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    Christian Living

    • Victimization : Victory Over The Victim Mentality


      Does a crisis from your past still affect you? Is it hard to dismiss demoralizing experiences, such as the embarrassment over having an alcoholic parent, or the moneymaking scheme that bankrupted you, or the lingering effect of a spouse’s unfaithfulness? Such experiences can leave lasting scars, can devour self-worth, and can ultimately leave you feeling isolated and inferior.

      Do you know how to…?

      *Identify emotional, physical, and mental side effects of victimization
      *Recognize codependent tendencies of a victim
      *Know your true self-worth
      *Conquer irrational fear
      *Establish and maintain good boundaries
      If left unchecked, the victim mentality can paralyze your heart and mind for a lifetime. For lasting change to occur, you must rely on the truth of God’s Word-truth about His mercy, and truth about your worth. He wants to set you free from the past with His transforming power to become all He created you to be!

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    • Critical Spirit : Confronting The Heart Of A Critic


      When turbulent trials blow across the sunny skies of your life, how do you respond?

      Do you stew and fret, searching for solutions? Instead, realize that the presence of trials in your life reveals that God may be trying to get a message through to you. Trials are tests of your faith, patience or endurance through the process of suffering-providing the quality or worth of something or someone.

      Amidst trials, recognize if you…

      *Have a tendency to deny the facts
      *Always have reasons to blame other people
      *Are prone to sink into self-pity
      Read June Hunt’s book, Trials: God’s Refining Fire, to understand that the Spirit of Christ is living in you and gives you power to live above the winds of any adversity.

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    • Spiritual Abuse : Religion At Its Worst


      Have you become sidetracked in your thinking? Has your attention been so centered on what spiritual leaders or the church will think of you and expect from you that you’ve lost focus on what God thinks?

      Perhaps you’ve unintentionally confused pulpit persuasions with direction from God’s Word.

      Do you know how to…?

      *Recognize warning signs of spiritual abuse
      *Distinguish between law and grace
      *Biblically answer legalistic arguments
      *Move from spiritual death to spiritual life
      Find out how to recognize when others attempt to gain control by twisting the truth and manipulating Scripture. You can move from legalism to grace, from pleasing man to acknowledging your accountability to God, through prayer and personal study of His Word.

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    • Counter Culture : Compassionate Call To Counter Culture


      Too often Christians pick and choose which social causes they are willing to engage in based on what our culture deems “fashionable” while remaining silent on others out of discomfort or fear of personal persecution. But the Bible makes it abundantly clear that is not what Christ’s followers are called to do.

      In Counter Culture, New York Times bestselling author David Platt redefines social justice from a biblical standpoint and makes a compelling case for why Christians are called to fully and actively surrender themselves to every cause-regardless of personal cost or consequence.

      Drawing heavily on Scripture and compelling personal accounts from around the world, Platt presents a pointed yet winsome call for readers to faithfully follow Christ in countercultural ways-ways that will prove both costly and rewarding for the contemporary church.

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    • Jesus Unveiled


      Relevant Books
      Christian nonfiction exploring the biblical details of God’s prophetic calendar, Passover, Easter, the Mosaic Law vs. the Covenant of Grace, events surrounding the Crucifixion Week, and the Resurrection of Jesus. As Jesus exhaled His last breath, the Temple Veil was violently ripped apart by God to allow everyone access into the Holy of Holies through Christ’s blood. After three days in a cold, dark grave, Jesus resurrected triumphantly over death. Most Christians are aware of the basics, but did you know all of these events were meticulously detailed in O.T. analogies, including the exact dates of Jesus’ death and resurrection? Jesus Unveiled reveals * Why creation’s calendar predicted Adam’s fall and had to be reset before Christ’s incarnation * What Noah’s Ark landing on Mt. Ararat has to do with the resurrection * How Judas’s betrayal was foreshadowed in the Book of Esther to the exact day * Why Pharaoh’s army drowned at sunrise * How the first and last Passover breads reveal the covenants of Law and Grace, and much more… Like a beautiful Monet, appreciate the finer portrait of Jesus by drawing nearer to explore the tiny brushstrokes of our Father’s love painted over centuries that finally reveal Jesus Unveiled.

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    • Loved Back To Life


      Talented and beautiful, 700 Club co-host Sheila Walsh was at the pinnacle of her career when she chose to walk away—and check into a psychiatric hospital. In this expanded edition of her best-selling memoir Honestly, she shares the struggles that brought her to her knees—and the story of how God lovingly came to her rescue.

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    • Ser Papa – (Spanish)


      Rebosante de intemporales historias y citas que inspiran, este libro de Max Lucado sobre la paternidad es el regalo perfecto para mostrar a Papa lo mucho que el significa para la familia.

      Los papas son un genero unico. Pueden ser fuertes y firmes, y a la vez comprensivos y amables. Puede que no esten al corriente de la lista de exitos de los Top 40, pero conocen la palabra correcta que decir en un momento de tranquilidad. Siempre estan ahi para proveer, para echar una mano, o para ser nuestros mayores animadores.

