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    Charles Swindoll

    • Simple Faith : Discovering What Really Matters


      Must we run at a pace between maddening and insane to prove we’re among the faithful? Is this really how the Prince of Peace would have us live? In this classic work, Swindoll answers with a resounding, “No!” showing how Christians can break free from exhausting, performance-based faith. He calls us back to the simplicity of the Sermon on the Mount.

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    • Mystery Of Gods Will


      We all face difficult decisions. How can we know that the decisions we make are in God’s will? Even popular author, pastor and Dallas Seminary President Charles Swindoll says at times he’s not been so sure. In The Mystery of God’s Will, Swindoll examines this long debated subject from a balanced, biblical perspective regarding his own doubts and experiences. For anyone who’s ever doubted God’s will, or for those who are convinced of it in every situation, this book will be a real eye-opener.

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    • Pasame Otro Ladrillo – (Spanish)


      Una relacion contempora-nea del ejemplo y las expe-riencias de Nehemias, para la formacion de lideres.

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    • Poder De La Esperanza – (Spanish)


      An encouraging look at why we can dare to hope no matter what we face.

      Ofrece una alentadora mira-da a por que podemos man-tener la esperanza sin impor-tar las circunstancias.

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    • Desafio A Servir – (Spanish)


      Instrucciones en cuanto a lo que significa seguir a Cristo.

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    • Despertar De La Gracia – (Spanish)



      244 Pages/14 Chapters (in Spanish)

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      Una invitacion a la libertad que se experimenta cuando se vive en la maravillosa

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    • Dile Que Si Al Amor – (Spanish)


      Una mirada al modelo original divino para el hogar y el matrimonio.

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    • Misterio De La Voluntad De Dio – (Spanish)


      This is a book about the life long journey of getting to know God and His will for you, not about easy answers.

      Este es un libro sobre la jornada de toda una vida de conocer a Dios y su voluntad para con nosotros, no de respuestas faciles. Muchos piensan que si pudieran descubrir ese plan de Dios, marcharian sin esfuerzo por la vida. Pero la vida no es asi. Probablemente el mayor error al tratar uno de descubrir la voluntad de Dios radica en el concepto de que, si hago esto, la lucha terminara, las preguntas cesaran, las respuestas llegaran y vivire feliz para siempre. Pero eso es un cuento de hada. No es la realidad.

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    • Intimacy With The Almighty


      Intimacy with the Almighty. We all need it.we all long for it. But how do we develop that intimate walk with God? Chuck Swindoll probes that reflective question in this study as he focuses on four disciplines that will draw you into a deeper intimacy with Him: simplicity, silence, solitude, surrender. If you’re serious about becoming more deeply and intimately acquainted with God, you will find these four issues essential.

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    • 3 Steps Forwards Two Steps Back


      224 Pages In 12 Chapters

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      Three steps forward, two steps back-that’s how life feels most of the time, doesn’t it? Just about the time things are looking up, you get knocked down again. You can’t seem to get on top of all your struggles. Finances are out of whack. Teenagers seem uncontrollable? Your job is more frustrating than fulfilling. Murphy’s Law seems the rule. As Chuck Swindoll says, sometimes it feels more like one step forward, five steps back.

      Three Steps Forward, Two Steps Back is just that practical, proven ways to cope with fear, stress, misunderstanding, inferiority, personal loss, anger, and temptation. Chuck shows you how to take any problem and “walk into it, through it, and come out stronger in Christ on the other side.” You can persevere through pressure.

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    • Hope Again


      Combining the New Testament teachings of Peter and the insights of one of the most popular authors of our day, Hope Again is an encouraging, enlivening and refreshing look at why we can dare to hope no matter who we are, no matter what we face.

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    • Laugh Again


      1. Your Smile Increases Your Face Value
      2. Set Your Sails for Joy
      3. What a Way to Live!
      4. Laughing Through Life’s Dilemmas
      5. The Hidden Secret of a Happy Life
      6. While Laughing, Keep Your Balance!
      7. Friends Make Life More Fun
      8. Happy Hopes for High Achievers
      9. Hanging Tough Together and Loving It
      10. It’s a Mad, Bad, Sad World, But
      11. Defusing Disharmony
      12. Freeing Yourself Up to Laugh Again
      13. Don’t Forget to Have Fun As You Grow Up
      14. A Joyful, Grace-Filled Good-bye

      Notes p. 245

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      Did you hear the one about the Christian who couldn’t keep from laughing?

