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    Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

    • Silence A Users Guide Volume 2


      To learn to read a text for the portals of silence that are implicit in it is to gain a powerful tool for supporting and expanding one’s silence, and to open the reader to the insight that ensues. The sort of reading proposed in this volume is both costly and rewarding. These pages invite readers once again to look at their own minds, to reflect on what is happening there, and to understand the essential role of silence for being human, and for living our own truth with one another.

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    • Remembering The Reformation


      In 1517, Martin Luther set off what has been called, at least since the nineteenth century, the Protestant Reformation. Can Christians of differing traditions commemorate the upcoming 500th anniversary of this event together? How do we understand and assess the Reformation today? What calls for celebration? What calls for repentance? Can the Reformation anniversary be an occasion for greater mutual understanding among Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants? At the 2015 Pro Ecclesia annual conference for clergy and laity, meeting at the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, an array of scholars–Catholic and Orthodox, Evangelical Lutheran and American Evangelical as well as Methodist–addressed this topic. The aim of this book is not only to collect these diverse Catholic and Evangelical perspectives but also to provide resources for all Christians, including pastors and scholars, to think and argue about the roads we have taken since 1517–as we also learn to pray with Jesus Christ “”that all may be one”” (John 17:21).

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    • Silence A Users Guide Volume 2


      To learn to read a text for the portals of silence that are implicit in it is to gain a powerful tool for supporting and expanding one’s silence, and to open the reader to the insight that ensues. The sort of reading proposed in this volume is both costly and rewarding. These pages invite readers once again to look at their own minds, to reflect on what is happening there, and to understand the essential role of silence for being human, and for living our own truth with one another.

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    • Remembering The Reformation


      In 1517, Martin Luther set off what has been called, at least since the nineteenth century, the Protestant Reformation. Can Christians of differing traditions commemorate the upcoming 500th anniversary of this event together? How do we understand and assess the Reformation today? What calls for celebration? What calls for repentance? Can the Reformation anniversary be an occasion for greater mutual understanding among Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants? At the 2015 Pro Ecclesia annual conference for clergy and laity, meeting at the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, an array of scholars–Catholic and Orthodox, Evangelical Lutheran and American Evangelical as well as Methodist–addressed this topic. The aim of this book is not only to collect these diverse Catholic and Evangelical perspectives but also to provide resources for all Christians, including pastors and scholars, to think and argue about the roads we have taken since 1517–as we also learn to pray with Jesus Christ “”that all may be one”” (John 17:21).

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    • Meta


      Meta chronicles the journey of Andrew Murtagh and Adam Lee in their uncommon exchange turned friendship. Why is there something rather than nothing? Does God exist? What of goodness, free will, and consciousness – what is the ultimate nature of reality and how does that extend into the public square? In this treatise, two young corporate professionals aim to change the way the discussion is being had from the vantage points of Christianity and atheism. Is theism or atheism more compelling? If theism, why Christianity? Did Jesus even exist? After theism/atheism, then what? What is the good life? Is morality objective? What does abortion, education, and healthcare look like in the just city? Embarking on a quest for truth on the big questions, their worldviews clash in a philosophical tour de force. In their discord, a blossoming friendship; in their agreement, vows to change the world…

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    • Redefining Perfect


      Theology and disability have not always had an easy relationship. The interactions have ranged from downright hostile to indifferent or unintentionally excluding over the centuries. This theology book chooses instead to include those with disabilities after more than a decade of consideration and study. This results in a re-examination of major theological topics and the impact on the lives of those with disabilities, their family and friends, and the community at large. The focus of the book is to move the church beyond welcome to inclusion–where those with disabilities move from a guest of the community to equal and valued member of the community. While the book is about the theological inclusion of those with disabilities, its implications reach far beyond. It sets an approach for all people to find a place where they too may live in the fullness of Christian community. Stories of personal encounters are blended with explanations of doctrinal perspectives giving the reader a chance to connect knowledge with wisdom born from real life experience.

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    • Power Of The Blood Of Jesus Updated Edition


      Seek to enter more deeply into the perfect reconciliation with God, which is yours by the shed blood of Christ.

