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    Christian Living

    • Godward Heart : Treasuring The God Who Loves You


      To Satisfy Your Soul — with God

      John Piper invites you to experience deeper intimacy with God through these thought-provoking and soul-enriching meditations. Whether you are just discovering the divine richness of Scripture or have long been a passionate student, you’ll find a deeper understanding of God and renewed insight for your journey.

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    • Except The Lord Build The House


      My pediatrician walked in. My jubilant “Hi!” brought a beet-red flush to his face-my heart stopped as he groped for the only words I actually heard, “…and I’m sorry, but your son expired at eight this morning.”

      This is a breathtakingly courageous testimony of learning to lean utterly on God. Enduring the most devastating tragedy that a parent can ever experience, Carlsen learns the futility of trying to micromanage the Creator. She learns to listen, learns the nature of true obedience to His will, and her heart and spirit are forged into greater and greater intimacy of trust in the Lord.

      Her faith is tested again and again as she surrenders every facet of every nuance of every decision into God’s control. In the midst of her pain, the author gains invaluable insight into the nature of Christian growth, drawing a parallel to the raising up of a baby to maturity. In her clear and direct voice, the concept is staggering in its simplicity:

      Imagine if pastors were able to assign mature elders and deacons to patiently nurture and instruct new believers about how to “work out their own salvation” day by day…The church is not a building we come to; it is a living structure we are part of. We don’t come together to act like Christians as part of an exclusive club.

      This book examines intimate subjects that are difficult to read about-no reader will get to the end unaffected-yet at the same time…there’s the most incongruous thread of joy woven through the whole. There is teaching here, and a whole universe of emotion. A journey of hope and deepening faith, Except the Lord Build the House is a deeply moving experience.

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    • Futureville : Discover Your Purpose For Today By Reimagining Tomorrow


      SKU (ISBN): 9781595554611ISBN10: 1595554610Skye JethaniBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2014Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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    • Whats Your Worldview


      How do you view the world? It’s likely that many of us, or those we know and love, haven’t thought systematically and thoroughly about this fundamental question, even though what we believe is arguably the most important thing about us. In this interactive, non-linear book, readers are invited to discover and explore their own worldview through a series of yes-or-no questions that uncover and explain various belief systems. Written for Christians and skeptics alike, this innovative apologetics resource encourages readers to reflect on some of the most important philosophical and theological questions a person can ask, guiding them toward intellectually satisfying answers and opening them up for further discussion.

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    • Infinite Journey : Growing Toward Christlikeness


      After we ve come to faith in Christ, God leaves us in this world for a very clear purpose: his own glory. But how are we to glorify God for the rest of our lives? The Bible reveals that God has laid before every Christian two infinite journeys which we are to travel every day: the internal journey of growth into Christlike maturity, and the external journey of worldwide evangelism and missions. This book is a roadmap for the internal journey, laying out how we are to grow in four major areas: knowledge, faith, character, and action. In this book, we ll learn how God grows us in knowledge, faith, character, and action. We ll also discover that spiritual knowledge constantly feeds our growing faith, faith will transform our character, our transformed character will result in an array of actions more and more glorifying to God, and our actions will feed our spiritual knowledge. This upward spiral will lead us to become more and more like Jesus Christ in holiness. And not only will this book help us understand Christian growth in detail, it will also give us a passion to grow every day for his glory.

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    • Holy Fire : A Balanced Biblical Look At The Holy Spirits Work In Our Lives


      Want to know how the Holy Spirit works in the world? Are you hungry for more of him in your life? Addressing the controversy surrounding the Third Person of the Trinity, Kendall uses Scripture and his personal experiences to explore the person, gifts, and actions of the Spirit in today’s church and society.

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    • All Heaven Will Break Loose


      What is the key to world evangelism?

      All heaven will break loose when God’s glory is on display among His people–to the degree that unbelievers will say, “Wow! This is something else . . . and we want it!”

      So what releases God’s glory in this dimension?

      When we understand–and live out–the unity Jesus prayed for in John 17:21-22.

      In Joy Dawson’s engaging, conversational, forthright style, she has given us a biblical and thought-provoking case for both the need and the how-to, to live in the unity Jesus prayed for.

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    • Hyper Grace : Exposing The Dangers Of The Modern Grace Message


      At a time when the church needs an urgent wake-up call and a fresh encounter with Jesus, the hyper-grace message is lulling many to sleep.

      Is there a new reformation sweeping the church today, a reformation as radical and important as the Protestant Reformation that rocked the world five hundred years ago?

