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    Christian Living

    • Practical Path To A Prosperous Life


      A Practical Path to a Prosperous Life explains a clear biblical, step-by-step approach to attaining abundant personal finances, building wealth and financing of the Great Commission in our day. Brian draws on age-old biblical truths and includes many practical, present-day applications to help your thinking line up with the God’s Word. Brian’s dream is to help identify and eradicate the poverty mindset from the church so that every believer is empowered to experience God’s abundance and to fulfill his or her destiny. Includes questions for individual or small group study. 282 pages

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    • Day Sad Arrived


      A tender story and an effective tool to help children suffering loss understand their feelings and work through them. “The Day Sad Arrived” was inspired by a young man who today is sixteen years old. When he was eleven, he was extremely depressed. During a counseling session the author asked him, “What day did Sad arrive?” He stopped, thought a moment, and replied, “The day my uncle committed suicide.” That was the day when God began to change this young man’s life. He worked hard to discover new feelings and to see them as friends rather than foes. Today, this young man is in ministry and is blessing many people in his walk with the Lord.

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    • Perils Of Life


      Don’t Have a Pity Party… Throw a Faith Fest!
      Finding Hope in God’s Word

      Lorna Lumpris thought her world had ended when she was downsized from her six-figure-salary corporate position.

      Instead, she found herself embarking on the adventure of her life.

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    • These 40 Days


      According to the Scriptures the devil tempted Jesus during a period of fasting and prayer that was preparation for Jesus’ public ministry and passion. Throughout the Bible, times of desert preparation often preceded significant ministry. This is why we observe the season preceding Easter as a time for spiritual focus. The rhythms of fasting and feasting, desert and oasis, discipline and joy are not only well known to God’s people but also essential components of spiritual growth.These Forty Days is a simple guide for the reading of Scripture, reflection, prayer, and response. By beginning each day with intention, these devotionals will shape each of your hours with a heightened sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s teaching and guidance.

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    • Reglas Del Mar Rojo – (Spanish)


      Al igual que Moises y los israelitas se encontraron atrapados entre el diablo y el profundo mar Rojo, asi nosotros a veces nos vemos abrumados por los problemas de la vida. Pero Dios libro a los israelitas, y nos librara a nosotros tambien.Las reglas del mar Rojo revela, incluso en medio de situaciones aparentemente imposibles, la promesa de Dios de abrir un camino para nosotros. Su amorosa guia nos protegera en medio del peligro, la enfermedad, las peleas matrimoniales, los problemas financieros- cualquier desafio que Satanas ponga en nuestro camino.Utilizando la historia de los israelitas como ejemplo, Robert Morgan ofrece diez sensatas estrategias para pasar del temor a la fe. Entre ellas: Reconocer que Dios quiere que estemos donde estamos. Reconocer al enemigo, pero mantener nuestros ojos en el Senor. Orar.La vida es dificil, especialmente para los cristianos. Es seguro que enfrentaremos dificultades, y que Dios las permitira asi como permitio que los israelitas quedaran atrapados entre los ejercitos del Faraon que se aproximaban y el mar Rojo que no podian cruzar. Pero igual de seguro es el hecho de que el mismo Dios que nos llevo hasta ahi nos hara salir. ComoLas reglas del mar Rojo aclara de modo tranquilizador, -l esta en control.

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    • Contagious Disciple Making


      It is hard to deny that today’s world can seem downright hostile toward Christians. Some may look down at their iPhones when we mention God, motion for the check when we bring up church, or casually change the subject when we talk about prayer. In a world full of people whose indifference is greater than their desire to know Christ, how can we dream of growing the church? In Contagious Disciple Making, David Watson and Paul Watson map out a simple method that has sparked an explosion of homegrown churches in the United States and around the world. A companion to Cityteam’s two previous books, Miraculous Movements and The Father Glorified, Contagious Disciple Making details the method used by Cityteam disciple-makers. This distinctive process focuses on equipping spiritual leaders in communities where churches are planted. Unlike many evangelism and church-growth products that focus on quick results, contagious disciple-making takes time to cultivate spiritual leadership, resulting in lasting disciple-making movements. Through Contagious Disciple Making readers will come to understand that a strong and equipped leader will continue to grow the church long after church planters move on to the next church.

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    • Fearless : Standing Firm When The Going Gets Tough


      1. Changing Sides?
      2. After You
      3. Sharp Teeth
      4. Look Beyond
      5. Just One Slice
      6. Daniel’s Secret Weapon
      7. The Linen Man
      8. Crashing Waves
      9. What A Finish

      Additional Info
      As a young man, Daniel is kidnaped and taken 500 miles from home, to serve an enemy king in the city of Babylon.

      Find out what happens when Daniel and his friends are put under pressure to turn their backs on God. Will they stand firm in the face of fire? Will they hold their nerve when the lions are circling?

      This richly illustrated book for teens and older brings the power of this exciting story to bear on our modern lives.

