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    • Navigating The Winds Of Change


      (When placing your order, please mention that this is a Lightining Source book.)

      How Can Your Church Manage Cultural Change Without Compromising Eternal Truths?
      Many churches are currently grappling with this question, and this important book by Lynn Anderson is full of answers.

      The winds of change are blowing, and they will not be ignored. Churches that learn how to successfully manage the changes these winds bring will sail smoothly into the 21st century. Congregations that close their eyes to the reality of change will be swept off course or into extinction.

      In this book, Anderson–a well-known author, minister and leader–presents a wealth of practical, effective strategies for managing change in the church. He is the creative force behind the annual “Church That Connects” seminar that has helped hundreds of church leaders manage positive change in their congregations; and now he gives these vital strategies directly to you.

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    • Jesus Drives Me Crazy


      This book is a biblical and theological meditation on the meaning of discipleship a discipleship defined not in terms of those who throng Jesus, but of those who throne Jesus. What it means to “throne him” is to let Jesus drive you crazy crazy in the sense that it goes against how normal people see and function in the world. A disciple is someone who is crazy in love with Jesus. Christians don’t do normal. One of the biggest mistakes a Christian can make is to believe that the way they see the world is the way most other people see the world. We see the world differently. We9re abnormal. We’re weird. We’re eccentric. Christians have an off-kilter view of the world. Loving your enemies, turning the other cheek, going the second mile, living without anger, living without lusting, being strong in the broken places_all these things normal people just have a hard time thinking these thoughts and living these ways. There is the “World According to Normal” where most Christians currently live. This book calls Christians to the World According to NUTS . . . where NUTS is an acronym for Never Underestimate the Spirit.

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    • Biblia Que Leyo Jesus – (Spanish)


      Philip Yancey has a way of confronting our most cherished but misguided notions about faith. In The Bible Jesus Read, he challenges the perception that the New Testament is all that matters and the Old Testament isn’t worth taking the time to read and understand. Yancey admits that, like many Christians, he usually avoided the Old Testament. After all, why bother with writings that can be so baffling, boring, even offensive to the modern mind? But a surprising discovery awaited Yancey when he began to explore how the Old Testament related to his life today. Those seemingly irrelevant Hebrew Scriptures took on a startling immediacy, portraying a passionate relationship between God and people against the broad backdrop of human experience. Like nothing else, the Old Testament depicts the cries, the complaints, the deep, insistent questionings of the heart, the stuff of life we all must contend with. With his candid, signature style, Yancey interacts with the Old Testament from the perspective of his own deeply personal journey. From Moses, the amazing prince of Egypt, to the psalmists’ turbulent emotions and the prophets’ oddball rantings, Yancey paints a picture of Israel’s God–and ours–that fills in the blanks of a solely New Testament vision of the Almighty. Probing some carefully selected Old Testament books–Job, Deuteronomy, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, and the Prophets–Yancey reveals how the Old Testament deals in astonishing depth and detail with the issues that trouble us most. The Old Testament in fact tackles what the New Testament often only skirts. But that shouldn’t surprise us. It is, after all, the Bible Jesus read. The Bible Jesus Read will give you abundant new insights into the heart of God the Father. And as you read with a fresh eye the prayers, poems, songs, and bedtime stories that Jesus so revered, you will gain a profound new understanding of Christ. “The more we comprehend the Old Testament,” Yancey writes, “the more we comprehend Jesus.”

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    • Guidelines For Spiritual Discernment


      Are you confused about doctrines, signs, wonders, and manifestations because of differing opinions in the body of Christ? Have you felt troubled in certain situations but could not put your finger on the problem? Do you wonder why the body of Christ is so divided? Do you desire to see reformation come to the Church? As the end of the age draws near, the call for the Church to rid herself of unrighteous judgments toward one another and misperceptions of God is becoming obvious. These constitute the greatest stumbling blocks to what God desires to do in and through the Church before Jesus returns. This book is a journey into understanding what true discernment or judgment is and what it is not. “I found myself stopping and asking for forgiveness in the middle of the pages.” -SAM FENCEROY, PASTOR

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    • Authentic Faith : What If Life Isnt Meant To Be Perfect But We Are Meant To