      Max Lucado capta perfectamente los sinceros sentimientos que millones de lectores comparten sobre lo que significa ser un papa. Lleno de citas e historias compiladas de otros libros de Max, este regalo rebosa de pensamientos inspiradores sobre la paternidad de uno de los autores favoritos de America.

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    • Heartfelt : A Woman’s Guide To Creating Meaningful Friendships


      Every woman longs for good conversation, a safe place to be vulnerable, and wisdom from women who are ahead of us on the journey. In previous generations, women lived in close-knit communities and encouraged one another in marriage, parenting, and spirituality. In today’s world, we often feel isolated. Yet our God-given craving for connection remains.

      In Heartfelt, Dr. Joneal Kirby shows us how to embrace the joy of emotional intimacy with other women. Her practical wisdom and personal experience, combined with dozens of real-life stories, equip us to cultivate meaningful relationships with women in all seasons of life.

      You may feel you’ll never move beyond the small talk of church coffee hour. You may wonder if your current friendships will ever reach a new depth. Heartfelt gives you the practical ideas and inspiration you need to change surface-level interactions into deep relationships that can change lives forever.

      Includes prayers, questions for discussion and reflection, and a guide to beginning your own intergenerational small group.

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    • Virtuous : A Study For Ladies Of Every Age


      Virtuous walks through fourteen biblical virtues to help women of all ages be actively pursuing fruitfulness in the knowledge of Christ. That is the highest endeavor for Christians, and it doesn’t just happen by accident. From the Scriptures, learn about the Christian woman’s first and highest duty, along with why it’s so imporant for wives to be “women of valor,” what it looks like to be a leading woman in your community, and what it means to pursue virtue when everyone tells you that sort of thing is no longer important.

      This encouraging little book includes concise explanations, application questions and assignments that will involve and challenge everyone, and lots of biblical wisdom for individuals and groups.

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    • Desde Ahora En Adelante Guia D (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study


      En esta guia de estudio de cinco sesiones en video para grupos pequeos, el autor de best sellers del New York Times y pastor, Craig Groeschel, nos muestra cinco compromisos, que poniendolos en practica, nos ayudaran a hacer nuestro matrimonio a prueba de fracasos. Usted conoce las estadisticas, y no son alentadoras. El 50% de los matrimonios no logra manterse unida. En que otra area de su vida esta satisfecho con tener un 50% de probabilidades en contra? Las elecciones que usted hace cada dia determinan no solo su relacion con Dios sino tambien la calidad de su matrimonio. Las decisiones que tome hoy determinaran el matrimonio que tendra maana. En este estudio de cinco sesiones, descubrira cinco compromisos que sin duda pondran su matrimonio a prueba de fracasos. Si establece esos compromisos, puede tener, y tendra, el matrimonio que Dios quiere que usted experimente. Las sesiones incluyen: 1. Buscar a Dios 2. Pelear limpio 3. Tener diversion 4. Mantenerse puro 5. Nunca tirar la toalla Si usted y su conyuge deciden sinceramente comprometerse a estos principios, descubriran una relacion mas rica, mas profunda y mas autentica, y una vida amorosa mas satisfactoria y apasionada de lo que podrian haber imaginado nunca. No sea usted una estadistica. No sea parte del promedio. Obtenga ese matrimonio que siempre quiso tener. Comience en este momento, desde ahora en adelante.

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    • Heart Of Holiness


      What is the place of compassion in the life of holiness? It concerns not only the life of the individual disciple but poses important missional questions for the Church.

      Is compassionate ministry a distraction from the core message of heart of holiness?

      Are ministries of compassion best understood as effective tools to open doors for evangelistic outreach?

      Is compassionate ministry one of those specialized ministries that we may choose to do where we have interest and opportunity?

      As they draw from scripture, theology, the deep history of the Church, and the more recent history of the Wesleyan-Holiness movement, discover what scholars and ministry leaders believe is the place of compassion in the life of holiness.

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    • Way Of The Wise (Reprinted)


      Do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity. Let love and faithfulness never leave you.” These and other seemingly simple lessons were hard-won for a hardheaded young man who was more “wise guy” than “wise” early in life.

      Now, internationally known psychologist and New York Times bestselling author Dr. Kevin Leman shares the biblical wisdom that has shaped him into the successful, joy-filled person he is today. With his trademark wit and humorous stories from his personal life, Dr. Leman shows readers how to jump-start or revitalize their lives both spiritually and practically with words from one of the wisest men of all time. (Hint: It’s not him.) Dr. Leman offers hope, courage, and a fresh perspective on living a great life, all in a compact, readable package. This lively and inspiring book makes the perfect gift for professionals, graduates, and anyone who could benefit from simple truths for living well.

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    • Fight Back With Joy


      More than mere whimsy, joy is the weapon we can use to fight life’s greatest battles.

      This cherished virtue has been wrapped in cliches, stamped on coffee mugs, sewn onto decorative pillows-even displayed on dish soap. Fight Back With Joy reveals the hidden spectrum of joy rarely explored. Through vulnerable storytelling and a difficult diagnosis, Margaret Feinberg shows joy is better than you imagined. What water is to parched lips, joy is to the spirit. Feinberg will help you lay hold of a joy that’s deeper and fuller than you’ve ever known before.

