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    Pastoral Helps

    • Listening And Caring Skills


      Nine specific, teachable techniques to improve communication skills for pastors, counselors, and small-group leaders.

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    • 21 Century Pastor


      The third millennium. It’s a time of tremendous opportunity for the church–and tremendous challenge. More than ever, pastors need a model for ministry that can equip them for the rigors of a restless, increasingly secularized culture. In the 21st Century Pastor, David Fisher explores the apostle Paul’s concept of ministry to offer a paradigm that is both biblical and relevant. Paul’s view is fleshed out with examples from Fisher’s own twenty-five years of pastoral experience, presenting a roadmap for today’s pastor that is scholarly, practical, dynamic, and inspiring. The 21st Century Pastor first addressees crucial issues of pastoral identity, the significance of geography, time, and ecclesiology. It then explores Paul’s metaphors for ministry (jars of clay, farmers and builders, servants and stewards, and others) to reveal an accurate portrait of an effective, biblical pastor–the kind who will speak to the heart of modern culture rather than languish on its fringes. Filling the rare role of a pastor to pastors, Fisher’s sage insights help pastors answer their own identity questions, empowering them to minister to a deeply needy society. Says Fisher, “Pastors who know what time it is will, in the name and power of God, create communities of faith where the values of the Gospel are embraced, taught, and lived out.”

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    • Managing The Congregation


      In this third volume of their trilogy, Shawchuck and Heuser focus on the relationships and processes common to the religious congregation. Their emphasis is on the identification and maximization of effective processes within church structures.

      Key Features: Detailed analysis of the congregation as a network of systems and relationships; Explores four areas of potential transformation for the congregation: mission, spiritual formation, relationship with people, and structures of ministry; Comprehensive format ideal for pastors and seminary students.

      Key Benefits: Identifying systems and relationships within the congregation enables church leaders to be intentional and structured in their approach to change; Emphasizes the concept of the “Continuous Improvement Project,” which helps leaders to understand the on-going nature of organizational transformation; Contributes to our understanding of how to design, implement, or change systems within the congregation in order to enhance the effectiveness of ministry.

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    • 10 Strategies For Preaching In A Multi Media Culture


      In Ten Strategies for Preaching, the author, Thomas H. Troeger, surveys how evolving forms of communications over the centuries have shaped presentation of the gospel. He then provides an in-depth analysis of ten strategies for creating sermons that effectively deliver the Word in an age of mass media and computerization. 125 page softcover from Abingdon Press

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    • What If : 450 Thought Provoking Questions To Get Teenagers Talking Laughing


      How will your kids answer these provocative questions? What if. . .you could talk to you family about anything? . . .you could have one superhuman power? . . .you could grade your teacher? . . .You found out your best friend had AIDS? . . .you could exchange bodies with anyone? . . .you could ask God three questions? Their answer will spark lively discussion, debate, and real thinking. You can use the 450 stimulating questions you’ll find in What If. . .? to break the ice, get a discussion rolling, build community, get kids to wrestle with spiritual issues, or just have fun. The follow-up questions–What could you do? What would you do? What should you do?–provide an added twist to the process. And the convenient size makes it easy to stick in your pocket or the glove compartment of your car. You’ll find What If. . .? an indispensable part of your youth ministry.

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    • Help Im A Sunday School Teacher


      1. Fifty Ways To Make Sunday School Come Alive
      2. Extra Credit
      3. Resources
      138 Pages

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      Yes, Help Is On The Way! – in this fun, funny, yet extremely practical volume. Flannelgraph-tested Sunday school veteran Ray Johnson offers empathy and understanding as he serves up 50 creative thoughts, tips and ideas you can use to make your Sunday school come alive.

      As an added bonus, Ray has included resources that you can use to improve your effectiveness, including a “Pick Your Topics” survey, a learning styles inventory, an active learning planning sheet, and much more.

