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    • Despertar De Los Muertos – (Spanish)


      Hay una gloria en la vida, que la mayoria de las personas, incluyendo los creyentes, nunca ven. En este libro nuevo y revelador, John Eldredge presenta al corazon como el centro de la vida. No solamente el corazon es esencial; el corazon que Dios ha redimido tambien es bueno. Construyendo sobre estas verdades fundamentales, Eldredge muestra a los lectores por que el verdadero cristianismo es un proceso de restauracion, donde las partes quebradas de nuestro corazon son sanadas y las partes cautivas son liberadas.

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    • Handbook Of The Christian Faith (Reprinted)


      This book is a one-volume overview of the Bible, church history, Christian beliefs and practices, other religions, and other issues of Christianity written in an easy-to-understand style. Organized in ten thematic chapters, this book is designed for use by individuals or study groups.

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    • Heart Of Christianity


      An engaging and inspiring guide to Christian living. Bestselling author Marcus Borg shows that the essential ingredients of a Christian life-faith, being born again, the kingdom of God, the gospel of love-make vital sense today.

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    • 10 Curses That Block The Blessing


      Have you been suffering with depression, family dysfunction, marital unhappiness, or other problems and been unable to overcome them? Within the pages of this groundbreaking book, Ten Curses That Block the Blessing, Larry Huch shares his personal experience with a life of anger, drug addiction, crime, and violence. He shows how he broke these curses and reveals how you can recognize the signs of a curse, be set free from generational curses, and restore your health and wealth. You don’t have to struggle any longer. Choose to revolutionize your life. You can reverse the curses that block your blessings!

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    • Spiritual Gifts : 8 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Revised)


      In this study, R. Paul Stevens leads you to explore what spiritual gifts are, what their role is in the church and how to discover which gifts God has given you. You’ll dig into key passages on spiritual gifs and look at specific examples of how they were manifested in the early church.

      4 in stock (additional units can be purchased)

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    • World Of The Womb In Gods Plan For Man


      God has given the womb potential, and the devil plans to destroy it. Satan was told that the seed of the woman would crush him and so he desires to beat God to the punch by killing this seed before it is seen. The womb is a physical and spiritual place. When people realize that their womb is purposeful with perfect potential, they will pursue God’s plan for them. From Adam to Jesus Christ and now to mankind, the womb is under attack. Our sacred womb is God’s beautiful and completed work. We must allow the womb to birth its content and thwart the plan of the enemy. From the womb of the mind of God to the womb of our mind, we must allow the creativity that God has invested within us to declare His deeds and His goodness. It is time to push and press into purpose.

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    • Como Por Orar Para La Voluntad – (Spanish)


      Descripcion (Description):

      Por aos, Stormie Omartian oro pidiendo: “Seor, cambia a mi esposo”. Entonces, se dio cuenta de que tenia que orar por ella misma, y examinar su propio corazon, antes de poder orar eficazmente por el.

      For years Stormie Omartian prayed the prayer, “Change my husband, Lord.” Then she realized that she had to pray for herself -and examine her own heart – before she could pray effectively for him. Her prayer became, “Change me, Lord.” In this book, she presents that process for all wives who want the power to pray for themselves and their husbands.

      Como orar por la voluntad de Dios para tu vida is ideal for women who have read Stormie’s bestselling books on prayer and want to move deeper into the power of prayer.

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    • Called To Be Gods Leader Workbook (Workbook)


      In Created to Be God’s Friend, Henry Blackaby explored the life of Abraham, and in Chosen to Be God’s Prophet, he examined God’s work through Samuel. In Called to Be God’s Leader, readers will see how God applies leadership principles in the life of the great biblical leader Joshua. This is the workbook companion to Called to Be God’s Leader. What did God have in mind when He saw Joshua as a young slave in Egypt? How did He mold and shape Joshua to prepare him for service? Through Joshua and numerous examples from their own lives, the authors create a picture of God’s ways, offering deep insight that readers can apply to their own lives.