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    • Albrecht Drer : Artist In The Midst Of Two Storms


      The artist and entrepreneur Albrecht Durer lived in Germany in the early 1500s, when two storms were threatening the Holy Roman Empire. First, Suleiman the Magnificent and his army of Ottoman Turks were expanding from Constantinople to Vienna, the doorstep of Europe. Second, Martin Luther, a German monk and professor, wrote his Ninety-Five Theses identifying corruption within the Roman Catholic Church. This challenged the authority of both Emperor Charles V and Pope Leo X, who responded by accusing Luther of heresy. Albrecht Durer influenced art and media throughout Europe as strongly as Martin Luther influenced people’s views of life, death, and their relationship with God. Durer’s art and writing reveal how this creative and thoughtful man responded to the changes offered by Luther. Why was Durer so attracted to Luther’s writings? Why would he risk being accused of being a heretic? Both of these men inspired changes in art, religion, and politics that still underlie the foundation of today’s social structures and Western culture.

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    • God We Proclaim


      Throughout history, Christians have found the summary of their faith in the three ancient creeds. The God We Proclaim explores that faith as it is found in the shortest of them: the Apostles’ Creed. The contributors are among Britain’s foremost Christian communicators and teachers. Written with an infectious enthusiasm for theology, The God We Proclaim is ideal for anyone seeking to understand the Christian faith, either individually, or in a church or student study group. It is based on a set of sermons delivered in the chapel of Jesus College, Cambridge, which surveyed the foundations of Christianity. Dorothy L. Sayers (1893-1957) wrote in her essay “”The Dogma is the Drama”” that people assume that if churches are empty it is because preachers “”insist too much upon doctrine,”” or “”dull dogma”” as they disapprovingly call it. Sayers knew that the opposite is true. “”It is the neglect of dogma that makes for dullness. The Christian faith is the most exciting drama that ever staggered the imagination of man–and the dogma is the drama.””

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    • Jonah


      Pastors and leaders of the classical church–such as Augustine, Calvin, Luther, and Wesley–interpreted the Bible theologically, believing Scripture as a whole witnessed to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

      Modern interpreters of the Bible questioned this premise. But in recent decades, a critical mass of theologians and biblical scholars has begun to reassert the priority of a theological reading of Scripture.

      The Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible enlists leading theologians to read and interpret Scripture for the twenty-first century, just as the church fathers, the Reformers, and other orthodox Christians did for their times and places.

      In the sixth volume in the series, Phillip Cary presents a theological exegesis of Jonah.

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    • Meta


      Meta chronicles the journey of Andrew Murtagh and Adam Lee in their uncommon exchange turned friendship. Why is there something rather than nothing? Does God exist? What of goodness, free will, and consciousness – what is the ultimate nature of reality and how does that extend into the public square? In this treatise, two young corporate professionals aim to change the way the discussion is being had from the vantage points of Christianity and atheism. Is theism or atheism more compelling? If theism, why Christianity? Did Jesus even exist? After theism/atheism, then what? What is the good life? Is morality objective? What does abortion, education, and healthcare look like in the just city? Embarking on a quest for truth on the big questions, their worldviews clash in a philosophical tour de force. In their discord, a blossoming friendship; in their agreement, vows to change the world…

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    • Teaching The World


      More and more seminaries, Bible colleges, and Christian universities are opting to train future ministers and missionaries online-and yet, the factors that have driven this choice have typically been pragmatic and financial. What the movement toward online ministry training has lacked is a theological foundation. As a result, practices of online ministry training have been shaped in most institutions by a hodgepodge of institutional pressures and secular learning theories.

      This book asks and answers the question, “How might online ministry training look different if biblical and theological foundations were placed first?” Teaching the World Foundations for Online Theological Education brings together educators from a wide range of backgrounds and from some of the largest providers of online theological education in the world. Together, they present a revolutionary new approach to online theological education, highly practical and yet thoroughly shaped by Scripture and theology.

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    • Paulos Mar Gregorios


      Paulos Mar Greogorios: A Reader is a compilation of the selected writings of Paulos Mar Gregorios, a metropolitan of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church of India and a former President of the World Council of Churches. The book deals with his thought in the areas of ecumenism, orthodox theology, philosophy, interfaith dialogue, and philosophy of science. The book will be of special value to the students of ecumenism, Eastern and Oriental Orthodoxy, Indian philosophy, interdisciplinary studies, and holistic education.

