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    • Rough Cut Men


      Made For Grace Publishing
      In the movie industry, the rough cut is defined as the raw, first edition of a movie, which provides an idea of what the finished product will look like, giving indications of where it has problems and where it excels.

      Much like a rough cut movie, Rough Cut Men are not the finished product . We are a work in progress. Philippians 1:6 reads: being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
      Men today have hundreds of acquaintances, but most have no real friends. Men are isolated and struggling alone. And while the Bible says we are to Pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up. (Ecc. 4:10), most guys go into the battles of life with no covering fire. Every man needs a battle buddy.

      Rough Cut Men utilizes a strategic blend of guy movie scenes, real world tales of men, Biblical Truth and even throws in some of the author s personal testimony to accomplish one focused mission: To get men talking to each other about what s really going on in their lives. Each chapter contains hard-hitting questions designed to drive men deeper in their walk with other men and with Christ.

      Rough Cut Men is real, raw and authentic. And it will equip you for the battle.”

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    • Kingdom Man : Every Mans Destiny Every Womans Dream


      When a man follows the principles of biblical manhood, those around him benefit from his leadership and care. Kingdom Man challenges and equips men to fully understand their position under God as well as their position over what God has given them. The biblical definition of a man is one who has learned to operate under the authority of Jesus Christ while carrying out responsible and legitimate leadership within the sphere of influence that God has placed him. Kingdom Man provides concepts men can follow that will help them to actively pursue ways to maximize and develop the character qualities of biblical manhood in their lives.

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    • Man After Gods Own Heart


      Made For Grace Publishing
      David was a man after God’s own heart . . .

      What does it mean to be someone “after God’s own heart?” David, King, psalmist and shepherd, gives us a picture with his own life.

      In many ways he is an extraordinary role model, a man who was fully human but exceeded expectations and pointed others towards God. While the other side of David is most ordinary showing a life filled with destruction, chaos, tragedy and his personal struggle with sin. How then did David become the national hero of God’s chosen people? Why is he the one character in the Bible described as “a man after God’s own heart?” David’s life offers hope to all of us. It shows that God can do extraordinary things through ordinary men and women. And David offers an insightful perspective on what it means to be truly a man, to become like David?men after God’s own heart.

      In this study David will delight and disappoint you. At times you will desire to be just like him while at others you will want to turn and run! The Life of David is one of the most colorful examples of manhood in all of Scripture. You will be introduced to select key characteristics of David’s life but unlike David, we have time to make our lives right before God and to lovingly lead our homes.

      This interactive study features eight weeks of individual study materials with a leader’s guide and suggested teaching plans at the back of the book.

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    • How To Exasperate Your Wife


      “Marriage is not a vending machine, and love is not two quarters to put into it. It’s a manner of life, not an exchange of commodities. So what does it look like when a man loves a woman?”

      Douglas Wilson answers that question in How To Exasperate Your Wife and Other Short Essays for Men, and his responses are as wide-ranging and humorous as they are incisive and down to earth. Douglas explains why men’s distorted view of wisdom handicaps their understanding of their wives, and he exposes rigid (and wrong) approaches to marriage and relationships. He gives practical advice for identifying unhappy households (Mom is ignored) and replacing abdicating Dad with a true leader (“Measure strength not in decibels but in performance”), all combined with hot tips on how to exasperate your wife (you may start with leopard-spotted underwear…).

      Both realistic and insightful, How to Exasperate Your Wife and Other Short Essays for Men points husbands (and wives) towards a passionate married love that is particular, sacrificial, sacramental, and muy caliente.

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    • 40 Days In The Man Cave


      Guys, we all know life is crazy busy. We can be inundated with tasks, jobs, commitments, and activities. The truth is, men need to find a place to get away, chill out, and reenergize. Wherever your man cave may be, carve out a few minutes each day to refuel in it.

      To be healthy both emotionally and spiritually, we need food. Guys love to eat! Spiritual food for our mind and soul is as vital as food for our body. If Joe “Jaws” Chestnut can eat sixty-six hot dogs in twelve minutes to win a hot dog eating contest, I challenge you to give God the same amount of time to read one of these devotions each day in your man cave.

      Are you ready for the 40 Day Challenge? Sign up at!

      A man needs another man to talk to him about the deep stuff… Todd Stahl is that man, and 40 Days in the Man Cave is that straight talk. It’s clear, fair, honest, and true. Have a listen yourself.

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    • Model Man : From Integrity To Legacy


      In this confused, chaotic world, men are looking to find a “model man”: a man who possesses the qualities of integrity, purity, pace of life, purpose, a model marriage, model children, and a powerful legacy. In this practical guidebook to manhood, Larry Stockstill describes this “model man” and his journey from “integrity to legacy.” These ten short chapters will give you a new image, a new foundation, a new starting place to rebuild your life into one that many will seek to imitate. Get ready to be coached, challenged, broken, and rebuilt until God can see in you His greatest dream: the godly, long-term, influential, and powerful “model man!” “Pastor Larry has established a legacy of honor, influence, and power.

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    • Warriors Soul : 5 Powerful Principles To Make You A Stronger Man Of God


      We may not wear uniforms or dodge bullets, but we are engaged in a daily battle with Satan, the adversary of our souls! How can we defeat him? Drawing on God’s Word and their own experiences as Green Berets, Boykin and Weber equip you with five core strategies to help you become a victorious spiritual warrior.

