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Showing 101–150 of 168 results

  • Wounds That Heal


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830832255ISBN10: 0830832254Stephen SeamandsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2003Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Restoring Sexual Identity


    1. Three Stories
    2. Where Does Same-Sex Attraction Come From?
    3. Classic Development Of Lesbian Attraction
    4. Healthy Female Gender Development
    5. Establishing A Support System
    6. Healing From Abuse
    7. Overcoming Temptation
    8. Healthy Female Friendships
    9. Men: Friendships, Singleness, And Marriage
    10. Parenthood And The Ex-Gay Woman
    267 Pages

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    Harvest House Print On Demand Title

    Can a lesbian change? Yes says author Anne Paulk, who left her lesbian lifestyle twenty years ago as she responded to Christ’s invitation to an abundant life.

    “Very early, I felt the tug of sexual attraction toward some members of my gender. I remember being both confused and excited by these feelings. After many years of having been attracted to other women, I embraced a lesbian identity and lifestyle. Later, after an encounter with God, I began my journey out of homosexuality. . .”

    Restoring Sexual Identity offers answers to the difficult and often wrenching questions asked by both women desiring change and by friends and relatives of women struggling with same sex attraction.
    * Is lesbianism a genetic predisposition or is it developed during childhood?
    * Does becoming a Christian immediately eliminate all desire for members of the same sex?
    * Can a woman be a lesbian and a Christian at the same time?
    * How does childhood sexual abuse relate to the development of lesbianism?
    * What support is available for women who struggle with lesbianism?

    For every woman sexually attracted to other women, here’s another choice.

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  • Battle For The Soul


    “This book is extremely helpful in ministering to others. It will give you the information to get past the game playing, guessing, and excuses and get right to the bottom-line issues in a person’s life. Clear and simple. Best of all, the focus is total reliance on the Person of Jesus Christ and His being in every way, shape, and form, all in all, to each individual believer.” –Mrs. Janie Glover, Christian Worker, Nampa, ID “I am amazed at the deep level of inspiration and revelation in Battle for the Soul. God is using GSM to reveal truths and depth that He has entrusted with few others on the face of the earth. The completed book will be a must-have for any minister seeking to break enemy strongholds in others’ lives, and I highly recommend it to any Christian who is ready to stand up and fight the good fight, move to another level with God, and get serious about letting Christ control his or her life. I asked one co-worker what he thought of a certain passage, and this was his response: ‘Again, another bottom line–sounds like Watchman Nee or possibly Francis Schaffer.’ He had no idea where the passage originated.” –Crystal Garvin, Editor, Patrick AFB, FL “Chapter 5 quite frankly about blew my mind–about Adam needing to be transfigured. WHOA. Totally new concept here.” –Trent Glover, Data Warehouse Manager, Nampa, ID

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  • Healing Violent Men


    Domestic violence is a widespread, though largely invisible, problem, often exacerbated by the pastoral urge to “keep the family together” at all costs. Yet if that is not a solution, how should the church relate to batterers?

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  • Dying And Grieving


    SKU (ISBN): 9780281055265ISBN10: 0281055262Alan BillingsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2002Publisher: SPCK Print On Demand Product

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  • Faith Under Fire


    Daniel Simundson shows how the Bible can speak to the universal human experience of suffering. He examines various biblical responses to suffering and explains what the New Testament can add to the thought of such classic works as the books of Job, Ecclesiastes, and the prophets.

    This book, written for the general reader, is full of wisdom also for caregivers, including clergy, counselors, and laypersons.

    1.The Basic Biblical View of Suffering
    2.The Power of Negative Thinking
    3.Suffering for Others
    4.God, Job, and the Counselors
    5.Is There Any Hope?
    6.What Is New in the New Testament?
    7.Comfort and Hope

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  • Many Faces Of Evil Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Evil and suffering are a part of everyone’s experience. Kenneth Cauthen breaks new ground in exploring the torments and terrors of this life. Some of his positions may be considered daring and controversial. But his approach, while creative, is rooted in a deeply biblical faith as he interprets the meaning of suffering and the relationship of God to human anguish.