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    • Windows Into Eternity 1


      Welcome to Windows into Eternity, Volume 1 of The Promise and the Plan, a four-volume series covering the promises and plans of God for us today. Major truths from the Old and New Testaments come alive in each book chapter. Discover how these lessons can impact your life in such heartfelt and powerful ways today. Windows into Eternity gives us glimpses into the windows of God from the beginning of all things: Jesus the Word, Our Creator; Marriage in the Garden; the Fall of Man; the Mercy of God; Stern Warnings and Judgment; Promises Made and Kept; Our High Priest, The Lamb of God; and the Great Escape. Watch for these coming titles by Sue Rhineheimer: Shadows of Reality: The Promise and the Plan-Volume 2 Visions of the Kingdom: The Promise and the Plan-Volume 3 The Glory of the King: The Promise and the Plan-Volume 4

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    • Word Of God Will Work For You Above All Things


      The Word of God Will Work for You Above All Things because God’s Word has creative power. This power will comfort believers, regardless of their tests and trials in this world. God’s Word will also present believers with options. It will help them discover alternative solutions to their problems. The primary focus of this book is using the Word of God daily. Focus is also given to consistent prayer by using the Word of God above all things. Prayer and the Word mixed with faith will get results. God’s Word mixed with prayer will strengthen believers internally and enhance their relationship with God. Also, The Word of God Will Work for You Above All Things teaches that practical application must become a way of life for believers to accomplish their godly ideals.

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    • Breaking Free From The Pack


      Excellence is defined as the state of going beyond what is average, normal, or expected. It draws from a Greek word, which means to “throw beyond,” as with a javelin or shot put. We serve an excellent God, and He calls for all who follow Him to show forth that same Spirit of Excellence. This book shows, in a practical way, how to attain the walk of excellence. It stresses four principles that require us to seek God-Vision (both personal and ministry), Calling, Perseverance, and Love-as well as how and why to walk in four disciplines-Fasting, Prayer, Meditation, and Solitude with God. The walk of excellence is not required for us to be saved, but if we want our lives to count for something, then it is vital that we enter the realm of the excellent.

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    • Young People Listen


      Guess what? Why don’t we all “DO IT RIGHT”? You can do it HIS WAY-JESUS’WAY! And in this way, you will be blessed in your life! This book is for my dear teenager friends and young adults. I wrote it to help you to accept the reality of a loving God who sent His Son Jesus to die and pay for your sins, so then you can discover how much God loves you as an individual. In this way, you will learn to love yourself regardless of the negative things that you have thought or that others have told you about yourself. And as you love God back and live a life according to His will, you will be blessed.

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    • Young People Listen


      Guess what? Why don’t we all “DO IT RIGHT”? You can do it HIS WAY-JESUS’WAY! And in this way, you will be blessed in your life! This book is for my dear teenager friends and young adults. I wrote it to help you to accept the reality of a loving God who sent His Son Jesus to die and pay for your sins, so then you can discover how much God loves you as an individual. In this way, you will learn to love yourself regardless of the negative things that you have thought or that others have told you about yourself. And as you love God back and live a life according to His will, you will be blessed.

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    • Only Jesus Of Nazareth Can Be Isreals King Messiah


      Only Jesus of Nazareth Can Be Israel’s King Messiah, the third in the King Messiah Series, proves beyond doubt according to biblical prophecy that only Jesus of Nazareth can be Israel’s King Messiah. Using his skills as a retired federal investigator, plus spending thousands of hours studying the Bible and debating, John McTernan uses Daniel 9, the Davidic covenant, and the genealogy of the kings of Judah to form an airtight case proving only the Lord Jesus is Israel’s King Messiah. The author provides a unique way to look at Daniel 9 to pinpoint the exact time of King Messiah’s first coming. He shows that the Davidic covenant reveals that King Messiah has to be the Son of God. And finally, he shows that the genealogy of the kings of Judah possesses overwhelming evidence that only Jesus of Nazareth by His virgin birth can be the Messiah. This book is a great witnessing tool.

