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Showing 101–150 of 214 results

  • Medici Et Medicamenta


    Foreword By Daniel P. Sheridan
    Part One: A Survey Of Modern Historiography Of Penance (ca. 1500-2000)
    Penance As Construct In The Modern History Of Religions
    From Dogmatic History To The History Of Dogma (ca. 1520-1920)
    Convergences And New Directions (ca. 1920-2000)
    Paradigms In The New Contemporary Historiography Of Penance
    Part Two: A Survey Of The Literature Of Penance (ca. 1650 B.C.-A.D. 650)
    Penance In Pre-Christian Antiquity
    The Origins Of Ritual Penance In Christian Antiquity
    The Transformation Of Penance In Late Antiquity
    The Monasticization Of Penance (ca. 450-650)

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    This book is a comprehensive historiographical survey on Christian penance and confession from the early sixteenth century to the end of the twentieth century. The author charts the change from medieval practices of penance to the modern rites of penance.

    The book’s title refers to the latin phrase medici et medicamenta, or, “spiritual doctors and medicines,” to indicate a unifying theme of this study.

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  • Just Peacemaking : The New Paradigm For The Ethics Of Peace And War



    Part 1: Peacemaking Initiatives
    1) Support Nonviolent Direct Action
    2) Take Independent Initiatives To Reduce Threat
    3) Use Cooperative Conflict Resolution
    4) Acknowledge Responsibility For Conflict And Injustice And Seek Repentance And Forgiveness

    Part 2: Justice
    5) Advanced Democracy, Human Rights, And Interdependence
    6) Foster Just And Sustainable Economic Development

    Part 3: Love And Community
    7) Work With Emerging Cooperative Forces In The International System
    8) Strengthen The United Nations And International Efforts For Cooperation And Human Rights 9) Reduce Offensive Weapons And Weapons Trade
    10) Encourage Grassroots Peacemaking Groups And Voluntary Associations


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    This book is the product of 23 scholars across various denominations who have collaborated annually for six years to specify the 10 practical steps and develop the undergirding principles of this critical approach.

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  • Zizek : A Very Critical Introduction


    Slovenian philosopher Slavojek is known for his brilliant tendency to weave together theology, psychoanalysis, and politics in a unique fashion to provide stunning commentary on contemporary culture. Assuming little prior knowledge of the controversial philosopher, Marcus Pound provides a general introduction – the first of its kind – to Slavojek’s work as it relates specifically to theology and religious studies. Pound begins by exploring Slavojek’s background in Lacan and German philosophy. That exploration is followed by a critical engagement of Slavojek’s concept of God, the mechanics of belief, metaphysics of faith, the role of religious ideology, and why a political act must necessarily assume the form of a religious act. Finally Pound considers the impact of this philosopher’s work on currently theological thought concerning gift and sacrifice, gender and sexuality, and the politics of inter-religious debate. This introduction, though brief, nevertheless provides a comprehen-sive account of Slavojek’s theological, political, and psychological lexicon. Pound’s work here renders the contours of the philosopher’s project in clear, accessible terms, perfect for any student of philosophy.

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  • There Is A God


    In There Is a God, one of the world’s preeminent atheists discloses how his commitment to “follow the argument wherever it leads” led him to a belief in God as Creator. This is a compelling and refreshingly open-minded argument that will forever change the atheism debate.

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  • 360 Degree Leader Workbook (Workbook)


    In his nearly thirty years of teaching leadership, John Maxwell has encountered this question again and again: How do I apply leadership principles if I’m not the boss? In The 360 Degree Leader Workbook, Maxwell addresses that very question and takes the discussion even further. You don’t have to be the main leader, asserts Maxwell, to make significant impact in your organization. Good leaders are not only capable of leading their followers but are also adept at leading their superiors and their peers. Debunking myths and shedding light on the challenges, John Maxwell offers specific principles for Leading Down, Leading Up, and Leading Across. 360-Degree Leaders can lead effectively, regardless of their position in an organization. By applying Maxwell’s principles, you will expand your influence and ultimately be a more valuable team member.

