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    • 1662 Book Of Common Prayer International Edition


      The Book of Common Prayer (1662) is one of the most beloved liturgical texts in the Christian church. But the classic text presents several difficulties for contemporary users, especially those outside the Church of England. This new international edition gently updates the text for contemporary use, with obscure phrases revised and treasured prayers from later Anglican tradition appended.

      The Book of Common Prayer (1662) is one of the most beloved liturgical texts in the Christian church, and remains a definitive expression of Anglican identity today. It is still widely used around the world, in public worship and private devotion, and is revered for both its linguistic and theological virtues. But the classic text of the 1662 prayer book presents several difficulties for contemporary users, especially those outside the Church of England. The 1662 Book of Common Prayer: International Edition gently updates the text for contemporary use. State prayers of England have been replaced with prayers that can be used regardless of nation or polity. Obscure words and phrases have been modestly revised-but always with a view towards preserving the prayer book’s own cadence. Finally, a selection of treasured prayers from later Anglican tradition has been appended. The 1662 prayer book remains a vital resource today, both in the Anglican Communion and for Christians everywhere. Here it is presented for continued use for today’s Christians throughout the world.

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    • Prayer Map For Grads


      THE ORIGINAL Prayer Map!

      What Does Prayer Look Like? . . .
      Find out in The Prayer Map for Grads.

      This engaging prayer journal is a fun and creative tool to help you experience the power of prayer. Each colorful spread will guide you to write out thoughts, ideas, and lists. . .which then creates a specific “map” for you to follow as you talk to God. Each map includes a spot to record the date, so you can look back on your prayers and see how God has worked in your life–and helped to shape your future plans. The Prayer Map for Grads will not only encourage you to spend time talking with God about the things that matter most. . .it will also help you build a healthy spiritual habit of continual prayer for life!

      This practical journal, perfect for personal quiet time or small groups, features:

      *A user-friendly spiral binding–lays flat!
      *Attractive, two-color interior design
      *Space to record the date on each Prayer Map
      *Prompted sections guide the creation of each Prayer Map–from start to finish
      *Carefully selected scripture on every spread

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    • 200 Nighttime Prayers For Girls


      200 Nighttime Prayers. . .Just for You! What better way to end the day than in quiet conversation with the One who loves you most!

      These 200 comforting prayers will soothe your tired soul and usher in peaceful relaxation at bedtime. Hushing worrisome thoughts, stopping negativity in its tracks, and encouraging complete focus on the heavenly Creator who promises peaceful sleep, each prayer is the perfect way for you to draw closer to the Rest-Giver and hand all of the worries and cares of your day over to Him. Want the promise of sweet, peaceful sleep? Quiet your heart and spend time in His heavenly presence tonight.You will not be afraid when you lie down. When you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. Proverbs 3:24 NLV

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    • Power Of Prayer To Enrich Your Marriage


      Stormie Omartian’s bestselling books on prayer have changed the lives of millions of readers. In The Power of Prayer to Enrich Your Marriage, Stormie shows husbands and wives how to pray powerfully for God’s protection against the most common marital problems that can lead to serious distrust, dissatisfaction, and sometimes even divorce.

      Whether you want to keep problems from happening in your marriage, or you need to find healing and restoration from the struggles you have experienced, your prayers for such things as good communication, wise financial decisions, successful work situations, and much more, seeking the wisdom, guidance, and miraculous power of God to enrich your marriage in prayer can make all the difference.

      Even a great marriage can have difficulties, but God is always ready to walk with you through these challenges when you turn to Him. The Power of Prayer to Enrich Your Marriage will provide you with Bible verses to keep you strong and guide you every day, plus personal prayers you can use as vital resources to ensure your marriage lasts a lifetime.

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    • Essential Easter Prayers


      A companion book for anyone celebrating the season of Easter, with prayers and practices from a variety of denominations and traditions. Sections include It’s Friday, But Sunday’s Coming; Easter Vigil Prayers; Pascha-themed Prayers; He Is Risen; and Prayers for Eastertide.

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    • Prayer In The Night


      How can we trust God in the dark? Framed around the nighttime prayer of Compline, Tish Harrison Warren explores human vulnerability, suffering, and God’s seeming absence as she recalls her own experience navigating a time of doubt and loss. This book offers a prayerful and frank approach to the difficulties in our ordinary lives at work, at home, and in a world filled with uncertainty.