    This book will be a useful resource for counselors, pastors, teachers and others who are called upon to help people cope with tragedy. It will be helpful to individuals who are attempting to understand the torment or suffering in their own lives.

    The author addresses many difficult questions and illustrates his answers with fascinating real-life examples:
    * How is evil related to suffering?
    * What is God’s responsibility in causing and overcoming evil?
    * How does faith provide a basis for hope in the midst of suffering?
    * Why is evil a part of our world?

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  • Letting Go Of Worry And Anxiety


    Attention, chronic worriers: it is possible to reduce the intensity, frequency, and duration of painful episodes of anxiety without medication. Licensed counselor Pam Vredvelt draws from twenty years of clinical experience, scientific research, and scriptural insight to offer the reader tools for living a more peaceful and tranquil life. While worrying is for many a deeply embedded habit, because it was learned, it can be “unlearned,” and with compassion and sound advice, Pam shows how.

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  • Letting Go Of Disappointments And Painful Losses


    Professional counselor Pam Vredevelt constantly hears the question “How do I let go of the pain I feel?” Whether it’s a soured friendship or dissatisfying job, a wayward child, or unrealistic expectations, every person has to deal with lingering disappointment and its clouding effect on attitude and relationships. God does not intend that pain to cripple, distort, and consume his children. Getting “unstuck” is possible, Pam writes, through the use of a few simple and practical tools that lead to peace of mind and tranquility of heart. We’ve all heard the expression, “Let go and let God.” With compassion and warmth, Pam Vredevelt show how.

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  • Psychology In Christian Perspective (Reprinted)


    This book follows the standard progression of introductory psychology textbooks and adds a Christian perspective that contributes needed diversity to the study of the mind and behavior. Topics range from ESP to moral development.

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  • Strategies For Brief Pastoral Counseling


    In this extraordinarily helpful resource, eleven leaders in pastoral counseling offer a convincing rationale for and careful and smart instruction in brief pastoral counseling. Based on research, case studies, and the latest thinking they lay out: the dynamics of the pastor-parishoner relationship, including the need for collaborative, hospitable, future-oriented, and wholistic counseling specific strategies, including brief counseling’s solution-focused method, its relation to spiritual direction, its focus on people’s strengths, and time limits the major literature in the field of pastoral counseling in the past fifty years, offering ways in which it can speak more directly to the concerns of parish pastors as they offer counsel to those they serve

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  • Resurrecting The Person


    In Resurrecting The Person, John Swinton argues that while mental illnesses are often biological and genetic in orgin, the real handicap experienced by individuals is imposed by the types of reactions, values, and attitudes which are typical of contemporary western society. In other words, how a mental illness is experienced has much to do with how it is socially constructed.

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  • Growth Into Manhood


    What happens when a boy grows physically into an adult male but misses some of the experiences and relationships that help form complete manhood? Many such boys will grow up with homosexual attractions; others may be heterosexual but will lack a true sense of their manhood. Alan Medinger writes for such men and for those who care about them.
    Within the context of his own release from homosexuality and his growth into “confident and comfortable” manhood, Medinger offers hope to others. For homosexually oriented men, such growth is an essential but often overlooked step in the process of healing. This ground-breaking study could well change many lives.

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  • Faithful Living Faithful Dying


    What do faithful living and faithful dying mean as we near life’s end? With all the technology and choices available to us today, making decisions about the end of life grows ever more difficult. As a result of all the theological and ethnical issues that have arisen around the dying process in recent years, the 72nd General Convention of the Episcopal Church created a task force to study and responds to the broad range of theological, ethical, pastoral and policy issues that are generated by the need to provide loving and fitting care at the end of life.