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  • 7 : The Deadly Sins And The Beatitudes


    The space between Heaven and Hell, C. S. Lewis said, is the great divorce. The Beatitudes and Deadly Sins are the divergent landscapes and are the signatures of a world redeemed and a world decomposing. This book engages these two spheres and listens for what they say to one another.

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  • Quest Of The Hermeneutical Jesus


    1. A Brief History Of Hermeneutical Methods In Previous Quests
    2. John Dominic Crossan
    3. N.T. Wright

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    The Quest of the Hermeneutical Jesus is a study in how reading documents referring to Jesus influences conclusions as to who Jesus was as a figure in history. In this book, author Robert B. Stewart leads his readers through the projects of two of the most important and influential scholars in the field of historical Jesus research, in order to show his readers how the philosophical presuppositions and hermeneutical methods of Crossan and Wright impact their respective historical conclusions concerning Jesus. There is arguably no more important question in religious studies than: What can we know about Jesus? Stewart takes on the task of filling the void in this area by addressing how hermeneutics influences history. In addition to highlighting the work of two great scholars, Stewart also provides a useful introduction and guide through much of the maze of contemporary literary criticism.

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  • Making A Way Out Of No Way


    A womanist theology of change.

    Integrates postmodern thought, womanist theology, and process philosophy.

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  • Quest Of The Hermeneutical Jesus


    1. A Brief History Of Hermeneutical Methods In Previous Quests
    2. John Dominic Crossan
    3. N.T. Wright

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    The Quest of the Hermeneutical Jesus is a study in how reading documents referring to Jesus influences conclusions as to who Jesus was as a figure in history. In this book, author Robert B. Stewart leads his readers through the projects of two of the most important and influential scholars in the field of historical Jesus research, in order to show his readers how the philosophical presuppositions and hermeneutical methods of Crossan and Wright impact their respective historical conclusions concerning Jesus. There is arguably no more important question in religious studies than: What can we know about Jesus? Stewart takes on the task of filling the void in this area by addressing how hermeneutics influences history. In addition to highlighting the work of two great scholars, Stewart also provides a useful introduction and guide through much of the maze of contemporary literary criticism.

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  • Naturalism


    Most, if not all, other books on naturalism are written for professional philosophers alone. Stewart Goetz and Charles Taliaferro offer a book that – without losing anything in the way of scholarly standards – is primarily aimed at a college-educated audience interested in learning about this pervasive worldview. Naturalism groups the various terms of this philosophy into two general categories: strict naturalism and broad naturalism. According to the strict version, all that exists can be exhaustively described and explained by the natural sciences. As Goetz and Taliaferro explain it, broad naturalism allows that there may be some things beyond physics and the natural sciences, but insists that there can be no reality beyond nature – i.e., God – and explicitly rules out the possibility of souls. The authors argue that both categories face substantial objections in their failure to allow for consciousness, human free will, and values. They offer sustained replies to the naturalist critique of the soul and the existence of God and engage in critical evaluations of works by scholarly and popular advocates of naturalism – Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins, Thomas Nagel, Jaegwon Kim, and others.

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  • Conversations With American Writers


    Postmodernity has shoved a stick through the spokes of any story that tries to take us somewhere. With postmodern literary theory insistent that a story can mean nothing, serious writers see their seriousness linked to maintaining the position that their fictions have no particular point. How can a literary work without a message inform our faith? Dale Brown here collects the stories of many contemporary writers whose work does carry meaning and message. Though perhaps not the normal fare on the shelves of many Christian bookstores, their works nonetheless have much truth to tell in their wrestle with the sacred. Some of them begin with the problems they have with faith, while others are deeply enmeshed in their beliefs but take atypical ways of expressing it through their writing. Following Brown’s earlier collection, Of Faith and Fiction, these conversations with popular American writers offer a new dialogue in considering the power of art to sustain faith in unexpected ways.

