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    • Personal Babylon And Other Writings



      * exploring the philosophy of religion, with some personal beliefs
      * Exhortation- Not I That Live, But Christ Lives In Me
      * Evil and the Existence of God
      * Overcharging Oath
      * Gram’s Last Days
      * Personal Babylon
      * Cartoon Interlude
      * Me, God and Women…………..BIBLE CONFUSION
      * Also random musings….ducks, Tiger Woods, gambling, wisdom of Solomon, pastors, free will vs. determinism
      * UFOs, aliens, crop circles, remote viewing, age of the Sphinx
      * School papers, articles, music pieces
      * 108 of my favorite Bible verses
      * something for everyone!!!
      * and last but not least……….MY MANTRA BRAIN…………
      * Hopefully this book will help someone in a similar boat, hopefully some people can relate, and hopefully it will also MAKE PEOPLE THINK…………

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    • Seeing The Unseen


      Abandoning at age 30 what promised to be a lucrative law practice, John Collins escaped to Spain for a three-year sabbatical to search for the meaning of life. In SEEING THE UNSEEN: Opening the Closed Circuit of Everyday Consciousness, he relates his findings in maxims and identifi es seven impediments that commonly hinder our capacity to render our everyday experience of people, places and things intelligible, meaningful and joyful. Collins believes the greatest obstacle to realizing personal fulfi llment, or salvation or the Kingdom
      of God is psychological. Living our lives almost entirely on the conscious surface of Self, we neglect the unconscious core of our being, resulting in the inability of the whole Self to truly see and know reality. Collins suggests that religion’s fi nest hour may come when it assumes responsibility for healing this rupture in our innermost being, allowing us to achieve greater understanding of ourselves, of the world and ultimately, of God.

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    • Rainbow In The Night Sky


      In this book, you will read about:







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    • Phenomenology And The Holy


      SCM Veritas engages in critical and original questions of pressing concern to both philosophers and theologians. The major concern of all books in this series is to display a rigorous theological critique of categories not often thought to be theological in character, such as phenomenology or metaphysics which are mainly considered as philosophical categories. All the books in this series aim to illustrate that without theology, something essential is lost in our accounts of such categories not only in the abstract but in the way in which we inhabit the world. Phenomenology and the Holy is a study of the holy which attempts to find this both in the ordinary and in the sublime, thus challenging the reduction of the holy to a discrete and separated field of experience. Phenomenology is a key area of twentieth-century philosophy in which there is a wide interest, not only among philosophers but also among theologians and religious studies scholars.

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    • Which Trinity Whose Monotheism


      The last few decades have witnessed a renaissance of Trinitarian theology. Theologians have worked to recover this doctrine for a proper understanding of the God and for the life of the church. At the same time, analytic philosophers of religion have become keenly interested in the Trinity, engaging in vigorous debates related to it. To this point, however, the work of the two groups has taken place in almost complete isolation from one another. Which Trinity? Whose Monotheism? Seeks to bridge that divide. / Thomas H. McCall compares the work of significant philosophers of religion – Richard Swinburne, Brian Leftow, and others – with that of influential theologians such as Ji 1/2rgen Moltmann, Robert Jenson, and John Zizioulas. He then evaluates several important proposals and offers suggestion for the future of Trinitarian theology. / There are many books on the doctrine of the Trinity, but no other book brings the concerns of analytic philosophers of religion into direct conversation with those of mainstream theologians.

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    • Is God Logical


      Is God logical? A philosophical question, naturally metaphysics, around which gravitate numerous existential concerns, where confront one another anthropologists, biologists, astrophysicists, cabbalists, exegetes of any edges. Who is God? Supreme Being? Impersonal law or principle? What is the origin of Social inequalities? Why a so powerful and benevolent God lets a believer suffer? Are there in cosmos some forces that determine our activities? With such number of forces, can a human being still be free?