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    • Principles And Power Of Vision


      Whether you are a businessperson, a homemaker, a student, or a head of state, author Myles Munroe explains how you can make your dreams and hopes a living reality. Your success is not dependent on the state of the economy or what the job market is like. You do not need to be hindered by the limited perceptions of others or by a lack of resources. Discover time-tested principles that will enable you to fulfill your vision no matter who you are or where you come from. You were not meant for a mundane or mediocre life. You do not exist just to earn a paycheck. Revive your passion for living. Pursue your dream. Discover your vision–and find your true life.

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    • Haga Guerra Espiritual Por Su – (Spanish)


      Una batalla espiritual en el frente del hogar

      El indice de divorcio en Estados Unidos ronda el 52 por ciento. Casi la mitad de todos los nios nacen fuera del matrimonio. Algo va muy mal. La Biblia declara que la ilegitimidad produce una maldicion sobre una familia por diez generaciones. Si eso es cierto, las familias americanas estan inmersas en una batalla espiritual y ni siquiera lo saben.

      Casado durante casi cincuenta aos, Richard Ing ha aconsejado a cientos de parejas y es tambien un experto en guerra espiritual. Ha identificado las maneras en que Satanas y sus demonios atacan el matrimonio mediante batallas en comunicacion, intimidad, rechazo, y el equipaje que llevamos de nuestro pasado.

      Este no es un libro sobre psicologia cristiana y consejeria, sino mas bien un contraataque directo contra el reino de la oscuridad y los deseos de la carne. Va al grano al identificar la verdadera fuente de la mayoria de nuestros conflictos en el matrimonio y el modo en que nuestras actitudes se llevan casi a todas nuestras relaciones, tanto dentro como fuera del matrimonio. Saca a la luz los espiritus malignos que Satanas usa para destruir matrimonios y como podemos ser liberados de ellos.

      A Spiritual Battle on the Home Front

      The divorce rate in America is around 52 percent. Nearly half of all children are born out of wedlock. Something is very wrong. The Bible declares that illegitimacy brings a curse upon a family for ten generations. If this is true, American families are engaged in a spiritual battle and don’t even know it.

      Married for nearly fifty years, Richard Ing has counseled hundreds of couples and is also an expert at spiritual warfare. He has identified the ways in which Satan and his demons attack marriage through struggles in communication, intimacy, rejection, and the baggage from our past.

      This is not a book on Christian psychology and counseling, but rather, a direct counter-attack against the kingdom of darkness and the lusts of the flesh. It cuts to the chase by identifying the true source of most of our conflicts in marriage and how our attitudes carry over to almost all of our relationships, both in and outside of marriage. It exposes the evil spirits Satan uses to destroy marriages and how we can be delivered from them.

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    • All Gods Comfort


      God Comforts Those in Grief

      All God’s Comfort explores the divine work of comforting those who suffer the effects of this fallen world. After studying the God of comfort and exploring His promises, legendary author Herbert Lockyer applies these truths systematically to the common valleys of human grief and fear.

      With an approach that is both pastoral and practical, Lockyer uses Scripture, as well as the writings of scholars, poets, and hymnists, to encourage those who need comforting. He also provides guidance to those who seek to become comforters of others, describing the individual and community benefits of doing so.

      Grieving people, and those who care about them, will find this book to be an insightful guide to availing oneself of God’s comfort.

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    • Kingdom Authority


      Ever since Kynan Bridges was a young boy, he understood that he was not alone in this world. He sensed the presence of God, but when he rededicated his life to Jesus in 1996, he encountered the dark side of the spiritual realm firsthand. For several months, he was tormented by nightmares, demonic attacks, and the spirit of fear. Little did he know that such demonic attacks on the mind and body were not unique to him. Many people in the church battle with the realm of darkness, yet they remain silent and therefore stuck in its throes, with no knowledge of how to achieve victory.

      One night, feeling suffocated in his sleep, Kynan called on the only name he knew to call upon, the name of Jesus. Instantly, he was set free from the tyrannical grip of the devil. In that moment, he realized that he had authority over the enemy because the name of Jesus is more than a word used casually in Sunday school-it is the embodiment of the sovereign power of the kingdom of God.

      Kingdom Authority provides deep biblical insight into the authority that you posses as a child of God. You will discover how to invoke God’s Word and the name of Jesus to gain victory over the enemy and take dominion over the powers of darkness and their torments, finding freedom from fear, depression, lust, sickness, poverty, and bondage of all types.

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    • Divine Revelation Of Satans Deceptions


      A Divine Revelation of Satan’s Deceptions exposes Satan’s tactics to undermine God’s people and to destroy those who have yet to receive Christ. Author Mary K. Baxter reveals how the enemy is holding captive in hell the blessings God has given to believers to accomplish His work in the world-blessings of anointing, gifts, resources, and more.