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  • To Understand Each Other


    “Most couples enter into conjugal life with a high ideal for marriage,” states Paul Tournier. “How many of them can say, a dozen years later, that their home has become what they expected of it? All too few!”

    This is the problem Dr. Tournier considers in To Understand Each Other. His concern is for marriages that have become the quiet failures.
    “When we talk of marriage counseling we think immediately of the extreme cases, of threats to seek divorce, of couples in violent disputes who frequently come to blows,” he says. But there are many other couples whose marriages are no less failure. “They live side by side, without hurting one another, but poles apart, because of no real understanding of one another.”

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  • Caring For Gods People


    Alive to changes in both church and society, Culbertson has built his text around the ideal of Christian wholeness and maturity, a healthy interconnectedness of self-within-community. Failure to achieve this state is seen key to the troubled self and rational difficulties.

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  • Pastoral Visitation


    This book integrates the theory and practice of pastoral visitation to increase the effectiveness of pastors and trained laity for an intentional, proactive program of pastoral visitation in the local church. In order to increase pastoral visitor’s positive experiences of effectiveness, the author presents basic “how to” information in a straightforward manner characterized by vivid illustrations and case studies. The book provides a theological basis for pastoral visitation.

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  • Adoptees Come Of Age


    Drawn from the compelling stories of people who have been adopted, this book provides an intelligent and accessible description of the distinct and spiritual challenges faced by adoptees and their families.

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  • Beyond Silence And Denial


    In the past two decades, most of the literature on death and dying has been written from the perspective of psychology or New Age spirituality. This comparative silence on the part of Christian writers has meant that a renewed awareness of the “naturalness” of death has not brought with it a deepened appreciation of the place of death in biblical faith. Bregman re-connects these strands of thought by bringing a biblically informed mode of spiritual refection into conversation with the current literature on grieving, loss, and suffering.

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  • Pastoral Counseling


    In this invaluable resource for pastors and seminars, James Dittes offers answers to some of a minister’s most basic counseling questions: How do I guide counseling conversations yet empower those who feel helpless? How do I negotiate relationships with people who I may counsel on one day and from whom I must seek housing allowance on the next? Can I be psychologically adept while remaining theologically faithful?

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  • Breaking Free : Understanding Sexual Addiction And The Healing Power


    The world is awash in sex. When this ever-present temptation mixes with human weaknesses and unmet needs, many get pulled into addiction to sexually sinful behavior. Is there any hope? Willingham speaks from his own experience and that of the many men he has counseled. His answer is, “Yes! There is hope.” True stories show how the principles in this book can be put into action. The essentials are spelled out in practical steps that can help people begin to break free. The author deals with such issues as: what all addicts have in common, the hunt of the malnourished heart, wrestling with shame and grace, and the healing effect of radical honesty.

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  • Dying For A Drink


    This book recounts the powerful story of how a pastor successfully recovered from the disease of alcoholism. Alexander DeJohn talks openly about his long onetime struggle with alcoholism-his descent into heavy drinking, his shame and his fears of discovery, and his growing understanding of the disease through his family’s support group therapy, and the care of a Christian physician. More than just a moving story, this book also offers hope as it helps readers understand the social, medical, and psychological elements of this widespread disease.

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  • Pastoral Care Of Gays Lesbians And Their Families


    Advisory: Some of the views put forth in this book challenge the traditionally accepted teachings on the issue of homosexuality and the Christian faith. Fills a gap in the Creative Pastoral Care and Counseling series, addresses the needs of both gays and lesbians and their families, and involves congregations in the pastoral ministry to gays, lesbians, and their families.

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  • Premarital Guidance


    Here’s the authoritative source for counseling couples who plan to wed. Taylor discusses the four aspects of premarital care; skills for couple care; counseling session components and topics; common couple tasks; the teaching of Scripture; and wedding preparation. He also helps you establish church policies for counseling and the wedding service itself.