      According to a growing number of Christian leaders, the answer is yes. But many of these modern grace teachers, in their zeal to safeguard the glories of grace, are preaching their message without regard to fundamental aspects of biblical truth including:
      *God’s requirement for holy living from His people
      *The impact sin has on our relationships with God
      *The foundational relevance of the Old Testament to our lives as Christians

      Without watering down the Bible’s true message of grace, Michael Brown exposes the facts about the modern grace message that are too often embraced by believers who are not just looking for freedom from legalism but also freedom from God’s standards.

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    • I Wish Jesus Hadnt Said That


      In contemporary culture, many people are driven by a desire to secure their own happiness. But Christians are called to abandon, not cherish, the ways of the world and reject, not pursue, the things that afford us status, prestige, and pleasure.

      In I Wish Jesus Hadn’t Said That, Steve Timmis calls all believers to consider ten sayings of Jesus that reveal where our affections lie in order to powerfully reorient our hearts.

      Among the well-known sayings and stories of Jesus that Timmis unpacks are ‘You cannot serve both God and money’ and ‘Love your enemies’. Though most people have read these words countless times, most of us have not engaged with them on a level that prompts action. In this book, Timmis challenges true followers of Jesus to grapple with what it means to follow him, and accept his verdict on what constitutes the good life.

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    • Bad Dads Of The Bible


      Some of the most noted, celebrated and godly men in the Bible made some very big mistakes when it came to raising their children. Roland Warren, former President of the National Fatherhood Initiative, calls these errors “bad dad” mistakes. Bad Dads of the Bible examines these mistakes, brings them into a contemporary setting and gives today’s dads much needed advice on how to avoid them. Moreover, should a dad unfortunately make some of these common mistakes, this book will give him practical advice and an easy-to-follow roadmap to help him repair his relationships with his children before it’s too late.

      As dads study the examples of the fatherhood legacies of men like Abraham, David and Eli, men who loved God deeply, they will learn from their missteps. More importantly, this book can serve as a clarion call for men to take action now to be the fathers that God designed them to be.

      Each chapter includes Reflection, Correction and Connection sections at the end to help dads easily apply what they have read, as well as a “Good Dad Promise” to pave the way for future good parenting decisions….

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    • When Spiritual But Not Religious Is Not Enough


      Lillian Daniel takes on the cliched catchphrase “I’m spiritual but not religious” by telling stories – both biblical and contemporary – of what a life of faith can really be: odd, wondrous, and worth trying.

      The phrase “I’m spiritual but not religious” has become a cliche. It’s easy to find God amid the convenience of self-styled spirituality–but is it possible (and more worthwhile) to search for God through religion?

      Minister and celebrated author Lillian Daniel gives a new spin on church with stories of what a life of faith can really be: weird, wondrous, and well worth trying. From a rock-and-roller sexton to a BB gun-toting grandma, a church service attended by animals to a group of unlikely theologians at Sing Sing, Daniel shows us a portrait of church that is flawed, fallible–and deeply faithful. With poignant reflections and sly wit, Daniel invites all of us to step out of ourselves, dare to become a community, and encounter a God greater than we could ever invent.

      Humorous and sincere, this is a book about people finding God in the most unexpected of places: prisons, airports, yoga classes, committee meetings, and, strangest of all, right there in church.

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    • People Factor : How Building Great Relationsips And Ending Bad Ones Unlocks


      SKU (ISBN): 9781400205028ISBN10: 1400205026Van MoodyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2014Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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    • Forgiving Our Fathers And Mothers


      SKU (ISBN): 9780849964725ISBN10: 0849964725Leslie Fields | Jill HubbardBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2014Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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    • Unfinished Filling The Hole In Our Gospel


      Despite knowing the truth and having a relationship with Jesus Christ, many Christians feel like something is missing. They read the Bible regularly, participate in church life and community and give of their time and resources, but still lack a sense of purpose and mission in their daily lives. If you’re feeling like something is missing, you may be right.
      Richard Stearns, president of World Vision and author of The Hole in Our Gospel, believes that what many Christians need is a reawakening of God’s purpose and passion in their lives. In Unfinished: Believing Is Only the Beginning, Stearns explores the invitation God offers to each of us to be a part of His greater work in the world. Sharing lessons from Scripture and inspiring stories of how real people are making a difference, Unfinished will show you that God has a dream for this world that Jesus called the kingdom of God. Discover how the journey into your heart’s cry for significance and purpose can be answered by uniting with God’s vision for His eternal kingdom. Includes a Study Guide. Softcover.

