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    Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

    • To Whom Does Christianity Belong


      To Whom Does Christianity Belong? is a question that is asked, at least implicitly, throughout the world today. The issues that surround this question open up a host of others: Is Christianity a primitive religion that has little to say to twenty-first-century people? Is it a Western religion that has been exported through colonialism? Is it a religion poised to increase in size? Should it? Does Christianity lead to economic prosperity? Does it foster violence or peace? Does it liberate or restrict women? Who gets to claim Christianity as their own?

      In this exciting new volume, an anchor to the Understanding World Christianity series, Dyron B. Daughrity helps readers map out the major changes that have taken place in recent years in the world’s largest religion. By comparing trends, analyzing global Christian movements, and tracing the impact of Pentecostalism, interreligious dialogue, global missions, birth rates, and migratory trends, Daughrity sketches a picture of a changing religion and gives the tools needed to understand it. From discussions of sexuality and afterlife to contemporary Christian music and secularization, this book provides a global perspective on what is happening within Christianity today.

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    • Asian Theology On The Way


      In this exciting volume, Peniel Rajkumar has assembled the work of nearly twenty prominent Asian theologians, making their writings accessible to the introductory-level student.

      The result is an ideal introduction to the wealth of Asian theologies and the major questions they raise. It is ecumenical in scope with emphasis on the contemporary concerns within Asian theology and some attention to the development of these theologies.

      Regional and subject specialists will capture the ongoing conversation on Asian theology, incorporating new emphases, thrusts, and trends, thus making the book a fresh and engaging introduction to Christian theology in Asia. Study questions at the end of each chapter are designed to stimulate original thought to allow the reader to reflect personally on contemporary ideas and participate in discussion.

      The International Study Guides (ISGs) are clear and accessible resources, contextual and ecumenical in content and missional in direction. The contributors are theological educators who come from different countries and different religious backgrounds and bring practical emphasis alongside contemporary scholarly reflection.

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    • Atheist Who Didnt Exist


      In the last decade, atheism has leapt from obscurity to the front pages: producing best-selling books, making movies, and plastering adverts on the side of buses. There’s an energy and a confidence to contemporary atheism: many people now assume that a godless skepticism is the default position, indeed the only position for anybody wishing to appear educated, contemporary and urbane. Atheism is hip, religion is boring. Yet when one pokes at popular atheism, many of the arguments used to prop it up quickly unravel. The Atheist Who Didn’t Exist is designed to expose some of the loose threads on the cardigan of atheism, tug a little, and see what happens. Blending humour with serious thought, Andy Bannister helps the reader question everything, assume nothing and, above all, recognise lazy skepticism and bad arguments. Be an atheist by all means: but do be a thought-through one.

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    • Plain Account Of Christian Perfection Annotated


      ‘What I purpose in the following papers is to give a plain and distinct account of the steps by which I was led…to embrace the doctrine of Christian perfection.’

      So begins John Wesley’s classic work on the central emphasis of his theology. In A Plain Account of Christian Perfection this Anglican priest and founder of Methodism brings to the forefront what he considers the goal of the Christian life-the fullest possible love of God and neighbor. Drawing from several of his earlier writings, Wesley thoughtfully presents his understanding of perfect love or Christian perfection.

      Although published in many versions, this edition of Wesley’s foundational text is annotated to identify Wesley’s sources and clarify his citations and allusions. His original notes are also included. A timeless treasure and resource, this pivotal work belongs in every Christian’s library.

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    • Palestinian Christians And The Old Testament


      The foundation of the modern State of Israel in 1948 is commemorated by many Palestinians as a day of catastrophe. Many Palestinian Christians claim that the nakba was also spiritually catastrophic: the characters, names, events, and places of the Old Testament took on new significance with the newly formed political state, which caused vast portions of the text to become unusable in their eyes and be abandoned.

      Stalder asks how Palestinian Christians have read the Old Testament in the period before and under the British Mandate and now, in light of the foundation of the modern State of Israel, then contemplates how they might read these sacred texts in the future, interacting with proposals by Michael Prior, Charles Miller, and Gershon Nerel. His particular goal is to outline a possible hermeneutic that does not disregard the concerns of the respective religious communities without writing off the Old Testament prematurely.

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    • Free Corrector : Colin Gunton And The Legacy Of Augustine


      A Free Corrector evaluates Colin Gunton’s treatment of Augustine’s legacy on the Trinity and the doctrine of creation. Gunton claimed that Augustine’s work ultimately contributed to a host of problems for the Western tradition. Joshua McNall addresses this in conjunction with Gunton’s argument regarding Augustine’s “afterlife.” In the end, A Free Corrector argues that while Gunton was far too “free” in his correction of Augustine, it is also true that isolated aspects of his Augustinian narrative remain viable.

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    • Problem Of Perception And The Experience Of God


      A fundamental problem in Christian theology has been that of determining whether God can be an object of experience and how we should account for God’s empirical availability to us. Can experiences of God serve to inform and justify our theological beliefs and practices? The central claim in this work is that there is a radical mistake in many contemporary accounts that require grounding a theological story of God’s availability to us in experience in a prior general philosophical theory of perception. Instead, it is argued that the philosophical problem of perception is a pseudoproblem and that in virtue of their entanglement with that pseudoproblem, the influential accounts of Christian religious experience, such as in Jean-Luc Marion, Kevin Hector, or William P. Alston, are at bottom incoherent.