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    • Man In The Mirror (Anniversary)


      The Man in the Mirror has established itself as a cornerstone in men’s literature since its 1989 release. Winner of the prestigious Gold Medallion Award and appearing on the bestseller list eighteen times, it has helped thousands of men understand the person who stares back at them from the glass each morning and know what to do about his twenty-four most difficult problems. Written by a foremost Christian men’s leader, this powerful book invites men to take a probing look at their identities, relationships, finances, time, temperament, and most important, the means to bring about lasting change. If life’s demands are constantly pressuring you to run faster and jump higher, this book is for you. Rich in anecdotes, thought-provoking questions, biblical insights, and featuring focus questions in each chapter suitable for personal or group use, The Man in the Mirror offers a penetrating, pragmatic, and life-changing look at how to trade the rat race for the rewards of godly manhood.

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    • Making Of A Man Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      What Does It Take to Be a Godly Man? Every young boy dreams about what he wants to be when he grows up. Some have goals of becoming an astronaut, or a fireman, or a professional athlete. But what does it take to be a man? How does a young person get there?

      In this six-session video-based curriculum, NFL All-Pro, sports analyst, and businessman Tim Brown uses experiences from his life to teach men the principles and priorities he has learned for leading a life that honors God. Through his stories of struggling with God, overcoming temptations, and discovering what it takes to be a good husband and father, he shares what true manhood is all about and what guys must do to attain it. These principles have helped Tim lead a life of honor and integrity that has made him one of the most respected men in the world of sports.

      The Making of a Man will not only inspire men of all ages but also challenge them to measure their lives and success by a higher standard.Designed for use with The Making of a Man: A Video-based Study (978-0529-11308-5)

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    • Pelea – (Spanish)


      El libro- Pelea: Las claves para ganar las batallas que importan -presenta algunos de los valores y metas del conocido libro para hombres “Salvaje de corazon”, pero este libro tiene la ventaja de estar dirigido a una nueva generacion, y cuenta con el apoyo de una fuerte campaa publicitaria. Esta es una obra que le habla directamente al corazon del hombre. Aqui hallaras la fortaleza necesaria para pelear las batallas que sabes que necesitas pelear; aquellas batallas que van a determinar el estado de tu corazon, la calidad de tu matrimonio y la salud espiritual de tu familia. Craig Groeschel estudia tambien ejemplos tomados de las Escrituras, entre ellos el de nuestro buen amigo Sanson. Si, el personaje de los biceps inmensos y el cabello de hippie que estaba obsesionado con Dalila. Te sorprenderas al ver lo mucho que tenemos en comun con este hombre. Al analizar su vida, aprenderas la manera de derrotar a los demonios que debilitan a los hombres mas fuertes. Pelea te ayudara a convertirte en el hombre que Dios queria que fueras cuando te creo: un hombre que sabe pelear por lo que es correcto. Y no te atrevas a presentarte sin armas a esta batalla. Aprende a pelear con fe, con oracion y con la Palabra de Dios. Ya va siendo hora de que pelees como un hombre. Por el amor de Dios, PELEA.

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    • Christian Family Meltdown


      Who s in charge of your family ANYONE? WILL YOU BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE?

      Our society is rapidly changing, and many would say things are not changing for the better. As the family deteriorates, who can help us with the huge deficit of moral truthfulness that we all face in our world?

      It seems impossible to stem the tide of information overload threatening the existence of our current families. If we don t make effective inroads against it there is little hope for the generations of those who follow us to have loving families of their own. What priorities are you focused on? Who and what are winning the battle for your heart, soul, & mind?

      The dumbing-down and elimination of the father as the Spiritual leader of the family is tragic. Many families are broken, splintered, and injured, strewn along the roadside of convenient and easy divorce. We are seeing the tremendously high price paid by all of us within this catastrophic debacle! In fact, some would say that even the Christian family is in MELTDOWN! mode

      There is only one hope for the state of affairs in our modern, broken families, and that hope is under attack from the media, judiciary, and even our elected officials. Our nation has turned its back on the only Savior Who can truly save her! Join author Mark Peters as he looks at where our families seem to be headed in these difficult and tumultuous times.

      READ this book if you want to take a serious look at yourself your family and your walk of faith!

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    • Strong Man Of God


      Being a man is not a freak accident of the cosmos! There is, however, confusion in and outside of the churches in this 21st century about exactly what a man is. The Strong Man Of God points men back to their Creator and a clear, uncompromised, biblical worldview of manhood and His purpose that they become strong men in the image of Jesus Christ! The book is 240 pages and available in soft and hard cover as well as e-book format. It serves as the flagship offering in the Strong Man Of God brand product family that includes the companion Men’s Group Study with Leader Guide and Participant Workbook.

