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    Christology (Theology of Jesus Christ the Son)

    • Jesus In Global Contexts


      Liberator, ancestor, cosmic Christ, and Black Messiah: These are just some of the ways that Jesus is viewed in the world. This rare book presents with a fresh and energetic tone a global tour of the Christologies emerging in Latin America, Asia, and Africa, and those of North American Feminist and African American theologies.

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    • Jesus The Teacher


      This book makes an important, indeed a groundbreaking, contribution to Markan studies. Not only does it address a lacuna in these studies, but it does so by means of an innovative methodology… that permits a satisfying integration of the Jewish background of Mark’s Gospel with its Greco-Roman background while retaining a sensitivity to the literary dimensions of the text as well as an interest in its reader. Robbins has accomplished a remarkable feat… Markan studies are certain to benefit greatly from this work.

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    • From Jewish Prophet To Gentile God


      In From Jewish Prophet to Gentile God, Maurice Casey suggests a new theory as to why New Testament Christology developed as it did. In making his argument, Casey pays particular attention to the culture of Jesus and the earliest Christians.

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    • 7 Last Words Of Christ


      Seven times Jesus spoke from the cross, and each of those seven last words still speaks to us today. Judith Mattison reminds us that the death of Christ is the clearest expression of God’s redeeming love for us. The cross, once a sign of defeat and shame, has become a sign of victory over sin and death. The author’s meditations on each of Jesus’ seven last words are accompanied by hymns and poetry that enlarge the possible meanings of each word, and by questions for reflection or discussion. Filled with messages of grace and love, this book is ideal for devotional reading and group study, or for use as a preaching resource.

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    • Jesus Christ In Modern Thought


      ‘An important and significant book, which provides a clear, critical and comprehensive analysis of the history of Christology and a balanced and compelling argument for one approach which should help make the classical creeds more intelligible and the idea of the incarnation more probable in a secular culture.

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    • Continuing Voice Of Jesus


      Here, M. Eugene Boring traces the role that early Christian prophets played in the transmission of sayings of Jesus and in the way these sayings were taken up into the canonical Gospels. He also examines Jesus’ sayings to uncover the imprint that any might bear of having been handed on by early Christian prophets. Convincingly, he shows that early Christian prophets re-presented authentic sayings of Jesus, or modified Jesus’ sayings, or even uttered new sayings in the name of the exalted Jesus. Clearly written and closely reasoned, this book sheds light on a much neglected area of Gospel research.

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    • Descent Of God


      Joseph Hallman here makes a significant contribution to the perennial theological dilemma, how can an unchanging God relate to a changing world? The author displays a mastery of the patristic sources as well as familiarity with contemporary philosophical approaches to the issue. The Greek philosophical assumption of the immutability of God has retained a profound influence on Christian thought until modern times despite the attempts of patristic writers to harmonize the Incarnation with God’s immutability. Hallman suggests that the most promising resolution to this dilemma comes to us in the work of Whitehead.

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    • World Of Jesus


      This book examines the social, economic, political, and cultural context of first-century Judaism. During the first century AD Judaism experienced a crisis of cultural erosion due to foreign influences. Professor Riches describes the ways in which foreign domination threatened the Jewish community and discusses the ways in which various groups of Jews tried to preserve their cultural identity. Relating Jesus’ teaching to that of the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Zealots, the Essenes, and John the Baptist, Riches argues that Jesus was deeply committed to the values of the Jewish tradition, even while he proposed radical change that he believed would bring renewal.

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    • What Can We Know About Jesus


      This book analyzes the evidence about Jesus in a broad range of sources, from ancient pagan and Jewish texts to the earliest Christian sources, including the New Testament apart from the gospel, the canonical gospels, and later Christian texts not included in the Christian canon. Each source is examined in light of the social and cultural context in which it was written. Kee concludes that although the various portrayals of Jesus differ, there is indeed a convergence of evidence about his activities and his message.