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    • Scandalous Freedom : The Radical Nature Of The Gospel



      God has set us free – and at great cost – but many Christians live in self-imposed bondage. Rather than delighting in God’s lavish grace, they are fearful of igniting his displease.

      As author Steve Brown explains in this brave, new book, too many Christians don’t trust freedom – for themselves or others. They prefer the security of manmade regulations to the adventure of freedom. The implications of freedom, Brown asserts, can sometimes be dangerous; but the alternative is deadly: a life without joy and void of celebration of our unique gifts in Christ.

      Each riveting chapter explores a common freedom – stifling tendency, then opens the door to the fresh air of remedial liberty. Chapter titles include:

      The Perfection We Desire. . .and the Forgiveness That Sets Us Free
      The Masks We Wear. . .and the Authenticity That Sets Us Free
      The Boldness We Fear. . .and the Courage That Sets Us Free
      The Failure We Foster. . .and the Victory That Sets Us Free

      Dare to explore the joys of biblical freedom. Open the pages of this book and begin a journey that will set you free – really and truly and completely free.

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    • Total Forgiveness Experience


      Forgive yourself and others! – It’s the most obvious and fundamental teaching of the New Testament, and yet it’s perhaps the hardest issue you will struggle with. After reading the best-selling Total Forgiveness by R.T. Kendall, you will want to go deeper with his life-changing message. Ideal for personal Bible studies or discussion groups, this is a practical manual on how to forgive others and yourself.

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    • Practicing Your Path


      An invitation to rebalance your life and regain perspective. Practicing Your Path offers seven one-day retreats on the components of classical Christian spirituality: Sabbath, Hospitality, Prayer and Action, Fasting, Giving Back to God, Living Into Your Call, and Accountability. Each chapter includes a structure for a one-day private retreat with flexible options for groups. Includes thoughtful meditations, journaling or discussion questions, guidelines for use of time, creative ideas for art and ritual, and ideas for longer retreats.

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    • Answers To Life


      Are you looking for greater meaning and purpose in life? Most people, no matter how much they have experienced or achieved, are still searching for answers to some of the inherent questions of life. They want a deeper sense of significance. Unfortunately, many individuals are genuinely unsure about the purpose of their existence and the meaning of their lives. This book provides a pathway to deeper understanding by posing and then addressing many of the critical questions of life. Using both theory and real life stories, Answers to Life addresses the certainty of death, the nature of sin, the problem of human pride, the impact of fear in our lives, the reality of spiritual battles, and the inevitability of trials and tribulations. It also assists people in better understanding their personalities, talents, and roles in service to humanity. Ultimately, the book helps individuals find life’s deepest meaning and fundamental purpose.

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    • Answers To Life


      Are you looking for greater meaning and purpose in life? Most people, no matter how much they have experienced or achieved, are still searching for answers to some of the inherent questions of life. They want a deeper sense of significance. Unfortunately, many individuals are genuinely unsure about the purpose of their existence and the meaning of their lives. This book provides a pathway to deeper understanding by posing and then addressing many of the critical questions of life. Using both theory and real life stories, Answers to Life addresses the certainty of death, the nature of sin, the problem of human pride, the impact of fear in our lives, the reality of spiritual battles, and the inevitability of trials and tribulations. It also assists people in better understanding their personalities, talents, and roles in service to humanity. Ultimately, the book helps individuals find life’s deepest meaning and fundamental purpose.

