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Christology (Theology of Jesus Christ the Son)

Showing 251–300 of 349 results

  • Jesus Final Week (Student/Study Guide)


    1. Sunday: Triumphal Entry
    2. Monday: Clearing The Temple
    3. Tuesday: Teaching At The Mount Of Olives
    4. Thursday: The Last Supper
    5. Thursday: Betrayal And Arrest
    6. Friday: Trial
    7. Friday: Crucifixion
    8. Sunday: Resurrection

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    The events of Jesus’ final week of like—Palm Sunday, the Last Supper, the trial, Jesus’ death and his resurrection—are foundational to our Christian lives and to our salvation. Focusing on these events day by day brings new understanding to who Jesus is and how he loves us.

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  • Just Like Jesus (Large Type)


    Where did we get this idea that we can’t change? From whence come statements such as, “It’s just my nature to worry.” “I’ll always be pessimistic. I’m just that way.” “I can’t help the way I react. I have a bad temper.” Such thoughts are not from God. He can no more leave a life unchanged than a mother can leave a tear untouched. His plan for you is nothing short of a new heart. If you were a car, God would want control of your engine. If you were a computer, God would claim the software and the hard drive. If you were an airplane, He’d take His seat in the cockpit. But you are a person, so God wants to change your heart. Max Lucado tells how God loves you just the way you are, but He refuses to leave you there. He wants you to have a heart like His. He wants you to be Just Like Jesus.

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  • Jesus Resurrection Fact Or Figment


    The resurrection was the most significant event in history—or was it? Was the tomb really empty, or was it simply a collective guilt-induced vision? Join in the lively, provocative debate between a Christian philosopher/apologist and a New Testament scholar/atheist. Includes transcripts of the original Boston College debate, plus responses from four additional scholars.

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  • Why I Believe (Revised)


    In this powerful declaration of what Christians believe and why, Kennedy explores the foundations of the Christian faith. For new believers and seasoned Christians alike, this book will strengthen their faith by answering that all consuming question, “Why?”

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  • Charts Of The Gospels And The Life Of Christ


    Jesus Christ was both the unique Son of God — the Messiah foretold in Scripture — and a man of his time and culture. Charts of the Gospels and the Life of Christ helps you to know him better by clearly organizing the facts that surrounded his life. Whether you’re a student, pastor, teacher, or simply someone who wants to take your study of the Bible deeper, this book helps you to see Jesus from a variety of perspectives. Divided into four sections, it gives you: Overview and Distribution Charts — including Periods and Period Divisions in Christ’s life. A Harmonistic Overview of the Four Gospels, Sections Found in All Four Gospels, and more. Background Charts — Old Testament Citations in the Gospels, Sects of Judaism in Christ’s Time, The Reigns of the Herods, Roman Rulers of the Land Where Christ Lived, and more. Chronological Charts — Periods of the Life of Christ, The Major Periods of Christ’s Ministry, Christ’s Parables in the Presence/Absence of His Enemies, and more. Thematic Charts — Seven Lessons of Jesus on Discipleship, The Kingdom in the Teachings of Jesus and the Gospels, Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross, and more.

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  • When Jesus Became God


    A thoroughly researched and vivid re-creation of one of the most critical periods in the history of Western religion

    The life of Jesus, and the subsequent persecution of Christians during the Roman Empire, have come to define what many of us know about early Christianity. The fervent debate, civil strife, and bloody riots within the Christian community as it was forming, however, is a story that is rarely told. Richard E. Rubenstein takes readers to the streets of the Roman Empire during the fourth century, where a divisive argument over the divinity of Jesus Christ was underway. Ruled by a Christian emperor, followers of Jesus no longer feared for the survival of their monotheistic faith, but they found themselves in different camps-led by two charismatic men-on the topic of Christian theology. Arius, an Alexandrian priest and poet, preached that Jesus, though holy, is less than God, while Athanasius, a brilliant and violent bishop, saw any diminution of Jesus’ godhead as the work of the devil. Between them stood Alexander, the powerful Bishop of Alexandria, in search of a solution that would keep the empire united and the Christian faith alive.

