher.

      In this book Dr. Cornwall shows the reader that worship is: The beginning of revival, An interpersonal relationship between man and God, A present-moment activity, Love responding to love, An expression of faith, The total release of the spirit to God’s Spirit. And so much more!

      Let Us Worship provides us with a comprehensive overview of the importance of worship. It is a believer’s manual that leads the reader into the very presence of God. O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker. For he is our God; and we are the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hand Psalm 95:6-7

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    • Buscando Su Presencia – (Spanish)


      I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter hidden things, things from of old.
      -Psalm 78:2 NIV

      Thousands of years ago, God imbedded mysteries within the pattern of Moses’ wilderness tabernacle. But just as earthly treasures must be searched for and mined, we also must diligently search for the spiritual riches that God has buried for us in His Word.

      With David Cerullo as your guide, this book will be your treasure map to assist you on this journey of discovery and transformation. With it, you will…
      *Explore ancient scriptural truths unveiling the pathway into God’s awesome presence.
      *Understand as never before the riches hidden within the tabernacle.
      *Discover the joy of ever-deepening intimacy with the Lord.

      Get ready to embark on a life-changing path that will draw you straight into the very heart of God!

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    • Blessings Beyond The Blue


      Heaven is REAL. We have heard about Heaven for many years and it is the place where many hope to go when their life here on earth is over. Heaven is talked about in the Bible. We listen to pastors preach about heaven; but, what do we really know about heaven? Visits to Heaven are Biblical: Prophet Moses, Isaiah, Apostle Paul and Apostle John have visited Heaven. Many others have visited Heaven in near death experiences. Over the past ten years Pastor Monteria has had the pleasure of researching, studying, and reading about individuals that have been fortunate to have had the privilege of visiting heaven and hell, and those individual were allowed to return to earth to tell of what they saw. Pastor Monteria has compared what they had to say with the Holy Scriptures. Many of your questions will be answered through this detail research that is shared in this book on Heaven and Hell.

      Blessing beyond the blue
      -The Glorious Atmosphere of Heaven
      -The Glorious Throne of God
      -Angels and their responsibilities
      -Flowers, Mansions and Castles in Heaven
      -Special buildings for Babies in Heaven
      -Fun activities of Heaven
      -Animals in Heaven
      -Horror beneath the Grave
      -Cells Pits and Rooms of Hell
      -Creatures of Hell
      -Bottomless Pit and Lake of Fire
      -What is it like to be in Hell?

      How to get to Heaven or Hell from where you live And much more…Heaven is a prepared place for prepared people to go there? Will YOU be there?

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    • Necessity Of Prayer


      Prayer is the Christian’s lifeline, the Christian’s weapon, the Christian’s assurance of victory over every spiritual enemy. E. M. Bounds will lead you into a greater understanding of the importance of a healthy prayer life. The writings of this great man of prayer have left a legacy of intimate and powerful communication with God that can also be yours.

      Here, E. M. Bounds will show you how to…

      *Remove hindrances to answered prayer
      *Receive prompt and abundant answers to prayer
      *Develop joyfulness in prayer
      *Make the promises of God a reality in your life

      Experience a greater depth and power in your prayer life as you defeat every spiritual enemy. The victory is already yours!

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    • We Can Do Better Part 2


      “His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known…” Ephesians 3:10

      Churches have been uniquely called to impact our society for good. In this timely book, Dr. Tony Evans offers “the plan” we have all been looking for to not only bring about racial unity in our country but to also restore our communities. He unveils a local model for the church that will impact your community and effect change in the lives of many. This step-by-step plan is sure to transform communities, and our nation.

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    • We Can Do Better Part 1


      “That they may be one even as we are one” – Jesus the Messiah

      In a response to today’s racially charged climate, Dr. Tony Evans speaks from a spiritual perspective and discusses the need for racial healing in our nation and in our churches. He proposes that at the core of racial disunity lies the failure to understand and execute righteousness and justice from God’s perspective. In this timely book, which concludes with a personal challenge to all believers, Dr. Evans calls readers to be intentional about embracing God’s desire for oneness.