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    • Regalo Del Viajero – (Spanish)


      Asi como los libros de mayor venta de Og Mandino, esta narracion extraordinaria es una mezcla de ficcion amena, alegorias e inspiracion. El escritor de cuentos Andy Andrews le da a usted un asiento en primera fila, para presenciar el viaje de un hombre, que se convierte en la experiencia mas asombrosa de toda su vida. David Ponder ha perdido su trabajo y el deseo de vivir. Cuando es elegido sobrenaturalmente para viajar a traves del tiempo, visita a personajes historicos como Abraham Lincoln, el rey Salomon y Anne Frank. De cada visita emerge una decision para el exito, que un dia va a impactar al mundo entero.

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    • 12 Hombres Comunes – (Spanish)


      Contrariamente a la creencia popular, no tenemos que ser perfectos para hacer la obra de Dios. Sin ir mas lejos, las debilidades de los doce discipulos estan preservadas para siempre a traves de las paginas del Nuevo Testamento. Jesus eligio gente comun, como pescadores, recolectores de impuestos, politicos fanaticos; y cambio sus debilidades en puntos fuertes, produciendo grandeza de la total inutilidad. MacArthur delinea principios del cuidadoso entrenamiento de los primeros doce discipulos, para los discipulos modernos como tu.

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    • Strength For The Journey


      With his characteristic eloquence and compassion, Peter J. Gomes offers a new collection of his most important sermons, which draw on the wisdom of the Bible to guide us through the year and enrich our daily lives.

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    • Choose The Life (Reprinted)


      Jesus wants mature disciples. This book shows how to squeeze joy out of sorrow, truth from pain, and make permanent advances for the Savior.

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    • Right Road : Life Choices For Clergy


      Many clergy are in startlingly bad health. Not only do they regularly report depression, stress, and serious family and financial problems, they also exhibit higher than normal incidences of obesity, high cholesterol levels, inactivity, high blood pressure, and heart disease. How effective can professionals in ministry be with such debilities and vulnerabilities? Are clergy too busy helping others to take care of themselves?

      Gwen Halaas’s caring and savvy book addresses clergy health directly: clergy have a spiritual as well as physical need to care for themselves, to live to the fullest, to ensure that they enjoy the life and gifts God gave them. Building her brief, practical book around the wellness wheel, Halaas emphasizes not just healthy eating but a whole array of life-affirming choices for clergy. Halaas provides the tools for clergy to choose growth and well-being over burnout and decline. With this practical and upbeat volume, clergy can begin to put their own lives in perspective and ‘keep [themselves] in training for a godly life’ (1 Timothy 4:7).

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    • How To Find God In The Bible


      If you want to know God’s heart, the best way is to read His Word. Back To The Bible president Woodrow Kroll takes the intimidation out of reading the Bible. Designed to help ordinary people connect with God through His Word, this book explores tangible ways to prepare yourself, define your expectations, and profit from the experience. The author also shares personal discoveries that have revolutionized his understanding of Scripture. You’ll find simple keys to understanding the Bible and solid insights on making the intimate connection with God happen.

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    • Faith


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      The Faith, book three of the four-part DFD 2.0 series, delves into the weightier concepts, and questions of the Christian life.

      Why should I trust the Bible?
      Who is Satan?
      How do I depend on the Holy Spirit?

      This study helps students find the answers to these questions. By learning and applying these concepts the user is well prepared to face life with a spiritual foundation.

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    • Walk : A Journey With God


      What does it mean to “walk with God?” What happens when the walk feels more like a sprint?
      The Bible challenges readers to walk with God, but many students don’t know where to begin. Book two of the updated Design for Discipleship study series maps out some guidelines to following Christ, walking with him. Perfect for youth groups or personal study, readers will discover how to apply their love of God to every aspect of their daily lives.