      Fight Back With Joy will awaken an abiding sense of God’s fierce love for you; reignite your imagination for laughter and celebration; magnify the opportunities for joy you have today; and provide the strength you need for whatever crisis you’re facing.

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    • Rejoicing In Lament (Reprinted)


      At the age of 39, Christian theologian Todd Billings was diagnosed with a rare form of incurable cancer. In the wake of that diagnosis, he began grappling with the hard theological questions we face in the midst of crisis: Why me? Why now? Where is God in all of this? This eloquently written book shares Billings’s journey, struggle, and reflections on providence, lament, and life in Christ in light of his illness, moving beyond pat answers toward hope in God’s promises. Theologically robust yet eminently practical, it engages the open questions, areas of mystery, and times of disorientation in the Christian life. Billings offers concrete examples through autobiography, cultural commentary, and stories from others, showing how our human stories of joy and grief can be incorporated into the larger biblical story of God’s saving work in Christ.

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    • Supremacy Of God In Preaching (Expanded)


      According to Warren Wiersbe, The Supremacy of God in Preaching “calls us back to a biblical standard for preaching, a standard exemplified by many of the pulpit giants of the past, especially Jonathan Edwards and Charles Spurgeon.” This newly revised and expanded edition is an essential guide for preachers who want to stir the embers of revival. Piper has added valuable new material reflecting on his thirty-three years of preaching at Bethlehem Baptist Church, offering a glimpse of what a lifetime of putting God first has done for the faith of the hundreds of thousands who have heard him preach over the years.

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    • Lifelong Love Affair (Reprinted)


      God didn’t create marriage to frustrate us, test us, or to make us feel unworthy or inadequate. He created marriage to be the most fulfilling and sacred of all human covenants. It was designed to be passionate and rewarding and to meet our deepest needs and desires. And it was meant to last a lifetime. So how do you build an indestructible marriage that is filled with passion, purpose, and excitement?

      In Lifelong Love Affair, Jimmy Evans shows couples how to embrace God’s dream for their marriage, cultivate romance and fun, and fulfill each other’s spiritual, emotional, and sexual needs. With more marriages today ending in divorces than ever before, and more young people cohabiting rather than getting married, the message of this book is sorely needed. Any married couple and anyone considering marriage will find Lifelong Love Affair an essential tool they will turn to again and again for inspiration and strength. Foreword by Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott.

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    • Dream Journal


      I was sound asleep, but in my dreams I was wide awake.
      Song of Solomon 5:2, Message

      Every moment that you are sleeping is a potential opportunity for God to be speaking directly to you!

      By using the Dream Journal, you’ll receive daily inspirational quotes from Bill and Beni Johnson, Danny Silk, and other leaders of Bethel Church, encouraging you to discover how to hear God’s voice and live a supernatural lifestyle.

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    • Worry Less So You Can Live More


      Women today are soul-weary, carrying the weight of keeping it all together as life slowly becomes a drudgery of days marked by loneliness, sadness, fear, anxiety, discouragement, and exhaustion.

      Yet this is not how life was meant to be. With warmth and compassion, bestselling author Jane Rubietta invites women to leave behind their heavy hearts and learn to truly live again. To experience delight and rest in the moment-by-moment pleasure of a God who delights in them–and has all their tomorrows under his control. Jane’s trademark vulnerability and picturesque prose offer more than a good read; they offer enduring encouragement and practical tools for immediate change. With both discussion questions and journaling prompts, individuals and small groups will discover how to worry less and live more.

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    • Finding Favor With The King


      In what has become a landmark text, bestselling author Tommy Tenney takes you on an unforgettable journey through the book of Esther. Tracing the events of this fascinating story, he uncovers the twelve steps that took a Jewish girl of no royal heritage to the halls of a Persian palace to the innermost rooms of influence in the kingdom. But more than that, he shows how you, too, can use these same steps to prepare for your own life-changing encounter with the king–and experience the favor that comes with a passionate, intimate relationship with him.

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    • Answers To Your Questions About Heaven


      Is heaven a literal place?
      What does it look like?
      What will we do all day?
      Will there be angels there?

      We all have questions about what heaven will be like. Fortunately, Scripture is filled with helpful information about our future home-we just have to know where to look.

      Dr. David Jeremiah has spent a lifetime studying what the Bible has to say about heaven, and now in Answers to Your Questions about Heaven, he has done just that-provided answers to your most pressing questions about heaven, angels, and eternity in a straightforward, easy-to-understand, biblically based book. A perfect gift for friends and family and a handy resource to keep on your own shelf, this handsome little book will ignite your imagination and whet your appetite for all the amazing experiences that await!