      The study concludes with a new reading of Gregory of Nyssa and his theology of the spiritual senses, which is free from the bewitchment of the problem of perception. This critical retrieval of Nyssen opens the path toward a viable contemporary theological empiricism-one that characterizes both tasks of theological contemplation and spiritual formation in terms of a receptivity and responsiveness to the perceptible presence and agency of God in the world.

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    • Threshing Floors In Ancient Israel


      Vital to an agrarian community’s survival, threshing floors are agricultural spaces where crops are threshed and winnowed. But the Hebrew Bible rarely refers to such agricultural activities taking place at such sites. Instead, biblical narratives repeatedly depict threshing floors in ancient Israel as sites for mourning rites, divination rituals, cultic processions, and sacrifices. Kings consult prophets there; even the Solomonic temple was built on a threshing floor.

      Jaime L. Waters shows that these originally agricultural sites were also considered sacred spaces connected to Yahweh, under his control, and subject to his power to bless, curse, and save and that Israel had a special ritual access to Yahweh in these powerfully symbolic sites. Waters also examines the various personnel active in the use and operation of threshing floors in these sacred functions in order to draw a more complete picture of ancient Israelite social life. An addendum discusses relevant material for comparison from Ugarit.

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    • In Defense Of Doctrine


      Questions surrounding the relationship of Scripture and doctrine are legion within the Protestant tradition. How can doctrine develop over time and maintain fidelity to the sacred text, especially for communities who cling to the Reformation principle of sola scriptura? Does not an appeal to contemporary, constructive theology belie commonly held Protestant and Evangelical convictions about the sufficiency of Scripture? Does admission and acceptance of doctrinal development result in a kind of reality-denying theological relativism? And in what way can a growing, postcanonical tradition maintain a sense of continuity with the faith of the New Testament?

      This study is an apologetic for the ongoing, constructive theological task in Protestant and Evangelical traditions. It suggests that doctrinal development can be explained as a hermeneutical phenomenon and that insights from hermeneutical philosophy and the philosophy of language can aid theologians in constructing explanatory theses for particular theological problems associated with the facts of doctrinal development, namely, questions related to textual authority, reality depiction, and theological identity. Joining the recent call to theological interpretation of Scripture, Putman provides a constructive model that forwards a descriptive and normative pattern for reading Scripture and theological tradition together.

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    • Boundless (Reprinted)


      Director of research for YWAM discovers a startling phenomenon–worldwide movements of Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, and others who follow Jesus outside the boundaries of Western Christianity–and imagines new possibilities for our faith.

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    • Problem Of Perception And The Experience Of God


      A fundamental problem in Christian theology has been that of determining whether God can be an object of experience and how we should account for God’s empirical availability to us. Can experiences of God serve to inform and justify our theological beliefs and practices? The central claim in this work is that there is a radical mistake in many contemporary accounts that require grounding a theological story of God’s availability to us in experience in a prior general philosophical theory of perception. Instead, it is argued that the philosophical problem of perception is a pseudoproblem and that in virtue of their entanglement with that pseudoproblem, the influential accounts of Christian religious experience, such as in Jean-Luc Marion, Kevin Hector, or William P. Alston, are at bottom incoherent.

      The study concludes with a new reading of Gregory of Nyssa and his theology of the spiritual senses, which is free from the bewitchment of the problem of perception. This critical retrieval of Nyssen opens the path toward a viable contemporary theological empiricism-one that characterizes both tasks of theological contemplation and spiritual formation in terms of a receptivity and responsiveness to the perceptible presence and agency of God in the world.

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    • Free Corrector : Colin Gunton And The Legacy Of Augustine


      A Free Corrector evaluates Colin Gunton’s treatment of Augustine’s legacy on the Trinity and the doctrine of creation. Gunton claimed that Augustine’s work ultimately contributed to a host of problems for the Western tradition. Joshua McNall addresses this in conjunction with Gunton’s argument regarding Augustine’s “afterlife.” In the end, A Free Corrector argues that while Gunton was far too “free” in his correction of Augustine, it is also true that isolated aspects of his Augustinian narrative remain viable.

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    • Palestinian Christians And The Old Testament


      The foundation of the modern State of Israel in 1948 is commemorated by many Palestinians as a day of catastrophe. Many Palestinian Christians claim that the nakba was also spiritually catastrophic: the characters, names, events, and places of the Old Testament took on new significance with the newly formed political state, which caused vast portions of the text to become unusable in their eyes and be abandoned.

      Stalder asks how Palestinian Christians have read the Old Testament in the period before and under the British Mandate and now, in light of the foundation of the modern State of Israel, then contemplates how they might read these sacred texts in the future, interacting with proposals by Michael Prior, Charles Miller, and Gershon Nerel. His particular goal is to outline a possible hermeneutic that does not disregard the concerns of the respective religious communities without writing off the Old Testament prematurely.

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    • Triune Eternality : Gods Relationship To Time In The Theology Of Karl Barth


      The theology of Karl Barth is an important resource for theological reflection on the complicated problem of God’s relationship to time; yet much of what Barth says is difficult to unravel. His statements on God and time, and on God and eternity, are spread throughout his writings, finding their place in theological discussions of a variety of doctrinal topics. These difficulties have led some to despair of adequately articulating Barth’s position, while leading others to propose overly broad or simplistic renderings.