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    • Counseling Adolescent Girls


      Detailed sociological, psychological, and spiritual data about the conflicts and heartaches common among today’s teenagers, including depression, eating disorders, premarital sex, and date rape, with sound advice on how concerned caregivers should respond. Especially helpful to parents, youth leaders, and pastors.

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    • Cross Cultural Counseling


      Both informative and reflective, Gary Simpson’s book traces the genesis of critical social theory in Germany’s Frankfurt School of Social Research. But he also explains the reconception of critical theory in the work of Jurgen Haberma, especially in ideas about interpretation, praxis, communicative action, and civil society. Finally, Simpson shows how Christian theology and Christian congregations can employ critical theory to retrieve their prophetic vocation in the life of our society.

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    • Scripture And Discernment


      This work is a revision and expansion of Luke Timothy Johnson’s earlier work, Decision Making in the Early Church: A Biblical Model. Here he expands his earlier thoughts on the biblical text and decision making in the church. Often, churches simply attempt to turn to the Scripture for support of their decisions. Johnson argues, however, that there are so many complex issues that are not directly addressed in the Scriptures that a closer look at how decisions were made in the early church is needed for a complete picture of the decision making process. Looking, then, at the early events of Acts, Johnson shows how discernment is critical to correctly interpret Scripture for church decisions. Luke Timothy Johnson is Robert W. Woodruff Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins at Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia.

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    • Evangelical Theology Of Preaching


      From the Publisher:” Explore the biblical and theological bases for preaching. For courses in homiletics and for studious pastors.

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    • Stewards Of Life


      Sondra Wheeler has written an extordinary introducation to bioethics. She defines with clarity the central bioethical principles of autonomy, non maleficence, beneficence and justie, while at the same time maintaining intergrity with the christian story. The book includes difficult clinical cases, drawn from real life, which give it depth; it portrays bioethical problems in technicolor. This book is recommended for pastors, hosptials and chaplains.

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    • Empowering Ministry : Ways To Grow In Effectiveness


      Over a period of years, Donald Smith probed, analyzed, interpreted, and reinterpreted data pertaining to what makes for effective ministry. Through all his research, one fact kept emerging: pastors who focus on empowering others are recognized as the most effective. This book distills the best information about cultivating an effective ministry from the voices of several hundred highly effective congregational leaders.

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    • Why God Why


      This book explores the age-old question of why a loving God allows suffering to visit God’s children. The author encourages us to examine God’s eternal presence in times of blessed joy as well as during sorrow and care, and offers scripture and anecdotes to illustrate God’s comfort and grace during all situations in our lives.

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    • Crayon Creations K-4


      So much can be done with a crayon and this book takes simple coloring one step further. Fifty crayon crafts use a variety of techniques to help young people celebrate God’s creation.

      Finished projects include
      crayon etchings
      string rubbings
      crayon stencilings
      so much more.

      For easy reference, crafts are arranged in Bible book order and each includes
      A Bible story reference (23 Old Testament, 27 New Testament)
      A material list
      Step-by-step instructions
      Reproducible patterns where appropriate.
      Useful for Christian day school, Sunday school and Vacation Bible School.

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    • 10 Sermons On The Second Advent


      1. The Importance Of Prophetic Study
      2. The Interpretation Of Prophecy
      3. The Second Advent Premillennial
      4. No Millennium Without Christ
      5. The Calling And Hope Of The Church Of God
      6. The Church’s Motive For Serice
      7. The Second Advent In Relation To The Jew
      8. The Second Advent In Relation To The Gentile
      9. The Resurrection Of The Just And Unjust
      10. The Judgement Of The Quick And The Dead

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      Manufactured On Demand Title

      Noted biblical scholar and dispensational author E. W. Bullinger explores the Bible’s teaching concerning the second coming of Jesus Christ in these ten sermons originally published in 1892.