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  • Leadership Gold : Lessons Ive Learned From A Lifetime Of Leading


    Leadership Gold took leadership guru John C. Maxwell a lifetime to write, and it delivers his most valuable lessons from forty years of leading. A leader among leaders, John Maxwell promised himself early in his career that he wouldn’t write this book until he was sixty. And now it’s finally here. Leadership Gold took Maxwell a lifetime to write, and it delivers his most valuable lessons from forty years of leading. With his signature style, Maxwell comes alongside like a mentor, candidly taking readers through what feels like a one-on-one leadership program. Leadership Gold offers the best of the best, the tried-and-true lessons that no one but Maxwell can share.

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  • Seeing Things


    Seeing Things is a highly original book that will have appeal across humanity departments including visual studies, theology, art history, sociology, anthropology and ethics. The book considers in detail, the experience of perceiving visual objects, from high art to everyday artefacts. It looks in particular at the problems encountered with the ways we in Western culture look upon the world and things, and encourages and argues for ways to look and visualise the world more critically, broadly and widely. Sight is one of the main ways we perceive and relate to the world, and yet it is mostly assumed rather than actively reflected on. Objects designated as art and the realm of aesthetics attract some active attention and reflection, but most of the visible world is ignored in the context of what Pattison describes as our ‘ordinary blindness’.The book argues that the range of things we choose to see and value is arbitrary and limited and the ways in which we relate to things and objects are mostly crude and un-nuanced. Pattison argues that it is desirable to consider more person-like relationships with all manner of visibly perceived objects, from classical sculptures to tennis rackets. If we begin to apply this person-like relationship with things, we transgress the Western secular and religious practice and belief that maintains that the realm of the manufactured is ‘dead’ and so can be treated by humans exactly as they wish without consideration. Pattison argues that this person-like relationship does not mean re-animating or re-sacramentalising the world, rather he argues for observation and exploration of the actual phenomenology of the object.

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  • Nietsches Beyond Good And Evil


    The SCM Briefly series is made up of short, accessible volumes which summarize books by philosophers and theologians, books that are commonly used on philosophy and religious studies school leaving courses as well as on Level One undergraduate courses. Each Briefly volume provides a very short chapter setting the scene by explaining who this writer is and why this book in particular was so important, or why it became so important to Western thought. This short contextualising chapter is then followed by an in-depth summary of the book in question. This includes line by line analysis and short quotes to give students a feel for the original text. Essentially a Briefly will allow students to become familiar with a key philosophical work in a very short time, but without missing out on the relevant parts of the original work.A glossary of terms follows the summary to help students with definitions of philosophical terms.

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  • Ayers Language Truth And Logic


    The SCM Briefly series is made up of short, accessible volumes which summarize books by philosophers and theologians, books that are commonly used on philosophy and religious studies school leaving courses as well as on Level One undergraduate courses. Each Briefly volume provides a very short chapter setting the scene by explaining who this writer is and why this book in particular was so important, or why it became so important to Western thought. This short contextualising chapter is then followed by an in-depth summary of the book in question. This includes line by line analysis and short quotes to give students a feel for the original text. Essentially a Briefly will allow students to become familiar with a key philosophical work in a very short time, but without missing out on the relevant parts of the original work.A glossary of terms follows the summary to help students with definitions of philosophical terms.

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  • Sartres Existentialism And Humanism


    The SCM Briefly series is made up of short, accessible volumes which summarize books by philosophers and theologians, books that are commonly used on theology and philosophy A level (school leaving) and Level One undergraduate courses.

    Each Briefly volume includes line by line analysis and short quotes to give students a feel for the original text. In addition each book begins with a contextualizing introduction about the writer and his writings, and a glossary of terms follows the summary to help students with definitions of philosophical terms.

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  • Humes Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding


    The SCM Briefly series is made up of short, accessible volumes which summarize books by philosophers and theologians, books that are commonly used on theology and philosophy A level (school leaving) and Level One undergraduate courses. Each Briefly volume includes line by line analysis and short quotes to give students a feel for the original text. In addition each book begins with a contextualizing introduction about the writer and his writings, and a glossary of terms follows the summary to help students with definitions of philosophical terms.

