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    • Where Do We Go From Here Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Today’s headlines shout of modern plagues, social tensions, and economic crises. It seems that each morning we are greeted with the news of another crisis, tragedy, or trial that has broken out somewhere in our country and in the world. People everywhere are feeling the strain. Anxiety, stress, and depression are on the rise as people question where to turn for help. Many are wondering what will happen next . . . and where do we go from here.

      In this poignant and personal study, trusted Bible teacher Dr. David Jeremiah opens God’s Word to reveal what it has to say about the times in which we are living. He shares how the prophecies and wisdom from the past still speak the truth today and point the way to the future. Whether one is new to biblical prophecy or a longtime student of the Bible, this timely message offers the encouragement that God is still at work, in control, and still present in the midst of our daily lives.

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    • Spiritual Warfare And The Armor Of God


      Armor Up! Take Your Stand in the Word of God…The Battle Belongs to the Lord!

      Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. (Ephesians 6:11)

      Have you recognized the spiritual warfare that surrounds us as Christians and as a nation? We are in times that we have never known before. These are not the days for casual Christianity, for we are in an unseen war! If we do not recognize our enemy, we will misunderstand where the anger, bitterness, relational issues, despair, and fear are coming from. Those who are not paying attention to the battle will be deceived in the fight!

      God has given us His weapons to fight this spiritual war. In The Armor of God: The BattleIs Real…The Victory Is Sure, you will discover that putting on the armor of God is putting on Jesus. Satan is a liar and a deceiver, and he is well-trained in lies and deceit. Being clothed in God’s armor keeps the battle where it belongs…in the hands of our powerful God.

      We can’t fight a spiritual war with emotions or the flesh, or we will quickly become casualties. We must let our enemy know that we choose to stand our ground against his onslaught and to walk in Christ’s victory every day!

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    • Seeking Out Goodness


      Most of us feel the world is more contentious and less civil than it was a generation ago, or a few years ago, or maybe even last week. We long to be reassured that everything is going to be okay, that God is still at work, even in small ways. The good news is, even when our circumstances change, God does not. He is still in control, and he still offers us good gifts. We just have to know where to look for them.

      Exploring the beautiful admonition found in Philippians 4:8 to think on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy, author Alexandra Kuykendall encourages us to keep seeking out goodness even when we are mired in a time of fear, division, and negativity. Through personal stories and clear biblical insight, Alex helps us see God at work right now, right in our midst, no matter how messy life feels. She helps us appreciate other people even when we disagree with them, move past false dichotomies, celebrate goodness in others when we find it, and hope for a brighter tomorrow even as we celebrate the good gifts we receive today.

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    • Just Getting Started


      The day comes when your kids are grown and you find yourself sitting in the middle of the tidy nest you have spent years feathering. You have encouraged your children that “you can do anything, be anything, and go anywhere,” but now you cannot help but ask, “Does God have something more for me?

      “Writing for those who have a dream but feel too old, too invisible, too unqualified, or as if they missed their opportunity somewhere along the way, Wendy Peter provides both the inspiration and the blueprint to:

      – move past your false finish line and reimagine the next season of your life
      – identify and awaken your true purpose and step with courage into your calling
      – create a road map to get your dreams off the ground and running

      The culmination of your life experiences–the reason you are uniquely you–is exactly what God will use for such a time as this. Don’t believe the lie that you need to be young to launch your dreams. No matter your age or circumstances, you can reimagine your future, activate dormant dreams, and glorify God by getting clear about what he’s calling you to right now!

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    • Simple Difference : How Every Small Kindness Makes A Big Impact


      We’ve all got a lot of questions these days: In a world marked by division, how do we create bridges of meaningful connection? When despair runs rampant, is real hope possible? When competition is elevated, is compassion still relevant? And at the end of the day, can one person really make any impact at all?

      When the world’s problems loom large and your ordinary life stretches you thin, it is still possible to be a difference-maker–one small, intentional, extravagant act of kindness at a time.

      Rather than telling you to do more, The Simple Difference shows you how to see more: more of the people in front of you, more of God’s lavish love for you, more of his power within you. The Simple Difference will help you:

      – stop getting buried in busyness and distraction and discover countless opportunities for impact right where you are

      – remove your perceived limitations and learn to see that your “not-enough” is exactly what the world needs

      – discard expectations of what it takes to make a difference and delight in the life-changing power of simple kindness

      The Simple Difference isn’t about totally changing the course of your life; it’s about letting God change you and work through you in the midst of your ordinary days. To say, As I go on my way, Lord, have your way with me. Be a part of The Simple Difference movement–your life and the world will never be the same.

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    • Setting Broken Bones


      How long will you limp through life before deciding it’s worth the discomfort and outright pain to heal the way Jesus intended you to heal?

      After a childhood marked by abuse and dysfunction, Penny Maxwell knows how challenging the journey to healing can be. Healing hurts, and Maxwell knows how enticing it is to walk with wounds and dysfunction rather than endure the pain it takes to truly be free.

      In Setting Broken Bones, Maxwell shares hard truths she learned through her own healing journey and challenges readers to trust God with their hurts. Using the analogy of a person walking around with broken physical bones that never healed properly, Maxwell confronts readers with the truth: we can either walk around in pain with bones that were never healed or experience temporary pain to have them set properly so healing can occur. Sharing from her personal story, Maxwell provides:

      *Powerful teachings from God’s Word

      *Practical ways to walk free from a painful past no matter what your personal struggles have been

      *Guidance to face the pain you’ve been hiding to experience healing and freedom

      Sometimes Christians wrap bandages around their pain with more church, more good works, more Bible reading plans, and other seemingly spiritual activities to distract themselves from the pain. This book will help you face the pain you have been hiding from so it can be healed once and for all. Whether you have come from a painful past yourself, have a loved one who is still trapped in that pain, or desire to minister to people who are on the path to healing from pain, this book will reveal God’s heart toward that pain, and show you how He will heal it when you surrender it to Him.

      This book will help you find healing from past pain rather than focusing on blame, becoming bitter, and asking why. You will lean into God to gather strength and healing so that you can minister freedom to others who have faced pain themselves.

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    • Resurrected Faith The Heart Of A Contender


      A Firm Foundation Publishing Title

      Wake up!

      Far too many believers sleepwalk through life unaware of the pandemic of dead faith threatening their lives and those they love.

      You have heard the Holy Spirit’s alarm and awakened with a deep longing for more of the presence of Jesus in your day-to-day life. Your heart aches for freedom from anxiety and meaningless repetition, hoping for the abundant life Jesus promised with overflowing joy, peace, love, and so much more.