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    • Se Hizo Hombre – (Spanish)


      Here is a fascinating commentary on the life of Jesus. The author presents the political, social and religious setting of the most fascinating period in the history of humankind. The author transports our mind to the first millennium where he makes us live the adventure of the political, social, and religious setting

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    • Christology Of Peace


      James E. Will shows how peace with justice is evident in the life, message, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The major illuminator of both personal and political peace, Will explains, is Christology. This Christology of peace is a major contribution to the interconfessional dialogue about peace–both Protestant/Catholic and Christian/Jewish.

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    • Greatest Story Ever Told


      Written with powerful simplicity and set against a rich and accurate historical background, this account of the greatest life ever lived describes the moving story of Christ’s nativity, the flight of the Holy family into Egypt, Christ’s youth, his public ministry, passion, death, and resurrection. Introduction by Billy Graham.

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    • Matthew : Structure Christology Kingdom


      SKU (ISBN): 9780800623388ISBN10: 080062338XJack KingsburyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 1989Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product

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    • All The Divine Names And Titles In The Bible


      Chapter One—The Names And Titles Of God The Father
      Personal Names
      Symbolic Designations
      Summary Of Divine Names And Titles In All Old Testament Books

      Chapter Two—The Names And Titles Of God The Son
      His Names And Titles
      Names And Titles Of Christ In The New Testament
      Alphabetical Exposition Of Names And Titles Applied To Christ In The Battle

      Chapter Three—The Names And Titles Of God The Spirit

      1. Actual Names And Titles
      Old Testament Names And Titles
      1. Those Expressing His Relation To God
      2. Those Expressing His Character
      3. Those Expressing His Operations Upon Men

      New Testament Names And Titles

      1. Names And Titles Associated With His Personality
      2. Manifold Names And Titles Given Him
      As Further Evidence Of His Personality
      Titles Combining Him With God The Father
      Titles And Names Expressing His Relation To God The Son
      Titles And Names Expressing His Own Essential Deity
      Titles And Names Expressing His Character
      Titles And Names Related To The Saints

      2. Symbolic Designations
      Symbols Drawn From Natural Life
      Symbols Drawn From Animate Life

      1. The Nobility Of A Name
      2. Qualifying Attributes Of Christ
      3. The Value Of Book Summary
      345 Pages

      Additional Info
      A Unique Classification of All Scripture Designations of the Three Persons of the Trinity.

      In this exhaustive study you become acutely aware that the riches of God’s self-revelation are inexhaustible. This work is a witness to the fact that God–Father, Son, and Holy Spirit–is infinitely glorious.

      Each name reveals some new facet of the infinite being of God and thus also gives evidence of the progressive nature of God’s revelation. The author discusses the theological implications of each of the names so that the reader is stimulated to praise, to trust, to confess his sins, to be comforted, to witness, to take courage, or to respond in some other way.

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    • Encountering Jesus : A Debate On Christology


      A lively and argumentative dialogue among theologians and philosophers of religion that offers insight into the problems of Christology and provides current perspectives on the issues.

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    • Christology In Context


      This book is an attempt to describe and analyze the great variety of ways the earliest followers of Jesus responded to him. It also tries to relate those various responses to the circumstances in which the early Christian communities lived.

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    • Evidence For Jesus


      An acknowledged New Testament authority, James D. G. Dunn here makes an important contribution to contemporary thought. He looks at the origins of Christianity in the light of modern scholarship, demonstrating why Christians should “welcome the critically inquiring and investigative skills of scholars.”