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    • Our God Loves Justice


      Helmut Gollwitzer was a direct heir of the theological legacy of the great Protestant theologian Karl Barth. Yet, Gollwitzer”s work is perhaps least appreciated and studied, especially in English, of all of Barth”s immediate “descendants.” A Protestant theologian and member of the Confessing Church movement in World War II-era Germany, Gollwitzer studied under Karl Barth at the Universities of Bonn and Basle and was professor of Protestant theology at the University of Berlin. Deeply influenced by his mentor, Gollwitzer appropriated the methodological principles of Barth”s theology and developed in new and particularly contextual directions one of Barth”s most penetrating constructive insights in the doctrine of God. At the same time, Gollwitzer, more than any of Barth”s other interpreters, embraced and extended the sociopolitical impulses and implications within Barth”s theology. In this, Gollwitzer embodies a salient alternative for theological and political discourse, one especially needed in the American context of increasingly intertwined theological and political discourses. This volume, the first book-length study of Gollwitzer available in English, provides a helpful introduction to the life, theology, and political thought of this crucial theologian and public intellectual and makes clear Gollwitzer”s importance to the North American context.

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    • Retrieving Eternal Generation


      Although the doctrine of eternal generation has been affirmed by theologians of nearly every ecclesiastical tradition since the fourth century, it has fallen on hard times among evangelical theologians since the nineteenth century. The doctrine has been a structural element in two larger doctrinal complexes: Christology and the Trinity. The neglect of the doctrine of eternal generation represents a great loss for constructive evangelical Trinitarian theology.

      Retrieving the doctrine of eternal generation for contemporary evangelical theology calls for a multifaceted approach. Retrieving Eternal Generation addresses (1) the hermeneutical logic and biblical bases of the doctrine of eternal generation; (2) key historical figures and moments in the development of the doctrine of eternal generation; and (3) the broad dogmatic significance of the doctrine of eternal generation for theology. The book addresses both the common modern objections to the doctrine of eternal generation and presents the productive import of the doctrine for twenty-first century evangelical theology. Contributors include Michael Allen, Lewis Ayres, D. A. Carson, Oliver Crisp, and more.

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    • Introducing Theological Method


      Sound theological method is a necessary prerequisite for good theological work. This accessible introduction surveys contemporary theological methodology by presenting leading thinkers of the 20th and 21st centuries as models. The book presents the strengths and weaknesses in each of the major options. Rather than favoring one specific position, it helps students of theology think critically so they can understand and develop their own theological method.

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    • Story Of Scripture


      One of the most common sermonic axioms is that while the Bible contains 66 books, written by 40 authors, spanning over 1500 years, it is ultimately one book written by one author, the Holy Spirit, with one subject, Jesus Christ. But how is that so? How do these very different books– from Esther to Romans, Obadiah to John, Job to Revelation–fit together?

      The Story of Scripture provides practical, Christ-centered ways that we can read the Bible as one book. Through an extended tour of the story of the Bible, from Creation and the Fall to Redemption and New Creation, Emerson shows that Scripture tells a coherent story centered on Jesus Christ. If we see how each part of the Bible is connected to that Christ-centered destination, we will understand how Esther, Job, Obadiah and all the rest are each landmarks on the journey leading to that goal.

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    • Dictionary Of Latin And Greek Theological Terms


      This indispensable companion to key post-Reformation theological texts offers clear and precise definitions of Latin and Greek terms. Now updated and revised throughout.

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    • 2 Samuel


      The Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible encourages readers to explore how the vital roots of the ancient Christian tradition should inform and shape faithfulness today. In this addition to the series, highly acclaimed author, speaker, and theologian Robert Barron offers a theological exegesis of 2 Samuel.

      He highlights three major themes: God’s non-competitive transcendence, the play between divine and non-divine causality, and the role of Old Testament kingship. As with other volumes in the series, this book is ideal for those called to ministry, serving as a rich resource for preachers, teachers, students, and study groups.

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    • Awaiting The King


      A leading Christian philosopher explores the religious nature of politics and the political nature of Christian worship, sketching how the worship of the church propels us to be invested in forging the common good.

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    • Infants And Children In The Church


      Infants and Children in the Church: Five Views on Theology and Ministry addresses an important, but often overlooked, theological and ministry issue facing the church today: How should churches receive and minister to the infants and children God has entrusted to their care?