      Book one, Resurrected Faith: The Heart of a Contender, awakens you to the crisis of dead faith jeopardizing our families and churches. Unfortunately, you and I are powerless to revive what is dead. However, as we answer Jude’s ancient call “to contend for the faith,” the resurrection power of Jesus will transform us from the inside out. What is dead can live again!

      You will be challenged to consider your singular heart’s cry. Don’t allow dead faith to hit your spiritual snooze button. Instead, permit the Holy Spirit to ignite a passion to know Jesus and make Him known within your heart.

      While dead faith ignores the symptoms and continues to go through religious motions, resurrected faith will ignite the activity of “faithing” through an intimate knowledge of Jesus and not a lifeless creed. Your struggle for living faith will keep you from being fooled by counterfeit religion.

      With the Spirit’s help, you will take a closer look at yourself and comprehend your God-given identity as a follower of Jesus. Knowing who you are, gives you unshakable confidence to contend for the faith and live what you believe. Finally, you will see how to persevere in the ongoing fight for resurrected faith with the heart of a contender.

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    • Forward : Discovering God’s Presence And Purpose In Your Tomorrow


      Beloved Bible teacher and New York Times bestselling author Dr. David Jeremiah calls Christians to move FORWARD to the abundant life in Christ.

      What is holding you back in life?

      No matter your circumstances! No matter where you are in life! No matter your age! God wants you to move FORWARD!

      Beloved Bible teacher and New York Times bestselling author Dr. David Jeremiah reveals his personal approach to life and how to find the presence and purpose of God in your future. This book is a master class in how to live fearlessly and get your life in focus. The inspirational content gives you practical biblical insight into “what’s next” in your life. Learn how God wants to expand your dream, give you divine direction, plant within you a life purpose, equip you with tools to overcome fear, grant you great personal accomplishment, and find a mission that will outlive your life. Don’t get stuck in your past failures or sins or allow present circumstances to keep you from fulfilling God’s purpose for your life. Let Forward be the step-by-step plan of action you’ve needed to move past where you are to where you want to be.

      Find joy in pursuing the next steps God has for you and move FORWARD!

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    • Corazon En El Desierto – (Spanish)


      En Un corazon en el desierto, Patricia Namnun guia a las mujeres en un viaje de esperanza que les ayudara a reconocer su temporada de sequia espiritual, dejar de creer las mentiras que se dicen a si mismas, y tener el valor de abrazar Su verdad y volver a Aquel que es el unico que puede hacer que rios de agua viva fluyan dentro de ellas una vez mas.

      Cada mujer, en un momento u otro, puede encontrarse en un desierto espiritual, una vasta y solitaria tierra salvaje donde se siente desconectada, desanimada y sin esperanza. Lees tu Biblia, pero las palabras no penetran en tu alma. Oras, pero ni siquiera estas segura de que Dios te escuche. O tal vez estas demasiado debil o desanimada para acudir a El.

      Este libro te ayudara a:

      *Reconocer las seales a tu alrededor que indican que estas en el desierto… a veces incluso sin saberlo.

      *Explorar las razones por las que llegaste a este lugar de aridez espiritual.

      *Reconocer la verdad sobre la condicion de tu corazon y admitir ante Dios y otros que necesitas ayuda para encontrar tu camino fuera del desierto.

      *Volver a Dios, confiada en que te aceptara a pesar de tu condicion, pasado o fracasos.

      *Aprovechar la oportunidad de la temporada para profundizar tu relacion con el Restaurador de tu alma.

      Este libro es para la mujer que:

      *Se siente espiritualmente vacia y cansada por dentro, pero no entiende lo que esta pasando.

      *Esta desesperada por saber como volver a la vida.

      *Quiere reconectarse con Dios de una manera mas satisfactoria.

      *Necesita apoyo para buscar ayuda para moverse en lo que Dios tiene para ella.

      *Quiere ayudar a otras que estan pasando por una temporada de sequia espiritual.

      El que beba del agua que Yo le dare, no tendra sed jamas, sino que el agua que Yo le dare se convertira en el en una fuente de agua que brota para vida eterna. Juan 4:14 (Nueva Biblia de las Americas).

      A Heart in the Desert

      In A Heart in the Desert, Patricia Namnun guides women on a journey of hope that will help them to recognize their season of spiritual dryness, stop believing the lies they tell themselves, and have the courage to embrace His truth, and come back to the only One who can make rivers of living water flow inside them once again.

      Every woman, at one time or another, is likely to find herself in a spiritual desert, a vast and lonely wilderness where you feel disconnected, discouraged, and hopeless. You read your Bible, but the words don’t penetrate your soul. You pray,

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    • Por Que Le Importa A Dios Con – (Spanish)


      Una perspectiva biblica de lo que el sexo esta diseado para ser, significar y hacer por nosotros.

      Los cristianos son cada vez mas vistos como anticuados, restrictivos y prejuiciosos cuando se trata de sexo antes del matrimonio, la cohabitacion, la homosexualidad, la identidad de genero o los derechos de los transexuales. De hecho, para muchas personas, este tema es una de las mayores barreras para considerar el cristianismo.

      Sam Allberry, autor de muchos libros, entre ellos Is God Anti-Gay?, expone el buen diseo de Dios para la expresion de la sexualidad humana, mostrando que Dios mismo es amor y que solo el puede satisfacer nuestros deseos mas profundos.

      Es un gran recordatorio del plan positivo de la Biblia para el amor, el sexo y el matrimonio, e ideal para regalar a las personas que pueden ver esto como un obstaculo para la creencia.

      Why does God Care who I sleep with?

      How Christians are viewed is increasingly seen as outdated, restrictive and judgmental when it comes to sex before marriage, cohabitation and homosexuality. For many people, this issue is one of the biggest barriers for them considering Christianity.

      Sam Allberry sets out God’s design for the expression of human sexuality. Readers will be shown that God himself is love and his blueprint for sex is designed to help us to flourish and live out our full humanity.

      It is a great reminder of the Bible’s teaching on love, sex and marriage and is ideal for giving away to people who may see it as a stumbling block for belief.

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    • Resurrected Faith The Heart Of A Contender Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      A Firm Foundation Publishing Title

      When something is dead within you, take action to have it removed. Otherwise, you will die.

      Far too many believers sleepwalk through life unaware of the pandemic of dead faith threatening their lives and those they love. But thankfully, with resurrection power, what is dead can live again.

