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    Bible Personage

    • Job : A Man Of Heroic Endurance


      Best selling author Charles Swindoll unveils the life and trials of Job and helps readers understand the key to developing heroic endurance. The trials of Job are legendary. One righteous man suffering so many calamities, so much heartache. Though many have heard about Job and his trials, not all people truly understand what those trials were about and what God was trying to accomplish through them. Job himself was confused about it all. What did I do to deserve such suffering? he cried out. Eventually, though, through tough questions and unexpected answers from God, Job gained new insights on suffering, patience, and endurance. And, more important, he learned how deeply he was loved by God, a lesson available for every Christian wounded by or in the midst of a trial.

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    • Gente Comun – (Spanish)


      The Bible’s most extraordinary stories feature very ordinary people. Mary, Peter, Matthew, Joseph, Nicodemus, the woman at the well, David, Esther, Job, the Samaritan woman, John, the rich young man . . . In this “best-of-his-best” collection, Lucado illuminates these personalities in his trademark down-to-earth style. A wonderful invitation to the heartland of God’s Word!

      Algunas de las historias mas poderosas de la Bibliacobraran vida para los lectores de hoy mediante estas selecciones inspiradorasde los escritos de Max Lucado.Max proporciona una mirada irresistible a los momentos mas impactantes de lanarrativa biblica, tomada de sus escritos de mas de veinte anos. Al final decada capitulo se ofrecen preguntas para guiar el estudio mediante las cuales ellector puede profundizar en las Escrituras.Se narran historias extraordinarias de lossiguientes personajes: Maria, Pedro, Mateo, Jose, Nicodemo, la mujer samaritana,David, Ester, Job, Juan, el joven rico y otros.

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    • Moses : A Man Of Selfless Dedication


      Best-selling author Charles Swindoll presents the Bible’s real Moses, showing the principles that guided his life and service to God and how readers can apply them daily. Charles Swindoll presents the Bible’s real Moses. The Moses who tried to decline his assignment from God. The Moses who dazzled Pharoh. The Moses who received the Ten Commandments. The Moses who was disobedient and weak. The Moses who was the greatest leader of God’s people in all of history. Through his faith and selfless dedication, Moses continually chose to follow God’s will through difficult and seemingly impossible situations. Readers will discover the principles that guided Moses’s life and service to God and learn how to apply them daily.

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    • Victorious Job : A Study Of The Book Of Job God s Message For Today


      This book does much more than focus on the life of Job. It shows the way of God with a man God called righteous. Using Scripture to clearly answer the question of why the righteous suffer, the book takes an in- depth look at the psychology behind the book of Job.

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    • Apostle Peter


      For us today, we can see many similarities between our lives and Peter of the gospels. In many ways his story mirrors ours. For instance, how many times are we unsure of ourselves? How often are we prone to shame and guilt? How often do we become overly enthusiastic, often speak before we think, are rash in our behavior, at times becoming more stubborn than a mule, and may even get a little hot-tempered? More than we would like to admit, I imagine. Yet before we write ourselves off as hopeless, consider this. Jesus never saw Peter as hopeless. What Jesus did see was potential, potential that would be realized through one simple touch of the Holy Spirit. Jesus knew that the rushing winds of Pentecost would make all of the difference in the life of Peter, us, and the world. The purpose of this book not only is to explore a before and after transformation of Peter by examining his words in the gospels, but also for us to seek transformation by contemplating how his life reflects our own.

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    • Diamonds In The Rough (Student/Study Guide)


      God used the lives of His Old Testament servants to advance history toward His planned revelation of His Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As He did, He also provided a written record for us to study and use as warnings, exhortations, and boundaries for our own lives. Although our circumstances have changed since ancient biblical times, the people represented in them still look much the same as you and I! This study provides women with a unique approach to learning and applying God’s principles for daily living, by examining some of the key lessons that are to be seen from the lives of many Old Testament characters. As we see their attributes and flaws, and study how God interacted with them, we can appreciate how His own standards of holiness are never compromised, although His guidance is tempered with great love and mercy. Join Cindy Lasiter in this seventeen-week study, which can be used for personal study or dynamic group discussion. You too will gain great hope and direction as you see how even God’s most incredible servants in the Bible were, at best, diamonds in the rough!