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    • When A Mom Inspires Her Daughter


      During the teen years, a mother-daughter relationship can be challenging. A daughter needs her mom’s support as a confidante and gentle guide–yet at the same time, she yearns for greater independence and wants to be her own person.

      How can a mother maintain the right balance on this high-wire tightrope walk? When a Mom Inspires Her Daughter is filled with biblical instruction and personal stories that reveal what works and doesn’t work when it comes to building the mother-daughter relationship. Every mom will find tremendous encouragement as she learns to…
      *know what her daughter needs
      *take an interest in her daughter’s world
      *choose her battles well
      *encourage her daughter to dream
      *affirm her daughter’s womanhood
      *become her daughter’s best friend

      A wonderful resource for moms who want to bring delight and blessing into this most important of relationships!

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    • Thoughts For Young Men


      There are four great temptations that plague most young men: sloth, lust, love of pleasure, and peer pressure. J.C. Ryle — the last of the great Puritans — tackles each of these subjects with a tenderness and tact which is unsurpassed.

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    • Girls Guide To Making Really Good Choices


      Every girl is a beautiful creation, uniquely equipped by God to do His work in the world. But as girls are growing, changing, and making choices about the kinds of lives they will lead, they are bombarded with conflicting messages about what it means to be a woman. The media says one thing, boys say another, and friends seem obsessed with whatever is newest and coolest. As a result, girls too often hand their decisions over to those least qualified to make them.

      Into the breach steps Elizabeth George, bestselling author and beloved Bible teacher. With wisdom, gentleness, and tremendous grace, she guides tween girls ages 8 to 12 through the most challenging decisions they face, teaching them to let God-not the world-define who they are. Discussing such topics as attitude, friendships, crushes, parents, school, and avoiding bad situations, Elizabeth helps girls see that the very best choice of all is a choice to live within God’s will.

      Perfect for individuals, small groups, and mentoring.

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    • Experiencing Gods Presence


      From the award-winning author of When You Don’t Know What to Pray comes a bold and life-transforming book that will help readers develop a vibrant relationship with God. Linda Evans Shepherd tells readers that a fulfilling prayer life is more than just regularly talking to God or checking items off a prayer list. God loves us so much that he wants us to draw close enough not only to talk but also to listen.

      Shepherd shows readers how to develop a dialogue with God, continually seeking him out and seeing him at work in our lives. Steeped in Scripture and personal stories of answered prayer, this book also includes sample prayers and action steps for readers to put into practice immediately.

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    • Miracle Maintenance : How To Receive And Keep Gods Blessings


      With every gift you “receive” from God, there is the responsibility to “maintain” it, or else you risk losing the blessing of that gift. While many Christians understand this in the area of physical healing, it applies to so many other areas of our lives. Gifts may come in the form of respect, honor, favor, and opportunities, as well as compassion, love, forgiveness, recognition, and instruction. And what we do with the gifts we receive from God can affect the trajectory of our lives.

      Author and teacher Joan Hunter will lead you on a journey of revelation as you…
      *Learn the difference between taking and receiving
      *Build your confidence in God’s miraculous provision
      *Understand how to position yourself to receive God’s gifts
      *Become aware of hindrances to receiving
      *Discover the secrets to keeping the blessings you receive

      Learning to maintain the miracles you receive will affect every area of your life. You will change the way you think, you will see with renewed vision, and you will live with the heartbeat of God.

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    • Turnaround God : Discovering Gods Transformational Power


      Don’t settle for less than what God can do.

      We often face situations in life that are hard. Whether it be a job loss, a difficult marriage, or problems with the kids-harsh storms come, and we can quickly feel overwhelmed, even desperate.

      In the beginning of creation, God entered the darkness and void and displayed his turnaround nature. He spoke words that turned darkness into light and filled the emptiness with fruitfulness. His turnaround power brought order into the chaos. In the same way, God enters our lives with the power of his turnaround ability and offers not just a slight improvement but a complete turn around.

      Turnarounds by their nature are radical. They bypass nice and sensible, they freak out the orderly, and they do not line up with agendas. But turnarounds reveal our miraculous Savior to a messed-up world.