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    • New Life In The Boarding House


      The author, a husband and father of a young family, was messed up. Like many men, he was unable to talk to anyone about what was wrong-partly because he felt it would make him look weak and partly because he didn’t really know why nothing was right in his life. Anger became his fuel, controlling his life. Conflict was his daily routine. He suffered many sleepless nights, plagued by fear, worry, and buried emotional wounds. Haunted by his father’s rejection, an inner voice screamed at him, “I want a new life!”
      Chilling thoughts of ending it rapped at his consciousness.
      In a night of crisis, he dug out an unused Bible, leading to a startling introduction to Jesus and depositing the author on a virtual tour of a once magnificent stately home, fallen into use as a neglected, chaotic boarding house. With the Holy Spirit as his guide, he meets interesting people, learns to understand himself, and discovers that not only is it possible to have a new life-but there’s a way to get it.
      As a child he heard stories of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, but as an adult he didn’t think they existed and he certainly had no idea of how to find them. This book, based on daily journal accounts, describes how they found him.
      And not only are they real, they still make house calls.

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    • 10 Lies Men Believe About Porn


      The battle to resist pornography is brutal.

      Its lure just seems too powerful.

      We’ve tried for years to be strong, run away from temptation, and manage our desires in better ways. No matter how hard we try, though, we just can’t get free from pornography. Some of us have lost all hope.

      What if the battle you’ve been fighting isn’t even the real battle?

      What if using pornography is just a symptom of something deeper going on inside of you?

      What if the things you are doing to protect yourself actually contribute to your obsession?

      Have you had thoughts like I’m the only one struggling like this, God must be so ashamed of me, or I’ve got to get stronger to overcome this? These thoughts are common. But they are also lies.

      10 Lies Men Believe about Porn holds these lies up against the truth of Scripture. You’ll learn how they deceive us into missing out on the freedom Christ offers us. Ultimately, you’ll discover that the message of the gospel isn’t about learning to fight better-it’s about no longer needing to fight at all. That is the type of freedom Jesus came to offer you. That’s why they call it the Good News.

      “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

      -John 8:32-
      Statistics show roughly 50 percent of men struggle with a pornography addiction; boys are being exposed to porn at younger ages each year; and technology now provides an environment of access where you no longer need to search for porn-it comes looking for you.

      Despite these facts, this epidemic is largely being ignored. When it is addressed, the message is always “Try harder, get an Internet filter, be a better man.” At best, this message merely addresses the symptoms of a much deeper issue. At worst, it feeds the lies men believe that have contributed directly to their addiction.
      10 Lies Men Believe about Porn uncovers the true cause of pornography addiction, exposes the lies that are trapping men in their bondage, and shows them the biblical path to true and lasting freedom.

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    • 10 Lies Men Believe About Porn


      The battle to resist pornography is brutal.
      Its lure just seems too powerful.

      We’ve tried for years to be strong, run away from temptation, and manage our desires in better ways. No matter how hard we try, though, we just can’t get free from pornography. Some of us have lost all hope.

      What if the battle you’ve been fighting isn’t even the real battle?

      What if using pornography is just a symptom of something deeper going on inside of you?

      What if the things you are doing to protect yourself actually contribute to your obsession?

      Have you had thoughts like I’m the only one struggling like this, God must be so ashamed of me, or I’ve got to get stronger to overcome this? These thoughts are common. But they are also lies.

      10 Lies Men Believe about Porn holds these lies up against the truth of Scripture. You’ll learn how they deceive us into missing out on the freedom Christ offers us. Ultimately, you’ll discover that the message of the gospel isn’t about learning to fight better-it’s about no longer needing to fight at all. That is the type of freedom Jesus came to offer you. That’s why they call it the Good News.

      “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

      -John 8:32-
      Statistics show roughly 50 percent of men struggle with a pornography addiction; boys are being exposed to porn at younger ages each year; and technology now provides an environment of access where you no longer need to search for porn-it comes looking for you.

      Despite these facts, this epidemic is largely being ignored. When it is addressed, the message is always “Try harder, get an Internet filter, be a better man.” At best, this message merely addresses the symptoms of a much deeper issue. At worst, it feeds the lies men believe that have contributed directly to their addiction.
      10 Lies Men Believe about Porn uncovers the true cause of pornography addiction, exposes the lies that are trapping men in their bondage, and shows them the biblical path to true and lasting freedom.

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    • In Pursuit : Devotions For The Hunter And Fisherman (Reprinted)


      Hunters and fishermen are familiar with the “moment of truth”–that adrenaline-surging, heart-pounding instant when success and failure hang in the balance. In that moment they know if they will experience the thrill of victory or the agony of defeat. The 90 devotions in In Pursuit are written specifically for this outdoorsman. Each devotion expertly weaves scriptural truth into true hunting and fishing stories that capture the thrill of the great outdoors and work on the hearts of men who are zealous in their drive to get out on the lake or up in the deer blind. These reflections on the active life help prepare men for success and significance both spiritually and in their sport. It is the perfect gift for the outdoorsman. Foreword by Steve Chapman.

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    • Tu Identidad Si Importa – (Spanish)


      Como hombres vivimos tiempos complicados. Donde la autenticidad de nuestro cristianismo esta siendo diluida entre la confusion de genero y el virus de la pasividad. La lectura de este libro contribuye a comprender y eliminar los falsos estereotipos; fijando definitivamente los paradigmas de la autentica masculinidad, y cumpliendo asi el proposito de Dios para todo hombre identificando, definiendo y afirmando que: Tu identidad de hombre Si importa.