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    • Case For Grace Student Edition


      In The Case for Grace Student Edition, Lee Strobel and Jane Vogel present a compelling and highly personal experiential case for God, focusing on God’s transforming work in the lives of people today. Writing with unusual candor, Lee draws upon his own journey from atheism to Christianity to explore the depth and breadth of God’s redeeming love, including those whose lives have been radically changed after discovering the “how” and “why” behind God’s amazing grace. You’ll encounter racists, addicts, and even murderers who have found new hope and purpose. You’ll meet once-bitter people who have learned to forgive those who have harmed them-and, equally amazing, people mired in guilt who have discovered that they can even forgive themselves. Through it all, you will see how God’s grace can change your eternity and relationships- starting today.

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    • Becoming Worldly Saints


      If following Jesus involves a life of sacrifice and suffering, is it wrong for a Christian to seek purpose and joy in this world? Many Christians sense a tension between their desire to enjoy life in this world-the beauty of God’s creation, the rich love of deep relationships with others-and the reality that this world is fallen and broken, in need of redemption. How can we embrace and thrive in the tension between enjoying creation and promoting redemption? By living out our God-given purpose. As “worldly saints,” created in the image of God, we are natural creatures with a supernatural purpose-to know and love God. Because we live in a world that is stained by the curse of sin, we must learn to embrace our nature as creatures created in the image of God while recognizing our desperate need for the grace that God offers to us in the gospel. Writing in a devotional style that is theologically rich, biblically accurate, and aimed at ordinary readers, Mike Wittmer helps readers understand who they are, why they are here, and the importance of the story they tell themselves. In Becoming Worldly Saints, he gives an integrated vision that shows how we can be heavenly minded in a way that leads to earthly good, empowering believers to seize the abundant life God has for them.

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    • Last Words Of Jesus


      Readers will experience a fresh encounter with Jesus Christ thorough examination of what Jesus said, why He said it, and how His powerful words continue to change lives forever.

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    • Nonviolent Action : What Christian Ethics Demands But Most Christians Have


      There are numerous examples throughout history of effective nonviolent action. Nonviolent protesters defied the Soviet Empire’s communist rulers, Gandhi’s nonviolent revolution defeated the British Empire, and Martin Luther King Jr.’s peaceful civil-rights crusade changed American history. Recent scholarship shows that nonviolent revolutions against injustice and dictatorship are actually more successful than violent campaigns. In this book, noted theologian and bestselling author Ron Sider argues that the search for peaceful alternatives to violence is not only a practical necessity in the wake of the twentieth century–the most bloody in human history–but also a moral demand of the Christian faith. He presents compelling examples of how nonviolent action has been practiced in history and in current social-political situations to promote peace and oppose injustice, showing that this path is a successful and viable alternative to violence.

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    • Whos Picking Me Up From The Airport


      What lifts a single girl’s spirit most-aside from finding a man, of course-is meeting other girls in her same boat. Who’s Picking Me Up From the Airport? opens with Cindy Johnson’s story and she will quickly become your newfound single companion. Her refreshing and comical commentary on adult Christian dating provides readers the much needed opportunity to laugh and celebrate single life for what it is: joyful and complicated.

      Beneath the candor and self-deprecation, Who’s Picking Me Up From the Airport? is built on the question, “Does Jesus actually care about dating and singleness? And if so, how does he enter into it?” Have you ever found yourself wary of voicing your concerns for fear of appearing desperate or lacking in faith. Cindy’s choice to put it all out there creates a powerful and much needed safe place for vulnerability and honesty around singleness.

      This book addresses head on the difficult reality experienced by singles in the Church. Cindy will push you to seek Jesus first, even when you don’t get the things you want. Each chapter begins with a short letter written by single Christian women to other women from all walks of life. You will be reminded that you are not alone. In authentic pages filled with humor and truth, you will find in Who’s Picking Me Up from the Airport? what you need most-a friend.

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    • Soul Friends : What Every Woman Needs To Grow In Her Faith


      Are you missing out on one of the most transforming means to a deeper and more vibrant faith? In Soul Friends, Dr. Leslie Parrott explores the intimate stages of a woman’s spiritual journey while showing you how soul friendships can deepen and enlarge your faith. God brings us soul-friends to help in our spiritual journey, sometimes in predictable places: small groups, friendships, and mentors. But they’re sometimes found in places we don’t expect-these “hidden guides” are people, past or present, whose role in our life may even be hidden from them, but nevertheless, have a deep impact on our growth and vitality. Whether it’s a hidden guide, a member of a small group, or a friend we’ve had for years, these soul-friends all hold the potential to embody grace that enables us to take a next step in the unfolding journey of our faith. Leslie reveals how every woman traverses four stages of spiritual growth-quest, calling, crisis, and communion – again and again.

      And whatever stage you find yourself traveling right now, you need soul friends to help you move forward When we seize the initiative to connect, together we will form a part of the deep communion that is the sisterhood of the traveling saints, journeying together in our desire to know God, serve him, and love him more deeply. Through story, poem, and reflection, Leslie Parrott reminds each of us of the incredibly intimate, intricate, faith-forming work God does in us through the gift of the women he places in our lives.

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    • Case For Grace For Kids


      What does “grace” really mean? How can God’s grace impact your life? How can you experience grace every day? This new book by New York Times bestselling author, Lee Strobel, shows how God’s love is for everyone-no matter what. Through stories of everyday people whose lives have been changed, you will discover God’s love and the power of forgiveness. You will experience God’s amazing grace and be able to share it with others.

