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    • Key To Life


      11 Chapters

      Additional Info
      I am a child of God. You are a child of God. That’s what “”Our Father”” means. No one is an orphan. We have a Father: He is powerful; He is eternal; He is loving; He is close by; He knows our thoughts; He knows our needs; He can handle any situation, and He will. (from Chapter One)

      The eleven chapters of this book provide a resource of new insights into the prayer Jesus taught to His disciples. It could be used for a sermon series, for private devotions, or for small study groups.

      Chapter titles include:
      Who’s In Charge
      God Provides Day By Day
      Can I Ever Be Forgiven?
      Am I A Forgiving Person?
      Standing Strong In Time Of Testing
      The Ultimate Dimension

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    • Praying The Lords Prayer For Spiritual Breakthrough (Reprinted)


      Towns reveals the power of prayer in this fascinating look at the Lord’s Prayer. Each chapter examines a line from the prayer, revealing power points for every believer desiring a more dynamic prayer life. Towns says: “What would you say if you were ushered into the throne room of God with only one minute to request everything you needed, but didn’t know how to put it into words? The Lord’s Prayer includes everything you need to ask when you talk to God . . . it is a model prayer that teaches us how to pray.”

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    • 31 Days Of Prayer Journal


      Prayer: A way of life.

      God invites us–welcomes us–into the high privilege of talking and working with Him. 31 Days of Prayer shows you how to enjoy that privelege and begin an incredible prayer adventure. You’ll discover in new ways that prayer is the slender nerve that moves the mighty hand of God.

      This is the perfect book to lead you in prayer for a full month–or many months–and help you create a prayer habit that lasts a lifetime. Rise above earthbound living…and into a new awareness f the Lord’s delightful presence!

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    • Praying Successfully


      Tragic circumstances surprisingly changed, a desperate cry for help heard and answered, a nagging need met-how can such things happen? Through the powerful resource of prayer. As you read these pages, you will understand how to…
      Turn adversity into advantage
      Get ahead without competing
      See your desires fulfilled
      Obtain the wealth available to you
      Find peace in life’s storms
      Be free from sin
      Receive the free gift of salvation
      Begin to receive whatever you need from the Lord today.
      The blessings of God are yours for the asking!

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    • Sh Ma And Its Blessings


      “The prayer book is our Jewish diary of the centuries, a collection of prayers composed by generations of those who came before us, as they endeavored to express the meaning of their lives and their relationship to God. The prayer book is the essence of the Jewish soul.”
      My People’s Prayer Book provides diverse and exciting commentaries to the traditional liturgy, written by some of today’s most respected scholars and teachers from all perspectives of the Jewish world. They explore the text from the perspectives of ancient Rabbis and modern theologians, as well as feminist, halakhic, medieval, linguistic, biblical, Chasidic, mystical, and historical perspectives.
      This stunning work, an empowering entryway to the spiritual revival of our times, enables all of us to claim our connection to the heritage of the traditional Jewish prayer book. It helps rejuvenate Jewish worship in today’s world, and makes its power accessible to all. The My People’s Prayer Book series belongs on the library shelf of every home, every synagogue-every sanctuary of prayer.
      Introductions tell the reader what to look for in the prayer service, as well as how to truly use the commentaries, to search for-and find-meaning in the prayer book.

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    • Praying Church Sourcebook (Reprinted)


      Innovative ideas for your prayer ministry.
      Use the link above to download the table of contents and a sample chapter!

      As seen in Pray! magazine, this best-selling resource a “must-have” for anyone involved in prayer ministry. In 33 chapters and over 350 pages, you’ll discover how to implement effective prayer strategies, including

      concerts of prayer
      solemn assemblies
      houses of prayer

      The Praying Church Sourcebook also features valuable essays on prayer, true stories of prayer in action, a directory of selected prayer ministries, and a reading list of classic and contemporary books on prayer.

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    • Prayer Is Good Medicine


      ‘With the elegance of simplicity and the precision of science, Dossey shows us how we can create a lasting partnership between faith and medicine.’

