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    Christian Living

    • Renueva Tu Mente – (Spanish)


      Nuestra mente no se renueva por si misma. Se renueva desde el espiritu, dia a dia, cuando Cristo vive en ti. Renueva tu mente, inspirado en el libro de Galatas, te lleva a entender el proceso de la verdadera transformacion permanente de tu mente. Comienzas recibiendo de Dios su capacidad divina, la valentia de Cristo, y una provision extraordinaria en todo, lo espiritual y lo fisico. El se convierte en tu guia interior y te da sus fuerzas y sus recursos; te renueva con su luz para que seas la luz de los demas. Cual es su proposito? Que administres y compartas todo lo que Dios te da, y lo “gastes” en los seres humanos, para que se multiplique lo que recibes de El y puedas seguirlo dando. Vives con Cristo en tu memoria y andas en el espiritu mientras ves dia a dia tu renovacion mental a traves de la vida de Cristo en ti. El objetivo final es que seas luz para todos.

      Our mind does not renew itself. It is renewed from the Spirit, day by day, when Christ lives in you. Renew Your Mind, inspired by the book of Galatians, leads you to understand the process of the true permanent transformation of your mind. You begin by receiving from God His divine capacity, the courage of Christ, and an extraordinary provision in everything, spiritual and physical. He becomes your inner guide and gives you His strength and resources; He renews you with His light so that you may be the light of others. What is the purpose of it? May you manage and share everything that God gives you, and “spend” it on human beings, so what you receive from Him is multiplied and you can continue giving it away. You live with Christ in your memory and walk in the Spirit as you see, day by day, your mental renewal through the life of Christ in you. The final goal is that you be a light for everyone.

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    • Can God Do It


      He desires intimacy with us and wants to reveal things to those who seek Him.

      Life is full of uncertainties, closed doors, and tests of faith. Just when we think we have run out of options, God’s boundless grace and power make the impossible possible.

      Viviene Kitson’s Can God Do It? is an inspiring account of endless personal encounters with the God of miracles in the throes of impossible circumstances. You will be encouraged that:

      -The Holy Spirit wants to speak to you every moment of every day,
      -God is waiting for your invitation to intervene in challenging circumstances,
      -Your suffering is no match for His infinite provision, and
      -His unlimited power abounds in your limitations!

      Can God do it? He can, and He will!

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    • Narrow Path : How The Subversive Way Of Jesus Satisfies Our Souls


      A compelling call to embrace the countercultural values of Jesus, which lead to a life of love, peace, and fulfillment, from the bestselling author of The Deeply Formed Life, winner of the Christianity Today Book Award.

      We live in a culture that wants it all. More is seen as better–whether it’s more money, social media fame, choices, or power. For those chasing this way of life, “narrow” seems negative. Who wants to narrow their options . . . or be seen as narrow-minded?

      Which is why the most well-known talk in the history of the world–the Sermon on the Mount–is also the most paradoxical one. In it, Jesus holds up the narrow path as the most spacious . . . and the broader path as the more confining one.

      Rich Villodas, bestselling author of The Deeply Formed Life, explores what today’s broad and narrow paths look like so you can discern which one you’re on. The answer may surprise you–and will help you pursue the way of Jesus more deeply when it comes to loving God and others, prayer, sexual desire, conflict, money, anxiety, and more.

      The Narrow Path reintroduces the counterintuitive wonder of Jesus’s timeless wisdom for this age, one fraught with anxiety, depression, polarizing politics, and online vitriol. The path of Jesus is most certainly narrow, but it is the only one filled with the ever-expanding life of God . . . and it is available now for all who want it!

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    • Mitos Que Los Cristianos Creen – (Spanish)


      Si nuestras creencias son forjadas por pruebas vividas y experiencias autenticas, por que sucumbir a los rumores? Descubre un catalogo de mitos y mentiras que desafian, exhortan y convocan a los cristianos a desmantelar y refutar.

      Es razonable suponer que los cristianos deberiamos ser mas perspicaces y estar mejor informados que el resto del mundo; y ser ejemplo de personas que aman la verdad y se aman los unos a los otros.

      En Mitos que los cristianos creemos y compartimos, su autor Gary S. Shogren utiliza “mito” para referirse a una creencia popular que no tiene base en los hechos y que, por lo tanto, no es verdad. La gente siempre ha creido y compartido historias falsas; a veces lo hacen con mala intencion y otras veces lo hacen porque es lo que “ellos creen”.

      Este libro te invita a explorar la valiente busqueda de la claridad en medio de un laberinto de suposiciones y a prepararte para librar las cadenas de la desinformacion con verdad, pasion y determinacion.

      El autor busca desafiar a los lectores a estar mejor informados y ser el ejemplo de personas que aman la verdad y se amen los unos a otros. Para lograr esto te pide que te detengas y te hagas las siguientes preguntas:

      *Como se que esto es cierto?
      *Que haria falta para convencerme de que no es cierto?
      *Es tan urgente que no puedo dedicarle unos minutos de investigacion antes de compartirlo?

      Explora y desmiente los mitos sobre la Biblia, desentraa las falsedades en torno al hebreo, el griego y la traduccion biblica, y desvela la verdad en los mitos sobre el mundo moderno y el fin de los tiempos.

      Preparate para desafiar creencias arraigadas y abrazar la autentica sabiduria.

      Myths that Christians Believe and Share

      If our beliefs are shaped by living proof and authentic experiences, why succumb to rumors? Uncover a catalog of myths and lies that challenge, urge, and summon Christians to dismantle and refute.

      It’s reasonable to assume that Christians should be more discerning and better informed than the rest of the world and to be examples of people who love the truth and love one another.

      In Myths Christians Believe and Share, author Gary S. Shogren uses “myth” to refer to a popular belief without factual basis and, therefore, not true. People have always believed and shared false stories; sometimes with ill intent, and other times because it’s what “they believe.”

      This book invites you to embark on a courageous quest for clarity amidst a labyrinth of assumptions

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    • New Beginnings : The Lord’s Mercies Are New Every Morning – 366 Devotions


      The New Beginnings Pink Floral Faux Leather Devotional is a daily invitation to spend time with God through fresh insights and prayer. It’s written in a winsome and accessible style, making it easy for you to connect with God’s Word. Designed to be a source of refreshment and renewal, it’s a comforting companion on your spiritual journey.

      A garden of large heat-debossed and gold-foiled flowers grows at the e base of the front pink faux leather cover. A heat-debossed border with a gold-foiled shadow arch around the design, creating a frame for the gold-foiled title.

      New Beginnings

      The LORD’s mercies are new every morning

      Gilt-edged pages coordinate with the cover’s gold-foiled accents and add protection to the page edges. A pink satin ribbon marker is conveniently included to mark your page.

      The devotional’s presentation page can be personalized when given as a gift. There are 366 entries, each featuring a Scripture verse, devotional passage, and prayer. Topics include developing your prayer life, testing your faith, the peace of Christ, bargaining with God, and much more.

      The New Beginnings Pink Floral Faux Leather Devotional will delight your friend who wants to grow in her faith but needs an accessible, easy-to-understand devotional that will still inspire and challenge her.