      To reclaim these blessings, we must use specific “keys of the kingdom” to defeat Satan and to effectively minister salvation, deliverance, and healing to a hurting world. Our choice is between allowing Satan to deceive and rob us-or fighting against him and reclaiming our spiritual heritage in the power of God.

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    • Fatherhood Principle : Gods Design And Destiny For Every Man


      All men are fathers.

      The inherent purpose of all men is fatherhood.

      Whether a man is married or single, and whether or not he has children, he is designed by God to fulfill the role of father in the lives of those around him. It is his calling to reflect the creative and cultivating nature of God.

      In The Fatherhood Principle, Dr. Myles Munroe explains that although every man is called to be a father, knowing how to live in this purpose is not automatic. We must understand the characteristics and master the skills of fatherhood. Fulfilling the position and role you were created for means exhibiting qualities of leadership, integrity, responsibility, and obedience to the ultimate Father of fathers-our Father God in heaven.

      This book provides key principles and insights that will teach you how to fulfill the role of father in your personal sphere of influence. In clear and compelling terms, Dr. Munroe explains how a man can become source, nourisher, sustainer, protector, teacher,
      disciplinarian, leader, head, caring one, and developer.

      Discover God’s original blueprint for men and step into your true purpose in life.

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    • They Called Us A Cult


      Unexpectedly, I no longer felt as if I had stumbled into some kind of private cult. Instead, I began to feel ugly and unclean, like a beggar in a palace or a stain on the front of a wedding dress. I knew I did not belong, but I knew I had to stay. The atmosphere was charged with an indescribable feeling of holiness and purity. As I sat with my head in my hands, suddenly, I felt the presence of someone standing behind me. Fear came up into my throat making me too afraid to turn and face my would-be captor, but realizing I had been discovered, I slowly sat up in the seat, not knowing what would happen next.

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    • Prayer


      You feel like you don’t know how to pray–you can’t find the right words, or just can’t seem to get God’s attention. You will be encouraged by this treasury of devotional expressions from Charles Spurgeon. How to pray? His elegant prayers, beautiful in their simplicity, will invite you to be vulnerable before your Creator. His profound trust in God will set an example for your own pursuit of a peaceful spirit. His persistence in intercession will motivate you to pursue God in prayer. Perhaps most importantly, this book will strengthen your faith as you receive God’s promise of faithfulness–His promise to hear your prayers.

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    • Jesus Seven Words Our One Word


      “My God, my God . . .” This is the only cry of Jesus on the cross given us by Matthew and Mark of all Jesus’ seven statements. “Jesus’ Seven Words Our One Word” takes a serious look at all seven of Jesus’ statements and what they mean for people of any culture. Become thrilled and have your life changed by understanding the purpose of Jesus dying on the cross. Matthew, Mark, and Luke wrote their gospels at about the same time, shortly after those crucial events took place. John wrote his gospel sometime later, and effectively “crowned” the person and purpose of the Savior. That is the sequence chosen for this study. As you read through Matthew, Mark, Luke, and then John, author Ives sheds light on the need for the cross, the purpose of Jesus being in our midst in human form, and the depth of his love that drove him to die in our stead. May we have confidence that the Bible is the holy and perfect Word of God as the Holy Spirit guided each writer. May that confidence also extend to the Holy Spirit later directing the early church councils that assembled our Canon and presented the sequence we have today. The Holy Spirit has our attention by devoting one third of the gospels to Jesus’ Passion Week. And when your study is complete, you will say in grateful agreement with Ives and all the saints, “Hallelujah! It is finished.”

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    • Every Day In His Presence


      Spend every day abiding in the presence of our Lord.

      Living in today’s world can be challenging as well as draining. Our fast pace of life, coupled with constant demands to do more, get more, and be more, makes being still and living more deliberately in His presence seem unattainable. But God tells us that, while the cares of the world seem pressing now, we are not alone-we have lasting hope and peace in Him.

      This brand-new devotional by Charles Stanley invites readers to step into the presence of an eternal God who is bidding them to find serenity and security in Him. With topics addressing all walks and phases of life, 365 devotions include a scripture, a meaningful application, a short prayer, and an “In His Presence” takeaway for thought. This book provides a wonderful way to experience His presence and stay focused on His promises every day of the year.

      Beautiful package makes the devotional great for gift giving or personal use.

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    • Generosity Bet : Secrets Of Risk Reward And Real Joy


      God has given you the ability to make a difference in the world. It’s time for you to unwrap this gift and discover the secret that leads you to true fulfillment and significance.

      This book is not a call for you to give away your money… or your time, your resources, and your talents. It is a reminder that everything you have comes from God. You are not the owner; you are Heaven’s steward.

      When you live this way, you will start experiencing ultimate satisfaction in every area of your life. Giving is no longer a chore to be endured; it becomes a lifestyle to be cherished!

      As you read about the entrepreneurs, risk-takers, and everyday dreamers featured in this book, you will discover that their stories can easily become your story too.