      “This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.”–John the Apostle Isn’t it startling how God reveals himself most profoundly in places we least expect to encounter him? He is intent on showing himself Lord in all our circumstances–in the highs and the lows alike. The faith he calls us to is far more than a glowing positivism that shields us from life’s struggles. It is one that guides us into a deepening intimacy with the God who sustains us in the broad sweep of life. Best-selling author Gary Thomas helps us sharpen our spiritual vision and fortify our commitment by examining ten disciplines God uses to forge a fire-tested faith. A biblical view of these disciplines can safeguard us from disillusionment when-not if-difficulties surface in our lives. How we respond will determine the depth and vitality of our walk with God. Sharing scriptural insights, the wisdom of Christians through the centuries, and cogent personal observations, Thomas explores the disciplines of: * Selflessness * Waiting * Suffering * Persecution * Social Mercy * Forgiveness * Mourning * Contentment * Sacrifice * Hope and Fear Drawing liberally from his storehouse of colorful and engaging stories, Thomas brings his topics to life. Find out how a message scrawled on a baseball made a big-league difference to a discouraged young pitcher. Learn how a nineteen-year-old Catholic acolyte, marked by the tragedies of war, grew up to usher in the collapse of Communism in Poland. Read the touching account of feud, reconciliation, and friendship between two of America’s founding fathers. As Gary Thomas reminds us, Jesus said that in this world we will have trouble. Paul exhorted believers to mourn with those who mourn. James wrote that God chooses the poor of this world to be rich in faith. Clearly, faith is about something other than a smooth ride through this fallen world. Rather, authentic faith is shaped, tempered, and purified in the flames of struggle. In a culture sated with blessings and comfort, Authentic Faith reveals the rich benefits that derive from embracing the harder truths of Scripture. This eye-opening look at what it means to be a true disciple of Jesus will encourage you, bolster your faith, and help you rise above shallow attachments to fix your heart on things of eternal worth.

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    • Heaven In The Real World


      (When placing your order, please mention that this is a Lightining Source book.)

      Let the reality of Heaven shape your experience on Earth! Through inspiring real-life stories on how the transforming power of Heaven—God incarnate—changes lives, Pastor McLaughlin helps you live a life you wouldn’t dream of giving up, build relationships you’d never think of leaving, and weather difficulties without being washed away by life’s storms.

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    • Names Of Jesus


      (When placing your order, please mention that this is a Lightining Source book.)

      What’s in a name? In the case of Jesus Christ, rich insights, fresh perspectives, and pathways to intimacy. From “Good Shepherd” to “Lamb of God,” Rubel Shelly explores the various names given to Christ in the Bible and reveals a Christ that will both surprise and challenge you. Shelly, a deeply respected scholar, has researched and written numerous books and commentaries, including the very popular What Would Jesus Do Today? In The Names of Jesus, Shelly uses his unique insight and fervent love for the Scriptures to develop a clear and unobstructed picture of Jesus through the biblical names that describe the One who invites the whole world to come to Him. What Shelly discovers and divulges is that these names and titles reveal the ultimate man, the ultimate Savior, and the ultimate answer to your greatest struggles, fears, and failures.

      Gain a more intimate knowledge of Christ through his many different names in Scripture. New discoveries about Christ await you in this fascinating and insightful book by this highly respected scholar.

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    • Rescued By The Cross


      In This Compelling Book, One Of America’s Most Popular, Influential, And Compelling Youth Evangelists Reveals His Own Incredible Story Of Rescue. This Book, Ken Freeman’s First Release, Offers Hope, Encouragement, And Insight To Young Christians About How To Step Out Of The Past, No Matter How Painful, And Into God’s Purpose. No One Communicates This Message With More Clarity And Vision. Linking A Passionate Plea For An Uncompromised Life Lived In God’s Purpose With A Compassionate Understanding Of Painful Pasts, Freeman Offers A Message Of Hope And Direction To Searching Young People And Those Who Love Them. 239 Pages, Softcover. Howard Publishing.

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    • They Smell Like Sheep


      Jesus the Good Shepherd did not lead his flock from a distance; he got dirty with their problems and struggles. And that, says Anderson, is the only kind of leadership that will move the church forward in the new millennium. The practical leadership principles he shares will help you become the effective leader you’re meant to be!

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    • Daring To Dance With God


      (When placing your order, please mention that this is a Lightining Source book.)