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    • Moral Teaching Of Paul


      In this expanded and updated third edition of an important work, respected Pauline scholar Victor Paul Furnish presents an analysis of some of Paul’s most famous yet often misunderstood ethical teachings.

      Dr. Furnish enriches his discussion of key Pauline topics including: sex, marriage, divorce, homosexuality, women in the church, and the Church in the world. He pays particular attention to the socio-cultural context of Paul’s ministry, the complexity of his thought, the character of his moral reasoning, and the way his thought and reasoning may inform and challenge us today.

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    • Women Be Silent No More


      This book presents the case for a women’s role in the ministry. It validates their right to participate fully in any area of Kingdom work. It shows that women are eligible to serve in any office of the church, including any one of the five-fold ministries (apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher).

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    • God Who Sees Me


      The divine king has issued his supreme command. Hebrew males, age two years or younger, must die. Jochebed, a young mother of sons who stand in harm’s way, desperately searches for a way to save her children. Her father tells ancient legends about a powerful god who watches over his people. Is there a god who watches over an oppressed people? If so, where is he? Why doesn’t he act to save the children? This young mother’s journey through terror, doubt, grief, and betrayal reveals a God who not only sees her plight but also has a plan. The awesome plan is so big it reaches far beyond Jochebed’s own struggles. The God who sees is able to take one desperate life and bless countless millions of people yet to be born.

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    • God Who Sees Me


      The divine king has issued his supreme command. Hebrew males, age two years or younger, must die. Jochebed, a young mother of sons who stand in harm’s way, desperately searches for a way to save her children. Her father tells ancient legends about a powerful god who watches over his people. Is there a god who watches over an oppressed people? If so, where is he? Why doesn’t he act to save the children? This young mother’s journey through terror, doubt, grief, and betrayal reveals a God who not only sees her plight but also has a plan. The awesome plan is so big it reaches far beyond Jochebed’s own struggles. The God who sees is able to take one desperate life and bless countless millions of people yet to be born.

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    • Mary And Me


      The title, “Mary and Me,” refers to Mary Magdalene, a prostitute written about in the Bible. Her story is found in the four Gospels; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. She became a dedicated follower of Jesus after He cast seven devils from her. Of all the people in the Bible, she is the one with whom I feel strongest kinship. Not a lot is revealed about her life, but I have a feeling that it was filled with a form of pain and suffering very similar to mine. Similar also, to the pain felt by thousands of other women who have experienced abuse and the need to feel loved. Mary Magdalene found the only true love in the arms of our Savior. He delivered us from the pain and loneliness of our dark existence. The love Mary felt for Jesus was nothing at all like what “The DaVinci Code” would have you believe. Her love was pure, sweet, and innocent-a spiritual love for the One who delivered her from the evil that had enveloped her. Only those who have experienced such a life transformation can understand the love she felt toward Jesus. I do understand it. It is my hope that this book will help lead others out of the pain and lies that hold their lives hostage and into the loving arms of Jesus Christ. These arms stand ready to replace the sad darkness with a supernatural radiance. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for saving Mary Magdalene. Her story can help the rest of us see that no matter what our life has been, we can still receive Your forgiveness and saving grace. I was dirty inside and out, yet You loved even me!

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    • Introducing Paul : The Man His Mission And His Message


      Table Of Contents
      1. What Is Paul?
      2. A Funny Thing Happened On The Road To Damascus
      3. The Stories Behind The Story
      4. Reading Someone Else’s Mail
      5. The Royal Announcement
      6. The Crux Of The Gospel
      7. The Return Of The King
      8. One God, One Lord: Monotheism And The Messiah
      9. Living A Life Worthy Of The Gospel: The Ethics Of Paul
      10. Gospelizing: Paul’s Spirituality
      Scripture Index
      Author Index

      Additional Info
      Michael F. Bird suggests that if the Paul we claim to know looks and sounds a lot like us, it’s probably a sign that we don’t know him as well as we think. In this book Bird offers an animated and penetrating survey of Paul’s life and teaching, including the principal issues and themes in Paul’s theology.