      How can we trust God in the dark? Framed around the nighttime prayer of Compline, Tish Harrison Warren, author of Liturgy of the Ordinary, explores themes of human vulnerability, suffering, and God’s seeming absence. When she navigated a time of doubt and loss, the prayer was grounding for her. She writes: “It was this practice that gave me words for my anxiety and grief and allowed me to reencounter doctrines of the church-the church’s claims about reality-not as rational, tidy little antidotes for pain but as a light in darkness, as good news.” Where do we find comfort when we lie awake worrying or weeping in the night? This book offers a prayerful and frank approach to the difficulties in our ordinary lives at work, at home, and in a world filled with uncertainty.

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    • In His Presence


      Here, at last, is a real solution to the prayer problem!

      In His Presence by E. W. Kenyon is not about who others were and what they did in prayer, but about who we are and what we can do in prayer. It lifts the curtain to the Holy of Holies and reveals our ability to enter in and stand before the presence of God.

      In this book, you will discover that God’s ability is available to every one of His children. You will be challenged to climb the heights and sound the depths of tremendous spiritual realities, including the authority of the name of Jesus and how to use it.

      In His Presence has been a challenge and blessing to countless multitudes all over the world. It removes the mist surrounding the prayer life, leading us out of spiritual mysticism into the true light of life.

      This is your invitation to open the door…enter…and stand in the Father’s presence!

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    • Only Answer Is Prayer


      Prayer is more than important–it’s vital. We have to do more than just want God to move in our lives, our families, our nation, and the world. We must actively seek him in prayer! When we call out to God, he hears us, is with us, and helps us. Prayer is never an interruption but always an invitation. God invites us to go deeper in the place of prayer.

      Using practical teaching and moving testimonies, these Deeper Fellowship Church pastors will help you:
      *hunger to partner with God and discover greater intimacy
      with Christ
      *boost your strength to pray till you see results
      *position yourself to be part of the greatest outpouring of the Spirit the world has ever seen
      *agree with heaven to see the plans and purposes of God become reality on the earth

      God doesn’t want you to drown in unanswered prayer, but to walk in authority and to experience his best. You can connect with God right now and experience the life-changing power of his presence with you through prayer.

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    • 21 Days Of Deeper Prayer


      He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” -John 7:38

      Do you wish your Christianity had a little more of that kind of power in it? Jesus told His followers that those who believe in Him will have rivers of living water flowing from the depths of their beings. These rivers come from the presence of the Holy Spirit.

      When we receive Jesus, God’s Spirit takes up residence within us to be our Teacher, Guide, Ruler, and Comforter. But have you consistently experienced an intimate relationship with Him, where He moves with awesome power, flowing through you into the lives of the people around you? Would you like to know Him in this way?

      God wants you to experience Him more fully than you ever have in your life! What if I told you that if you spend the next twenty-one days reading this little book and joining in interactive prayer, then genuine rivers of the Holy Spirit will burst through your life? Would you do it?
      If you are willing, God Himself will shower you with His presence. You will learn how to pray to a heavenly Father who hears and answers you. You will experience moments with Him that will transform you from the inside out and take you to the next level in your Christian walk. God will change you right in front of the people who you know you best. They will clearly see that you have been changed, that you have something you didn’t have before, and they will want what you have. You will know, see, taste, and feel the potency of the Holy Spirit in prayer as you bring others before God.

      Jim Maxim is not a preacher or a pastor. He calls himself “a regular Christian guy who is a businessman.” Yet, he has experienced all this and wants others to experience it too! Prepare to discover an extraordinary life in God!

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    • Way Of Julian Of Norwich


      Sheila Upjohn shows us how to accept that invitation in this Lenten guide, as she explores Julian’s book alongside passages from Scripture. She reveals how Julian’s fresh perspectives once thought so controversial that her book was kept hidden for centuries – can challenge and enlighten us, six hundred years later, in a world so badly in need of the assurance of God’s unconditional love.

      A fifteenth-century roof boss in Norwich Cathedral depicts a woman holding open the door to a small room, as Julian of Norwich invites us into her cell to share her Revelations of Divine Love. Sheila Upjohn shows us how to accept that invitation in this Lenten guide, as she explores Julian’s book alongside passages from Scripture. She reveals how Julian’s fresh perspectives on sin and judgement, anger and forgiveness, the Incarnation and the crucifixion – once thought so controversial that her book was kept hidden for centuries – can challenge and enlighten us, six hundred years later, in a world so badly in need of the assurance of God’s unconditional love.