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    • New Complete Server


      This classic guide helps servers to perform with confidence and reverence, allowing the liturgy to unfold in a smooth and prayerful manner. A glossary of words and objects accompanies illustrations of vessels, linens, altar preparation, vestments, posture symbols, and examples of processions. Also contains easy-to-draw symbols that servers can use to make a diagram of their sanctuary’s layout for study and practice.

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    • Promising Again


      The authors contend that one of the best preventatives to divorce and separation is recommitment at vital junctures in a couple’s life together: job change, death of a parent, severe illness, a child leaving home, infidelity, and so on.

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    • Preaching The Miracles Series 2 Cycle B


      While this book offers information for the sermon writer, the design of its contents provides more than the ho-hum. It avoids presenting a ready-made cloak of words for a morning sermon. Instead it invites preachers and their audiences to explore the gap between the “back then” and the “now.” It not only helps answer questions, it generates them — a crucial element in understanding the miracles of Jesus.

      Five sections are devoted to each of the nine miracles in Cycle B (all from Mark):
      Text — For easy access the entire lectionary text is provided, preventing the need to flip back and forth to the Bible.
      What’s Happening? — This gives a synopsis of points of action within each miracle story. By reviewing the story action, readers define its movement, the conflict and the change or resolution.
      Connecting Points – Conversations — This section offers the central material of each chapter. Here Brauninger engages the preacher in an imaginary exchange before the text is given its usual preparatory attention. A visit with main characters and an occasional bystander nudges readers toward stepping into their sandals. This section invites the preacher and listening audience. This section invites the preacher and the listening audience to ask questions relevant for them, thus expanding their questioning, and therefore their understanding.
      Words — Here significant words are examined. While this work is not intended as a scholarly study, it assists in placing things in proper context.
      Gospel Parallels — This section highlights similarities and differences among parallel stories and other gospels.

      There is also a helpful bibliography included.

      This new series from Brauninger promises to be a favorite among preachers. Through it audiences will become aware of how God speaks to them through miracle stories and will enable them to hear their inner voice and more clearly understand it themselves.

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    • Preaching The Parables Series 2 Cycle B


      While this book offers information for the sermon writer, the design of its contents provides more than the ho-hum. It avoids presenting a ready-made cloak of words for a morning sermon. Instead it invites preachers and their audiences to explore the gap between the “back then” and the “now.” It not only helps answer questions, it generates them — a crucial element in understanding the miracles of Jesus.

      Five sections are devoted to each of the nine miracles in Cycle B (all from Mark):
      Text — For easy access the entire lectionary text is provided, preventing the need to flip back and forth to the Bible.
      What’s Happening? — This gives a synopsis of points of action within each miracle story. By reviewing the story action, readers define its movement, the conflict and the change or resolution.
      Connecting Points – Conversations — This section offers the central material of each chapter. Here Brauninger engages the preacher in an imaginary exchange before the text is given its usual preparatory attention. A visit with main characters and an occasional bystander nudges readers toward stepping into their sandals. This section invites the preacher and listening audience. This section invites the preacher and the listening audience to ask questions relevant for them, thus expanding their questioning, and therefore their understanding.
      Words — Here significant words are examined. While this work is not intended as a scholarly study, it assists in placing things in proper context.
      Gospel Parallels — This section highlights similarities and differences among parallel stories and other gospels.

      There is also a helpful bibliography included.

      This new series from Brauninger promises to be a favorite among preachers. Through it audiences will become aware of how God speaks to them through miracle stories and will enable them to hear their inner voice and more clearly understand it themselves.

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    • No Particular Place To Go Cycle B


      Written in a narrative, storytelling style, these sermons based on texts from 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, Song of Solomon, Proverbs, Esther, and Job capture the drama of the Old Testament and bring it to life for contemporary listeners.