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    • Real Win : Pursuing Gods Plan For Authentic Success


      An NFL quarterback and his influential pastor show men how to find real success in marriage and family, business and life.

      What are the parallels between a quarterback leading his team to a championship and a husband and father leading his family into a happy, successful future? As it turns out, plenty. In this motivating, story-driven journey for men of all ages, NFL quarterback Colt McCoy and Pastor Matt Carter lay down the building blocks of positive character and help men embrace their full potential for “strong, tender, gospel-centered” influence in home and community.

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    • Loose My Flesh And Let Me Grow


      Daniel McRae is a successful Christian businessman, father, and husband. Daniel decided after losing his first wife to death, and dating his current wife that he was tired of not experiencing all that God had for him. God has had a call on Daniel’s life since a very young age. After running for many years he finally gave in and decided that running was much harder then submitting. God has given him a passion for men “in the battle” of sexual sins-not to judge them but to lend a helping hand to help them get out. This book is his lifeline to men in the struggle of sexual sins. Or to any man that feels he is on the verge of losing the battle of lust. Please grab a hold and let Gods spirit rescue you before you decide to give up in the fight. He is on assignment to pull men back to God, and help them reclaim what the devil has stolen from them.

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    • Common Sense Of An Uncommon Man


      SKU (ISBN): 9780718020439ISBN10: 071802043XJim Denney | Michael ReaganBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2014Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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    • Daring : A Call To Courageous Manhood


      Victory is always on the other side of a fight. Here is help to win the battles and keep on winning!

      Daring sets the tone for a new wave of masculinity by defining what it is to be a man of courage, endurance, and resolve. The unique, creative voice of Paul Louis Cole cuts through cultural clutter to speak to the issues that lay in the heart of every man.

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    • Irresistible Husband : The Strength Of Fully Expressed Manhood


      Every man should know what his father failed to teach him, what women couldn’t tell him, and what his pastor wanted to say…but only behind closed doors.

      This honest, no-nonsense book by Edwin Louis Cole provides an invaluable guide to launch a new generation of family leaders…with profound truths about sex, commitment, communication, career, child-rearing, and more. Find out…

      *The formula for life success
      *How to avoid outside forces conquering you
      *Turning the tide on fatherlessness
      *Building character step-by-step
      *Ten investments to maintain a great marriage

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    • Solomon Seduction : What You Can Learn From The Wisest Fool In The Bible


      Have you found yourself in circumstances you never envisioned, tangled up with people you never approved of, and doing things you never imagined?

      It seems impossible that the valedictorian of the entire human race would ruin his life by making dumb choices, but Solomon did. Solomon was better equipped to see through Satan’s deceptions than any man who has ever lived, other than Jesus. But in the end, he became just as blind to them as everyone else.

      Pay attention to the news and you’ll see that it’s not just the numbskulls that fall into Satan’s traps. It’s also the best and brightest of America’s fathers, husbands, and sons. Many smart guys who love God end up being ashamed and humiliated by Satan’s seductions. With humor, grace, and a pastor’s heart, Mark Atteberry seeks to offer practical suggestions on how to avoid a similar fate. His prayer for readers is to experience a wake-up call to move forward and determined on an upward path.

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    • Endangered Masculinity : The Spiritual And Cultural Erosion Of Manhood


      Masculinity is under assault and facing extinction. The relentless attacks and bombardments from secular society and culture have eroded God’s plan for man and masculinity. In Endangered Masculinity, Dr. Clarence Boyd addresses the cause and effect of a fatherless generation, lack of male leadership, and the ramifications and redefining of what God created manhood and masculinity to be and look like.

      We find ourselves in a time in which the role God created man to emulate is fading and the king that exists in every male has been replaced with the idols of infidelity, self, and false and godless bravado. Gender confusion, sex equality, failed marriages, the erosion of the family unit, and the escalation of incarceration rates are all products of the war against God’s place and purpose for man and his rightful masculinity.

      Dr. Boyd defines the path that masculinity has taken that has brought us to this crisis and presents a strategy for men everywhere to step into the position, right standing, and purpose every male should understand and walk in. There is a king in every man and a masculine soul in every male that needs to walk his God-ordained path and fulfill his purpose. Can you hear his roar?

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    • Samson Syndrome : What You Can Learn From The Baddest Boy In The Bible


      Why do some strong men fail while others succeed? Like the biblical character Samson, all strong men–those who are successful, influential, self-confident, aggressive, or widely respected–face twelve tendencies that can lead to sin and even personal tragedy.

      The adventurous and gifted Samson–whose story is told in four chapters of the book of Judges–never had the intention of fighting against God. He was just a fun-loving guy looking for a good time. Like so many strong men today, he didn’t think his sin was any big deal. But it’s clear as you read his story that the older he got, the more sin held him in its grip.

      “The Samson Syndrome” is a set of twelve tendencies or challenges that strong men will always face. Obstacles like lust, ignoring good advice, big egos, fears of authentic intimacy, losing sight of the big picture, and others, have the ability to be any man’s undoing. Atteberry’s mission is to remind men of the joy of living within God’s boundaries, because he believes there’s a little Samson in all of us. With God’s help we’re capable of such great things. But we’re never more than one bad choice away from humiliation. However, it doesn’t have to be that way if you want to fulfill your God-given potential.