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    • Daily Acts : A Yearly Guide To Prayer And Praise


      A J. Westin Book Title

      Is your prayer life stuck in a rut? Do you have difficulty staying focused while praying? Do you feel like you want or need to pray, but don’t know how to begin your conversations with God?

      You are not alone. The biblical mandate, “Devote yourselves to prayer” (Colossians 4:2), is one we all have difficulty fulfilling. However, Lalla Lee Campsen’s book, Daily ACTS, will strengthen your personal commitment to prayer.

      Conceived and formulated over a span of more than twenty years, Lalla Lee’s useful and encouraging prayer guide provides direction in prayer for individuals and groups alike. With God’s Holy Word as the foundation, and the acronym ACTS (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication) as the framework, Lalla Lee’s biblical prayers have been embraced by prayer warriors across the nation. Her guide is a proven resource for cultivating a vibrant prayer life.

      Daily ACTS organizes biblical prayers, praises, and reflections by topic. Prayers are arranged alphabetically; for particular people; for the holidays; and by scriptural themes such as the fruit of the Holy Spirit, the Greatest Commandment and the Lord’s Prayer.

      Prayer is a means of grace. To partake in this means of grace, Daily ACTS provides structure for intercession enriched by devotional reflection and theological insight. By God’s grace, this systematic guide will produce a more meaningful prayer life and intimate relationship with the triune God.

      Let Daily ACTS help you “devote yourself to prayer” and reap the blessings that ensue.

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    • Hear Gods Voice


      Imagine a life in which you clearly hear God’s voice and follow His will daily.

      Do you long for God to speak to you, bringing guidance, strength, and comfort? Perhaps you have been praying for a word from God, but the heavens seem silent. Nothing is more important than knowing how to hear from God because our spiritual life depends on it. Without it, we can’t know and obey His will for us, and we may go down the wrong path or miss His plans for us.

      The Bible teaches and guides us in essential matters, but instruction for God’s specific, daily purposes for our lives comes from His Holy Spirit, who lives within us. Being able to hear from God is a growing, deepening process that leads us into His perfect plans. Through his extensive study of the Scriptures and personal life experiences, internationally renowned Bible teacher Derek Prince explains the practical steps you can take to hear from God, develop a close relationship with Him, remove obstacles to recognizing His voice, and understand the ways in which He communicates.

      Hearing God enables us to follow Him more confidently, love Him more deeply, and serve Him more completely. As you cultivate the practice of hearing God’s voice, you will receive the fresh, daily bread that nourishes you spiritually and find divine direction and strength for your ongoing walk with Him.

      This is the lifestyle you have been waiting for: hearing God’s voice and following Him each day, each step of the way.

      “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).

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    • Praying The Scriptures For Your Children 20th Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)


      This expanded edition of the bestseller features updated content on issues like technology and identity, and comes with new material designed to invite children into the family prayer circle.

      There is not a need we will face in parenting–or that our kids will confront in their lives–that God has not already thought of, and provided for, in his Word. And there can be no greater privilege than partnering with him, through our prayers, to accomplish his best purposes in the lives of the people we love.

      But where to begin?

      In this updated and expanded edition celebrating the 20th anniversary of a modern classic, you will discover how using the Bible to shape your desires and requests opens the door to God’s provision–and frees us from things like worry and fear in our parenting!

      It teaches you how and what to pray for your child(ren) in the following areas:


      Plus, all-new material includes sections on praying for a child’s sense of identity, praying for their use of technology, and building a prayer legacy with specific strategies and a collection of child-friendly Bible verses designed to help children anchor their hope in God’s Word.

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    • Lords Prayer : How Jesus Taught Us To Talk To Our Father


      Jesus’ disciples watched Him regularly go away by Himself to pray to His Father. This made such an impression on them that they asked Jesus to teach them to pray. We now know this prayer as “The Lord’s Prayer” or “The Our Father.” A more accurate description would be “The Disciple’s’ Prayer.”

      Was Jesus just giving His disciples a specific prayer to recite – a string of unchanging words in an unchanging sequence – or was He giving us a “way” to talk to His Father.

      Explore how and what Jesus taught His disciples about talking to His Father – and ours.

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    • What Happens When A Woman Prays


      Find power in your prayer like never before with #1 New York Times bestselling author Bishop T.D. Jakes.