      In an underlain dialectic of extraordinary experiences, the author tells of the famous ideological currents of last centuries. Thus, he is opening vast skylines to the demystification of mesocosmical entities and paranormal phenomena. We would not pretend to have exhausted all questions developed in this work rich in information and necessary to read oneself.

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    • God And Globalization Volume 3


      T And T Clark International Title

      These volumes examine both the promise and the threat of globalization using the tools of theological ethics to understand and evaluate the social contexts of life at the deepest moral and spiritual levels.

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    • Religious Ideas For Secular Universities


      During the last century American students and scholars have found it increasingly difficult to discuss the relation of religion to the mission of self-consciously secular colleges and universities. C. John Sommerville here sorts through a number of issues that bring these matters into sharper focus.

      The aim of secular education as it began in the nineteenth century, Sommerville points out, was to open debate to all ideas that could win a hearing, not simply to stifle all those that could be labeled religious. In the aftermath of the failing ideologies of the nineteenth century new ideas, new icons, and new taboos are forming, circulating without critical scrutiny. Today the secular university finds itself in crisis, unable to define the human difference.

      Sommerville considers such matters as how we judge religions, how corporatization is the inevitable result of secularization, and how scholars are rediscovering the human difference. He uses narrative theory and new understandings of canon formation to illuminate religious texts and explores Christianity’s appearance on both sides of the “culture war.” The reflections in Religious Ideas for Secular Universities show how a dialogue might be promoted that would do justice both to religious insights and to the neutrality that is the goal of true secularization.

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    • God And Globalization Volume 4


      T And T Clark International Title

      This final interpretive volume of the God and Globalization series argues for a view of Christian theology that, in critical dialogue with other world religions and philosophies, is able to engage the new world situation, play a critical role in reforming the “powers” that are becoming more diverse and autonomous, and generate a social ethic for the 21st century.

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    • Democratizing Biblical Studies


      In this book, Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza continues her exploration of a radical democratic ethos in graduate biblical education. She argues that it is necessary to reframe the field of biblical studies and replace the competitive teaching models prevalent in graduate programs with an emancipatory, radical democratic pedagogical model that fosters collaboration, participation, and critical engagement. To achieve constructive engagement with the differences of social location and diversity of perspectives that exist both in the Bible and in our contexts, we must become aware of the pitfalls of one-dimensional thinking that seeks to use the Bible to find definite answers and to exclude different understandings.

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    • Lider De 360 Cuaderno De Ejerc (Workbook) – (Spanish) (Workbook)


      In his nearly thirty years of teaching leadership, John Maxwell has encountered this question again and again: How do I apply leadership principles if I’m not the boss? In The 360 Degree Leader Workbook, Maxwell addresses that very question and takes the discussion even further. You don’t have to be the main leader, asserts Maxwell, to make significant impact in your organization. Good leaders are not only capable of leading their followers but are also adept at leading their superiors and their peers. Debunking myths and shedding light on the challenges, John Maxwell offers specific principles for Leading Down, Leading Up, and Leading Across. 360-Degree Leaders can lead effectively, regardless of their position in an organization. By applying Maxwell’s principles, you will expand your influence and ultimately be a more valuable team member.

      Durante sus mas de cuarenta anos en ensenar acerca del liderazgo, John Maxwell se ha enfrentado a la siguiente pregunta una y otra vez: ?Como pongo en practica principios de liderazgo si no soy el jefe? En Lider de 360, cuaderno de ejercicios, Maxwell trata esta pregunta y profundiza la conversacion aun mas. Usted no tiene que ser el lider principal para causar un impacto en su organizacion. Los buenos lideres no son capaces unicamente de dirigir a sus seguidores, sino tambien son expertos en dirigir a sus supervisores y sus contemporaneos.John Maxwell ofrece principios especificos para delegar, dirigir y supervisar que acabaran con los mitos sobre el liderazgo y ofreceran una luz mas clara sobre los retos futuros. Los lideres de 360 grados pueden dirigir efectivamente, sin importar su posicion en una organizacion. Si aplica los principios de Maxwell, usted podra ampliar su influencia y poder trabajar en equipo de una manera mas eficiente.