      Using examples from her own life and those of biblical characters, international speaker and teacher Charlotte Gambill offers that God is more than just a little bit of help, he’s all the help; we need. It’s time for us to fully understand that there is nothing that God can’t turn around!

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    • Beauty Of Broken


      Find beauty and hope by facing and dealing with the messiness of family life.
      The family is an imperfect institution. Broken people become broken parents who make broken families. But actually, broken is normal and exactly where God wants us.
      In The Beauty of Broken, Elisa Morgan, one of today’s most respected female Christian leaders, for the first time shares her very personal story of brokenness – from her first family of origin to the second, represented by her husband and two grown children. Over the years, Elisa’s family struggled privately with issues many parents must face, including:

      alcoholism and drug addiction
      infertility and adoption
      teen pregnancy and abortion
      divorce, homosexuality, and death
      Each story layers onto the next to reveal the brokenness that comes into our lives without invitation. “We’ve bought into the myth of the perfect family,” says Elisa. “Formulaic promises about the family may have originated in well-meaning intentions, but such thinking isn’t realistic. It’s not helpful. It’s not even kind.”
      Instead she offers hope in the form of “broken family values” that allow parents to grow and thrive with God. Values such as commitment, humility, relinquishment, and respect carry us to new places of understanding. Owning our brokenness shapes us into God’s best idea for us and enables us to discover the beauty in ourselves and each member of our family.

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    • Prayers And Promises For Worried Parents


      Are you waiting for God to work his plan in your child’s life? This inspirational collection of powerful stories and prayers offers comforting advice to concerned moms and dads.

      Countless parents feel helpless and lost when their teenage or young adult children fall into destructive lifestyles and walk away from the principles they were raised with. Distressed and wearied, moms and dads often feel they’ve tried everything: begging, praying, arguing, reasoning, making rules, and setting boundaries. But nothing works. What more can they do? Just accept it?

      Pastor and father Rob Morgan sympathizes with these parents, and in this powerful and hopeful book, he offers more than 100 readings to uplift and encourage them. Through Scripture-based prayers, excerpts from classical literature, brief messages, hopeful quotes, personal stories, and more, he speaks the language of hurting parents and offers the spiritual and practical help they need.

      Divided into eleven sections, each offering different methods of hope and healing, Prayers and Promises for Worried Parents shows parents how to intercede more effectively for their children, deal with worry and anxiety, and face difficult questions, such as: What do we do when God doesn’t answer our prayers? What did Jesus do when he had trouble with his children? How can we best reach out to our prodigal sons and daughters?

      Full of powerful messages and answered prayers, this inspirational guide shows you what you can do while waiting for God to work in your children’s lives.

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    • This I Know For Sure


      Do you have a longing to know God more intimately? Do you desire a rock-solid faith to believe God for the challenges you are facing, regardless of how you may feel? This powerful new book by award-winning Gospel singer-songwriter and Bible teacher Babbie Mason challenges you to examine your personal relationship with God and make up your mind to believe God’s Word, regardless of your feelings or circumstances, and take hold of some non-negotiable principles of the faith. Whether you are wrestling with questions or fears, facing a health or financial or other crisis, or struggling in your relationships, these principles will enable you to trust God with your doubts, cease your wavering, and drive a spiritual stake of faith in the ground. Drawing upon the powerful words of 2 Timothy 1:12, Babbie identifies five spiritual “landmarks” that point us to foundational promises in God’s Word we can know beyond a shadow of a doubt.

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    • Greatest Gift : Unwrapping The Full Love Story Of Christmas


      Thousands of readers have already fallen in love with Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gifts, and this Christmas, Ann will help readers celebrate the lineage and the majesty of God’s greatest gift-Jesus Christ. In what is sure to become an instant holiday classic, Voskamp reaches back into the pages of the Old Testament to explore the lineage of Jesus via the advent tradition of “The Jesse Tree.”

      Beginning with Jesse, the father of David, The Greatest Gift retraces the epic pageantry of mankind, from Adam to the Messiah, with each day’s reading pointing to the coming promise of Christ.