      Timothy Smith is a bright young preacher who has learned to blend old stories with contemporary stories to tell the Gospel story. Reading No Particular Place To Go, his collection of Old Testament sermons, will spark many creative sermon ideas as you prepare to preach.
      Dr. Thomas Lane Butts
      Monroeville, Alabama
      1996 Protestant Hour Preacher

      Timothy Smith achieves two important goals in his Old Testament lectionary series. First, he is faithful to the text as he tells the story. Second, he provides helpful ways for contemporary Christians to relate the Old Testament to their everyday lives.
      Dr. Rodney E. Wilmoth
      Minneapolis, Minnesota

      These sermons bring the ever-present human condition off the pages of the Old Testament and into the realities of the late twentieth century. They focus on the ancient scriptures through the lens of the gospel in a way that proclaims salvation without moralizing.
      Dr. Kendall K. McCabe
      Former Professor of Homiletics and Worship
      United Theological Seminary

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    • Times Of Refreshing Cycle B


      Through the many years that McGriff served St. Luke’s, his messages addressed people’s everyday lives and never failed to touch their hearts in a meaningful way. Perhaps that is why this church experienced such growth in membership during his tenure.
      Indianapolis Business Journal

      How does he deliver, week after week, an interesting, appropriate message and never use notes? “I speak in stories,” McGriff said in an interview.

      St. Luke’s United Methodist Church grew to well over 4,000 members with a Sunday worship attendance averaging almost 2,000 under the leadership of E. Carver McGriff. His sermons were chosen in 1988 for national audio distribution.

      Sermon titles in this volume include:
      Repentance: A New Relationship
      Written On The Heart
      The Sadness of God
      Jesus: The Only Way To God?
      On Not Being First

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    • Liturgical Witness Of The New Testament


      “Liturgy,” which literally means “the work of the people,” sums up all the ways people have responded to God, including hymns, prayers, laments, invocations and confessions of faith.

      14 Worship Services The Liturgical Witness Of The New Testament contemporizes and brings to life these various forms of worship as the author draws unique canticles, prayers, hymns and responsive petitions from the books of the New Testament. Each New Testament book is allowed to speak with its own voice. For example, the service based on Luke gives voice to the Gospel by the use of four canticles (psalms), and Luke’s own version of the Words of Institution and his truncated version of the Lord’s Prayer are included.

      Also included are a helpful index listing the worship services according to their use in the lectionary and ten sermons for use with these liturgies.

      Contents include:
      Through The Desert Clear A Highway! — The Liturgical Witness Of Luke
      One Lord, One Body — The Liturgical Witness Of The Corinthian Letters
      Lordship And Unity — The Liturgical Witness Of Colossians
      God Is Love — The Liturgical Witness Of First John
      Worthy The Lamb — The Liturgical Witness Of Revelatio

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    • Praise The Lord


      This book will become the most used resource in the pastor’s library when looking for help in preparing a worship service that has a fresh approach.

      Liturgies and occasional services for …
      Advent, Christmas Eve, Epiphany, Ash Wednesday
      Baptism, Confirmation, Appointment of a pastor
      Celebration of music ministry

      Worship services for …
      Morning, Noontime, Evening
      Death and resurrection
      Funeral, memorial

      Celebrations and observances …
      Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
      Service of Christian unity
      Thanksgiving Day
      Renewal of wedding vows
      Blessing of a home
      Church anniversary, Men’s Day, Church leaders

      Many pages of thoughtful, inspiring prayers for every gathering and occasion …
      Opening a church meeting
      For successful surgery
      For success in school
      For a new job, new car

      Intercessory prayers …
      For comfort in time of grief
      For relief from depression
      For healing a broken relationship
      For safe travel

      Prayers for times of fellowship and celebration …

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    • Vida Cristiana Victoriosa – (Spanish)


      In this conference the author starts by examining the personal experience of every Christian that shamefully, leaves a lot to be desired. Then he describes the kind of Christian life that God told us to have. Some of the themes that he covers are to commit and believe; these are the conditions for victory. But also the author advises about the tests of faith that will follow. He exhorts all the believers to grow in the grace of Jesus Christ.