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    • His Cruel Cross My Mercy Tree


      “His Cruel Cross, My Mercy Tree” magnifies the atoning achievement of Jesus at Calvary as it confronts popular doctrines that ignore or diminish the significance of the Savior’s sacrifice. This book is a gripping call back to Christianity’s foundational cornerstone…the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The message of His cross is the heart of the gospel and the eternal wellspring of all redemptive truth.

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    • Religion Trap : Religion Versus Relationship


      Carmen Menefee became a Christian and soon found that she was expected to be in church every night of the week. As a wife, mother, daughter, and employee, she struggled with competing demands. For twenty-three years she served in various positions in her previous church and experienced the damaging effects of misplaced priorities. Now freed from the religion trap, Carmen has learned the importance of keeping her relationship with Christ first. Have you slipped into the religion trap? It can happen to the most genuine believer. We shift our focus from being right with God to doing the right things. Emphasis on the external gives us a false sense of security, and the downward spiral begins. Becoming religious, we go through the motions and grow cold in our relationship with Christ. The enemy may have ensnared you if: . You’re busy but not fruitful in the purposes of God. . You feel manipulated to attend, serve, or give at church. . You’re more concerned with other people’s sins than your own. . You’re neglecting your family because you’re at church too much. . You’re not free to experience the Holy Spirit’s leading in your decisions. Jesus Christ can free you from the religion trap so you can enjoy a satisfying, intimate relationship with him. Walk away from the bondage of legalism into God’s glorious grace.

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    • Desaparicion De La Gracia – (Spanish)


      Por que la iglesia provoca sentimientos tan negativos?. Philip Yancey ha estado haciendo esa pregunta toda su vida como periodista. Su pregunta es mas relevante ahora que nunca: en un periodo de veinte anos comenzando desde mitad de los noventa, la investigacion muestra que las opiniones favorables hacia el cristianismo se han desplomado de manera drastica; y las opiniones de los evangelicos han caido incluso mas profundamente. Yancey examina lo que pudo haber contribuido a la hostilidad hacia los evangelicos. Ofrece esclarecedoras formas de como la fe puede expresarse de maneras que desarmen incluso a los criticos mas cinicos y examina que son las Buenas Nuevas y lo que vale la pena preservar en una cultura que cree que ha rechazado la fe cristiana.

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    • Brave New Discipleship


      Many Christians mayfind today’s world to be spiritually hostile. In a social climate that begsspirituality to take a backseat to cultural demands there is a need for a new discipleship model. It is no secret that modern disciples will have to search for new methods of discipleship. Rather than a book intended for use as a guidefor discipleship, Brave New Discipleship lays out the biblical principles that must be followed, no matter what book or discipleship method the reader might choose to use. Brave New Discipleship integrates the best of modern educational research to guide the most effective discipleship strategy possible. Max explores Scripture and sheds light on what is negotiable and what is non-negotiable for modern ministry. For the reader looking for biblically sound ways to grow his or her church, Brave New Discipleship is a must-read.

      Features include:
      *Memory exercises help the reader absorb a summary of what he or she has read
      *Understanding exercises help the reader put into his own words what he or she has read, to be sure he grasps the truth
      *Application exercises allow the reader to apply the truth to his or her personal life
      *Teacher’s section included at the back of the book

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    • Happy Christian : 10 Ways To Be A Joyful Believer In A Gloomy World


      A unique combination of biblical teaching, scientific research, and personal biography shows those who follow Jesus how to live joyful, purposeful lives.

      Hopelessness has invaded much of our culture, even reaching deep into the church. But while the world is awash in negativity, Christians have resources to live differently. In The Happy Christian, professor and pastor David Murray blends the best of modern science and psychology with the timeless truths of Scripture to create a solid, credible guide to positivity. The author of the acclaimed Christians Get Depressed Too, Murray exposes modern negativity’s insidious roots and presents ten perspective-changing ways to remain optimistic in a world that keeps trying to drag us down. The Happy Christian invites readers to shed negativity and become countercultural missionaries by demonstrating the positive power of the gospel in their lives.

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    • Grow : Your Life With Christ (DVD)


      1. What’s God’s Plan for my Life?
      2. Growing Together (Church)
      3. Doing Life with our Father (Prayer and the Bible)
      4. Walking in Obedience (Repentance)
      5. Talking About Jesus Without Sounding Religious (Evangelism)
      Each episode includes Intro and Following Jesus sections and Life Stories

      Additional Info
      I’m a Christian… what next?

      World-famous speaker and evangelist Becky Pippert shows what God’s plan for our lives is, and how we can get going and get growing in the Christian life.

      For groups who have done the LIVE course, GROW is the follow-up; it also works perfectly as a stand-alone course for groups wishing to think about how to grow in a real, and exciting, way.

      Please note, this DVD is available in NTSC format only.