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  • Easy Chairs Hard Words


    1. Can Salvation Be Lost?
    2. Can Christ Lose A Christian?
    Texts On The Preservation Of The Saints
    3. Ideas Have Consequences
    4. Carnal Reasoning
    5. Is God The Author Of Sin?
    6. Controlled Freedom
    Texts On Providence
    7. Potters And Pots
    8. Election
    9. Gifts And Wages
    10. Definite Atonement
    Texts On The Atonement
    11. Regeneration
    Texts On Regeneration
    12. Death In Sin
    Texts On The Condition Of Man
    13. All Men?
    14. Is Anything Too Hard For God?
    15. Two Kinds Of Freedom
    16. God In The Dock
    17. Study And Work
    18. Systematics
    19. Hard Mercies
    20. Conclusion

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    Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens. You will say to me then, “Why still find fault? For who has resisted His will?” But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Romans 9:18-20a

    Hard words, indeed. But they remain, for all our explanations, God’s words.

    Easy Chairs, Hard Words offers an honest look at many such difficult passages in Scripture. Presented as a series of fictional conversations between a curious young Christian and a seasoned pastor, these dialogues speak with clarity to those new to the Reformed faith. They begin with the question, “Can salvation be lost?” and from there wrestle with other hard-to-swallow doctrines, including the freedom of the will, election, and original sin.

    Hard words, and yet the understanding given these passages is thoughtful and gentle. For our God ,the God of hard words, is a merciful and loving Father, slow to wrath and quick to pardon, a triune God who graciously rescues men from death and brings them into everlasting life.

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  • Book Of Jesus


    Drawn from every era of history, this collection of stories, poems, essays, traditional hymns, and celebratory songs is an essential volume for all Christian libraries–and for readers of all religions interested in learning about Christ. “An impressive omnibus”.–“Baton Rouge State Times/Morning Advocate”. LG Alternate Print ads & publicity. .

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  • Jesus The Sage


    In the early Jesus movement, wisdom in the person of Jesus was believed to have returned to heaven, exalted to the right hand of God, and to reign from there. But Jesus as wisdom had left both his legacy and his influence behind. The sayings of Jesus recorded in the Gospels reflect not only the influence of the Israelite wisdom traditions, but also the tradition of the personification of wisdom.

    In this provocative volume newly available in paperback, Ben Witherington provides both an introduction to Israel’s wisdom traditions and insight into how Jesus and his sayings fit in that tradition. Beyond this, he demonstrates the on-going significance and influence of these traditions on other New Testament writings. He concludes that Jesus may be viewed primarily as a prophetic sage emphasizing instruction, insight, and humor in a vein counter to the dominant culture.

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  • Jesus Outside The New Testament


    Did Jesus actually exist? Much has been written recently on this subject, including numerous books examining the New Testament record of Jesus’ life. Now Robert Van Voorst presents and critiques the ancient evidence outside the New Testament, the Roman, Jewish, pre-New Testament, and post-New Testament writings that mention Jesus.

    This fascinating study of the early Christian and non-Christian record includes fresh translations of all the relevant texts. Van Voorst shows how and to what extent these ancient writings can be used to help reconstruct the historical Jesus.

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  • Examining The Claims Of Jesus (Student/Study Guide)


    How can we evaluate the claims of Jesus? Was he just a deluded prophet of the first century? A historical character out of step with his times? Or was he really who he claimed to be-the Son of God? What were his claims? What response do his claims demand? This studyguide is for anyone who has questions about Jesus Christ.

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  • Jesus Story : The Most Remarkable Life Of All Time


    The Jesus Story is a fresh presentation of the teachings and life of Jesus, in an open and inviting manner, Johnson and Baker bid us to come and see what Jesus has done and continues to do in our world. Daily readings are offered that paraphrase different episodes of Jesus’ life from the Bible.

    Accompanying the readings are comments to help in personal reflection and interpretation. The final section answers commonly asked questions about Jesus, faith, and Christianity and offers suggestions for those who wish to pursue further exploration.