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  • Is Religion Dangerous


    Holy wars, crusades, discrimination, hate – these by-products of religion are all many contemporary commentators can see. But is religion dangerous? Is it a force for evil, something to oppose as a corrupt system that leads to terrorism and violence? Is it something to disdain as irrational and out of step with modern society? Keith Ward here addresses these concerns intelligently and insightfully. Looking at the evidence from history, philosophy, sociology, and psychology, he focuses on the main question at issue: does religion do more harm than good? He begins with a clear definition of what religion actually is, examining the key area of religion and violence. Ward goes on to assess the allegations of irrationality and immorality before finally exploring the good religion has engendered over the centuries. Without religion, the human race would be considerably worse off with little hope for the future. In fact, he argues, religion is the best rational basis for morality. Thought-provoking and powerful, Is Religion Dangerous? is essential reading for anyone interested in the confluence of truth, freedom, and justice.

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  • Roots And Wings


    Every person has a personal story – a story as big and beautiful as the universe itself. And each of our personal stories is an essential chapter in the Big Story.
    We are told that life’s story begins from elements released into space at the death of a star. But what about our destiny? Does that speck of stardust also hold within it a “spark of God”? Is life evolving toward levels of consciousness that we cannot yet even imagine?
    This is a book full of questions to inspire deeper thinking. It invites you to participate in an age-old conversation about our origins and our destiny. It encourages you to think about what it might mean to become fully and truly human – and to discover your own response to that perpetual question.

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  • Lost Gospel Of Judas


    With the discovery of the Gospel of Judas came an outpouring of hyperbolic language, both negative and positive. Alongside the overwhelming opinions of historians and scholars was the quiet bewilderment of people who simply weren’t sure what to think, confusion that wasn’t helped by vast media attention. In The Lost Gospel of Judas, Stanley Porter and Gordon Heath attempt to set the record straight. They begin with a look at the initial responses to the announcement of the gospel’s existence, then provide a brief history of Judas himself as seen in the New Testament and in church history, and of Gnostic philosophy. Further sections consider other recent textual finds and examine the discovery, content, and authenticity of the gospel. They also delve into the relationship this new gospel has with the New Testament canon and contemplate the “Lucky Winner” theory of canonical history. The Lost Gospel of Judas sifts through all the evidence, presenting the results with more than enough scholarship to be respected and enough clarity to be easily understood.

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  • Human Person In Gods World


    Austin Farrer’s important contribution to philosophical and theological anthropology is discussed here by the six main contributors to the Austin Farrer Centenary Conference held at Oriel College in 2004.

    After an Introductory survey by Basil Mitchell, Nancy Murphy provides an in-depth study of Farrer’s defence of the freedom of the will, Edward Henderson brings out the key notion of double agency in Farrer’s conception of the way God acts in and through the human person. Brian Hebblethwaite explores Farrer’s writings for the light they throw on creation and evolution, with special reference to the problems of providence and evil. David Brown extends Farrer’s insights on the role of images in biblical revelation to their role in natural religion, and Douglas Hedley shows how Farrer’s – and Mitchell’s – work on the imagination enriches our understanding of the relation between faith and reason. The Centenary Conference sermon by the Bishop of Oxford is also appended.

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  • Deceived On Purpose


    If you have ever wondered what really lies beneath the surface of the Purpose-Driven agenda, then this is a must read.

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  • Call To Action


    Call to Action includes the information businesses need to know to achieve dramatic results from online efforts. Are you planning for top performance? Are you accurately evaluating that performance? Are you setting the best benchmarks for measuring success? How well are you communicating your value proposition? Are you structured for change? Can you achieve the momentum you need to get the results you want? If you have the desire and commitment to create phenomenal online results, then this book is your call to action. Within these pages, New York Times best-selling authors Bryan and Jeffrey Eisenberg walk you through the five phases that comprise web site development, from the critical planning phase, through developing structure, momentum, and communication, to articulating value. Along the way, they offer advice and practical applications culled from their years of experience “in the trenches.”