      Experience the Healing Power of Prayer

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    • Armed And Dangerous


      1. Armed And Dangerous
      2. The Sacrifice Of Praise
      3. Coals From Heaven’s High Altar
      4. The Spirit Helps Us In Our Weakness
      5. Thy Kingdom Come!
      6. Praying In The Will Of God
      7. Needs, Needs, And More Needs
      8. Praying Through Anger And Discouragement
      9. Prayer Is Not A Prelude
      10. Hearing God Speak When We Pray

      Additional Info
      Learn how prayer makes you ARMED & DANGEROUS…to the armies of darkness

      Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16 NASB

      Scripture invites us to approach the throne of grace boldly 5through Jesus Christ. So why don’t we do it more consistently and with more confidence? Perhaps it is because we do not see ourselves as God sees us…warriors in His army of light.

      ARMED AND DANGEROUS-that’s how Satan’s armies of darkness see you, no matter how young, weak, or ineffective you feel. Because you can pray and because God invites you to come to Him, you can and do make a difference in the war between the armies of darkness and the army of light. When you pray, “Thy Kingdom come,” Satan trembles.

      In this book you’ll learn how prayer works, the importance of prayer, the nature of praying for others, praying in the will of God, praying for your needs and how to do it all with greater power…God’s power.

      Embrace your important role in the magnificent and holy work of prayer. Learn to pray for the kingdom of God. With God as your prayer partner, you’ll discover powerful answers and extraordinary grace.

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    • Listening To God In Times Of Choice


      We sometimes think there are only two ways to discern God’s will—the “divine blueprint” plan and the “grow in wisdom” school. Smith offers a third way! Drawing on centuries of teaching and experience, he suggests that discernment is a spiritual discipline—a deepening relationship that helps us see God’s will in crisis and in daily life.

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    • When The Heavens Are Brass


      1. Devilish Dominion Under Brassy Skies
      2. The Devil Traffics In Dry Places
      3. Eight Obstacles To Brass-Shattering Prayer
      4. Cleanse The Waters So The River Will Flow
      5. God’s Prescription For A Breakthrough
      6. Is There Leprosy In Your House?
      7. Opening The Heavens Over Your Home
      8. Reaping Under An Open Heaven P. 137

      Additional Info
      Why are the heavens brass?

      What are the spiritual and eternal dynamics that prepare the soil of our hearts for revival?

      Pastor John Kilpatrick longed for revival. He ached for more than what he was seeing in the Church and in his own life. In this provocative book, John Kilpatrick shares the principles that prepared his church for God’s sudden appearing on Father’s Day, 1995, and for the mighty revival that followed.

      Discover the keys to effective prayer and the arrival of revival!

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    • Gathered In The Word


      From the publisher: Gathered in the Word offers a step-by-step approach to lectio divina or divine reading–a form of bible reading. Vest explains that this type of reading leads to a deeper understanding of scripture as well as a deeper relationship with God. Intended primarily for congregational or group leaders, this book also helps individuals who wish to read the Bible for spiritual insight.

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    • Spiritual Warfare Prayers


      10 Packet – Folded Pamphlets
      Contains 21 Prayers

      Additional Info
      This fold out pamphlet on Spiritual Warfare Prayers contains Scripture quotations taken from the Holy Bible: New International Version. Can be easily distributed and successfully used. Contains prayer on:

      Powerful Prayer
      Prayer For Spiritual Victory Prayer For Salvation of Friend
      Prayer For Christian Unity
      Prayer For Marriage
      Prayer To Know and Speak Truth
      Prayer of Repentance’
      Prayer For revival
      And More!

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    • Prayer Book For Earnest Christians (Reprinted)


      After 89 editions since its original publication in German in 1708, this rich prayer book is now available to English speakers. The 62 prayers cover the gamut of human concerns, yet display a deep, abiding Anabaptist faith, using a language replete with biblical phrases.