      Triune Eternality argues that a proper comprehension of Barth’s theological conception of time and eternity is best achieved by understanding three important contexts: the doctrinal, the conceptual, and the developmental. By understanding those contexts, it may be seen that Barth’s understanding of time and eternity is how he expresses theological convictions that are more basic to Christian theology. In short, for Barth “time and eternity” are not so much philosophical or scientific concepts but theological terms that point to fundamental realities. This work proceeds from the conviction that in Barth we have a twofold opportunity: to allow earlier answers to speak to our own recent questions and to use our contemporary perspective to gain insight on historic contributions.

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    • Question Of Consensus


      From the very earliest days after its completion in 1646, the Westminster Confession’s position on assurance has been a subject of controversy. In this exciting new work, Jonathan Master considers the Westminster Confession’s statements on assurance as a position of consensus among a diversity of viewpoints.

      Master traces how from this one position, the idea was expanded and modified-even by the document’s own authors!-just years after its reception, in very distinct ways. Each of these expansions on what was intended to be a consensus document forms the basis for later traditions regarding assurance within the Reformed and Evangelical traditions.

      To date, few studies have examined these expansions as a united whole, and Master’s work highlights the ways in which the streams of thought flowing out of Westminster are as important as those flowing into it, raising as they do questions about confession and doctrinal freedom in the growing Reformed tradition.

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    • Triune Eternality : Gods Relationship To Time In The Theology Of Karl Barth


      The theology of Karl Barth is an important resource for theological reflection on the complicated problem of God’s relationship to time; yet much of what Barth says is difficult to unravel. His statements on God and time, and on God and eternity, are spread throughout his writings, finding their place in theological discussions of a variety of doctrinal topics. These difficulties have led some to despair of adequately articulating Barth’s position, while leading others to propose overly broad or simplistic renderings.

      Triune Eternality argues that a proper comprehension of Barth’s theological conception of time and eternity is best achieved by understanding three important contexts: the doctrinal, the conceptual, and the developmental. By understanding those contexts, it may be seen that Barth’s understanding of time and eternity is how he expresses theological convictions that are more basic to Christian theology. In short, for Barth “time and eternity” are not so much philosophical or scientific concepts but theological terms that point to fundamental realities. This work proceeds from the conviction that in Barth we have a twofold opportunity: to allow earlier answers to speak to our own recent questions and to use our contemporary perspective to gain insight on historic contributions.

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    • In Defense Of Doctrine


      Questions surrounding the relationship of Scripture and doctrine are legion within the Protestant tradition. How can doctrine develop over time and maintain fidelity to the sacred text, especially for communities who cling to the Reformation principle of sola scriptura? Does not an appeal to contemporary, constructive theology belie commonly held Protestant and Evangelical convictions about the sufficiency of Scripture? Does admission and acceptance of doctrinal development result in a kind of reality-denying theological relativism? And in what way can a growing, postcanonical tradition maintain a sense of continuity with the faith of the New Testament?

      This study is an apologetic for the ongoing, constructive theological task in Protestant and Evangelical traditions. It suggests that doctrinal development can be explained as a hermeneutical phenomenon and that insights from hermeneutical philosophy and the philosophy of language can aid theologians in constructing explanatory theses for particular theological problems associated with the facts of doctrinal development, namely, questions related to textual authority, reality depiction, and theological identity. Joining the recent call to theological interpretation of Scripture, Putman provides a constructive model that forwards a descriptive and normative pattern for reading Scripture and theological tradition together.

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    • Omnipresence Of Jesus Christ


      This important book reassesses the classic Chalcedonian view of Jesus: “one person, two natures.” It carefully rejects all forms of kenotic Christology and affirms that Jesus possessed and used all the divine attributes, in particular, that of omnipresence, arguing that evangelical scholars have abandoned this important truth. This has ramifications for our view of the Holy Spirit and of Christ’s presence with his people. It challenges us to read the Scriptures again and to live in the presence of Jesus.

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    • Threshing Floors In Ancient Israel


      Vital to an agrarian community’s survival, threshing floors are agricultural spaces where crops are threshed and winnowed. But the Hebrew Bible rarely refers to such agricultural activities taking place at such sites. Instead, biblical narratives repeatedly depict threshing floors in ancient Israel as sites for mourning rites, divination rituals, cultic processions, and sacrifices. Kings consult prophets there; even the Solomonic temple was built on a threshing floor.

      Jaime L. Waters shows that these originally agricultural sites were also considered sacred spaces connected to Yahweh, under his control, and subject to his power to bless, curse, and save and that Israel had a special ritual access to Yahweh in these powerfully symbolic sites. Waters also examines the various personnel active in the use and operation of threshing floors in these sacred functions in order to draw a more complete picture of ancient Israelite social life. An addendum discusses relevant material for comparison from Ugarit.

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    • On The Path Of The Immortals


      Following the release of their international best-seller, Exo-Vaticana, Thomas Horn and Cris Putnam were inundated with requests from around the world to be interviewed on radio, television, and in print media. What they discovered sent shockwaves through Christianity concerning the Vaticans advanced telescope, which sits on top of Mt. Graham in Arizona (USA) where the Jesuits admit they are monitoring something approaching the earth. After the authors initial report was published in Exo-Vaticana, the popes top astronomer took to the airwaves and on the Vatican Observatory website to try and explain the role that he and other church astronomers are playing with regards to emerging ET Friendly theology, their association with the LUCIFER device at Mt. Graham, and their developing doctrines concerning extraterrestrial life and the impact it may have on planet Earths religions; Christianity in particular. Now, armed with fresh information from the native peoples (that failed before a federal appeals court to stop the construction of the Vaticans observatory on one of their four holiest mountains), the authors set out with cameras and field investigators to unearth their most astonishing discovery yet. The mountain is said to be a portal, a gateway to another dimension. And, as the Vatican knows and the authors uncovered, it is not the only one. In On the Path of the Immortals, internationally acclaimed, investigative authors Thomas Horn and Cris Putnam continue the greatest investigation of our time by exposing the facts kept hidden from the public by elitists and intellectuals who are planning mankinds assimilation under a coming savior, one whom the prophet Daniel foresaw as an alien god. ?