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    • Nothing Is Wasted


      Nothing Is Wasted is a story for anyone who has encountered trauma, tragedy, or a major transition and wondered, How do I begin to move forward through what I’ve experienced?

      Where is God in the midst of your greatest pain?

      Davey Blackburn wrestled with that age-old question in the aftermath of the murder of his beloved wife, Amanda, and their unborn daughter. As the high-profile case slowly meandered its way toward legal justice, Davey embarked on the wrenching task of finding strength to restore his shattered soul and the broken pieces of his life.

      At turns horrific yet hope-filled, heartbreaking yet faith-affirming, Nothing Is Wasted is Blackburn’s disarmingly raw account not only of the shocking tragedy that forever changed his life but of his late wife’s inspiring trust in the God who welcomed her into His loving arms.

      The trauma he endured could have made anyone try to escape from the agony, yet by grace Blackburn chose to face the pain head-on and cling to his Savior to guide him through the storm.

      As the riveting story of one man’s journey through the valley of suffering unfolds, readers will join Blackburn in discovering:

      *the surprising ways that hope and joy can arise in the midst of any trial or sorrow
      *the tension in accepting that “Why?” may never become clear this side of eternity
      *how a good Father is faithful to draw near to the brokenhearted
      *how forgiveness is the key to finding freedom in even the most unimaginable of offenses
      *where to discover purpose in the deepest pain
      *how a breathtaking moment at the altar symbolized love’s triumph over death
      . . . and much more.

      Most of us will never endure the depth of heartache that Blackburn has walked through and yet his message is for us all: that even in the greatest losses and most complex tragedies, God is inviting us on a path towards redemption and healing, hope and faith, where we can begin to see that nothing is wasted.

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    • When Demons Surface


      Are demons real? Do ghosts exist? Do some unresolved medical and mental health issues have a spiritual connection?

      In When Demons Surface, former senior military chaplain Steve Dabbs answers those questions and more. Exploring more than 50 true stories of supernatural encounters from pastoral and personal experiences as well as historical research, this book is scholarly yet simple, hair-raising and enlightening.

      When Demons Surface will fascinate those curious about supernatural experiences, equip pastors with a resource for those seeking answers, and enlighten advanced Bible readers with insights from Hebrew, Greek, and ancient literature. It will enable readers of all levels to identify supernatural encounters with angels and demons, exercise biblical authority over evil spirits, and help discern whether some unresolved mental or medical health issues are the result of spiritual warfare.

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    • Reir Crecer Vivir – (Spanish)


      Reir, crecer, vivir es un viaje transformador de fe y alegria escrito por el respetado autor y pastor, Jose Luis Navajo. En este singular diario devocional, Navajo invita a los lectores a embarcarse en una exploracion de cuarenta dias de las enseanzas de la Biblia a traves de la lente de eventos reales y humoristicos dentro de la comunidad evangelica.

      En Reir, crecer, vivir, Navajo entrelaza magistralmente lo placentero y lo profundo, infundiendo cada reflexion diaria con humor y perspicacia espiritual. La risa diaria proporcionada por los eventos de la vida real sirve como recordatorio de que la alegria es una parte esencial de nuestro viaje espiritual. Mientras te ries, tambien creces, tanto en tu comprension de las Escrituras como en tu relacion personal con Cristo.

      Este libro:

      *Fomentara una reflexion personal profunda e inspirara a los lectores a aplicar la sabiduria de la Biblia en su vida diaria.

      *Ofrecera razones diarias para reir, proporcionando un necesario respiro de las ansiedades y cargas de la vida moderna.

      *Facilitara que los lectores se identifiquen y se sumerjan en las narrativas con historias extraidas de eventos reales en todo el mundo.

      Ademas, el formato de este diario devocional esta diseado para que sea accesible a lectores de todas las edades, generos y nacionalidades.

      Requiriendo tan solo quince minutos al dia, este devocional es perfecto para personas que quizas no tienen el habito regular de la lectura. Asi que, embarquemonos en este viaje encantador y enriquecedor, y permitamos que Reir, crecer, vivir traiga alegria, sabiduria biblica e inspire una reflexion personal profunda en nuestra vida diaria.

      Laughing, Growing, Living

      Laughing, Growing, Living is a transformative journey of faith and joy penned by the esteemed author and Pastor, Jose Luis Navajo. In this unique devotional journal, Navajo invites readers to embark on a forty-day exploration of the Bible’s teachings through the lens of real-life, humorous events within the evangelical community.

      In Laughing, Growing, Living, Navajo masterfully intertwines the playful and profound, infusing each day’s reflection with humor and spiritual insight. The daily laughter provided by the real-life events serves as a reminder that joy is an essential part of one’s spiritual journey. As you laugh, you also grow–both in your understanding of the Scriptures and in your personal relationship with Christ.

      This book:

      *Encourage deep personal reflection

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    • Like A River


      Now available in trade paper!

      Like a River, a triumphant story of new life birthed out of tragedy, will teach readers how to face their failures, confront their pain, and connect with God–the true source of life.

      On June 4th, 2019, country music singer Granger Smith was enjoying a final evening with his kids before heading to Nashville for the CMT Music Awards and his next tour. While helping his daughter London with her gymnastics, his youngest son fell into their pool. Granger did everything he could to get to him, but he was too late. River drowned, and Granger’s world shattered.

      The days, weeks, and months that followed River’s death sent Granger on a dark and painful journey. Every time he closed his eyes, he replayed the horrific event in his mind, and every time he opened his computer, he was bombarded by the critique and criticism of people who blamed him for the accident.

      Despite his best effort to get back on stage with a smile and song, it was all a faade. On the inside he was dying. Fortunately, that’s not how his story ended. And now he is compelled to help people all around the world find strength, peace, and hope on the other side of tragedy.

      *Like a River, life is full of twists and turns.
      *Like a River, people pollute our world with their critique and criticism.
      *Like a River, tragic events keep us dammed up.
      *But like a river, we can find the courage to keep moving downstream.

      Rivers don’t run on their own strength; they flow from their source. When we try to keep going on our own, we won’t make it, but when we connect to the greater source, we will find the strength and the faith to keep living after loss. This triumphant story of new life birthed out of death will inspire every reader to live Like a River.

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    • Be Healed : A 40-Day Devotional To Reclaim Your Health


      There is hope for your healing!

      Are you battle-weary and need a breakthrough in your health?

      With contagious faith, pastor Steve Austin takes you on a biblical journey through the healing promises found in Scripture, empowering you to stand firm as you wait for your breakthrough. Filled with miracle testimonies, prayers, and practical application, this hope-infused 40-day devotional provides a holistic battle plan for overcoming sickness, including how to:

      *partner with God in your healing process
      *expand your faith
      *wield the weapon of prayer every day
      *take hold of biblical promises for your life
      *receive divine healing

      You were healed when Jesus took your sickness upon Himself on the cross. Now it’s time to believe it–and see it!

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    • In Our Suffering Lord Be Near


      Where do you turn in seasons of despair? What do you do when you don’t know what to do?