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  • Discovering Jesus


    1. Preparation
    2. Conflict
    3. Recognition
    4. Tragedy
    5. Triumph
    6. His Body The Church

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    In straightforward language, Barclay takes us through the key events in the life of Jesus. Using maps, charts, tables, and lists, Barclay illumiates the historical background, making it clear, lively, and exciting for readers of all ages. He includes numerous inspirational anecdotes as well, allowing readers to see the story of Jesus not only as history but also as having immediate relevance to their lives today.

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  • Meeting Jesus : 13 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


    After you’ve met Jesus, you are never the same again. His teaching challenges your thinking. His compassion softens your heart. His love turns your life around. In this guide evangelist Leighton Ford will lead you through thirteen studies from the four Gospels that will open your eyes or for the first time to Jesus Christ.

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  • Historical Jesus Quest


    1. The Gospels As Fraud
    2. History And Myth
    3. Consistent Skepticism
    4. The Kingdom Of God
    5. Consistent Eschatology
    6. Rejection Of The Quest
    7. The Dialectical Theology
    8. Re-Opening The Quest

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    The possibility of finding reliable information about the life of the historical Jesus has fascinated the imagination of generations of scholars from as early as the seventeenth century. Opinion on the issue has moved in waves, coming and going along with moods of pessimism and optimism. Until now, no one has brought together a comparison of the points of view of the most influential writers about the historical Jesus.

    The Historical Jesus Quest brings together substantial extracts from the seminal works in Jesus studies over the last two centuries. The extracts are accompanied by brief introductions to each writer, helpful summaries of the central arguments of the works from which the extracts are taken, and incisive assessments of their continuing relevance to current debates. In one resource, this compendium provides the foundation upon which modern research is based and allows these great scholars_Spinoza, Troeltsch, D.F. Strauss, Wrede, Schweitzer, Kahler, Bultmann, Kasemann, and others_to speak in their own words. It is essential reading for all serious students of the Gospels and of the historical Jesus.

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  • Work Of Christ


    Introducing the insightful new book in InterVarsity’s Contours of Christian Theology series! In this latest volume, Letham broadens your understanding of Christ’s many roles as he discusses the Lord’s 3-fold office as prophet, priest, and king. Within this framework, he explores Christ and the Word of God, the nature and theories of the atonement, and more.

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  • Parables Of Jesus


    Good news for the needy. Bad news for the power brokers. Jesus came into the world announcing a new order where Satan is overthrown and broken relationships are restored. Jesus’ most vivid portraits of this new kingdom are found in the parables. David Wenham explores the splendor and subtleties of Jesus’ world-changing message, offering a nontechnical but comprehensive look at dozens of Jesus’ stories. Bringing them to life by explaining their first-century religious and social setting, Wenham never fails to illumine their significance for today.

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  • Humanity And Divinity Of Christ


    SKU (ISBN): 9780521094146ISBN10: 0521094143John KnoxBinding: Trade PaperPublisher: Cambridge University Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Introducing Jesus : 6 Sample Bible Studies With Leader Notes (Student/Study Guid


    IVP Print On Demand Title
    One of the most effective and proven ways to introduce people to Jesus is simply to help them read the Bible. In this handbook is all you need to start a Bible study group for people who want to know more about Christ. How to invite people, do’s and dont’s for discussion. Also included are six Bible studies you can actually use in a group with notes for the leader.

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  • Jesus : Lord And Savior


    Bruce re-examines the Biblical evidence for who Jesus was, what his ministry was like and how he related to his disciples and other Jews. He also considers in detail Jesus’ last meals, his arrest and trial, and his resurrection. Throughout the book Jesus: Lord & Savior, Bruce looks at the implications for us in recognizing Jesus as the Son of God, the incarnate Word, our Lord and Savior. We find him to be our eternal contemporary, as available to us as he was to his disciples two thousand years ago. F. F. Bruce, former Rylands Professor of Biblical Criticism and Exegesis at the University of Manchester in England, is the author of numerous books and biblical commentaries, including THE HARD SAYINGS OF JESUS and PAUL AND HIS CONVERTS. Quotes are generally from the RSV, but also the author’s own translation. Contains chapter notes and index of biblical references.