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    • Power Of A Praying Husband Book Of Prayers


      Stormie Omartian’s bestselling The Power of a Praying series (more than 23 million copies sold) is rereleased with fresh new covers and new material to reach a still-growing market of readers eager to discover the power of prayer for their lives. Stormie shares some of her most-loved prayers in a small edition that you can keep on hand for quick conversations with God to lift up your wife the areas of her commitment to God health priorities motherhood faith Prayers from The Power of a Praying Husband serve as the perfect starting point in asking for God’s wisdom for and blessing on your marriage. You will appreciate these concise, heartfelt ways to pray for your wife and your life together.

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    • Power Of A Praying Husband


      Stormie Omartian’s bestselling The Power of a Praying series (more than 23 million copies sold) is rereleased with fresh new covers and new material to reach a still-growing market of readers eager to discover the power of prayer for their lives.

      In The Power of a Praying Husband, you’ll find the excitement and hope that come from inviting the God who hears and answers prayer into your marriage. Packed with real-life examples and refreshing honesty regarding her own marriage, Stormie encourages you to lovingly intercede for your wife in every area of her life, including her

      Each chapter features comments from well-known Christian men, biblical wisdom, and prayer ideas. The warm and easy-to-read book includes a foreword by Stormie’s husband, multi-Grammy winning music producer Michael Omartian. It’s a resource that makes a great gift to husbands from wives and is also an excellent study for men’s groups wanting to develop the discipline of prayer.

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    • Dudes Guide To Manhood


      As if we hadn’t noticed, manhood is in deep trouble.
      Dudes, look around: The trail we once traveled from boyhood to maturity is now so over-grown, it’s almost impossible to trace. Our vision is blurred, rendering the map that previ-ous generations followed unreadable. Our compass needles are flying in circles, making navigation impossible. We are stuck in dense, dangerous woods, and our communities-the wives, children, friends, and colleagues we could be influencing-are suffering as a result.
      It can be tempting to give up and simply exist, but take heart: Now is not the time for men to abandon our quest. We can discover the path to true masculinity-to an adventurous life of strength, purpose, and clarity.
      In The Dude’s Guide to Manhood, pastor and author Darrin Patrick charts a course back toward real manliness, mapping out a vision to help men find significance and influence in today’s broken, mixed-message culture.

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    • Men Mentoring Men (Revised)


      It’s no secret: Jesus has called us to make disciples. But how can we do that if we aren’t growing in faith? How can we tell others about Jesus if we don’t fully understand Him ourselves?

      It’s time to expose the world’s definition of manhood, reminding those who are caught up in material pursuits that heaven’s measure of success lies in the status of our hearts. By divine standards, when we embrace God’s call on our lives, we finally discover what it means to be a man. As we pursue God, we learn to love, serve, forgive, pray, and worship in ways that allow us to know God’s ways. We become disciples.

      Sometimes, discipleship is made too complicated. We turn it into another task instead of realizing it’s about relationship. In fourteen lessons, each packed with scriptural truths and relevant concerns, Dr. Donovan leads men into community with one another, providing room for vulnerable discussions and genuine growth.

      Other books by Dr. Donovan include: Men Mentoring Men, Again; Maximizing Your Marriage; and Able to Stand.

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    • Daddys Milk : Father Your Milk Does Matter


      Delivery Day
      The Labor Room
      “When Reality Sinks In”
      Let The Parenting Begin
      Don’t Lead By Your Examples
      The Golden Ticket
      Real Men Don’t Cry
      Where Is Waldo?
      Men Don’t Have Breasts
      King Kong Ain’t Got Nothing On Me
      It’s Not Too Late

      Additional Info
      In today’s society, when a mother delivers a baby, majority of the time, she is honored with gifts and verbal congratulations while the father is invisible because he did not physically birth the baby. There are thousands of books, conferences, workshops, and trainings opportunities for mothers who have experienced divorce, miscarriages, and classes dedicated to educating women on how to be a parent for the first time. Unfortunately, there are not many learning tools for fathers. Statistics show that when fathers are absent from the home, children are more likely to become involved in youth gangs, sexually abused, be illiterate, have low self-esteem, become homeless, and abuse drugs and alcohol.

      Emerson will take you on a journey from his delivery room experience, to a low point in his life where he made unsound decisions financially, emotionally, and spiritually. This book delves deep into topics such as:

      * Fathers supporting their children’s education

      * The importance of a father’s presence in the home and community

      * Fathers dealing with their past issues

      * Fathers building a bridge to reconcile with their children

      Daddy’s Milk is a book for all men to read. It will encourage, motivate, challenge, and inspire every man to see himself. Men, if you feel like you have a voice but no platform, Daddy’s Milk is for you.

      Fathers Your Milk Does Matter…

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    • War Within : Gaining Victory In The Battle For Sexual Purity (Expanded)


      Sexual sins are some of the most difficult to conquer. They’re also some of the most destructive-leaving individuals, marriages, families and churches devastated. Facing sexual temptations daily, too often unfaithful in thought or deed, persistently assaulted by the world, the flesh and the Devil, can men and women today possibly win the war for sexual purity?
      This courageous book offers a resounding “YES!” It also provides a battle strategy based on the promises and power of God-and on the author’s experiences in breaking a 25-year long struggle with sexual sin. Newly revised and expanded, this book will lead you to a new level of purity and will encourage you that in this terribly private struggle, you are never alone.