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    • Happy Wives Club


      Discover the Best Marriage Secrets from the World’s Happiest Wives Join Fawn Weaver on an exciting, exotic trip across six continents and through more than eighteen cities, as she discovers what makes a great marriage. Walk the streets of Mauritius, the historic ruins in Italy, and the vistas of New Zealand and Australia. Go from Cape Town to London, Manila to Buenos Aires, Winnipeg to Zagreb. Along the way, you will meet everyday women whose marriage secrets span cultures. You will hear their stories, witness their love, and be inspired by the proof that happy, healthy marriages do exist – and yours can be one of them

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    • Balanced Christianity (Expanded)


      Christians tend to polarize. Some have an intellectual faith, while others are more emotional. Some focus on structure while others focus on freedom. And some champion evangelism while others advocate for social action. John Stott’s classic statement of balanced Christianity shows how we can hold these tensions together in biblical, faithful ways.

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    • Evangelicals On Public Policy Issues


      Six politically diverse evangelical Christians model a better way to do politics: respectful conversation about twelve public policy issues that uncover common ground and illuminate remaining disagreements.

      Current political discourse is broken, characterized by nasty sound bytes, demonizing the opposition, and holding to fixed positions that resist the discovery of the common ground needed for governing. In this volume, six evangelical Christians model a better way, informed by the belief that the call of Christians to love their neighbors should create a welcoming space for persons to talk respectfully about their disagreements.

      The six Christians, who situate themselves at various points along the political spectrum, completed a nine-month “Alternative Political Conversation” on the website on the following topics: the federal budget deficit, immigration, religious freedom, Syria and Iran, Israel and Palestine, poverty in the US, marriage, health care, K-12 education, gun control, abortion, and the role of government.

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    • Jumpstart : Your Way To Healthy Living With The Miracle Of Super Foods New


      A step-by-step plan to supercharge every area of your health Everybody wants to look and feel their best. Jumpstart! takes a multipronged approach to heath and wellness that provides impressive results quickly. Emphasizing the connection between mind, body and spirit, the author shows you how to:
      *Reset your weight to its optimal level
      *Reprogram your mind for success
      *Tap into the most powerful power source

      When you start to drop the excess pounds and cleanse your body of stress and toxins, your body will begin to function at its optimal level, revving up your metabolism and immune system. Jumpstart! your health and get excited about the new life that is just around the corner!

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    • Dudes Guide To Manhood


      As if we hadn’t noticed, manhood is in deep trouble.
      Dudes, look around: The trail we once traveled from boyhood to maturity is now so over-grown, it’s almost impossible to trace. Our vision is blurred, rendering the map that previ-ous generations followed unreadable. Our compass needles are flying in circles, making navigation impossible. We are stuck in dense, dangerous woods, and our communities-the wives, children, friends, and colleagues we could be influencing-are suffering as a result.
      It can be tempting to give up and simply exist, but take heart: Now is not the time for men to abandon our quest. We can discover the path to true masculinity-to an adventurous life of strength, purpose, and clarity.
      In The Dude’s Guide to Manhood, pastor and author Darrin Patrick charts a course back toward real manliness, mapping out a vision to help men find significance and influence in today’s broken, mixed-message culture.

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    • Satisfied : Discovering Contentment In A World Of Consumption


      Why does a contented, satisfied life feel so evasive? What deep hungers drive the reckless purchasing habits, out of control accumulation, and crazy consumer lifestyle for so many of us? And why are we often driven more by what our neighbors own than what will truly make us happy?

      For many in the recent economic financial crisis a series of lifestyle adjustments became necessary as hours were slashed at work and paychecks diminished. Vacations were simplified or canceled, even important purchases had to be delayed and any extras were put on hold.

      In the midst of paring back and cutting down there lies the critical question: Will a spirit of resentment and complaint invade our heart or can deep, inner joy prevail, even as our dreams seem to fade? Is it possible to live a deeply satisfied life as possessions and opportunities slip away?

      Followers of the Christ, living in the first century world, also wrestled with issues related to material longings. For Christians living in Ephesus, Philippi, and Laodicea, the tendency to find their identity through accumulation and comparison was alive and well. These powerful longings are addressed in numerous places in the storyline of scripture — a storyline that points us toward material and financial sanity and the pathway to true abundance and deep satisfaction.

      Satisfied will draw richly from seven passages of scripture, exploring the way in which these messages were received by the original readers and the way these passages can transform the way we view wealth, accumulation, and ultimate contentment today.