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  • Hard Sayings Of Jesus



    257 Pages/70 Chapters

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    Like his original hearers many people today find Jesus’ sayings hard. Some sayings are hard because they are difficult to understand, others because the demands they make on us are only too clear.

    F. F. Bruce examines seventy of the hard sayings of Jesus to clear away the cultural and historical difficulties which keep us from grappling with the real challenge of Jesus’ message. Evident in each chapter is Bruce’s keen evangelical scholarship and pastoral insight.

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  • Atonement : Its Meaning And Significance


    Why is the cross the crux of Christianity? What are the meaning and significance of the atonement? The Bible uses a host of terms to illuminate the answers to these questions: covenant, sacrifice, the Day of Atonement, Passover, redemption, reconciliation, propitiation, justification. In plain English Leon Morris explains each of these words, thus opening up for students, pastors and teachers the fuller biblical dimension of God’s great salvation.

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  • Crucified Guru : Experiment In Cross Cultural Christology


    SKU (ISBN): 9780687100088ISBN10: 0687100089M. Thomas ThangarajBinding: Trade PaperPublisher: Abingdon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Crossing Galilee


    Recent books about Jesus and early Christianity can be divided into two kinds: those that examine the life and work of the historical Jesus prior to his death and those that reconstruct events between Jesus’ death and the writings of the first Gospels. Sawicki’s provocative book challenges the result of both kinds of research by using both archaeology and anthropology to situate Jesus clearly in his Galilean cultural context.

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  • Dread Jesus


    SKU (ISBN): 9780281051014ISBN10: 0281051011William SpencerBinding: UnknownPublisher: Pilgrim Press/ United Church Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Living Jesus : Learning The Heart Of The Gospel


    Who is the real Jesus? How can we experience the mystery, compelxity, and richness of his spirituality and teachings in our lives today? In this gently instructive and inspiring guide, Luke Timothy Johnson leads us to a deeper understanding and practice of classic Christian spirituality and faith. Translating his biblical scholarship into simple, elegant language, he offers a compelling and wise reflection on the real Jesus–not the reconstructed historical figure but the resurrected Christ, a living savior we can encounter every day.

    Living Jesus elucidates the mystery of Jesus’ resurrection and its central role in the Christian experience. It explores the diversity and fullness of the New Testament views of Christ, revealing how each book’s perspective can deepen our understanding of Jesus. Profoundly insightful, Living Jesus offers valuable lessons on how we can accept the Gospels’ powerful invitation to an authenic Christian spirituality.

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  • Story Of My Life As Told By Jesus Christ


    The story of my life as told by Jesus Christ. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John combined into one complete gospel written in first person singular. Listen to Jesus, the Christ, tell you His own story. In chronological order watch the days, weeks, times, places and festivals pass by. For the firt time–in unbroken order, you are there, as your Lord tells you the story of His life.

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  • Jesus The Miracle Worker


    Was Jesus the Miracle Worker that generations have believed him to be? Or was he merely a master psychologist, a purveyor of paranormal therapy? And what should we make of his stilling the storm or feeding the five thousand? In this comprehensive textbook study, Graham Twelftree evaluates Jesus’ own understanding of the miracles he performed, the historical reliability of the stories, and the way the modern mind views Christ’s miracles. Fascinating!

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  • Portraits Of Jesus (Student/Study Guide)


    Take a close look at the Savior’s life using an inductive, learning-by-doing approach to studying the Gospel texts! Engaging “What do you think” questions, photographs, and maps will guide your journey as you uncover the literary patterns, theological issues, and interpretive quandaries that still prompt lively debate among New Testament scholars.

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  • Jesus Justice And The Reign Of God


    By building on his view of Jesus first developed in Parables as Subversive Speech, William Herzog argues that Jesus is intensely interested in the social, political, and economic well-being of humanity.

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  • Parables : The Greatest Stories Ever Told (Student/Study Guide)


    Everyone loves a good story. But the parables of Jesus are a special kind of story. They sneak up on us, catching us off guard. The familiar suddenly takes an unexpected twist, and we find our secret thoughts exposed in the healing light of Jesus. In this guide John White, author of the bestselling book The Fight, helps us explore twelve of the greatest stories ever told.