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    • Defense Of Free Grace Theology


      Grace Theology Press

      “A Defense of Free Grace Theology” is a rejoinder to Dr. Wayne Grudem’s critique of “Free Grace Theology” and a response to other Reformed theologians’ articulations and conclusions. The contributors to this book seek to biblically describe and defend a true Grace Theology and answer the deficiencies and criticisms that have been expressed.

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    • Barth In Conversation Volume 1 1959-1962


      Karl Barth is widely regarded as the most important theologian of the twentieth century, and his observations about the church and its place in a modern world continue to engage religious scholars nearly fifty years after his death. This English translation of the Swiss-published Conversations is a three-volume collection featuring correspondence, articles, interviews, and other short-form writings by Barth from 1959-1962. Among them are dialogues with representatives of the Evangelical Community Movement (1959); conversations with prison chaplains and a question-and-answer session with the Conference of the World Student Christian Federation (1960); discussions with Methodist preachers, Zurich pastors, and Catholic students of theology (1961); press conferences in New York and Chicago (1962); and an interview at the United Nations (1962). Within these pages, scholars and students will find a comprehensive view into Barth’s life and thinking about theology and its role in society today.

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    • Systems Of Evil


      How can a Christian off er a unique, attractive path for
      understanding and defeating evil among the world religions?

      “It is my conviction that for Christians to eff ectively communicate with non-Christians regarding the supremacy of God over evil and suff ering, they must be well informed about the relationship between Christian theodicy and the explanations for evil and suff ering found in other belief systems.”

      In Systems of Evil, Dr. Odell-Hein provides an unbiased examination of how each of the major religions in the world deals with the problem of evil. Th e study fi rst looks at the concept of evil in Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, and Christianity. Next it develops a framework for comparing the systems to each other based strictly on unbiased data and native sources.

      Finally, the Christian system of evil is examined to discover the key ministry points for explaining that it is a suffi cient explanation for the problem of evil while being uniquely attractive to prospective adherents.

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    • Gods Mediators : A Biblical Theology Of Priesthood


      There are many investigations of the Old Testament priests and the New Testament’s appropriation of such imagery for Jesus Christ. There are also studies of Israel’s corporate priesthood and what this means for the priesthood of God’s new covenant people. However, such studies are less frequently connected with each other: key interrelations are missed, and key questions are not addressed.

      In this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume, Andrew S. Malone makes two passes across the tapestry of Scripture, tracing these two distinct threads and their intersection with an eye to the contemporary Christian relevance of both themes in both Testaments.

      Malone shows how our Christology and perseverance as God’s people in an unbelieving world are substantially enhanced by the way the book of Hebrews pastorally depicts Christ’s own priesthood. Furthermore, Christians better understand their corporate identity and mission by discerning both the ministry of individual Old Testament priests and Israel’s corporate calling. Combining the various biblical emphases on priesthood in one place provides synergies that are too easily disregarded in atomizing, individualistic Western societies.

      Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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    • 4 Views On Creation Evolution And Intelligent Design


      Four Views on Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design presents the current “state of the conversation” about origins among evangelicals representing four key positions: Young Earth Creationism – Ken Ham (Answers in Genesis) Old Earth (Progressive) Creationism – Hugh Ross (Reasons to Believe) Evolutionary Creation – Deborah B. Haarsma (BioLogos) Intelligent Design – Stephen C. Meyer (The Discovery Institute) The contributors offer their best defense of their position addressing questions such as: What is your position on origins – understood broadly to include the physical universe, life, and human beings in particular? What do you take to be the most persuasive arguments in defense of your position? How do you demarcate and correlate evidence about origins from current science and from divine revelation? What hinges on answering these questions correctly?

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    • Principalities In Particular


      If the 1960s were a watershed in American politics, they were no less formative a period in political theology, as figures like Jacques Ellul, Karl Barth, Walter Wink, Daniel and Philip Berrigan, and William Stringfellow shed new light on the biblical language of “the powers.” In these essays, activist pastor Bill Wylie-Kellermann critically appreciates the legacy of these figures and gives an urgent specificity to the theology of the powers, relating biblical concepts to contemporary struggles for civil rights, clean air, fair housing, safe affordable water, public education, and civic responsibility after the 2016 election, highlighting throughout the vital importance of a community of struggle connected through time and across space. The book”s uniqueness lies in its practicality, as biblical and theological analyses arise from, and are addressed to, particular historical moments and given ecclesial and movement struggles. Appendixes present resources for teaching and training people in movement organizing and for thinking through the presence of the powers in our life and ministry.

