Showing 2501–2550 of 3596 resultsSorted by latest
My Be Attitude
$21.23Our society doesn’t teach us how to be, it just teaches us how to stay busy doing remakes and makeovers and going nowhere. This book wants to develop how we think as instructed by the teaching of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, commonly referred to as the Beatitudes. It shows how to better develop good character and grow in knowledge, wisdom, and understanding and ultimately define who you are in Christ.
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Walking In Wide Places
$22.48And I shall walk in a wide place, for I have sought your precepts. Psalm 119:45
If you are currently hemmed in and know the pain of feeling trapped, you are probably feeling drawn to this book. Christine Wyrtzen has a heart for you. Confinement has marked much of her life and she had no idea that spacious places, internally, could exist in the midst of crushing circumstances.
If you are intrigued and feel nudged to embark on this journey through Psalm 119, you have a powerful experience awaiting you. You will never look at the Torah again without praising its power and its beauty.
Right now, Jesus sees you in your pit of confinement. Whatever circumstances have fashioned your prison bars, He extends a hand to you. “Come on out,” He invites. “Live by the Word that comes out of my mouth. I will teach you to embrace my ways, and when you listen and follow me, you will know spacious places.” Deliverance from confinement always starts in the heart. The vistas of the kingdom are just around the corner.
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Grace In The Shadow Of The Cross
$23.73Grace in the Shadow of the Cross is a creative autobiography about how one little girl’s unspeakable abuse became one joyful woman’s testimony of healing. This true story is told in three voices: Ann’s first-hand experiences are described through the character of Grace (who begins with the name Prophet). Accompanying her voice are those of Father God and Deceiver. Father God speaks mainly through Scriptures but also through private prayer conversations actually experienced by Ann. Deceiver’s cruel voice will be all too familiar to abuse survivors.
This book is for those who have known abuse as well as those who love them. It is for the broken, the beaten, the humbled, and the humiliated. Ultimately, it’s a story of hope that will encourage you-no matter your past pain-that God loves you and desires to heal your heart.
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Dos Tipos De Justicia – (Spanish)
$15.99The Right Choice Provides Rewards–Now and Eternally!
Legendary teacher E. W. Kenyon describes biblical righteousness. True righteousness is a gift from God that means the ability to stand in His presence without fear or any sense of guilt and inferiority. This righteousness is available to you right now…if you choose rightly. Then, you will:
*Overcome sin and temptation
*Receive God’s blessings
*Tap into the power of the Holy Spirit
*Experience the deep joy of fellowship with God
*Powerfully witness to others
*Develop miracle-working faith
True righteousness can be yours today!La eleccion correcta proporciona recompensas, !ahora y eternamente!
El legendario maestro E. W. Kenyon describe la justicia biblica. La verdadera justicia es un regalo de Dios que significa la capacidad de estar en la presencia de El sin temor y sin ningun sentimiento de culpa o de inferioridad. Esta justicia esta a tu disposicion ahora… si escoges correctamente. Entonces:
*Venceras el pecado y la tentacion
*Recibiras las bendiciones de Dios
*Tendras acceso al poder del Espiritu Santo
*Experimentaras el profundo gozo de la comunion con Dios
*Testificaras poderosamente a otros
*Desarrollaras una fe que obra milagros
!La verdadera justicia puede ser tuya hoy!Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Covenant For Rookies
$22.48This is the book you’ve been waiting for if: You have ever asked God, “Why?” You have ever wondered why bad things happen to good people; You have ever thought the Bible was sometimes hard to understand; You have ever suspected there should be more to this “God stuff” than just going to church and trying to be a good person. If you have, then this is the book you’ve been waiting for…
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Foundations : A Discipleship Textbook And Tool
$30.60FOUNDATIONS takes an in depth approach to the design and function of ministry and discipleship. We find in the modern Church a great need for discipleship and spiritual training. Many believers, who “know to do good,” struggle in their daily spiritual life as they long for an expression of overcoming faith. FOUNDATIONS leads the reader into a meaningful recognition of their place in Christ. He is our righteousness and God’s grace and goodness leads every saint into a repentant and firm faith. There are two kinds of “knowledge” spoken of in the Bible, which are information and application. Information is knowledge that “puffs up” (1 Corinthians 8:1), due to the potential it has to lure people into believing that the more information they have about the Bible, the more mature they are. Hosea speaks about the second type of knowledge when he wrote: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” He was expressing our need for the application of God’s word that is necessary for the salvation of our souls and the impartation of Christ-likeness every Christ needs. The application of spiritual truth is the key to an overcoming faith and a renewed mind. Because of this, FOUNDATIONS offers a functional approach to Discipleship and spiritual training which develops the believer’s ability to stand firm in the faith they profess. With this in mind; Solomon asked God for an “understanding heart (i.e., “a hearing heart” – 1 Kings 3:9),” because he understood that in order for anyone to be inclined toward wisdom they had to first hear God. FOUNDATIONS is designed to help the believer mature in their faith by expanding their ability to renew their mind while they develop an understanding heart, so they can learn to hear the Holy Spirit in a clarifying way. Every saint must mature in their ability to hear God as they read the Bible and listen to the Holy Spirit, and this is more readily accomplished through the discipleship process and through spiritual growth. FOUNDATIONS is an exegetical study that was compiled over twenty-eight years of pastoral and ministry experience. It is a study of the Scripture that dives deeply into the ways of God as it also expounds on many of the principles, practices, and doctrines found in the Scriptures. FOUNDATIONS is a practical tool for the serious disciple, and an aid for every Church leader.