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    • Communion Of Saints A Print On Demand Title


      The communion of saints gathers a rich and diverse selection of prayers from famous people of all walks of life from the past two thousand years. Here are the prayers of such individuals as John Donne, Soren Kierkegaard, Mother Teresa, Abraham Lincoln, Ludwig van Beethoven, Michelangelo, Augustine, Martin Luther King Jr., C. S. Lewis, Anne Bradstreet, Blaise Pascal, Francis of Assisi, and many more. Diverse in intention, emphasis, style, and feeling, these prayers are grouped according to six practical classifications: “Prayers of Gratitude and Dedication,” “Prayers of Confession and Penitence,” “Prayers of Petition,” “Prayers of Intercession,” “Prayers Marking Times,” and “Prayers for the Christian Year.” Much more than a work of historical interest, this anthology makes an excellent tool for personal devotions, inspiring readers to deepen their own prayer lives.

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    • In Gods Presence


      What are we really doing when we pray? Are we communicating with God or merely talking things over with ourselves? And isn’t it just a bit presumptuous to think that, with the whole vast universe to attend to, God is listening to our petty personal petitions? If you’ve ever asked yourself questions like these, this book is for you!

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    • Empty Chair Finding Hope And Joy


      A treasury of insights and advice for living joyously and spiritually today, for people of all faiths-and no faith.
      One of the great spiritual seekers, Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (1772-1810) is among the most often quoted of the Hasidic masters. Even after two centuries, his teachings have a potent, meaningful message: Never lose hope; find joy and cause for happiness in everything that happens to you.
      In these pages, his powerful wisdom brings us inspiration for life today.
      “Always remember:
      joy is not merely incidental
      to your spiritual quest.
      It is vital.”
      Rebbe Nachman of Breslov
      To some, Rebbe Nachman is best known for stories that possess profound depth and speak to the very soul. To others, his teachings shed light on some of life’s deepest mysteries. Now, as before, he speaks to a spiritually seeking generation in strong and uplifting ways.Teacher, guide and spiritual master, Rebbe Nachman provides vital words of inspiration for life today.
      With timeless insight and wisdom, Rebbe Nachman shows us how to fill the empty chair-the alienated self-by leaving sadness and finding hope and joy.

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    • Conocimiento Del Dios Santo – (Spanish)


      In this classic testimonial the author presents God’s attributes with words that touch our hearts. This masterpiece helps readers strengthen and deepen their spiritual lives.

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    • Partners In Prayer


      Foreword By Max Lucado.
      1. Unleashing The Potential Of Prayer.
      2. Getting To Know Your Father
      3. Developing Practical Prayer Skiffs
      4. Avoiding Personal Prayer Killers
      5. Expanding Your Prayer Focus
      6. Protecting And Partnering With Your Pastors
      7. Praying Your Church To Its Potential
      8. Organizing A Prayer Partner Team:
      Afterword: Anticipating Revival

      Special Section: Releasing God’s Power Through Fasting By Bill Bright

      Appendices: How To Start A Prayer Partner Ministry In Your Home Church
      A: Planning Your Prayer Partner Retreat
      B: Preparing Prayer Partner Breakfasts
      C: Creating Prayer Partner Guides And Letters

      About The Author P. 179

      Additional Info
      “John, I believe God has called me–a layrnan–to disciple, encourage, and pray for pastors. And the reason I came here today is so that I could pray for you.”

      With those words, respected leader, speaker, and author John Maxwell saw his agenda replaced by God’s agenda. The stranger who felt God’s calling to pray for this pastor fulfilled a need in Maxwell that he didn’t even know he had–and fourteen years later, the results are evident at the 3,500 member Skyline Wesleyan Church in San Diego, California.

      Partners in Prayer, the first book in the John Maxwell Church Resources series, shows church leaders and lay people how to unleash the potential of prayer on behalf of themselves, one another, and the church. If your church–or private devotional life–is starving in the area of prayer and you want to tap into the power and protection prayer provides, Maxwell gives practical insight into

      –the fundamentals of prayer
      –improving personal prayer life
      –praying for others, including church leaders
      –building a prayer partners ministry in the local church
      –encouraging prayer revival nationwide
      * Are you missing out on God’s gift and blessing of prayer? Is there someone you know who would benefit from your committed prayers on their behalf. Despite God’s promise of the power of prayer to change our world, many of us never experience it. John Maxwell shows you how to strengthen your prayer life and reap the benefits awaiting those who become Partners in Prayer.

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    • Praying In The Spirit (Student/Study Guide)


      Spirit-filled believers will find new resources for understanding the Bible and applying biblical themes to their day-to-day lives in these interactive study guides.