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    • Edison Churches : Experiments In Innovation And Breakthrough


      Innovation often brings failure-and that’s okay. Using failure to learn, improve, and continue innovating will help keep the church alive in the twenty-first century.

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    • Trinity : The Central Mystery Of Christianity


      In the last thirty years, books on the Trinity have abounded. There seems to be a fascination with this mysterious topic, especially among systematic theologians. The topic has been mined for many different interests, from liberation theology to feminist interpretations of the Christian heritage and from neo-Reformation theology to interreligious dialogue. This book has no intention of adding to the plethora of treatises on the Trinity. The main question with which it is concerned is what is really scripturally tenable with regard to the Trinity and what is unwarranted theological construction or even speculation. Through this question, Schwarz tries to discern whether the theological assertions made about the Trinity are in line with the biblical base from which they are derived, or whether they have veered off in a more or less questionable direction. What takes shape here is a story: how the doctrine of the Trinity developed over the subsequent centuries from the traces in Scripture to a centralized dogma at the heart of Christian teaching. We witness in this an evolution from proclamation to controversy to speculation. What are we to make of this doctrine? How do we articulate the biblical faith today?

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    • Buying God : Consumerism And Theology


      Deeply theological review of our habits of relationship with money Eve Poole offers us a book at once deeply theological and imminently practical. She invites us into a conversation about theology–the ways in which we attempt to understand God–and their various implications. She then shifts the conversation to consumerism, raising questions along the way as to how God might view the practice–and how we might better understand our place as Christians within that system. Drawing on the Church’s rich traditions of Social Liturgy, Buying God calls on the Christian community to renew its confidence and strength in proclaiming this good news. Uniting theoretical work on theology, capitalism, and consumerism with a scheme of detailed practical action, the book explores how we can wean ourselves off the material and on to the eternal, through prayer, example, and vibrant social action.

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    • London Baptist Confession Of 1646 Updated


      The London Baptist Confession of 1646 is a foundational document for Baptist theology, history, and tradition. Its strong emphasis on biblical doctrine provides a timeless resource for anyone who wants to strengthen and clarify their faith. The London Baptist Confession of 1646 is a resource that can be used in the local church as a statement of faith. It will also serve those looking for a solid doctrinal foundation in Sunday school, church planting efforts, and church revitalization. The gospel truths offered in this Confession are a vital part of Christian unity and will remain a treasure for generations to come. The London Baptist Confession of 1646: A Modern Version for the Church Today is an updated version that retains the message of the original Confession while the language has been updated for today’s modern reader. Readers will especially enjoy the rich imagery of Jesus Christ as prophet, priest, and king.

      The London Baptist Confession of 1646: A Modern Version for the Church Today draws from the Reformed tradition and offers a clear picture of God’s sovereignty in salvation, and its content also focuses on the New Covenant era established by the coming of Christ.

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    • Satisfaction


      McCarrell’s mature spiritual wisdom provides insight from the seven letters to the churches in Revelation Chapters 2 and 3. The commentary, outlines, and practical applications will encourage believers in their spiritual walk. Additional study questions will help guide individuals as well as small groups in the study of these letters. The historical research and illustrations demonstrate McCarrell’s thoroughness and passion for the Word.

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    • Security


      The Bible promises a wealth of facts concerning the resurrection blessings. Realizing these blessings leads to a more spiritually powerful life. McCarrell lays out a treasure of information in short, easy-to-understand essays.

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    • 4 Views On The Churchs Mission


      This book articulates various evangelical views regarding the church’s mission and provides a healthy, vigorous, and gracious debate on this controversial topic. In a helpful Counterpoints format, this volume demonstrates the unique theological frameworks, doctrinal convictions, and missiological conclusions that inform and distinguish the views: Soteriological Mission: Jonathan Leeman Participatory Mission: Christopher Wright Contextual Mission: John Franke Ecumenical-Political Mission: Peter Leithart Each of the four contributors is to answer the same key questions based on their biblical interpretations and theological convictions. What is your biblical-theological framework for mission? How does your definition of mission inform your understanding of the church’s mission? How does the Mission of God and Kingdom of God relate to the mission of the church? What is the gospel? How does your view on the gospel inform the mission of the church? How do verbal proclamation of the gospel, discipleship, corporate worship, caring for the poor, social justice, restoring shalom, developing culture, and international missions fit into the church’s mission? The interaction between the contributors will help readers get a clearer picture of where the differences lie and why different conclusions are drawn and provide a fresh starting point for discussion and debate of the church’s mission.