      The Holy Spirit’s alarm awakens you with a deep longing for more of the presence of Jesus in your day to day life. Your heart aches for freedom from anxiety and meaningless repetition, hoping for the abundant life Jesus promised with overflowing joy, peace, love, and so much more.

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    • Resurrected Faith The Heart Of A Contender


      A Firm Foundation Publishing Title

      Wake up!

      Far too many believers sleepwalk through life unaware of the pandemic of dead faith threatening their lives and those they love.

      You have heard the Holy Spirit’s alarm and awakened with a deep longing for more of the presence of Jesus in your day-to-day life. Your heart aches for freedom from anxiety and meaningless repetition, hoping for the abundant life Jesus promised with overflowing joy, peace, love, and so much more.

      Book one, Resurrected Faith: The Heart of a Contender, awakens you to the crisis of dead faith jeopardizing our families and churches. Unfortunately, you and I are powerless to revive what is dead. However, as we answer Jude’s ancient call “to contend for the faith,” the resurrection power of Jesus will transform us from the inside out. What is dead can live again!

      You will be challenged to consider your singular heart’s cry. Don’t allow dead faith to hit your spiritual snooze button. Instead, permit the Holy Spirit to ignite a passion to know Jesus and make Him known within your heart.

      While dead faith ignores the symptoms and continues to go through religious motions, resurrected faith will ignite the activity of “faithing” through an intimate knowledge of Jesus and not a lifeless creed. Your struggle for living faith will keep you from being fooled by counterfeit religion.

      With the Spirit’s help, you will take a closer look at yourself and comprehend your God-given identity as a follower of Jesus. Knowing who you are, gives you unshakable confidence to contend for the faith and live what you believe. Finally, you will see how to persevere in the ongoing fight for resurrected faith with the heart of a contender.

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    • Transforming Your Thought Life For Teens


      Every teen is under attack.

      Satan knows that negative thoughts are the easiest way to tear a person down. It doesn’t take many words to feel frustrated and defeated. To fight back, today’s teens need strong minds, and the time-honored practice of Christian meditation can help them find victory in these spiritual battles.

      Transforming Your Thought Life for Teens offers simple, guided meditations that can help your teen train their mind to stay grounded in God’s Word. Each chapter examines a particular kind of negative thought pattern and provides key Bible verses and prayers for standing strong against it. Day by day, as your teen hides God’s Word in their heart and mind, they will move closer to the heart and mind of God.

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    • Being With God


      All fruitful doing must begin with being. For many Christians, it’s easy to be swept up into the fast pace of modern life, desiring to do much for God.

      But we struggle to slow down and be with God.According to pastor, Enneagram teacher, and author AJ Sherrill, being with God is what empowers doing for God. Sherrill shares his own journey from “busy” Christianity to the ancient paths of contemplative practices. He equips readers to integrate rhythms of stillness, silence, and solitude, offering step-by-step guidance and examples of finding solitude both personally and on retreats.Sherrill warns that making these changes appears absurd in a society where time is money, productivity is central, and hurry is a way of life. He guides readers gently through the beginning and often confusing stages of contemplative practice. Citing timely insights from the world of neurology and mental health, he shows that solitude is crucial not only for Christian growth but also for holistic flourishing.

      Readers will emerge, centered in Christ, well on their way to this goal: slow down, pay attention, be still, and be loved.

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    • Being With God


      All fruitful doing must begin with being. For many Christians, it’s easy to be swept up into the fast pace of modern life, desiring to do much for God.

      But we struggle to slow down and be with God.According to pastor, Enneagram teacher, and author AJ Sherrill, being with God is what empowers doing for God. Sherrill shares his own journey from “busy” Christianity to the ancient paths of contemplative practices. He equips readers to integrate rhythms of stillness, silence, and solitude, offering step-by-step guidance and examples of finding solitude both personally and on retreats.Sherrill warns that making these changes appears absurd in a society where time is money, productivity is central, and hurry is a way of life. He guides readers gently through the beginning and often confusing stages of contemplative practice. Citing timely insights from the world of neurology and mental health, he shows that solitude is crucial not only for Christian growth but also for holistic flourishing.

      Readers will emerge, centered in Christ, well on their way to this goal: slow down, pay attention, be still, and be loved.

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    • Book Called YOU


      A biblically grounded Enneagram book that looks at the Enneagram numbers of people in the Bible so readers can discover more about themselves and gain specific wisdom about how and why they are uniquely made.

      Who am I? Everyone asks that question, no matter their age or status in life. If we truly are supposed to be real with others, shouldn’t that start with learning how to be real with ourselves? We think so. But we have to be willing to look inside and ask, “Okay, God, who am I? What is it that I don’t see about myself that you see?” A Book Called YOU will help us learn about who we are as individuals and how a biblical view of self-discovery can improve every part of our lives.

      Based on his widely successful teaching series “A Series Called You” and his personal experience using the Enneagram personality assessment tool in his marriage and other personal relationships, pastor Matt Brown offers a groundbreaking, entertaining, and heartfelt guide that highlights biblical truths alongside the Enneagram to help us better understand ourselves and how we relate to the people around us.

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    • Genio De Jesus – (Spanish)


      Un manifiesto revolucionario sobre las innumerables formas en que Jesus de Nazaret transformo nuestro mundo y nos capacita para vivir vidas de valor, proposito y gracia hoy. Del autor mas vendido de La ultima flecha y El camino del guerrero. En todos los ambitos de nuestra existencia (arte, tecnologia, matematicas) estamos cautivados por historias de genios. Los genios violan el estatus quo, desestabilizan las viejas formas de pensar y, en ultima instancia, perturban la historia al hacernos ver el mundo de manera diferente. Vemos este efecto cuando consideramos el canon de los grandes genios de la historia, desde Leonardo da Vinci hasta Steve Jobs. Pero cuando buscamos al genio que dejo el impacto mas duradero en la vida humana: nuestra busqueda de la verdad; nuestro deseo de saber quienes somos; nuestra nocion de que la felicidad es mas que buscar servirnos a nosotros mismos – inevitablemente encontramos a Jesus. A pesar de haber vivido en la oscuridad durante la mayor parte de su vida, Jesus de Nazaret es sin duda una de las personas mas influyentes que jamas haya caminado sobre la faz de la tierra. En El genio de Jesus, Erwin Raphael McManus pregunta: que pasaria si estudiaramos y emulamos a Jesus, no solo a traves del lente de su divinidad, sino como un genio que nos mostro lo que significa vivir plenamente humanos? Basandose en las escrituras, la historia y las historias de su propio ministerio, McManus se sumerge en los matices de las palabras y acciones de Jesus, mostrando como no solo pueden inspirarnos, sino tambien transformar nuestra forma de pensar sobre la humildad, la libertad y el proposito que hace que valga la pena vivir. Para los cristianos que desean conocer y comprender mejor su fe, o para los lectores que desean crear su futuro mas poderoso, El genio de Jesus, es un estudio que invita a la reflexion de la persona mas importante que jamas haya existido.