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    • Old Testament Prophets For Today


      Carolyn Sharp offers a brief introduction to each of the Bible’s prophets and their prophetic books, developing the theological themes present in each with an eye toward how the prophetic message is relevant today. Sharp understands that prophets can be mediators to connect us with the holiness of God, idealists whose desires for humanity call us to new heights of God s desire, and companions for us in the confusing journey through our complicated world. The book contains study questions for group or individual use.

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    • Joseph : A Man Of Integrity And Forgiveness


      In Great Lives: Joseph, Charles Swindoll reveals to us a man buffeted with the same kinds of problems we face today, whose tenacious faith in God ultimately won him great honor and achievement. No family today is more dysfunctional than Joseph’s was. No one faces greater temptation than that which Potiphar’s wife offered Joseph. No faith is challenged more severely than was Joseph’s on death row. Yet Joseph stood firm, exemplifying what is possible when ordinary people maintain their connections with God. Like an epic novel filled with intrigue, tension, and torrential emotions, Joseph’s triumphiant story touches us all. Great Lives: Joseph presents a fresh look at one of the most intriguing characters in the Old Testament and focuses on the virtue of forgiveness in the face of deceit and betrayal.

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    • Elijah : A Man Of Heroism And Humility


      Exploring the depths of Elijah’s fascinating life as a prophet of God in Great Lives: Elijah, Swindoll does not gloss over his human weaknesses; rather, he presents an honest picture of this ordinary man whom God transformed into His personal spokesman to confront idolatry and evil in the ancient world. Alone, Elijah faced off with over four hundred prophets of the false god Baal-and won. Yet, on another occasion, he became so terrified of a woman that he ran for his life. He was Elijah–the man in a whirlwind, the humble hero. In a world that has lost its way, due in part to the lack of balanced, godly leadership, we are more than ever in need of a few Elijah-like men and women who are not afraid to live courageously among their peers as they walk humbly with God.

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    • Paul The Missionary


      Eckhard J. Schnabel, author of the monumental scholarly study Early Christian Mission (2 volumes), gives us an overview of Paul’s missionary practices, strategies and methods, and then weighs contemporary evangelical missiology and practice in light of Paul.

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    • Judas Iscariot Revisted And Restored


      This book is not an apologetic for the sins of Judas. But the author of JUDAS ISCARIOT: REVISITED AND RESTORED is convinced that there is more to the Judas story than has been told. Rogers is further convinced that until we finally understand the unlikely relationship between the “sinner” Judas and the “Savior” Jesus, we will never fully appreciate God’s response to our own faults and failures. Many are convinced that God’s grace i.e. “unmerited favor” must somehow first be merited (an oxymoron). With Judas, Rogers demonstrates that God’s forgiveness is unearned and unlimited.

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    • Women In The Gospel Of John


      When Dan Brown’s novel The DaVinci Code was published, it did something that many biblical scholars had not been able to do. It posed difficult questions about the role of women in Jesus’ life and in the early church, and brought these questions to the forefront of conversations. Judith Kaye Jones contends that the gospel of John does not just include stories about women, it is structured around stories of women. In this unique testament, women and their encounters with Jesus provide the framework for the central message of Jesus.