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    • Changing Lenses : Restorative Justice For Our Times (Anniversary)


      25th Anniversary Edition
      Does the criminal justice system actually help victims and offenders? What does justice look like for those who have been harmed? For those who have done harm? Twenty-five years after it was first published, Changing Lenses by Howard Zehr remains the classic text of the restorative justice field.

      Now with valuable author updates on the changing landscape of restorative justice and a new section of resources for practitioners and teachers, Changing Lenses offers a framework for understanding crime, injury, accountability, and healing from a restorative perspective.

      Uncovering widespread assumptions about crime, the courts, retributive justice, and the legal process, Changing Lenses offers provocative new paradigms and proven alternatives for public policy and judicial reform.

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    • Theology Of Love Second Edition


      In this seminal work on holiness Mildred Wynkoop brought to the forefront the understanding that holiness is relational. Here she explains that loving God and loving neighbor find articulate expression in the holy life–a life oriented in dynamic and loving relationship toward God that in turn reaches out and embraces others. A Theology of Love reinvigorated for new generations the meaning of John Wesley’s concept of perfect love.

      Since its publication, A Theology of Love has influenced countless scholars, pastors, teachers, and students. Now in this new edition of the monumental work is included the original text plus a previously unpublished chapter. This enhanced version is the ideal addition to anyone desiring a deeper grasp of the theological insights and contributions of this exceptional scholar, and a provocative exercise in rethinking John Wesley’s concept of holiness.

      In addition to the previously unpublished portion of A Theology of Love, this new edition features additional commentary by Tom Noble, Scott Daniels, Ray Dunning, Diane Leclerc, and David McEwan.

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    • Justice In Love


      An eminent Christian philosopher’s thought on the relation between love and justice The concepts of love and justice have long been prominent in the moral culture of the West, yet they are often considered to be hopelessly at odds with one another. In this book acclaimed Christian philosopher Nicholas Wolterstorff shows that justice and love are indeed perfectly compatible, and he argues that the commonly perceived tension between them reveals something faulty in our understanding of each. True benevolent love, he says, is always attentive to justice, and love that wreaks injustice can only ever be “malformed love.” Charitably engaging alternative views, Wolterstorff’s Justice in Love is a welcome companion and follow-up volume to his magnificent Justice: Rights and Wrongs (Princeton, 2010). profound new paths of philosophical inquiry. As opposed to his expansive discussion of justice in that earlier work, this book focuses in profound new ways on the relation between justice and love.

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    • Exploring Christian Theology


      Introduction to Christian Doctrine from Dallas Seminary Professors
      This engaging and accessible systematic theology clearly explains essential spiritual truths for those new to doctrinal study or in need of a refresher. The authors use quick-paced introductions, overviews, reviews of the key tenets of orthodox evangelical doctrines, and more for an easy grasp of the subjects.
      Led by general editors Nathan D. Holsteen and Michael J. Svigel, the writers are Douglas Blount and J. Scott Horrell, with contributors
      J. Lanier Burns and Glenn R. Kreider. All are Dallas Seminary professors and theologians.
      “Exploring Christian Theology” is useful for a preview or review of doctrine, discipleship, or personal reference. It can be used by ministry training programs, Bible colleges, or seminaries as an introduction to prepare students for more in-depth theological study. Now complete in three volumes.

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    • Faithful : A Theology Of Sex


      Many believers accept traditional Christian sexual morality but have very little idea why it matters for the Christian life. In Faithful, author Beth Felker Jones sketches a theology of sexuality that demonstrates sex is not about legalistic morals with no basis in reality but rather about the God who is faithful to us. In Hosea 2:19-20 God says to Israel, “I will take you for my wife forever; I will take you for my wife in righteousness and in justice, in steadfast love, and in mercy. I will take you for my wife in faithfulness; and you shall know the Lord.” This short book explores the goodness of sexuality as created and redeemed, and it suggests ways to navigate the difficulties of living in a world in which sexuality, like everything else, suffers the effects of the fall. As part of Zondervan’s Ordinary Theology series, Faithful takes a deeper look at a subject Christians talk about often but not always thoughtfully. This short, insightful reflection explores the deeper significance of the body and sexuality.

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    • Christianity And Religious Diversity


      This fresh analysis of religion in today’s globalizing world considers the unique truth of the Christian gospel in light of religious diversity.

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    • Pathways In Theodicy


      1. Rethinking Evil
      2. Redefining Theodicy
      3. Free Will Defense
      4. Soul-Making Theodicy
      5. Process Theodicy
      6. Cruciform Theodicy
      7. Antitheodicy
      8. Beyond Theodicy

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      Why does God permit senseless suffering? If God is good and all-powerful, why does evil exist? The problem of evil perennially vexes theology, but many theologians have abandoned the project of theodicy, or the theological explanation of evil, as either fruitless or hopeless. Academic studies on theodicy, moreover, typically succumb to theological deficiency and abstraction, often devoid of any concrete connection to Christian life and practice. In Pathways in Theodicy, designed for students and scholars alike, Mark S. M. Scott reinvigorates stalled debates in philosophy and theology through a detailed reassessment of the problem of evil and the task of theodicy and through a careful analysis of the major models and motifs in theodicy.