      A groundbreaking manifesto on the countless ways Jesus of Nazareth transformed our world–and empowers us to live lives of courage, purpose, and grace today. From the bestselling author of The Last Arrow and The Way of the Warrior. In every realm of our existence–art, technology, mathematics–we are captivated by stories of genius. Geniuses violate the status quo, destabilize old ways of thinking, and ultimately disrupt history by making us see the world differently. We see this effect when we consider the canon of history’s great geniuses, from Leonardo da Vinci to Steve Jobs. But

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    • When God Feels Far Away


      Have you ever felt far away from God? Though many Christians are convinced they can’t admit that, if you’re feeling distant from God, you’re not alone. In fact, honesty about divine distance is an important first step back to the presence of God.

      The truth is, we all go through seasons when prayers seem futile, worship feels empty, or we feel lonely, wondering if God cares or even knows what we’re facing. When those seasons come and our familiar spiritual routines are no longer working, how can we recover the closeness with God that we crave?

      With transparency and a pastoral heart, Jamie Rasmussen reveals eight ways to navigate divine distance and experience the nearness of God again. After unpacking why God sometimes feels so far away, he mines the riches of the book of Esther for principles that are available to us today. The result is an intimate and practical guide to navigating seasons of divine distance so we can once again feel closer to God.

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    • Contagious Faith : Discover Your Natural Style For Sharing Jesus With Other


      As a follower of Christ you know–at least deep down–that you were created for more than just loving your family, building your career, or attending weekly church services. We were made to share God’s love with others in ways that can impact their lives and redirect their eternities.

      But few of us are naturally comfortable doing this. We wrestle with internal fears, a lack of preparation, and the sense that reaching out to others might force us to act like someone we’re not. We want to encourage people spiritually, but we don’t want to get weird or overbearing in the process. We need to be equipped to talk to people about Jesus in ways that fit our God-given personalities, and we would benefit greatly from an infusion of fresh inspiration and practical ideas.

      In Contagious Faith, bestselling author and teacher Mark Mittelberg introduces you to the five Contagious Faith Styles–Friendship-Building, Selfless-Serving, Story-Sharing, Reason-Giving, and Truth-Telling–and helps you discover which of these approaches (or combination of them) will enable you to naturally share your faith in Jesus with the people around you. He also explains in a down-to-earth fashion several key skills that will help you communicate your faith in infectious ways, illustrating his message with real-life accounts of ordinary believers who applied these principles for extraordinary impact.

      Mark Mittelberg was the primary author of the celebrated Becoming a Contagious Christian course, through which he helped nearly two million people around the world learn to communicate their faith. Now, with clear teaching, compelling stories, and inspiring motivation, his new Contagious Faith book will help you share the good news of Jesus effectively–even in our increasingly resistant culture.

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    • Cross Shaped Life


      In the cross, we discover not only who God is, but who we are made to be.

      Who are we? This is one of the oldest questions, and the bottom-line answer is that we are created in the image of God. But when we ask what it means to live in the image of God, we cannot forget the cross. After all, God came, took on our likeness, and died on the cross. So what does it mean to live in the image of a God who is willing to die on a cross?

      Though the cross is a well-known symbol in Western society, we are not prone to think of the cross as the key to our identity. Yet to discover the heart of God, and therefore who we are to be as his image bearers, it is to the cross that we must turn.

      The journey of The Cross-Shaped Life takes readers into the story of God from creation to salvation, but it culminates in Paul’s words found in Philippians 2:5-11. It’s in these few verses that readers will discover that though our Western culture tells us that in order to find ourselves we must continue to acquire more prestige, power, and possessions, the truth is that we only discover who we truly are when we live lives of humility, service, and sacrifice on behalf of others.

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    • Holding On When You Want To Let Go Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Are you struggling today? Do you look back and long for what used to be, or are you looking ahead and have no idea what’s coming? Are you stuck in the middle of a mess because life has not turned out as you expected? When you run to God for answers, do you often feel like you aren’t getting them–or at least aren’t getting the answers you want? Are you holding on . . . but not sure how much longer you can?

      In times of not knowing, Sheila Walsh offers a lifeline of hope. With great compassion born of experience and hardship, Walsh comes alongside the hurting, fearful, and exhausted to remind us that we serve a God who is so much greater than our momentary troubles, no matter how insurmountable they feel. She doesn’t offer a quick fix. She offers a God fix. Sharing from her own painful struggles and digging deep into biblical stories of rescue, hope, and miracles, she gives you the strength to keep going, to keep holding on to God in a world turned upside down. The accompanying study includes 10 lessons to help individuals or groups dive deeper.

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    • Holding On When You Want To Let Go


      Are you struggling today? Do you look back and long for what used to be, or are you looking ahead and have no idea what’s coming? Are you stuck in the middle of a mess because life has not turned out as you expected? When you run to God for answers, do you often feel like you aren’t getting them–or at least aren’t getting the answers you want? Are you holding on . . . but not sure how much longer you can?

      In times of not knowing, Sheila Walsh offers a lifeline of hope. With great compassion born of experience and hardship, Walsh comes alongside the hurting, fearful, and exhausted to remind us that we serve a God who is so much greater than our momentary troubles, no matter how insurmountable they feel. She doesn’t offer a quick fix. She offers a God fix. Sharing from her own painful struggles and digging deep into biblical stories of rescue, hope, and miracles, she gives you the strength to keep going, to keep holding on to God in a world turned upside down. The accompanying study includes 10 lessons to help individuals or groups dive deeper.

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    • Holding On When You Want To Let Go


      Are you struggling today? Do you look back and long for what used to be, or are you looking ahead and have no idea what’s coming? Are you stuck in the middle of a mess because life has not turned out as you expected? When you run to God for answers, do you often feel like you aren’t getting them–or at least aren’t getting the answers you want? Are you holding on . . . but not sure how much longer you can?

      In times of not knowing, Sheila Walsh offers a lifeline of hope. With great compassion born of experience and hardship, Walsh comes alongside the hurting, fearful, and exhausted to remind us that we serve a God who is so much greater than our momentary troubles, no matter how insurmountable they feel. She doesn’t offer a quick fix. She offers a God fix. Sharing from her own painful struggles and digging deep into biblical stories of rescue, hope, and miracles, she gives you the strength to keep going, to keep holding on to God in a world turned upside down. The accompanying study includes 10 lessons to help individuals or groups dive deeper.