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    • Trinta E Um Segredos De Uma Mu – (Other Language)


      Este Estudo dar a voc uma nova perspectiva. Aprenda 31 Segredos de Sabedoria com a hist ria da vida de Rute, uma mulher memor vel por sua persist ncia, esp rito ensin vel e busca por intimidade.Descubra como essas pr ticas Chaves de Sabedoria podem ser aplicadas a sua vida hojeatrav?’s de…Escolhas Corretas Disposi o Em EsperarRespeito ?’s Orienta es Recebidas E Muito Mais…!Voc Est Prestes A Ver Seus Sonhos Realizados

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    • Job Workbook


      Sooner or later, we all go through our times of suffering and heartache, and the ancient story of Job offers timeless truth for us if we’ll only listen. Now, in this study guide to accompany Charles Swindoll’s illuminating study of Job’s life in the million-selling Great Lives series, readers will gain a new understanding of the lessons to be learned from Job’s story, and they will learn to develop their own heroic endurance.

      The Great Lives: Job Interactive Study Guide includes the following features:
      *Digging Deeper: deeper insight into aspects of Christian belief and practice covered in the book Great Lives: Job
      *Taking Truth to Heart: Personal reflection and application
      *In Other Words: Practical, applicable quotes from various authors, along with interactive questions to help readers absorb and apply the truth from each quote
      *Treasures from the Text: Teaching, application and reflection to help readers glean important principles from God’s Word
      *Nuggets of Wisdom: Powerful application points to help connect to Chuck Swindoll’s teaching

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    • David : A Man Of Passion And Destiny


      In the first and best-selling Great Lives book, Great Lives: David, Dr. Swindoll explores the Old Testament shepherd, king, and psalmist, to answer the question, “What does it mean to be someone after God’s own heart?” In many ways he was a most extraordinary man-intelligent, handsome, abundantly gifted as a poet, musician, warrior, and administrator. Yet in other ways he was a most ordinary man-often gripped by destructive passion, rocked by family chaos and personal tragedy, and motivated by political expediency. How did David become the national hero of God’s chosen people? Why is he the one character in the Bible described as a “man after God’s own heart”? Chuck Swindoll explores the many facets of David-from his teenaged years and dysfunctional family life to his overwhelming passion for God.

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    • Creado Para Ser Amigo De Dios – (Spanish)


      Blackaby shows us the powerful ways God shaped Abraham to be His friend. He also tells us how God can make a follower a true friend.

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    • Esther : A Woman Of Strength And Dignity


      In Great Lives: Esther, Dr. Swindoll delves into the real-life story of Queen Esther showing how the qualities that empowered her godly life are available for every Christian. Everyone loves a transformation story. Rags to riches. Plain to beautiful. Weak to strong. Esther’s story is that, but it is much more. It is the account of God working mightily in one life and how godly attributes like courage, dignity, wisdom, and strength can thwart evil and replace terror with joy. Chuck Swindoll celebrates the story of Esther and reveals how every Christian can live a transformation story.

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    • All The People In The Bible


      All the People in the Bible really delivers on its title: you’ll find literally all of the Bible’s characters in this comprehensive and fascinating reference work. From the first entry on Aaron to the final entry covering Zopar, Richard Losch details each person in a lively narrative style that will have readers sticking around page after page.
      The bulk of the work is made up of entries covering familiar and not-so-familiar figures found in Scripture. However, unlike most collections of this kind, the focus falls more on expanding our knowledge about the lesser characters. Losch explains that so very much has been written about the luminaries of Scripture that he chose to focus instead on those who are less well known and on some of the less familiar aspects of well-known characters’ lives. Losch’s new and intriguing look at all the people in the Bible is anything but a dry reference work. This is a book to dip into and enjoy over and over.

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    • Heroes And Villains Of The Bible 1


      Studying the lives of men and women of Scripture is a satisfying and useful investigation for all true followers of God. As Augustine once expressed, “The sacred record, like a faithful mirror has no flattery in its portrait.” The people of the Bible are exposed as the sinners that they are. While looking at heroes and villains of Scripture, the reader will not only learn about character flaws and attributes, but will discover practical doctrines that encourage us to live for Christ. The historic characters of the Bible teach us that choices have consequences and that the life we have been given must be dedicated to God’s glory, not ours.