      Ben Locke is no stranger to suffering, and in his darkest hours of sorrow, he took his suffering to Jesus. The prayers that poured out offer a road map for you to take your sorrows, grief, and troubles to God, knowing He will meet you in your time of suffering.

      Hardship and adversity touch everyone–illness, grief, accidents, trauma, loneliness, relationship struggles, financial crises, sin, addiction, life stressors, and so much more can make people feel lost and hopeless. In Our Suffering, Lord Be Near can be a light in the darkness if you ever:

      *Feel like questioning, yelling at, doubting, or even denouncing God
      *Want to separate from the church
      *Wonder if God is listening to your prayers and cares about your troubles
      *Do not know what to do with your anger
      *Fear that life will be this way forever

      You are not alone. In Ben Locke’s darkest valleys, he was determined to tell God exactly what he thought. He poured out his agony and anger–and was met with God’s grace, love, forgiveness, strength, and eternal mercy. He discovered in those moments that God can handle it. All of it.

      The psalm like prayers borne out of these experiences will meet you in your own moments of suffering. But they are more than prayers. They’re cries for help and explosions of anger, mourning, weeping, grieving, celebrating, rejoicing, and praising. They’re liturgies to heal your soul, balm for your wounds, and tender mercies for your heartache. This book will help you know that:

      *God is with you, even if you don’t feel Him or understand what is happening
      *God offers you grace and mercy, no matter what
      *God delivers you and gives you strength

      Let these words help you articulate your own sorrows, bring you to your knees, encourage you to confess your insufficiency, and express your most genuine emotions. God can handle your suffering. So, tell Him.

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    • Lead With Faith Play With Purpose


      As an athlete, you train your body and mind to be ready for competition. But what about your soul? Lead with Faith, Play with Purpose is your guide to exercising your faith, with Andy Dooley as your trainer.

      As a professional athlete turned pastor–and a passionate leader, Seattle Seahawks in-game host, social media influencer, and fitness trainer–Andy Dooley knows all about sports and what it takes to be a Christian on and off the field, court, or wherever you may play. A 100-day devotional written to encourage and guide athletes of any age, level, or sport, Lead with Faith, Play with Purpose is just what you need to integrate your faith into what you love to do–play your sport.

      Let Dooley be your spiritual trainer and coach you to:

      *Become a better teammate in four simple steps
      *Discover effective ways to handle stress before a competition
      *Identify how God is working through your sport to make you more like him
      *Understand and embrace your calling as a Christian who is also an athlete

      Physical training has value for our lives here on earth, yet it holds zero weight for the eternal. If you learn to be tenacious about living a godly life now as you also strive to become a better athlete and teammate, you’ll change the trajectory of your life.

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    • Every Day With Jesus


      Doing the same thing every day can make it seem common or ordinary. But there is nothing even remotely ordinary about a daily encounter with Jesus Christ. Walking with the living Son of God through the ups and downs and ins and outs of daily circumstances doesn’t just add value to life; it completely transforms it. Seeking and finding God in the course of a normal, three-dimensional day adds a fourth dimension: eternity. In the pages of God’s Word we begin to grasp an eternal perspective that changes everything we experience. It isn’t like getting a new pair of glasses; it’s like getting a new pair of eyes. For well over thirty years through his teaching, preaching, and numerous books, Greg Laurie has been leading people into the adventure of knowing Christ and understanding the Bible. The readings in this book will kindle a new or renewed hunger to spend time in God’s Word–and empower you to experience the life of His Son.

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    • Killing America : Turning The Tide On The Tsunami Of Darkness


      Is America Lost Forever?

      America the beautiful – founded on the God-given rights of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” – is being systematically destroyed by those with an evil agenda. It may seem all is lost, but this nation is not down for the count. Her torch still shines bright, leading us back to the very foundations on which we began. Inside this book, lie the divine strategies to destroy the tsunami of darkness and flood this land with everlasting light.

      In Killing America, host of FlashPoint, Gene Bailey, and his wife, Teri, drill down on the anti-God attack on this nation and pinpoint common-sense strategies that uphold truth and freedom. This book is a practical battle plan that will equip you for victory, allowing you to:

      Embrace your Christian identity in this pivotal timeJoin the draft! Partner with other patriots to turn evil into goodCelebrate godly families and the marriage covenantBecome a gatekeeper in your communityOccupy the land for good

      America is the land of the free and the home of the brave, the country we love, and the hope of the world for freedom from tyranny. You have been born for such a time as this. Accept this call to action today and let freedom ring!

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    • Why We Pray


      If God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and entirely good, why do we need to ask God to do good things? Won’t God act for the best regardless? Do our prayers even make a difference? Why do some go unanswered? This brief, accessible book provides a fresh angle on our questions to help us think differently about why we pray and what happens when we pray.

      John Peckham applies the insights from his successful book Theodicy of Love to the perennial problem of petitionary prayer, offering practical implications for how we might pray and live in ways that advance God’s kingdom of unselfish love. Since our understanding of petitionary prayer is inseparable from our understanding of God, Peckham sheds significant light on the nature and character of God and the often-mysterious workings of divine providence. He does so by bringing theological and philosophical nuance to readings of key biblical texts on prayer, weaving in other scriptural clues to articulate an understanding of prayer that highlights not only its necessity but also its urgency. This book will appeal to students, pastors, church leaders, and thoughtful laypeople.

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    • Para Subir Hay Que Bajar – (Spanish)


      “Ahora, con la ayuda de Dios, sere yo mismo.”

      Estas palabras del filosofo danes Sren Kierkegaard impactan profundamente a Marlena Graves, una escritora, profesora y activista puertorriquea. En estas paginas ella describe el proceso de vaciarse a si misma que le permite subir hacia Dios y convertirse en la verdadera yo a que Dios la llama. Haciendo uso de las profundas tradiciones de los santos cristianos del este y del oeste, ella comparte historias e ideas que han vivificado su transformacion. Para Marlena, la formacion y la justicia siempre van mano a mano en la senda de una vida balanceada de accion y contemplacion.

      Si deseas mas de Dios, este libro ofrece un camino que honra el pasado hacia una vida mas profunda.

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    • Mi Copa Esta Rebosando – (Spanish)


      El Dios del cielo y la tierra no es una deidad mezquina y avara que nos haga pasar hambre de misericordia y mendigar migajas de gracia. El es generoso. El no deja de dar, y en el momento que pensamos que ya no puede tener mas para nosotros, amontona todavi a mas. El formo toda la creacion para nosotros, sus hijos e hijas. Nos colma de perdon y vida en su Hijo, Jesus, quien es el amor encarnado. Todo lo que somos y todo lo que tenemos proviene de El. Mas aun, el Espiritu nos usa como sus manos y sus pies para cuidar a quienes nos rodean, a la vez que ellos nos cuidan a nosotros. Unidos a nuestro Padre por la fe, y a nuestro projimo por el amor, vivimos en la libertad que viene de Jesus, cuya copa de salvacion desborda hacia nuestras vidas.