      Christians everywhere want to know God more intimately but often don’t know how to overcome the obstacles that keep them arm’s length from their Creator. In Daring to Dance with God, Jeff Walling combines biblical insight, vivid imagery, and humorous stories to move you into a celebration of life’s surprises and a rich relationship with the God of the unexpected.

      You will identify with Walling’s witty yet poignant insights on “Five Diseases That Stop the Music” and will find hope in the section on “Three Special Dances for Painful Times.” Ideal for all who long for more in their relationship with God.

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    • Living The Story


      This instructive, practical book explores the meaning of “biblical spirituality,” a spirituality rooted in the Scriptures, in the grand story of God.
      Writing to promote genuine discipleship and an everyday sense of God’s presence, R. Paul Stevens and Michael Green show that biblical spirituality is based on down-to-earth principles meant to foster righteous living at home, at work, wherever one is. They highlight the importance of our being in relationship with the Triune God and discuss how we can be worshipers of Abba God, disciples of Jesus, and temples of the Holy Spirit. The book proceeds through the Old and New Testaments, engaging readers with the discoveries and struggles of people of faith from Adam and Eve to those gathered around the Lamb in the new Jerusalem. Stevens and Green focus throughout on how we can truly live the Word of God so that our own stories become part of God’s great story of love.

      Filled with biblical wisdom and a pleasure to read, “Living the Story” is a winsome invitation to follow God wholeheartedly in every dimension of life.

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    • Quiet Talks On Prayer


      176 Pages

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      In the inimitable and admired style that make S.D. Gordon famous, he explores the creative force unleashed in the quiet place of prayer. More than a book about prayer, it is a book that will inspire. Gordon leads the weary prayer warrior out of the habitual and forced patterns of prayer into a realm where prayer comes to life as the Spirit of God activates it.

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    • Smell Of Sin


      SKU (ISBN): 9780830823895ISBN10: 0830823891Don EvertsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2003Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Created To Be Gods Friend Workbook (Workbook)


      This format is designed for either individuals or group leaders. Created To Be God’s Friend is a remarkable study in our relatinship with a personal God who is constantly working in each of our lives.

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    • Fresh Faith


      Like a Fountain of Clear Water Cleansing a Stagnant, Cynical Culture . . . FRESH FAITH Pastor Jim Cymbala calls us back to a fiery, passionate preoccupation with God that will restore what the enemy has stolen from us: our first love for Jesus, our zeal, our troubled children, our wounded marriages, our broken and divided churches. Born out of the heart and soul of The Brooklyn Tabernacle, the message of Fresh Faith is illustrated by true stories of men and women whose lives have been changed through the power of faith. The same faith that can transform your life-starting today, if you choose.

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    • Fresh Power


      We Need God’s Power Drawing examples from the Bible and from the sidewalks of New York City, Fresh Power shows what happens when the Spirit of God moves in our midst. He longs to reveal the mind of God to us and to release heaven’s limitless resources to meet the desperate needs around us. Fresh Power will expand your vision for what God can and will do, and inspire you to pray like never before for God’s power in your church-and in you.

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    • Cat And Dog Theology (Revised)


      The God given traits of cats (You exist to serve me) and dogs (I exist to serve You) are often similar to certain theological attitudes held by many Christians in their view of God and their relationship to Him. Using the differences between cats and dogs in a light-handed manner, the authors challenge this thinking in deep and profound ways. This life-changing book will provide a new perspective and vision for God as we delight in the God who delights in us.

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    • Would You Still Love Jesus If He Sent You To Hell


      This book is designed to promote thanksgiving and meditation by applying Scriptures to everyday life. It should challenge some of our personal views and thoughts on everyday occurrences. So many things go on around us that we often have trouble determining our true convictions. “Is it conviction or guilt?” We know “hell is real,” but do we always “act as if”? Don’t be afraid to allow this book to search your soul. Trust God to show you what’s “at the root” and to prove that “life is short, but eternity lasts forever.” Reading this book will light a fire in your soul that you thought was impossible to light. After you’ve finished, ask yourself those really tough questions: “Is Jesus your friend?” “To drink or not to drink?” and of course, “Would you still love Jesus if he sent you to hell?”