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    • Comprehensive Guide For Watchmen


      12 Chapters

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      This book is a useful guide to prepare readers to become better Christians. The author combines personal experiences with her theological experience to inform readers of better prayer, dissects the Lord’s Prayer, illustrates spiritual gifts from God, and strengthen spiritual weaknesses. The author’s insightful commentary explaining biblical content, and the action plans in the book create an interactive read many readers will revisit.

      The Five Powerful Ps for Prayer and Intercession


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    • Choices We Make


      An uplifting new guide that will assist you in making choices that are positive choices for a joyous, peaceful eternity, supported by scriptural teachings, and spiritual conviction. With a myriad of choices to succeed in this world, it leaves little time to ask, is this what God wants for me? Yet He allowed your creation, and everyone and everything has a purpose. What’s yours? Perhaps if you find out what God’s plan is for the end times, you might just want to know how to take the first step in becoming completely successful in God’s purpose for you. Who knows you may be the next Abraham, Martin, John, Moses or the Little Drummer Boy – can’t ever tell; until you ask God. Start on YOUR pathway to success – ask the ONE in control. Born at home with umbilical cord wrapped around my neck, everyone present afraid to unwrap it until the doctor arrived and unwrapped it. About 18 months old with my mother in California having just sent my dad off to Japan. Miles away from home (Kansas) became sick and mom told by doctor to pray for me, but most likely I would die, land lady of boarding house contacted her priest, who gave me last rights. After graduating from high school was off to see the world and all it contained, a prodigal son; was in the Navy, got married, divorced, went back to the military joined the Air Force, met and married my wife of 36 plus years, now have 11 grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren, all are gifts from God. Has my life been perfect? No, because I am not perfect. Have I made wrong choices? Repeatedly. Why? Because I failed to find out what God’s plan was! Numerous failures to grasp the bar offered in my job cycles, 2 massive heart attacks including open-heart surgery; then finally I said okay God I’m all yours use me wherever I’m needed. Now I enjoy telling others just how much God really does love each and every one of us. So please don’t be hard headed like me; learn early on how much more of life you can enjoy, because you have been willing to ask God, not me, nor anyone else, only the most sacred Triune God (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit) to become the center peace of your life and live in the abundance of His love and forgiveness. God’s love and blessings – Pastor Ben

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    • Through The Fire For His Glory


      When promotion comes, all hell breaks loose! You must remember when you feel like giving up God’s word declares in Isaiah 54:17 “No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me.” When God makes such a declaration it doesn’t mean that we won’t experience persecution and attack, but He does declare that when calamity comes we must stand on his word knowing he has already fought our battle, provided a way of escape and that we are more than conquerors. Nothing shall separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord!

      As you delve into each chapter, and meditate on each scriptural nugget tucked away in designated places, allow the Lord to personally speak to you regarding your own situation.

      Through the Fire, for His Glory reveals hurt, healing, disappointment, and frustration, but Evangelist Faye has persevered with a God-given resiliency that has kept her steadfast in the work of the Lord.

      From chapter 1, “Life Begins,” to the final declaration be prepared for a fresh revelation of what it really means to walk by “faith,” trusting GOD in the process, knowing that he is in control.

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    • In The Shadow Of Eternity


      A Candid Look at Holding on to the Call of God through Three Cultures, Divorce and Cancer! In the Shadow of Eternity will be remembered as a summary of Jeff Beacham’s final words to his family, friends and the body of Christ. This book provides a candid and transparent look at the stark realities of life through the eyes of a man who loves God, who loves life and who loves people; a man who trusts confidently in his God, no matter what; a man determined to finish his race well. Jeff does a masterful job depicting the framework of his life, culture and the many transitions experienced in his walk of faith. Rarely are we privileged to meet a man of such fire, passion, courage, covenant, commitment and hope. Jeff’s example is an encouragement to all to run their race well, to fulfill their call and destiny, no matter what!

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    • All In Student Edition


      The Gospel costs nothing—it’s a free gift compliments of God’s grace. But while it doesn’t cost anything, it demands everything—including that we go ‘all in,’ a term that means placing all that you own into the game of life. And that’s where many of us get stuck. What if we miss out on what this life has to offer? The truth is, the only thing you’ll miss out on is everything God has to offer. Inside these pages, Mark Batterson shares vivid stories of people going all in for a greater purpose, ranging from the against-all-odds defense of Little Round Top in the Civil War to the lives of biblical characters like Shamgar and Moses and Elijah and Caleb and … Judas. The message of All In Student Edition is simple: if Jesus is not Lord of all then Jesus is not Lord at all. It’s all or nothing. It’s now or never. Jesus gave all of Himself for you on Calvary’s cross. He wants all of you in return. In essence, your life is not your own—but it can be more amazing than you ever dared imagine if you decide to go all in.