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  • Counseling People With Cancer


    Few moments are as devastating as when one hears a diagnosis of cancer–and one out of three Americans will hear this diagnosis in his or her lifetime. This book offers practical insights for pastors and pastoral counselors working with cancer patients. COUNSELING AND PASTORAL THEOLOGY SERIES Each volume in this series focuses on practical ways to respond to a serious and difficult pastoral concern within clinical and congregational settings. Offering fresh insights from pastoral theology, each volume integrates the most up to date information in psychology and the human sciences. All the authors write out of firsthand counseling experiences as well as the most recent research on their topics. The result is an invaluable series for counselors and pastors who regularly face tough issues as they offer care to clients and congregants.

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  • Called Out With


    Heterosexuals tell their stories of the struggle for sexual justice in their congregations and their worlds. Inspiring stories of how twenty-seven Presbyterians decided to stand for the inclusion of sexual minorities in the church. Each person’s story is a testament to the struggle to live out personal faith in a public world.

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  • Woman Battering


    This is a comprehensive resource for pastoral care in response to the trauma of woman-battering. Theologically grounded and practically applied, Woman Battering is the perfect combination to equip pastors and pastoral counselors to minister with battered women and battering men.

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  • Grief Transition And Loss


    In Grief, Transition, and Loss, author Wayne Oates calls Christian caregivers to the task of attending to people facing moments of emergency and crisis. Throughout the book Oates draws on his own experiences of loss, and his extensive work with grieving people to build a theological and biblical understanding of the ways in which people encounter challenging times. The book covers a variety of losses–illness, death, separation and divorce, and even a range of work related issues–with sensitivity and grace, and equips caregivers with the tools needed to respond in helpful and lifegiving ways.

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  • Counseling African American Marriages And Families


    Counseling African American Marriages and Families Each volume in this series focuses on practical ways to respond to a serious and difficult pastoral concern within clinical and congregational settings. Offering fresh insights from pastoral theology, each volume integrates the most up to date information in psychology and the human sciences. All the authors write out of firsthand counseling experiences as well as the most recent research on their topics. The result is an invaluable series for counselors and pastors who regularly face tough issues as they offer care to clients and congregants. Others in the Series: 4256678, Counseling Depressed Women 425666X, Counseling People with Cancer 4256546, Counseling Troubled Youth

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  • Victims And Sinners


    More than one million Americans participate in nearly 50,000 Alcoholics Anonymous groups in America. Addiction recovery groups such as A.A. often rely on religious themes in their work, offering a form of spirituality as a way to deal with life’s problems. Many recovery groups borrow selectively from theology because the full Christian doctrine of sin can be alienating for those in recovery. Linda Mercadante offers a theological critique of addiction recovery programs and proposes an alternate view of addiction that avoids both excessive blame and excessive victimization. This book is for pastoral counselors, clergy, laypersons, and recovery group members wanting to reassess addiction recovery from a theological perspective. It offers a wake-up call to the church to take seriously the need to establish recovery groups and to construct a language for better dialogue.

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  • Handbook For Counseling Youth


    50 Chapters

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    A Comprehensive, Up-to-Date Resource for the 50 Major Issues Facing Today’s Youth

    In the work of a lifetime, Josh McDowell and his collaborator Bob Hostetler have developed this easy-to-use handbook to help parents, teachers, pastors and youth workers guide today’s young people through the minefields on the path to adulthood. Drawn from over 6,000 pages of research, this book will equip you to help youth cope with the major issues they face, from simple challenges of growing up to the major traumas of extreme crisis.

    The book is designed for easy use. Each issue is organized to lead you through the helping process in five easy steps for effective analysis and results:

    1. identify the problem, 2. discover its causes, 3. determine its effects, 4. view it from a biblical perspective, and 5. prescribe the right response.