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    • 12 Ordinary Men Workbook (Workbook)


      Pointing to the lives of the disciples – twelve ordinary men through whom God worked extraordinary things – John MacArthur presents a pattern that modern disciples can pattern. In spite of – and sometimes because of – weakness and imperfection – God can and will use his believers to accomplish His work. This hands-on, practical workbook is divided into 12 chapters based on the 12 unique disciples offers the tools needed to train as a true disciple of God. This workbook will help Christians uncover and unleash the power of His word and will in their own lives and the lives of others.

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    • What The Spirit Is Saying To The Churches


      People today are hungry for God’s sure guidance in their churches. But how do they find it? One of the strongest prophetic voices to the church today, Henry Blackaby, helps Christians grasp God’s pattern for strengthening their churches, rather than relying on human ideas and methods that leave God on the periphery. They’ll learn how to be sensitive individually and corporately to the effort of the Spirit, exploring the trustworthy principles by which the Lord longs to guide each congregation toward its own distinctive mission.

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    • Reign Of Grace


      Thrill to the loving implications of God’s disruptive grace. With bold perspective and soul searching honesty, author Scotty Smith dares us to explore the radical nature of the grace of God, addressing such questions as:

      What does it mean to be a good steward of God’s grace?
      Is God more concerned about my happiness or my holiness?
      When God brings freedom, healing, and peace, what’s supposed to happen next?
      If God’s love is so compelling, what does it compel me to believe, do, and become?

      As believers, we are sometimes more interested in a masseuse rather than a Master. Smith dares to remind us that God’s love is a s disruptive as it is delightful, as demanding as it is delicious! God loves us exactly as we are today, but he loves us too much to leave us where we are. As objects of God’s affection, we are called to live as subjects in his kingdom under the reign of his glorious grace.

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    • Joy : Finding It Keeping It


      SKU (ISBN): 9781591605140ISBN10: 1591605148Bruce GoettscheBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2003Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • If God Has A Refrigerator Your Picture Is On It (Student/Study Guide)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780687026814ISBN10: 0687026814James MooreBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2003Publisher: Abingdon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Christian Virtues : 9 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


      Virtue may not be a word you use every day, but it defines the qualities of a person of character. One of the good things about belonging to God is that he develops virtues in you. In nine sessions Cindy Bunch leads you to investigate–and learn to practice–key Christian virtues: faith, hope, love, wisdom, justice, courage, moderation, integrity and perseverance.

      This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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    • 30 Days To Discovering Personal Victory Through Holiness


      The companion to Set Apart, this book contains thirty encouraging readings, from a variety of well-known Christian pastors and speakers that lead you towards the best life God has for you – the life of holiness. Here is the daily support you need to make your struggle with temptation into a winning battle. Includes study questions after each chapter to apply its principles to your own life!

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    • Cultivating Christian Character


      How to become the person God wants you to be and how to help others to do the same.

      Includes a university-designed survey to measure your character.

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    • Unraveling The Mystery Of The Motivational Gifts


      The first thing that you must learn about spiritual gifts is that you have one. You may not realize it, but you function in your gift daily. God has equipped each member of the Body of Christ with a special ability to do his will. This “special ability” is called a spiritual gift. Many readers of this book will feel a sense of discovery of who they are in Christ. They will discover their spiritual gifts for the first time, and they will learn how to move forward in the ministry that God has entrusted to them.

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    • Introducing Spiritual Direction


      A clear and practical guide to what happens in spiritual direction.

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    • Envy The Enemy Within (Reprinted)


      Envy might well be termed the silent sin. Because while all of us envy others to some extent, few of us acknowledge our problem out loud, let alone try to overcome it and move forward. Bob Sorge draws upon his own pastoral experience–plus the admitted burden of his own envy–to show why and how it can adversely affect the ministry of a church and even prevent revival in people’s lives. Sorge reveals why comparison of our ministry and spiritual gifts to that of our fellow believers is to be avoided at all costs so that we do not hamstring God’s plan for our growth and the accomplishment of His purposes. This is a must-read for leaders of all churches, great and small–and anyone who wants the peace that comes with a life free of envy.

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    • 1 Holy Fire


      What would happen if you called on God’s Spirit to unleash His power in your life?

      What if you really believed Jesus’ promise that His Spirit would empower you to do even greater miracles than He did when He walked the earth?

