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    Theology Proper (God The Father)

    • Interpreting The Prophetic Word


      The diversity of prophetic voices in the Bible provides a message that is rich and variegated. But the variety of the testimony can be lost by limiting one’s interpretations or application of the prophetic word. Interpreting the Prophetic Word helps readers understand the harmony of the voices that reveal God’s purposes in redemptive history. Dr. Willem VanGemeren explains clearly and fully the background of the prophetic tradition. He then interprets the message of the major and minor prophets, using historical context and literary form and structure as tools in his analysis. He concludes with an explanation of the relevance of the prophetic word today. Dr. VanGemeren’s extensive research and scholarship is presented in a readable way to unlock the door of prophecy for readers. He helps them to interpret prophecy and invites them to listen to the prophets and to lives the prophetic word.

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    • God Of Israel And Christian Theology


      With acknowledgement that Christian theology contributed to the persecution and genocide of Jews comes a delemma: how to excise the cancer withour killing the patient? Kendall Soulen shows how important Christian assertions-the uniqueness of Jesus, the Christian covenant, the finality of salvation in Chirst-have been formulated in destructive, supersessionist ways not only in the classical period (Justin Martyr, Irenaeus) and early moderniity (Kant and Schleiermacher) but even comtemporary theology (Barth and Rahner). Along with this first full-scale critque of Christian supersessionism, Soulen’s own constructive proposal regrasps the narrative unity of Christian identity and the canon through an original and important insight into the divine-human covenant, the election of Israel, and the meaning of history.

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    • God Of Vengence


      Analyzing the psalms that are frequently left out of the lectionary readings, Zenger argues that they are actually cries against violence and injustice, and shows how modern Christians can use them in worship and prayer.

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    • Finding God


      21 Chapters

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      In today’s world we are more preoccupied with solving our problems than with finding God. We’ve got things backward, says Dr. Larry Crabb. Instead of using God to solve our problems, we need to use our problems to find God.

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    • God And The Nations


      In a time of rapid change and global confusion, how are Christians to perceive God at work in history? The theme of God’s presence among the nations is here addressed from different perspectives by two major theologians. Douglas John Hall explores foundational theological questions: the providence of God, the relation of global to national concerns, and the role of the church in relation to God’s worldly work. Rosemary Radford Ruether raises the question of the presence of God in the context of three major crises of our times-the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, global poverty and the preferential option for the poor, and the ecological crisis. This book originated as the Hein/Fry Lectures of 1994.

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    • Modern Search For The Real Jesus


      169 pages

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      Critical scholars have increasingly questioned the reliability of the gospels, voicing doubts as to what, if anything, we can know about the historical Jesus. But are the critics as objective as they purport to be? Strimple examines their claims and assumptions in this concise survey of the historical roots of Gospels criticism from Reimarus to Bultmann and beyond.

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    • Tongues Of Fire


      Tongues Of Fire is a refreshingly bold approach to the study of the Holy Spirit. Stroman explores in depth the various manifestations of the Holy Spirit from that “wild, weird day” of Pentecost to the characteristics of the Spirit’s activity today. He maintains that what has followed from that New Testament experience of the Holy Spirit has been a well-disciplined maturity by the church through the ages in which the embarrassing earlier irregularities no longer appear. In that process, he says, the present church has lost something. The spontaneity of the Spirit has been replaced by the accommodations we have sought to make between the Christian life and middle class cultural values. Comparing the strength and vigor of the early church with the confused and sometimes feeble performance of the divided church today, he acknowledges that the early church was open “on the Godward side of life” that is unknown to Christians today.

      Stroman examines the patterns that came out of the experience of Pentecost and discovers what meaning they have today. He finds that it is not a question of the Holy Spirit’s activity in our midst, but our awareness of where that activity is taking place.

      Toward the end of the book is a chapter on the Trinity. After all, a book on new life in the Spirit must deal with the Trinity. Christian theology begins, continues, and ends with the inexhaustible mystery of God. It helps deal with this mystery and is basic to understanding the Christian experience.