      Are you ready to take The Generosity Bet? Start the journey of becoming generous today. The payoff is extraordinary… and it will change your life forever.

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    • From Here To Maturity


      Americans in general are not sure they want to grow up. American Christians, according to national studies, prefer an emotionally comforting, self-focused, and intellectually shallow faith. But spiritual maturity is desirable, says Thomas Bergler. Fortunately, it is not complicated or mysterious; it is just neglected.From Here to Maturity is an excellent guide that will help both individuals and whole faith communities to grow. Bergler defines spiritual maturity as basic competence in the Christian life and identifies its content (traits) from pertinent New Testament passages. He further offers a wealth of practical, research-based guidance as to how Christian leaders can effectively foster spiritual maturity in their congregations.

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    • Gods Promises For Your Every Need NJKV


      No matter what your situation, God has a promise for you!Many people know that the Bible is filled with promises and wisdom, but it is sometimes challenging to know where to look for a particular topic or verse. Since its original release over thirty years ago, God’s Promises for Your Every Need has been a blessing and inspiration to millions of people. This new version contains the same inspirational content in an updated deluxe package. Over two thousand verses from the New King James Version are arranged into eighty-one topics for finding encouragement and peace. This book makes a meaningful gift for any time of year or walk in life.

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    • God Attachment : Why You Believe ACT And Feel The Way You Do About God


      God. Whether one loves him, hates him, denies or defies him, it is hard to deny the worldwide fascination with God. This book explores why and suggests a personal response to the God Attachment in all of us.

      Why has the human race, the world over, been so fascinated with…some might say obsessed with…God? This built-in attachment to God crosses religious, political, ethnic, cultural, and generational barriers.

      Drs. Clinton and Straub reveal fascinating research about this worldwide phenomenon. From avoidant, anxious, and fearful to secure and personal, the range of responses to our internal attachment to God has a profound influence on the way we do relationships, intimacy, and life choices.

      With helpful self-assessments, intriguing questions, and surprising revelations, this book moves from worldwide statistics to personal challenge, offering the means to become securely attached to God in a way that can have positive effects on our attitudes, approach to life, and overall life satisfaction.

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    • New Morning Mercies (Expanded)


      SKU (ISBN): 9781433541384ISBN10: 1433541386Paul TrippBinding: Cloth TextPublished: November 2014Publisher: Crossway Books/ Good News Publishers

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    • Prepare Your Hope


      A Pamela Christian Ministries Title

      A great number of people today are finding it more difficult to remain optimistic about their life and future than ever before. So much has failed-marriage, family, personal relations, the job and economic markets, government, education and even the Church. Where is the hope and personal breakthroughs we desperately need? Clearly there is no hope in our natural existence. There never has been. That is why Christ came to this earth in the first place! Renew Your Hope! Remedy for Personal Breakthroughs provides the answers that can change your life, your circumstances and your future. – Learn the fullness of what Christ offers you – Uncover the deceptions that have prevented you from moving ahead – Discover Christ’s authority and power that God wants you to operate in – Take hold of the abundant, victorious life Christ died to provide you You can have confident hope. You can have personal breakthroughs. Why wait a moment longer when this book places the answers in your hands?

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    • Crucified Life Seven Words From The Cross


      WORDS ARE POWERFUL. THE WORDS OF JESUS, ESPECIALLY SO. The Crucified Life Devotional provides a daily space in which we can meditate on Jesus’ final words from the cross. As we consider His words, we understand and identify with His suffering in a way that challenges us, transforms us, and ultimately brings us hope. Whether used as part of The Crucified Life small group study series or individually, this Daily Devotional will help you hear Jesus’ words from the cross in a personal and life changing way. This devotional can best be used in conjunction with the unique small group curriculum the Christian Life Trilogy. This first series in the trilogy, The Crucified Life, centers on a DVD teaching exploring the Seven Last Words spoken by Christ on the cross. There are seven teaching sessions, one for each word spoken by Christ. As you walk through the curriculum with a small group or Sunday School class, you will have the opportunity to hear in-depth Biblical teaching and openly discuss the teaching in your group. Together, you’ll observe a holy Lent as you study and delve deeply into God’s Word. You’ll also strengthen the bonds of community as you grow together, allowing your lives to be transformed by what you discover.

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    • Crucified Life Seven Words From The Cross


      WORDS ARE POWERFUL. THE WORDS OF JESUS, ESPECIALLY SO. The Crucified Life Devotional provides a daily space in which we can meditate on Jesus’ final words from the cross. As we consider His words, we understand and identify with His suffering in a way that challenges us, transforms us, and ultimately brings us hope. Whether used as part of The Crucified Life small group study series or individually, this Daily Devotional will help you hear Jesus’ words from the cross in a personal and life changing way. This devotional can best be used in conjunction with the unique small group curriculum the Christian Life Trilogy. This first series in the trilogy, The Crucified Life, centers on a DVD teaching exploring the Seven Last Words spoken by Christ on the cross. There are seven teaching sessions, one for each word spoken by Christ. As you walk through the curriculum with a small group or Sunday School class, you will have the opportunity to hear in-depth Biblical teaching and openly discuss the teaching in your group. Together, you’ll observe a holy Lent as you study and delve deeply into God’s Word. You’ll also strengthen the bonds of community as you grow together, allowing your lives to be transformed by what you discover.