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In The House Of Grace
$29.98…finding rest in The House of Grace
Ever wonder if you might be the only one that GOD couldn’t love because of some past sins you might’ve committed? I know I have…Paul expressed it this way: “Oh wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this death…?” The struggle to know whether or not HE wants to; can find rest in The House of Grace. A place where grace flows in the direction of the broken and contrite heart and saves to the uttermost. Wild grace abounds in our day and says you are entitled to prosper in the areas of self, health & wealth.
But is that true? Is it really all about prosperity and selfish glorification? If it is than why do Christians living in the “third world” exist in abject poverty, starvation and pestilence everyday? GOD’s love for them isn’t any different than it is for the Christians in the more affluent Nations, is it? In this book I hope to identify & answer some of these concerns from a biblical standpoint and show how you can prosper in just knowing the peace of GOD through grace, repentance, and forgiveness. Life & that more abundantly, begins “In The House of Grace…”
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Who I Am In Christ Pamphlet
$4.99The “Who I Am in Christ” chart and pamphlet reminds us what God has done through His Son, Jesus. We are “forgiven”, “beloved,” “new creatures,” and more. Each word has a Bible reference. Be reminded and reassured of the many qualities and characteristics you possess as a believer. You are accepted, forgiven, and made holy in Christ, and that’s just the beginning! Find dozens of promises and where they are located in the Bible.
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Way Of Wisdom
$20.61The apostle Paul tells us that “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16-17). At the same time, the book of Proverbs is specifically designed for the discipleship of our sons and daughters. You may not find “education” listed in your concordance, but if you broaden your search to include “son” or “sons” references in Proverbs occur in great abundance. And for good reason, as its main purpose is for teaching children: “To know wisdom and instruction, to understand words of insight, to receive instruction in wise dealing” (Pro. 1:2-3). Therefore, I believe parents should be rigorously intentional about teaching Proverbs to their children.
Rearing wise children in an age of foolishness requires concerted effort and thoughtfulness… My hope and prayer is that this book will aid parents as they fulfill their mandate to disciple their children and bring them up in The Way of Wisdom
-from the Preface
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Grace Awakening : Believing In Grace Is One Thing Living It Is Another
$19.99In this best-selling classic, Charles Swindoll urges you not to miss living a grace-filled life. Freedom and joy-not lists and demands and duties-await all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Grace Awakening calls all Christians to wake up and reject living in such legalistic, performance-oriented bondage. The God of the universe has given us an amazing, revolutionary gift of grace and freedom. This freedom and grace set us apart from every other “religion” on the face of the earth. It’s clear that the challenges in the world around us are greater than ever, but the need for Christians who will live out their witness in freedom and compassion is even greater. This classic isn’t simply a book worth reading but a life worth living-today.
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Faith Dare : 30 Days To Live Your Life To The Fullest (Reprinted)
$17.64Jesus came to give us abundant life. So why are so many Christian women living with worn-out faith, struggling just to get by? What if there was something more? What if we could be set free from worry, fear, and the constant cycle of searching for significance?