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    • Fasting : Opening The Door To A Deeper More Intimate More Powerful Relation


      In this New York Times Best-Seller and one of the best available books on the topic, Jentezen Franklin explains the spiritual power of fasting and offers a deeper understanding of God’s plan for fasting and the benefits available to those who participate. The book contains inspiring and practical information that readers need to know in order to access the power of biblical fasting. Those who seek God through fasting can expect tremendous rewards for their personal lives as well as for the church. They will see breakthroughs in many areas such as healing, finances, unhealthy dependencies and family relationships. This book also gives stories of those who have reaped miraculous rewards from this simple act of faith.

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    • Calling : Fulfilling Your God Given Assignment


      19 Chapters

      Additional Info
      Are you seeking God for what it is that you are called to do?
      * Do you know what you are called to do, but have yet to say yes to the Lord?
      * Are you running from or running towards your calling?
      * Are you among the chosen of God who are well on the way to fulfilling your calling?

      In the book “The Calling,” Minister Linda Wilder shares powerful information that will encourage you, insight you, and challenge you to say yes to the assignment that is upon your life. Everyone has a Calling. Not everyone knows the significant of their story. God has written your story. He is a Master Builder with a blue print for your life. The Lord has gifted you with a set of tools to use in the up building of His Kingdom. Only He has instructions for who, what, when, where, how and sometimes why he has called you to do just what it is He is calling you to do. It is up to you to discover what your gifted tools are and how to use these gifts that God has given you to fulfill the calling that is upon your life. This book will inspire you with revelation that will help you on the way to writing your very own “Called Story.” Are you ready to answer the call? If your answer is yes, to God be the glory. For many of you that have already answered “Yes” to the Lord and you are operating within your calling. Be uplifted while allowing the revelation from this book to empower you and give you a fresh perspective while on your journey to writing your individual “Called Story.”

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    • Open Doors : No Matter What Your Past Holds God Holds Your Present And Your


      Asif and Leaha have written their story in a he said, she said documentation. And in a day and age when so many he said, she said scenarios end up in divorce court, it is refreshing to read how theirs has led to divine appointments and open doors. Their story celebrates the mystery of how God brings two people together, but it also distills practical insights from the lessons they’ve learned along the way.

      As you read their story, you’ll learn to love Asif and Leaha. Their authenticity and passion is infectious. Readng this book is like a long dinner with old friends you haven’t seen in a long, long time. But instead of hearing about last year’s vacation or where they will be sending their kids to college, you will hear stories about what God has done in their lives. This book is both candid and complex. But with each turn of the page, you’ll learn how to walk through the doors God has opened for you.

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    • Are We Preaching Another Gospel


      From the author’s perspective the answer to Are We Preaching “Another” Gospel? is a resounding, “Yes.” “It isn’t that we don’t understand the basic tenants of Christianity,” she writes, “but that we have added to them.”

      We used to joyfully proclaim, “Christianity isn’t a religion. It’s a relationship with Jesus Christ,” but if this is so, then why are so many Christians today “miserable”? Why do they have a sense that God is far off or lack confidence that He loves them? What happened to the joy they knew “the hour they first believed”? Why does their “relationship” with Jesus actually seem more like a “religion”-a very difficult, demanding, and unsatisfying religion? Why are so many believers, even though they love Jesus with all of their hearts, giving up on “church” or simply attending out of duty or tradition?

      The answers to these questions found in the content of this book are challenging-not that they are difficult to understand-but that our long-held traditions and false beliefs which keep getting passed on from generation to generation stand in our way of perceiving the truth. Jesus said that knowing the truth would set us free, but if our teaching nullifies that truth, bondage follows. So it is reasonable for us, the church, to consider whether or not what we teach is the “grace of Christ” that sets believers free or whether we are preaching “another” gospel which is tying God’s people in hundreds of painful and complicated knots.

      So, let the journey begin toward rediscovering the “gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20:24)! Be prepared to be stretched, challenged, and then set free into the glorious good news of your relationship with God.

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    • Bonhoeffer Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      In this four-session video-based small group Bible study, New York Times best-selling author Eric Metaxas will help you discover the major themes of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s writing and speaking and how he not only helped transform an entire faith community in Germany during World War II, but how his beliefs continue to impact the Christian faith of people throughout the world today.