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    • Memorias De Dos Hijos La Histo – (Spanish)


      En Memorias de dos hijos, uno de los maestros de la Biblia mas queridos de Estados Unidos le hace profundizar en Lucas 15 como nunca nadie lo ha hecho, revelando apreciaciones perspicaces de la cultura de la epoca de Jesus con un desenlace inolvidable. La parabola del hijo prodigo (Lucas 15.11-32) se ha predicado desde casi todos los pulpitos del mundo y es conocida por muchos que leen y aprecian la Biblia. La historia es muy poderosa porque representa, en terminos claros e inspiradores, nuestra lucha con el pecado, la necesidad de arrepentimiento humilde y la inagotable misericordia y amor del Padre. Lamentablemente, muchos cristianos dirian que no tienen nada nuevo que aprender de esta joya de las Escrituras. Ha perdido su brillo. Pero en Memorias de dos hijos, John MacArthur restaura el resplandor de este pasaje, ofreciendo un fascinante trasfondo historico y revelando un sorprendente final que los lectores nunca han oido antes.

      In Memorias de dos hijos, one of America’s most loved Bible teachers takes you deeper into Luke 15 than ever before, revealing insights into the culture of Jesus’ day and an unforgettable ending.

      The Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) has been preached from nearly every pulpit in the world and is known by many who read and cherish the Bible. The story is so powerful because it presents, in clear and inspiring terms, our struggle with sin, the need for humble repentance, and the Father’s inexhaustible mercy and love. Unfortunately, many Christians would say that they have nothing new to learn from this gem of Scripture. It has lost its luster. But in Memorias de dos hijos, John MacArthur restores the brilliance of this passage, giving engrossing historical background and unveiling a surprise ending readers have never heard before.

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    • 1st To Follow


      One of the first things that Jesus did in his ministry was to reach out to twelve individuals and draw them into a circle of close companionship with him. This series is about those twelve apostles, their relationships with Jesus and with each other, and what the dynamics of that community can teach us. By studying those whom Jesus selected and what he did for them, to them, with them, and through them, we can learn much about how we can we experience the Holy in our own day. Jesus did not wait for people to be perfect in order to call them into the circle of God’s love. As we look at those that Jesus called, and consider ourselves as part of that enlarging circle, we gain not only a deeper sense of our own reality, but also a deeper sense of how Christ would like to work with us.

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    • Mary A Pregnant Virgin


      For those new to Christian life, the Bible is often an imposing book filled with tales of pregnant virgins, large fish, unbelievable miracles, and challenging stretches of the imagination. It is a daunting task to make sense of biblical narrative and to convey what the story is attempting to do, but skilled storyteller Frank Honeycutt brings lively, fresh interpretations to old stories and readers will come away with both understanding and inspiration.

      Conveniently arranged by seasons of the church year, newcomers and life-long Christians alike will encounter the Bible stories of Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost in a whole new way. The stories explored include: Desert Highway Home, Isaiah 40:3; Surrogate Messiahs, John 1:19-20; Love at First Sight, Matthew 4:20; Boating Tips for Night Crossings, Matthew 14:22, and many more.

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    • Lost Women Of The Bible (Student/Study Guide)


      The women of the Bible have a strong, relevant message for women today that has been lost underneath layers of traditional interpretations and the expectation that God does his most important work through men. Crucial dimensions of their lives have been muted, forgotten, or passed over. Their strong voices are silent at a time when women are searching for answers that will hold up under the pressures and challenges confronting them today. This book brings the women of the Bible into the twenty-first century by recovering their powerful message for contemporary women.

      You know the women of the Bible, but you don’t know them like this…

      It’s easy for Christian women-young and old-to get lost between the opportunities and demands of the present and the biblical teachings of the past. They live in a confusing world, caught in the crossfire between church and culture. Although home and family still remain central, more women than ever, by choice or by necessity, are blending home, career, and ministry. They need strong biblical role models to help them meet these challenges.

      Building on solid scholarship and a determination to wrestle honestly with perplexing questions, author Carolyn Custis James sheds new light on ancient stories that brings the women of the Bible into the twenty-first century. This fresh look at the women in the Bible unearths surprising new insights and a powerful message that will leave readers feeling challenged, encouraged, and deeply valued.