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  • Love Love Love


    In forty-three brief essays from the life of a philosopher, Charles Taliaferro guides us toward the heart of human being in all of its absurdity and joy. Electrocuted by his coffee maker during class, battling dragons on his rooftop, and accompanying his father to the border between life and death, Taliaferro recommends to us a life vulnerable to silliness, pain, and the depths of love they create in us. Hilarious and sobering, Love, Love, Love investigates what we need most to live humanely, humorously, faithfully, and well.

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  • Postmodernism 101 : A First Course For The Curious Christian (Reprinted)



    Why Read About Postmodernism
    Premodern And Modern Minds
    The Postmodern Turn Against Reason
    Truth, Power, And Morality
    Language And Thought
    Inquiry And Interpretation
    Culture And Irony
    History And Hope

    For Further Reading

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    An accessible introduction to the ideas of postmodernism and postmodernism’s relationship to Christianity.

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  • Philosophy And Theology


    In this clear, concise, and brilliantly engaging essay, renowned philosopher and theologian John D. Caputo addresses the great and classical philosophical questions as they inextricably intersect with theology – past, present, and future.
    Recognized as one of the leading philosophers, Caputo is peerless in introducing and initiating students into the vital relationship that philosophy and theology share together. He writes, “If you take a long enough look, beyond the debates that divide philosophy and theology, over the walls that they have built to keep each other out or beyond the wars to subordinate one to the other, you find a common sense of awe, a common gasp of surprise or astonishment, like looking out at the endless sprawl of stars across the evening sky or upon the waves of a midnight sea.”

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  • How Postmodernism Serves My Faith


    Can Christians learn from postmodern thinkers and their critique of modernism? Crystal L. Downing introduces students (especially those in the arts) to postmoderism: where it came from, and how Christians can best understand, critique and benefit from its insights. She believes that the challenges, questions and insights of postmodernism can contribute to a deeper and clearer grasp of our faith. She thinks so because, beginning as a graduate student, she explored the best of postmodern thought and came out thankful for it. Through honest engagement, Downing seeks to guide students along a path that will ultimately strengthen their faith.

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  • Shadow Of The Antichrist


    Discusses the influence that Friedrich Nietzsche’s anti-Christian philosphy has had on the church of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

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  • Good Thief : A Mystery Of Mercy


    In The Good Thief Fr. Andre persuasively shows that the gospel is the Good News of God’s mercy for the poor and for sinners-for all people who know they have nothing by which to earn or deserve mercy. Jesus is the Savior of sinners. As He did when He reached out to Zaccheus and the woman caught in adultery, Jesus reaches out to sinners with mercy. It is a quality of mercy that finds its most eloquent expression in Jesus’ promise of salvation to the penitent thief on the cross at Calvary. In his dying moment Jesus justifies the Penitent Thief on the run. The story of the Penitent Thief stands as an example for all people who find themselves excluded, injured, abandoned, and rejected in life. In the Penitent Thief ‘s encounter with Jesus, we see the holy work of grace in which Jesus Christ takes the initiative. Among some of the most excluded people today are the prisoners of the world. Among them and us, the Penitent Thief serves as a compelling example. He leads us to welcome, in our poverty and unworthiness, the unlimited mercy of Jesus the Savior. This book is a meditation on the story of the Penitent Thief, who accepted the love and salvation of Jesus and who is an example for all people who stand before God as thieves and sinners.

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  • Whos Afraid Of Postmodernism (Reprinted)


    The philosophies of French thinkers Derrida, Lyotard, and Foucault form the basis for postmodern thought and are seemingly at odds with the Christian faith. However, James K. A. Smith claims that their ideas have been misinterpreted and actually have a deep affinity with central Christian claims. Each chapter opens with an illustration from a recent movie and concludes with a case study considering recent developments in the church that have attempted to respond to the postmodern condition, such as the ”emerging church” movement. These case studies provide a concrete picture of how postmodern ideas can influence the way Christians think and worship. This significant book avoids philosophical jargon and offers fuller explanation where needed. It is the first book in the Church and Postmodern Culture series, which provides practical applications for Christians engaged in ministry in a postmodern world.