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    • Transitioning Into A Prototype Church


      Revival Waves Of Glory Ministries
      Bill Vincent is an anointed Prophetic writer that releases powerful fresh revelation in all he does. Bill released first his powerful book BUILDING A PROTOTYPE CHURCH and now Volume 2 TRANSITIONING INTO A PROTOTYPE CHURCH. You will be able to see into God’s heart of a new type of Church coming forth. This book will help anyone whom wants to be more than just an every day Church. God will truly transition your Church as you obtain all the in-depth revelations in this breakthrough book. May the Spirit of God help you as you begin TRANSITIONING INTO A PROTOTYPE CHURCH.

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    • Why I Am A Christian


      Why Jesus? Perhaps you have had the funny feeling that God wants to get your attention. Or maybe you’re intrigued with what you’ve heard about Jesus. Or maybe you’re simply looking for meaning and direction in your life. John Stott has spent a lifetime wrestling with questions about Jesus both personally and in dialogue with skeptics and seekers around the globe. Now in Why I Am a Christian he provides a compelling, persuasive case for considering the Christian faith. If you take an honest look at Jesus, you will discover that following him gives you the purpose, identity and freedom you’ve been searching for-and far more than you have ever imagined.

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    • 1 Year Love Language Minute Devotional


      Are you and your spouse speaking the same language? He sends you flowers when what you really want is time to talk. She gives you a hug when what you really need is a home-cooked meal. The problem isn’t love-it’s your love language. Each one of us responds well to a different type of expression of love. The One Year Love Language Minute Devotional is your daily guide for expressing heartfelt love to your mate in a way that he or she can appreciate it.

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    • Jesus Continued : Why The Spirit Inside You Is Better Than Jesus Beside You


      Why does God often feel more like a doctrine we know about than a Person we know? Why do so many of us think of Christianity as a lifestyle to which we conform, rather than a God with whom we commune? Jesus gave his disciples the audacious promise that it was to their advantage he go back to heaven because the Holy Spirit could then come to live inside of them. How many of us consider our connection to the Holy Spirit so strong and so real that we would call his presence in us better than Jesus beside us? Author J.D. Greear asks those questions because throughout his Christian life he felt disconnected to God and unsure about how to interact with him. Although he had learned a lot of truths about God, he sensed very little relationship with him—at least, not the dynamic, two-way relationship he really wanted. He tried to have such a relationship, but all of God’s work seemed stockpiled in the past: he created the world, died on a cross, and left a Bible. God seemed like a busy teacher who had given an assignment and then stepped out of the room, leaving students to get the work done on their own. But Greear discovered it doesn’t have to be like that. Not at all. In clear and practical language, he explains how any follower of Jesus can have a satisfying, powerful relationship with God through the Holy Spirit. While many books about the Holy Spirit get stuck in secondary questions that divide believers, The God Factor focuses on a central, truth that unites us: God wants to be vitally present in and through his people. This truth, though central, is sadly neglected. This generation of Christians—mission-driven but burned out, weary, and longing for joy—desperately needs to recover the dynamic presence of God. And the good news is that God wants us to have exactly that.

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    • Origin Of My Birthplace


      Origin of My Birthplace shows people how to recognize the Source of Life, the Origin of our Birthplace, and how to connect to it. Blackwell’s journey to understand life’s deepest realities and wonders took him to the Cathedral of Chartres, the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci and Nicolas Poussin, the book of Genesis, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, great literature, and back again to the Cathedral of Chartres and its famous labyrinth. These are some of the greatest, most profound works of art in all of history. Blackwell discovered people of uncommon insight–people who were able to connect the deepest realities within with the most life-generating realities without. With others, he discovered not only that anyone can understand these mysteries, when we do so our lives become more authentic and compelling. We begin to know God and the unfolding of the universe not as second-hand information, but in a direct, primary way.

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    • What Am I Supposed To Do With My Life


      Is there only one perfect answer?

      For nearly two thousand years too many Christians have embraced a lie. The lie is cast in spiritual tones and seems, on the surface, to be innocent enough.

      Yet, it’s a lie so deceptive that even the most pious believe it without knowing it, and its widespread practice has robbed the world of a thousand types of good that would have been hers had Christianity followed God’s path.

      It’s a lie so clandestine that it has weaved its way in and out of Christian history nearly undetected.

      It’s a lie so sinister that it has robbed millions of people of their souls.

      What is the lie?
      It is that “God’s will” is hard to find.
      It isn’t.