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    • Whose Community Which Interpretation


      In this volume, renowned philosopher Merold Westphal introduces current philosophical thinking related to interpreting the Bible. Recognizing that no theology is completely free of philosophical “contamination,” he engages and mines contemporary hermeneutical theory in service of the church. After providing a historical overview of contemporary theories of interpretation, Westphal addresses postmodern hermeneutical theory, arguing that the relativity embraced there is not the same as the relativism in which “anything goes.” Rather, Westphal encourages us to embrace the proliferation of interpretations based on different perspectives as a way to get at the richness of the biblical text.
      About the series: The Church and Postmodern Culture series features high-profile theorists in continental philosophy and contemporary theology writing for a broad, nonspecialist audience interested in the impact of postmodern theory on the faith and practice of the church.

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    • Philosophy Of Religion (Revised)


      With over 40,000 copies in print since its original publication in 1982, Steve Evans’s Philosophy of Religion has served many generations of students. In this new edition Zach Manis joins Evans in a thorough revamping of arguments and information, while maintaining the qualities of clarity and brevity that made the first edition so appreciated.

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    • Nature Of Doctrine (Anniversary)


      The Nature of Doctrine is one of the most influential works of academic theology of the past fifty years. Originally published in 1984, this book sets forth the central tenets of a post liberal approach to theology, emphasizing a cultural-linguistic approach to religion and a rule theory of doctrine. In addition to his account of the nature of religion, Lindbeck also addresses the resolution of historic doctrinal conflict among Christian communities, the relationship between Christianity and other religions, and the nature and task of theology itself. A programmatic work in what is now known as postilberal theology, The Nature of Doctrine has generated wide debate across the academy and the church and has influenced a generation of leading contemporary theologians and scholars of religion. This twenty-fifth anniversary edition includes an introduction by theologian Bruce D. Marshall, a new afterword by the author, and a complete bibliography of Lindbeck’s work.

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    • Did The Resurrection Happen


      This book presents the full content of the third and final debate between philosopher Antony Flew–who was, until 2004, one of the world’s most prominent atheists–and Christian philosopher Gary Habermas. Included as well are transcripts of the Q & A session with the audience afterward, a 2004 conversation between Habermas and Flew shortly after Flew’s much-publicized change of position to theism, as well as editor David Baggett’s assessment and analysis of the full history of Habermas and Flew’s interactions.

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    • Jesus And Philosophy


      “Around twenty years or so after his death, the fiery and interesting Jewish teacher Jesus of Nazareth was made into the personification of his own teaching, and given an exalted cosmic status. Within a few decades he had been so completely buried by supernatural beliefs about himself that in all the years since it has been very difficult to make out his own voice, and quite impossible to take him seriously as a thinker. “”Jesus and Philosophy”” asks on the basis of recent reconstructions of his teaching, what was Jesus’ moral philosophy? What was his world view? And, is he a big enough figure in the history of ethics to survive the end of the classic ecclesiastical beliefs about him? The author, Don Cupitt, argues that Jesus will be bigger after Christianity, which blocked the realization of just how revolutionary a figure he was.”

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    • Ubuntu : I In You And You In Me


      As defined by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, a person with Ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, for he or she has a proper selfassurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed.

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    • Science Of Natural Theology


      With our American Philosophy and Religion series, Applewood reissues many primary sources published throughout American history. Through these books, scholars, interpreters, students, and non-academics alike can see the thoughts and beliefs of Americans who came before us.

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    • 1 Second : Ten Events That Define The History Of Man


      Time is steadfastly moving forward to that great judgment day when all of mankind will stand before God and give an account of their lives. Mankind will have populated the earth, established governments, and witnessed kingdoms rising and falling. During all of this, God will be consistently sharing the same message of who He is and His love for man. Even the arrival and sacrifice of Jesus, God’s Son, will have occurred. The question is why? Ron Williams in his book, One Second, provides the reader with a fresh perspective of the ten most arguably important events in the history of man. Starting from before creation, a step-by-step progression through time is discussed as witnessed through scripture. Challenge yourself to look through history through God’s eyes. God has just one goal, to bring all willing souls to a point where they love Him because of who He is.

