Biblical Studies
Showing 351–400 of 2365 resultsSorted by latest
Ancient Jewish And Christian Scriptures
$45.00Ancient Jewish and Christian Scriptures examines the writings included in and excluded from the Jewish and Christian canons of Scripture and explores the social settings in which some of this literature was viewed as authoritative and some was viewed either as uninspired or as heretical. John J. Collins, Craig A. Evans, and Lee Martin McDonald examine how those noncanonical writings demonstrate the historical, literary, and religious aspects of the culture that gave rise to the writings. They also show how literature excluded from the Jewish and Christian canons of Scripture remains valuable today for understanding the questions and conflicts that early Jewish and Christian faith communities faced. Through this discussion, contemporary readers acquire a broader understanding of biblical Scripture and of Jewish and Christian faith inspired by Scripture.
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Siete Fiestas De Jehova – (Spanish)
$19.99Las siete fiestas de Jehova de Eduardo Cartea Millos, es un estudio basado en Levitico. Es uno de esos textos en la Biblia como Isaias 53, Salmo 23 que tiene una importancia y trascendencia mayor en toda la Biblia.
El libro amplia el tema para estudiar y explicar esas celebraciones de las siete fiestas y entender la interrelacion que existe en la cultura Judia, el Dios del Antiguo Testamento, Jehova y su relacion con el Nuevo Testamento. Tambien analiza sus simbolismos, el propio caracter de Dios; y asi mucho otros temas que aparecen en las 7 fiestas solemnes de Jehova.
Las siete fiestas de Jehova de Eduardo Cartea Millos basado en Levitico, es un estudio amplio de las siete fiestas solemnes de la cultura Judia; su simbolismo, tipologia y la interrelacion con el Nuevo Testamento.
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Here Are Your Gods
$22.99When the Israelites exclaimed, “Here are your gods!” at the sight of the golden calf, they were attempting to hold on to the God of their history while fashioning idols for their own purposes. In today’s Western world, plenty of shiny false gods still hold power-idols of prosperity, nationalism, and self-interest. Christians desperately need to name and expose these idols. We must retrieve the biblical emphasis on idolatry and apply it anew in our journey of following Jesus. In “Here Are Your Gods,” Old Testament scholar Christopher J. H. Wright combines a biblical study of idolatry with practical discipleship. He calls readers to consider connections between Old Testament patterns and today’s culture, especially recurring temptations to trust in political power. Now as much as ever, we need a biblically informed understanding of the many ways humans make gods for themselves, the danger of idols, and how God calls us to join him in the battle against idolatry as part of his ongoing mission to be known and worshiped by all peoples.
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From Widows To Warriors
$20.00This Bible study introduces and retells every female character who contributes to one or more Old Testament stories, diving deeply into what each woman’s story means for us today with questions for reflection and discussion.
For too long the women of the Bible have been depicted in one-dimensional terms. On one side are saints, such as Mary, while on the other are “bad girls,” such as Eve and Jezebel. Just as often, the female characters of the Bible are simply ignored. However, the women of the Bible are complex, multidimensional individuals whose lives are inspiring, funny, and tragic in ways too many of us never hear.
In this first of two volumes, Lynn Japinga acquaints us with the women of the Old Testament. From flawed heroes like Ruth and Rahab to fierce fighters like Deborah and Jael to tragic characters like Jephthah’s daughter and the unnamed concubine of the book of Judges, readers will encounter a wealth of foremothers in the faith in all their messy, yet redeemable, humanity. This Bible study introduces and retells every female character who contributes to one or more Old Testament stories, diving deeply into what each woman’s story means for us today with questions for reflection and discussion.
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When Did Eve Sin
$19.99Did Eve sin before Adam?
When responding to the serpent’s temptation to eat the forbidden fruit, Eve says that one “must not touch it” (Gen 3:2-3). In this, Eve appears to embellish upon God’s clear command that one must not eat from the tree (Gen 2:17). Did Eve add to God’s command, becoming the first legalist? Was this an innocent mistake? Or is the answer altogether different?