      Sure to become a holiday staple in every Christian home, The Greatest Gift is the perfect gift for the holidays and a timeless reminder of the true meaning of Christmas.

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    • Saldras De Esta – (Spanish)


      No sera sin dolor.
      No sera rapido.
      Pero Dios usara este desastre para bien.
      No seas insensato, ni ingenuo.
      Pero tampoco desesperes.

      Con la ayuda de Dios, saldras de esta.

      Tienes temor de no lograrlo. Todos le tememos a eso. Tememos que la depresion nunca se vaya, que los gritos nunca cesen, que el dolor no nos deje. En los abismos, rodeados de paredes escarpadas y dolorosos recordatorios, nos preguntamos: Se aclarara este cielo gris? Se alivianara esta carga?

      En Saldras de esta, el pastor Max Lucado, uno de los autores mas leidos segun el New York Times, ofrece una dulce seguridad. “La salvacion es a la Biblia, lo que el jazz a Mardi Gras: bien definida, estridente y esta en todas partes”.

      Max les recuerda a los lectores que Dios no promete que salgamos de las pruebas rapidamente y sin dolor. No fue asi para Jose -lanzado a una fosa por sus hermanos, vendido como esclavo, arrestado injustamente, olvidado y rechazado- pero su historia en el Antiguo Testamento esta en la Biblia por esta razon: para ensearnos a confiar que Dios triunfara sobre el mal.

      Con la compasion de un pastor, el alma de un narrador de cuentos y el regocijo de aquel que ha visto lo que Dios puede hacer, Max explora la historia de Jose y la verdad del Genesis 50:20. Lo que Satanas intenta para mal, Dios lo redime para bien.

      You’ll get through this.
      It won’t be painless.
      It won’t be quick.
      But God will use this mess for good.
      Don’t be foolish or naive.
      But don’t despair either.

      With God’s help, you’ll get through this.

      You fear you won’t make it through. We all do. We fear that the depression will never lift, the yelling will never stop, the pain will never leave. In the pits, surrounded by steep walls and aching reminders, we wonder: Will this gray sky ever brighten? This load ever lighten?

      In You’ll Get Through This, pastor and New York Times best-selling author, Max Lucado offers sweet assurance. “Deliverance is to the Bible what jazz music is to Mardi Gras: bold, brassy, and everywhere.” Max reminds readers God doesn’t promise that getting through trials will be quick or painless. It wasn’t for Joseph–tossed in a pit by his brothers, sold into slavery, wrongfully imprisoned, forgotten and dismissed–but his Old Testament story is in the Bible for this reason: to teach us to trust God to trump evil.

      With the compassion of a pastor, the heart of a storyteller, and the joy of one who has seen what God can do, Max explores the story of Joseph an

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    • Going All In


      This powerful booklet, excerpted from All In tells us that the Gospel costs nothing, but demands everything. If Jesus is not Lord of all, He is not Lord at all. It’s all or nothing. It’s now or never. It’s time to ante up and go all in with God. No one has ever sacrificed anything for God. If you always get back more than you gave up, have you sacrificed anything at all? The eternal reward always outweighs the temporal sacrifice. At the end of the day, our greatest regret will be whatever we didn’t give back to God. What we didn’t push back across the table to Him. Eternity will reveal that holding out is losing out. Batterson writes, ‘For many years, I thought I was following Jesus. I wasn’t. I had invited Jesus to follow me. I call it inverted Christianity. And it’s a subtle form of selfishness that masquerades as spirituality. That’s when I sold out and bought in. When did we start believing that the gospel is an insurance plan? It’s a daring plan. Jesus did not die just to keep us safe. He died to make us dangerous.’

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    • Encouragement For Today


      Pull away from the things that pull you down and find lasting encouragement for today. The women at Proverbs 31 Ministries offer 100 devotions of wit, wisdom, and encouragement for everyday women.

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    • 50 Fridays Marriage Challenge


      Transform your marriage with this revitalizing relationship guide that challenges couples to answer important questions together and grow in mutual understanding.