      Chuck Swindoll has not only heard it, he tells it in this delightful book that gives us permission to be happy again.

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    • Growing Deep In The Christian Life


      22 Chapters

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      Whether you drive a truck, wait tables, work in an office, or ferry the kids to and from soccer practice, Chuck Swindoll understands that your world is practical, earthy, tough, and relentless. Growing Deep in the Christian Life takes theology out of the ivory tower and enables you to apply it to where you live every day.

      The basics of the faith are the roots from which we draw emotional. stability, mental food for growth, and spiritual energy and perspective on life. Growing Deep in the Christian Life offers an easy-going and practical approach that reviews ten key doctrines and shows their power to strengthen and encourage you in the faith.

      Swindoll says, “By returning to our roots, we determine precisely where we stand. We equip ourselves for living the life God designed for us to live.”

      Growing Deep in the Christian Life helps you dig deeper and discover the essentials of the faith–essentials that enable you to experience Christian discipleship at a richer and more mature level.

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    • Growing Strong In The Seasons Of Life


      12 Chapters

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      What season of life are you in? Are you experiencing a winter of discouragement blowing like an icy wind through your soul? Or do you feel the exuberance of spring renewal, the lazy warmth of summer rest? Perhaps the winds of change have brought an autumn of reflection in your heart. Chuck Swindoll offers 144 devotional readings that take you through each season of the year, challenging and encouraging you to discover what’s truly important in your own life.

      Take time to deepen your roots in the soil of God’s love and grace. Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life is a devotional companion that helps you grow closer to God through every season of life, in every condition of the heart.

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    • Esposa De Cristo – (Spanish)


      The promise of the coming of Christ is awaiting us in the shadows of the horizon. Maybe only a couple of hours remain before daybreak, the darkest part of the night is immediately before the dawn. For the bride of Christ it is time to start the fire, light the lamps and to dissipate the shadows.

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    • Quest For Character


      41 Chapters

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      So many voices today tell us that avoiding pain and dodging trouble are the best we can expect from life. Yet God is at work in us. He doesn’t call us to a bland vanilla existence but to an exciting quest for the best thing in life — a heart that reflects the character qualities of Jesus Christ. Let Chuck Swindoll show you the building blocks of character that God wants to develop in you and how these traits can help you achieve lasting fulfillment. The Quest for Character offers forty encouraging meditations on character qualities that can significantly change your life. Each brief devotional ends with helpful suggestions for refining your character and scripture readings to draw you into God’s Word.

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    • Encourage Me : Caring Words For Heavy Hearts


      Part One:

      Psalm 61:1-2
      Searching for Shelter
      You Are Important
      You Are Not a Nobody
      Call for Help!
      The Hammer, the File, and the Furnace
      An Antidote for Weariness
      “Final Descent … Commence Prayer”

      Part Two:

      Philippians 2:1 – 5
      Take Time to Be Tender
      A Bridge Called Credibility
      Stay in Circulation
      The Fine Art of Blowing It
      The Heart of Encouragement
      Dress Your Dreams in Denim
      “The Opra ain’t Over’
      Be an Encourager!
      96 Pages

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      Are you discouraged? Do your shoulders ache with the weight of carrying your problems alone? Do you wish you could find someone who understands, someone who won’t condemn you for your failures or ridicule you for your mistakes? Let Chuck Swindoll put a friendly arm around your shoulders and show you how the burdens can be lifted from your heart. Encourage Me offers tender insight into the needs of the human heart and how God wants to meet those needs through the gift of encouragement. Swindoll says, “Encouragement is awesome. Think about it: It has the capacity to lift a man’s or a woman’s shoulders. To breathe fresh air into the fading embers of a smoldering dream. To actually change the course of another human being’s day . . . or week . . . or life.” This classic devotional is a treasury of thoughts on finding the encouragement you need — and learning to share that encouragement with others.

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    • 3 Pasos Adelante Dos Para Atra – (Spanish)


      El tema es la perseverancia: medio para lograr la victoria sobre la tentacion.

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    • 3 Steps Forward Two Steps Back


      12 Chapters

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      You too can handle life’s tough days: Conquer unhealthful stress – Find genuine comfort in times of loss – Develop self-control over temptation – Follow four steps to a new self-confidence – Overcome fear and anxiety – Understand your anger – Come to terms with your mistakes – Stop running away from trouble – Build inner strength and beauty through perseverance.

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