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    • Se Retiran Todos Los Cargos To – (Spanish)


      Se siente un profundo temor cuando uno es llamado a comparecer ante un juez. Aunque solo sea por una multa de tra nsito. Especialmente si uno comparece sin un abogado. Cua l sera la multa? Habra una defensa? Me declaro culpable, o pido un juicio? Pero cuando comparecemos ante el tribunal de Dios, todo temor se disipa: ! se retiran todos los cargos! Pero es verdad realmente? Hemos hecho tantas cosas que estamos convencidos de que no tenemos perdo n. Pensamos: Tal como no se puede confiar plenamente en el sistema judicial, tampoco se puede confiar plenamente en el perdo n de nuestros pecados . Pero el martillo del juez interrumpe nuestros titubeos: Por causa de Cristo, se retiran todos los cargos, no hay nada pendiente. ! El defendido queda perdonado! ! Para siempre! . El segundo tomo de ! Se retiran todos los cargos! continu a el viaje desde la corte terrenal hasta el trono de la gracia de Dios, en tanto Haroldo Camacho nos muestra que cada pecador recibe un veredicto de inocente, ! sin importar cua n culpable sea!

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    • Goal Line Devotions


      Would it surprise you to discover you share something in common with professional athletes?

      Goal Line Devotions invites you to dress out and join the faith huddle with some of the NFL’s most prolific players. These men may be superstars and fantastic athletes on the field, yet at their core, they are men of faith. Men who face daily struggles and challenges, like you. Men who choose to rely on God, like you. Men who dig deep and keep their faith moving downfield toward victory. If you need inspiration to dig deep and keep moving downfield, join the team and let them inspire you to persevere.

      Sure, people want to talk about their successes on the field, but in Goal Line Devotions, it’s the stories of faith that will inspire you to be a better person every day. Learn from All-Pro and Pro-Bowl players like Jalen Ramsey, Melvin Ingram, Jessie Bates III, Trey Henrickson, and Damar Hamlin how to find strength for challenges, hope for the future, and courage to push through to victory. See how Patrick Mahomes and Jalen Hurts shake off struggles to be victorious in life.

      Once you realize these athletes serve the same Lord as you and face similar challenges, you too can join the team and keep pushing, keep moving, and go for the goal line!

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    • Gods Got You


      During times of transition–such as a move, a divorce, or just a new season of life –you need reminders that even when you feel out of control, God is in control. In this practical guide to navigating uncharted territory, Tracie Miles equips you to say goodbye to the way things once were so you can embrace God’s future for us.

      Beginning again can feel scary, even in the best of times. This biblically based guide equips you for the future God has for you, even if it’s not the one you expected. God’s Got You offers the encouragement you need to:

      *Identify the stumbling blocks that prevent you from moving forward.
      *Use times of transition to become who you’ve always wanted to be.
      *Feel empowered to pursue the desires and dreams in your heart.
      *Map out a life plan for the season ahead.

      At a time when you might be feeling fearful, Tracie helps you find the courage to reinvent yourself. With prompts for goal setting, vision casting, action steps, reflection, and prayer, God’s Got You empowers you to step boldly into the next season of your life.

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    • Little Habits Big Faith


      Feeling daunted by how to help your kids really grow in their faith? It ‘ s time to start little.

      We want our kids to know God. We know we’re supposed to disciple them. But parenthood is hard, and we’re busy, tired, and often feel unequipped. What if our kids don’t seem all that interested or can’t sit still long enough for us to read the Bible?

      Christie Thomas has a secret for you: helping your kids connect with God is way easier than you think. It all starts with 30 seconds a day–and the power of a simple habit. Through Christie’s empowering, encouraging insights, you’ll discover how to overcome common struggles, implement easy practices that fit your unique kids, and change your family’s faith culture. In this book, you will:

      *discover how to make Scripture and spiritual practices come alive for short attention spans

      *learn simple steps for developing faith through the Faith Growth Cycle and its three stages- seed, sprout, and root.

      *develop practical strategies for establishing consistent habits

      Life-changing moments can come out of simple habits. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the things you’re supposed to do to teach your kids about God, Little Habits, Big Faith shows you how to leverage the power of small, consistent choices with confidence. God can use even the smallest step to change how your family grows in faith.

      In addition to key points at the end of each chapter, there is an appendix full of topical resources for parents to quickly reference:

      *Ideas for little habits
      *Keystone habits
      *Prompts & rewards
      *Rooted resources

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    • Becoming By Beholding


      We tend to think of the imagination as the realm of fantasy and makebelieve. However, the imagination shapes our vision of reality in that the stories, symbols, and places that capture our hearts become part of who we are.

      Becoming by Beholding restores the imagination to its central role in spiritual formation by recovering key works from the Christian tradition, enabling us to experience the formative power of the imagination for ourselves. It also revives “the art of fashioning the soul” as an essential aspect of Christian spiritual formation and character development.

      Lanta Davis explains that many of the problems at the heart of the Christian church today–such as nationalism, consumerism, and partisan politics–stem from a crisis of the imagination. She encourages us to reorient our gaze from diseased cultural forms and fix our eyes instead on works from the historic Christian imaginative tradition that better reflect the love, joy, and wonder of the gospel.

      Becoming by Beholding will appeal to professors and students in spiritual formation, worldview, and theology and arts courses as well as to all Christian readers interested in the intersection of theology and art. Each chapter introduces a different work of the Christian imagination: icons, sacred architecture, imaginative prayer, bestiaries, and personifications of the virtues and vices. The book also includes a twenty-page insert featuring numerous full-color images.

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    • Amazing Grace : 365 Daily Devotions


      The circumstances of life may leave you feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, discouraged, or confused. God’s love for you is unchanging and his promises are true! Choose to believe in the steady outpouring of his grace from the minute you wake up to the moment you lay down to sleep.

      As you reflect on these devotional entries, Scriptures, and prayers, find the hope, joy, and strength that is abundant in God. Claim his grace over your life and continue to believe that your Creator loves you deeply no matter what comes your way.


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      *A beautiful satin ribbon marker conveniently keeps your place so you can quickly pick up where you left off.

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    • Image Of God In The Person Of Jesus


      Our image of God reveals not only God’s character, but our own.

      Who is Jesus? Is Jesus more immanent (human) or transcendent (divine)? Because we are created in the image of God and Jesus is divine, the church struggles to define Jesus. This impulse can be a genuine attempt to know God better or it can be an insidious attempt to create God in our own image. This struggle is often tinged with a bit of both.

      The Letter to the Church at Thessalonica was likely the first book written in the New Testament. In a literary sense, the implication is that the Apostle Paul is the father of the New Testament. Paul only knew the Risen Christ and, for him, the divinity of Christ was obvious. By contrast, the Gospels that record the humanity of Christ were written almost a generation later. Thus, the transcendence problem facing postmodern people that fixates on the humanity of Christ is relatively new.

      My recent book, Image and Illumination (2023), asked the question-What does it mean to be created in the image of God?- focused on Christian anthropology. Embedded in this question is the metaphysical question: Who is God? The New Testament addresses this question with three pictures of God: The person of Jesus, Jesus’ teaching about God the Father in the parables, and the founding of the church on Pentecost by the Holy Spirit. In this book, I focus on the Image of God in the Person of Jesus.