      In our modern, fast-paced society, it is easy for couples to drift apart and suddenly find their marriages in need of serious help. If this sounds familiar, then Pastor Jeff Helton and his wife Lora have a challenge for you: sit down once a week with your spouse to answer a question together. It could be something as simple as “What makes you laugh out loud?” or as deep and challenging as “If you had one day left on earth, what would you say to your spouse?” or “Are you satisfied with our level of physical intimacy?”

      The 50 Fridays Marriage Challenge is a fun book specifically designed to spark open and honest conversation between partners at any stage of married life. Each short chapter includes an engaging question, a brief message, an encouraging quote, a Bible scripture, and a prayer. The short messages bring hope to rocky marriages by providing a safe, gentle space for discussing important matters, such as communication, conflict, in-laws, finances, children, sex, and much more.

      By taking the 50 Fridays Marriage Challenge, husbands and wives will find that their Friday evening talks-whether they laugh together, delve deep into the topic at hand, or plan and dream for the future-may be the only time they spend in close conversation that doesn’t involve the kids, the checking account, or who took out the trash. Spend a few precious moments together once a week with this book, and you will ultimately see your marriage transformed.

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    • Take Charge Of Your Emotions (Reprinted)


      Respected Christian Psychologist Helps Readers Find Relief from Emotional Pain

      Linda J. Solie, a psychologist who has been in private practice for more than 20 years, says everyone can benefit from taking charge of their emotional health. She gives readers the skills to take control of their thoughts and behaviors by first identifying the problem thinking that creates painful feelings and undesirable conduct. Then using a seven-step process, she helps them change their feelings and behavior. Throughout the book the seven steps are applied to a variety of situations, both short term–such as a distressing mood–and longer term, including significant longstanding emotional pain. Grounded in faith, the reader’s relationship with Jesus is always central to the process.

      As William Backus pioneered a generation ago with Telling Yourself the Truth (more than 700,000 sold), Solie will reach thousands of readers who don’t have easy access to mental health providers or can’t afford them. Pastors and lay counselors will also find this an excellent resource to use and recommend.

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    • People Who Argue Are Sick


      Is it any wonder that wrath—the old-fashioned name for anger—is one of the “seven deadly sins”? We live in a world of anger and violence, with headlines so shocking we grow numb to their effect. National and international tensions surround us. Is it possible to discern the source of such wrath? More to the point, is there a “cure” for this malady of the heart?

      In People Who Argue Are Sick Dr. Duane Cuthbertson shows that the human spirit can indeed be crushed and fractured, a brokenness that involves both temperament and environmental factors. But no one should have to be a victim of rage—either as instigator or recipient. He offers not only hope but also a technique for healing.
      In these pages you will discover that:
      * Your argumentative spirit can be healed
      * You potentially have had your last argument
      * Domestic violence can subside
      * The world can be a less violent place
      People Who Argue Are Sick has the potential not only to change you and your home, but to change the whole world.

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    • Killing Sin Habits


      1. Repeating Pattern Of Sin: Just Like Clockwork, But It Can Stop!
      2. Something Is Missing
      3. Context Is Everything!
      4. Exercise (Vivify) Daily Christian Faith
      5. Vivify A Right Priority
      6. Vivify Spiritual Exercise
      7. Radical Love For Radical Love
      8. Will The Real Mortification Please Stand Up?
      9. Where The Rubber Meets The Road
      10. Final Thoughts

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      Scripture teaches that we can’t know when our Savior, Jesus Christ will return to earth. However, the signs described in the Bible are coming to pass at a rapid rate. What are these signs and how should Christians respond to what is happening in the world today?

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    • Destroy The Works Of The Enemy


      This book demonstrates how to operate in the fullness of the Holy Spirit’s power to overcome the enemy.