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    • Living Strong Finishing Well


      Growing older is inevitable and, as we often say, it beats the alternative. But just because we age does not mean we must give in to a slow deterioration of our bodies, minds, social circles, and interests. It doesn’t mean we need to give up on our dreams, goals, or aspirations. In fact, as people live longer and healthier into old age, we need to decide what we want to do with all the extra years we’ve been given!

      In Living Strong, Finishing Well, Dr. David Stoop draws upon his more than 80 years on the planet and his decades of counseling, speaking, and writing to show you how to live every moment to its fullest until you’re finally called home. He shows you how to be yourself, continue the search for meaning, stay humble, build on your friendships, develop resilience, stay teachable, and more as you learn to accept the gifts that come with growing older and wiser in a world that needs what you have to give.

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    • Help Im Drowning


      In the midst of a storm, it’s easy to feel lonely, exhausted, distracted, fearful, and helpless. When you’re overwhelmed by feelings of hopelessness and despair, you may even feel like God has forgotten you. Like the disciples in the boat in the midst of a tempest, panic ensues when your eyes are fixed on the storm instead of on Jesus.

      In Help, I’m Drowning, bestselling author and podcaster Sally Clarkson encourages you to find your anchors for life’s storms. Sally will encourage you to:

      – combat loneliness with intentional engagement and community
      – take care of your physical body to improve your spiritual, mental, and emotional health
      – find healing and forgiveness for regrets, conflict, and broken expectations
      – cultivate a level of contentment and thanksgiving for the life you have
      – embrace God’s strength as the determiner of your battles

      Our ultimate goal is to live by faith in the reality of his way, his truth, and his presence. The disciples were indeed in a storm, but they were not alone in the boat; Jesus was there and stilled the storm when called upon. Trusting ourselves to the God who never leaves us is key to finding rest in the heart of God in the midst of life’s storms.

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    • How Does God Change Us


      Experience Real Change through Union with Christ

      Christians are instructed to “grow in the grace and knowledge” of Jesus. For some people, growing is a matter of living out a moral code. Others focus more on gaining knowledge. And still others seek a tangible experience of worship. But what if experiencing true change transcends all of these?

      In How Does God Change Us?, pastor Dane Ortlund presents a way for sinners to experience real and penetrating change by bringing what they say and do in line with what they are: united with Christ. As readers recognize the depths of their own sinfulness, they become even more aware of their need for grace, and the wonder of what it means to be one with Christ. Ortlund invites anyone who is tired and weary from consistent sin patterns to lean into Jesus, for only then can God change them from the inside out.

      This is the concise edition of Deeper by Dane C. Ortlund.

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    • More Than A Healer


      Find hope that lasts beyond earthly pain and spiritual encouragement to lead you into a deep relationship with the Healer himself.

      Our hearts, our bodies, and our world are desperate for healing. Whether we are experiencing physical, emotional, or financial brokenness, we rightfully look to Jesus to perform a masterful restoration. But how does healing fit into God’s will, especially when God doesn’t heal? And how do we catch ourselves from slipping into the trap of seeking God for what he can do for us, and not for who he really is?

      Author, pastor, and frequently sought speaker Costi Hinn provides clarity through thoughtful answers and biblical truths about Jesus and his healing ministry. Growing up immersed in one of the world’s leading prosperity dynasties, Costi witnessed the tragedy of people chasing after healing more than the Healer. And now he shares with others the true power and hope that comes from a genuine relationship with God.

      With captivating stories–beginning with the vivid memory of the night he discovered his son’s cancer diagnosis–Costi empathetically unpacks the layered feelings and questions we have about God and his healing power and provides practical principles for growing close to Jesus. With gentle clarity and biblical wisdom, Costi explains how to pray for healing while submitting to God’s sovereignty, navigate tough conversations about the topic, and hold on to faith even in the most painful trials.

      More than chasing after the Jesus we want, this hopeful and encouraging book will guide us to discovering the Jesus we truly need.

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    • Deeper : Real Change For Real Sinners


      Experience Real Change through Dependence on Christ

      The Christian life is defined by growth. Few question the call of the Bible to grow in godliness, but the answer to exactly how this happens is often elusive.

      In his newest book, Deeper, pastor and author Dane Ortlund takes Christians into the deep structures of biblical teaching on how they grow in grace–most fundamentally, by enjoying all that is already theirs in Christ. Ortlund brings believers into the fullness of Christ, the emptiness of self-reliance, and their need for union and communion with God. This book makes the case that a believer’s sanctification does not happen by doing more or becoming better, but by going deeper into the wondrous gospel truths that washed over them when they were first united to Christ. Each of its 9 chapters encourages readers to fix their gaze on Jesus in the battle against sin, casting themselves upon his grace.

      Also available as a concise version: How Does God Change Us?

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    • Make A List


      What if writing a list could literally change your life?

      From the ancient book of Numbers to the latest clickbait listicle, list-writing has been a routine feature of human experience. Shopping lists. To-do lists. Guest lists. Bucket lists. Lists are everywhere you look.

      But what if our lists did more than just remind us to buy milk and take out the trash? What if the practice of list-making could help us discover who we truly are and even point us to our deepest joys, hopes, and desires?

      In Make a List teacher, writer, and wordsmith Marilyn McEntyre shows readers how the simple act of writing a list can open doors to personal discovery and spiritual growth. Deepening her reflections with abundant writing prompts and real-life examples, McEntyre turns the humble list into a work of art-one that has the power to clear minds, open hearts, and change lives.

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    • Revolutionary Disciple : Walking Humbly With Jesus In Every Area Of Life


      Is It Time for Another Revolution?

      Seismic culture shifts leave Christians wondering how to effect lasting change. While the Bible calls disciples of Jesus to humility, they often display pride. Pride is the enemy of discipleship on every level, and it keeps disciples from making an impact for the kingdom.

      What is the way forward?

      In The Revolutionary Disciple, Jim Putman and Chad Harrington offer clear guidance for navigating cultural changes with humility. They walk readers through the Five Spheres of Discipleship and unveil their four core practices of humility along the way. A tapestry of Scripture and stories, this book uncovers the path to ultimate peace for Christians who want a cultural revolution.

      Take ground for your church, your family, and the kingdom.

      Bridge the gap between the call to follow Jesus and the commission to make disciples of Jesus.