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  • Through The Eyes Of Women


    This insightful sourcebook covers a range of pastoral care topics including the role of women in pastoral theology and pastoral care, care of African American women and women entering ministry, as well as issues from a range of women’s experiences such as anger, aggression, loss of mothers, eating disorders, hysterectomy, mastectomy, rape, and older women’s issues. Transformative essays on women’s spiritual care, community, self-sacrifice, and self-denial conclude this collaborative work.

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  • Counseling Adolescent Girls


    Detailed sociological, psychological, and spiritual data about the conflicts and heartaches common among today’s teenagers, including depression, eating disorders, premarital sex, and date rape, with sound advice on how concerned caregivers should respond. Especially helpful to parents, youth leaders, and pastors.

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  • Cross Cultural Counseling


    Both informative and reflective, Gary Simpson’s book traces the genesis of critical social theory in Germany’s Frankfurt School of Social Research. But he also explains the reconception of critical theory in the work of Jurgen Haberma, especially in ideas about interpretation, praxis, communicative action, and civil society. Finally, Simpson shows how Christian theology and Christian congregations can employ critical theory to retrieve their prophetic vocation in the life of our society.

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  • God Images In The Healing Process


    What does it mean when a seriously ill person has a vision or other vivid experience of God? How should a caregiver respond? Armistead sensitively explores these questions, offering practical psychological and theological guidance for pastors and counselors. Discover how to empathize with care-seekers, interpret their religious language, and more.

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  • Gift Of Anger


    All people experience anger at some point in their lives, although the way in which anger is experienced and expressed is often shaped by social context and religious background. Carroll Saussy offers this book to assist people in learning how to evaluate, understand, and effectively express authentic anger. She explores the psychology, the ethical considerations, and some practical ways of dealing with anger and proposes a theology of anger that is instrumental in addressing injustice. She also identifies ways that anger can be harmful and ways it can provide an impetus for constructive action. A helpful three-step technique for evaluating and expressing anger is presented and illustrated

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  • Theology And Pastoral Counseling A Print On Demand Title


    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable.

    This volume lays out an important new interdisciplinary approach to the relationship between theology and psychology in the work of pastoral counseling. Hunsinger sets forth a method for relating theology and psychology from a Barthian theological perspective. Her work shows that Barth’s theology provides a wealth of material for pastoral counselors who wish to bring a consistent theological perspective to the interpretive task.

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  • Surviving The Death Of A Child


    Surviving the Death of a Child is about enduring and surviving the most painful of all loses: the death of one’s child. This is the story of a journey from grief to healing. But more, it is a story of faith and love told so that others may find comfort and understanding when faced with this most devasting loss.

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  • Healers Harmed And Harmful


    “At a time when clergy misconduct is broadly reported, Conrad Weiser offers a straightforward, theoretically orthodox, and practical way of both understanding and addressing the issues. Leadership, laity, and clergy would be served well by reading and reflecting on Weiser’s wisdom.”

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  • Counseling Men


    Counseling Men opens the way for men to discuss and discover their fears and losses in conversation with clergy, pastoral counselors, and lay caregivers.

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  • Out Of The Cults And Into The Church


    10 Chapters
    222 Pages

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    There are plenty of books that tell you what a particular cult believes. “Out Of The Cults And Into The Church” shows you the turmoil and adjustments that former cult members experience as they grow in Christian faith and come to terms with bilical truth. Drawing upon the composite experiences of former cult members from Mormonism, the Unification Church, Hare Krishnas, and her own experience, Janis Hutchinson provides a one-of-a-kind counseling tool for pastors, counselors, and friends seeking to understand and help both former cult members and active cult members who are “investigating” evangelical Christianity. “Out Of The Cults And Into The Church” answers the difficult questions faced by all who have left cults and those who counsel them.