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    • Bush Was Blazing But Not Consumed


      13 Chapters

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      Best-selling author Eric Law shows how to work with the dynamics of diverse cultures to create a truly inclusive community.
      In his widely acclaimed The Wolf Shall Dwell with the Lamb, Eric H. F. Law explores the dynamics of multicultural misunderstandings and how different cultures perceive and use power. Here he shows how to work with those dynamics to create a truly inclusive community.

      Using Exodus 3 as a theological starting point, Law explains in detail how leaders can:
      – understand and resolve difference in communication styles
      – recognize and avoid the “Golden Calf Syndrome”
      – reconcile high-context and low-content elements in the group
      – use mutual invitation
      – build dialogue through liturgy

      Following Law’s practical guidelines, we can, in the end, build multicultural structures everyone can live and thrive in

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    • Lectionary Tales For The Pulpit Cycle B


      Stories to help the preacher touch the hearts of adults … children … to evoke laughter and tears with an ironic twist or a surprise ending …

      John Sumwalt’s stories are a treat-the Gospel comes alive in common life and in regular people, and suddenly we are enchanted by grace.
      Donald F. Chatfield
      Professor of Preaching
      Garret-Evangelical Theological Seminary

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    • Preschool Church


      “A necessary resource for church school teachers of 3 to 5 year olds.”

      The Preschool Church provides teachers with practical lesson ideas for preschoolers, recognizing that 3-5 year olds are curious about God and want to learn. Lesson seeds include discussion topics, suggestions for telling Bible stories, songs, activities, supply lists, and craft ideas that are easy for little hands, inexpensive to make, and result in a finished product kids can be proud of. The book also contains suggestions for including preschoolers in the larger church community and involving adults in the church school activities.

      This book will be helpful to:
      Sunday school teachers
      Vacation Bible School teachers
      Parents for use in home instruction
      Weekday Church School classes

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    • Restoring At Risk Communities (Reprinted)


      A comprehensive handbook to urban ministry introduces and shows how to implement a Christian community development program.

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    • Which Way To Jesus Cycle B


      These 15 sermons are written for the season of Lent, beginning with Ash Wednesday and ending with the Ascension of the Lord. Most of them are based on scriptural texts from the Gospel of John.

      Harry Huxhold preaches sermons that are punctuated with fascinating illustrations. He holds a congregation’s attention to the end.

      Within this collection of sermons for Cycle B are such titles as:
      Beware Of Your Piety
      Clean House
      Easter Jogging
      You Are My Witnesses

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    • Lyrics For The Centuries Cycle B


      Some musicians come along and the music speaks to a particular decade. The lyrics of David span the centuries… His lyrics endure and forever surface in our liturgy. (from Chapter seven)

      The ten sermons in this book are based on texts primarily from 1 and 2 Samuel. Titles include:
      *Saul, The Tormented King
      *When Saints Go Marching Forth
      *The Strange Tactics Of God

      The sermons of Art Kolsti are among the most consistently thoughtful and stimulating ones that I have heard, but they also contain ideas and subtitles that can slip past die listener on first hearing. They will amply repay the thoughtful and intelligent reader.
      Dr. James Munkres, Mathematics Dept.
      Massachusetts Institute of Technology

      Arthur Kolsti’s sermons are all marked by their spiritual substance, apt historical and contemporary illustrations, concise wording, and grounding in careful expositions of Christian scripture and teaching. Kolsti is exquisitely skillful in the use of words and the Word.
      Arthur J. Dyck
      Professor of Population Ethics, Harvard University
      Professor of Ethics, Harvard Divinity School

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    • Creative Bible Lessons In John