      Rediscover and be inspired by:

      * Eve * Sarah * Hagar * Tamar * Hannah * Esther * Mary * and others

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    • Daughters Of Miiam


      There are untold numbers of female prophets hiding in the masculine grammar and androcentric focus of the Hebrew scriptures. There are women-prophets in the communities around biblical Israel, existing for hundreds of years and even a thousand years before the Israelite and Judean prophets recorded their messages. The rabbinic and Christian fathers analyzed and found more women in the scriptures who function as prophets than the biblical authors identify. All of these female prophets have an intimate connection with the God of Israel; they express that connection by singing, dancing, drumming, speaking with and for God, waging war, performing miracles, exercising statecraft, and giving birth. Each of them is a daughter of Miriam, the mother of all women-prophets.

      Women prophets gave powerful voice to Yahwist faith at the formative moments in ancient Israel’s development, and were expected in biblical visions of the future. Now they come to the foreground as Wilda C. Gafney explores prophetic practices in ancient Israel, different models for women’s sacred roles in the Near Eastern environment, and changing understandings of women’s leadership in early and rabbinic Judaism as well.

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    • New Perspective On Paul (Revised)


      This collection of essays highlights a dimension of Paul’s theology of justification which has been rather neglected in earlier decades, specifically that his teaching emerged as an integral part of his understanding of his commission to preach the gospel to non-Jews and that his dismissal of justification “by works of the law” was directed not so much against Jewish legalism but rather against his fellow Jews’ assumption that the law remained a dividing wall separating Christian Jews from Christian Gentiles. The long opening essay interacts with critiques of this new perspective on Paul. Dunn seeks to carry forward the debate on Jewish soteriology, on the relation of justification by faith to judgment “according to works,” on Christian fulfillment of the law, and on the crucial role of Christ, his death and resurrection. Full of detail and intriguing thought, Dunn’s collection will make brilliant reading for any scholar of the New Testament.

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    • Women Of The Bible New Testament Pamphlet


      In this concise comparison chart, we will dig out the significance of some important women in the Bible, addressing cultural and literary points of view to discover hidden meanings found in the women’s names, the ironies in their stories, and the culture of the time. Our understanding of the biblical text will increase as we see events from the perspective of the women themselves, their strengths and weaknesses.

      Featured women of the New Testament Mary, Mother of Jesus; Elizabeth, Mary Magdalene; Mary & Martha; Lydia; Priscilla; Herodias
      Unfolds to 38″ long

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    • Paul Judaism And The Gentiles (Revised)


      In its first edition (1986), this book was the first monograph-length response to the groundbreaking work of E. P. Sanders. Francis Watson shared some of the concerns of what came to be called the “new perspective on Paul,” but took an independent line on several points. Now, in this new, completely rewritten edition, the discussion has been extended, updated, and clarified, in order to point the way beyond the polarization of “new” and “old” perspectives on Paul. The Paul who comes to light in these pages is both agent and thinker, apostle and theologian. He is a highly contextual figure, yet his account of Christian identity continues to shape the church’s life to this day. He is the founder of mainly Gentile, Christ-believing communities, separated from the synagogue; and yet he can see this distinctive existence as an authentic response to Jewish scripture and tradition, as fulfilled in Christ. He is a many-sided figure, transcending all our attempts to categorize him or to co-opt him for our own favored courses. Far longer than the original edition, Paul, Judaism, and the Gentiles also contains a new introduction and an extensive appendix.

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    • New Testament From A-Z


      These delightful cartoons that teach readers about the New Testament stories and characters. Each cartoon is accompanied by a brief, humorous poem and an invitation to explore the story more fully through the biblical texts.