      For more information, visit

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    • Grow Handbook : Your Life With Christ (Student/Study Guide)


      How To Use This Booklet
      1. What’s God’s Plan For My Life?
      2. Growing Together (Church)
      3. Doing Life With Our Father (Prayer And The Bible)
      4. Walking In Obedience (Repentance)
      5. Talking About Jesus Without Sounding Religious (Evangelism)
      Extra Information

      Additional Info
      I’m a Christian… what next? World-famous speaker and evangelist Becky Pippert shows what God’s plan for our lives is, and how we can get going and get growing in the Christian life. For groups who have done the LIVE course, GROW is the follow-up; it also works perfectly as a stand-alone course for groups wishing to think about how to grow in a real, and exciting, way. This handbook is designed to be used by each group member, along with the accompanying GROW DVD or online downloads (which can be accessed via a password given when the DVD is bought).

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    • ISIS The Heart Of Terror


      The jihadist group ISIS (the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) has been wreaking havoc in northern Iraq and Syria. But its reign of terror is not confined to the Middle East. Its 2014 beheadings of American journalist James Foley and Israeli-American journalist Steven Sotloff have shocked the world and instilled fear in the hearts of many Westerners.

      ISIS is the most funded, technologically advanced, and powerful terrorist organization in history. Its members are extremely diverse, having been recruited from countries all over the globe, including Canada, Britain, and the U.S.

      Now that ISIS has the world’s attention, what’s next?

      Governments around the world have spent billions of dollars employing military strategies, and they are still convinced that ISIS is mainly a political problem that must have a political answer. But what if the solution isn’t political or military? What if the real solution is spiritual in nature?

      Missionaries from the underground church of China-represented by Brother Yun, “the Heavenly Man”-are launching a spiritual offensive. They are not armed with a sentence of death but with a message of life, and ISIS jihadists are in their crosshairs. In ISIS, the Heart of Terror, you will learn about the organization Back to Jerusalem and its unique method of responding to ISIS by evangelizing Muslim militants. Learn how Chinese missionaries are fulfilling the Great Commission by sharing the gospel with some of the most unreachable people groups in the world, and discover how Christians everywhere can take part in a powerful evangelization of the Middle East.

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    • Getting Ready For Marriage Workbook (Workbook)


      Delivered in nine potent sessions, each rooted in key biblical and relational truths, Jim Burns and Doug Fields craft a premarital model that equips participants to confront big issues prior to their wedding day. A thoughtful gift or family ministry resource, the workbook also includes an appendix for use as a counseling centerpiece. Topics include communication, finances, spirituality, and intimacy.

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    • Its Been Love All Along


      SKU (ISBN): 9781606839775ISBN10: 1606839772Zona MorrowBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2015Publisher: Harrison House Publishers Print On Demand Product

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    • Stay On Top


      How would you like to live the rest of your life without falling? No more falling into sin. No more falling into depression. No more falling into helplessness. No more falling into despair, misery or strife. No more falling period! God does not want us falling into any curse from which He has already redeemed us. Jesus paid an awesome price for us, enabling us to walk in victory, not defeat. He didn’t provide redemption for us just “part” of the time. Redemption is continually available to us and God’s deliverance is ongoing, progressive and never-ending. We are redeemed from sin, fear, sickness and disease, emotional problems, poverty and lack, sleep disorders, broken hearts, unforgiveness and every other curse that could be listed. And according to God, we don’t have to fall into any curse! So, if you want to position yourself so that you never fall again, then get ready. The revelation from god’s Word shared in this book will enable you to do just that!

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    • Padres Extraordinarios – (Spanish)


      Hoy en dia, las familias cristianas se encuentran atascadas muchas veces entre dos historias: la historia de su propia familia y la historia de Dios. Es como si estuvieran viviendo dos vidas: su vida cristiana y su vida en el “mundo real”. La solucion a este problema consiste en descubrir la manera de hacer que la historia de tu familia entre en alineacion con la historia de Dios en el mundo que nos rodea, de manera que te ayude a criar unos hijos que tengan el caracter, los valores y la mision que les permitan salir al mundo real y vivir una fe genuina. Padres extraordinarios es un libro sobre la formacion de los hijos que te ayudara a ser dinamico, en lugar de actuar a base de reacciones, cuando se trata de educar a los jovencitos cristianos en un mundo que esta lleno de contradicciones que se oponen a una vida de fe. En lugar de tratar de formar unos hijos que sean solo “buenos cristianos”, encontraras aqui las herramientas que te ayudaran a manifestar en tu vida una fe que les permita a tus hijos ver lo que significa vivir como cristianos. Como resultado de esto, aprenderan lo que es la fe genuina, porque la estaran viviendo junto contigo. Mark Matlock, experto en culturas y veterano pastor de jovenes, te ayudara a analizar cuestiones como las siguientes: * Como ayudar a tu hijo a tomar decisiones * La importancia de los fracasos * Como conocer la historia que tiene Dios para tu familia * Como hacer un cambio en la historia actual de tu familia * Como buscar la sabiduria, y mucho mas. Dios nos ha puesto aqui para interactuar con el mundo y representarlo ante el, a base de relacionarte con la cultura, en lugar de apartarte de ella. En vez de tratar de aislar del mundo a tus hijos, o establecer unas barreras que les impidan relacionarse realmente con el mundo que Dios nos ha llamado a ayudar y sanar, aqui podras aprender a guiar a tu familia hacia una vida integrada, en la cual la historia de la familia y la historia de Dios se unan para marcar una diferencia en el mundo que los rodea.