      Written from a Pentecostal/Charismatic viewpoint, these interactive studies offer a thorough and balanced understanding of key themes of the Bible.

      By studying the themes of the books, as well as the books themselves, these interactive studies offer groups and individuals a Spirit-filled perspective of the Bible’s message for today.

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    • Lord Teach Us (Student/Study Guide)


      The Lord’s Prayer – the prayer taught by Jesus himself that unites Christians throughout the world – is dissected phrase by phrase in this very readable book by two eminent theologians. From “Our Father” to “Amen,” Willimon and Hauerwas apply this ancient prayer to the whole of the Christian experience so that we come to see our life in Christian community as reflection of these very words.

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    • Leading In Prayer


      A straightforward, practical guide to doing prayer in corporate worship. Based on Hughes Oliphant Old’s lifelong experience as a pastor and his extensive work in the area of worship, this personal handbook discusses the historical and theological background of prayer, instructs pastors and worship leaders in the various kinds of prayer as they are used in the church, and examines the ordering of prayer in congregational worship.

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    • Lords Prayer Coloring Book


      Encourage your children to learn to pray with The Lord’s Prayer Coloring Book created by Shirley Dobson. Filled black-and-white illustrated scenes to color in and complete, Scripture references and a simple text that explains to children in a way that they understand.

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    • Broken Image : Restoring Personal Wholeness Through Healing Prayer (Reprinted)


      1. Lisa’s Story: Repressed Memory
      2. The Causes Of Homosexuality: Contemporary Theories
      3. Matthew’s Story: Identity Crisis
      4. The Search For Sexual Identity
      5. The Identity Crisis According To The Scriptures
      6. Listening For The Healing Word

      176 Pages

      Additional Info
      As a sexual neurosis, homosexuality is regarded as one of the most complex. As a condition for God to heal, it is (in spite of the widespread belief to the contrary) remarkably simple. This is a book about how to pray for the healing of the problem. The stories in this book were selected as being the most representative among those to whom I minister. Details such as names and places are changed in order to protect the persons whose inner lives are here opened to view. Within these personal histories we see classic examples of injuries that can lead to the homosexual crisis in identity. None of these stories was lightly or easily written, for I stand in awe of what it means to be a human being, one in the process of becoming:

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    • True Prayer : An Invitation To Christian Spirituality


      We do not create prayer,” writes Kenneth Leech, “but merely prepare the ground and clear away obstacles. Prayer is always a gift, a grace, the flame which ignites wood; the Holy Spirit gives prayer.”

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    • Modelos Para Orar – (Spanish)


      If you have a deep desire to cultivate the quality of your prayers and increase the time you spend in prayer, this book will help you develop your communion with the heavenly Father.

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    • Prayer In The New Testament


      SKU (ISBN): 9780800629441ISBN10: 0800629442Oscar CullmannBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 1995Overtures To Biblical TheologyPublisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product

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    • Judaism And Hebrew Prayer


      This study traces the origins of Hebrew prayer among the Jews and explains how the first volumes of formal Jewish liturgy emerged. It describes in a lively and thought-provoking manner the leading rites and personalities of medieval Jewish worship and explains how the various interpretations of Judaism in the modern world have responded in their own way to the challenge of dialogue with the divine. Existing theories are challenged and new theories offered, and the result will make liturgical research accessible to modern readers.

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    • Prayers For Help And Healing


      For people in crisis and for their caregivers, William Barclay has written these simple, practical, and comforting prayers. Barclay’s understanding of our predicaments is matched by his certainty that God will help us – even in the Shadow of Death.

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    • Praying For Friends And Enemies (Student/Study Guide)


      In this book, Vennard guides individuals or small groups by providing questions for reflection and discussion, and suggestions for intercession-related activities. Her wise counsel will help both new and experienced pray-ers explore the ministry of intercessory prayer.