      Join the revolution.

      Learn to walk humbly with Jesus in every area of life.

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    • Hard Good : Showing Up For God To Work In You When You Want To Shut Down


      The Hard Good shows why the divine road that leads to God’s perfect plan for our lives is often paved with difficulties.

      At our very core is the desire to be God’s woman or man-faithful, having fulfilled the potential God created in us. To reach that point, sometimes we have to endure hard things, things God has designed for good, to supernaturally shape us into the people he wants us to be. When we choose to accept the “hard good,” we discover our life’s purpose, and he promises to give us the joy and passion as our deepest longing is fulfilled.

      The hard good is a powerful path to growth, as you learn to:
      *accept things you wish were different
      *apologize and forgive first
      *come clean (repentance)
      *give up the now for the best
      *stay in the journey
      *cheer for someone who has what you want
      *open your heart, even when it’s been hurt
      *tell yourself no

      The Hard Good is a poignant and practical roadmap to help you find God’s true purpose for your life-a study in becoming the person God uniquely created you to be. With counsel from Scripture, which speaks into relevant and universal issues that touch each one of us, The Hard Good inspires and motivates you to discover the growth you have long desired as you search for your purpose in God’s perfect plan.

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    • Transforming Loneliness : Deepening Our Relationships With God And Others W


      Loneliness knows no season. It can strike during times of busyness and a full social calendar just as easily as it can when plans are canceled and friends are far off. And we may be surprised just how common loneliness is among our friends, family, and colleagues. But it isn’t inevitable and it isn’t forever. As a single adult for many years, Ruth Graham understands loneliness.

      In Transforming Loneliness, Graham invites you to surrender your loneliness to God and work with him in making healthy choices that lead to life, joy, and community. Through biblical principles and examples, along with true-life stories, you will discover how the core needs that drive your loneliness–the need to be known, to be chosen, to belong, and to be valued–can be met as God transforms your loneliness into a positive experience that accomplishes his purposes and draws you into a closer, more intimate, and more meaningful relationship with him and others.

      Loneliness is not the last word. God designed you for connection, and through his power you will find it. Includes a reader’s discussion guide and the UCLA Loneliness Survey.

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    • Destination Hope : A Travel Companion When Life Falls Apart


      Destination Hope: A Travel Companion When Life Falls Apart offers camaraderie and a beacon of hope for women who feel alone in loss, struggle, or change of circumstance. This book is not a self-help book filed with platitudes from people who think they have life figured out. Instead, Marilyn Nutter and April White link arms with the audience and encourage their readers through stories of their own hardships in widowhood and chronic illness. Readers are encouraged to see loss and hardship as part of lifex27s journey and are constantly reminded to turn their gaze upwards, to the Purveyor of Hope. Within the pages of Destination Hope comes a sisterhood, a bond, that can be formed only through the mutual understanding of loss and the need to find hope among hardships.

      Destination Hope is arranged into six chapters called Milepost Markers, which address various losses, disappointments, or obstacles. Each entry concludes with a Rest Area for reflection and journaling. A Postcard with a quotation related to the topic sends readers off with an encouraging word, as they travel on towards their Destination Hope.

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    • Love Me Anyway


      There may be no more powerful desire in the human heart than to be loved. And not just loved, but loved anyway. In spite of what we’ve done or left undone, in spite of the ways we have failed or floundered. We long for an unconditional, lavish love that we know intrinsically we don’t deserve.

      If you are tired, sad, yet always longing, bestselling author Jared C. Wilson has incredible news for you: that kind of love actually exists, and it is actually something you can experience–whether or not you’re in a romantic relationship. In his signature reflective, conversational, and often humorous style, Wilson unpacks 1 Corinthians 13 to show us what real love looks like. Through engaging stories and touching anecdotes, he paints a picture of an extravagant God who not only puts the desire for love into our very souls but fulfills those desires in striking, life-changing ways.

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    • Spacious Life : Trading Hustle And Hurry For The Goodness Of Limits


      We’re told that freedom and opportunity are our ticket to the good life.

      Get out there and follow your dreams! Be the hero of your own story! Find your happiness! Live your best life! It seems that limitless possibilities await anyone with vision and willingness to hustle their way through life. The thing is, instead of resulting in a sense of accomplishment, this limitlessness merely has us doing more and trying harder–leaving us depleted and dissatisfied. With life and faith. So Ashley Hales invites us to discover a better way: a more spacious life. Contrary to what we’ve believed, the good life we crave is not accomplished through unfettered options or even hustle and hurry. In fact, it can only be found in the confines of God’s loving limits. Ashley helps us recognize that when we live within these limits, we discover a life filled with purpose, joy, and rest. This is the spacious life–finding true freedom within the good limits given to us by our good God.

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    • Truth On Fire


      What would it look like to genuinely love God with our head AND our heart? To have a faith marked by right thinking AND right feeling? To know God deeply AND worship him passionately? Too often, Christians act as though these things are at odds with one another. But what if God intends for us to possess a Christianity that is radically committed to biblical truth, in a way that did not diminish the life of the heart, but actually intensified it?

      Adam Ramsey invites us to engage both our minds and our emotions in our walk with God as we gaze at him until our hearts sing. He sums it up like this:

      “My hope in these following pages is to paint a biblical portrait of what God is actually like, so that we can gaze upon him together until our hearts can’t help but sing. To behold him in such a way that our daily experience is transformed with a deepened awareness of who it is we pray to, who it is that is with us, and who it is that we are loved by. To let God’s truth set our hearts on fire.”

      If you yearn for God but desire a clearer biblical picture of this God whom you love, or if you have been walking with God for a while now, but your experience of him has become settled or dry, then this book is for you.

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    • Como Llegue Hasta Aqui – (Spanish)


      La exitosa autora, oradora y activista Christine Caine ayuda a los lectores que se sienten cansados ??y no pueden identificar como terminaron donde estan, y que deben hacer para corregir el rumbo y anclarse en el unico que no cambia con las corrientes.

      Todos en algun momento levantamos la vista de la rutina diaria y nos hemos dado cuenta de que de alguna manera nos desviamos del rumbo. Quizas hemos estado haciendo todas las cosas cristianas correctas y diciendo todas las palabras cristianas correctas, pero por dentro sabemos que algo esta un poco mal; como si nos hubieramos quedado sin energia, vision, pasion, y nos sintieramos incapaces de seguir adelante. La pregunta que estamos reflexionando no es solo, como llegue aqui?, sino tambien, que hago ahora?