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    • His Messages In My Dreams


      Wendy Hall is a sister in Christ who has been impressed to get out the message that we need to draw nearer then ever to our Lord and seek Him even more in these last days to learn His will for us. This dream journal was put together to demonstrate just one of the simple ways we can hear from Him. The Lord has expressed to her that “He will Raise up Fields of Glory” and is calling ALL of us. We are the fields that He wants to raise up- we are the army that He is calling into battle.

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    • 4 Way Foray For The Four Winds


      William Matlock has a bachelor degree in education. The writer is a former agnostic who always felt that something was wrong with not being able to prove, or disprove, the existence of God. Since it is common knowledge that a universal negative cannot be proved, it seemed to the writer that there ought to be a universal positive that cannot not be proved. It was found that not only is “In the beginning was the Word…” a cosmic axiom, but that the word itself is a ubiquitous imperative. The word is to cerebration what blood is to the circulatory system. Obviously, there is no way to attempt to refute the claim that cerebration is proof of the existence of God, because there is no way to begin to make the attempt without resorting to cerebration. Just as it is impossible to build a brick wall without the prior existence of bricks, it is impossible for there to be language without the prior existence of words. The word is an empirical objective reality that, being a ubiquitous imperative, cannot not be its own proof. Just as there is no design formed that does not presuppose the designer that was its former, there is no word that does not presuppose a speaker. Unlike with the theory of evolution, neither a lot of time or chances is necessary to investigate that assertion. Every human cranium is a tomb that is either empty of macro evolution foolishness or full of nonsense. This book details a few reasons why there is no way to attempt to disclaim that assertion without proving the validity of that assertion. The proof is located behind every pair of human eyes and between every pair of human ears… even the ones with that link to reality missing. Cerebration cannot not presuppose cerebration.

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    • Kants Critique Of Practical Reason


      Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason (1788) is one of his most important works and a key text to understanding Kant’s philosophy and it the impact it had on later developments of moral philosophy and ethics.

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    • What Christians Can Learn From Buddhism


      SKU (ISBN): 9780800663285ISBN10: 0800663284Kristin LargenBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2009Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product

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    • Fletchers Situation Ethics


      This book discusses Fletcher’s situation ethics which basically states that sometimes other moral principles can be cast aside in certain situations if love is best served. It is one of the main ethical theories studied in all introductory courses on Christian ethics.

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    • Vive Tu Sueno – (Spanish)


      Most people John Maxwell encounters have a dream. In fact, he’s asked thousands about their greatest aspirations. Some describe their dream with great enthusiasm and detail. Others are reluctant, almost embarrassed, to talk about it. Regardless of their zeal or fear, the same question drives every person with a dream: Can I achieve it?

      Sadly, most people have no idea how viable their dream is. They hope to achieve it, yet hope is not a strategy. What people need is a way to test their dream.

      John C. Maxwell ayuda a la gente acontestar diez preguntas poderosas que revelan un futuro en el que se cumplensus suenos.La mayoria de la gente con la que se encuentra John Maxwelltiene un sueno. De hecho, el ha preguntado a miles acerca de las aspiraciones masgrandes que tienen. Algunos describen su sueno con gran entusiasmo y detalle. Otrosse muestran reacios, casi avergonzados de hablar de ello. Independientemente desu celo o temor, la misma pregunta impulsa a cada persona que tiene un sueno: ?Lopodre alcanzar?Tristemente, la mayoria de la gente no tiene idea de loviable que su sueno es. Espera alcanzarlo, pero la esperanza no es unaestrategia. Lo que la gente necesita es una manera de poner a prueba su sueno.En !Vive tu sueno!, Maxwell trae a la realidad eltema del sueno personal. Brinda a los lectores direccion poderosa y practicapara sus vidas guiandoles a traves de diez preguntas que les ayudaran a crearun camino claro y convincente hacia su sueno.