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    • Universal God : Justice Love And Peace In The Global Village


      In this important book, Will offers the theory of the universal relationality of God. His broadening of the conception of God offers a way to bring peace to a pluralistic and often divided world.

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    • Genesis Of God


      Thomas Altizer, one of America’s premier theologians, searches for a proper understanding of the Christian God, which he believes can only be explicated when the question of origin is raised. He begins with an investigation of Hegelian thinking, develops his insights in dialogue with such thinkers as Augustine and Nietzsche, and then focuses on notions generated by the Christian epic poetry of Dante, Milton, and Blake. By explicating the absolute origin of God that only Christianity knows, Altizer discloses the origin of a uniquely Christian freedom while also touching upon such important themes as predestination, the fall, evil, and eternity.

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    • God In Creation


      ”Perhaps the most comprehensive theology of creation. Any thoughtful reader will find a wealth of stimulating ideas,”—The Living Church.

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    • God The Redeemer


      What do we proclaim when we preach the gospel? Paul McGlasson poses this question as the best point of departure for fresh theological work as a new era in theology begins. Influenced by contemporary discussion and indebted to classical tradition, McGlasson contrasts literal and critical interpretations of the Bible. His thought-provoking work presents and analyzes the central biblical and theological concepts of the Christian witness in an original and illuminating way.

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    • God As Trinity


      Ted Peters brings Trinitarian theology conversation to a new level by examining the works of Karl Barth, Karl Rahner, Eberhard Jungel, Jurgen Moltmann, Robert Jenson, Wolfhart Pannenberg, and Catherine Mowry LaCugna. He highlights talk about the becoming of God by process theologians, sexism in Trinitarian language by feminists, and divine and human community by liberation theologians. Peters addresses the relationship of God’s eternity to the world’s temporality, and claims that thinking of God as Trinity affirms that the word “God” applies to both eternity and temporality.

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    • Politics Of God


      How is it that the same Christian beliefs can be used both to bolster an oppressive regime and rally opposition to it? Are there any norms intrinsic to Christian belief that dictate its political import? Delving into the complex aspects of Christian beliefs in their historical, theological, and social diversity, Tanner here offers a rigorous and sustained analysis of the relations of belief to attitudes and action. She centers her analysis on God and Creation and brings a much-needed clarity to notions of hierarchy, transcendence, dualism, and oppression. She constructs a typology of how doctrines can relate to each other, to social systems, and to ethical behavior.

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    • Su Manifesta Presencia – (Spanish)


      Part I – The Heart Cry Of The Lord
      1. God’s Desire – To Dwell With His People
      2. God’s Fire – His Means Of Preparation
      3. God’s Ministry – From The Sanctuary
      4. God’s Plan – His Word Within
      5. God’s Type – Solomon’s Temple

      Part II – Moving To Solomon’s Temple
      6. God’s Provision – Fulness Of Salvation

      Part III – Fit For The Master’s Use
      7. God’s Workmanship – Changing The Inner Realm
      8. God’s Goal – The Restoration Of Hearts

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      His Manifest Presence is:
      * Abiding intimacy with God
      * A refuge from the coming storm
      * Where genuine worship touches God
      * His fulness manifested in Solomon’s Temple
      * Where the constant miraculous is experienced daily

      We must move from David’s Tabernacle worship to Solomon’s Temple, where His Manifest Presence is experienced, if we are to live in His fulness and in His protection through the tumultuous days ahead. Here are some ways in which you can enter His presence.

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    • Gods Power : Traditional Understandings And Contemporary Challenges


      With this book, Anna Case-Winters provides a reconstruction of the doctrine of God based on process theology and feminist thought. She takes a fresh approach to the problem of theodicy (the justification of God’s goodness and omnipotence in view of the existence of evil) and contends that traditional attempts to address this problem are unsuccessful because they do not discuss the meaning of omnipotence. Once the dispute is recast, it is not a question of how much power is attributed to God, but what kind. Case-Winters provides a coherent and theologically viable doctrine of omnipotence that avoids the pitfalls of traditional beliefs.