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    • Alcanzando Al Dios Invisible – (Spanish)


      “How do I relate to a God who is invisible when I’m never quite sure he’s there?” –Philip Yancey Life with God doesn’t always work like we thought. High expectations slam against the reality of personal weaknesses and unwelcome surprises. And the God whom we’ve been told, longs for our company may seem remote and emotionally unavailable. Is God playing games? What can we count on this God for? This relationship with a God we can’t see, hear, or touch–how does it really work? Reaching for the Invisible God offers deep, satisfying insights that affirm and dignify the questions we’re sometimes afraid to ask. In this Gold Medallion Award-winning book, Philip Yancey explores six foundational areas: our thirst for God, faith during times when God seems unavailable, the nature of God himself, our personal relationship with God, stages along the way, and the end goal of spiritual transformation. Honest and deeply personal, here is straight talk on Christian living for the man or woman who wants more than pat answers to life’s imponderables. Ultimately, Yancey shifts the focus from our questions to the One who offers himself in answer. The God who invites us to reach for him–and find.

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    • How People Grow


      All growth is spiritual growth. Authors Drs. Cloud and Townsend unlock age-old keys to growth from Scripture to help people resolve issues of relationships, maturity, emotional problems, and overall spiritual growth. They shatter popular misconceptions about how God operates and show that growth is not about self-actualization, but about God’s sanctification. In this theological foundation to their bestselling book Boundaries, they discuss: *?What the essential processes are that make people grow *?How those processes fit into a biblical understanding of spiritual growth and theology *?How spiritual growth and real-life issues are one and the same *?What the responsibilities are of pastors, counselors, and others who assist people in growing_and what your own responsibilities are in your personal growth

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    • In His Steps (Revised)


      Rev. Henry Maxwell, speaking slowly and determinedly, yet not fully realizing the implications of what lay ahead of him, repeated his astounding proposition, “I want volunteers from Fist Church who will pledge themselves, earnestly and honestly, for an entire year, not to do anything without first asking the question, “What would Jesus do?” Maxwell never dreamed that among those who responded would be the most influential members of his congregation, the wealthy heiress with her millions at stake, the newspaper editor with his job on the line, the president of the local college, the town beauty. But together they pledged themselves to a new step of faith that would change, not just a handful of people, but an entire town–for good.

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    • Jesus Touch : Learning The Art Of Relationship From The Master


      (When placing your order, please mention that this is a Lightining Source book.)

      For Jesus, people are number one. For authentic followers of Jesus, people become top priority as well. Based on Jesus’ “creative encounters” with the people he met throughout the Gospel of John, this powerful book will teach you how to treat each individual you meet with the creativity and love exhibited by the Master. Walk through the days of Jesus’ life and witness heaven reaching down to humanity, Immanuel among earthlings, the Christ amidst the commoners, Jesus touching people.

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    • When Life Doesnt Turn Out The Way You Expect


      1. Abuse : From Shame To Affirmation
      2. Betrayal : From Anger To Forgiveness
      3. Loss : From Despair To Hope
      4. Rejection : From Bitterness To Acceptance
      5. Failure : From Remorse To Grace
      6. Pain : From Doubt To Trust
      7. Regret : From Guilt To Pardon
      8. Disability : From Frustration To Purpose
      9. Disappointment : From Self-pity To Action

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      We’re not always prepared for the devastations life can visit upon us, and we sometimes become disillusioned, angry with God, and begin to question our faith.
      Jerry Brecheneisen and Lawrence W. Wilson walk you through your difficult experiences and disappointments, bringing you to the point of healing-the place where God brings redemption to suffering.

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    • God Is Up To Something Great


      All of us go through good, bad, and just plain ugly times. But that’s only half the story. God can tak all the experiences of your life and use them to make you unbelievably better at what He’s created you for!

      But you say, “I am in a mess; it’s the biggest mess anyone ever made. You don’t know my mess!” There’s only one answer for that, says Tony: “You don’t know my God.”

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    • Fruit Of The Spirit Pamphlet


      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet
      Size: 8.5″ X 5.5″ 12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long

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      Fruit of the Spirit
      This fascinating pamphlet encourages Christians to live according to the Spirit, which produces godly traits (“the fruit”) to be part of our lives-
      * Love * Joy * Peace * Patience
      * Kindness * Goodness * Faithfulness
      * Gentleness * Self-control
      These traits are impossible to have by our own efforts, but this chart shows believers how to walk by the Spirit and grow. This is a great reference for all ages. Easy-to-understand. Pamphlet fits perfectly in most Bibles.