      Destroy the Works of the Enemy will liberate those who struggle with oppression and depression. This book will teach readers how to exercise their authority as Christians over all the works of the enemy. It will address the following areas:
      *Can a Christian have demonic spirits?
      *How to deal with fear and worry
      *How to overcome oppression and set others free from its hold
      *How to be released from the bonds of sickness
      *How Jesus dealt with demons
      *How to recognize false and true doctrines
      *How to maintain your freedom

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    • Jesus Es – (Spanish)


      !Un best-seller del New York Times!Jesus es ____. Como terminaria usted la frase?El sujeto esta ahi, y tambien esta el verbo, pero lo que viene despues? Su respuesta podria arrojar luz sobre el camino para convertirse en quien usted fue hecho para ser.En estas paginas, Judah Smith llena esa frase una y otra vez, cada vez que revela aun mas el caracter de Jesus. Escribe como si escribiera a un amigo, ilustrando la importancia del mensaje de Cristo a los hombres y mujeres modernos. -ste es un libro para los nuevos creyentes, para los seguidores de toda la vida, y para los simplemente curiosos.Juda Smith nos muestra al Jesus que las pinturas e himnos sombrios no pueden captar. Con pasion, humor y conviccion, el muestra que Jesus es vida. Jesus es la gracia. Jesus es tu amigo. Jesus es una nueva y mejor manera de ser humano.

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    • God Of The Underdogs


      Matt Keller shows every underdog that God chose people just like them to do his work and change the world.

      Have you ever felt like an underdog? Like you don’t have the ability or confidence to pursue your dreams? The Bible is full of ordinary people the world considered underdogs. Yet God chose them to do his work.

      In God of the Underdogs, pastor Matt Keller tells his own story of being an underdog as well as the stories of the underdog heroes in Scripture. Men and women like Moses, Esther, King David, Samuel, Joseph, Paul the Apostle, and even Jesus. The stories and scriptures you’ll read will inspire you to face down the excuses holding you back, and you will be free to pursue your destiny as never before!

      Maybe you’re thinking, My past is too dark. “But it’s your past,” Matt assures you. God of the Underdogs will show you that the Creator of the universe wants you to accomplish great things for him. He wants to use your life in a way he will use no one else’s. Don’t shrink back from your destiny; lean into it. The Bible says you are a friend of God. Beloved. Highly esteemed. Known. More than conquerors. God sees your potential. It is your inability, not your perfection, that makes you an underdog worth using in God’s eyes. So rise up, underdog! God has a special plan for your life.

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    • And The Angels Were Silent


      You can tell a lot about a person by the way he dies.

      In the last week of his life, Jesus deliberately sets his face toward Jerusalem-and certain death. This is no ordinary week. Even the angels are silent as they ponder the final days of Jesus Christ.

      This is no ordinary walk. Jesus doesn’t chatter. He doesn’t pause. He is on his final journey.

      He walks determinedly to the holy city, angrily into the temple, wearily into Gethsemane, painfully up the Via Dolorosa. And powerfully out of the vacated tomb.

      Master storyteller and best-selling author Max Lucado invites you: “Let’s follow Jesus on his final journey. For by observing his, we may learn how to make ours. And discover what matters to God.”

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    • Applause Of Heaven


      It comes from God and it is within your reach….The applause of heaven.
      A joy that can’t be quenched? A peace that can’t be broken? A happiness that can’t be threatened?

      There is such a joy. It is a sacred delight, a holy gladness. You can’t open your bible without reading about it. You can’t live a truly satisfying life without it,. and it’s nearer than you think.

      Jesus describes that sacred delight in the astonishing mountain message we now call the Beatitudes. And Max Lucado, in this classic exploration of enduring joy, shows you how this familiar but revolutionary prescription for living can bless your life beyong your wildest imagining.

      Imagine God doing what gods would do only in your wildest dreams–wearing diapers, riding donkeys, washing feet, dozing in storms–dying for your mistakes. Imagine having God as your pinch-hitter, your lawyer, your dad, your biggest fan, and your best friend. Imagine having the King of kings in your cheering section and hearing the applause of heaven ring out…just for you.

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    • Overextended And Loving Most Of It


      Would you consider your life stretched to the limit?

      Are you a burn-the-candle-at-both-ends kind of gal with lots of room for improvement when it comes to creating margins for rest? But you actually “love” it and wouldn’t want it any other way? Well, so does Lisa Harper.