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  • Wisdoms Friends : Community And Christology In The Fourth Gospel


    Sharon Ringe sheds new light on a heretofore neglected aspect of the Fourth Gospel-friendship-and through it links the concepts of community and Wisdom Christology. According to Ringe, this connection between Johannine ecclesiology and Christology is critical for understanding the Fourth Gospel.

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  • Saving Jesus From Those Who Are Right


    In what she describes as “my most important work,” Carter Heyward here rethinks the figure and import of Jesus for church, clergy, and the academy. Rather than focus on the endlessly variable pictures of Jesus in contemporary biblical scholarship, and in radical opposition to the Jesus of the “Christian Right,” Heyward presents “Jesus as our brother, infused with a sacred power and passion for embodying right relation, and ourselves with him in this commitment.”

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  • Jesus Is My Uncle


    In this book, Luis Pedraja examines Christology and the doctrine of God from a Hispanic perspective, emphasizing the role played by language and experience. This volume provides a unique perspective and promotes a deeper understanding of Hispanic theology and, by inference, other theologies as well.

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  • Who Do You Say That I Am


    This volume suggests new and exciting ways of understanding the christology of every major witness in the New Testament canon. Essays address the significance of christology for systematic theology, ethics, pastoral ministry, and preaching.

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  • Who Is Jesus


    Jesus Seminar member John Dominic Crossan collaborates Richad G. Watts to reevaluate the life, the work, and the message of Jesus. The authors explain the person and teachings of Jesus. Their intention is to aid readers in fuller and more accurate understanding of the kind of man Jesus was, what kind of world he lived in, and the legacy of his teachings to humankind. Controversial for obvious reasons and capturing much press coverage, the Jesus Seminar and its members do not hold to traditional, orthodox beliefs concerning the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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  • In Quest Of Jesus (Revised)


    Within the context of the current debate over the historical Jesus, W. Barmes Tatum focuses on the issue of the relationship between the Christ of faith and the Jesus of history, between the creedal Son of God and Jesus the Jew whose life and message centered around the symbol of “God’s rule.” In contrast to those who belittle historical research into the life of Jesus and in contrast to those who reject the church’s creedal definition of Jesus as the Son of God, Tatum argues for continuity between the church’s traditional claim of Jesus as God’s Son and Jesus as a historical figure who reflected but transcended the social categories of sage, healer, and prophet. W. Barnes Tatum is Professor of Religion and Philosophy at Greensboro College in Greensboro, North Carolina. This is a revised and expanded edition of a book first published in 1982.

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  • Jesus The Storyteller


    Chapter 1. Why Winning The Lottery Won’t Make You Happy (Luke 12:13-21)
    Chapter 2. The Kind Of Religion That Makes God Sick (Luke 18:9-14)
    Chapter 3. The Bigness Of Smallness (Mark 4:30-32)
    Chapter 4. What The World Needs Now (Luke 10:25-37)
    Chapter 5. You Can Go Home Again (Luke 15:11-24)
    Chapter 6. Get A Life! (Matthew 7:24-27)
    Chapter 7. When You Can’t Be The Best, Be Your Best (Matthew 25:14-30)
    Chapter 8. You Can Have It All (Matthew 13:45-46)
    Chapter 9. Dirty, Rotten Hero (Luke 16:1-11)
    Chapter 10. It’s Party Time (Mark 2:18-20)
    Chapter 11. Remember Who’s In Charge (Luke 17:7-10)
    Chapter 12. Cleanliness Is Not Always Next To Godliness (Matthew 12:43-45)
    Chapter 13. The Outsider (Matthew 22:11-13)
    Chapter 14. God Is At Work (Mark 4:26-29)
    Chapter 15. Dealing With Change (Matthew 13:51-52)
    Chapter 16. Payday Everyday (Matthew 20:1-16)

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    Brian Harbour applies the stories of Jesus, which are eternally relevant, in fresh ways for Christians in the twentieth century who want to live by the truths Jesus presented in the first century. Through stories and commentary the author examines sixteen of Jesus’ stories and focuses on the central truths of the parables and their application to Christian living today. The author also provides preaching resources on some of the richest sections of the Gospels for those who have been called to instruct and inspire contemporary Christians

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  • New Vision For Israel A Print On Demand Title


    The most important development in historical Jesus studies is the recent attempt to understand the ministry of Jesus in “political” terms. This excellent study by Scot McKnight furthers this line of inquiry by showing how Jesus’ teachings are to be understood in relation to his role as a political figure. McKnight looks closely at Jesus’ teachings on God, the kingdom, and ethics, demonstrating in each case how Jesus’ mission to restore Israel brings his teachings into a bold new light.