      In What Am I Supposed to Do with My Life?,author Johnnie Moore provides spiritual direction and clear guidance on the most frequent question that he is asked as the campus pastor at a Christian university with over 100,000 students. It is crucial information for all ages but especially those in their 20s and 30s who are seriously concerned about their futures and want to do God’s will as they try to determine, “What in the world am I supposed to do in life?”

      As Moore details in the book, it is just as important to concentrate on who you’re supposed to be, not just what you’re supposed to do. Go until God stops you. Don’t wait until He starts you.

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    • Its A God Thing 2


      Some things in life have no earthly explanation. It’s just a God thing.
      Miracles are not reserved for the characters in the Old and New Testaments; they happen to everyday people today, all around the world. Series creators Don Jacobson and K-LOVE Radio Network (14 million listeners) have joined together once again to produce a remarkable collection of modern-day miracles.
      Experiences like these are far more common than one may realize. From more than 1,000 occurrences, these more than 50 stories were chosen for their ability to amaze, encourage, and inspire all who live each day with both faith and doubt, victory and despair. Each day, the sunrise itself is a sign of God’s miraculous hand, and these stories prove that it’s only the beginning.

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    • Vainglory : The Forgotten Vice


      All about the vice you didn’t know you had – and what to do about it

      Julia Roberts on the red carpet at the Oscars. Lady Gaga singing “Applause” to worshipful fans at one of her sold-out concerts. And you and me in our Sunday best in the front row in church. What do we have in common?

      Chances are, says Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung, that we all suffer from vainglory – a keen desire for attention and acknowledgment. Because it saturates our culture, we recognize it in ourselves and others, but we’ve forgotten how dangerous it can be – so dangerous that it was one of the original seven vices. How can we resist it?

      In Vainglory DeYoung splendidly illuminates this vice from its ancient origins to its modern expressions. She explains how, then and today, a wrongheaded search for recognition and glory can damage our relationships with God and others. After exposing the many ways in which vainglory can rear its ugly head, she explores the spiritual practices that can help us resist it and the community practices that can help us handle glory well.

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    • Called To The Life Of The Mind


      “I wasn’t supposed to spend my life in the world of scholarship,” Richard Mouw acknowledges at the beginning of Called to the Life of the Mind. “In my early spiritual environs, higher education was something that you suffered through in order to be able to get on with the Lord’s real work — the urgent business of proclaiming the gospel in all of its simplicity and power.”

      In this wise yet simple book Mouw offers his thoughts on what Christian scholarship can and should look like, responding in particular to those traditions that continue to be suspicious of intellectual pursuits. Mouw reflects candidly on the faithful Christian cultivation of the life of the mind and offers gentle advice on how Christians, especially evangelicals, might fruitfully navigate the world of the academy as followers of Jesus.

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    • Unseen : Angels Satan Heaven Hell And Winning The Battle For Eternity (Reprinted


      Leading Southern Baptist Pastor Teaches on the Supernatural World around us.

      Behind every victory and every defeat, behind every blessing and every disappointment, spiritual forces are at work. In Unseen Dr. Jack Graham challenges popular opinions and persistent folklore with powerful biblical truth about heaven and hell, good and evil, and angels and demons, and he teaches us how to navigate this present world in light of the forces we cannot see.

      Dr. Graham begins by recounting his own experience with evil when his father was brutally murdered. From there he weaves compelling stories with easy-to-understand teaching, giving readers practical, in-depth guidance on the spiritual realm. Readers will come away enlightened about the supernatural world and encouraged that God can provide protection, provision, and power for whatever lies ahead.

      Book includes end-of-chapter questions. Free online small-group curriculum will also be available, including videos, application prompts, and discussion guide. Stand-alone DVD curriculum available soon.

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    • Que Tan Alto Quiere Llegar – (Spanish)


      Que tan alto quiere llegar? John Maxwell dice que todo depende de su actitud.Nariz hacia arriba o nariz hacia abajo ? Al igual que el angulo de un avion determina su altitud, lo mismo ocurre con el enfoque que damos a la familia, al trabajo, y a la vida en general, y ese enfoque determina la actitud que presentamos al mundo. La forma de resolver un problema es a menudo secundaria a el enfoque que tomamos para enfrentar el problema mismo, nuestra expresion externa es casi tan importante como la lucha interior.

      En Que tan alto quiere llegar?, el autor John Maxwell presenta lecciones detalladas sobre la cualidad unica e invaluable que se ha convertido en la fuerza principal de una persona dirigida hacia el exito. Lo que nos pasa, a menudo es diferente de lo que ocurre en nosotros.Llamando a la Biblia un “manual sobre el desempeno de actitud “Maxwell enfatiza que en realidad nunca estamos volando solos. Con una guia de estudio para ayudar a evaluar y construir sobre su propio angulo de vuelo, Que tan alto quiere llegar? establece los elementos fundamentales para un vuelo estable y duradero de la vida.