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    • Desperately Wicked : Philosophy Christianity And The Human Heart


      IVP Print On Demand Title

      Patrick Downey explores the biblical writings of Genesis and the Hebrew prophet Jeremiah, the Greek tragedies, Plato, Aristotle, and political philosophers–such as Rousseau, Hobbes, Nietzsche and Rene Girard–to seek answers to the profound question, What is the human heart like?

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    • Out Of Darkness Into Light


      An introduction to the major themes and passages of the holy book of Islam, this book invites readers of any religion-or none-to meditate on verses of the Quran as support for spiritual practices and growth. It guides the reader through the rich tapestry of the Quran, weaving through a number of themes, including the mystery of God, surrender to the divine will, and provisions for the spiritual journey. Quranic verses are supplemented by sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, the words of Rumi and other Sufi poets, and relevant quotations and insights from Jewish and Christian sources. The book also offers practical suggestions for expanding and strengthening one’s spiritual sinews.

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    • Undiscovered Country : Imagining The World To Come


      Most contemporary Christians pull a blank when it comes to imagining a life with God after death. Although the Bible is largely silent on the issue, our world is completely riveted by the up-to-date visions of heaven and hell that stock bookstore shelves and are found everywhere on the Internet. But what are believers to think and to say about the “undiscovered country” that is the life to come- from the pulpit, at the hospital, or in our daily lives?

      Peter Hawkins offers a fresh way to pose these questions, along with an imaginative framework for answering them. He challanges all of us, not just preachers, to think of Dante’s drama of the afterlife-heaven, hell and purgatory- as a true story describing the lives we are living now. To this end Hawkins uses the Divine Comedy to help us imagine what happens when we die as he works his way through Christian tradition, contemporary culture, a rich array of literature, and his own personal experience.

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    • Gods Problem : How The Bible Fails To Answer Our Most Important Question Wh


      In times of questioning and despair, people often quote the Bible to provide answers. Surprisingly, though, the Bible does not have one answer but many “answers” that often contradict one another. Consider these competing explanations for suffering put forth by various biblical writers:
      The prophets: suffering is a punishment for sin
      The book of Job, which offers two different answers: suffering is a test, and you will be rewarded later for passing it; and suffering is beyond comprehension, since we are just human beings and God, after all, is God
      Ecclesiastes: suffering is the nature of things, so just accept it
      All apocalyptic texts in both the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament: God will eventually make right all that is wrong with the world

      For renowned Bible scholar Bart Ehrman, the question of why there is so much suffering in the world is more than a haunting thought. Ehrman’s inability to reconcile the claims of faith with the facts of real life led the former pastor of the Princeton Baptist Church to reject Christianity.

      In God’s Problem, Ehrman discusses his personal anguish upon discovering the Bible’s contradictory explanations for suffering and invites all people of faith-or no faith-to confront their deepest questions about how God engages the world and each of us.

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    • Medici Et Medicamenta


      Foreword By Daniel P. Sheridan
      Part One: A Survey Of Modern Historiography Of Penance (ca. 1500-2000)
      Penance As Construct In The Modern History Of Religions
      From Dogmatic History To The History Of Dogma (ca. 1520-1920)
      Convergences And New Directions (ca. 1920-2000)
      Paradigms In The New Contemporary Historiography Of Penance
      Part Two: A Survey Of The Literature Of Penance (ca. 1650 B.C.-A.D. 650)
      Penance In Pre-Christian Antiquity
      The Origins Of Ritual Penance In Christian Antiquity
      The Transformation Of Penance In Late Antiquity
      The Monasticization Of Penance (ca. 450-650)

      Additional Info
      This book is a comprehensive historiographical survey on Christian penance and confession from the early sixteenth century to the end of the twentieth century. The author charts the change from medieval practices of penance to the modern rites of penance.