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    • My Hearts Desire


      HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN SINCE YOU’VE gaped wide-eyed at a magnificent thunderstorm, pondered the myriad colors in a sunset, or marveled at white-capped ocean waves?
      God desires for us to live every moment in this type of wonder_the wonder of worship. But for many of us, the wide-eyed astonishment we once experienced in God’s presence has all but vanished.

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    • Listen To Your Life


      A Better Life Is Calling. Are You Ready to Answer?

      Consider the current state of your life: your work, your relationships, your accomplishments. Are you in the place you’d hoped or expected to be? Is this the best life you could be living? Or is something missing_something you have not yet discovered or articulated that could lead you to the rich, fulfilling life you desire?

      Fulfill Your Purpose. Decrease Your Stress. Expand Your Life.

      In your spirit you know the truth: You were born to walk a more fulfilling path, where the definition of success is tailored to your unique gifts and talents. Author, speaker, and life coach Valorie Burton will help you find this path and step onto it with confidence.

      In Listen to Your Life, you will discover powerful strategies and tools that will enable you to hear what your life is saying to you, take action, and finally live in the abundance of joy, purpose, and true success for which you were created.

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    • Staying Alive : Life Changing Strategies For Surviving Cancer


      Heal Your Body, Embrace Your Life.

      Few things are more frightening, confusing, or devastating than a diagnosis of cancer. If you or someone you love has cancer (or is at risk for it), you want reliable information, reasons for hope, and a plan of attack you can trust.

      Staying Alive provides this and more. A six-year cancer survivor, psychologist, and cancer coach, Dr. Brenda Hunter presents the program that has contributed significantly to her survival, as well as interviews with cancer experts and long-term survivors. Inside you’ll find:

      life-changing strategies for beating cancer
      an integrated, holistic approach to cancer care and survival that involves body, mind, and spirit
      success stories and survival strategies from long-term cancer survivors
      a proactive nutritional program designed to empower you and increase wellness
      interviews with national cancer experts

      The good news? The human body has an amazing capacity to heal itself when life-changing strategies are applied. Dr. Brenda Hunter suggests that many of us can work to reverse or prevent cancer’s destructive course. Learn how you may be unnecessarily putting yourself at increased risk, and discover the steps you can take today to begin to restore or protect your health.

      A Cancer-Conquering Plan for Your Body, Mind, Emotions, and Spirit

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    • Falling For God


      Falling in love is one of life’s greatest joys.
      So imagine the endless joy of falling head over heels for God.

      Falling in love is one of the most magnificent experiences of human life. Remember what it feels like? How it happens? You spend time with that special someone, get to know each other, and then one day find yourselves so intimately connected it is as though your souls have become intertwined.

      Compare that experience with your current relationship with God. Why doesn’t it feel just as passionate, just as wonderful? Gary Moon believes it can.

      If you’re not head over heels in love with God, you’re missing out on an incredible experience but you’re not without hope. Falling for God will inspire you to pursue a passionate, intimate relationship with a God who even though he doesn’t need anything from you wants more than anything to be united with you.

      Through Bible study, personal meditation, and classic spiritual exercises, you’ll discover how to experience this loving connection with the lover of your soul. The journey will take you through honest conversation and active communion to a deeper experience of intimate union with God. Falling for God will move you to embrace an all-out passion for joyful and abundant living.

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    • Life From The Upside


      Using an approach similar to the one he took in his popular Back Side books, author J. Ellsworth Kalas looks at some familiar Old and New Testament Bible stories through the lens of a time-tested faith and hope to open up new possibilities of insight and meaning. Each of the twelve chapters features a key passage of Scripture and is centered on a theme such as overcoming a bad start in life, dealing with rejection, capitalizing on adversity, not letting others define you, never giving up, finding the gain in your loss, and measuring your true self-worth.