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  • Looking For Jesus


    This stunningly fresh and original volume explores the person and work of Jesus as seen through the eyes of a wide variety of people who encountered him face-to-face during his lifetime. These encounters are rich in the range of characters they present to us – we meet the ones he beguiled, avoided, encouraged, argued with, healed, consoled, and frightened. Owens finds that Jesus’ interactions with other people reveal as much about him as his teachings. This remarkable book also explores how these encounters connect with our own hopes and longings about Jesus and what he will – or won’t – do in our lives.

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  • Scaling The Secular City A Defense Of Christianity (Reprinted)


    1. The Cosmological Argument
    2. The Design Argument
    3. God And The Argument From Mind
    4. God And The Meaning Of Life
    5. The Historicity Of The New Testament
    6. The Resurrection Of Jesus
    7. Science And Christianity
    8. Four Final Issues

    288 Pages

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    C. S. Lewis once wrote: “To be ignorant and simple now-not to be able to meet the enemies on their own ground-would be to throw down our weapons, and to betray our uneducated brethren who have, under God, no defense but us against the intellectual attacks of the heathen. Good philosophy must exist, if for no other reason, because bad philosophy needs to be answered.”

    SCALING THE SECULAR CITY is not just another apologetics book. This is a fresh, up-to-date defense of the Christian faith by a bright mind. J. P. Moreland musters new arguments, tackles new problems, and reveals penetrating insight as he gives reasons for the historic Christian faith. His rich background in philosophy, science, and theology is manifest in the helpful way he operates on the borders of these disciplines. His insights into the contemporary philosophical issues make him one of the ablest young apologists in America. This book not only will help the average Christian, but also will challenge the best scholars. It is another good example of the renaissance of classical apologetics in a day that refuses to either capitulate to the philosophical skeptics or give a reason for our hope.

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  • Christology


    A unique blend of biblical scholarship, the history of doctrine, and current theological inquiry. Schwarz makes a compelling case for a full understanding of the person and work of Christ in thoughtful give-and-take with reductionisms ancient and modern. As the fruit of decades of teaching the subject on two continents, this work will prove to be a durable contribution to the field.

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  • Death Christ Died (Revised)


    1. The Savior In Life And Death
    2. The Divine Purpose Of The Atonement
    3. The Biblical Extent Of The Atonement
    4. Problems With An Unlimited View Of The Atonement
    6. Problems With A Limited View Of The Atonement
    171 Pages

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    This book is a long overdue update of one of the best books written in our generation on the topic of the extent of Christ’s death.

    In this revised edition, the author has included three new appendixes that examine the issue of limited atonement and sharing the gospel, key biblical passages regarding the topic of “double predestination,” and recent presentations of the limited atonement view.

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  • Life Of Christ


    When busy people want to know more about the Bible and the Christian faith, the Zondervan Quick-Reference Library offers an instant information alternative. Covering the basics of the faith and Bible knowledge in an easy-to-use format, this series helps new Christians and seasoned believers find answers to their questions about Christianity and the Bible.

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  • Parables Of Jesus


    Written by noted biblical scholar J. Ellsworth Kalas, Parables of Jesus provides new insight to some of your most troubling or most beloved parables: The House on the Rock: Matthew 7:24-27, The Sower: Mark 4:1-20, The Father and His Two Sons: Luke 15:11-32, The Mustard Seed: Matthew 13:31-32, The Good Samaritan: Luke 10:25-37, The Widow and the Unjust Judge: Luke 18:1-8, The Wise and Foolish Bridesmaids: Matthew 25:1-13, The Pharisee and the Tax Collector: Luke 18:9-14, The Nobleman and the Pounds: Luke 19:11-26. Scripture references are based on the New Revised Standard Version. Each session is self-contained and includes study helps and questions for reflection that are all you need to lead a group or pursue the study on your own.