      1. Jesus Encounters Nathanial (John 1:43-51) Dealing With Doubt
      2. Jesus Encounters The Money Changers (John 2:13-25) Respecting God
      3. Jesus Encounters Nicodemus (John 3:1-36) Receiving New Life In Christ
      4. Jesus Encounters A Nobleman’s Son And A Crippled Man (John 4:43-5.18) Coping With Crisis
      5. Jesus Encounters The Crowd (John 6:46-60) Accepting God’s Incredible Gift
      6. Jesus Encounters A Blind Man (John 9:1-41) Accepting God’s Love
      7. Jesus Encounters Mary And Martha (John 10:40-11.46) Facing Death
      8. Jesus Encounters Mary And Judas (John 11:57-12.11) Making Wise “Investments”
      9. Jesus Encounters Peter (John 13:36-38; 15:18-16.4; 18:12-27) Handling Opposition
      10. Jesus Encounters His Disciples #1 (John 15:5-17) Producing Fruit In Our Lives
      11. Jesus Encounters His Disciples #2 (John 14:15-27; 16:5-16) Recognizing The Holy Spirit
      12. Jesus Encounters Mary Magdalene (John 19:23-25; 20:1-3,10-18) Believing The Impossible

      99 Pages

      Additional Info
      Do you want to teach solid Biblical Truth to your kids without their eyes glazing over as soon as you say “open your Bible”? Now you can, with Creative Bible Lessons in John: Encounters with Jesus.

      Following in the successful path of Youth Specialties’ instant bestseller Creative Bible Lessons on the Life of Christ by Doug Fields, veteran family life and youth workers Janice and Jay Ashcraft have created 12 lively, ready-to-use lessons that actually make it fun to dig into Scripture. The Ashcrafts utilize creative learning techniques to spark your kids’ interest and keep them actively involved in lesson, including:
      *Learning Games
      *Video and Music
      *Skits, Melodrama, and Roleplays
      *”Digging Deeper” Investigations
      *Interactive Worksheets
      *And much more!

      These lessons are clear, easy-to-use, and complete. You’ll be able to build in-depth, creative Bible teaching into your busy schedule with Creative Bible Lessons in John: Encounters with Jesus.

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    • More Hot Illustrations For Youth Talks


      Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks, Wayne Rice’s original collection of stories, parables, and anecdotes, was an instant bestseller. Youth workers clamored for more.

      These illustrations cover the spectrum-some will make you laugh, some will make you cry, and all of them will make you think. What they all have in common is that they work with teenagers. They’re just the thing to your youth talks hat extra spark your looking for.

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    • Would You Rather


      … and get your students talking with these provocative questions. Would You Rather … ? gives you 465 stimulating either – or questions that will get your students talking, laughing, debating, and thinking. Questions like Would You Rather…

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    • Church For The Unchurched


      6 Chapters

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      A rebirth of the apostolic way.

      This work shows that there is an apostolic way for a congregation to live out the gospel. This book calls for revolution–the revolution that must take place if the churches in America are to thrive and to fulfill the Great Commission. Church for the Unchurched is about the “abolition” of the laity.

      God’s dream for his church from the earliest time has been that we practice the priesthood of all believers, that we be a kingdom of priests (Exodus 19:6). In its first 300 years of history, the church had no clergy. Rather, it was made up of believers who understood they were to be apostles, sent on mission by the living Christ. With the phenomenal growth of that early church, both numerically and in influence, two classes of Christians emerged, leaders and spectators. The spectators were supposed to learn sound doctrine, to pray, sing, listen to sermons, and pay the bills. But when the question is asked, as it often is, “Why doesn’t the church do something about…,” “the church” is synonymous with “the clergy.”

      This book studies a number of apostolic congregations from various traditions and assorted geographical locations that are successfully reaching the unchurched. It is full of recipes that any serious congregation could copy and use. Reading this book could result in a Copernican revolution in the church-the empowerment of the laity.

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    • Prepare The Way Of The Lord


      Those looking for a resource that will deepen and enrich their spiritual life during the Advent/Christmas season will find that resource here. These reflections will strengthen the reader’s mental preparation and will serve as a starling point for prayer and meditation.