      In her humorous and packed-with-biblical-wisdom way, Lisa shows us that it is possible for a frazzled nature to be glorifying to the Lord. Every late-night conversation with a hurting friend and each precious, adopted child needing a little extra tender loving care–exhausting, yet imperative, ways to be extensions of the gospel. In each of these vignettes illustrating Lisa’s overextended life, we learn that even in the middle of our own pure motives and hectic schedules, it is only by resting in God’s sovereign mercy that we are able to keep risking our hearts to serve his people and fulfill the callings he has placed on us.

      “Real” life . . . “abundant” life . . . g”odly” life is about loving Jesus and the people he allows us to rub shoulders with well–which means some days you’ll be stretched emotionally and physically. You’ll feel overextended. Thankfully God will expand our hearts and calendars to accommodate the calling. He is in the business of supplying us with new mercies every morning . . . new candles to burn, for more lives needing his light.

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    • What A Difference A Mom Makes (Reprinted)


      Every mom wants the best for her son. She wants him to succeed in life, to be a man of character, to find a good woman, to be a great dad. But sometimes boys are hard for moms to understand. Sometimes they’re strange, annoying, and downright disgusting! Yet always they need a mother who is engaged and interested in them, because a mom is the most important person in a boy’s life.

      In What a Difference a Mom Makes, New York Times bestselling author Dr. Kevin Leman uses his wit and wisdom to show Mom how to lay the groundwork that will allow her son to grow into a good man. Armed with Dr. Leman’s expert advice and insight, Mom will gain an understanding of her boy at every stage, from that very first diaper change to the moment he leaves for college. Dr. Leman shows how to discipline a boy, how to command respect, how to let him fight his own battles, how to understand his sexuality, and how to weather the changes in the mother-son relationship as he grows up. Most of all, Leman shows Mom how to lighten up and have some fun along the way with that boy who will always have her heart.

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    • What Your Dreams Are Telling You


      Non-Mystical, Non-Charismatic, Christian Approach to a Bestselling Topic

      Most people think their dreams are interesting, perplexing, maybe even strange. But a secret weapon for success? Messages from God to help the impossible become possible? Author Cindy McGill contends that this is exactly the case.

      Readers will discover that solutions to their problems can come on any given night–as they sleep. This book is for anyone–believer and non-believer alike–searching for spiritually sound teaching on a fascinating topic. Not only is it possible to remember dreams, but the tools for decoding those puzzling words and pictures are within easy reach.

      God has something to say, McGill explains, and ever since Bible times, he likes to use dreams to say it. Learning to speak this language will bring readers into relationship with God for the first time, or deepen that relationship in a powerful way.

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    • Enemy Called Average (Expanded)


      This is the new, updated and expanded version of the national best-selling book, An Enemy Called Average, originally published in 1990. Stand Out – Don’t Blend In! Within every person is a desire to be fully who they were created to be. No one really wants to just get by. Regardless of where you are in life, how much you have or have not accomplished, God is not finished with you yet! Divided into 52 nuggets of truth, An Enemy Called Average is a source of godly wisdom, scriptural motivation, and practical principles. The words of this book will stir up the gifts and dreams within you. Instead of digging through ten pages to find one good idea, you’ll find ten good ideas on every page. Think about it… Your problem is your promotion. Worry is interest paid in advance on something you may never own. The faith to move mountains always carries a pick. People are born originals, but most die copies. Ideas go away, but direction stays. Stop every day and look at the size of God.

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    • Crazy Busy : A Mercifully Short Book About A Really Big Problem


      I’m too busy. We’ve all heard it, we’ve all said it. Sometimes being busy seems like the theme of our lives. Yet this frenetic pace poses a serious threat to our physical, social, and even spiritual well-being. In this mercifully short book about a really big problem, best-selling author Kevin DeYoung rejects the “busyness as usual” mindset, arguing that a life of constant chaos is far from what God intends. DeYoung helps us figure out a better way forward as he strikes a mature and well-reasoned balance between doing nothing and doing everything. With his usual warmth, humor, and honesty, DeYoung deftly attacks the widespread “crazy busy” epidemic and offers up the restful cure we’ve all been too busy to find.