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    • Interpreting Isaiah : Suffering And Glory Of The Messiah


      Part 1 Introductory Matters
      1. The World of Isaiah
      2. The Authorship of Isaiah
      3. The Structure of Isaiah
      4. The Poetry of Isaiah
      Part 2 An Analysis of Isaiah
      5. Opening Messages and the Call of Isaiah (1:1 – 6:13)
      6. The Rule of Assyria and the Messiah (7:1 – 12:6)
      7. Oracles Against the Nations (13:1 – 23:18)
      8. The Apocalypse (24:1 – 27:13)
      9. Book of Woes and Restoration (28:1 – 35:10)
      10. Historical Interlude (36:1 – 39:8)
      11. Deliverance From Babylon (40:1 – 48:22)
      12. The Ministry of the Servant of the Lord (49:1 – 57:21)
      13. Ultimate Blessing for God’s People (58:1 – 66:24)
      Part 3 Theological Emphases
      14. Christology
      15. Eschatology
      352 Pages

      Additional Info
      This multifaceted volume artfully blends the functions of an introduction and a commentary. Without overwhelming the student with details, it discusses a wide range of issues that are important for the interpretation of Isaiah. The book consists of three parts. In the first part, Herbert Wolf discusses the more traditional introductory questions: the world of Isaiah, the theories of multiple authorship, the structure of Isaiah, and Isaiah’s poetry. The second part is a detailed paragraph-by-paragraph analysis of the prophecy itself. The last part of the book discusses Isaiah’s christological and eschatological emphases. Detailed footnotes and an extensive bibliography facilitate further study.

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    • Christology Of Marks Gospel


      Preface To First Edition


      The Messianic Secret: From Wrede To The Present
      The Messianic Secret: A Reappraisal


      Corrective Christology: From Wrede To The Present
      Corrective Christology: A Reappraisal


      The Ministry Of John And The Presentation Of Jesus (1:1-13)
      The Ministry Of Jesus In And Around Galilee (1:14-8:26)
      The Journey Of Jesus To Jerusalem And His Suffering, Death, And Resurrection (8:27-16:8)
      Christology And Secrecy: Some Observations


      “The Son Of Man” In Relation To The Other Major Titles
      “The Son Of Man”: A Title?
      The Use Of “the Son Of Man” Concluding Remarks
      Beyond Mark: Matthew And Luke

      Selected Bibliography

      Additional Info
      This book attempts a solution to the problems of the structure, christology, and Kingdom-theology of the Gospel according to St. Matthew. The author contends that the broad structure of the Gospel consists of three main parts: the person of Jesus Messiah, the proclamation of Jesus Messiah, and the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Messiah.

      This understanding of the broad structure of Matthew’s Gospel opens the way to a proper understanding of his christology. That is, for Matthew Jesus is first and foremost the Messiah, the Son of God. Kingbury’s analysis of the texts in which “Son of God” appears, and of the numerous other christological terms Matthew employs, confirms this conclusion.

      Professor Kingbury demonstrates how Matthew develops both the structure and the primary theological concept of his Gospel, “The Kingdom of Heaven,” around the christological category of “the Son of God.” A rigorous conclusion reached is that the focus of the Gospel of Matthew is revealed more in his christology than in his ecclesiology.

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    • Herod Antipas : A Contemporary Of Jesus Christ


      Originally published by Cambridge University Press in the Monograph Series of the Society for New Testament Studies, Dr. Hoehner’s work has been widely acclaimed for its scholarly reconstruction of Herod Antipas’ political career.

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    • 4 Views Of Christ Print On Demand Title


      1. Matthew’s View
      2. Mark’s View
      3. Luke’s View
      4. John’s View
      5. The Common Testimony
      127 Pages

      Additional Info
      In this book Dr. Jukes squarely faces and effectively deals with the problem of the differences which characterize the four Gospels. Viewing these differences as what one might expect when four different eyewitnesses testify concerning an event, Andrew Jukes goes on to demonstrate that they are further accounted for by the fact that each author had a distinct and specific purpose in view in writing his account.

      Each Gospel is examined, its specific purpose fully discussed and its contents ably amplified. In the process, a wealth of information is presented which is both informative and inspirational.