The Faith Dare is a 30-day challenge for women who are tired of ho-hum living and want to break the pattern of self-reliance and people pleasing by putting their trust in God alone and learning to live to please him. This energizing book will change a woman’s focus from her moods and attitudes to living in the power of God’s Word. It will encourage her to take the next step and begin to live out real faith in her real life.
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Womans Guide To Discipling
$10.99NavPress Print On Demand Title
As followers of Christ, we are instructed to go and make disciples of all nations. A Woman’s Guide to Discipleship will offer you inspiration, instruction, encouragement, and practical tools to use as you disciple other women in this journey they are taking with Christ.
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Life Overflowing 6 In 1 (Reprinted)
$24.98Bishop T.D. Jakes Explores the Great Themes of Ephesians
T.D. Jakes takes readers through the book of Ephesians chapter by chapter, teaching what it means for the Christian to have a life overflowing and how to “walk worthy of the calling [they] have received.” Beginning with the incredible love God has for his children and the plans he has for believers beyond their wildest dreams, Bishop Jakes goes on to explore true intimacy with God, the marriage relationship, and spiritual warfare. Here is Bishop Jakes’s best teaching on Ephesians, conveniently packaged in one volume and now available in trade paper.
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Even Me : Master Can You Use Me
$18.73This book, “Even Me, Master Can You Use Me?” is designed to help Christians get to the highest level job on earth, the call to minister.
Ten essential steps are outlined to assist in finding God’s purpose for your life. An added bonus is ten powerful testimonies of people who have been used by the Master.
They include: Bishop Philip Coleman, Sr., Bishop D. Rayford Bell, Minister Wanda Stallworth-Davis, Sister Gwendolyn Faye Fortson, Deacon Herman Wilson, Bishop William L. Bonner, Deacon Larry Joe Lindsey, Deacon Henry Terry, Pastor Richard Heard and Sister Leola Blossom. All of these individuals are ordinary people who became extraordinary after serving the Master.
After reading this book, you too, will be able to answer this question, “Can God Use Someone Like Me?”
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When Jesus Came Into My Room
$20.61This book is a charming story of a young child’s experience when he in 1960, together with his big family, immigrated to Canada – far away from their homeland Denmark.
We follow him from his early years, as he struggles to adapt to a new culture – all is written in a touching and moving way, but not without a stroke of humour as well.
It all leads up to the year of 1971 where his life took a completely and unexpected turn, beginning from that night in January when “Jesus Christ entered his room!”
The year turned out to be a year of divine visitation for the author.
This book is a great testimony about God’s love and his readiness to reveal himself even to those who don’t seek him.
“My faith in God has been strengthened greatly by reading this book. God is able to make himself known to persons, whether they seek him or not. Esben Rokholm is my co worker in the ministry in my country as well as my friend and my coach and I thank God for him! I can warmly recommend this book!
Pastor Ioan Groza, Amara, Romania.
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Unburdened : The Secret To Letting God Carry The Things That Weigh You Down
$16.99Tyndale House Print On Demand Title
In his Word, God promises us freedom from worry. Wouldn’t it be nice if we actually believed him? What would happen if you took the concerns that grip you, that keep you awake at night, that clench your stomach in knots . . . and truly handed them over to his keeping?
Like no other writer can do, best-selling author Chris Tiegreen opens your eyes and heart to a better, more weightless way to live. Unburdened won’t teach you how to avoid responsibility or hide from serious issues. Neither is it about how to escape and go live on a beach-though having a couple of palm trees around never hurts. It’s about taking the burdens you currently carry and making them much, much lighter. It’s about transferring the weight of your responsibilities from the weak shoulders of your flesh to the strong fingertips of God. It’s about learning to live in deep-down, heart-level freedom. And no one who reads Unburdened will walk away unchanged.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Living Loved Living Free Workbook (Workbook)
$23.51Because Of Jesus Publishing
Living Loved, Living Free 10 Week Bible Study.
Do you really know how much your Heavenly Father loves you? Are you living loved by Him? Did you know you were created to be made whole and complete in His love?