      In a time when women carry more influence than any other generation, the power of prayer has never been more important to remind us that we do not have to bear our crosses alone. We need prayer to stand guard over our hearts and minds and over the hearts and minds of our families.

      Women today are shattering glass ceilings and forging new paths in the world. What Happens When a Woman Prays is a clarion call for women to continue their progressive march of empowerment by dreaming like their daughters and praying like their grandmothers.

      Through exploring the lives of 10 prayer-filled women of the Bible, Bishop Jakes emphasizes the life-changing power that women have when they find their identity, their strength, their healing, and their voices in Christ.

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    • Shaping History Through Prayer And Fasting (Audio CD)


      Become a World-Shaper.

      The times we are living in are scary, to say the least. The world is unstable. Global politics are volatile. The rate of change we now experience is spiraling out of control. We’re uncertain about what will happen tomorrow, and we feel helpless to do anything about it. Yet what we are facing isn’t new. In the past, there have been many wars. There have been threats and acts of terrorism. History is spotted with violent episodes of unimaginable carnage and horror. And what did people do about them? The only thing they could do: they prayed! Discover with Derek Prince how your prayers and fasting can change the world. Using experiences from his own life, he illustrates how you can make a difference. You don’t have to fight. You don’t have to hold high political position. You don’t have to be a certain age. You don’t even have to have power, money, or influence on earth. What is important is your influence in heaven. Learn to touch the heart of God through prayer-prayer that will change the world!

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    • Abide In The Secret Place


      “‘When thou prayest,’ said Jesus, ‘enter into thine inner chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret’ (Matthew 6:6). This means two things. First, shut the world out, and withdraw from all worldly thoughts and activities. Second, shut yourself in alone with God, to pray to Him in secret. Let this be your chief aim in prayer: to realize the presence of your heavenly Father. Let your watchword be, ‘Alone with God.'” –Andrew Murray

      From time spent alone with in prayer, Andrew Murray discovered that every Christian can expect God to reveal Himself in intimate, powerful, and soul-restoring ways. In this collection of 120 daily devotions, Murray reveals spiritual gems of truth about the personal revelation we can access when we abide with Christ in our secret prayer spaces. Through those intimate hours spent with your Savior, you will experiencing the depths of God’s abiding presence, the joyful sense of peace that comes from fellowship with our heavenly Father, and the abundant life in Christ that is available to all who seek it. You will discover that God has already granted you everything you will ever need, and that He delights in saying “yes” to you!

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    • Light Of His Presence


      The beloved Bible teacher and daughter of Billy Graham offers a rich treasury of her personal prayers to guide you into deeper, more intimate daily conversations with God.

      Like many believers, Anne Graham Lotz knows the challenges that often arise when it comes to being faithful in prayer. Yet she also knows from personal experience the comfort, hope, and transformed perspective that come when we bring to God our heartfelt worship, sincere confession, and candid petitions. In this powerful volume she gives readers a starting point for their own daily encounters with the One who listens to every heartache and who delights in giving every good gift out of His abundant grace and mercy.

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    • When Women Pray


      Find power in your prayer like never before with #1 New York Times bestselling author Bishop T.D. Jakes.

      In a time when women carry more influence than any other generation, the power of prayer has never been more important to remind us that we do not have to bear our crosses alone. We need prayer to stand guard over our hearts and minds and over the hearts and minds of our families.

      Women today are shattering glass ceilings and forging new paths in the world. When Women Pray is a clarion call for women to continue their progressive march of empowerment by dreaming like their daughters and praying like their grandmothers.

      Through exploring the lives of 10 prayer-filled women of the Bible, Bishop Jakes emphasizes the life-changing power that women have when they find their identity, their strength, their healing, and their voices in Christ.

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    • Global Prayer Journal


      VOM’s Global Prayer Journal includes the same country summaries found in VOM’s Global Prayer Guide, along with additional ruled pages that you can use to write out your prayers or make note of others’ prayer needs. The ruled pages, which include Bible verses, can also be used to take notes during Sunday sermons or for journaling during your devotional time with the Lord. With an embossed cover and full-color photos, this journal makes a great gift for anyone with a burden to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ.

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    • You Matter For Teen Girls


      Guess What, Beautiful Girl?

      You Matter to the Heavenly Creator. . .and He Has a Perfect Plan for Your Life!