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  • Using Scripture In Pastoral Counseling


    Drawing on narrative biblical criticism and the psychology of narrative, the book suggests a model for pastoral counseling using Scripture to explore and release human possiblities. Detailed case studies are presented to depict the way the Bible can be used with counselees. Particular attention is given to pastoral counseling with individuals, marital couples, and families who bring to pastoral counseling a history of employing Scripture to bring order and meaning to their lives. Often, however, the biblical story seems to be secondary in their lives, and a more dominant and unhealthy story is primary. The method of using Scripture suggested in this book illuminates how the Bible story challenges and transforms unhealthy dominant stories that people bring to counseling.

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  • Laymans Guide To Counseling


    The increasing need for counseling has caused today’s Christian leaders to become more sensitive to raise up lay-counselors to share this burden with them. Jesus’ command is to “set the captives free”. The Layman’s guide to Counseling shows you how.

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  • Pastoral Care And The Means Of Grace


    In Underwood’s resulting spirituality, the soul of pastoral care is prayer. The substance is Scripture, studied in both liturgical and personal settings. The evangelical principle is reconciliation. Baptism lays the foundation for pastoral care by providing the paradigm for all transformations. Eucharist constitutes the eschatological horizon for pastoral care as ministry in the human encounter of God’s presence. This book stands at the forefront of a broad movement among scholars and clergy in nonliturgical traditions that aim at retrieving explicitly religious resources, the means of grace. The result is a rare, truly ecumenical contribution to pastoral care, which deepens practice by providing a vision and a spirituality.

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  • Care Of Persons Care Of Worlds


    268 Pages

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    “From the Publisher:” CARE OF PERSONS, CARE OF WORLDS by Larry Kent Graham Constructs social and systemic foundations for pastoral care.

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  • Skilled Pastor : Counseling As The Practice Of Theology



    Introduction: Becoming A Skilled Pastor




    4.Theological Assessment
    6.Resources For Change

    Conclusion: The Metanoia Model


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    A splendid volume detailing the specific skills necessary for sound pastoral guidance in various situations. The author integrates theological reflection with practice, while incorporating religious resources with counseling technique.

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  • From Bondage To Bonding


    1. Codependency: A Self-Focused Way Of Life
    2. Self-Forfeiture: Resigned To Helplessness
    3. Self-Contempt: Inclined To Feet Worthless
    4. Self-Aggrandizement: Desperate To Control
    5. Self-Sufficiency: Determined To Stay Safe
    6. Self-Deception: Committed To Denial
    7. Fervent Longings
    8. Painful Losses
    9. Self-Protective Pretense
    10. Autonomous Independence
    11. The Healing Of Grief
    12. The Wonder Of Grace
    13. The Freedom Of Surrender
    14. Reciprocal Grace: Free To Love And Forgive
    15. Courageous Vulnerability: Free To Abandon Denial
    206 Pages
    16. Mutual Freedom: Free To Relinquish Control
    17. Spiritual Vitality: Free To Trust And Obey
    18. Sacrificial Love: Free To Risk And Suffer

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    Codependency is a hot topic these days; dozens of new books about it appear each month. Trouble is, many of them deal only with escaping damaging codependent relationships—not with healing and rebuilding them. Groom (author of Married Without Masks) takes a more biblical approach. In uncomplicated language, she helps you see how codependency is actually bondage to sin and how the Gospel can restore you to healthy biblical bonding with God and others.

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  • Prayer In Pastoral Counseling


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664251284ISBN10: 0664251285Edward WimberlyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 1990Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Pastoral Care For Survivors Of Family Abuse


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664250256ISBN10: 0664250254James LeehanBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1989Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Taking On The Gods


    “Taking on the gods is a significant responsibility of pastoral counseling. Confronting those psychic structures, forces, and images which masquerade as God; bringing love, faith, and hope into the lives of persons; and being an extension ministry of Jesus Christ walking in the hells of human existence are all ways of expressing the true evangelistic purposes of pastoral counseling. The thought of taking on the gods in one’s clients and in oneself may seem like arrogance or a humbling and awesome challenge. Nevertheless, taking on the gods is at the heart and soul of pastoral counseling.” –from the author’s Introduction

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