      Filmed on location in Germany, Metaxas will take you on a religious journey of Bonhoeffer’s faith and why it has captured so many people’s imaginations and how it has inspired the Christian faith of so many today. Pulling themes from all of his major books, Metaxas helps us understand why these spiritual truths meant so much to Bonhoeffer and how they can be an inspiration and challenge to our faith.

      This companion study guide will lead you and your group deeper into the video content (sold separately) with session-by-session discussion topics, personal reflection, and between-session studies to enhance the group experience.

      Sessions include:
      What is the Church?
      Life Together
      God Says Yes / Cheap Grace
      Religionless Christianity

      Designed for use with Bonhoeffer: A DVD Study.

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    • Love Worth Giving


      Low on Love?

      Finding it hard to love? Someone in your world is hard to forgive? Is patience an endangered species? Kindness a forgotten virtue? If so, you may have forgotten a step — an essential first step. Living loved.

      God loves you. Personally. Powerfully. Passionately. Others have promised and failed. But God has promised and succeeded. He loves you with an unfailing love. And his love — if you let it — can fill you and leave you with a love worth giving.

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    • You Dont Have To Be Perfect To Follow Jesus


      Discipleship means being like the Big Twelve disciples, right? But when you read the Gospels and Acts, it’s clear the disciples weren’t always on top of things. In fact, the disciples were clueless, selfish, erratic, inconsistent, and faithless at least half the time. But Jesus loved them and used them all the more for it. Author Mike Yaconelli scrubs away centuries of sentimental buildup and shows there’s hope for us too. In this updated thirty-day devotional, you’ll experience thirty character traits that are marks of a disciple, from boldness to weakness to preparedness. Each reading includes an event from Scripture, a description of that day’s trait, first-person commentary, the obvious and not-so-obvious truth lesson, and questions and journaling space that invite you to ponder and write about your experience.

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    • Gods At War Student Edition


      In this student edition of gods at war, Kyle Idleman, bestselling author of not a fan, helps us recognize there are false gods at war within each of us, and they battle for the place of glory and control in our lives. What keeps us from truly following Jesus Christ is that our hearts are pursuing something or someone else like money or popularity. While these pursuits may not be the ‘graven images’ of old, they are in fact modern day idols. Behind the sin you’re struggling with, the fear you’re dealing with, the lack of purpose you’re living with is a false god that is winning the war for your heart.

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    • Its A God Thing Volume 1


      Some things in life have no earthly explanation. It’s just a God thing.
      Miracles are not reserved for the characters in the Old and New Testaments; they hap-pen to everyday people. Series creator Don Jacobson (When God Makes Lemonade) and K-LOVE Radio Network (12 million listeners) have joined together to produce one of the most remarkable collections of modern day miracles ever compiled.
      From a hunter who survived a horrific accident to a mother woken up to escape an attacker, from a soldier guided to safety through unspeakable horrors to a young back-packer who walked free from a terrorist attack, It’s A God Thing presents some of the most amazing stories of God’s hand on our lives.

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    • Faith Rooted Organizing


      The bible of social action, Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, mobilizes people around self-interests and common enemies. This strategy is troubling to people of faith. So here historian Peter Heltzel and community organizer Alexia Salvatierra offer a vision for social action that values loving God and loving our neighbor as ourself.

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    • War Within : Gaining Victory In The Battle For Sexual Purity (Expanded)


      Sexual sins are some of the most difficult to conquer. They’re also some of the most destructive-leaving individuals, marriages, families and churches devastated. Facing sexual temptations daily, too often unfaithful in thought or deed, persistently assaulted by the world, the flesh and the Devil, can men and women today possibly win the war for sexual purity?
      This courageous book offers a resounding “YES!” It also provides a battle strategy based on the promises and power of God-and on the author’s experiences in breaking a 25-year long struggle with sexual sin. Newly revised and expanded, this book will lead you to a new level of purity and will encourage you that in this terribly private struggle, you are never alone.