The core need of every human heart is love, and God is love. We all have a tendency to look to others for approval, value, acceptance, and security, but only Jesus can fully and completely meet this need in our heart.In this study you’ll:
* Recognize the one lie the enemy is tempting all of God’s
children to believe
* Discover the one truth that has the power to set you free
* Realize you are one with Jesus and enjoy the endless treasures available in Him
* Follow Jesus’ example as He shows you what it means to live
in the Father’s love
* Experience true freedom from sin, shame, condemnation, pride,
fear, and insecurity
* Break free from living under the law, and live in the freedom
of God’s graceBased on Ephesians chapters 1-3, Living Loved, Living Free will show you how to live free in the Father’s love through the finished work of Jesus. Join Connie Witter on a Bible study journey that will change your life forever!
Chapter Titles Include:
Week 1: Created to be Loved
Week 2: The Fight for your Heart
Week 3: An Oak of Righteousness
Week 4: Living Securely in the Father’s Love
Week 5: Abundantly Free
Week 6: Amazing Grace
Week 7: Abiding in His Love
Week 8: Perfect Love Casts out all Fear
Week 9: A Place of Rest
Week 10: Eternal LoveAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Water From A Deep Well
$32.99Foreword By Eugene Peterson
Introduction: There Is More!1. Witness: The Spirituality Of The Early Christian Martyrs
2. Belonging: The Spirituality Of Early Christian Community
3. Struggle: The Spirituality Of The Desert Saints
4. Rhythm: The Spirituality Of Monasticism
5. Holy Heroes: The Spirituality Of Icons And Saints
6. Windows: The Spirituality Of The Sacraments
7. Union: The Spirituality Of The Mystics
8. Ordinariness: The Spirituality Of The Medieval Laity
9. Word: The Spirituality Of The Reformers
10. Conversion: The Spirituality Of Evangelicals
11. Risk: The Spirituality Of Pioneer MissionariesConclusion: Where Do We Go From Here?
Discussion Questions
Annotated Reading List
Illustration Credits
IndexAdditional Info
In Rome in A.D. 165, two men named Carpus and Papylus stood before the proconsul of Pergamum, charged with the crime of being Christians. Not even torture could make them deny Christ, so they were burned alive. Is my faithfulness as strong? In the fifth century, Melania the Younger and her husband, Pinian, distributed their enormous wealth to the poor and intentionally practiced the discipline of renunciation. Could living more simply deepen my trust in God? In the sixteen hundreds, Philipp Jakob Spener’s love for the Word of God and his desire to help people apply the Bible to their life moved him to start “Colleges of Piety,” or small groups. In what ways could commitment to community make me more like Christ? The history of the church has shaped what our faith and practice are like today. It’s tempting to think that the way we do things now is best, but history also has much to teach us about what we’ve forgotten. In Water from a Deep Well, Gerald Sittser opens to us the rich history of spirituality, letting us gaze at the practices and stories of believers from the past who had the same thirst for God that we do today. As we see their deep faith through his vibrant narratives, we may discover that old ways can bring new life to our own spirituality.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Women On The Edge
$18.73Popular author Cindi McMenamin offers wonderful new encouragement to women who stand at the crossroads of life longing for change, for direction, for ways to make a difference.
Every woman, at one time or another, has felt as if she’s “on the edge.” She has felt unappreciated, unsupported, and weary. She has thought, Why am I putting up with this? Don’t I deserve better? How can I escape?
Such frustration can drive her away from God or toward Him. Cindi shares how women can thrive even in the hard times and…
shift their focus from self to God
trust their heavenly Father more with the things they cannot control
turn their temporary frustrations into lasting fulfillmentThis book will help women turn their negative longings into positive ones. They’ll learn how to live on the edge not in frustration, but joy, as they pursue God in exciting new ways.
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Solid Foundations For The 21st Century Christian
$22.48Milton has seen first hand how the power of God’s truth changes lives.
Milton also observed that many church members were lukewarm in their Christian walk because they lacked an understanding of the foundational truths of Christianity; and therefore hesitated to even share their Christian faith with another. This book is his effort to help those who truly desire a “Solid Foundation” for their future spiritual growth.
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Visionary Power : The Power Of A Successful Visionary
$19.98Enjoy as you read the first of many books I believe God has given me to write to encourage, and to help propel people into their destiny; for our lives are not a mistake, but predestined for greatness. I am just a witness of that light; I am not that light. There is a true light that lights everyone who comes into the world – even you. Enjoy.