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    • Living A Supernatural Life (Reprinted)


      Looking for Signs of LifeBelievers around the world are experiencing God’s kingdom in a real and transformative way through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit working in and through their lives. Yet some are uncertain about the purpose of signs, wonders and miracles in our modern age of doubt. Living a Supernatural Life is a guide to understanding the Spirit’s power in our time, and a handbook for participating in His work. This book is a challenge to all believers to become more like Jesus in character and action, totally dependent on the Holy Spirit. By living as Jesus did, you will witness the light of God’s Spirit defeating the darkness, often in miraculous ways! Find out how to live in the reality of the supernatural realm, attuned in mind and heart to God’s kingdom coming in power through the Holy Spirit living in you.

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    • Womens Uncommon Prayers


      Looking for ways to be strong yet tender, independent yet intimate, women today strive toward ever greater understanding of themselves, their relationships with family and friends, and their place in the world. Written by clergy and lay women from all around the country, this compilation of prayers and poems is the collective wisdom of contemporary women who base their search for such understanding on the belief that all of life must be seen against the backdrop of a vital faith. Offered in a spirit of sharing and encouragement, these prayers and poems are as rich, intricate, and complex as the women’s lives they represent. Women’s Uncommon Prayers covers the full spectrum of emotions from desperate pleas for compassion in times of despair to quiet gratitude for the simple blessings of everyday living, to raucous praise during moments of celebration. These prayers touch on an amazing array of topics organized under the categories of identity, daily life, stages of life, spirituality, and ministry. Also included are comprehensive sections of seasonal and corporate prayers.

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    • Spirit Of Python


      If it feels like your dreams and passions are suffocating and you don’t know why-you might be dealing with the spirit of python.

      In the natural world pythons have an interesting way of killing their prey. They constrict it until it can no longer breathe, literally suffocating the life out of its veins. In the spirit realm the python spirit acts in the same manner. It comes to put limits on you. It comes to quiet your voice and kill your dreams. It creeps into your life and, slowly but surely, suffocates your zeal for praising and worshiping God.

      New York Times best-selling author Jentezen Franklin is back with a message that will inspire you to break free and reclaim a life of passion, purpose, and praise. Based on some of his best-selling ministry products, Prey of the Python helps you understand the strategies of this subtle destroyer, how it works, how to detect it, and how to break its hold from your life.

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    • Kingdom Come


      In this world of pain, regret, and brokenness, people regularly wonder about the future. Yet Christians find confidence in one secure truth: Jesus is coming back. Directing readers to this ultimate hope, Phil Ryken encourages Christians to live each day longing for Christ’s return and anticipating the coming of his kingdom. This book overflows with engaging anecdotes, contemporary illustrations, and insightful reflections on Scripture, offering readers a powerful reminder of the glorious future promised to all who trust in Christ and who long for his appearing.

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    • Unexplained Mysteries Of Heaven And Earth


      “The works of the Lord are great, studied by all who have pleasure in them” (Ps. 111:2).”
      The scripture clearly indicates that the creative order itself cries out as a witness to God. Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork.”

      The vast reaches of outer space and its unending marvel cry out to the glory of God. Radio telescopes are picking up sounds from beyond our galaxy. The whole of creation is a divine symphony. Furthermore, Scripture says, “Truth shall spring out of the earth…” (Ps. 85:11). The vast and unexplained mystery of the earth cries out for our inspection and study.

      Phillips says, “So join me as we travel back beyond time, as we look at the flood, lost Atlantis, the Great Pyramid, the ark of the covenant, Melchizedek, Sodom and Gomorrah, the giants, Christ, the Antichrist, the Rapture, spiritual fullness, and other mysteries!”

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    • Playing God : Redeeming The Gif Of Power


      Part 1. The Gift Of Power: In The Beginning It Was Not So
      Part 2. The Grip Of Power: It Will Not Be So Among You
      Part 3. Institutions And Creative Power: From Generation To Generation
      Part 4. The End Of Power: We Had To Celebrate

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      With Playing God, Andy Crouch opens the subject of power, elucidating its subtle activity in our relationships and institutions. He gives us much more than a warning against abuse, though. Turning the notion of “playing God” on its head, Crouch celebrates power as the gift by which we join in God’s creative, redeeming work in the world.

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