      You hold the answers to those soul-stirring questions in your hands. Since the moment that Nicky Cruz-a street-tough gang member in New York City-met Jesus Christ decades ago, he has seen no distinction between the working of God’s Spirit in the Book of Acts and the way that same Spirit works daily in his own life and ministry.

      In One Holy fire, the renowned author of Run, Baby, Run introduces you to the Holy Spirit. He shares never-before-published stories from his life that will quicken your heart and spark your spirit. He challenges you to abandon yourself and live according to the Spirit’s moment-by-moment guidance. And he inspires you to open your heart. . .and let the Spirit ignite your soul.

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    • Diligently Seeking God


      SKU (ISBN): 9780971371002ISBN10: 0971371008Gary HenryBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2003Publisher: Atlas Books Print On Demand Product

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    • Si Quieres Caminar Sobre Las A – (Spanish)


      Peter may have gotten out of the boat nearly 2000 years ago, but Jesus’ invitation still stands today. But what is waiting on the other side could just be a lot of water and very little chance of remaining above it. As Jesus’ followers, we can follow His calling, but can we walk on water? To walk on water means to: * Face our fears and not allow others to have the last word in our lives. * Discover God’s calling for your life and follow it for the rest of your life. * Experience God’s power in your life in order to achieve what wasn’t possible in your own strength. Christ walked on water successfully. There’s only one thing that you need to do before you can walk on water successfully: You need to get out of the boat!

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    • True Discipleship (Student/Study Guide)


      21 Chapters
      13 Lessons

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      This book clearly explains the principles of New Testament discipleship. The Saviour’s terms of discipleship are not only highly practical but will reward in kowing the peace that passes understanding.

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    • Maximum Discipleship : Learning And Living All The Commandments Of Christ


      Jesus came to serve, not to be served. But He also came to lead people out of darkness into lives of great godly influence in their homes, churches, schools, jobs, and communities. He has planted each of us where we can have the greatest impact upon others around us. There are books on the market about servanthood or leadership, but rarely are the two put together in one text. These have been connected in a practical and teachable fashion to help leaders and believers to know how to function as servants and leaders and greatly influence others wherever the Lord has placed them. Servant leadership principles are intended for all believers to live out in their daily lives and ministries, wherever that may be. You can and will impact and influence your world through these dynamic principles that Jesus taught. We are to be servant leaders at home, on the job, at school, at work, in church, in our communities and nations, and everywhere we go. Therefore, this book will teach leaders and believers the New Testament principles of serving and leading like Jesus so as to impact and influence people like Jesus also. Having lived in Eastern Europe during the height of communism, and being a part of the spiritual transformation now taking place there, the author lays out the biblical basis for transforming communities and nations through servant leadership.

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    • Gods Will : The Mystery Now Made Known


      If someone would come to you with the news that the richest man on earth, having untold wealth, had made you heir to all that he possessed-i.e., land, stocks, bonds, cattle, real estate, motels, hotels, resorts, automobiles, and condominiums in Hawaii, Italy, Spain, Sweden, London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and the United States of America, with cash in banks around the world-you, chances are, would become overjoyed, to say the least. Then you would probably doubt that such a will exists. So you begin to check on the validity of such a will, and find it to be real. You now proceed to produce all the necessary documents to prove you are the true heir to this vast sum of wealth. God, your Heavenly Father, has written His Will, and you can be an heir. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, mediator of the Will, and the one who died to validate the Will, rose from the grave, and is now sitting at the right hand of the Father, offering God’s Will to you. God is preparing a place for you that will be beyond your grandest imagination.

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    • Soul Survival In A Corrupt And Anti God World


      Are you tired of a meaningless existence trapped in the mundane matrix of life? Are you fed up with watching your generation self-destruct? Then this book is for you, and you share the same vision I do! It is your blood-bought right to break out of mediocrity, obscurity, and defeatist Christianity, and live on the cutting edge of God’s will for your life. We have to learn to soar above the dark, polluted waters of this world, and that’s what Soul Survival is all about.