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  • Friend We Have In Jesus


    Understanding Jesus as friend reveals the compassion, care, communication, and commitment that are vital to any friendship-qualities that Christians can experience in a faithful relationship with Jesus. Schnackenburg presents engaging portraits of Jesus’s friendships with such biblical figures as John, Paul, Peter, Mary, Martha,and Lazarus.

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  • Missions Of Jesus And The Disciples According To The Fourth Gospel A Print


    This important work explores in depth the relationship between the mission of Jesus and of the disciples as presented in the Gospel of John, and explores the implications of these findings for the contemporary church. Based on a comprehensive semantic field of study that integrates biblical studies, theology, and missiology, this volume represents the first time such an approach has been used for the study of mission in John.

    Andreas Kostenberger begins by surveying the state of research on mission in the Fourth Gospel, then covers foundational linguistic, definitional, and literary matters. The following two chapters contain the actual study of the missions of Jesus and the disciples. In discussing the disciples’ mission, special attention is given to the question of how later generations of disciples should be related to Jesus’ original followers.

    The volume concludes with a chapter on the implications of Kostenberger’s findings for the Fourth Gospel’s purpose and for the mission of the contemporary church. Kostenberger engages missiological constructs based on the Fourth Gospel, including the so-called “incarnational model” of mission, and concludes that this model is seriously flawed and should be replaced by a “representational model” of mission that views Jesus’ followers as his representatives, who do not share in the theologically unique aspects of his incarnation.

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  • Rabboni


    Manufactured On Demand Title

    Rabboni is the product of many years of personal study, meditation, and daily experience with Christ. Keller traces the role of the second person of the Godhead from the creation of the world to His ascension in resurrection glory.

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  • Jesus And Judgment


    Preface To The Fortress Press Edition

    The Question In Contemporary Scholarship


    1. Introduction
    2. Judgment In The Hebrew Bible
    3. Judgment In Other Early Jewish Literature
    4. Summary And Conclusion


    5. The Tradition And Message Of John The Baptizer


    6. Introduction
    7. The Judgment Of Israel
    8. The Judgment Of Individuals
    9. Summary And Conclusion

    Bibliography I (Part One)

    Bibliography II (Parts Two And Three)

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    Marius Reiser argues here that the theme of judgement lies close to the heart of Jesus’ proclamation. For Jesus, the certainty of the coming of judgement is the presupposition of the ultimate coming of the reign of God. Judgement and salvation are two sides of the same coin. This book offers a corrective to a one-sided emphasis on Jesus’ message of salvation – to say nothing of the picture of a noneschatological Jesus. This work, originally published in German, features a new introduction in which Reisner engages the current American discussion of the historical Jesus, particularly engaging Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan. Reisner goes on to offer and overview of the concept of judgement in early Jewish literature and in the preaching of John the Baptizer. He then concentrates on the teachings of Jesus, both sayings and parables. Included are excurses on important related motifs like the “divine passive” and “conversion.” Marius Reiser is Professor of New Testament at the University of Tubingen.

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  • Jesus And The Spirit


    JESUS AND THE SPIRIT BY JAMES D. G. DUNN In this book James Dunn explores the nature of the religious experiences that were at the forefront of emerging Christianity. Dunn first looks at the religious experience of Jesus, focusing expecially on his experience of God in terms of his sense of sonship and his consciousness of the Spirit. He also considers the question of whether Jesusn was a charismatic. Next Dunn examines the religious experiences of the earliest Christian communities, expecially the resurrection appearances, Pentecost, and the signs and wonders recounted by Luke. Finally Dunn explores the religious experiences that made Paul so influntial and that subsequently shaped Pauline Christianity and the religious life of his churches. The result is a thorough and stimulating study that not only recovers the religious experiences of Jesus and the early church but also has important implications for our experience of the Spirit today.

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