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    • Harmony Of The Words And Works Of Jesus Christ


      The goal of this volume is to help you better know Jesus by getting a clearer picture of him through the four Gospels — the books that directly depict his life, his ministry, and his heart. Scripture is set with Scripture in chronological order, revealing the harmony of the biblical accounts and bringing the person of Jesus into greater focus. Featuring harmonized Bible texts from the New International Version, this book first introduces and then follows the identical outline of the life of Christ used in The Words and Works of Jesus Christ by J. Dwight Pentecost. This simple, logical presentation of the complete parallel text with the outline greatly simplifies your study of Christ’s life. A Harmony of the Words and Works of Jesus Christ is ideal for use with The Words and Works of Jesus Christ and makes an outstanding parallel Scripture text for any study of the Gospels or the life of Christ

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    • Jesus The Jew


      Contents: PART 1: THE SETTING 1. Jesus the Jew 2. Jesus and Galilee 3. Jesus and charismatic Judaism PART 2: THE TITLES OF JESUS 4. Jesus the prophet Excursus: prophetic celibacy 5. Jesus the lord Excursus: ‘lord’ and the style of the Gospel of Mark 6. Jesus the Messiah Excursus: Jesus, son of David Excursus: the metaphorical us of ‘to anoint’ 7. Jesus the son of man Excursus: the cloud, a means of heavenly transport Excursus: debate on the circum- locutional use of son of man 8. Jesus the son of God Excursus: son of God and virgin birth GEZA VERMES: The author was born in Hungary in 1924, studied in Budapest and in Louvain. He is now Professor Emiritus of Jewish Studies and Emeritus Fellow of Wolfson College. He continues to lecture at the Oriental Institute, has taught at Oxford and Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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    • Marks Story Of Jesus


      This book is designed to introduce the reader to a single coherent story, Mark’s story of Jesus’ life and death. From a literary perspective the reader is therefore advised to approach the Markan story as he or she would any other story: to read the whole story from beginning to end, to observe the characters and the interplay among them, to watch for the author’s clues regarding the plot, to discern the plot development, to identify scenes of crisis and recognition, and to view the story’s resolution in the light of its antecedent logic.

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    • Origin Of Christiology


      Lectures in which the distinguished theologian argues that “development” is closer to the truth than “evolution” as a description of the genesis of Christology.

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    • Chronological Aspects Of The Life Of Christ


      Dr. Hoehner has gathered a vast amount of data, both from Scripture and extrabiblical sources, to support his conclusions concerning key dates in the life of our Lord, among them: – The Date of Christ’s Birth – The Commencement of Christ’s Ministry – The Duration of Christ’s Ministry – The Year of Christ’s Crucifixion He carefully documents his position and compares the date available–including a study of Greek words, Roman law, and Jewish customs and prophecy.

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    • Jesus God And Man


      This highly acclaimed work demonstrates Wolfhart Pannenberg’s belief that at the heart of every Christian theology lies its teaching about Jesus Christ. The second edition, available for the first time in paperback, contains an Afterword in which the author reviews other theologians’ responses to his thesis and methodology and shows the progression of his own interpretation.

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    • Resurrection : According To Matthew Mark And Luke


      1. Approaching The Resurrection
      2. The Resurrection Narrative In The Gospel Of Mark
      3. The Resurrection Narratives In The Gospel Of Matthew
      4. The Resurrection Narratives In The Gospel Of Luke

      Additional Info
      The New Testament resurrection narratives must be understood in both their similarities and their differences. Norman Perrin was a leading interpreter of the Gospels. In this book he relates each Synoptic account of the resurrection of Jesus to the theology of its Evangelist resulting in a new understanding of the importance of the Easter celebration. This book will illumine lay readers, clergy, and all students of the New Testament.

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    • How God Deals With Evil


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664241278ISBN10: 0664241271W. Sibley TownerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1976Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Christology Of The New Testament


      This book is invigorating to read, for it is how biblical theology should be written. Professor Cullmann has set a high standard of biblical scholarship in this book, and it will be a great resource for students of sacred Scripture.

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