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  • Crossing The Threshold Of Divine Revelation


    The last few decades have seen a revolution in debates about the rationality of Christian belief. Among the array of current options for justifying religious belief, however, nearly every one assumes that a general theory of knowing and a minimal version of theism must be adopted before the rationality of Christian belief can be tackled.

    In Crossing the Threshold of Divine Revelation William J. Abraham confronts both of these assumptions, arguing that epistemology must begin with its particular target of inquiry – in Abraham’s case the full-blooded “canonical theism” of the early, undivided Christian church. He argues, moreover, that special divine revelation forms a crucial threshold at the entrance to the epistemology of Christian belief. Sure to intrigue philosophers, theologians, and curious students, Abraham’s robust vision of Christian faith provides a creative solution to many of the current difficulties in philosophy and theology.

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  • Concept Of Woman Volume 2 Part 2


    This seminal work is the second volume of a widely praised study of the concept of woman in the history of Western philosophy. Sister Prudence Allen explores claims about sex and gender identity in the works of over fifty philosophers (both men and women) in the late medieval and early Renaissance periods.

    Touching on the thought of every philosopher who considered sex or gender identity between A.D. 1250 and 1500, The Concept of Woman provides the analytical categories necessary for situating contemporary discussion of women in relation to men. Adding to the accessibility of this fine discussion are informative illustrations, helpful summary charts, and extracts of original source material (some not previously available in English).

    Encyclopedic in coverage yet clearly organized and well written, The Concept of Woman will be an invaluable resource for readers interested in a wide range of disciplines.

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  • Concept Of Woman Volume 2 Part 1


    This seminal work is the second volume of a widely praised study of the concept of woman in the history of Western philosophy. Sister Prudence Allen explores claims about sex and gender identity in the works of over fifty philosophers (both men and women) in the late medieval and early Renaissance periods.

    Touching on the thought of every philosopher who considered sex or gender identity between A.D. 1250 and 1500, The Concept of Woman provides the analytical categories necessary for situating contemporary discussion of women in relation to men. Adding to the accessibility of this fine discussion are informative illustrations, helpful summary charts, and extracts of original source material (some not previously available in English).

    Encyclopedic in coverage yet clearly organized and well written, The Concept of Woman will be an invaluable resource for readers interested in a wide range of disciplines.

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  • Developing The Leaders Around You


    Developing leadership qualities in others is the way to ensure success in today’s competitive world because the one asset that truly appreciates within any organization is people. People can grow, develop, and become more effective if they have a leader who understands their potential value.

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  • Proclamation And Theology


    This first volume in the Abingdon Press series Horizons in Theology addresses the major concerns and questions for preaching as it intersects with theology. William H. Willimon, recognized as one of today’s master interpreters of the theology and practice of preaching, explains why, in the words of the Second Helvetic Confession, “The preaching of the word of God is the Word of God.” Drawing from classical theology and practical experience, he provides a cogent, powerful explanation of what it means to live the preaching life.

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  • Call To Conversion (Revised)


    1. The Call
    2. The Betrayal
    3. The Injustice
    4. The Peril
    5. The Vision
    6. The Roots
    7. The Victory

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    Put your faith into action. A leading voice at the crossroads of faith and politics offers a prophetic appeal for our times: faced with a growing gap between the rich and poor, bombarded by national security alerts that ratchet up our stress levels, taxed by a government that spends billions of dollars on war-where do we find hope? In this revised and updated edition of his classic, Jim Wallis insightfully critiques contemporary culture and politics, inspiring us with stories to convert our way of thinking and point to a solution to our current social and political dilemmas.