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God Of Patience
$16.86It has been said that there can be no true faith where the will of God is hidden. Likewise, there can be no true faith where patience has not been demonstrated. Have you ever wondered what factors were at work during the time between Abraham’s promise and the provision? Have you ever considered why 25 years passed before Abraham received a promise that God gave him the faith to receive? The God of Patience explores the power of patience in establishing sonship in the life of Abraham. By examining the principle of patience, and its relationship to faith, The God Of Patience guides the reader into God’s heart and mind as he constructs the character and trust of the man who would become the prototype known as the “Father of Faith.” As you delve into the truths of The God of Patience, experience the battles, victories, defeats and ultimate triumph Abraham wins as aligned with the purpose, plans and pace of The Almighty!
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Living Life Forward
$21.23It’s Never Too Late to Live Your Life Forward!
Are you tired of living from crisis to crisis?
Then it is time to start living your life forward-
Time to start living a life of freedom!Many people struggle with having hope for their future because they have never learned how to cut ties with their past. Jeremiah 29:11 proclaims that God desires to give us a future filled with His hope and peace, but realizing the fulfillment of that promise will require several things:
* Recognizing areas of bondage from our past
* Recognizing responses that perpetuate bondage as well as those that bring freedom
* Recognizing that Jesus is our Healer and our LiberatorDo you have places of bitterness in your life from the past? God can make them sweet. Have you experienced areas of cursing in your life? God can turn them into blessing. Today you can begin to live your life forward, unfettered from the past, as you experience the freedom that comes from embracing Jehovah Rapha, the Lord Our Healer.
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De Gloria En Gloria – (Spanish)
$17.99Todos en algun momento de nuestras vidas hemos experimentado la gloria de Dios. Pero hay un problema comun a la mayoria de los creyentes: la imposibilidad de mantener en el tiempo esa experiencia. La gloria es la manifestacion de la presencia de Dios y Claudio Freidzon nos ensena a encontrarnos con esa presencia de manera practica y diaria.
We have all experienced in some time of our lives the glory of God. But there is a common problem within the majority of believers: the impossibility of being able to maintain the experience through time. Glory is the manifestation of God’s presence and Claudio Freidzon teaches us how we can daily find ourselves in that presence in a practical manner.
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Disciple Making Church (Revised)
$25.88Every Christian, church leader and layperson alike, has been called by Christ to make disciples. But often there is so much focus in our churches on the first part of Christ’s command–evangelism–that the second part–teaching new believers to obey all that Christ commanded–is forgotten. New believers find themselves on their own, trying to figure out what their new life is supposed to look like.
In this well-loved book, Bill Hull explains why disciple-making must be the focus of every believer’s life and shows how each of us can do it. With practical examples drawn from vast ministry experience, Hull helps the church deepen and enrich the lives of believers as they learn to truly follow Christ.
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Testimony To The Storm
$18.73This book is about one person learning to deal with fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of death. This story takes you on the road following a person on her journey through the fear surrounding a cancer diagnosis. This book documents one person’s storm. This book is one person’s testimony.
What do you when there is nothing you can do? You hand the situation over to Jesus and trust…
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Passionate Pursuit Of Purity
$19.36The new buzz word of this decade seems to be the word change. Everyone is talking about change! We want changes in politics, changes in healthcare, changes in the policies of our financial institutions and changes in the laws that govern education. We’re looking for a better life, for a way to right the wrongs of our society. Change can be a really good thing, if we are working to bring about the right kinds of changes for the right reasons.
God is all about change. He wants us to experience the kinds of changes that will produce goodness and excellence in our lives. The plans that God designed for us are disclosed in the pages of the Bible. It is his heart’s desire that we discover the purpose for which we were created and that we fulfill the destiny he hand-crafted for each of us.
Passionate Pursuit of Purity is written to help us to understand the condition of our human hearts, how we became estranged from God and his remarkable plan of reconciliation for each of our lives. Through the lessons contained in this book we will discover God’s redeeming love and how we can begin to fulfill our unique purpose and experience the amazing destiny that God has in store for those who pursue purity.
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Jesus El Sanador – (Spanish)
$9.99Multitudes have been healed while reading this book!
Experience the Power of Faith in Your Life
Dr. Kenyon had a rare gift for presenting deep, profound biblical truths in a simple and easily understood way. You, too, can be inspired to step out and receive your healing, like the many multitudes of others who have read Jesus the Healer and were healed. Explore these rich truths with Kenyon, and discover how to:
*Receive physical and emotional healing
*Remove hindrances to healing
*Be free from fear, guilt, and shame
*Experience a new joy in your life
*Become a stronger soulwinner
*Develop a miracle-working faithShare these powerful truths, and see how God can use you to bring healing to others.