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    • Secreto De La Paz Personal – (Spanish)


      La gente esta buscando respuestas a la confusion, la enfermedad moral y el vacio espiritual que oprime al mundo. Todos estamos clamando por direccion, por consuelo, por paz. Hay alguna salida para nuestro dilema? Podemos verdaderamente encontrar paz con Dios? Si! Pero solo si la buscamos en el lugar correcto. El secreto de la paz personal incluye verdades biblicas confiables por el renombrado evangelista, doctor Billy Graham, haciendo de este libro un regalo perfecto para evangelismo o alcance. El secreto de la paz personal ofrece una mirada en como vivir la vida en la plenitud de Dios.

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    • Jesus Parables Of Grace (Student/Study Guide)


      Six session short-term study of Jesus’ parables:
      The Sower, the Seeds, and the Soils “Broadcasting the Seed”
      The Prodigal Son “Anxious to Love, Quick to Forgive, Eager to Reconcile”
      The Elder Brother “The Awful Pain of Feeling Rejected”
      The Unjust Judge “What Can We Count On From God?”
      The Good Samaritan “Eyes Too Busy To See”
      The Least of These “Do Everything As If You Were Doing It for Our Lord”

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    • Fathering The Nations


      Fathering the Nations reveals the character and integrity of Christ that are needed within the heart of God’s delegated representatives-apostles, prophets, evangelists, preachers, and teachers-so the body of Christ will be effectively trained, equipped, and released by God for works of service through spiritual fathers’ “fatherhood.” This book instills hope in the hearts of all levels of believers by dealing with the frustrations and misconceptions concerning leadership in the church as we’ve known it. Leaders were never given authority over the people of God but were given authority for God’s people. Fathering the Nations deals directly with leadership through biblical foundations, awakening and reestablishing God’s divine order for daily living and godly government for the eternal existence of the true Church of Christ Jesus “on earth as it is in heaven.”This book lays a solid foundation of Christ and His Kingdom “living within the hearts of all believers.”

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    • Todos Son Normales Hasta Que L – (Spanish)


      Normal? Who’s normal? None of us are normal according to God’s definition, and the closer we get to one another, the clearer that becomes. In Everyone is Normal Till You Get To Know Them, professor and best-selling author John Ortberg takes on some thought-provoking questions as you look into the heart of God, at others and at yourself. Even better, you will find wisdom for drawing closer to others in powerful and impacting ways. With humor, insight and a gift for storytelling, Ortberg shows how community pays tremendous dividends in happiness, health, support and growth. This is where all of us, even weird and difficult people, find God’s love in tangible ways and discover the transforming power of being loved, accepted and valued just as we are.

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    • God Who Speaks Print On Demand Title


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      As Christians we believe that God speaks – that God has spoken to people down through the centuries and still speaks to us today. But just how does God speak to us? Has his speech changed over time? And how do we “hear” the voce of God? In this insightful book Ben Campbell Johnson explores the subject of divine speech, highlighting its importance to faith and leading Christian believers into the practice of listening for God’s voice in daily life.

      Johnson first explores the biblical foundations of divine communication, tracing the ways that God has spoken to humankind from the calling of Abraham, to the appearance of Jesus, to the continuing work of the Spirit in the early church. He then gleans important lessons about God’s language from a wide range of Christian figures throughout history – Polycarp, Julian of Norwich, Teresa of Avila, Henri Nouwen, and others.

      As this historical record shows, God communicates with us in a variety of ways. In exploring these different modes of “GodSpeech,” Johnson deftly guides readers into the practice of “intensive listening,” a way of posing issues to God and discerning his response. Numerous anecdotes illuminate Johnson’s discussion, and each chapter ends with questions for reflection and discussion as well as suggestions for journaling. Johnson concludes the book by recounting a number of personal experiences that vividly illustrate the value of learning to listen to God’s voice.