      This delightful devotional, created just for teen girls like you, is a beautiful reminder of your purpose. . .your worth. . .your place in the world. 180 encouraging readings and inspiring prayers, rooted in biblical truth, will reassure your doubting heart. In each devotional reading, you will encounter the bountiful love and grace of your Creator, while coming to understand His plan-for you and you alone. You Matter: Devotions and Prayers for a Teen Girl’s Heart is a wonderful, quiet-time devotional!

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    • If My People


      Perfectly timed and updated for release early in the 2020 election season, If My People provides us with 40 days of prayers and reflections in the spirit of 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If My people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

      If My People also stirs our hearts and minds with seven prayers from past presidents that were inspired during some of our country’s darkest days. This is an ideal book to share with entire church congregations or Sunday school classes, or for small groups or prayer partners to pray through together. With biblical and historical reminders of the power of prayer, If My People will inspire anyone who feels uncertain about how to make a difference as the country heads into another election season.

      With more than 941,000 copies of the previous If My People editions sold, this revised edition equips and encourages us to pray daily for the United States. This prayer guide not only reminds us that “in God we still trust”, but it also brings a greater sense of pride in and hope for our country, just when we need it most.

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    • Prayer And Listening


      Most Christians have experienced the “laundry list” phase of spiritual life, in which praying means giving God an agenda of needs to handle. But how do you move to having real conversation with God? How do you hear what God is saying back to you? How can you make your experience of God’s presence part of everyday life? In this six-session LifeGuide(R) Bible Study, Jan Johnson covers the disciplines of prayer and of practicing God’s presence. Going deeper in these areas will help you to draw closer to God in everything you do. For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking questions-making for a one-of-a-kind Bible study experience for individuals and groups. This series has more than 130 titles on Old and New Testament books, character studies, and topical studies.

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    • Praying With Power When Life Gets Tough


      What do you pray when times get tough? When you’re stressed or depressed, when life is overwhelming or disappointing, when you feel like giving up? In these challenging times you need to pray with wild hope, says Jackie M. Johnson. With encouraging stories, Scriptures, and prayers, Johnson shows readers how to pray for focus, wisdom, confidence, courage, grace, strength, meaning, and much more. Conveniently structured so that readers can go directly to the chapter that addresses their particular situation, this book will be a lifeline to peace for those who need God’s touch.

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    • 28 Day Prayer Journey


      For anyone who longs for a consistent prayer life yet struggles with distractions, doubts, or knowing where to start, bestselling writer and beloved speaker Chrystal Evans Hurst offers a simple and heartfelt method to meaningful conversations with God, just one day at a time.

      The kind of intentional, fervent prayer life we’d like to experience often seems intimidating or just out of reach. Chrystal knows how that feels and shares her own relatable journey through the challenges and joys of deepening her prayer life. Showing up to pray just one day at a time, Chrystal found a simple yet powerful practice that made consistent prayer amazingly doable. A warm and encouraging writer, Chrystal shares the same supportive help she found for talking with God specifically and intentionally throughout the day.

      With stories and Scripture, this prayer journey offers three prompts each day to guide you through an easy yet intimate prayer experience. From giving thanks, hearing God, and making requests, to simply knowing what to say–Chrystal gives practical explanations and easy steps for each aspect of prayer. Most of all, this book will strengthen your faith and transform your life with the profound experience of communicating with a loving God.

      Whether you are new or well-versed in communication with God, this hopeful and supportive guide will help you experience God’s presence in ways you never have before through the practice of meaningful prayer.

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    • Praying The Lectionary Cycle B


      To all of God’s children, pastor and layperson alike, this volume will lead them through weekly prayers to him. Through prayer, a connection is formed with God, which deepens one’s faith. Planning for worship should be centered around how the church can most appropriately praise God, and Pastor Garth Wehrfritz-Hanson’s volume of prayers allows pastors to focus on what is most important.

      These prayers, often referred to as “prayers of the church” or “prayers of intercession,” can be modified for any locale and denomination. People connect most to the Father through meaningful worship, and what makes them feel most welcome is when the service impacts their daily life, whatever they might be going through.

      In Praying the Lectionary: Cycle B, Pastor Wehrfritz-Hanson recognizes the importance of these prayers and has written them for specific weeks of the church year. This lifesaver, worship-saver of a book is a resource that will make weekly worship planning easier, and more enjoyable, for any worship leader.