      En este nuevo libro, Caine nos encuentra a todos en ese lugar de cansancio e incertidumbre, compartiendo su propio viaje de descubrimiento con vulnerabilidad, franqueza y humor autocritico. Ella expone lo que ha aprendido acerca de mantener el rumbo cuando te sientes libre, y nos guia a cada uno para aprender las preguntas que debemos hacer sobre nuestras relaciones con Dios, con los demas y con nuestro propio corazon para permanecer continuamente anclados a pesar de las corrientes cambiantes del mundo. Descubra como confiar mas profundamente en Dios pasando de un “y si?” tipo de fe a un tipo de fe “aunque”; identificar nueve seales de que nos estamos desviando del rumbo y aprender a reposicionarnos para volver al camino; y luchar honestamente con las preguntas dificiles de la vida para que podamos responder fielmente a todas las formas en que Dios responde, incluidas las ocasiones en las que uno siente como si no lo hiciera.

      Christine ofrece historias profundamente personales, conocimientos biblicos y una advertencia reveladora para comenzar a prestar mas atencion, ayudandonos a dejar de ir a la deriva y comenzar a prosperar mientras colocamos nuestra ancla en nuestro Dios inmutable y confiable.

      Bestselling author, speaker, and activist Christine Caine helps readers who are feeling weary and cannot identify how they ended up where they are, and what they need to do to course-correct and anchor themselves in the only One who does not change or shift with the currents.

      At some point, we have all looked up from the daily grind and realized we had somehow drifted off course. Maybe we’ve been doing all the right Christian things and saying all the right Christian words, but inside we know somet

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    • Empowered By Praise 20th Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)


      What if your understanding of praise in the life of a believer is completely wrong?

      This book will help you recognize that praising God does more than honor the Lord; it puts you in a position to enjoy His nearness and to experience His touch in your life.

      Empowered by Praise will guide you into a richer understanding of admiration for God. In learning to praise God in an abounding variety of forms, you will begin to experience God’s powerful presence in your life. And expressing glory to God will motivate and guide you in your daily decisions and relationships. Scripture assures us that God is present with us in a very real way when we praise Him. Along with His nearness comes a new level of His power operating in our lives.

      When praise is practiced according to the biblical model:

      *It releases us from earthly concerns
      *It transports us into God’s presence
      *It opens the door to God’s power

      Throughout this book, Dr. Michael Youssef will grow your wisdom in praising God and energize your daily practice of praise. He will teach you new ways to give praise that will result in personal growth and spiritual transformation.

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    • Transforming Loneliness


      SKU (ISBN): 9780801094279ISBN10: 0801094275Ruth Graham | Cindy LambertBinding: Cloth TextPublished: September 2021Publisher: Baker Publishing Group

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    • You On Purpose


      What should I do with my life? Whether you’re just starting out on your journey or you’ve found yourself at a crossroads and feel the need to change direction, each of us wants to know what our purpose is on this earth. We want our work and our lives to have meaning and impact far beyond our immediate context. But how do you know what you were meant to do? And once you know . . . then what?

      Based solidly in the most up-to-date Barna research, You on Purpose offers you a clear and simple 4-step process for discovering and carrying out your calling with confidence:

      *Define: set your intention for what you want to achieve
      *Discover: dig deep into who and where you are
      *Decide: narrow your choices and zero in on your calling
      *Do: start acting on your calling, one step at a time

      Each chapter dismantles a common myth about calling, replacing it with truth born from solid, current research. If you long to discover your unique place in the world, this book will help you catch that vision and make a plan to pursue it.

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    • 6 Secrets To Living A Fruitful Life


      How to Live Well and Finish Strong: Wisdom from a Modern Father in the Faith

      ” Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.” – Prov. 4:7

      In his final manuscript before graduating to Heaven, world-renowned apostolic leader and spiritual father, C. Peter Wagner offers an intimate impartation of profound insight gained from decades of practice and personal experience.

      This book, completed by his wife, Doris, after his passing, is a gem of wisdom, leadership, and spiritual discernment for generations to come.

      Dr. Wagner offers welcome guidance on:
      *The priority of God’s Presence
      *Keeping the right perspective
      *Guarding your tongue
      *Understanding your gifts, calling, and destiny
      *Achieving true success
      *…and more!

      Learn to live well and finish strong! These practical, biblical strategies, articulated in gentleness and grace, will lead you into greater fullness of your destiny!

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    • Crazy Faith : It’s Only Crazy Until It Happens


      From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Relationship Goals . . . Will you be remembered as a person who claimed to follow God but liked to play it safe? Or as a person who lived your life out on the limb and trusted God enough to live in crazy faith?
      Noah looked crazy when he started building the ark . . . until it started raining. It was crazy for Moses to lead a nation of people into the desert away from Egypt . . . until the Red Sea parted. It was crazy to believe that a fourteen-year-old virgin would give birth to the Son of God . . . until Mary held Jesus in her arms.

      There are many things that seem normal or average today that at one point in time seemed absolutely crazy. Smartphones, Wi-Fi, and even the electric light bulb were all groundbreaking, history-making inventions that started out as crazy ideas. Our see-it-to-believe-it generation tends to have a hard time exercising true faith–one that steps out, takes action, and sees mountain-moving results. Many of us would rather play it safe and stand on the sidelines, but it’s crazy faith that helps us see God move and reveals His promises.

      In Crazy Faith, Pastor Michael Todd shows us how to step out in faith and dive into the purposeful life of trusting God for the impossible. Even if you have to start with baby faith or maybe faith, you can become empowered to let go of your lazy faith, trust God through your hazy faith, and learn to live a lifestyle of crazy faith. With powerful stories of modern-day faith warriors who take their cues from biblical heroes, Michael Todd equips you to:

      – believe for the impossible
      – choose hope over fear
      – be alert to the voice of God
      – cope with loss and doubt
      – develop a deeper level of trust in God
      – speak faith-filled declarations
      – inspire crazy faith in others

      God’s not looking for somebody to give Him all the reasons why His plans can’t happen. He’s looking for somebody to believe they will happen. In fact, He has so much He wants to do through you. The question is, Are you crazy enough to believe it?

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    • Legendary Woman : Partnering With God To Become The Heroine Of Your Own Sto


      Every woman is a legend in the making.

      Legendary women aren’t just those in the history books or leading in business or politics. They are everyday women-the single mom, the prayer leader, the stay-at-home wife-who choose to say yes to God. That one simple act can create a legendary legacy that lives on from generation to generation and forever changes the course of humankind as we know it.