      At a time when many Christians hunger for a more personal, meaningful connection with God, this book shows readers how to discern divine language and forge a closer, richer relationship with “the God who speaks.”

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    • 20 Something : Surviving And Thriving In The Real World


      You are twentysomething and in the prime of your life. You are current, capable, cosmopolitan, and completely confused. Thrust out of the comfortable existence of a college student and into the cold, hard reality of life in the “real world”, you face a whole new array of responsibilities. You have to find a job, possibly relocate to a new city, find a place to live, figure out how to pay the bills with the entry-level salary you land, make new friends, and find a church (just to name a few)! The good news is that you’re not alone. Margaret Feinberg_twentysomething herself_wants you to know that there are tens of thousands of others facing these same challenges. “Our twenties really can be some of the best years of our lives, no matter what our landlords, bosses, parents, or anyone else says,” encourages Feinberg. Offering Scriptural insights, encouragement, humor, and practical wisdom, twentysomething confronts this “quarterlife crisis” and shows you how to survive without losing your patience or your passion for life. twentysomething will inspire you to hold onto your dreams and to embark fearlessly on the journey God has for you.

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    • Jesus Christ Disciplemaker (Anniversary)


      Thomas doubted. Peter denied. Matthew had a shady past. And most of Jesus’ disciples had trouble understanding his true message and mission at times.
      How did Jesus take lowly fishermen and tax collectors and turn them into some of the most influential men that ever lived? And how can modern church leaders empower regular church members to meet their potential as servants of God?

      Learn Christ’s methods in training his twelve disciples and apply Christ’s model for reaching the lost by adapting these four growth phases: evangelizing, establishing, equipping, and leading. The perfect resource for pastors and church leaders who want to learn how to help others grow in God’s service.

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    • Passion Promise : Living A Life Only God Can Imagine


      When we settle for our own dreams, we settle for too little. God promises “to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.” In each of our lives (Eph. 3:20, NIV), John Avant shares true stories of God’s passion touching lives around the world and helps readers discern God’s dreams for themselves–challenging them to put an end to boring living. As readers see God’s passionate adventure lived out all around them every day, they’ll eagerly accept His invitation to be a part of it–to live life beyond their imagination!

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    • Thinking Beyond Your Means


      “Who are you and what do you really want?”This vital question from Dr. Evelyn Thomas can inspire you into Thinking Beyond Your Means: The Sixth Sense. Does your current lifestyle seem to have been handed to you by those who think in terms of limitations? How does God see you? “God is the One,” says the author, “who started a great work in you. . . . Once you find out who you are in the Lord, you are on your way to success.” Here is a book that will teach you how to gain a more authentic way of life. You can become an overcomer, no matter what trials you encounter. Learn how to use the sixth sense to gain a truer and fuller life.

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    • Short Term Spiritual Guidance


      A significant departure from other treatments, this unique resource combines deep appreciation for the great classic discipline of spiritual guidance with a very practical focus on meeting the specific needs of the person seeking direction. Through case studies, sample dialogues, and practical tips for the spiritual director, Bidwell’s lucid work shows what directors can learn from the short-term therapy model, enabling people briefly but effectively to listen for God’s presence and to formulate authentic responses. He also shows how such techniques can be helpfully applied not only to individual direction but to group settings, vocational discernment, and family counseling.

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    • Loving God Up Close


      Who is the Holy Spirit? How do Christians track His comings and goings? And how can they realize His presence in their lives? In this book, Calvin Miller reminds believers of the power of the Holy Spirit and explores the six symbols of His presence: the cleansing wind; the purging fire; the dove (the descending presence); the gift of communication; the refreshing wine; and the counselor. While many have experienced one or more of the defining presences, many also disagree as to their authenticity. Now, in this insightful book, Miller seeks to relieve some of the mystery surrounding the Holy Spirit and encourages readers to simply make use of his loving guidance.

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