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    • Nothing Between : A Devotional For Seniors


      During most of life’s journey, we rarely give thought to the time when we will be senior citizens. When it suddenly arrives, some of us are anxious to enjoy the world of AARP , Medicare, Social Security and ticket discounts. Others are fearful of the physical changes we don’t wish to acknowledge or admit. We find ourselves in the midst of retirement from a long-time career, facing the care of aging parents, looking forward to travel, or finding ways to use all this free time productively. Those of us who have “arrived” at this point in life’s adventure have been immersed in both positive and negative experiences. As we walk daily with God, devotional books help to encourage and strengthen us as we strive to stay focused on his Word. “Nothing Between” is a book for those who are experiencing life’s later aging process. It provides a connection between you and your Creator for an entire year, while also generating personal growth, spiritual progress and joy in living. Each devotion focuses on one week of the year and offers practical wisdom combined with biblical guidance and may be chosen randomly or topically. “Nothing Between” provides everything you need to read, pray and journey in your relationship with the Lord every day!

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    • Way Of Grace


      A pastor with Parkinson’s explores how we can discover different modes of grace from God even in the midst of great pain and difficulty.

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    • Forever Mom : What To Expect When Youre Adopting


      Adoption is on the rise, and popular writer and blogger Mary Ostyn shares her experiences of adopting six children, inspiring those who have been called to adopt and providing practical advice on how to make it work. In Forever Mom Mary Ostyn, a long-time beloved adoption writer and blogger, shares the practical tools and resources she uses to thrive as an adoptive mom. She takes readers through her own and downs as she learned to nurture a growing family through living well on less, eating healthy foods, homeschooling, and mothering children with a variety of adjustment issues. She’ll walk readers through how to build heart connections, help babies, toddlers, and older children settle in, effectively implement attachment parenting, and allow for personal time too. Whether readers are the parent of an adopted child or interested in pursuing adoption, Mary’s warm advice and fresh perspective will inspire, inform, and affirm them. They’ll walk away knowing they’re the perfect mom for whatever child God brings into their lives.

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    • Aprendamos De Los Gigantes – (Spanish)


      If you could spend a few minutes with the giants of faith in the Old Testament in person, what lessons would they share with you? In LEARNING FROM THE GIANTS John C. Maxwell draws on fifty years of studying the Bible to share the stories of Elijah, Elisha, Job, Jacob, Deborah, Isaiah, Jonah, Joshua and Daniel. These people fought and won epic battles, served kings, and endured great hardships for God to come out on the other side transformed through His grace. Through them Maxwell explores timeless lessons we can learn about leadership, ourselves, and our relationship with God.

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    • Origin Of My Birthplace


      Origin of My Birthplace shows people how to recognize the Source of Life, the Origin of our Birthplace, and how to connect to it. Blackwell’s journey to understand life’s deepest realities and wonders took him to the Cathedral of Chartres, the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci and Nicolas Poussin, the book of Genesis, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, great literature, and back again to the Cathedral of Chartres and its famous labyrinth. These are some of the greatest, most profound works of art in all of history. Blackwell discovered people of uncommon insight–people who were able to connect the deepest realities within with the most life-generating realities without. With others, he discovered not only that anyone can understand these mysteries, when we do so our lives become more authentic and compelling. We begin to know God and the unfolding of the universe not as second-hand information, but in a direct, primary way.

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    • Leyenda Del Monje Y El Mercade – (Spanish)


      Una parabola que invita a la reflexion e ilustra importantes verdades acerca del trabajo, las finanzas, el liderazgo y el caracter. En la Roma del siglo dieciseis, Antonio prepara a su nieto Julio, de dieciocho anos, para que se integre a los negocios de la familia. Sus conversaciones, complementadas con los doce principios para el exito que se encuentran en el diario de Antonio, invitan a los lectores a revisar sus propios pensamientos sobre como las personas de fe pueden participar en el mundo de los negocios y a la vez honrar a Dios.Los principios de Antonio, que incluyen Trabaja duro y Dios te prosperara,
      Ve los desafios como peldanos, no como obstaculos, Vive sin deudas y dentro de tus posibilidades y Separa el primer 10% para honrar a Dios, son especialmente relevantes en el ambiente del siglo veintiuno, donde con frecuencia las actividades comerciales son tratadas con escepticismo por creyentes y no creyentes por igual.

      Un libro que Dave Ramsey acredita con haberle aclarado sus propios pensamientos sobre la relacion entre los negocios y la iglesia, La leyenda del monje y el mercader afinara la comprension de los lectores respecto a sus carreras, riqueza y exitos.

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    • Answer To Our Cry


      We all long for freedom from anxiety, worry, and fear. We long to be free from sin and free to love others completely as God loves us. And yet we are shackled by insecurity, prone to selfishness, and wary of letting down our guard. That’s not the life God designed for his followers. When his enslaved people cry out to him for freedom, he hears–and responds.