      Pastors will be helped with themes and illustrations for Advent/Christmas preaching
      Teachers will use this material in their classes to help renew the right spirit of Christmas among their students
      Those who are seeking a deeper spiritual life will be uplifted and inspired by these daily meditations

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    • Fringe Front And Center Cycle B


      For many years Professor Hoyer was editor and writer for Currents In Theology And Mission. In that publication he called the homiletical section “Preaching Helps.” But he explained that the emphasis was to be put on the second word. “It is more than a noun. It’s a verb,” he said. “Preaching does help! Preaching conveys both the wisdom and power of God.”

      When sermons only talk about the gospel, they fail to utilize the power. They may be wise, but they don’t work the work of God. Medics who answer a 911 call do more than talk about CPR. They diagnose. Then they supply the breath of life. In these Gospel-based sermons Hoyer shows how to draw out the power of the word. His messages breathe life and hope into listening ears.

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    • Light In The Land Of Shadows Cycle B


      Light In The Land Of Shadows contains 16 sermons for Advent, Christmas, Epiphany and Transfiguration Sundays.

      This book makes connections between Old Testament themes and contemporary issues. The preacher will find it exegetically sound yet filled with illustrations and insights. The lay person will find it comprehendible and useful for exploring ultimate issues within the context of meaningful Bible study.

      (The) sermons are fleshed out in normal, everyday language, grammar and sentence structure — Yet the faithful preacher can take comfort in the fact that they are backed up by sound biblical exegesis. (from the Introduction)

      Hal Warlick is a master at weaving a fascinating story or illustration into the sermon, dramatically portraying the scriptural message. This is Old Testament preaching at its best.

      Sermon titles include:
      Lighting A Fire In A Cold Room
      All Dressed Up And Somewhere To Go
      Any FAX From God Today?
      Will We Enjoy Heaven?
      Pain And Promise In The Hand Of God

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    • Minding The Soul


      Drawing on 40 years of experience, Ashbrook joins theological and pyschological theory with the fruits of brain research as he offers a comprehensive vision of pastoral counseling and a foundational principle for caregivers: You must remember who you are in order to be a “rock” for those hurting.

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    • Church Growth Handbook


      Here are twenty tested church-growth strategies that have been implemented by church consultant William Easum with more than 4,000 chuch leaders across the United States and Canada. The handbook provides diagnostic tools, which now can be used with the Complete Ministry Adult.

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    • Preaching From The Prophets


      A theological guide to biblical preaching from prophetic text, this book invites preachers to look with imagination at the possiblities of prophetic preaching today. With prophetic and assertive style the Wards bridge the chasm between ancient Israel and our culture. They show how to choose text and develop sermons that address racism, ecology, and other major ethical issues of our time.

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    • Purpose Driven Church (Reprinted)



      Every church is driven by something. Tradition, finances, programs, personalities, events, seekers, and even buildings can each be the controlling force in a church. But Rick Warren believes that in order for a church to be healthy it most become a purpose-driven church, built around the five New Testament purposes given to the church by Jesus. “The issue is church health, not church growth!” declares Warren. “If your church is healthy, growth will occur naturally. Healthy, consistent growth is the result of balancing the five biblical purposes of the church.” In this landmark book, you’ll learn the secret behind the fastest growing Baptist church in American history. Saddleback Church grew from one family to over 10,000 in worship attendance in just fifteen years, while planting twenty-six other churches. . .and without owning a building. Founding pastor Rick Warren shares a proven five-part strategy that will enable your church to grow. . .warmer through fellowship, deeper through discipleship, stronger through worship, broader through ministry, and larger through evangelism. The Purpose-Driven Church shifts the focus away from church building programs to emphasizing a people-building process. Warren says, “If you will concentrate on building people, God will build the church.” Discover in these pages the practical insights and helpful principles that Rick Warren has taught in seminars to over 22,000 pastors and church leaders from sixty denominations and forty-two countries.