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    • Prayers To Share 100 Pass Along Notes To Be Still And Know


      Have you ever witnessed someone having “one of those days”? Maybe it’s a busy mom wrestling three kids while trying to shop for groceries, or your friend who took on too much when she volunteered to babysit three extra kids this week on top of running two bake sales while still holding down her full-time job and a full-time family, or a student who just realized they have three papers and two finals in the week ahead…Prayers to Share: 100 Pass-Along Notes to Be Still & Know gives you 100 opportunities to invite your friends, family members, and even complete strangers to take a breath and remember to rest in the peaceful arms of our loving Father. Each tear-out includes a heartfelt prayer, corresponding Scripture, inspirational quote, and space on the back for a handwritten note.

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    • Then Sings My Soul Prayer Journal


      A year of journaling inspiration through the most beloved hymns, based the bestselling Then Sings My Soul series.

      Pastor Rob Morgan’s inimitable style will help people reacquaint themselves with the hymns of the faithful. His goal is to keep these traditional hymns vital and meaningful to all generations. Hymns speak to our soul and add depth and meaning as we worship God through song.

      This year-long devotional journal shares the emotion behind the hymns of faith that have changed many lives throughout history – not only the people whose faith led them to write these wonderful hymns but also the people whose faith has been transformed by reading, hearing, and singing the songs. Designed to be personally reflective and inspire prayer, each week-long experience allows readers to experience the hymn through reflection questions, prayer prompts, journaling space, and historic quotes, as well as the actual hymn with music and historical background.

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    • Talking To Our Father


      Seven studies examining the Lord’s Prayer in detail and how it should shape our prayers and lives today.

      In these studies, Tim Chester helps small groups to examine the Lord’s Prayer line by line, exploring other passages in Matthew’s Gospel along the way.

      As we learn more about the prayer Jesus taught us, we’ll get to know God better and seek to live according to his purposes.

      Each study is designed to last between 1 and 1.5 hours, but can alternatively be split into two sessions. Contains ideas for starter discussions and for personal and group prayer as well as a focus on practical application. Substantial leader’s guide included.

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    • Praying For America


      PRAYING FOR AMERICA encourages readers to spend 40 days asking God to do His will in and to bless America.

      Each chapter includes an inspiring story demonstrating the power of faith in the life of our nation, a prayer, and a relevant passage of Scripture to biblically ground those prayers. In these increasingly divided times leading up to the 2020 election, PRAYING FOR AMERICA will serve as a very necessary resource to Christian readers. Dr. Jeffress, with his wide platform, is the perfect author to lead this charge.

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    • Prayers For Families


      Prayers for Families offers an abundant selection of over 200 prayers from some of our best-loved authors. Bringing together words of warmth for families dealing with everything from special occasions to those in need, including different sections for both parents and children, this helpful collection provides a wealth of resources.

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    • Prayerfully Yours : Prayers For Daily Life


      Arranged thematically to assist the reader, each of these prayers has been carefully adapted and revised for individual use from Nick’s Prayers for Public Worship books. Prayerfully Yours is offered not as a substitute for, but as a supplement to, personal prayer.

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    • Are You Listening


      Taking the form of a dialogue with God, this collection of prayers deals with many aspects of human experience and emotion, providing inspiration to those who desire a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God.

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    • Waymarks For The Journey


      ‘I am the way, the truth and the life.’ Jesus did not call people to join an organisation, but to follow a way of life. Under the guidance of Ray Simpson, renowned for his expertise in Celtic spirituality, this daily prayer book is structured according to the way of life adopted by the Community of Aidan and Hilda. Along with a short Bible reading and reflection, each day includes a step to enable readers to move away from what is destructive toward what is life-giving. There is also a unique spiritual breathing exercise following the rhythm with which our bodies breathe, allowing us to pray with our very core, wherever we are.

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    • Large Print Prayer Book (Large Type)


      This collection of favourite Christian prayers, poems and Bible readings has been designed and printed in accordance with the RNIB clear print guidelines for people with sight problems.

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    • Prayers For Inclusion And Diversity


      Inclusion and diversity have become central issues for churches and communities, bringing joy to many and angst to some. These prayers reflect the needs and concerns of our own time and culture as we come to terms with these issues and embrace the fresh opportunities they open up to us. They also seek to draw on the timelessness of our Lord’s teaching and the resonances in the stories of the Bible for us today.