      The book’s title refers to the latin phrase medici et medicamenta, or, “spiritual doctors and medicines,” to indicate a unifying theme of this study.

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    • Philosophical Principles Of Integral Knowledge


      SKU (ISBN): 9780802860934ISBN10: 0802860931Vladimir Solovyov | Translator: Valerie NollanBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2008Publisher: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Print On Demand Product

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    • King And Messiah As Son Of God


      This book traces the history of the idea that the king and later the messiah is Son of God, from its origins in ancient Near Eastern royal ideology to its Christian appropriation in the New Testament.

      Both highly regarded scholars, Adela Yarbro Collins and John J. Collins argue that Jesus was called “the Son of God” precisely because he was believed to be the messianic king. This belief and tradition, they contend, led to the identification of Jesus as preexistent, personified Wisdom, or a heavenly being in the New Testament canon. However, the titles Jesus is given are historical titles tracing back to Egyptian New Kingdom ideology. Therefore the title “Son of God” is likely solely messianic and not literal. King and Messiah as Son of God is distinctive in its range, spanning both Testaments and informed by ancient Near Eastern literature and Jewish noncanonical literature.

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    • There Is A God


      In There Is a God, one of the world’s preeminent atheists discloses how his commitment to “follow the argument wherever it leads” led him to a belief in God as Creator. This is a compelling and refreshingly open-minded argument that will forever change the atheism debate.

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    • Heidegger : A Very Critical Introduction


      Martin Heidegger is one of the greatest conundrums in the philosophical world, alternately incredibly inspiring and mind-bogglingly frustrating. S. J. McGrath acknowledges the impossibility of trying to encapsulate Heidegger in a nutshell, and refuses to present him here in summary, thereby absolving the audience of the task of reading the philosopher. Instead, this introduction is truly that – leading readers to Heidegger where they can then begin or continue their own relationship with him. McGrath deals extensively with Heidegger’s excursion into ontology, for which he is most famous, having single-handedly resurrected the study in the twentieth century. A chapter is also devoted to Heidegger’s phenomenology, including an examination of his best-known work, Being and Time. No book on Heidegger would be complete without a discussion of his life as a Nazi, and McGrath does not shirk that duty, offering a chapter on the philosopher’s politics. His ethics and theology are also enthusiastically tackled, giving this deceptively small book a very wide range. McGrath writes, “If in this book I take the trouble to point out something essentially wrong with Heidegger’s philosophy, it is only because there is so much that is right about it.” Nonetheless, the book closes with a thoughtful explanation of why McGrath himself, though an admirer, is not a Heideggerian.

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    • Tayloring Reformed Epistemology


      In recent philosophical discourse, there has been a proliferation of work in the field of philosophy of religion, and in particular at the intersection between epistemology and philosophy of religion. Much of that interest has centred on the emergence of what has come to be known as ‘Reformed Epistemology’. The central claim of Reformed epistemologists is that belief in God is properly basic. The purpose of the arguments offered by Reformed epistemologists is to oppose what Plantinga calls the ‘de jure’ objection to theistic belief – the idea that it is somehow irrational, a dereliction of epistemic duty, or in some other sense epistemically unacceptable, to believe in God. This objection is distinct from what Plantinga labels the ‘de facto’ objection – the objection that, whatever the rational status of belief in God, it is, in fact, a false belief. The primary goal of Reformed epistemology, then, is to defend Christian belief against the de jure objection, thereby showing that everything really depends on the truth o

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    • Belief And Metaphysics


      20 Chapters

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      The Veritas Series brings to market original volumes all engaging in critical questions of pressing concern to both philosophers, theologians, biologists, economists and more.This volume of essays brings together a star cast of authors discussing the relationship between belief and metaphysics and its significance from both a theological and a philosophical point of view. The series aims to illustrate that without theology, something essential is lost in our account of such categories u not only in an abstract way but in the way in which we inhabit the world.The Veritas Series refuses to accept disciplinary isolation: both for theology and for other disciplines.