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    • Introducing Practical Theology


      This introduction to the field of practical theology reclaims a theological vision for the life and work of the church. Pete Ward dispels the myth that practical theology is a distraction from the “real” tasks of ministry or from serious academic theological work. He argues that practical theology is part of the everyday life of the church and that there are a variety of possible approaches, helping readers evaluate the approach that is most appropriate to their ministerial context and theological tradition. This reliable, accessible resource will work well for those in training or in ministry.

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    • Intimate Jesus : The Sexuality Of God Incarnate


      This is the first book to open up for general readers key questions about Jesus’ experience of human sexuality and his attitude towards it in himself and others. It examines all the relevant sayings and actions of Jesus and others in the Gospels, and explores their first-century cultural context (Jewish, Greek and Roman) in order to better understand the historical Jesus as a fully rounded human being.

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    • Mystery Of The Trinity Revealed


      A Dove And Word Publishing Title

      The mystery hidden from the ages–even from Paul and the other apostles–now manifested in these last days as the prophet Daniel predicted. Jesus foretold In the gospels of Matthew (10:26) and Luke (12:2) that the Trinity must be revealed in due time. Today this prophecy is fulfilled to our generation.

      This never before completely understood mystery was never a real secret but revealed to us in God’s timing and for His purpose. The comprehensible Trinity answers all the questions through biblically verified facts and recently available technological advances in health/science not accessible to any other Church age.

      The Trinity has always been presented as a complicated topic. The present doctrine formulated by the Nicene Council in AD325 restricts our comprehension of the Godhead. We could say the current tradition is like a jigsaw puzzle with several pieces missing. It is impossible to see the completed picture. This book not only reveals the mystery but also puts it on a level anyone can understand.

      “The Mystery of the Trinity Revealed” is a necessity for Christians, pastors, leaders, Sunday school teachers; yet not just a revelation for the Church, but a vital message for the whole world.

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    • Subversive Gospel : Flannery OConnor And The Reimagining Of Beauty Goodness


      The good news of Jesus Christ is a subversive gospel, and following Jesus is a subversive act. These notions were embodied in the literary work of American author Flannery O’Connor, whose writing was deeply informed by both her Southern context and her Christian faith. In this volume in IVP Academic’s Studies in Theology and the Arts series, theologian Michael Bruner explores O’Connor’s theological aesthetic and argues that she reveals what discipleship to Christ entails by subverting the traditional understandings of beauty, truth, and goodness through her fiction. In addition, Bruner challenges recent scholarship by exploring the little-known influence of Baron Friedrich von Hugel, a twentieth-century Roman Catholic theologian, on her work. Bruner’s study thus serves as a guide for those who enjoy reading O’Connor and-even more so-those who, like O’Connor herself, follow the subversive path of the crucified and risen one.

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    • Paul And The Person


      In this book Susan Grove Eastman presents a fresh and innovative exploration of Paul’s participatory theology in conversation with both ancient and contemporary conceptions of the self. Juxtaposing Paul, ancient philosophers, and modern theorists of the person, Eastman opens up a conversation that illuminates Paul’s thought in new ways and brings his voice into current debates about personhood.

      Eastman devotes close attention to the Pauline letters within their first-century context, particularly the Greco-Roman fascination with questions of performance and identity. At the same time, she draws out connections to recent trends in psychology and neurobiology in order to situate Paul’s insights in deep dialogue with contemporary understandings of human identity.

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    • Genesis


      The Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible enlists leading theologians to read and interpret Scripture for the twenty-first century, just as the church fathers, the Reformers, and other orthodox Christians did for their times and places. In this addition to the well-received series, esteemed theologian R. R. Reno offers a theological exegesis of Genesis. This commentary, like each in the series, is designed to serve the church–providing a rich resource for preachers, teachers, students, and study groups–and demonstrate the continuing intellectual and practical viability of theological interpretation of the Bible.