      Scott explores the strengths and weaknesses of classic and contemporary perspectives on the problem of evil and invites readers to assess the cogency and relevance of each on their own. Rather than promoting a single perspective, Pathways in Theodicy explores the plurality of options available to treat the problem of evil and the provisional and tentative nature of theodicy, which searches not for final, definitive solutions but for viable ways to move the conversation forward.

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    • Genesis History Fiction Or Neither


      There is little doubt that in recent years the nature of the Genesis narrative has sparked much debate among Christians. This Counterpoints volume introduces three predominant interpretive genres and their implications for biblical understanding. Each contributor identifies their position on the genre of Genesis 1-11, addressing why it is appropriate to the text, and contributes examples of its application to a variety of passages. The contributors and views include: James K. Hoffmeier: Theological History Gordon J. Wenham: Proto-History Kenton K. Sparks: Ancient Historiography General editor and Old Testament scholar Charles Halton explains the importance of genre and provides historical insight in the introduction and helpful summaries of each position in the conclusion. In the reader-friendly Counterpoints format, this book helps readers to reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of each view and draw informed conclusions in this much-debated topic.

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    • Almond Tree Aarons Rod The Messiah King Of Israel


      Olive Press Messianic (

      This hardcover book is destined to become a literary Masterpiece and an intriguing best seller. The story begins with a Divine revelation of the Jewish Messiah of Israel. It was verified by true miraculous events that transpired on Holy Mount Moriah in Jerusalem Israel. Following the leading of the Holy Spirit, the author wrote the astonishing revelations in detail that she was told to write down in a book over a seven year span of time beginning in the year 2007. Due to the profoundly rare revelations within its cover, this heirloom treasure is bound to be a valuable asset to yeshiva and seminary students who desire to find out remarkable details about the identity of the Jewish Messiah of Israel. It is a book destined to be loved by all people. All the Divine revelations in this book are verified with many Biblical Scriptures. Delve into the artistically designed interior full of beautiful black & white photographs that will enhance your reading enjoyment, propelling your study into another world of the LORD God of Israel, and His Divine plan for the entire world. You will want the book for the photos alone! The exterior hardcover incorporates the Royal colors of the Jewish Priestly garment, purple, blue, and scarlet, while the interior contains twelve chapters that represent the twelve tribes of Israel. Full pictures of the Shroud of Turin, the Sudarium of Oviedo, the Jesus Boat, Magdala Synagogue, Mount Sinai, Mount Nebo, Split Rock in Horeb, and other photos from Jerusalem and outside locations are meant to excite the reader. In-depth studies include so many marvelous new Divine revelations that are sure to shake the world, regarding: A Miracle in Jerusalem, Secrets of the Almond tree, Messiah the Branch, Holy Mount Moriah, Mount Nebo, Mount Sinai, Red Sea crossing, Miracle of the Great Rolling Stone & the Angel at the Garden Tomb, Yad of God, Noah s flood, Joshua, Elijah & Elisha, Miracle Secrets at the Jordan River crossing, Secrets of the Split Rock in Horeb, Secrets of David & Goliath, Secrets of the Holy Menorah, Secrets of the Fig tree, Tefillin & God s heart, the Rapture, Passover Maror & Charoset, Secrets of Yeshua at Jacobs well, Shechinah glory cloud, Crown of Thorns, Brand new stunning revelations regarding the Shroud of Turin & Sudarium of Oviedo, the Torah, Jesus Boat, Magdala Synagogue & Magdala Stone, deep insights into the disciples of Yeshua, and profound hidden revelations of Y

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    • Cities Of Tomorrow And The City To Come


      Sometime around 2008, a demographic shift of historic proportions took place, a watershed moment in which, for the first time in history, more than 50% of the world’s population lived in cities. The percentage of city-dwellers is projected to swell to more than 70% by 2050. While many of today’s cities concentrate wealth and power, they also house some of the most vulnerable populations and distressed communities in the world. The juxtaposition of affluence and poverty in urban areas raises questions of justice. Cities also concentrate opportunity and attract diverse populations. Five Western cities-Chicago, London, New York, Los Angeles, and Toronto-include people of nearly every ethnic background on the face of the planet. These “cosmopoli’, and other diverse cities throughout the world, raise important questions about community, identity, and diversity. As part of Zondervan’s Ordinary Theology series, Noah Toly’s Cities of Tomorrow and the City to Come reflects on the tensions between contemporary urban life and Christian theology. How are Christians to live between the already, the “cities of tomorrow” in our world, and the not yet, the “city yet to come” (Hebrews 13:14)? He guides readers toward cultivating two types of imagination in response: the prophetic on one hand, emphasizing important distinctions between one city and another, and the apocalyptic on the other, emphasizing the infinite distance between any city and the City of God.

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    • Textual History Of Christian Muslim Relations


      The question of Christian-Muslim relations is one of enduring importance in the twenty-first century. While there exists a broad range of helpful overviews on the question, these introductory texts often fail to provide readers with the depth that a thorough treatment of the primary sources and their authors would provide.