You, too, can personally receive God’s healing touch!Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Practice Of The Presence Of God
$14.99The original guide to “practicing the presence of God”
“We must not grow weary of doing little things for the love of God, who looks not on the great size of the work, but on the love of it.”
In this classic work, which has instructed and inspired millions, a humble 17th-century monk reveals the secrets of daily, moment-by-moment fellowship with God.
“In the way of God, thoughts count very little,” writes Brother Lawrence, who spent much of his monastic life in the kitchen. “Love does it all.” Full of realistic honesty, friendliness, and simplicity, Brother Lawrence shows that it is possible to meet God amongst the pots and pans-in the ordinary, daily events of life. This edition, rendered from the original French into graceful, contemporary English, will nourish and delight all those who seek to practice the presence of God.
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S.N.O.W. Everyday : Self-Awareness And New Opportunities In Worship
$13.73S.N.O.W. Everyday is a guide for reflecting on scripture. It is a journal for expressing your unique thoughts. It is a tool that will help you to see yourself as God created you to be; unique in your own way. As you use S.N.O.W. Everyday, you will become more aware of the unique you.
Six weeks of discovering your uniqueness while in God’s presenceAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Recognizing The Spirits Of Jezebel And Its Attributes
$19.36Recognizing the Spirit of Jezebel And It’s Attributes describes in vivid detail how the spirit of Jezebel, one of the most insidious evil spirits in the Church today, can rest on a person without their knowledge, using them to split churches, divide marriages, and kill relationships of families. But God has given His children all power and authority through His son Jesus Christ, to overcome this controlling spirit and set the captives free. In this book you will learn various attributes of the Jezebel spirit and most importantly, how to minister deliverance to those caught in its grip.
Every Church Pastor and Church Administrator should read this very important book that brings inspirational knowledge of the Spirit of Jezebel. This reading could very well be the book that delivers the knowledge to the Church that continues to divide and separate.
….in “Recognizing the spirit of Jezebel and It’s Attributes”… Author Vicky Benson draws from the “Holy Spirit” and the “Holy Scriptures”, bring out biblical insights coupled with personal examples, to give readers the wisdom and clarity on Demonic Spirits linked to that of Jezebel.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Agent Called Change
$21.86Rid yourself of the world’s influences and stereotypes; maximize your God-given potential as you discover the “real you.” After the veil has been lifted, enjoy a purposeful and productive life as you pursue God’s will, and engage others in finding real truth. The Agent Called Change takes you on a comprehensive journey in search of purpose and fulfillment. Life is a maze, a winding road filled with peaks and valleys, twists and turns; dangerous and deceptive curves. The purposeful connoisseur must enroll in a series of courses designed to renew thought patterns; leading to the discovery of the hidden gem that lies within. Upon licenser, the change agent embarks on a pathway to purpose, possess a greater sense of destiny, and embraces his calling to change the world one person at a time. After reading this book the reader will no longer approach life from a careless or casual perspective but realizes the essence of his/her creation is centered-around understanding purpose, maximizing potential, and fostering everlasting change. Get ready for an exciting adventure as God uncovers the real you the world needs to know.
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Precious Stones And Bedrock Truth
$37.48Will your home stand firm when the torrents of life come bursting at the foundation? Certainly, if it’s built on the foundation of Christ alone. Is your marriage troubled? Has your spouse or child been lifted on eagle’s wings to heaven unexpectedly? Has your doctor explained a dreaded prognosis? Does the ground quake with financial uncertainties? These are the times when you need solid rock!
Hopeless secular humanism builds on sinking sand and changing ideas. Yet, believers from every generation have found strength by entrusting their future into God’s hands. When you study God’s Word, with determination to obey, you are building on Christ-faith’s cornerstone.
We will build upon this foundation by studying the Spirit’s use of stone typology in scripture, to reveal foundations of Christian faith and how to live for Christ as He intended. Rock solid truth equips you to stand firm in faith and to give an account of the hope within you, for God’s glory.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Show Me You Are God
$19.36This book is written by a lay person for the lay person. It provides, in an easy-to-read and understandable format, a walk through many of the amazingly accurate prophecies in the Bible. From Abraham to Jesus Christ, these prophecies demonstrate without question that the Bible is truly the only, inerrant Word of God. It will equip the Christian to easily respond to the “why the Bible” question. It will also provide the true searcher with a clear path to the Truth.