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    • Preaching Liberation


      In Preaching Liberation, Harris is not talking about Liberation Theology but about the power of the Word Of God to transform and liberate the listener. Harris examines preaching in the African-American traditon and how the idea of liberation is deeply rooted in that tradition. 136 pages from the Fortress Press Resources for Preaching series

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    • God Images In The Healing Process


      What does it mean when a seriously ill person has a vision or other vivid experience of God? How should a caregiver respond? Armistead sensitively explores these questions, offering practical psychological and theological guidance for pastors and counselors. Discover how to empathize with care-seekers, interpret their religious language, and more.

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    • Claiming The Center


      CLAIMING THE CENTER, by Jack Rogers The thesis of this book is that the root cause of mainstream church decline is an internal confict of worldviews. Using the Presbyterian Church (USA) as an example Rogers argues that the worldview that some members have developed has caused them to see life in conservative terms, whereas others have acquired a worldview that gives a liberal interpretation of life. Confict occurs when Christian people make their theological elaborations or ideological application or experiential colorings the ultimate reference point rather than the religious worldview itself. Rogers writes: “Hope for reconciliation and renewal lies in both leaders and members claiming the center and reconstituting a common worldview. This begins by patiently returning to a common affirmation of the root religious worldview that is more fundamental than any ideological application. Recognizing that those who differe with us accept the same religous worldview could enable us to build together on a foundation of Jesus Christ, the head of one body.”

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    • Gift Of Anger


      All people experience anger at some point in their lives, although the way in which anger is experienced and expressed is often shaped by social context and religious background. Carroll Saussy offers this book to assist people in learning how to evaluate, understand, and effectively express authentic anger. She explores the psychology, the ethical considerations, and some practical ways of dealing with anger and proposes a theology of anger that is instrumental in addressing injustice. She also identifies ways that anger can be harmful and ways it can provide an impetus for constructive action. A helpful three-step technique for evaluating and expressing anger is presented and illustrated

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    • Pastors Start Up Manual


      The Pastor’s Start-Up Manual provides a blueprint for seminary students moving into their first pastorate with answers to questions such as: “What’s the first thing I should do when I get to the church”, “What should my first sermon include?”, “Should I unpack or start visiting menbers first?”. For seasoned clergy moving to a new church, The Pastor’s Start-Up Manual shows how to: learn the church’s history determine when it’s time to add additional staff help family members adjust to a new community minister within the larger community investigate multiple staff opportunities

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    • Sacred Cows Make Gourmet Burgers


      11 Chapters

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      William Easurn shows how an atmosphere of permission-giving, which signals the end of permission-giving, which signals the end of leaders as enablers, will help church leaders transcend bureaucracy and gratuitous regulations, and will enhance spiritual gifts rather than assign them. The sacred cows of control and regulation can be devoured, as leaders and people are converted to a new style of ministry.

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    • Leading Adult Learners


      A handbook for adult Sunday school classes, this book includes reproducible handouts as well as guidelines and training helps.

      Leading Adult Learners offers practical help in determining what topics to study and the best teaching styles for particular age groups. It includes information about publicity and teacher and leader training, and also numerous survey questionnaires to help determine class format and study preferences. Guidelines/responsibilities for class officers are also provided.

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    • Guia Pare El Estudio En Grupo (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study G


      This book offers a study of the Bible divided into units and weekly lessons that facilitate the study individually as well in groups. Each lesson ends with suggestions for our daily lives. In this book you will find an analysis of the creation, the fall, the promise of redemption, Jesus Christ God-man and his ministry

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    • Team Ministry : Putting Together A Team That Makes Churches Grow


      Using a step by step approach, Dick Iverson explains the biblical pattern for local chruch admisistration – a plurality of elders led by God’s “set man”. He provides a method for establishing a team ministry within any local chruch that includes 12 principles on how to maintain the leadership team once it is put into place. He concludes the text with information on how to discover and train young leaders within the church.

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