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    • Shepherds Watch : Stories And Songs Of Faith


      Jerry Rasmussen’s ‘The Shepherd’s Watch: Stories of Songs and Faith’ is a delightful addition to the tradition of Christian reflection, the discovery of God in everyday events. Whether bringing God down to the human level or raising us toward divinity, the result is always a forehead-slapping revelation of useful meaning in our lives as they are — and as they might be.

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    • Father Of The Fatherless


      A seasoned minister delivers an urgent message for the church in America at the crossroads of revival or ruin. A call for the church to unite in prayer for a spiritual awakening leading to national repentance to deliver us from the curse of fifty-five million aborted babies. A call to return to the apostolic foundation of united prayer revealed in the book of Acts for a spiritual awakening calling this fatherless generation to God. A warning about prayerlessness that has crippled our congregations and enfeebled our pulpits. A timely and prophetic word for our nation.

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    • Grandmas Fingerprint : Love A Child Change A Life (Expanded)


      “Can a grandparent really make a difference in a child’s life? Is there any way to truly influence the next generation for good? Read this book and you’ll know that the answer is a resounding yes. “Grandma’s Fingerprint” is the poignant, gripping story of one woman’s faith, courage, strength, and love in the midst of heartbreaking circumstances. By word and example, along with sacrificial love, she changed the life of the author, her granddaughter, and influenced future generations for good. Readers will get to know Grandma and one little girl who could have gone adrift in a tragic family situation. Instead, she became a faith-filled and secure woman, an influential leader, and a loving wife, mother, and grandma – because of her grandma’s love. This inspiring book offers encouragement and hope and is a timeless example of the vital role that grandparents can play

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    • Deliez Le Et Laissez Le Aller – (Other Language)


      Believers across this nation and around the world are overwhelmed, oppressed, struggling, and defeated in their attempt to live the abundant life Christ came to give them. I am convinced, however, that if more churches would embrace the ministry of deliverance and employ a systematic approach in offering deliverance, the results would be phenomenal. Instead of an army of weak and ineffective believers, a new generation of bold conquerors set free by God and empowered to set others free world arise.

      Dr. Moussa Toure has released a powerful weapon against the prince of darkness in his new book, Loose Him and Let Him Go, intellectually prepared to analyze the problems and research the issues, Dr. Toure is experienced in the subject of deliverance and addresses herein the controversies that unfortunately surround and hinder the ministry of deliverance
      If you, and an individual, or your church need theological and practical help to remove one of the major obstacles to spiritual growth- demonic oppression- this is the book for you!

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    • Loose Him And Let Him Go


      Believers across this nation and around the world are overwhelmed, oppressed, struggling, and defeated in their attempt to live the abundant life Christ came to give them. I am convinced, however, that if more churches would embrace the ministry of deliverance and employ a systematic approach in offering deliverance, the results would be phenomenal. Instead of an army of weak and ineffective believers, a new generation of bold conquerors set free by God and empowered to set others free world arise.

      Dr. Moussa Toure has released a powerful weapon against the prince of darkness in his new book, Loose Him and Let Him Go, intellectually prepared to analyze the problems and research the issues, Dr. Toure is experienced in the subject of deliverance and addresses herein the controversies that unfortunately surround and hinder the ministry of deliverance
      If you, and an individual, or your church need theological and practical help to remove one of the major obstacles to spiritual growth- demonic oppression- this is the book for you!

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    • Be Strengthened With All Might


      “Walk worthy of the Lord. . .strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power.” -Colossians 1:10-11, NKJV

      Samuel Fatoki’s Be Strengthened With All Might is a charge for you to embrace Colossians 1:10-11 for your life.

      No Christian should lack the strength to live a fruitful and meaningful life-Jesus’s power to stand strong is available for all. Yet, as with all the Father’s gifts, the truth of Colossians 1:10-11 will benefit you only if you believe it and live by it. Samuel encourages you to personalize these verses, and the many others he cites, by memorization and diligent confession.

      God’s strength is your key to victory over the trials you will encounter in life. Be Strengthened With All Might will assure you that Colossians 1:10-11 is much more than just an encouraging scripture; it is God’s very desire for your life today!

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    • For Sanitys Sake


      For Sanity’s Sake is a 365 day survival guide for women experiencing moderate to severe symptoms of perimenopause. Anxiety, fuzzy brain, fatigue, and headaches are only some of the symptoms plaguing menopausal women. With such menacing symptoms, concentration on long, drawn out Bible Studies is often impossible. Many women feel guilty and often force themselves to muddle through, gaining nothing but frustration from the experience.