      In this important new project, Charles Tieszen provides a collection of primary theological sources devoted to the formational period of Christian-Muslim relations. It provides brief introductions to authors and their texts along with representative selections in English translation. The collection is arranged according to the key theological themes that emerge as Christians and Muslims encounter one another in the seventh to fifteenth centuries.

      The result is a resource that offers students a far better grasp of the texts early Christians and Muslims wrote about each other and a better understanding of the important theological themes that are pertinent to Christian-Muslim dialogue today.

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    • Return To Me


      Series Preface
      Author’s Preface
      1. Introduction
      2. Repentance In The Torah
      3. Repentance In The Former Prophets
      4. Repentance In The Latter Prophets: Penitential Process
      5. Repentance In The Latter Prophets: Isaiah
      6. Repentance In The Latter Prophets: Jeremiah And Ezekiel
      7. Repentance In The Latter Prophets: The Twelve
      8. Repentance In The Writings: Wisdom And Worship
      9. Repentance In The Writings: Exile And Restoration
      10. Repentance In The Writings: Chronicles
      11. Repentance In Old Testament Theology
      12. Repentance In The New Testament
      13. Repentance In New Testament Theology
      14. Theological Implications Of Repentance
      Index Of Authors
      Index Of Scripture References

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      Return to me, says the LORD of hosts, and I will return to you’ (Zech. 1:3 ESV). Repentance concerns the repair of a relationship with God disrupted by human sin. All the major phases of church history have seen diversity and controversy over the doctrine. The first of Luther’s famous ninety-five theses nailed to the church door in Wittenburg in 1517 stated that ‘the entire life of believers should be one of repentance’. In recent times, two divisive debates within evangelicalism over ‘lordship salvation’ and ‘hypergrace’ have had repentance at their core. The theme of repentance is evident in almost every Old and New Testament corpus. However, it has received little sustained attention over the past half-century of scholarship, which has been largely restricted to word studies or focused on a particular text or genre. Studies of the overall theology of the Bible have typically given the theme only passing mention. In response, Mark Boda offers a comprehensive overview of the theological witness of Scripture to the theme of repentance. The key to understanding is not simply to be found in word studies, but also in the broader meaning of texts as these communicate through a variety of words, images and stories. The importance of repentance in redemptive history is emphasized. It is fundamentally a return to intimate fellowship with the triune God, our Creator and Redeemer. This relational return arises from the human heart and impacts attitudes, words and actions. ‘I have not found another book that sets out to treat repentance in quite the way that Mark Boda has: he patiently, thoroughly, and effectively works his way through Scripture to learn what repentance means and what it looks like in each canonical corpus, covering not only commonly used words, but also the fundamental concepts’ (D. A. Carson).

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    • Renewing Moral Theology


      Moral theology, rooted in Thomas Aquinas, has long found its home in the Catholic and Anglican traditions, and in recent years it has become more familiar through the perspective known as virtue ethics. Renewing Moral Theology unfolds an ethical perspective that is thomistic in structure, evangelical in conviction and Anglican in ethos.

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    • Defending Substitution : An Essay On Atonement In Paul


      In recent decades, the church and academy have witnessed intense debates concerning the concept of penal substitution to describe Christ’s atoning sacrifice. Some claim it promotes violence, glorifies suffering and death, and amounts to divine child abuse. Others argue it plays a pivotal role in classical Christian doctrine. Here world-renowned New Testament scholar Simon Gathercole offers an exegetical and historical defense of the traditional substitutionary view of the atonement. He provides critical analyses of various interpretations of the atonement and places New Testament teaching in its Old Testament and Greco-Roman contexts, demonstrating that the interpretation of atonement in the Pauline corpus must include substitution.

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    • Surprised By Scripture


      N. T. Wright-“the world’s leading New Testament scholar” (Newsweek)-provides a series of case studies on how to apply the Bible to pressing contemporary issues. Among the topics Wright addresses are the intersection of religion and science, why women should be allowed to be ordained, what we get wrong and how we can do better when Christians engage in politics, why the Christian belief in heaven means we should be at the forefront of the environmental movement, and many more.

      As he fearlessly wades through the difficult issues facing us, Wright offers new models for understanding how to affirm the Bible in today’s world as well as encouragement and renewed energy for deepening our faith and engaging with the culture around us.

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    • Getting Jesus Right


      IS IT POSSIBLE THAT MUSLIMS ARE WRONG ABOUT JESUS AND VARIOUS TENETS OF ISLAM? Is the famous Muslim writer Reza Aslan mistaken in his portrayal of Jesus of Nazareth and apologetic for Islam? Professor James Beverley and Professor Craig Evans take an in-depth look at subjects at the core of the Muslim-Christian divide: the reliability of the New Testament Gospels and the Qur’an, and what we can really know about Jesus and the prophet Muhammad. Importantly, they also examine the implications of traditional Islamic faith on the status of women, jihad and terrorism.

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    • Story That Chooses Us


      Over the course of several decades, missiologist George Hunsberger has written numerous essays on crucial themes for the church’s recovery of its missional identity and practice. The Story That Chooses Us brings these essays together for the first time.

      The book as a whole presents a composite sense of the missional identity and faithful witness to which the church is called in contemporary Western society. Hunsberger engages with well-known missiologist Lesslie Newbigin throughout his work as he carefully discerns biblical and theological roots for a contemporary vision of missional theology. The recurring themes in Hunsberger’s essays provide both theological mooring and practical guidance for churches following Christ on the missional path.