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    • Contemporary Lectionary Prayers Cycle A


      Lord of the harvest, we hear that you need laborers.
      For our benefit, please review the qualifications.
      Will biblical knowledge be a consideration?
      Is there an age limitation?
      How about ethnic origin? Any preferences there?
      Does family background enhance our chances of a good assignment?
      Excuse me? These things are irrelevant? Jesus is the only reference required?
      Forgive me for asking too many questions.
      I am ready to work, Lord. It is quite obvious that you are going to have to help me.
      Thank you, Lord. Amen.
      (Prayer for the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost)

      These and other prayers for each Sunday of the Cycle A Lectionary may be used for congregational worship as is or modified for antiphonal reading. The style is conversational and written in the language of today.

      On the corresponding page of each prayer is:
      a listing of the assigned lectionary Gospel
      a Gospel theme
      a Gospel note
      the liturgical color of the day
      suggested hymns

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    • Praying With The Anabaptists


      Discover the secret of bearing fruit!
      Fifteen meditations with scripture, stories, written prayers, prayer exercises and hymns deepen our spiritual relationship with God.

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    • They Cried To The Lord


      ”Exceptionally fine work for both the church and academy. There are innumerable quotations from the prayer texts themselves plus commentary; reflections on Christian faith, life, and thought; the refusal to evade difficult theological issues,”—Presbyterian Outlook.

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    • My God My Glory


      This classic spiritual collection is available in a new edition with prayers for different times, days, moods and seasons.

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    • Contemporary Lectionary Prayers Cycle C


      We frequently stumble into rough places which need to be made smooth. People abuse people. Streets are unsafe. Values are determined by majority vote. Ethics are shaded by The “bottom line.”

      From the prayer for the Second Sunday of Advent

      “People find worship meaningful when it touches them on the level of their daily life,” writes Dennis Koch. “Our prayers, our music, our preaching and teaching must be sensitive to where people are, so that they can be led to a deeper level in their faith.”

      Here are over 60 contemporary prayers based on the lectionary gospel reading of the day. These prayers are short and easy to read. Each is suitable for morning worship, church bulletins, newsletters or personal devotion.

      This special collection follows the CSS tradition of providing creative worship resources for congregations. Contemporary Lectionary Prayers, Cycle C, is volume two of a three-book set.

      A back-of-the-book index helps users find prayers by scripture text.

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    • Luthers Prayers


      One hundred and eighty-five prayers arranged by topic along with brief comments from the editor.

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    • Praying Gods Will For My Marriage



      48 Topics From Anger To Worried
      Total Pages 313

      Additional Info
      Christian married couples desire to build strong, happy marriages on the unshakable foundation of God’s Word. And by focusing on that goal through these personalized prayers, spouses can build a solid relationship with God and with each other.

      The hundreds of prayers in Praying God’s Will For My Marriage are taken directly from God’s Word and applied to your daily needs and desires.

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    • 1928 Book Of Common Prayer


      A treasured resource for traditional Anglicans and other people who appreciate the majesty of King James-style language. This classic edition features a Presentation section containing certificates for the rites of Baptism, Confirmation, and Marriage. Burgundy hardcover binding, gold cross.

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    • Prayer In The Hebrew Bible


      Editor’s Foreword

      1. The Subject And The Interpreter
      2. The Method
      3. In The Beginning God
      4. Prayer And The Depiction Of Character
      5. Prayer And The Characterization Of God
      6. Prayers For Divine Justice
      7. The Lament Tradition: Holding To God Against God
      8. Praise That Makes Sense
      9. Prayer In The Theology Of The Hebrew Bible
      10. The Theology In Hebraic Prayer
      11. House Of Prayer Or Den Of Robbers?

      Index Of Modern Authors
      Index Of Scripture References

      Additional Info
      Balentine has forged new categories of analysis beyond our old critical pigeonholes. In the end, he has shown that prayer is neither a marginal activity undertaken after intellectual analysis nor an act of piety to fend off critical study . . . These prayer texts have required and permitted much hard, disciplined work in the long traditioning process. Now they offer to us an act of communication and a special world that refuses the voicelessness of technical society. In this world of Israel’s faithful prayer and prayerful faith, the heavens are not empty, and the earth need not be mute.

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    • Prayers For Puppies Beat Up Autos And Sleepless Nights


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664253561ISBN10: 0664253563Robert JonesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 1993Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Serenity Prayer Book


      grant me the
      to accept the things
      I cannot change,
      to change the
      things I can, and
      to know the difference.