      Each devotion is designed to help women cope spiritually and emotionally with daily hormonal fluctuations and distractions. Women struggling with severe hormonal imbalances often struggle with deciphering the right or wrong of their emotions. Even when they know the right or wrong, their extreme emotional state makes it difficult to always choose God’s way. Everything women need to persevere through menopause is provided through the power of the Holy Spirit, and it is imperative that women learn how to launch a counter attack against their fleshly emotions. For Sanity’s Sake provides that added spiritual boost needed to fight and ultimately win each daily battle. Through personal experiences, experiences of other women (and Men), and Bible characters, this devotional helps women come to a realization that they are not alone in their menopausal struggles and that the best years of their lives are yet to come.

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    • Call To Return


      He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches (Rev. 2:29 NASB) A prophetic call is going out to the Body of Christ. The Holy Spirit is calling for a return to holy living in the fear of the Lord, through obedience to His Word. It is time to pull out all the stops and be completely and unreservedly sold out to God. This is what He requires of you and me. He does not want us to be halfhearted or lukewarm. He wants us fired-up and ready to obey Him. This is a prophetic call to return to the things that matter to God. He is waiting with open arms of grace and compassion. He will never turn away from us if we will return to Him with every fiber of our being. Today, many are seeking an easy Christianity that requires no accountability and makes no demands. Many have forgotten the holy requirements of God that propel true believers into higher intensities of His presence and power. Honor, reverence, awe, relationship and fellowship, faithfulness, loyalty, obedience, humility, and devotion are scriptural keys to this deeper walk with the Lord. Yet, many of these radical and life-altering principles are being minimized, disregarded, and even rejected in some Christian circles. In these pages, we rediscover their timeless value and irrefutable necessity for the true disciple of the Lord Jesus.

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    • Call To Return


      He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches (Rev. 2:29 NASB) A prophetic call is going out to the Body of Christ. The Holy Spirit is calling for a return to holy living in the fear of the Lord, through obedience to His Word. It is time to pull out all the stops and be completely and unreservedly sold out to God. This is what He requires of you and me. He does not want us to be halfhearted or lukewarm. He wants us fired-up and ready to obey Him. This is a prophetic call to return to the things that matter to God. He is waiting with open arms of grace and compassion. He will never turn away from us if we will return to Him with every fiber of our being. Today, many are seeking an easy Christianity that requires no accountability and makes no demands. Many have forgotten the holy requirements of God that propel true believers into higher intensities of His presence and power. Honor, reverence, awe, relationship and fellowship, faithfulness, loyalty, obedience, humility, and devotion are scriptural keys to this deeper walk with the Lord. Yet, many of these radical and life-altering principles are being minimized, disregarded, and even rejected in some Christian circles. In these pages, we rediscover their timeless value and irrefutable necessity for the true disciple of the Lord Jesus.

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    • Good News About Satan


      For authentic Christians, the bad news of Satan and the kingdom of darkness, while serious, is overshadowed by the good news of Jesus and the Kingdom of God.

      Yes, there is a cosmic clash. Yes, we are in the middle of it. Yes, we need to become equipped to recognize and resist the enemy.

      But those who are united to Christ by genuine faith need not fear Satan. Not now. Not ever.

      The truth can be summed up in this simple statement: The good news about Jesus, the victorious one, far outweighs the bad news about Satan, the evil one.

      Good News About Satan is a short, reader-friendly text that cites no extra-biblical sources. Instead, it walks the reader through the plain teachings of Scripture regarding Satan, demons, and spiritual warfare, at all times from an explicitly gospel-centered perspective that exalts the sovereignty of God and the finished work of Christ as paramount. Because of this focus, the book, while treating our enemy soberly and seriously, is devoid of the unfruitful speculations and illegitimate extrapolations so common to this topic. For these and other reasons, we believe this book differs significantly from nearly every other book on the subject.

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    • Divine Magician : The Disappearance Of Religion And The Discovery Of Faith


      In this mind-bending exploration of traditional Christianity, firebrand Peter Rollins turns the tables on conventional wisdom, offering a fresh perspective focused on a life filled with love.

      Peter Rollins knows one magic trick-now, make sure you watch closely. It has three parts: the Pledge, the Turn, and the Prestige. In Divine Magician, each part comes into play as he explores a radical view of interacting with the world in love.

      Rollins argues that the Christian event, reenacted in the Eucharist, is indeed a type of magic trick, one that is echoed in the great vanishing acts performed by magicians throughout the ages. In this trick, a divine object is presented to us (the Pledge), disappears (the Turn), and then returns (the Prestige). But just as the returned object in a classic vanishing act is not really the same object-but another that looks the same-so this book argues that the return of God is not simply the return of what was initially presented, but rather a radical way of interacting with the world. In an effort to unearth the power of Christianity, Rollins uses this framework to explain the mystery of faith that has been lost on the church. In the same vein as Rob Bell’s bestseller Love Wins, this book pushes the boundaries of theology, presenting a stirring vision at the forefront of re-imagined modern Christianity.

      As a dynamic speaker as he is in writing, Rollins examines traditional religious notions from a revolutionary and refreshingly original perspective. At the heart of his message is a life lived through profound love. Just perhaps, says Rollins, the radical message found in Christianity might be one that the church can show allegiance to.

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