      Hear the Words; Walk the Steps; Experience the Joy!

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    • Unity : Striving Side By Side For The Gospel


      Exploring Unity as a Fruit of the Gospel

      Christians most effectively serve others and advance God’s kingdom when they are in biblical unity with one another. Unfortunately, modern Christians seem to be divided on countless issues related to ministry, culture, the church, and even unity itself. Some prioritize organizational unity over gospel truth, while others only seek unity with those who share their same doctrinal beliefs.

      In this short, accessible guide, author Conrad Mbewe explores unity as a fruit of the gospel. He finds that biblical unity is only achieved after understanding what God has done through Christ and how it is continuously executed by the Holy Spirit. This biblically centered book encourages readers to respond to Paul’s apostolic plea of “standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel” (Phil. 1:27), embracing unity as a valuable, God-given blessing.

      *Encourages Unity: Explores unity as a fruit of the gospel that is only understood through what God has done through Christ and executed by the Holy Spirit

      *Practical Study: This concise guide encourages Christians to stand firm in the spirit and in unity with others

      *A Part of the Growing Gospel Integrity Series: Created in partnership with Union School of Theology

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    • Rebecoming : Come Out Of Hiding To Live As Your God-Given Essential Self


      Finding our true selves has become the call of authentic living. But this is where we can get it wrong and inadvertently pursue the wrong things. Living out of our true selves isn’t just about becoming–it’s about unbecoming all the things we believed we had to be to be loved and rebecoming our essential, God-given selves.

      In this practical book, clinical psychologist Dr. Merry C. Lin guides you through a self-discovery process toward life-changing, daily transformation. She shows you how to:

      – understand what motivates you and why you do what you do
      – identify things you do out of fear and self-protection
      – develop true resilience to handle the challenges of life
      – experience joy as you experience success in pursuing your dreams
      – and more

      Ready to live out of your healthiest, most integrated self to fulfill God’s purposes for your life? It’s time to embark on your own journey of rebecoming.

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    • Enduring Wealth : Being Rich In This World And The Next


      Find the secrets of success in God’s kingdom.

      Wealth in a steward’s hands is powerful. With spiritual guidance and discernment, you can use your giftedness for God’s glory and yield incredible returns of eternal impact.

      After years of investing in both successful and failed ventures, Raymond H. Harris shares how he has seen God multiply human efforts when people faithfully steward all God has given them. Based on biblical principles of stewardship and investing, Enduring Wealth will encourage you to:

      *build economic engines to cultivate assets for God’s kingdom,
      *understand how to convert earthly assets into kingdom capital,
      *give with wisdom and a joyful heart,
      *foster partnerships and friendships with others to serve,
      *listen to the whispers of the Holy Spirit, and
      *live with an eternal mindset.

      Watch God transform the world as you place your earthly treasures in His hands.

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    • Country Road Perspective


      The untamed country road runs endlessly into the horizon. Its beauty steals your breath while the mystery of its adventure lures you forward. Twists and turns promise highs and lows, peaks and valleys – all depending on your perspective. Each step propels your quest to find purpose in the journey. The Country Road Perspective challenges you to look beyond the surface and see God at work through the peaks and valleys of life. Experience both joy and sadness as you walk alongside Jody Vondra’s country road journey from building a family and career to staring down cancer and grief. She shares the sorrow, fear, and hidden blessings of enduring two traumatic events within weeks of each other. She found unexpected strength in weakness, joy in the midst of sorrow, and undeniable purpose in the pain. She offers this book as a testimony to her unwavering faith in God. Her enthusiastic energy uplifts readers as she humanizes herself by sharing honest experiences and the emotions associated with them. Through thoughtful metaphors and beautiful imagery, she communicates deep messages that will resonate with and encourage you. Each chapter includes a character study of biblical giants such as Daniel, Joseph, Naomi, John the Baptist, and Jesus. You will experience their journey on literal and figurative country roads as you discover modern applications of ancient scriptural truths. Each chapter concludes with an epigram, highlighting scriptural nuggets of wisdom, and a moment of reflection designed to help you reflect and internalize the truths read from both Jody and the biblical character’s experiences. Whether you are navigating through seasons of transition and trial or need to find rest in the promises of God, this testimony offers hope. It calls you to elevate your perspective as you trust in the unseen hand of God, who loves you unconditionally.

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    • Our Highest Good


      Do you want to know and love God more deeply? Read theology every day.

      When peace seems far from us and when true rest doesn’t come, we don’t need more to-dos on our list or a set of step-by-step instructions to help us get there on our own. True peace, hope, and rest only comes by spending time in the presence of God.

      Spend 90 days in His Word focused on who God is and what He is like and find that He is worthy to be trusted at every twist or turn of life. He is better than our minds can imagine, in control of all things, and infinitely good. As you do, you will:

      *find peace in His sovereign care
      *enjoy security in His promise of eternity
      *experience joy in His great love for you
      *rest in the God who never sleeps
      *trust God for your every need
      *find comfort in His Spirit
      *learn to live out your faith as an overflow of His glorious grace

      God is the sustainer of the rhythms of the skies and seasons, as well as the intricate rhythms of our lives. To dwell in His presence is the promise of salvation, the abundant life in Christ today, and the eternal life with Him in the future. While the ways of the world lead to death, His invitation is to come and live. He truly is our highest good.

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    • Secrets Of A Prayer Warrior


      Internationally respected Bible teacher Derek Prince offers the definitive guide to effective, life-changing prayer. Through examining the teachings of Jesus and the Old Testament prophets, Prince hands you the keys to biblical prayer while unlocking the answers to these essential questions and more:

      – How can I be certain my prayers will be answered?
      – How can I discover God’s will for my life?
      – How can I pray confidently?
      – What is my authority in Christ through prayer?
      – How can I be sure my prayers are biblical?
      – What is the nature and purpose of prayer?
      – What is the purpose of fasting and how does it relate to prayer?
      – What is intercessory prayer?

      In addition to the answers to these questions, you will discover insight and understanding that will help you cultivate a new life as one of God’s prayer warriors. With help from this seasoned veteran, you can begin praying more confidently and effectively, starting today.

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    • Praying Through Your Pregnancy


      Pregnancy is a time of great preparation. We prepare the nursery for the baby, we prepare our families to welcome a new member, we prepare our bodies to bring a sweet new life into the outside world. But how much thought do we give to preparing our hearts?

      Praying Through Your Pregnancy is the perfect companion for this special time in your life. Each chapter in this week-by-week guide reveals what is happening with your baby’s development that week, starting with the very first moment of conception. You’ll discover how to reduce stress and anxiety by placing your confidence in God for the healthy development of your precious growing baby. Journaling space helps you remember in years to come how God was at work at every stage. And each chapter contains a special list of Scripture verses to guide further prayer and meditation on God’s Word.

      As you enter a time of great joy–and great change–for your family, let Praying Through Your Pregnancy be with you every step of the way.

      4 in stock

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    • New Royals : Overcoming Insecurity To Become The Woman God Says You Are


      A revolution for women to live confidently in their God-given identity and united in the call to bring goodness to the world, adapted from Born of a Woman, from speaker and pastor of the influential Shoreline City Church.