      “A balanced and thoughtfully incisive exposition of the subtle wisdom conceale

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    • To Pray And To Love


      Drawing on the vast riches of early monastic writers, Roberta Bondi’s book on prayer is real, salty, loving and wise. She invites us to keep such company with early Christian sources as to illuminate a way of praying, living, and thinking about life in mutuality with God. Amid the welter of books on prayer and Christian sprituality, this one shines like Epiphany and will empower like Pentecost.

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    • Guide To Prayer For Ministers And Other Servants


      A bestseller for nearly two decades! You’ll like the way this classic devotional and prayer book arranges material thematically for each week of the year. Stay grounded in the Lord through daily invocations, Scripture readings, reflections, prayers, hymns, benedictions, and psalms. Includes themes and schedules for 12 personal retreats.

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    • Oremos Con Cristo – (Spanish)


      Our Lord taught us to pray; he frequently prayed by himself to his Father. He gave us the Holy Spirit who guides us in adoration and praises. Jesus is the perfect model: the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. Nonetheless, this prayer that reflects the love of God, is more than a model for us. It contains all we need to ask our Lord to accomplish his will in the church and around the world.

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    • Prayer In Pastoral Counseling


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664251284ISBN10: 0664251285Edward WimberlyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 1990Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • All The Prayers Of The Bible


      The believer will find in All the Prayers of the Bible not just a recital of well-known and well-worn phrases, but an outpouring of the heart to God. The passion and the beauty of prayer (as well as its necessity and efficacy) have never been so happily assembled as in this remarkable devotional. This unique book has become a spiritual classic and study book that will enrich any prayer life. All the Prayers of the Bible contains hundreds of seed thoughts for sermons-and inspiration for Sunday school and Bible study teachers, and other Christians alike. Dr. Herbert Lockyer not only summarizes all the prayers of the Bible, but also analyzes what each book of the Bible tells us about prayer and its role in human life and history.

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    • Hildegard Of Bingen


      Fresh translation of a great mystical writer of the Middle Ages.

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    • Better Than Nice And Other Convention Prayers


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664224479ISBN10: 0664224474Frederick OhlerBinding: Cloth TextPublished: December 1989Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Prayertimes With Mother Teresa


      Spend a year meditating on the gospel call, as lived out in Mother Teresa of Calcutta. This devotional guide is arranged under fifty-two themes of love and charity, incorporating relevant scriptural passages, the inspiring words of Mother Teresa, and anecdotes from her life’s ministry of tireless service to the world’s forsaken destitute and dying.

      The reader’s own reflections can be recorded in the generous space provided at the end of each week. An added feature of this book is a seven-day selection of prayers and litanies ideally suited for private retreat in the spirit of Mother Teresa and her Missionaries of Charity.

      Prayertimes offers an easy-to-follow formula for deriving needed spiritual nourishment in the Word and prepares us for living the Word in our own everyday lives.

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    • Como Orar Por Los Hijos – (Spanish)


      Do you have hope for your children? Do you want them to be faithful to God? Do you want them to be capable of resisting the temptations that surround us? As a mother, Quin Sherrer had the same worries, but she didn’t know how to pray for her sons. Is there a method of how to pray for them? Are there some prayers more efficient than others are? Quin asked other mothers how they prayed for their children and what results they had. In this book, Quin tell us what she learned. She shows the importance of getting together to pray in the Spirit and with faith. She shows us how to pray for our children that are faithful and those that are not. This book will teach you and inspire you in your prayers for them.

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    • Lord Forgive Me Cycle A


      This all new collection of prayers will involve each member of your congregation in an informal, first-person personal style that both demands individual accountability (which corporate prayer too often allows us to avoid), and encourages the sense of community upon which Christian worship is built — affirming “that, as we gather for worship, we are both individual seekers and believers and also the Body of Christ.”
      Included are original Prayers of Confession for each Sunday, and special days, throughout the church year, developed as a result of the author’s nearly twenty years in campus and parish ministries. Whether read aloud or contemplated silently, these tried and proven prayers will add a freshly honest, contemporary texture to your Sunday morning worship — or provide meaningful insight for Bible study classes and personal devotions.

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