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    • God And Men No Holds Barred


      52 Chapters

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      God and Men: No-Holds-Barred is not your typical devotional book. It is highly probable that you will be greatly challenged with God and Men: No-Holds-Barred. The objective is to encourage you to become more Christ-like in your living. Through reading God and Men: No-Holds-Barred, it is guaranteed that you will become more convicted either with living by the world’s standards or by God’s standards. The book will not allow you to remain neutral.

      It attempts to answer the question, “How does the Bible describe a Real Christian Man?” Its objective is to enable Christians to personally apply specific Bible verses to their personal lives. At the same time, you will learn more about your Bible as well as receive an in-depth discussion of the verses selected. Since men do not naturally read books, it is highly recommended that you read the book with someone else. This introduces a joint accountability to read the book through. Husbands and wives are strongly recommended to share this method of reading through the book.

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    • Reclaiming The Gospel At Home


      King David’s imprint on the history of Israel is significant. Scripture reveals that he was a “man after God’s own heart.” We see David as a young shepherd boy, a friend of Jonathan, and a servant to King Saul. Ultimately, we follow his journey as King of Israel. Many of the episodes from his life are set within the context of his often complicated family, affording opportunities to see David’s personal successes as well as his heartbreaking failures. The scriptural account of his life provides many insights and reveals that biblical manhood is a noble pursuit achievable even in the most challenging of situations. The men contributing chapters to this book are godly men who shepherd God’s people as pastor. They have a unique perspective on the challenges confronting men in their congregations. As they lay the lens of scripture over David’s life experiences and build a bridge to the experiences confronting men today, they provide wise biblical counsel to help men develop a passion for becoming godly men of faith personally, in their homes, and in their communities.

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    • Kingdom Man Devotional


      Kingdom Man Devotional is based on the principles and concepts presented in the book Kingdom Man. For the man who wants to be the leader that God has called him to be, this 90-day devotional will help him explore the scriptural mandate to exercise dominion and take responsibility over the various areas of his life. This devotional will challenge and encourage men to embrace their role of provider, protector, cultivator, champion, visionary, and leader, discipling them in the areas of responsibility and spiritual authority.Kingdom Man Devotional challenges and equips men to fully understand their position under God and their position over what God has given them, while challenging them to initiate the practical implementation of leadership principles.

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    • Fight Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      In Fight, a five-session, video-based small group Bible study, pastor and bestselling author Craig Groeschel explores the life of Samson, helping you uncover who you really are—a man created with a warrior’s heart in the image of God—and how to stand up and fight for what’s right. Find the strength to fight the battles you know you need to fight—the ones that determine the state of your heart, the quality of your marriage, and the spiritual health of your family. The battles that make you dependent on God as the source of your strength. The battles that make you come alive. Craig looks at the life of Samson, showing how much we have in common with this guy. Things didn’t work out so well for him in the end. But by looking at his life, you’ll learn how to defeat the demons that make strong men weak. You’ll become who God made you to be—a man who knows how to fight for what’s right. Learn how to fight with faith, with prayer, and with the Word of God. Then, when your enemy begins to attack, fight for the righteous cause that God gave you. Draw a line in the sand. Make your enemy pay. Make sure he gets the message. Don’t cross a warrior. Don’t mess with this man of God. Come out fighting. And don’t show up for this fight unarmed. Use the weapons God gave you, and you’ll win. Can you feel it? It’s inside you. It’s time to fight like a man. Designed for use with the Fight Study Guide (sold separately).

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    • Thoughts For Young Men


      There are four great temptations that plague most young men: sloth, lust, love of pleasure, and peer pressure. J.C. Ryle — the last of the great Puritans — tackles each of these subjects with a tenderness and tact which is unsurpassed.

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    • Men And The Church


      Men and the Church: Is there a Future? Yes, there is a future for the men in your church! “Men and the Church: Is There a Future?” examines a topic of crucial importance to the state of today’s church- the decreasing interest, impact and involvement of men. Addressing Christian leaders and those emerging to leadership, clergy and laymen alike, Crouse seeks to inform and equip today’s Christian men with the tools to fix the gender gap in the 21st century church and welcome men back to the church they have been so pivotal in building up over the past 2000 years ago. Jay Crouse has been actively involved in ministry to men for over twenty-five years and participating full-time since leaving the private sector in 1999. His ministry to men journey began in the Episcopal Diocese of SW Florida and has expanded nationally and to the church at large. Jay and his wife of thirty-three years, Laura, live in Sarasota, Florida and attend Church of the Redeemer. They have four sons.

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    • Jeremiah 29:11 Classic LuxLeather Journal


      Ribbon marker
      Lined pages

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    • Man Of God (Student/Study Guide)


      1. Men And God’s Design
      2. Men And The Fall
      3. Men And Their Salvation
      4. Men And Marriage
      5. Men And Sexual Temptation
      6. Men And Fatherhood
      7. Men And Singleness
      8. Men And Their Brothers
      9. Men And Spiritual Fervour
      10. Men And God’s People

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      What makes a real man? There are no shortage of role models on offer: the dedicated Dad or the party-hard guy: the cut-throat businessman or the sensitive husband; the competitive athlete or the contemplative shy type; the reckless adventurer or the around the house handy man.