Jeffrey J. Niehaus tackles this issue head-on in When Did Eve Sin? Though many commentators believe that Eve altered God’s command, there are notable exceptions in the history of interpretation that suggest another answer. Using Scripture to interpret Scripture and analyzing biblical stories where characters retell the facts, Neihaus recognizes a common scriptural pattern that resolves the mystery of Eve’s words.
Niehaus examines his view’s implications for biblical historiography, what it meant to eat from the tree of life, how a sinless being can fall into sin, and the nature of the mysterious serpent. Everyone engaging with these questions will be deftly guided by Niehaus’ thorough study of this thorny issue.
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Last Great Outpouring
$19.99After four hundred years of prophetic silence, God sent John the Baptist to announce the coming of the Messiah, the baptism He would bring, and the in-breaking of the kingdom of God on earth. In response, people streamed to the Jordan River to hear John’s words and be baptized by him in the Jewish ritual mikveh bath for cleansing from sin and defilement. John’s calling was to prepare the people for the coming glory.
Our God is nothing if not consistent-the same yesterday, today and forever. As in the days leading to the return of Jesus, He therefore continues to send messengers in advance to announce coming moves of the Spirit in order to prepare His people to receive. Author R. Loren Sandford believes God is about to do something huge, wonderful, and even unprecedented in scope and impact, and he is urging Christians everywhere to prepare for it.
Beginning with the prophet Haggai and moving through the Bible, Loren lays a foundation for his belief that the time of the last great outpouring and the Lord’s return is now.
He writes, “The church in our day has been ravaged and diminished in influence under pressure from the idolatrous culture that surrounds us and that, figuratively speaking, a remnant is even now returning from exile. It’s time to rebuild on a biblical foundation and construct a temple adequate to contain the outpouring God is about to send.”
Loren says we must reject our present culture, which is steeped in consumerism and a focus on self, and return to a culture of covenant. The former has weakened and destroyed us, while the latter will edify and strengthen us.
As John the Baptist came in the spirit and power of Elijah to prepare the way, prophetic voices are now rising to proclaim that the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit in history is coming. The great last days’ move of God approaches and the call for preparation now is the same as John preached so long ago. Through reliable prophetic voices, God now cries for holiness and cleansing to uproot everything in ourselves and in our churches not solidly rooted in the nature of Jesus and the Father.
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Greek Word Study
$24.99“Flour. Sheep. Coins. Wheat. Jesus never abandoned the familiarity of His time because what He had to say was so celestial or deep. Instead, He took advantage of what people already understood. In doing so, He didn’t just leave a way of salvation for us, but also a pattern of teaching to follow. This alone was my inspiration for how I chose to write Greek Word Study.”–author Chris Palmer
In a follow-up to his highly acclaimed book Letters from Jesus: Studies from the Seven Churches of Revelation, the Rev. Chris Palmer has written Greek Word Study: 90 Ancient Words That Unlock Scripture. With wit, humor, grace, and scholarship, Chris offers biblical insights while teaching Koine Greek words and phrases one delightful bite at a time. Unlike other books that overwhelm readers with Greek grammar, word formation, tenses, and the like, Chris makes the language accessible to anyone, using modern stories and analogies that engage readers and draw them into the Scriptures. Learning some Greek words and phrases helps you read the Bible in high definition!
“You don’t need to be scholar to read this book and you don’t need to know an ounce of Greek either. In fact, you don’t even have to really know much about the Bible at all,” Chris says. “All you need to do is just kick back and enjoy.”
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Ephesians : For We Are God’s Handiwork
$11.99Ephesians is one of the most unique letters in the New Testament. Most of the epistles are written to a specific church to address a particular issue. Ephesians, however, was written with the express purpose of being passed around from church to church. Within the pages of Ephesians you will discover over the course of this seven-week study the power that is available to a unified church, the victory we already have over opposing forces, practical instructions for a Christian home, and Paul’s grand vision for the church. Written by Paul toward the end of his life, Paul’s heart for the church will strengthen your walk and sharpen your faith.