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    • 360 Degree Leader Workbook (Workbook)


      In his nearly thirty years of teaching leadership, John Maxwell has encountered this question again and again: How do I apply leadership principles if I’m not the boss? In The 360 Degree Leader Workbook, Maxwell addresses that very question and takes the discussion even further. You don’t have to be the main leader, asserts Maxwell, to make significant impact in your organization. Good leaders are not only capable of leading their followers but are also adept at leading their superiors and their peers. Debunking myths and shedding light on the challenges, John Maxwell offers specific principles for Leading Down, Leading Up, and Leading Across. 360-Degree Leaders can lead effectively, regardless of their position in an organization. By applying Maxwell’s principles, you will expand your influence and ultimately be a more valuable team member.

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    • 7 : The Deadly Sins And The Beatitudes


      The space between Heaven and Hell, C. S. Lewis said, is the great divorce. The Beatitudes and Deadly Sins are the divergent landscapes and are the signatures of a world redeemed and a world decomposing. This book engages these two spheres and listens for what they say to one another.

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    • Adventures In The Spirit


      Equally sensitive to theological and scientific thought.

      A systematic presentation of divine action in a panentheistic framework.

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    • Quest Of The Hermeneutical Jesus


      1. A Brief History Of Hermeneutical Methods In Previous Quests
      2. John Dominic Crossan
      3. N.T. Wright

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      The Quest of the Hermeneutical Jesus is a study in how reading documents referring to Jesus influences conclusions as to who Jesus was as a figure in history. In this book, author Robert B. Stewart leads his readers through the projects of two of the most important and influential scholars in the field of historical Jesus research, in order to show his readers how the philosophical presuppositions and hermeneutical methods of Crossan and Wright impact their respective historical conclusions concerning Jesus. There is arguably no more important question in religious studies than: What can we know about Jesus? Stewart takes on the task of filling the void in this area by addressing how hermeneutics influences history. In addition to highlighting the work of two great scholars, Stewart also provides a useful introduction and guide through much of the maze of contemporary literary criticism.

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    • Ntroduccion A La Filosofia – (Spanish)


      A general reference book which covers the different branches of philosophy in regard to postmodern thought from a Christian perspective.

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    • Making A Way Out Of No Way


      A womanist theology of change.

      Integrates postmodern thought, womanist theology, and process philosophy.

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    • Quest Of The Hermeneutical Jesus


      1. A Brief History Of Hermeneutical Methods In Previous Quests
      2. John Dominic Crossan
      3. N.T. Wright

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      The Quest of the Hermeneutical Jesus is a study in how reading documents referring to Jesus influences conclusions as to who Jesus was as a figure in history. In this book, author Robert B. Stewart leads his readers through the projects of two of the most important and influential scholars in the field of historical Jesus research, in order to show his readers how the philosophical presuppositions and hermeneutical methods of Crossan and Wright impact their respective historical conclusions concerning Jesus. There is arguably no more important question in religious studies than: What can we know about Jesus? Stewart takes on the task of filling the void in this area by addressing how hermeneutics influences history. In addition to highlighting the work of two great scholars, Stewart also provides a useful introduction and guide through much of the maze of contemporary literary criticism.

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    • Political Teachings Of Jesus


      A leading conservative thinker explores the political principles of Christ’s life and teachings as revealed in the New Testament–and their implications for the modern American political landscape.

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    • Naturalism


      Most, if not all, other books on naturalism are written for professional philosophers alone. Stewart Goetz and Charles Taliaferro offer a book that – without losing anything in the way of scholarly standards – is primarily aimed at a college-educated audience interested in learning about this pervasive worldview. Naturalism groups the various terms of this philosophy into two general categories: strict naturalism and broad naturalism. According to the strict version, all that exists can be exhaustively described and explained by the natural sciences. As Goetz and Taliaferro explain it, broad naturalism allows that there may be some things beyond physics and the natural sciences, but insists that there can be no reality beyond nature – i.e., God – and explicitly rules out the possibility of souls. The authors argue that both categories face substantial objections in their failure to allow for consciousness, human free will, and values. They offer sustained replies to the naturalist critique of the soul and the existence of God and engage in critical evaluations of works by scholarly and popular advocates of naturalism – Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins, Thomas Nagel, Jaegwon Kim, and others.