      “In these pages, you will experience the beauty of a friend who says, ‘Royal sister, take a seat. We have been waiting for you!'”-Charlotte Gambill, pastor, author, and global Bible teacher

      We know women are meant to bring powerful and lasting goodness into the world because God repeatedly called women to do so: He trusted Mary to give birth to Jesus, Esther to save His people, and Deborah to lead His kingdom. Yet so much of our potential is limited by our own insecurity and fear. It’s time for us to stand confident in our stunning worth as royal daughters, unite in community, and walk in the unshakable hope of Christ.

      In a message that’s both vibrant and conversational, Pastor Oneka McClellan reminds us that God has uniquely positioned and gifted women to be a source of life, wisdom, and strength. Through insightful biblical truths and real stories of women showing up in powerful ways, McClellan equips you to:

      *completely trust your God-given identity
      *lead with courage and wisdom in any room
      *fight for the flourishing of others
      *celebrate the greatness in every woman
      *see with eyes of hope that God can redeem any story

      To every woman who’s ever felt held back, pushed down, or disqualified from stepping fully into her purpose, McClellan’s Born Royal offers hope, encouragement, and empowerment. It also sounds a liberating call for each and every one of us-including you-to walk boldly and precisely as the women God has created us to be.

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    • Dark Traffic : The Dangerous Intersection Of Technology, Crime, Money, Sex,


      Dark Traffic is the book that ushers the public into the next phase of anti-trafficking efforts to stop what has evolved into a $150 billion industry involving a complex network of organized crime trafficking sex, labor, and human organs. As co-founder and CEO of Dark Watch, author Noel Thomas has led United States law enforcement and the judicial system into the new battleground, where high-tech data analysis is changing how criminals are caught and prosecuted. Dark Traffic arrives on a new wave of media attention and actions at the federal, state, and local government levels, and informs readers how they can play a role in identifying and helping stop trafficking that occurs in their own neighborhood. Noel’s story of how he became aware of the issue is proof. The trafficking game has changed drastically, and Dark Traffic will change all our perceptions of trafficking.

      “Dark Traffic was written first, to provide information. The public desperately needs to have a clear and accurate understanding of the problem we’re facing, since it threatens people, we love. Second, Noel hopes this book makes people angry, because anger focused in the right direction is a powerful tool for change(?). We ought to be angry when young people are being destroyed. And third, he wants to dispel the myth that one person can’t do very much. Mass movements are made up of lots of “one persons” who come together to become one massive force for good.”

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    • Grief Redeemed


      “I used to say that my marriage was the anvil on which the Lord was forging the new man in Christ which He was fashioning for His purposes on this side of heaven. I now believe that my grief is His new anvil for me, and the lessons I learn in grief will have redemptive value well beyond this di?cult period-however long that lasts.”

      Grief is a journey no one truly understands until they walk it. This short book captures lessons learned along that grief journey over the first eighteen months following author Stephen Silver’s wife Sandy’s unexpected death. These lessons serve as helpful, practical signposts for other grief sojourners navigating the “new country” after loss.

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    • Empowered To Love


      Discover how to build a fulfilling, God-honoring marriage that you both love.

      When life throws us non-stop challenges and curveballs, how can we have any hope of building a fulfilling and intimate marriage? How do we move from stressed and stretched to energized and inspired, finding the strength to transform both our lives and relationship?

      Robert Paul and Tara Lalonde equip husbands and wives with practical, biblically-based tools to transform their personal lives and grow their marriage into something they’ll both love. Instead of just passively hoping and praying for something better, couples will actively embark on a journey of caring for themselves and their most important relationship. In Empowered to Love, you will discover:

      *Practical strategies for better self-care, enabling you to bring the best, healthiest, and most-whole version of you to your marriage.

      *Thought-provoking exercises designed to empower you as an individual while fostering deeper connections with your spouse.

      *Ways to pursue and significantly increase the romance in your marriage.

      *Stories about marriage that will help you identify what relationship strategies work best

      *Insights on forgiveness, your responsibility as a spouse, and caring for your emotions

      Invest in your future, both as an individual and as a spouse. Embark on a transformative journey that will help both you and your marriage thrive.

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    • I Want Him To Want Me


      Do you want sexual intimacy with your husband more than he does?

      In a society that often paints men as the sole pursuers of sexual desire, countless wives silently struggle with unmet needs and unanswered questions. Many women have carried the weight of shame and confusion, longing for connection while feeling rejected by their husbands.

      Licensed clinical professional counselor Sheri Mueller shares valuable insights into the underlying dynamics at play in such situations. She delves into the complex emotional and psychological factors that contribute to husbands turning away from their wives, dispelling misconceptions and offering a fresh perspective on these delicate issues.


      *the truth about intimacy struggles and why a husband might turn away;
      *communication strategies about a woman’s sexual needs and desires;
      *practical steps to foster an atmosphere of trust, vulnerability, and mutual understanding;
      *self-care techniques to boost self-esteem and cultivate a positive body image; and
      *exercises and activities to revive sexual passion.

      I Want Him to Want Me challenges traditional assumptions and provides women with tools to reclaim their sexual agency, rebuild intimacy, and find healing within their marriages.

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    • Secret To Complete Contentment


      Discover the secret of how to let go of the restlessness in your heart so you can feel true fulfillment.

      If only I didn’t feel so burned out.

      If only I wasn’t so lonely.

      If only I wasn’t so concerned about impressing others.

      If only I had that job.

      If only this relationship was different.

      We all dream about how if one thing was different in our lives it would finally make us content. But once we get the very thing we wished for, we are still left wanting more. Is it even possible to feel peaceful and satisfied in life?

      Wishing for “more” in life usually leaves you feeling unfulfilled and anxious–especially when we realize that more will never be enough. In The Secret to Complete Contentment beloved Bible teacher and bestselling author Jack Countryman offers Bible verses and 60 thoughtful reflections to reveal why living in the love of Jesus is the only way to know true, lasting contentment. In these pages you’ll discover:

      *The freedom that comes from finding contentment apart from circumstances
      *Why you can rest–physically, spiritually, and emotionally–in God’s abundant love
      *How to strengthen your trust in who God is and how He provides for you

      The Secret to Complete Contentment is an ideal gift for:

      *Anyone struggling to overcome anxiety, envy, or discouragement

      *New Christians and faith seekers

      *Those transitioning into a new phase of life: a new school, an empty nest, or even retirement

      *Friends or family looking for a simple yet powerful daily devotional to help them find happiness

      As you journey through this beautiful devotional, you will learn to let go of the restlessness that comes from trying to find contentment outside God’s love and instead find true peace as you live at the center of His will. Although the world may promise that you can have everything you want, only God can give everything you need. The Secret to Complete Contentment reminds you that God so deeply longs for a relationship with you that He created you to be satisfied with nothing less than life with Him.