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    • All Sorts Prayer 2


      All-Sorts Prayer 2 offers an imaginative and often surprising collection of prayer ideas. Who would have thought that feathers, mirrors, ping pong balls, sand and mints could be used in prayer? All these and more are arranged in different sections to help worship leaders vary the prayers they offer. Here are prayers which use music, gesture, action, the senses, creative responses, silence or tangible objects. By popular demand, the biggest section (‘Prayers Where We Are’) contains interactive prayers for those people who physically can’t get up easily during a service–and for those congregations who simply won’t! All-Sorts Prayer 2 also offers a fresh collection of seasonal prayers for the Church’s special occasions.

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    • Book Of Uncommon Prayer


      Woven together are natural and biblical imagery and the traditions of liturgical prayer, to resource us in relating to creation, God and one another in deep, dynamic and relevant ways.

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    • Ray Simpson : His Complete Celtic Prayers


      Over 1,500 prayers have been selected from more than twenty of Ray Simpson’s published titles and many have been freshly written for this book. These prayers reconnect us with the seasons and the streets, the scriptures and the saints, the struggles and the silence; all created life is included. The exhaustive index will enable all who lead worship to find a prayer for every occasion.

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    • Prayers For Occasions


      Prayers for Occasions offers an abundant selection of over 250 prayers. Bringing together words of warmth and contemplation for a variety of different occasions, ranging from Advent and Christmas to weddings and funerals, this helpful collection provides a wealth of resources for both personal and group prayer.

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    • Food For Prayer


      Food for Prayer offers an imaginative prayer suggestion for every day of the year, rejoicing in the fact that the ordinary stuff of life can be food for prayer. It follows the changing seasons and the Church’s cycle of feasts and festivals so that whenever we begin, prayer may find its place in the rhythm of our days.

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    • Prayers For Saints


      Most church traditions recognise the special Christian witness of individual men and women over the ages. Whether formally termed ‘saints’ or celebrated as pioneers and ‘game-changers,’ many of whom were put to death for their faith, their lives are often astonishing and frequently inspiring. Rupert Bristow has put together the stories of these people, more than 670 in all, ranging from household names to almost forgotten figures, for every day of the year and has written an accompanying prayer for each one. Faithful to the dates these saints are commemorated, Prayers for Saints is an invaluable resource for church and home, study and worship–or as a start to further exploration of the impact made by these extraordinary people.

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    • Para Estos Tiempos Dificiles – (Spanish)


      Durante tiempos de tragedia muchas personas desesperadamente quieren encontrar respuestas. Tanto creyentes como no creyentes buscan a Dios durante estas circunstancias. El mejor autor de exitos de libreria, Max Lucado, le da la unica solucion que usted necesita durante estos tiempos de crisis: la oracion. En el libro Para estos tiempos dificiles, Lucado nos ayuda a entender como orar a pesar de la duda y el temor.

      For These Tough Times

      When tragedy strikes, people desperately search for answers. Believers and unbelievers alike find themselves turning to God. Best-selling author and pastor Max Lucado points to the only real answer to tragedy and crisis: Prayer. In For These Tough Times, Lucado helps us understand how to pray despite our doubt and fear.

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    • Power Of The Decree


      The spiritual exercise of making decrees finds its precedent in both Old and New Testaments–the practice means simply quoting God’s promises back to him, “reminding” him of what he has said. This kind of prayer is one of the most vital forms of intercession. In fact, the practice of decreeing God’s Word not only builds our faith but transforms our lives.

      In this powerful and enlightening book, bestselling author and entrepreneur Patricia King helps readers grasp the power of inspired and finely tuned prayer. King explains how to:
      * find specific texts of Scripture for your need
      * counter problems with God’s Word
      * speak truth into reality
      * understand the difference between confessing the Word, proclaiming the Word, and decreeing the Word
      * and more

      Join countless believers who love the Word of God and honor its authority through their prayers. Accept the challenge to pray the words of Scripture boldly–in God’s timing, for his will and purposes.

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    • Receiving From Heaven


      Master the Biblical art of receiving from Heaven.

      Many Christians feel that their prayers produce no results, and that God remains distant, despite their pursuit of Him. Why? Because many are seeking blessings and realities that are already available and accessible!

      The key to a fulfilling prayer life and an intimate relationship with God is not found in striving-its found in simply receiving. In the Biblical art of receiving from Heaven, we simply say “yes” to the lavish blessings that Jesus has already made available to every believer.