      In Legendary Woman, Bible teacher Michelle McClain-Walters gives flight to the legendary nature in each woman who dares to dream and risk everything to live out her divine purpose. Through the stories of women in Scripture and history, the book presents twelve characteristics of a legendary woman, and challenges you to identify your defining moments-when your destiny intersects with an epic need within your family, community, nation, or your world-and be willing to say yes to the legendary role God has uniquely fashioned for you. In addition, prayers and biblically based confessions, affirmations, and declarations throughout the book will fill you with the confidence you need to embrace who you are at every level.

      This is the finest hour in human history to be a woman. The Lord Most High is activating an army of women who will lead, preach, pray, prophesy, and prosper under the active guidance of the Holy Spirit. Every woman has a place in this army. Every woman is a legend in the making. Whether you had a dark past or are the unlikeliest of heroes, you will come to embrace your path as a real-life legend in the making, the very expression of God in feminine form.

      Using female world-changers of the Bible, this book will encourage you to forget your past, realize your potential, and say yes to the divine destiny God is revealing to you.

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    • Transformed Not Conformed


      Have you ever wondered what would happen if you set aside the pressures of the world and focused back on the time when you first became a believer?

      What might happen if we placed our value in Christ instead of our to-do lists, accomplishments, and social media image? Missy Eversole invites you to do just that in Transformed, Not Conformed: Embracing a Life-Changing Approach to Spiritual Habits.

      Filled with honest personal stories and relatable examples from Scripture, Transformed, Not Conformed offers:

      *a respite from society’s demands to be Pinterest perfect, using a fresh approach to spiritual habits;

      *ways to create habits of Bible reading, meditation, prayer, silence, solitude, and fasting that you can stick with;

      *benefits of connecting with God through journaling and worship.

      Drawing from the hills and valleys of her own transformation journey, Missy paves the way to ignite (or reignite) a love for Christ and a hunger for Him that is truly life changing.

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    • Discover Your True Self


      Seeing yourself as God sees you is essential to overcoming your deepest struggles, having healthy relationships, living in freedom, and fulfilling your life purpose. Yet most of us look at ourselves with warped mirrors, believing lies that lead to shame, guilt, fear, insecurity, and spiritual stagnation. The lies of our past keep us stuck, struggling with the same issues and habits for years. But according to the first three chapters of Ephesians, that’s not how God sees us at all.

      Pastor and author Chip Ingram wants to open your eyes to your true self, the “new you” that God sees, the person who is immeasurably valuable and beautiful. In this Scripture-soaked book, he shows you how getting God’s perspective
      – satisfies your search for significance
      – undoes your shame- makes you secure
      – frees you from comparing yourself with others
      – helps you discover your calling
      – and more

      Are you ready to see yourself as God sees you? Then let Chip Ingram show you how to silence the lies of your past and experience your true identity.

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    • Going : Spiritual Practices – Bible Studies


      It’s never been easier to teach the spiritual disciplines from the Bible in a highly visual way, featuring charts, illustrations, interactive questions, and more!

      Going: Spiritual Practices covers topics such as worship, service, Bible study, spiritual gifts, and spiritual disciplines, equipping Christians with the tools they need to go disciple others.

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    • Knowing : Basics Of The Faith – Bible Studies


      Get practical tools in a highly visual workbook format featuring charts, illustrations, and more to make the basics of discipleship easier than ever!

      Knowing: Basics of the Faith focuses on the foundations of faith, answering questions like, “Who is Jesus?” “How do I know I’m saved?” and “Why should I join a church?”

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    • Set Apart : Stop Comparing, Own Your Giftedness, And Rest In Jesus


      What do you do when that voice in your head tells you you’re not enough? Not smart enough, not pretty enough, not capable enough, not present enough. Where do you turn when the world’s promise that you can have it all becomes a crushing expectation that you must do it all, at all times, and keep a smile fixed on your face while you wither inside?

      Unpacking the biblical story of Mary and Martha as she shares her own story of recognizing her unique giftedness, Denisse Copeland shares the liberating truth that you have a right to be you. Just you, at the feet of Jesus. She shows you how to embrace your identity as a woman set apart, not to do it all but to be exactly who God created you to be. No apologies. No guilt. No compromise.

      If you’re tired of comparing your life to others as you strive to be all things to all people, Set Apart is your invitation to lay your burdens down and abide in Jesus–faithful, free, and fulfilled.

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    • Way Of The Dragon Or The Way Of The Lamb


      Pastor Jamin Goggin and theology professor Kyle Strobel invite readers on a journey to uncover Jesus’ seemingly contradictory way to power: weakness.

      Why do so many rock-star pastors implode under the spotlight? Why do modern-day churches become so entangled in growing their brand that they lose sight of their true purpose? Because, according to Jamin Goggin and Kyle Strobel, Christians have succumbed to the temptations of power and forgotten Jesus’ seemingly contradictory path to power-first giving it up.

      In The Way of the Dragon or the Way of the Lamb, Goggin and Strobel paint a richly biblical vision of power through weakness. They invite readers to join them on an adventure around the world, seeking out great sages of the faith with uncommon wisdom to offer those traveling the path of Christian life. As readers eavesdrop on the authors’ conversations with people such as J. I. Packer, Dallas Willard, Marva Dawn, John Perkins, Jean Vanier, James Houston, and Eugene Peterson, they begin to piece together the new-old reality of following Jesus today. In the end, The Way of the Dragon or the Way of the Lamb offers a compelling vision of the way of Jesus that will challenge both individual believers and the church as a whole.

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    • King Rules : Ten Truths For You, Your Family, And Our Nation To Prosper


      In King Rules, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. shares that message in a deeply personal collection of hard-learned lessons, timeless truths, and foundational principles.

      Dr. Alveda King’s words are lovingly crafted yet refreshingly blunt at a time when bluntness is needed to counter the forces of moral drift and empty relativism.

      Beginning with a vulnerable admission of her own wounds and wanderings, Alveda unfolds eleven core values that have guided her family through generations of triumph and tragedy–and have played a pivotal role in fostering revolutionary change in society.

      Out of a heart of compassion, she dispenses wise meditations on bedrock subjects including faith and family, peace and justice, education and civic life. With thoughtful conviction she also boldly tackles topics considered divisive in our postmodern world, from abortion and sexuality to gun control and marriage laws.

      The King Rules is a page-turning narrative that blends eyewitness history with grandmotherly wisdom. And as J. C. Watts writes in the Foreword, the book is “more than Alveda’s story, it’s an account of the beliefs that redirected the course of a nation, that left us a legacy, and that hopefully will guide us again.”

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