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    • Must God Remain Greek



      African Indigenous Churches
      The Church Of The Lord (Aladura)
      The Cherubim And Seraphim Church
      The Church Of Jesus Christ On Earth (Zaire)
      Zionist Churches In South Africa
      Church Of Christ In Africa (Kenya)
      Ingigenous Elements Of Worship

      Caribbean Indigenous Religions And Churches
      Haitian Voodoo
      Cuban Santeria
      Trinidadian Shango
      Jamaican Churches And Traditional Religions
      Native Baptists
      Jamaican Revivalism

      Liberation Theologies In Afro Cultures
      South Africa’s Apartheid Culture
      South African Liberation Theology
      Caribbean Liberation Theology (Rastafarianism)


      Christian Theology And Afro Cultures
      Culture And The Grammer Of Faith
      Salvation, Sin, And Death In Afro Cultures

      God: Traditional Motifs
      God In African Traditional Religion
      Attributes Of God
      Divine Ubiquity
      Divine Creator
      Divine Pastoral Care

      The Religious Worldview Of Africans

      Christ: A Son Out Of Egypt
      Boundaries Of Christology
      Christ As The Anointment One
      Christ As Lord Of The Heavens
      Christ As Healer
      The Liberator And The Liberated

      Spirit And Spirits: Pneumatology And Afro Cultures
      The Biblical Tradition
      The Dogmatic Tradition
      The African Tradition
      Evil Spirits And Lordship In Afro Cultures
      The Spirit And Black American Religion
      Spirits In Black Culture

      Ancestors And Saints
      Hagiolatry And The Ancestors
      Ancestorship In The Caribbean
      Ancestors And Black American Religion
      Hagiography: Christian Saints And The Ancestors

      Selected Bibliography

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    • Triumph Of God




      1.The Hermeneutical Problem
      Three Solutions

      2.Primary Themes In Pauline Thought
      The Dialectic Of Coherence And Contingency
      Apocalyptic As The Basis Of Paul’s Gospel


      3.The Contingency Of The Gospel
      Paul’s Occasional Letters
      Galatians And Romans

      4.The Coherence Of The Gospel
      Objections To Apocalyptic
      Apocalyptic And The Resurrection Of Christ
      The Cross Of Christ And The Demonic Powers
      Christian Life And The Church: The Appropriation And Practice Of The Gospel In The Horizon Of Hope

      5.The Enigma Of The Law And The Struggle Between Sin And Death
      The Law Amid The Struggle Between The Powers
      The Dilemma Of Sin And Death: Equal Or Disparate Powers?


      Appendix: Paul The Theologian: Major Motifs In Pauline Theology


      Additional Info
      This book posits two pillars as the foundations of Paul’s thought: 1) the interaction between coherence and contingency in Paul’s interpretation of the gospel and 2) the apocalyptic character of his gospel. The author ventures to demonstrate how Paul’s interpretation of the gospel as coherent is integral with Paul’s communication of the gospel as situationally contingent. These ostensibly opposing perspectives actually combine to form a fluid Pauline hermeneutic. The centrality of Christological apocalyptic in Paul’s interpretation is posited and involves a radical shift in traditional conceptions of Paul’s theology. The author is “recasting Paul’s theology as a theocentric theology of hope rather than as a Christocentric salvation-history (O. Cullmann) or as an existentialist theology of the cross (R. Bultmann). A theology of hope views the present as the dawn of the future and the future as the full actualization of the present.” Examining the implications of this approach-the ultimacy of God’s sovereignty and triumph beside the Christ- event, the formation of a “biblical- theology,” a rethinking of traditional concepts of salvation and ethics-the author intends to reveal a fresh and most enlightening view of Paul’s theology.

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    • Understanding The Trinity


      McGrath gives new life and vitality to traditional answers by refusing to be trapped in outdated or facile jargon and models. In doing so, he triggers sometimes unexpected trains of thought in the reader’s mind, making theology relevant to today without surrendering truth.

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    • God The Economist


      An informed and well-written theological treatment of economics. Carefully and creatively, Meeks renders a theological critique of our present situation and offers a constructive vision for God’s ‘law of household’ in our life together.