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    • Organic Prayer : Make Talking With God A Natural Part Of Every Day


      Often we view prayer as an activity reserved for a certain time, in a certain place, offered in a specific way. Scripture invites us to pray continually. This exhortation is an opportunity for prayer to permeate every aspect of our lives–when we’re alone or in a crowd, when it’s quiet and when it’s chaotic, when we feel like it and when we don’t.?

      Organic Prayer shows us how to make continuous prayer a natural part of our lives rather than something on a spiritual checklist. It helps us encounter God in new ways as we learn to:

      *open our eyes to see his presence and the world around us?
      *open our ears to hear his voice guiding us?
      *open our hearts to experience freedom and power as we pray?
      *and open our lives as we pray for and with others and shine the light of Jesus in our dark world?

      Anyone desiring a richer, more transformative prayer life will welcome this fresh take on conversing with our Creator.? Anyone hungering to share the grace and goodness of Jesus in our hurting and confused world will find practical ideas for world-changing prayer.

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    • Dejalo Ir – (Spanish)


      Una coleccion de cartas espirituales escritas por Francois Fenelon, un obispo catolico, a varias personas de quienes fue consejero espiritual. Mas de 300 aos despues, sus ideas espirituales contenidas en estas cartas continuan inspirando, desafiando y bendiciendo a los cristianos: catolicos, protestantes y evangelicos por igual.

      A collection of spiritual letters written by Francois Fenelon, a Catholic bishop, to various persons to whom he was a spiritual advisor. Over 300 years later, his spiritual insights in these letters continue to inspire, challenge and bless Christians: Catholic, Protestant, and Evangelical alike.

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    • Mejor Lider Del Mundo – (Spanish)


      El Dr. Myles Munroe, autor de exitos de ventas, disipa el mito de que solo algunas personas estan destinadas a ser lideres, mientras que todos los demas estan destinados a ser seguidores. Puedes convertirte en el lider que Dios quiso que fueras. Descubre como:

      *Activar tu potencial de liderazgo.
      *Desarrollar un legado positivo.
      *Encontrar recursos para cumplir tu vision.
      *Empoderar a otros para el liderazgo.
      *Aceptar tu papel unico en la vida.

      !Reconoce tus habilidades de liderazgo innatas y conviertete en el mejor lider del mundo!

      Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe dispels the myth that only some people are destined to be leaders, while everyone else is destined to be a follower. You can become the leader God intended you to be. Discover how to:

      *Activate your leadership potential.
      *Develop a positive legacy.
      *Find resources to fulfill your vision.
      *Empower others for leadership.
      *Embrace your unique role in life.

      Recognize your inborn leadership abilities and become the leader you were meant to be!

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    • Rebecoming : Come Out Of Hiding To Live As Your God-Given Essential Self


      Finding our true selves has become the call of authentic living. But this is where we can get it wrong and inadvertently pursue the wrong things. Living out of our true selves isn’t just about becoming–it’s about unbecoming all the things we believed we had to be to be loved and rebecoming our essential, God-given selves.

      In this practical book, clinical psychologist Dr. Merry C. Lin guides you through a self-discovery process toward life-changing, daily transformation. She shows you how to:

      – understand what motivates you and why you do what you do
      – identify things you do out of fear and self-protection
      – develop true resilience to handle the challenges of life
      – experience joy as you experience success in pursuing your dreams
      – and more

      Ready to live out of your healthiest, most integrated self to fulfill God’s purposes for your life? It’s time to embark on your own journey of rebecoming.

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    • Law Of Rewards


      Randy Alcorn, best-selling author of The Treasure Principle, makes a clear, compelling case for an underemphasized scriptural principle: that believers will receive differing rewards in heaven depending on their actions and choices here on earth. Taken mainly from excerpts of Money, Possessions, and Eternity, The Law of Rewards shows how our faith determines our eternal destination but our behavior determines our eternal rewards.

      The Law of Rewards is published in association with Generous Giving, Inc., a ministry of The Maclellan Foundation, which offers practical tools and events designed to transform hearts and minds for revolutionary generosity.

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    • Names Of God Devotional Study With Video Access


      Get refreshed and equipped with seven powerful names of God in this highly engaging and interactive devotional study (with FREE guided video content from the author) ! Packed with fresh insights, word studies, cultural context, thought-provoking reflections, and practical action steps, these studies will give you a solid understanding of God’s character so you can find peace and hope amidst life’s toughest moments.

      Our world is a scary place. Focusing on the chaos can paralyze us with fear, but instead, we can anchor ourselves in the truth of who God is, and live unafraid. The Living Unafraid devotional study will help you build an unshakeable foundation of trust in God by empowering you with God’s character as revealed through his names in Scripture. Each of the seven chapters in this devotional study book explores:

      *A powerful name of God (including pronunciation, scripture reference, translation, prayer, and a word study)

      *FREE accompanying video insights, accessible online (optional)

      *Key background information, in-depth overviews, and cultural context

      *Fresh insights, practical action steps, and eye-opening reflections questions

      *And so much more!

      How to Use the Names of God Living Unafraid Book & Video Study

      Whether you’re looking to refresh and energize your faith or seeking support and hope in a season of suffering, Living Unafraid has something for everyone within its rich studies.

      *Read this book, with a small group or a book club, or by inviting a friend to study with you one-on-one.

      *Read one session per sitting and then complete the study questions.

      *Dive into the FREE (optional) author insights video included in each chapter.

      *Meet with your group, share an ‘aha moment’ you experienced while reading the session, and then learn from one another’s insights as you share answers to the questions.

      Each session also ends with a prayer you can speak aloud so that its life-giving words nourish your soul. Then expect God to answer.

      Unpacking Seven of God’s Names in Living Unafraid

      God’s names describe who he is, revealing his holy nature, steadfast promises, unwavering protection, and fierce love. Living Unafraid equips you with the meanings behind seven of God’s names to help you overcome fears and life’s challenges:

      *Yahweh–“I am who I am.” God is self-existent and yet desires relationship.
      *Yahweh Tzidkenu–The Lord Is Our Righteousness. Jesus has redeemed us.
      *Yahweh Rohi–The Lord Is My Shepherd

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    • Misled : 7 Lies That Distort The Gospel And How You Can Discern The Truth


      The gospel is under attack today–not only from outside cultural forces but also from within the church. In Misled, popular YouTuber and Bible teacher Allen Parr equips readers to identify and withstand seven of the most common false teachings that undermine the gospel and lead many well-meaning Christians astray.

      For an anxious and weary world, the gospel of Jesus Christ is the one true source of deep peace and lasting joy. But today, many supposedly Christian teachers are spreading ideas that amount to what Paul called “another gospel.”

      The result? A generation of believers confused about what God really says, what he offers, and what he wants for his children. From the heavy burden of legalism to an overemphasis on prosperity or spiritual gifts to warped understandings of grace, every false teaching has two things in common: they all use half-truths that look and sound biblical (making them very difficult to identify) and they all harm and discourage those who are trying to follow the way of Jesus.

      In Misled, Allen Parr weaves together stories from his own spiritual journey and the lives of those he’s ministered to in order to show the painful consequences of following false teachings and to provide clear explanations of what the Bible really teaches about the gospel. Readers will

      *learn about seven of the most misleading and harmful messages that run rampant within the church today;

      *be equipped to identify not only “wolves in shepherd’s clothing” who peddle counterfeit gospels, but also well-intentioned teachers whose half-truths are no less harmful to the church; and

      *discover how they can find the freedom, peace, and joy that only comes from embracing the gospel in all its purity and simplicity.