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    • Evangelical Catholic And Reformed


      In this book prominent Barth scholar George Hunsinger presents fifteen essays on Karl Barth’s understanding of Christian doctrine across a wide spectrum of topics, concluding with suggestions as to how Barth’s theology might fruitfully be retrieved for the future.

      Hunsinger discusses Barth’s views on such subjects as the Trinity, creation, natural theology, Christology, justification, and time and eternity. As he delves into Barth’s theological substance, Hunsinger highlights ways in which Barth’s work was Evangelical, Catholic, and Reformed, illuminating the ecumenical aspects of his thought.

      No other volume explains Barth’s views on this range of topics with such scope, depth, and clarity.

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    • Reading Barth With Charity


      Karl Barth and his legacy have dominated theology circles for over a decade. In this volume George Hunsinger, a world-renowned expert on Barth’s theology, makes an authoritative contribution to the debate concerning Barth’s trinitarian theology and doctrine of election. Hunsinger challenges a popular form of Barth interpretation pertaining to the Trinity, demonstrating that there is no major break in Barth’s thought between the earlier and the later Barth of the Church Dogmatics. Hunsinger also discusses important issues in trinitarian theology and Christology that extend beyond the contemporary Barth debates. This major statement will be valued by professors and students of systematic theology, scholars, and readers of Barth.

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    • Writing Theologically


      1. Writing Basically
      2. Writing Persuasively
      3. Writing For The Ear
      4. Writing Briefly
      5. Writing Creatively
      6. Writing Publicly
      7. Writing Digitally
      8. Writing Purposefully
      9. Writing Personally
      10. Writing Spiritually

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      Of course, by writing we refer to the kinds of reflections, essays, and exams students will have to complete in the seminary classroom. But writing also encompasses the many modes of communication and self-discovery that creative expression can unlock. Writing Theologically introduces writing not just as an academic exercise but as a way for students to communicate the good news in rapidly changing contexts, as well as to discover and craft their own sense of vocation and identity. Most important will be guiding students to how they might begin to claim and hone a distinctive theological voice that is particularly attuned to the contexts of writer and audience alike.

      In a collection of brief, readable essays, this volume, edited by Eric D. Barreto, emphasizes the vital skills, practices, and values involved in writing theologically. That is, how might students prepare themselves to communicate effectively and creatively, clearly and beautifully, the insights they gather during their time in seminary? Each contribution includes practical advice about best practices in writing theologically; however, the book also stresses why writing is vital in the self-understanding of the minister, as well as her or his public communication of the good news.

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    • Forward Movement


      A historical account of how leading evangelicals in the late nineteenth century fused a passion for evangelism with social service, cultural engagement and political activism.

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    • Testimony : Quakerism And Theological Ethics


      This book brings Quaker thought on theological ethics into constructive dialogue with Christian tradition while engaging with key contemporary ethical debates and with wider questions about the public role of church-communities in a post-secular context. The focus for the discussion is the distinctive Quaker concept and practice of ‘testimony’ – understood as a sustained pattern of action and life within and by the community and the individuals within it, in communicative and transformative relation to its context, and located in everyday life.

      In the first section, Rachel Muers presents a constructive theological account of testimony, drawing on historical and contemporary Quaker sources, that makes explicit its roots in Johannine Christology and pneumatology, as well as its connections with other Quaker “distinctives” such as unprogrammed worship and non-creedalism. She focuses in particular on the character of testimonies as sustained refusals of specific practices and structures, and on the way in which this sustained opposition gives rise to new attitudes and forms of life.

      Articulating the ongoing relevance of this approach for theology, Rachel Muers engages with the “ethics of witness” in contemporary Protestant theology and with a longer tradition of thought (and debates) about the significance of Christian ascesis.

      In the second section, she develops this general account through a series of case studies in Quaker testimony, written and practised. She uses each one to explore aspects of the meaning of, and need for, shared and individual testimony.

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    • Bonhoeffers Seminary Vision


      Dietrich Bonhoeffer is best known for his role in a plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler and his subsequent execution at the hands of the Nazis. However, readers are less familiar with his tireless work educating seminary students for a life of pastoral ministry. Anchored in a variety of influential lectures, personal letters, and major works such as The Cost of Discipleship, this book attempts to recover a largely unexamined part of Bonhoeffer’s life-exploring his philosophy and practice of theological education in his original context. It then builds on this foundation to address the drift toward increasingly impersonal educational models in our own day, affirming the value of personal, face-to-face seminary education for the health of pastors and churches.

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    • Signs Of A Prophet


      This book, dedicated to the memory of David Stacey, Morna Hooker’s late husband, is an expanded version of the Shaffer Lectures delivered at Yale Divinity School in February 1995. It is more than just a commemoration, however, since it also carries on David Stacey’s work on Prophetic Drama in the Old Testament, published by Epworth Press in 1990, and contains as an appendix his ideas for a second volume, outlined in a lecture on ‘The Last Supper as Prophetic Drama’. Professor Hooker begins by reviewing the prophetic actions in the OId Testament and compares them with the way in which prophetic figures behaved in Jesus’ day, in particular John the Baptist and the so-called sign prophets. Then she turns to Jesus himself and considers those actions which can be described as prophetic signs or dramas. She discusses the sign of Jonah, the refusal to perform signs, the miracles and other prophetic actions like the renaming of Simon, Jesus’ eating with tax-collectors and sinners and the prophetic signs associated with Jerusalem, reaching a climax in the Last Supper. A final chapter examines the different ways in which the four evangelists interpreted Jesus’ prophetic actions. Here is a fascinating study which contributes much to our understanding of the Gospel tradition and shows that biblical theology is still alive and flourishing. Morna Hooker was Lady Margaret’s Professor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge and Fellow of Robinson College.