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    • Living Life Well


      SKU (ISBN): 9781628717747ISBN10: 1628717742James LoveBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2014Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • But God : The Forty Things That Happen To You The Instant You Became A Chri


      Positional Truth Series Chapter 1
      Positional Truth Series Chapter 2
      Positional Truth Series Chapter 3
      Positional Truth Series Chapter 4
      Positional Truth Series Chapter 5
      Positional Truth Series Chapter 6

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      Do you desire victory in your walk with God? Do you want to see God’s kingdom move forward? Well Believer you do not lack an experience nor do you need to get something more from God. The moment you became a Christian forty wonderful positional truths instantly became yours. You already have everything you need. As presented in Eph. 1:3 “We have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ.” And in Col. 2:10 “In Him you have been made complete.” So the secret to growth, the secret to victory and the secret to seeing the gospel and the kingdom of God move forward is learning how to apply what is already true of you. We need to learn how to draw on the position that is already ours in Christ. We need to step out in faith presenting ourselves to the reality of the forty things that happen to a believer the instant they become a Christian. In “But God…” you will learn what those forty positional truths are and how they can by faith become real in your life.

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    • God And Men No Holds Barred


      52 Chapters

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      God and Men: No-Holds-Barred is not your typical devotional book. It is highly probable that you will be greatly challenged with God and Men: No-Holds-Barred. The objective is to encourage you to become more Christ-like in your living. Through reading God and Men: No-Holds-Barred, it is guaranteed that you will become more convicted either with living by the world’s standards or by God’s standards. The book will not allow you to remain neutral.

      It attempts to answer the question, “How does the Bible describe a Real Christian Man?” Its objective is to enable Christians to personally apply specific Bible verses to their personal lives. At the same time, you will learn more about your Bible as well as receive an in-depth discussion of the verses selected. Since men do not naturally read books, it is highly recommended that you read the book with someone else. This introduces a joint accountability to read the book through. Husbands and wives are strongly recommended to share this method of reading through the book.

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    • Blood Covenant : An Unbreakable Covenant Of Gods Love


      12 Chapters

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      This book will seal the Blood Covenant in your thinking and will make you sure of your place in the heavenly kingdom. The Blood Covenant is very real and it gives us the confidence to approach God, our Father, like 1 John 5:14-15 tells us we can. We have a place in God that no one can take away. And that place is guaranteed by the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

      If we don’t understand our Blood Covenant, we struggle to achieve our victory. With our Blood Covenant firmly implanted in our thinking, we understand that we can’t lose.

      So, sit back and enjoy. You will be blessed.

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    • Amor Nunca Muere – (Spanish)


      Aligera tu carga pena cambiando la forma de ver el dolor.
      El Amor Nunca Muere: Aceptando Duelo con Esperanza y Promesa ayuda a dolientes, cuidadores y profesionales que ayudan a entender lo siguiente:
      * El duelo es la expresion constante de amor a la persona que ha muerto. Dolientes no necesitan ser fijados, curados, diagnosticados, lastimados o corregidos.
      * Dolor saludable abraza y experimenta la perdida. El dolor sirve a un proposito. Evitar el dolor retrasa la curacion.
      *Mantener una relacion continua con la persona que ha muerto es saludable y la curacion. Los dolientes no tienen que dejar de lado sus seres queridos con el fin de progresar en su dolor.
      Notas tecnicas de diseadores expertos dolor pueden aliviar la presion de olvidar a un ser querido o dejarlas en el pasado. Dado que el dolor es una expresion de amor, es saludable y apropiado para recordar a un ser querido, extraar a el o ella , y llorar.

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    • Face To Face


      Face to Face is about how you look at yourself. Looking at yourself negatively inhibits you from prospering in the will of God. God has so much more in store for you. Let’s see what God says about you and your future life. His picture of you is so much bigger and so much better than you might realize. Victory belongs to you. In this book you will get a better perception of how to find value and self-worth with the Word of God.

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    • Rebuilding The House Of The Lord


      Excerpt from Chapter 1:
      Have you been hanging out in that old, worn-out, broken-down house that always needs fixing, where there are cracks and dents in the walls, maybe even holes? It’s where you often hear the sound of creaking and moaning and groaning, like blame, guilt, condemnation, fear, doubt, and unbelief….As you look around, everything seems to be in disarray and disorder and you feel overwhelmed, as you seem to have lost control, lost ambition, lost heart, and certainly lost vision….Why in the world would you linger there in that dark dreary place? Take heart! A provision for a new house has been made for you! When you invite Jesus to live in your heart, He invites you to step out of the old house and into the new one, created in Christ Jesus!…..

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    • Winning Over Fear


      This life guide explores the realm of fear within people, what prompts people to embrace fear instead of God and how to overcome fear to allow God to lead their lives. The author describes several factors that will impose fear upon people, from uncertainty of oneself to results stemming from life experiences, as well as biblical wisdom to demonstrate why giving God the reins of one’s life bring freedom and peace.