      Prophetic Bible teacher and bestselling author Kevin Zadai was an everyday Christian who was caught up in a heavenly encounter that dramatically changed his life. This experience opened the realities of Scripture to him in a new way, equipping him to share heavenly keys with everyday people so they too could walk in the fullness of favor, blessing, and victory that Christ makes available to every believer.

      Kevin will show you how to:
      *Walk on Earth using your rights and privileges as a Heavenly ambassador.
      *Partner with the supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit.
      *Access Heaven’s reward system here and now.
      *Take hold of the blessings and promises written in Scripture.

      Learn the art of receiving from Heaven and watch as every biblical blessing and promise comes to life for you!

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    • Power Of Prayer And The Prayer Of Power


      The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, But the prayer of the upright is His delight. – Proverbs 15:8

      Prayer is the key that unlocks all the storehouses of God’s infinite grace and power. All that God is, and all that God has, is at the disposal of prayer; but we must use the key. Prayer can do anything that God can do, and since God can do anything, prayer is omnipotent. No one can stand against the person who knows how to pray, who meets all the conditions of prevailing prayer, and who really prays, and if they are willing to pay the price. The price is prayer, much prayer, much real prayer, prayer in the Holy Spirit.

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    • Praying Women Study Guide


      Prayer is one of the most powerful, life-changing things we will ever do, and yet we often struggle. It’s hard to find the time. It’s repetitive, we get distracted and sometimes even bored. And the answers often feel few and far between. In this companion study guide to Praying Women, bestselling author Sheila Walsh shares practical helps directly from God’s Word, showing you how to know what to say, how to pray as a joy-filled warrior, and how to let go of the past and stand on God’s promises for you now.

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    • When We Pray


      The essays in this volume from liturgists in mainstream Christian churches in Australia and New Zealand gladly acknowledge that when we pray, we join with others.

      We share a history, a way of worshipping, often a common language and established forms, with authorised prayer books designed to retain the theological and liturgical emphases of the various churches. Yet it is a subject that can divide as well as unite; with a variety of experiences, attitudes and aspirations, especially in a world where forms of worship are readily accessible from internet sources.

      If worship and prayer express what we believe, who authorises forms of worship; who determines the authenticity of liturgy; what principles underlie and surround how people of faith worship in formal gatherings? These are some of the issues that inform the essays in this practical and ecumenical resource.

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    • Stronger Together Weaker Apart


      “There will be no divisions among you.” 1 Corinthians 1:10

      We know that Satan is continuously at work trying to stir up strife between believers in the body of Christ. His dominant strategy is division. And why wouldn’t it be? It works. Whatever he can divide, he will conquer.

      The good news is Satan’s influence is never the last word for those who are in Christ Jesus.

      You can know true unity with your fellow believers, and Pastor Tony Evans stands ready to help you. In this collection of spiritually empowering prayers and devotions, you’ll find victory for your struggles and the strength to overcome negative self-talk, envy, fear, doubt, isolation, worry, apathy, and more–through the freedom found in prayers lifted up in our Lord’s name.

      Win the battle over division and let love and unity reign in your life . . . through the power and authority of Jesus Christ.

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    • Daily Focused Devotion And Mindful Prayer


      There are many references in the Bible on the importance of daily devotion and prayer. When we set aside time each day for praise and prayer, we enhance our faith and ability to live a truly God focused life.

      The Focused Devotion and Mindful Prayer Journal is a tool to help organize your daily devotion and prayer time. It includes a daily journaling section and a life applications section.

      The daily journaling section is organized by date and includes pages for recording Bible verses, notes, and key points as you sit down to read or listen to your favorite daily devotion. Each page also includes a section for organizing your prayers and blessings. Enhance your faith by looking back and writing down answered prayers in the Blessings section from the same day a week, month, or year before. You will be amazed at what God does in your life. Focus your prayer life by listing your prayer requests and blessings before you bow your head to pray and watch your prayer life blossom and grow.

      The life applications section is organized by alphabet and includes pages for entering your favorite Bible verses and notes relating to specific questions or needs. In your daily devotional time, you will identify key verses that are meaningful to you as you consider your own personal challenges and life events. The life applications section allows you to record the topic and the specific Bible verses that give you faith-based guidance. It also includes a place for you to write the date, allowing you to go back to the devotional entry from that date for more detail. Not only is this something you can use for your own personal growth, but it something you can pass down to your children and grandchildren as a treasured family heirloom.

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