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  • Justification Of The Good


    Translated by Nathalie A. Duddington
    Edited and annotated by Boris Jakim
    Foreword by David Bentley Hart

    After passing through deism, pantheism, and sundry atheistic visions of life, Vladimir Solovyov emerged as a Christian thinker of irrepressible conviction and uncommon genius. The Justification of the Good, one of Solovyov’s last and most mature works, presents a profound argument for human morality based on the world’s longing for and participation in God’s goodness.

    In the first part of the book Solovyov explores humanity’s inner virtues and their full reality in Christ, weaving his moral philosophy with threads drawn from Orthodox theology. In the second part Solovyov discusses the practical implications of Christian goodness for such areas as nationalism, war, economics, legal justice, and family.

    This edition of The Justification of the Good reproduces the English edition of 1918 and is the only new publication of this work since that date. The book includes explanatory footnotes by esteemed scholar Boris Jakim and a bibliography, compiled by Jakim, of Solovyov’s major philosophical and religious works.

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  • Christianity And The Postmodern Turn (Reprinted)


    Addresses the perils and promises post-modernity holds for the tasks of Chrstian thinkers.

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  • Problem Of Evil And The Problem Of God


    Creative and original, D. Z. Phillips’s argues that the problem of evil is inextricably linked to our conception of God and that the concept of God in recent philosophy of religion is problematic, even harmful. An ideal text for students of philosophy, religion, or theology.

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  • Gospel According To Relativity


    Many people have traded the wisdom of the ages for the uncertainty of postmodernism. This book ventures in to uncharted territory with a revolutionary “model of understanding” that bridges the gap between traditional view and modern/postmodern skepticism. The model has three components: A moving frame of reference acknowledges the chaos of the present age, a nondiscriminatory duality that is both neutral and inclusive (male/female, black/white, etc.) provides linguistic order for public discourse, and constant value is superimposed on all creation much the way the constant speed of light in E=mc2 is superimposed on the theory of relativity. Part 1 applies the model to Christianity and Part 2 replicates the same model for secularism and other world religions. The result is an innovative approach that discredits the inflexible absolutism of the past and the uncommitted relativism of the present, and reaffirms the existence of a general theory of value.

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  • Calvin And Classical Philosophy


    This is a thorough study of Calvin’s conception of Christian philosophy, his exposition of insights of classical philosophy, and his evaluations of classical philosophers. Special attention is given to the doctrines of providence and predestination.

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  • Goal And The Prize


    This book is about having a personal relationship with God. These writings address the reasons why God made us, why He put us here, and what He wants from us. In these chapters, the author discusses the nature of God and our relationship with Him. The purpose is to focus readers on what is really true and important about their relationship with God. This work is meant to cut past the rhetoric of Church doctrines and to zero in on some essential truths that sometimes get lost in or obscured by church teaching. It is the author’s intent to promote fresh thinking on some of the concepts of the Christian faith. Christians should be thoughtful people. They should actually think about what they believe and not simply adopt the beliefs of others. This book attempts to correct some of the wrong messages being sent out by some Christians and churches today. Christians should want to draw people toward faith in God, not drive them away from it.

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  • Promise Of His Appearing


    The book of Second Peter has long troubled biblical scholars and interpreters who have disputed its authorship and its claims about the imminent return of Christ. Leithart offers a preterist reading of the epistle, arguing that it describes first-century events rather than the end of history. He maintains orthodoxy, avoiding hyper-preterism, affirming both the real future return of Christ and the epistle’s authenticity.

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  • Christian Faith And The Problem Of Evil Print On Demand Title


    A Print on Demand Title

    The problem of evil has challenged religious minds and hearts throughout the ages. Just how can the presence of suffering, tragedy, and wrongdoing be squared with the all-powerful, all-loving God of faith? This book gathers some of the best, most meaningful recent reflections on the problem of evil, with contributions by shrewd thinkers in the areas of philosophy, theology, literature, linguistics, and sociology.

    In addition to bringing new insights to the old problem of evil, Christian Faith and the Problem of Evil is set apart from similar volumes by the often-novel approaches its authors take to the subject. Many of the essays pursue classic lines in speculative philosophy, but others address the problem of evil through biblical criticism, the thought of Simone Weil, and the faith of battered women and African American slaves. As a result, this book will interest a wide range of readers.