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    • Receiving The Gift Of Friendship


      Is the point of human life what we are capable of doing? Is that what defines us as human beings? And if this basic anthropological assumption is true, where can that leave those with intellectual disabilities, unable to accomplish the things that we propose give us our very humanity? Hans Reinders here makes an unusual claim about unusual people: those who are profoundly disabled are people just like the rest of us. He acknowledges that, at first glance, this is not an unusual claim given the steps taken within the last few decades to bring the rights of those with disabilities into line with the rights of the mainstream. But, he argues, that cannot be the end of the matter, because the disabled are human beings before they are citizens. “To live a human life properly,” he says, “they must not only be included in our institutions and have access to our public spaces; they must also be included in other people’s lives, not just by natural necessity but by choice.” Overturning the “commonsense” view of human beings, Reinders’s argument for a paradigm shift in our relation to people with disabilities is founded on a groundbreaking philosophical-theological consideration of humanity and of our basic human commonality.

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    • Liderazgo Principios De Oro – (Spanish)


      Escribir Liderazgo, principios de oro le llevo a Maxwell toda una vida, y ofrece sus lecciones mas valiosas basadas en cuarenta anos de liderazgo. Un lider entre los lideres, John Maxwell se prometio a si mismo al comienzo de su carrera que no escribiria este libro hasta tener sesenta anos de edad. Y ahora finalmente esta aqui. Con su estilo caracteristico, Maxwell se pone al lado de uno como mentor, haciendo que los lectores sientan como si fuera un programa individual de liderazgo. Liderazgo, principios de oro ofrece lo mejor de lo mejor, las lecciones probadas y veraces que nadie sino Maxwell puede compartir.

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    • Conversations With American Writers


      Postmodernity has shoved a stick through the spokes of any story that tries to take us somewhere. With postmodern literary theory insistent that a story can mean nothing, serious writers see their seriousness linked to maintaining the position that their fictions have no particular point. How can a literary work without a message inform our faith? Dale Brown here collects the stories of many contemporary writers whose work does carry meaning and message. Though perhaps not the normal fare on the shelves of many Christian bookstores, their works nonetheless have much truth to tell in their wrestle with the sacred. Some of them begin with the problems they have with faith, while others are deeply enmeshed in their beliefs but take atypical ways of expressing it through their writing. Following Brown’s earlier collection, Of Faith and Fiction, these conversations with popular American writers offer a new dialogue in considering the power of art to sustain faith in unexpected ways.

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    • What Does A Progressive Christian Believe


      This book came into being about two o’clock in the morning on the day after the 2004 presidential election. It arose out of the stunned realization that the historic tradition of progressive Christian thought and action had virtually disappeared from our public discourse.Progressive Christianity, writes theology professor Delwin Brown, is a family of perspectives that is united in opposing right-wing religion but also desires to go beyond “liberal” and “conservative” labels.

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    • Leadership Gold : Lessons Ive Learned From A Lifetime Of Leading


      Leadership Gold took leadership guru John C. Maxwell a lifetime to write, and it delivers his most valuable lessons from forty years of leading. A leader among leaders, John Maxwell promised himself early in his career that he wouldn’t write this book until he was sixty. And now it’s finally here. Leadership Gold took Maxwell a lifetime to write, and it delivers his most valuable lessons from forty years of leading. With his signature style, Maxwell comes alongside like a mentor, candidly taking readers through what feels like a one-on-one leadership program. Leadership Gold offers the best of the best, the tried-and-true lessons that no one but Maxwell can share.

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