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    • Outline Of Christian Doctrine


      The first English translation of the introduction to Christian doctrine most widely used in GermanyIn this book Wilfried Harle so distills Protestant Christian teaching as to bring fresh insight both to new students and to experienced readers of systematic theology. Outline of Christian Doctrine, however, is not merely a translation of Harle’s classic German text: Nicholas Sagovsky has also entirely adapted the original work to the needs and resources of English-speaking readers.Biblically rooted, contextually sensitive, alert to philosophical issues, and relevant with respect to debates about the world as we know it today, Harle’s Outline of Christian Doctrine: An Evangelical Dogmatics is an ideal contemporary theology book for both class use and individual study.

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    • Matthew


      This commentary brings the stimulating insights of world-renowned theologian Stanley Hauerwas to the first Gospel. This volume, like each in the Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible, is designed to serve the church–through aid in preaching, teaching, study groups, and so forth–and demonstrate the continuing intellectual and practical viability of theological interpretation of the Bible.

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    • Viva Vox : Rediscovering The Sacramentality Of The Word Through The Annunci


      In failing to take the sacramentality of the word of God seriously, the preaching of the church has suffered negative consequences. As a result, preaching has often become, at best, a form of instruction or, at worst, an incantation of sorts rather than an integral part of deepening our relationship with Christ by functioning sacramentally to bring about divine participation with Jesus’ corporeal humanity in his living word. In order to recover this sacramental reality, this volume argues that one should consider the annunciation to Mary where, with the sermon of Gabriel, the corporeal Christ took up residence in the flesh of his hearer, and delivered to her precisely what was contained within his own flesh: the fullness of the Godhead (Col. 2:9). When understood as a biblical paradigm for the church, it becomes clear that what happened to Mary can, indeed, happen to Christians of the present day. Proclamation, thus, delivers the Christ to us.

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    • Theological Cartographies : Mapping The Encounter With God Humanity And Chr


      Benjamin Valentin presents a substantive yet accessible introduction to the three central doctrines of Christian theology: God, humanity, and Christ. In an engaging style, Valentin offers an overview of each of these doctrines, delving into its tradition within the Christian community throughout history, from the writing of Scripture forward. He further explores what contemporary life tells us about this doctrine and how that compares to traditional understandings and then determines how we can reconstruct this doctrine in light of our new assessment of it. Each chapter concludes with suggested readings for further study. Throughout, Valentin highlights the diversity of Christian thought, bringing together past tradition and contemporary questions to arrive at a new understanding of what these important doctrines can mean for us today.

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    • Reading The Bible Again For The First Time


      One of the vital challenges facing thoughtful people today is how to read the Bible faithfully without abandoning our sense of truth and history. Reading the Bible Again for the First Time provides a much-needed solution to the problem of how to have a fully authentic yet contemporary understanding of the scriptures. Many mistakenly believe there are no choices other than fundamentalism or simply rejecting the Bible as something that can bring meaning to our lives. Answering this modern dilemma, acclaimed author Marcus Borg reveals how it is possible to reconcile the Bible with both a scientific and critical way of thinking and our deepest spiritual needs, leading to a contemporary yet grounded experience of the sacred texts.

      This seminal book shows you how to read the Bible as it should be examined-in an approach the author calls historical-metaphorical. Borg explores what the Scriptures meant to the ancient communities that produced and lived by them. He then helps us to discover the meaning of these stories, providing the knowledge and perspective to make the wisdom of the Bible an essential part of our modern lives. The author argues that the conventional way of seeing the Bible’s origin, authority, and interpretation has become unpersuasive to millions of people in our time, and that we need a fresh way of encountering the Bible that takes the texts seriously but not literally, even as it takes seriously who we have become.

      Borg traces his personal spiritual journey, describing for readers how he moved from an unquestioning childhood belief in the biblical stories to a more powerful and dynamic relationship with the Bible as a sacred text brimming with meaning and guidance. Using his own experience as an example, he reveals how the modern crisis of faith is itself rooted in the misinterpretation of sacred texts as historical record and divine dictation, and opens readers to a truer, more abundant perspective.

      This unique book invites everyone-whatever one’s religious background-to engage the Bible, wrestle with its meaning, explore its mysteries, and understand its relevance. Borg shows us how to encounter the Bible in a fresh way that rejects the limits of simple literalism and opens up rich possibilities for our lives.

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    • Election Of Grace


      Few issues in Christian theology have sparked as much controversy over the centuries as the question of election. In this book – the inaugural volume of the Kantzer Lectures in Revealed Theology series – Stephen Williams offers a rich and nuanced account of the doctrine of election, arguing that we should diminish the role of “system” in Christian theology.

      After expounding the Bible’s teaching on election, Williams turns to questions of theological method and substance. He maintains that the subject of predestination must be considered in a wider biblical context than it often is and that we cannot expect to understand election within a comprehensive systematic framework. What matters is the relation of particular truths to the particulars of life, he says, not the systematic relation of truths to each other. Williams draws on and applies the insights of remarkable nineteenth-century Anglican leader Charles Simeon throughout his study, concluding the book with a cogent discussion of Karl Barth on election.

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