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    • Sufficient


      Romans Chapter 8 contains a treasure of Biblical information declaring the finished work of Christ, blessings for today, and assurances for eternity. From ‘no condemnation’ to ‘no separation, ‘ readers of all levels of Biblical understanding will be enriched by this book

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    • Saviour


      Saviour is a Biblical study of the last words of Christ from the cross. Illustrations and lines from some of the great hymns of all times help to demonstrate the insight given by McCarrell. The texts show Christ’s heart and reveal a portait of the Saviour.

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    • Shepherd


      This exposition of Psalm 23 was originally a radio broadcast in the 1940s. Dr. William (Billy) McCarrell relates the beauty and truth of this Psalm verse by verse.

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    • Engaging The Powers (Anniversary)


      In this brilliant culmination of his seminal Powers Trilogy, now reissued in a twenty-fifth anniversary edition, Walter Wink explores the problem of evil today and how it relates to the New Testament concept of principalities and powers. He asks the question, “How can we oppose evil without creating new evils and being made evil ourselves?”Winner of the Pax Christi Award, the Academy of Parish Clergy Book of the Year, and the Midwest Book Achievement Award for Best Religious Book.

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    • Messiah Comes To Middle Earth


      Introduction To The Hansen Lectureship Series (Walter Hansen)
      1. The Prophetic Ministry Of Gandalf The Grey
      Response: Sandra Richter
      2. Frodo, Sam, And The Priesthood Of All Believers
      Response: Jennifer Powell McNutt
      3. The Coronation Of Aragorn Son Of Arathorn
      Response: William Struthers
      Author Index
      Subject Index
      Scripture Index

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      How can we grasp the significance of what Jesus Christ did for us? Might literature help us as we seek further understanding of the Christian faith?

      Since at least the fourth century, with church historian Eusebius of Caesarea, the threefold office of Christ as prophet, priest, and king has served as one way for Christians to comprehend the gospel narrative of his life, death, and resurrection.

      Another story that has generated much reflection is J. R. R. Tolkien’s classic, The Lord of the Rings. It is well known that Tolkien disliked allegory. Yet he acknowledged that his work is imbued with Christian symbolism and meaning.

      Based on the inaugural Hansen Lectureship series delivered at the Marion E. Wade Center by Philip Ryken, president of Wheaton College, The Messiah Comes to Middle-Earth mines the riches of Tolkien’s theological imagination. In the characters of Gandalf, Frodo, and Aragorn, Ryken hears echoes of the one who is the true prophet, priest, and king. Moreover, he considers what that threefold office means for his service as a college president as well as the calling of all Christians.

      Guided by both Tolkien and Ryken, things of first importance come alive in a tale of imaginary prophets, priests, and kings.

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    • Living Wisely With The Church Fathers


      Introduction: Living Wisely With The Church Fathers
      1. “They Looked Like Flaming Angels”: Martyrdom
      2. “A Solid Drop Of Gold”: Wealth And Poverty
      3. “The Misery Of These Evils”: War And Military Service
      4. “The Closest Of Relationships”: Sex And The Dynamics Of Desire
      5. “One Hope, One Desire, One Way Of Life”: Life As Male And Female, And The Goodness And Beauty Of Marriage
      6. “From The Cradle To The Grave”: Life And Death
      7. “Let The Races Begin!”: Entertainment
      8. Learning To Live A Good Life With God: The Well-Ordered Heart
      Subject Index
      Scripture Index

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      In this final in a four-volume series on the church fathers, Christopher Hall follows the contours of ethical living in conversation with leading voices of the early church. The topics range from entertainment to wealth and poverty. Exploring these ancient and deeply Christian perspectives illuminates forgotten corners in our own lives.

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    • Introduction To Christian Worldview


      This comprehensive textbook on Christian worldview and worldview analysis is the perfect starting point for students and inquiring laypeople. Well rounded in its coverage, it brings incisive clarity and informed arguments to a foundational subject in Christian education.

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    • Roman But Not Catholic (Reprinted)


      This clearly written, informative, and fair critique of Roman Catholicism spells out the differences between Protestants and Catholics and offers recommendations for future ecumenical discussions.

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    • Between Wittenberg And Geneva


      Two highly regarded scholars compare and contrast the history and theological positions of the Lutheran and Reformed traditions.

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    • Martin Luther And The Seven Sacraments


      This introduction to Luther’s sacramental theology explores the medieval church’s understanding of the seven sacraments, the Protestant rationale for keeping or eliminating each sacrament, and implications for contemporary theology and worship.

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