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You Made Your Bed Now Wake Up In It
$26.23Life has a way of taking the wind out of our sails if we allow it. Everyday stress takes away that desire to accomplish great things. Your day involves the people who annoy you at work, and the pressures of being a responsible adult. This stress has many “sleepwalking” through life.
Keith Ballard is a Christian author, inspirational teacher, entrepreneur, and professor of business administration and psychology. Life threw challenges at him that could not be solved by his collegiate and professional success. Like many people out there, Keith searched for spiritual and practical answers to the following questions:
How do we obtain enjoyment out of life and work?
How do we live out those big dreams and goals that keep tugging at us?
How does one find a sense of mental, physical, and emotional freedom?
How do we become more secure and confident in ourselves?You Made Your Bed, Now WAKE UP In It is a book that answers these questions and many more. This book is for anyone in search of answers. Those with no spiritual belief system and those with a spiritual belief system who read this book will learn:
* How to be more effective and successful in your everyday goals.
* How to break free from past mental and spiritual barriers.
* How to rely on God as your source and supply for every need.
* How to use spiritual principles that can be applied to everyday life.
* How to obtain quality relationships, true peace, and happiness.
* How to identify your gifts, talents, and purpose in life.
* How to take authority over life’s challenges.If life does not seem to be giving you what you want, then this book is a must read for you. Wake up to a new reality.
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Preparing The Heart For Ministry Vessel Preparation
$15.61Prepare to Live in Power!
Prepare to Walk in Obedience!
Prepare to Impact the Lives of others!
Prepare to please God!
Prepare Your HEART for Ministry!
There are many plans for prosperity and many strategies to be blessed. But this book is God’s plan for your ministry Preparation! God wants to use you and it is time for you to get ready! Prepare your mind. Prepare your spirit! Prepare your HEART for Ministry!Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
On Being A Disciple Of The Crucified Nazarene
$33.99In this book Ernst Kasemann – celebrated initiator of the twentieth-century “New Quest of the Historical Jesus” – examines the problem of the relation between discipleship and faith. / Kasemann first tackles specific passages in the Synoptic Gospels dealing with the summons to discipleship. He makes clear the relevance of the biblical message to human existence even today. In the second half he explores how themes relating to specific contemporary problems fulfill that message. / Here is a theologian who is radically and passionately committed to discipleship of the crucified Jesus of Nazareth – and who is not afraid to share that commitment.
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Make A Choice
$12.99What do you believe and how do you show it? This book is designed to challenge your foundational beliefs and then challenge you to stand on them. All along the way, you will make decisions that will affect your life forever. 2011 Readers Favorite Silver Award for Christian devotion/study.
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In But Not Of
$19.99Hugh Hewitt has worked for and with people in some of the most powerful and influential positions in the country. He knows what is required to reach and thrive in such positions, and in this book he shares some of that valuable, hard-won knowledge.In, But Not Of provides readers with valuable insights, wisdom, personal experiences, and advice on how to rise in the world and achieve the kind of radical success that honors God.
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Learning To Follow Jesus
$24.98Sensing the church’s need for clear, relational discipleship materials, Daniel McNaughton combined his extensive theological training and his years of experience in pastoral ministry to develop this step-by-step guide for learning what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Seven essential attributes are presented using Scripture, personal stories, and questions to help readers apply the concepts to their lives. Resources and assessments for developing the attributes are included, as well as material to help spiritual coaches walk alongside the follower.
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Baal Conspiracy : An Expose On Everyday Idolatry
$13.991. The Troubler
2. The Baal Of Mechanical Piety
3. Worship Or Manipulation
4. How To Treat A Snake
5. The God Who Can’t Be Trapped
6. God Under Wraps?
7. The Baal Of Happiness
8. The Baal Of Power In The Church
9. The Challenge
10. A Filed Manual For Defeating The Baal ConspiracyAdditional Info
Compromised worship has serious roots-and serious consequences. The Israelites can vouch for that. Through an effort to have the best of both worlds, they spent centuries attempting to worship both Yahweh and the fertility god, Baal. With this misguided concept of the true God and true worship, the Israelites’ lives became immersed in a conspiracy to maintain a love of God and a love of everyday gods.