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    • God In History


      “The value of this book is not to be found only in its important constructive theological proposals. Almost as important as these is his persuasive and illuminating reading of Hegel and his ability to show Hegel’s significance for the address of major contemporary theological issues…. Those who desire a solid and intellectually exciting introduction to Hegel’s significance for contemporary theological issues could do no better than spend some time with this book.”
      – Gordon D. Kaufman, Mallinckrodt Professor of Divinity Emeritus, Harvard Divinity School

      “In this book, Hodgson uses Hegel’s dialectical triadic logic to define what he calls the triune figuration. His ‘Trinity’ is God the One (rather than the Father), Love to and in the world (rather than the Son), and Freedom in history (rather than the Spirit)…. Jesus in history is the Christian symbol of this historicized God. History is viewed not as a line of evolution nor a circle of recurrence but an open spiral.”
      – Robert Paul Roth, Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology, Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota

      “I am convinced that Hodgson’s position is developing a deeply thought-out and valuable attempt to tackle a major aporia in contemporary theology. Rather than a history of salvation, Hodgson prefers a history of freedom….”
      – Maurice Wiles, Regius Professor of Divinity Emeritus, Christ Church, Oxford University

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    • Gods And The One God


      How did the emerging Christian ideas about God and Jesus compare with religious concepts prevalent in the Greco-Roman world? Beginning with a discussion of Paul’s encounters with other religions in the Book of Acts, Grant describes Christian opposition to idolatry, the philosophical movement toward monotheism, and the development of Christian doctrine and creeds.

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    • Mind Of The Maker


      This classic, with a new introduction by Madeleine L’Engle, is by turns an entrancing mediation on language; a piercing commentary on the nature of art and why so much of what we read, hear, and see falls short; and a brilliant examination of the fundamental tenets of Christianity. The Mind of the Maker will be relished by those already in love with Dorothy L. Sayers and those who have not yet met her.

      A mystery writer, a witty and perceptive theologian, culture critic, and playwright, Dorothy Sayers sheds new, unexpected light on a specific set of statements made in the Christian creeds. She examines anew such ideas as the image of God, the Trinity, free will, and evil, and in these pages a wholly revitalized understanding of them emerges. The author finds the key in the parallels between the creation of God and the human creative process. She continually refers to each in a way that illuminates both.

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    • Models Of God


      MODELS OF GOD – Theology for an Ecological, Nuclear Age MODELS OF GOD is in fact a new systematic theology, indeed a new way of thinking about metaphorical theology and materially a radically new presentation of Christian themes.. The power of Mc Fague’s work is in its ability to speak to the American Protestant mainstream, challenging Christians with models of God that reflect both ecological sensitivity and concern for justice.

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    • Christian Dogmatics Volume 1


      Christian Dogmatics volume 1 contains contributions from Carl Braaten, Gerhard Forde, Philip Hefner, Robert Jenson, Hans Schwarz, and Paul Sponheim. Serving as the first part of a two volume Lutheran systematic theology, the contributors treat such topics as prolegomena to Christian dogmatics, the Trinity, the knowledge of God, the doctrine of creation, sin and the problem of evil, and Christology.

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    • Metaphorical Theology : Models Of God In Religious Language


      Written as part of the “conversation” of theology, McFague describes this “metaphorical perspective” as a thought experiment. What would the relations between religious and theological language look like if seen in the light of the way metaphors become models, in light of the relativity and openness of metaphorical thinking, and in light of the intrinsic iconoclastic and transformative character of metaphorical thought? Would it avoid the idolatry and literalism that has plagued much religious language and would it prove a way to make religious language more relevant to people exluded from traditional religious language? McFague explores these questions thoroughly, seeking introduce greater pluralism and humility into theological discourse. Sallie McFague is Carpenter Professor of Theology at Vanderbuilt Divinity School.

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    • Jesus God And Man


      This highly acclaimed work demonstrates Wolfhart Pannenberg’s belief that at the heart of every Christian theology lies its teaching about Jesus Christ. The second edition, available for the first time in paperback, contains an Afterword in which the author reviews other theologians’ responses to his thesis and methodology and shows the progression of his own interpretation.

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