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    • You And Your Destiny


      YOU AND YOUR DESTINY is not just a book about you and I, it’s about your destiny and how to control your life to live for God and be faithful until death. Whether you’re getting close to the corner office or just starting your career, these inspiring stories, fascinating examples and amazing tips will help you in ways you never imagined. You will learn how to make daily decision for your life and also to always put God in the center of every decision taken.

      This book is a must read “YOU AND YOUR DESTINY” will bring you a total transformation and will change the way you think, act and live, it’s a wake-up call for anyone who wants to improve their daily living and strengthen their relationship with God, it’s a powerful book building with strong words of faith to keep you moving from day to day to a better career in life. It will give you power and strength to face whatever life may bring to your way, and then you will shout victory all the way to the end.

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    • Samson : The Modern Day America


      SKU (ISBN): 9781628715491ISBN10: 1628715499Stephen WilliamsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2014Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • More Life : Breaking Free From The Spirit Of Death


      A Personal Odyssey Of Discovery
      Unmasking The Spirit Of Death
      Christians Under The Influence
      When It Begins
      Operating Under The Influence
      Breaking Free
      Staying Free
      Evicting The Squatters
      Prayer Essentials: Embracing Life
      Bibliography & Suggested Readings

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      Discover the power of More Life!

      Based upon Embracing Life Ministries’ popular book, Breaking Free…from the spirit of death by Jonathan Hunter, this new Guidebook Edition offers clear and practical leader’s notes, interactive questions and prayers for group participation…all in one book.

      More Life! equips you to effectively identify and confront destructive influences in your life…feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and worthlessness. Join with others and learn how to receive and respond to the Father’s great love found in Christ through the gift His indwelling Holy Spirit.

      The result: you are liberated from dominating, detrimental influences and freed for the abundant life Jesus promises us in John 10:10.

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    • Raw Christianity The Way Jesus Christ Expects All To Know It


      27 Chapters

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      Raw Christianity – The Way Jesus Christ Expects All to Know It!

      Look around you. Doesn’t the world seem to be getting more chaotic? Scary? The more I talked to people, the more I realized that many of them, even some who call themselves Christians, aren’t getting what Christianity really is. The real scary part is that many people are sitting in churches every Sunday and they probably won’t be going to heaven. Is that you? It doesn’t have to be. Come see what Jesus wants all of us to know:

      * Information that will empower and comfort ones faith in Christ
      * How the love of God can change our thinking
      * How to overcome the many obstacles to true faith in Christ
      * The three types of faith
      * The Master Teachings of God

      This book will teach you how to read that Bible that’s been gathering dust on your shelf or how to go buy one (really, you can do it!). God’s Word is beautiful and amazing and well…we all need to know it the way Jesus Christ wanted us to know it. Join me on this journey! I promise you, you’ll never be disappointed in what Jesus wants you to know!

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    • Raw Christianity The Way Jesus Christ Expects All To Know It


      27 Chapters

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      Raw Christianity – The Way Jesus Christ Expects All to Know It!

      Look around you. Doesn’t the world seem to be getting more chaotic? Scary? The more I talked to people, the more I realized that many of them, even some who call themselves Christians, aren’t getting what Christianity really is. The real scary part is that many people are sitting in churches every Sunday and they probably won’t be going to heaven. Is that you? It doesn’t have to be. Come see what Jesus wants all of us to know:

      * Information that will empower and comfort ones faith in Christ
      * How the love of God can change our thinking
      * How to overcome the many obstacles to true faith in Christ
      * The three types of faith
      * The Master Teachings of God

      This book will teach you how to read that Bible that’s been gathering dust on your shelf or how to go buy one (really, you can do it!). God’s Word is beautiful and amazing and well…we all need to know it the way Jesus Christ wanted us to know it. Join me on this journey! I promise you, you’ll never be disappointed in what Jesus wants you to know!

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    • You Are Not An Abandoned Project


      God Of Remembrance
      When God Remembered Zion
      The Word For Your Situation
      Failure Is An Orphan
      The Case Of Jabez
      God Is Too Big To Fail
      Faith That Works
      Power Of God
      Your Turn To Laugh

      Additional Info
      This book is dedicated to all believers in the world who are getting ready to move to the next level.
      The economic depression, terrible situation, political tension and myriad of crises in our society and in all the nations of the world today have made a lot of people including believers to feel neglected, forgotten and abandoned by God Almighty.

      God is not an author of confusion but only allows some tests and trials in our lives for us to learn a lesson and glorify Him.

      Your life will be transformed as you embark on this journey and grow in spirit and the thought of being forsaken will disappear while His words increase.

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