      With the same balanced, Bible-based approach that has made Parr’s YouTube channel a go-to resource, Misled offers clarity and hope for anyone who has felt discouraged or confused in their spiritual journey–and invites readers to find everything they’ve been searching for in the true gospel.

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    • Collecting Confidence : Start Where You Are To Become The Person You Were M


      Showcasing the confidence she’s gathered from her own life journey, Kim Gravel–beloved QVC star and creator of Belle by Kim Gravel and Belle Beauty–invites you to look at yourself with a fresh new lens, encouraging you to start where you are and become the person you were meant to be.

      Bold. Audacious. Warm. Funny. Real. These are just a few words that describe Kim Gravel, entrepreneur, podcaster, TV personality, and host of several number-one hit shows on QVC. The minute she says, Hey, ya’ll, you can feel her authentic personality shining through–but she felt pressure to conform for a stretch of her life. She hid her light and lost her shine. In the aftermath of the pressures of the pageant scene and a toxic failed marriage, Kim found herself alone in a run-down apartment, and it was there that she started to grow closer to God. In the quiet of her tiny Pepto Bismol-pink apartment, she could hear the still, small voice of God–and she listened. And as she listened, her life started to change and she began to discover her purpose, including her first gig as a talk-show host at a community TV station just a few blocks from her apartment. Her purpose was just steps away!

      As Kim says, Struggling doesn’t have to be your badge of honor. No one wants an ill-fitting life. You want to live a custom-made life designed to fit you perfectly….You are beautiful, loved, strong, smart, one of a kind, unique, created for a purpose, protected, empowered, cared for, and important. If your life is not getting bigger, it’s time to change it. Reimagine your life. It’s time to start co-creating your life with the Creator. It doesn’t matter what age you are. You’re never too old to think differently. The best life is ahead of you, not behind you.

      Now Kim’s mission as a global voice is to build up women with words of encouragement, reminding them to trust God, stop struggling, embrace the beauty of who they are and step into their power and purpose. Collecting Confidence will allow readers to:

      *accept the beauty of who they are,
      *glean empowerment from life’s lowest moments,
      *experience biblical wisdom blended with laugh-out-loud humor,
      *and be inspired by no-holds-barred, relatable stories.

      If you’ve lost your way and forgotten who you are, this book is for you. It’s time to be still, listen to God, and start collecting confidence one step, one lesson, one experience, and even one mistake at a time. As Kim says, You can’t be authentic in the world if you c

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    • Releasing The Prophetic Destiny Of A Nation Second Edition


      How You Pray Or Don’t Pray Today Impacts Generations to Come

      What words do you speak over America? As you see evil glorified both in the media and in the lives around you, do despair and pessimism rise in your heart? Or do holy expectancy and anticipation?

      Despite the staggering moral freefall and societal chaos heralded from the highest offices and courts in our land, there is a higher Court yet-and it is decreeing a divine design for America.

      Which court do your prayers align with?

      In this dynamic and deeply prophetic hands-on prayer manual, bestselling authors and frontline prophetic voices Dutch Sheets, Chuck Pierce, and Tim Sheets shift your concern for our country into prevailing prayers and Heaven-sent declarations that break our nation’s strongholds, shift the spiritual balances of power, and reshape the course of America’s destiny.

      With timely, supernatural insight and immediate practical application, this landmark book equips you with a prophetic blueprint for victory-including strategic prayers, prophetic words, and revelatory teaching for each of the 50 states-and empowers you to:

      *Target your prayers for maximum effect.
      *Purge the land of generational sin and strongholds. *Overthrow the principalities and powers entrenched in every state.
      *Boldly declare what Heaven says about your state and nation.
      *And more!

      The days ahead are destined for awakening and glory, not doom and gloom. It’s time to arise and declare what Heaven has decreed-and to once again become one nation under God.

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    • 30 Day Stress Detox Devotional


      Simple, Guided Encouragement Will Help You Experience God’s Peace While Detoxing from Daily Stress

      The 30-Day Stress Detox Devotional is the perfect place to begin a journey toward a dynamic, peaceful prayer life. This book provides a month’s worth of specific, daily prayer devotions that will draw you closer to your Father God through meaningful conversation.
      Each day includes a devotion, scripture, questions for consideration, and prayer starters for morning, noon, and night.

      These 30 unique days that will help you detox from life’s daily stresses–by focusing on themes like:

      *God’s Promises
      *and many more!

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    • 200 Prayers To Quiet An Anxious Heart


      200 Heartfelt Prayers to Break Free of Anxiety

      Seasons of anxious feelings come for many reasons. . .from relationship issues to financial hardship and troubling headlines to loneliness. But God cares deeply about your anxious heart, and in these 200 encouraging prayers, you’ll find His nearness, comfort, and love speaking through His Word.

      In these pages, you’ll discover the truth of God’s unending devotion for you–even in the midst of seemingly impossible situations. Each prayer is bite-sized, heartfelt, and paired with a Bible verse that expands the wisdom that comes with resting in Him no matter what.

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    • 2025 Planner Pause And Pray


      Want to discover the secret to a fulfilling life?

      Ideal for personal, business, or school use, this practical and encouraging Pause and Pray 17-month planner includes inspiring monthly devotional-like prayers, plus faith-building scripture selections and prayer starters for every week of the calendar year. Featuring monthly and weekly calendars, a year-at-a-glance section, pages for frequent contacts, and more, this planner offers an important reminder for organizing the details of everyday life: the all-powerful God you serve is interested in everything you have to say–every day of the year!

      Features of this 2025 Planner:

      *17-Month Planner Spans August 2024 through December 2025!
      *Monthly & Weekly Calendars & Goal-Setting Sections
      *Delightful, Two-Color Interior Design
      *Monthly Inspiring Devotional-like Prayers
      *Encouraging Prayers & Scripture Selections on Every Spread
      *Generous Space for Recording Appointments and Events
      *Durable, but Flexible, Cover

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    • Long Obedience In The Same Direction Commemorative Edition


      Over 300,000 Copies Sold

      Since Eugene Peterson first wrote this spiritual formation classic more than forty years ago, hundreds of thousands of Christians have been inspired by its call to deeper discipleship. As a society, we are still obsessed with the immediate, but Peterson’s time-tested prescription for discipleship remains the same-a long obedience in the same direction.

      Long obedience requires a deepening life of prayer. Peterson finds encouragement for today’s pilgrims in the Songs of Ascents (Psalms 120-134), sung by travelers on their way to worship in Jerusalem. With prophetic and pastoral wisdom, Peterson shows how the psalms teach us to grow in worship, service, joy, work, happiness, humility, community, and blessing.

      This commemorative edition of A Long Obedience in the Same Direction includes a preface taken from Leif Peterson’s eulogy at his father’s memorial service and a bibliography of Peterson’s works. A companion Bible study guide is also available.

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