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    • What Paul Meant


      In his New York Times bestseller What Jesus Meant, Garry Wills offered a fresh and incisive reading of Jesus’ teachings. Now Wills turns to Paul, whose writings have provoked controversy throughout Christian history. Upending many common assumptions, Wills argues eloquently that what Paul meant was not something contrary to what Jesus meant. Rather, the best way to know Jesus is to discover Paul. In this stimulating and masterly analysis, Wills illuminates how Paul, writing on the road and in the heat of the moment, and often in the midst of controversy, galvanized a movement and offers us the best reflection of those early times.

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    • Jesus And Those Bodacious Women (Anniversary)


      Jesus and Those Bodacious Women is well known for its new spins on the stories of biblical women such as Mary Magdalene, the Bent-over Woman, Queen Esther, and Mary, among others. The tenth anniversary edition of this Pilgrim favorite contains spins on the stories of five additional biblical women: Vashti, Jezebel, Cozbi (the prostitute in the Book of Numbers), Dorcas, and Lydia. The book is written with the empathy, inspiration, humor, and poignancy characteristic of Hollies. Each chapter includes ‘Just Between Us” questions and suggestions that will resonate with readers.

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    • Mary And The Good News


      Product Description
      Mary of Nazareth stands unique. She was given a privilege and responsibility none could share. When but a teen-ager, her problems began: The prospect of becoming an unwed mother A hard journey at the worst time Bearing a baby under difficult conditions Fleeing in terror in the dark Living in a strange foreign land. When her son began his career, he soon won a large following, but strong forces opposed him. Mary had to endure seeing him arrested, tried and condemned. It was truly “like a sword piercing her very soul.” What gave Mary strength to face life with courage and confidence? She was a woman of winsome personality and staunch character. She had been carefully chosen. There could be but one mother for God’s Son.

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    • Eye Witnesses Of His Majesty


      The twelve men who were called to be Apostles became Eye Witnesses of His Majesty; but who were these men? Were they any different from us? You may be amazed at how typical and ordinary they were. This book will answer questions you have had but never bothered to ask: * What changed Simon into Peter (a rock)? * How did a zealot ever get into the band of apostles? * What really happened with Judas? * I’m a Nobody! Would there be a place for me in His plans? * Did you know there were three sets of brothers and one son among the Twelve? EYE WITNESSES OF HIS MAJESTY may be the single most illuminating book you have ever read on the Apostles of Jesus. Who they were Where they came from What they did What they became What they knew How they knew it plus How they died and where

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    • Hidden Power Of A Surrendered Life (Student/Study Guide)


      Having influence, making a difference and leaving a legacy is a costly privilege. Doing so is to step into a destiny filled with opportunities to yield, to lead, and to boldly go where others have not gone before. It requires quietness in the midst of turmoil and courage in the face of overwhelming odds. As you journey with Glenda Malmin through the life of Esther and those she related to in The Hidden Power Of A Surrendered Life, you will find your life woven together with the ancients and see their lives in yours. Esther and her beloved mentor Mordecai both had hesitations, concerns, opinions and deep challenges in their roles and yet remained surrendered to the will of God.

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    • Hidden Power Of A Mothers Heart (Student/Study Guide)


      In this book, the third book in Glenda Malmin’s “Hidden Power” series, mothers, grandmothers, and mothers-to-be will be encouraged and challenged as they relate to the mothering journey of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Based on biblical narrative, historical research, and anointed fiction, this book will bless the reader as it leads her through the seasons of Mary’s motherhood and applies relevant biblical principles to her own through the examples of other contemporary mothers.

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    • Hidden Power Of Undefeatable Faith (Student/Study Guide)


      The second installment in Glenda Malmin’s ‘Hidden Power’; Series. The reader will journey with the author in the remarkable story of the ancient Rizpah in The Hidden Power of Undefeatable Faith, while discovering principles of unbeatable faith, intercession, and fulfilled destiny

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    • Helpmates Harlots And Heroes (Revised)


      In this best-selling book, now revised and updated, Alice Ogden Bellis shares the work of feminist and womanist biblical scholars. Examining women’s stories in the Old Testament, Bellis shows how different feminist and womanist scholars have interpreted these texts-texts that have profoundly affected how women understand themselves-in the last thirty-five years. The book includes study questions and a thorough bibliography.