      Now pastor Rick McKinley shows how the true freedom we all long for–the freedom we see as God delivers his people in the Scriptures–is always in the form of relationship with God rather than our popular notion of complete independence. He calls readers to look to the Father, Son, and Spirit for the model of perfect, self-giving freedom, and shows how that kind of freedom can transform us into people who live fully, love boldly, and fear nothing.

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    • Attentive Life : Discerning Gods Presence In All Things


      Your attention, please. That’s what God wants, Leighton Ford discovered. It’s the path to becoming like Christ. Distractions, fear and busyness were keeping Ford from seeing God’s work in and around him. He was missing God. So he began a journey of longing and looking for God. And it started with paying attention. In these pages, he invites you to journey with him. Using the rich monastic tradition of praying the hours, Ford will walk with you, helping you pay attention to God’s work in you and around you throughout each day and in different seasons of your life. If you’re busy, distracted, rushing through each day, you might be feeling disconnected from God, unable to see how he’s working. You might be missing him. But the way toward him starts with a pause and a prayer-with intention and attention-and becomes a way of life, awake and alive to the peaceful, powerful presence of God.

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    • Saints In Hell


      After we are born again most of us switch to relax mode and convince ourselves we are heaven-headed. “Saints In Hell,” however, reveals a very worrying truth that has been lost to oversight for far too long.

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    • And He Will Lift You Up


      “And He Will Lift You Up” is the remarkable story of Zanina Jacinto, a woman who is painfully familiar with disabilities–her precious daughter, Danielle, was born with cerebral palsy; several years later, Zanina was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and bipolar disorder. Faced with these setbacks, Zanina turned to the Lord, and He lifted her up when her own strength failed. Zanina raised Danielle, who today is a vibrant young woman, and an honor student with a bachelor of science in special education. Zanina became a teacher of special needs children, but eventually, had to leave her job when multiple sclerosis consumed her body with relentless fatigue, and muscle weakness made walking and standing difficult. During this dark and frightening time, Zanina battled depression and soon discovered that she also had bipolar disorder. But as Zanina and Danielle persevered and held tightly to the Lord’s promises, again and again, God graciously and miraculously supplied all of their needs. Travel with mother and daughter to the Promised Land of Israel where they experience the fullness of God’s grace, power, and love; and rejoice with them as they return home with renewed strength and vision. Be encouraged as Zanina shares how she successfully deals with life’s challenges and shows you how to do the same. “And He Will Lift You Up” will speak to your heart as a testimony of the enduring power of faith, and will light the way for you to find the hope and joy that comes from the One who is constant and loves you with an everlasting love.

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    • Learning From The Giants


      If you could spend a few minutes with the giants of faith in the Old Testament in person, what lessons would they share with you? In LEARNING FROM THE GIANTS John C. Maxwell draws on fifty years of studying the Bible to share the stories of Elijah, Elisha, Job, Jacob, Deborah, Isaiah, Jonah, Joshua and Daniel. These people fought and won epic battles, served kings, and endured great hardships for God to come out on the other side transformed through His grace. Through them Maxwell explores timeless lessons we can learn about leadership, ourselves, and our relationship with God.

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    • Imagination Redeemed : Glorifying God With A Neglected Part Of Your Mind


      Imagination. Contrary to popular perception, it’s not just for kids, artists, or fans of science fiction. Rather, the imagination is what bridges our thinking and feeling, allowing us to do everything from planning a weekend getaway to remembering what we ate for breakfast. In Imagination Redeemed, Gene Veith and Matthew Ristuccia uncover the imagination’s importance for Christians, helping us understand who God is, what his Word teaches, and how we should live in the world today. Drawing on key biblical passages and relevant historical precedents, this important book explores an attribute that is too often ignored in conversations about the Christian life. Here is a call to embrace this forgotten part of the mind as a gift from God designed to bolster faith, hope, and love in his people.

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    • Marshmallow Family : Loving From The Heart


      This book demonstrates how real love is unconditional and shows no limitations to any differences. The families in the Town of Mallow Creek knew nothing about hate, they only knew to love in all circumstances. Throughout this book the reader will see how this town got together to send a wave of love and kindness to a family who never knew love, but began to understand love as the town continued to pour it out their hearts. The reader will benefit from the understanding of True Love…It Never Wavers!

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    • For The Love Of God


      Being new is never easy–especially when it comes to finding your faith. But you don’t need a big neon sign to point the way to God. Instead, you need a friend to tell it to you straight, equip you with information, and provide some much-needed encouragement along the way. Indeed, you need guidance from a woman who has already walked a mile in your shoes.

      Jenny Lee Sulpizio invites you to silence those doubts, experience God’s grace, and breathe in the unconditional love you were always meant to know. It’s a guide for women unsure of their Creator, in search of answers, and interested in pursuing a genuine relationship with the Lord. Because this walk with God–this journey with Jesus? It’s about to change everything.
      – See more at:

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