      This set of Bible studies, aims to unpack the answers the Bible gives to the question of identity that men face today. We will learn our God-given role in creation, how that has been ruined by the fall. And we will discover how we can start to be restored through the man above all men – Jesus Christ. Some things that emerge will be controversial in our culture, even in some of our churches. This course doesn’t set out to be politically correct but faithful to God’s counter-cultural word.

      Suitable for groups or individuals, this guide covers all the major Bible teaching specific to men. Set within the big picture of God’s redemption of sinners through Jesus Christ, the heart-felt aim of the authors is that 21st century men will be set free from the slavery of human expectations, and enabled to live purposefully and confidently for Christ as true Men of God.

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    • Faith Afield : A Sportsmen Devotional


      Many men are attracted to outdoor sports because of the time it gives them alone in God’s creation–time to rest, reflect, and refresh before returning to the everyday stresses of work, family life, finances, and more. Faith Afield is their guide to making this time in God’s country last when they return home.

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    • Facing Goliath : How A Man Overcomes His Giants To Follow Christ (Reprinted)


      Overcome giants and experience a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ. When it comes to their spiritual journey, many men feel defeated. Hindered by ‘giants’ they stand motionless feeling like wimps instead of warriors. Whether they feel intimidated, unmotivated, or just downright out of touch with what it means to pursue a relationship with God, Facing Goliath offers help to every man who wants to overcome his giants and experience a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ. Addressing topics like intellectual doubt, fear, pride, and selfishness, men will find practical steps to discovering the answers to questions, of faith, salvation, and spiritual growth. This discipleship game plan will help men learn Christian essentials in a way that appeals to those who are seeking what it means to be a follower of Jesus and those who have already found Jesus and want to grow.

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    • Cut Dead But Still Alive


      To cut dead means to refuse to acknowledge another with the intent to punish. Gregory Ellison says that this is the plight of African American young men. They are stigmatized with limited opportunity for education and disproportionate incarceration. At the same time, they are often resistant to help from social institutions including the church. They are mute and invisible to society but also in their inward being. Their voice and physical selves are not acknowledged, leaving them ripe for hopelessness and volatility. So if the need is so great yet the desire for help wanes, where is the remedy?

      Healing can begin by reframing the problem. While to cut dead is destructive, it also refers to pruning and repotting a disfigured plant-giving it new possibilities for life. In this provocative book, Ellison shows how caregivers can sow seeds of life, nurturing the neophyte with guidance, admonition, training, and support in order to become a community of reliable others, serving as an extended family.

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    • Bond Of Brothers


      Beyond the sports and weather chatter and silence that characterize many male conversations, there is often brokenness. Emptiness. Shame. Have you ever been pushed into a men’s group, because someone said it was the right thing to do? In Bond of Brothers, Yoder calls disappointed, disenchanted, and lonely men to authenticity. To rediscover joy, to find satisfaction, by finding out what real male friendship and relationship is all about. In Bond of Brothers, we will discover:
      * Why our career and performance at work are not our identities
      * How to defeat the fears that come to us in the ‘Tough Years’
      * What to do when we are too worried to forgive or too hurt to smile
      * Why spiritual friendships are the central, life-giving core of all healthy relationships among men.

      Yoder says that being there to comfort, to love, to listen, to take a step toward Jesus together in our brokenness … that is the essence of friendship. Instead of pushing or being pushed into men’s groups, learn with others how to invite friends along. Begin a journey toward authenticity and your true identity. Starting here!

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    • Clean : A Proven Plan For Men Committed To Sexual Integrity


      A leading expert in sexual addiction recovery offers Christian men a clear path to wholeness and victory.

      The American church is in the battle of its life. Sexual addiction has grown into a serious problem in nearly every local church, regardless of denomination. The proliferation of explicit material on the internet, cable television, and various forms of multimedia has fueled this rise. Unlimited access is now available to anyone with an internet connection. Christian men caught in this addiction feel ashamed and trapped in a cycle of sin. Fearful of losing their families and reputations, very few find the courage to step forward and ask for help.

      With more than twenty years of counseling experience, Dr. Weiss offers a proven path to purity in Clean and gives men the tried and true tools they need to find freedom for a lifetime. Clean also offers a unique theological perspective on the true nature of this battle. The enemy of our souls uses sexual addiction as a distraction to keep believers from pursuing their God-given purpose. However, as Dr. Weiss pulls back the curtain on this charade, men will discover the power of God’s love to restore their souls and reclaim their lives.

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    • Men Of Courage


      Men today have locked horns with their toughest issue: reclaiming the full potential of manhood. Bestselling author Dr. Larry Crabb asks, What gives manhood definition and meaning?