In The Baal Conspiracy, author Al Truesdale exposes the truth behind what this Baal conspiracy meant for the Israelites: that God, in fact, cannot be denied or shared in any form of worship. With solid biblical scholarship, Truesdale employs historical fiction to explain and explore how Christians can confront and defeat the Baal conspiracy in the Church and in daily living.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Lord Give Me Patience
$15.99We are an impatient people who want everything done in a hurry. But God refuses to be rushed.
In the words of author James W. Moore:
We love instant results. We want everything done in a hurry these days. We don’t want to wait for anything. We are so different from the earlier generations who ordered things from the Sears catalog and waited with great anticipation for weeks or even months for the items to arrive. We want to pay a little down now (even if we can’t really afford it) and get it today.
We are impatient people looking for immediate action and instant gratification, so much so that God’s patient ways sometimes confuse, perplex, and bother us. We are impatient, but God is deliberate, steady, and long-suffering. We look for the speedy way, the shortcut, the instant answer, the immediate solution. But God takes the long way ’round. God refuses to be rushed.
The way to become a spiritually mature Christian is to spend so much time with Christ that we begin to think and act like him, to spend so much time with him that we take on what the apostle Paul called “the mind of Christ.” It just takes time and effort and commitment. There are no easy, instant solutions. What we need to remember is that the things that matter most take time, effort, commitment, discipline, lots of practice, lots of hard work . . . and lots of patience.
Working chapter titles include, “Lord, Give Me Patience, and Give it to Me Right Now”; “Lord, Give Me Perseverance”; ” Lord, Give Me Faith”; “Lord, Give Me Forgiveness”; “Lord, Give Me Love”; “Lord, Give Me Childlikeness”; “Lord, Give Me Life”; “Lord, Give Me Grace”; and others.
This book includes twelve chapters and a discussion guide.
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Searching For God Knows What
$19.99New York Times best-selling author Donald Miller explores the origin andmeaning ofredemption in this fully revised and redesigned bestseller. Hysterically funny, wryly provocative, and disquietingly insightful, Searching for God Knows What invites readers to examine their deep need for redemption, to feel it, know it, and live like it is true in their lives. Miller weaves phenomenal characters and true-to-life spectacles into his acclaimed memoir style to enrich,inspire, entertain, and ultimately challenge readers to see life in a new way.He shows that one of the greatest desires of every person is the desire for redemption, to have brokenness repaired. Instead of the chaotic relationships, self-hatred, wreckless consumerism, and anxiety that overrun a life without redemption, Miller uncovers the beauty and power of the Gospel to fulfill one of our deepest needs.
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Present Perfect : Finding God In The Now
$18.99A “Holy Habit” That Will Change Your Life!
Experience true spiritual transformation: invite God’s presence into your life! Popular author, theologian, and pastor Gregory Boyd shows you how-simply, practically, and effectively-in this thoughtful and accessible book.
Discover: * How to pray continually * What it means to “take every thought captive” * How to wake up to God’s ever-present love
God is closer to you than the air you breathe. He is present in every given moment. Wake up to his presence! Turn off the mental chatter that keeps you from seeing his glory. Embrace the holy habit of inviting God’s presence into your life, and be transformed!
Wake Up to God’s Presence!
We long to be transformed. Yet our minds are filled with endless trivia and self-centered chatter. To-do lists. Worries about the past. Speculation about the future. We forget to live in the present moment … and to invite God to be with us there.
After reading classic contemplative authors Brother Lawrence, Jean-Pierre de Caussade, and Frank Laubach, theologian and pastor Gregory Boyd longed to experience the presence of God for himself. For two decades, he’s attempted to implement the “practice of the presence of God” in his own life … sometimes succeeding, sometimes failing. What he’s learned as a fellow pilgrim on his spiritual journey can help you find true spiritual transformation as you begin to practice the discipline of inviting God into every moment.
“I’ve become absolutely convinced that remaining aware of God’s presence moment-by-moment is the single most important task in the life of every follower of Jesus,” Boyd writes. “I’m convinced this challenge is implied in our commitment to surrender our life to Christ, for the only real life we have to surrender to him is the one we live moment-by-moment.”
Join Boyd on this transformational journey of a lifetime!
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