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  • Teaching As Believing


    The public university classroom is a place where socialization still occurs: it’s where students learn to be citizens of the world. Having attended to political correctness and multi-culturalism, universities are now facing the issue of spirituality in their quest to educate the whole person. In this book, Chris Anderson takes up this task by carefully exploring how a professor of faith can help a public university accomplish its pluralistic mission. Anderson illustrates how the study of secular literature throws fresh light on the ways in which the Bible can be read. He also deftly shows how a sympathetic study of the Bible trains secular readers for understanding the abiding significance of the Western literary canon as a kind of scripture. Anderson thus gives readers a book that is as much about the experience of a faithful teacher and the proper ends of education as it is about discovering the right ways to read texts-be they sacred or secular.

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  • Human Dignity In The Biotech Century


    What will be the greatest moral challenge facing our society throughout this century? Are we ready to face it? The contributors to this book make the case that the greatest watershed debates of this new century concerning ethics and public policy will surround the issue of biotechnology. These twelve essays alert the reader to the ethical and legal challenges we face in the new genetics, involving embryo research, stem cell research, cloning, genetic engineering, gene therapy, pharmocogenomics, cybernetics, nanotechnology and, of course, abortion. Leaders in their fields, these contributors point out the crucial role Christians can and should play in the public square. The forward-looking thought by these spokespersons will help us get prepared.

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  • Centering Prayer And Inner Awakening


    Practitioners of Centering Prayer are known for the great enthusiasm they bring to the practice of this ancient discipline. Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening is a complete guidebook for all who wish to know the practice of Centering Prayer. Cynthia Bourgeault goes further than offering an introduction, however. She examines how the practice is related to the classic tradition of Christian contemplation, looks at the distinct nuances of its method, and explores its revolutionary potential to transform Christian life. The book encourages dialogue between Centering Prayer enthusiasts and those classic institutions of Christian nurture-churches, seminaries, and schools of theology-that have yet to accept real ownership of the practice and its potential.

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  • God Of Dirt


    Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for American Primitive, Mary Oliver has published numerous books of poetry and essays. Her poems are quoted in everything from Web sites to hymn books. Earthlight, a “Magazine of Spiritual Ecology,” has declared her an “earth saint.”
    In this engaging study, Thomas W. Mann shows Oliver to have keen eyes and ears for reading the book of nature. Readers will discover that the correspondence between Oliver’s poetry and traditional religious language provides a fresh perspective from which to enjoy her work. At the same time, Oliver’s reading from the Other Book of God invites us into nature’s “temple” where we may come into the presence of the holy and from which we may leave rejuvenated and blessed. God of Dirt is an important study of a contemporary poet whose work is as likely to be read by a preacher in a pulpit as by an activist at an environmental rally, and will help us experience a new vision of the beauty of our world.

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  • Radiance : A Spiritual Memoir Of Evelyn Underhill


    With excerpts from both her published writings and private journals, this compilation presents a candid look at the extraordinary spiritual journey of Evelyn Underhill, who is credited with the modern rediscovery of mysticism. Clarifies how her views changed; discusses little-known struggles.

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  • Good Ideas From Questionable Christians And Outright Pagans


    Wilkens provides a convincing rationale for why Christians should study philosophy by examining an important issue from the perspective of the following philosophers: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas, Descartes, Kierkegaard, Marx, Nietzsche, and Sartre. Although some Christians tend to view the faith of the above philosophers as questionable at best and non-existent at worst, Wilkens finds that many of their ideas can enhance Christian faith and yield valuable theological insight. In providing this accessible introduction to some of the key ideas and thinkers in philosophy, Wilkens finds strong grounds for living “the examined life” (playing off the famous quote by Socrates), urging Christians to engage in philosophical reflection, which can strengthen one’s faith and deepen one’s sense of wonder with the world God created.

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