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    • Heart Set Free


      Rachel was angry with God for allowing her father to die. But a visit from a heavenly stranger changed everything. Share in Rachel’s experience as she discovers answers to questions that trouble many people in today’s confusing world: Why should I believe in God? What will happen to me after I die? What is heaven like? How can I be certain I am going to heaven? Why must God keep sin out of heaven? Where does sin come from? Why does God allow bad things to happen? What’s in store for our troubled earth? What will happen in the near future? What’s so special about Jesus? Does God really love me just the way I am? What do angels do? Is God still really in control? Spend some time with this book and you will experience for yourself the joy of a heart set free.

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    • Heart Set Free


      Rachel was angry with God for allowing her father to die. But a visit from a heavenly stranger changed everything. Share in Rachel’s experience as she discovers answers to questions that trouble many people in today’s confusing world: Why should I believe in God? What will happen to me after I die? What is heaven like? How can I be certain I am going to heaven? Why must God keep sin out of heaven? Where does sin come from? Why does God allow bad things to happen? What’s in store for our troubled earth? What will happen in the near future? What’s so special about Jesus? Does God really love me just the way I am? What do angels do? Is God still really in control? Spend some time with this book and you will experience for yourself the joy of a heart set free.

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    • New Joy Of Discovery In Bible Study (Revised)


      The new, revised edition of the book The Joy of Discovery in Bible Study. The purpose of this classic is to engage readers in learning Bible study skills that will encourage them to become “discoverers” – no longer dependent on others to gain insights into Scripture – and experience joy in the process. If you are interested in learning the basics of inductive Bible study, you might find Part One enough. If you are interested in learning how to go deeper into Bible study, you will want to continue in Part Two. When you learn some of these skills, you will gain deeper insights into the truths of the Word and the Holy Spirit will have a freer course in your life.

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    • New Joy Of Teaching Discovery (Revised)


      The updated and simplified guide to teaching the “discovery” or inductive method of Bible study – to help readers learn now to teach others to study the Bible and find joy in the process. Part One focuses on some of the basic principles involved in Bible teaching. Part Two provides specific instructions to develop a course on the skills described in The Joy of Discovery in Bible Study, which enables adult learners to observe, interpret, summarize, evaluate, apply, and actualize the teachings in the Bible.

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    • Discipled Warriors : Growing Healthy Churches That Are Equipped For Spritua


      1. Establishing The Foundation Of A Church
      2. The Goal: Discipled Warriors
      3. Discipled Warriors Exalting God
      4. Discipled Warriors Evangelizing The World
      5. Discipled Warriors Equipping Believers
      6. Discipled Warriors Edifying Others
      7. Discipled Warriors Encountering God
      8. Discipled Warriors Encouraging One Another
      9. Leading In Change Without Losing The Battle
      10. A Concluding Challenge
      215 Pages

      Additional Info
      Putting on the armor of God is the essence of both biblical discipleship and biblical spiritual warfare. Using solid biblical exegesis, Discipled Warriors deftly presents a well rounded, proven model for fighting the enemy based on the same principles as those for developing a healthy church.

      Punctuated with stories and real-life examples, this timely book provides workable strategies and resources for equipping discipled warriors to meet the challenges of being the church in the twenty-first century.

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    • Experiencing Gods Presence


      You wake up, and your mind is already racing. Your schedule is completely full of all that the day holds. In the jumble of carpools, projects, dinner, work, and time with your family, God is often pushed to the side–or out of the picture completely.
      Matthew Henry was a man who awoke to thoughts of God, went to bed with God on his mind, and filled every hour in between with the same godly focus. Despite hardships, his life was fulfilled and joyful.

      Learn from him the importance of godly conversation, true devotions, and effective communication, and find a life that is completely pleasing to God.

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    • Todos Los Nombres De Dios En L – (Spanish)


      La humanidad ha llegado a entender mejor a Dios gracias a los nombres, titulos e imagenes que lo identifican en la Biblia. Por ejemplo: Nombres: Jehova, Soberano Dios, Dios Eterno Titulos: Creador del cielo, Dios de verdad, Dios de justicia Imagenes: Fortaleza, Alfarero, Padre. La humanidad ha llegado a entender mejor a Dios gracias a los nombres, titulos e imagenes que lo identifican en la Biblia. Por ejemplo: Nombres: Jehova, Soberano Dios, Dios Eterno Titulos: Creador del cielo, Dios de verdad, Dios de justicia Imagenes: Fortaleza, Alfarero, Padre.