      In this updated and expanded edition of The Silence of Adam, Crabb and his colleagues, biblical scholar Don Hudson and counselor Al Andrews, offer a fresh look at how God designed men. The book deals thoughtfully and honestly with men’s ongoing struggles and exposes the difficulties they have in relationships. It presents the rich calling men have to reveal God in ways uniquely masculine. And it summons them beyond their paralyzing fear of failure to bold risk-taking, courageous action, deep spirituality, and full-hearted living. This new edition includes: Epilogue from Dr. Larry Crabb Study Guide (Individual or Group Format Use)

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    • Hombre Del Reino – (Spanish)


      Cuando un hombre sigue los principios de la hombria biblica, todos a su alrededor se benefician de su cuidado y de su liderazgo. Un hombre del reino desafia e equipa a los hombres a entender completamente su posicion bajo la autoridad de Dios asi como tambien su posicion sobre lo que Dios le ha dado. La definicion biblica de un hombre es aquel que ha aprendido a operar bajo la autoridad de Jesucristo llevando a cabo un liderazgo responsable y legitimo dentro de la esfera de influencia en la que Dios lo ha puesto. Un hombre del reino proporciona conceptos que los hombres pueden seguir y les ayuda a desarrollar al maximo calidades de caracter de la hombria biblica en sus vidas.

      When a man follows the principles of biblical manhood, those around him benefit from his leadership and care. Kingdom Man challenges and equips men to fully understand their position under God as well as their position over what God has given them. The biblical definition of a man is one who has learned to operate under the authority of Jesus Christ while carrying out responsible and legitimate leadership within the sphere of influence in which God has placed him.

      Kingdom Man provides concepts men can follow that will help them to actively pursue ways to maximize and develop the character qualities of biblical manhood in their lives.

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    • Love Of A Dad


      SKU (ISBN): 9781426767456ISBN10: 1426767455James MooreBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2013Publisher: Abingdon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Se Un Hombre De Fe Inquebranta – (Spanish)


      During the course of his 60-year ministry, John Osteen combined an extraordinary love for people with a vision for ministry best described in his own words: “No limits.” In this volume not only includes content from John’s sermon transcripts, but also a foreword and commentary written by his son, Joel; the principles of this “no limits” faith come alive again for a new generation.

      For the moments of struggle and temptation that every man faces, and the times in life when he feels surrounded and under attack, John’s message is profoundly simple-those moments are precisely the time for an unwavering faith.

      In this book, John schools today’s believers in seven qualities of unwavering faith:
      1. It hears and sees what the world cannot see or hear.
      2. It prays earnestly even though it has already heard the answer.
      3. It is strong when there is no evidence of the answer.
      4. It always says, “Go Again!”
      5. It goes on when there’s just a little evidence.
      6. It believes for the big when it sees the little.
      7. It begins with nothing but ends up doing mighty things for God.

      Durante sus 60 anos como pastor, John Osteen combino su extraordinario amor por la gente con una vision de ministerio que el describia mejor que nadie: “Sin limite”. Esta edicion no solo incluye parte de los sermones escritos por John, sino tambien un prefacio y comentarios de su hijo, Joel; los principios de esta fe “sin limites” vienen a acompanar a una nueva generacion.

      Para esos momentos de luchas y tentaciones que todos enfrentamos, esos momentos en que nos sentimos rodeados y atacados, el mensaje de John es sumamente simple -esos son precisamente los momentos para una fe inquebrantable.

      En este libro, John ensena a los creyentes de hoy las siete cualidades de una fe inquebrantable:

      1. Escucha y observa lo que el mundo no puede ver ni escuchar.

      2. Ora fervientemente aunque ya hayas conseguido una respuesta.

      3. Es mas firme cuando no hay senales de la respuesta.

      4. Siempre dice: “!Vamos de nuevo!”.

      5. Sigue adelante aunque las senales de respuesta sean minimas.

      6. Cree en grande aunque parezca poco.

      7. Empieza de la nada y termina haciendo cosas impresionantes por Dios.

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    • Men Counseling Men


      Under the guidance of John MacArthur, the biblical counseling program at The Masters College has received international acclaim, with instructors who are recognized for their exceptional ability to apply God’s truth to real-life problems. Men Counseling Men is an exciting new resource on how to counsel men about the difficulties they face. Written by the school’s faculty members, it is an accessible, practical volume that will equip both trained professionals and lay people to provide solidly biblical help for men who are struggling with a variety of major life issues. Readers will learn how they can offer hope and encouragement in relation to: depression, parenting, anger, conflict resolution, physical affliction, sexual purity, marital relationships, and rebuilding a marriage after adultery. God’s Word possesses incredible power. This book will help men experience that power as they turn to the Lord for help.

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    • Hugs For Dad


      Someone you know needs a hug today . . . it may even be you! Something wonderful happens when you share a hug with your Dad. Your hugs express all the love, respect, gratitude, and devotion you feel in your heart. Dads need to be hugged — often — so they’ll know how very much they’re appreciated.
      In the pages of this very special book, you’ll find a great many hugs that express your warmest feelings of love and admiration. Each part of this collection is chosen to inspire and encourage Dad in his life. Fascinating stories by the beloved storyteller John William Smith, personalized scriptures by LeAnn Weiss, uplifting quotes by various well-known people, and powerful messages by an “anonymous disciple” come together to form enduring hugs that will warm Dad’s heart.
      Do you know a dad who needs a hug today? Share a hug that will bless him for a lifetime!

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