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    • Fruit Of Her Hands


      An original view of biblical women as having a strong sense of self

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    • Fragile Stone : The Emotional Life Of Simon Peter


      A Fragile Stone explores the dynamic life of the apostle Peter, revisiting well-known passages and revealing unexpected insights. Author Michael Card sketches out Peter’s life, showing how the impetuous fisherman of the Gospels was transformed into the pivotal leader of the early church. “The ultimate reason for getting to know Peter,” Card explains, “is so together we might better know Jesus. For the story of Peter is the story of Jesus. Perhaps, if you and I do our best, the same will be said of us someday.”
      Peter’s life serves as a model for Christian discipleship, offering hope that we likewise can be changed as Jesus calls us to follow him.

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    • Lost Gospel Of Judas


      With the discovery of the Gospel of Judas came an outpouring of hyperbolic language, both negative and positive. Alongside the overwhelming opinions of historians and scholars was the quiet bewilderment of people who simply weren’t sure what to think, confusion that wasn’t helped by vast media attention. In The Lost Gospel of Judas, Stanley Porter and Gordon Heath attempt to set the record straight. They begin with a look at the initial responses to the announcement of the gospel’s existence, then provide a brief history of Judas himself as seen in the New Testament and in church history, and of Gnostic philosophy. Further sections consider other recent textual finds and examine the discovery, content, and authenticity of the gospel. They also delve into the relationship this new gospel has with the New Testament canon and contemplate the “Lucky Winner” theory of canonical history. The Lost Gospel of Judas sifts through all the evidence, presenting the results with more than enough scholarship to be respected and enough clarity to be easily understood.

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    • Yhwh Pharaoh And Moses


      The story of the Exodus from Egypt is of fundamental importance, both in the Old Testament and beyond. However, it also contains issues that are theologically problematic for many readers, especially concerning the actions of God. Why does God send a series of devastating plagues on Egypt? How do we understand the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart? What do the answers to these questions say about the character of God?

      This study addresses these questions, taking into account the complex interaction of the presuppositions of faith and responsible textual interpretation. The approach is narrative?theological and canonical?paying attention to such factors as speaker, addressee, purpose, and reception, a picture is built up of the different and developing relationships between God, Pharaoh, and Moses. This complex interaction provides a way to read and understand the wider plagues story, including the plagues and hardening of the heart within it.

      The picture that emerges is challenging rather than comfortable?a God who is responsive, speaking and acting to confront others to make the appropriate response to him.

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    • Paul : His Life And Teaching


      An introductory and comprehensive text explores the Apostle’s pre-conversion days, missionary travels, and theological contributions.

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    • Men Worth Knowing


      Author J. Ellsworth Kalas believes there is much we can learn about our own walk with God from the people in the Bible. In this inspiring book he gives us meditations about sixteen men from Scripture, some of them well known, others not even named. Each of them, he tells us, can teach us something about ourselves and our relationship with God, “not only through their wisdom but sometimes through their errors and obvious humanness.”

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    • Grandes Hombres De La Biblia 1 – (Spanish)


      This book series documents the lives of twelve of the greatest men found in the Bible. It shows that God’s love does not depend on what He finds in our hearts. Nor does it surprise Him when He finds the sin in our hearts. These things don’t stop Him from loving us. These books not only show the human side of these men, but also the greatness they achieved once they let God take control of their lives. The first volume features the biographies of Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua and Samuel.

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    • Grandes Hombres De La Biblia – (Spanish)


      This book series documents the lives of twelve of the greatest men found in the Bible. It shows that God ‘s love does not depend on what He finds in our hearts. Nor does it surprise Him when He finds the sin in our hearts. These things don’t stop Him from loving us. These books not only show the human side of these men, but also the greatness they achieved once they let God take control of their lives. The second volume includes David, Elijah, Jeremiah, John the Baptist, Peter and Paul.

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