      Humanity has come to understand God more fully by way of the names, titles, and images used to identify Him in the Bible. These three aspects include examples such as: Names: Yahweh, Sovereign Lord, Eternal God. Titles:Creator of heaven, God of truth, God of justice. Images:Fortress, Potter, Father.

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    • Breaking The Power Of Evil


      21 Chapters

      Additional Info
      The gates of hell are the entrances through which evil gains access to the world. The author of the best-selling book, The Final Quest, dramatically exposes the insidious cruelty of evil as manifested in jealousy, fear, spirit of poverty, spiritual authority and religious spirits.

      Breaking the Power of Evil illuminates the truth that can set us free from the bondage of evil over our life. Joyner announces that the battle is not just territorial but is also a struggle for the human heart. With prophetic precision Joyner carefully casts a prophetic light that will dispel the darkness as it enlightens the soul.

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    • Battlefield Of The Mind Updated Edition (Expanded)


      In celebration of selling 3 million copies, FaithWords published a special updated edition of BATTLEFIELD OF THE MIND.

      Worry, doubt, confusion, depression, anger and feelings of condemnation: all these are attacks on the mind. If readers suffer from negative thoughts, they can take heart! Joyce Meyer has helped millions win these all-important battles. In her most popular bestseller ever, the beloved author and minister shows readers how to change their lives by changing their minds.

      She teaches how to deal with thousands of thoughts that people think every day and how to focus the mind the way God thinks. And she shares the trials, tragedies, and ultimate victories from her own marriage, family, and ministry that led her to wondrous, life-transforming truth-and reveals her thoughts and feelings every step of the way.

      This special updated edition includes an additional introduction and updated content throughout the book.

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    • How To Handle Adversity


      The loss of a job. A rebellious child. A loved one dies. A dear friend has been diagnosed with cancer. A struggling marriage. Financial hardships.The list is endless. When hard times come, we need wisdom to navigate through the shoals of adversity into a safe harbor. And now, in How to Handls Adversity, Charles Stanley offers a practica, biblical approach to help us deal with the troubles common to us all.Adversity is a reality that no one can avoid. Everyone asks why when adversity strikes. Yet Stanley contends, “As much as we all want to know the answer to the why question, it is really not the most significant question. The real question each of us needs to ask is, ‘How should I respond?’Previously published in hardcover (0-8407-9094-5)

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    • Gift Of Forgiveness


      Charles Stanley, one of the most influential spiritual leaders of our day, shares the key to personal and even world peace in The Gift of Forgiveness. as Stanley points out that no sin is so shockingly evil it blocks God’s forgiveness nor so trivial it negates the need for God’s mercy, he shares the specifics of how to go about receiving and giving forgiveness.The Gift of Forgiveness reflects the heart of Stanley’s teaching ministry. In this markedly helpful book, Stanley addresses such questions as how to pracitse a life of forgiveness in all you relationships and how to make forgiveness an ongoing, practical experience in your life. Previously published in hardcover (0840790724).

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    • Winning The War Within


      A few moments of illicit pleasure, a few dollars of illegal gain – what can it hurt? The aftermath of our pleasures and gains can wreak spiritual havoc when those indictments are bought at the cost of wrongdoing. In Winning the War Within, Dr. Stanley examines temptation from a biblical perspective and tracks its course from desire to sin to death. He clarifies the distinction between a test or a trial (which may come from God), and a temptation (which never comes from God) and explains God’s solutions for coping with the trials and for triumphing over temptations.Previously published in hardcover (0-8407-9036-8).

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    • Eternal Security : Can You Be Sure


      Is it possible to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I am going to heaven? If my salvation really is secure, can I commit any sin and still go to heaven? Dr. Stanley helps believers understand the issues of grace and works in a compassionate, straightforward manner. Previously published in hardcover (0840790953).

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    • How To Listen To God


      After becoming a Christian, believers discover the joy of God’s voice, but often the purity and freshness of that initial experience becomes clouded by the daily routine of life. In How to Listen to God Dr. Charles Stanley helps readers rediscover how to distinguish God’s voice from all other voices around them, and how to joyfully and obediently respond. Dr. Stanley uses personal experiences from his life and ministry to discuss: why God wants to communicate with us, how God gets our attention, how God communicates with us, and how to listen to God and enjoy His presence.Previously published in hardcover (0-8407-9041-4).

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