A faithful reading of God’s Word leads to a faithful response from God’s people. The Shaped by Scripture series teaches a simple, engaging method of studying the Bible that will lead to honest interpretation and a changed relationship with God.
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Acts : And You Will Be My Witnesses
$11.99Acts is a goldmine of adventure, filled with spellbinding stories interlaced with sermons and speeches. The theology of Acts arises from the drama that unfolds a drama that invites us to step in and join a narrative that is still unfolding. Study the story of God as told by Luke about the spark of the Christian church as it expanded and spread like wildfire throughout the ancient world. Over the course of seven weeks, gain deeper insight into stories about the mission of God, the Day of Pentecost, the sermon of Simon Peter, the healing of a lame man, the conversion of Saul, Peter’s rooftop experience, and the debate at the Council of Jerusalem. And remember, the ACTion does not end when the book of Acts ends. We are still called to be God’s witnesses in the world today.
A faithful reading of God’s Word leads to a faithful response from God’s people. The Shaped by Scripture series teaches a simple, engaging method of studying the Bible that will lead to honest interpretation and a changed relationship with God.
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Navigating Tough Texts
$23.99A guide for reading and understanding difficult New Testament verses.
While the core message of the New Testament is clear, there are often puzzling, alarming, or confusing things we encounter when we get into the details of the text.
Murray J. Harris, veteran scholar and translator, is an ideal guide through these complicated passages. In Navigating Tough Texts, he clearly and concisely provides exegetical insights to over one hundred tricky New Testament verses that have implications for theology, apologetics, mission, and the Christian life.
Navigating Tough Texts is an indispensable resource for pastors, students, and curious Christians who want to be better readers of the many important–and often confusing–New Testament passages.
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Decoding The Prophet Jeremiah
$17.99Could an ancient prophet hold a present key that will reveal the future?
Jeremiah was an Old Testament voice, but he still speaks to our day. Alone and living in a time of chaos, he was a prophet and Levitical priest whose fellow priests and prophets wanted him dead. In fact, everyone wanted him dead–the political leaders, his neighbors, and even his family.
At twenty-three years old Jeremiah was told to speak truth to power and not to worry what the consequences may be. God told him that people love to praise the Lord but refuse to do what He says. In spite of the judgments cascading upon the heads of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Lord promised a new covenant with Israel and Judah that would revolutionize their walk with Him. In Decoding the Prophet Jeremiah you will discover the following:
*The warnings from God in Jeremiah’s day are for our generation as well.
*Even when you feel betrayed by everyone, there is still hope.
*God keeps His covenant and will never leave you or forsake you.This book is a clarion call to all believers. We need to see the bigger picture: it is not about us but about God’s heart and God’s kingdom. God is looking for warriors who are about advancing His kingdom by storming the gates of hell and setting His sons and daughters free from the clutches of the greatest narcissist of all time.
Mark Biltz unpacks two books of the Bible written by the prophet Jeremiah: the Book of Lamentations and the Book of Jeremiah. Biltz has uncovered fascinating Hebraic codes within Lamentations, making this a truly unique message for readers.
This book will encourage you to persevere in your faith despite cultural shifts and pressures, much like what the prophet Jeremiah did.
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Helplessness Of God
$28.31Many people are uncomfortable with the way in which leadership has been exercised within Christianity, and in this book Nicholas King looks at what the Bible tells us about the exercise of authority. The message is that human beings, with the exception of Jesus, always get it wrong, unless they are prepared to ‘lead by listening’ or exercise authority as an act of loving service. For the only absolute authority is God. Why speak of ‘the helplessness of God’? Because God is voluntarily dependent on our response, helpless until we make our decision, and will not force us to choose our own good. God’s love is never tyrannical, always utterly respectful of human freedom. That must be the way ahead for authority in the Church.
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Gospels As Stories
$21.99Popular writer and teacher Jeannine Brown shows how a narrative approach illuminates each of the Gospels, helping readers see the overarching stories. This book offers a corrective to tendencies to read the Gospels piecemeal, one story at a time. It is filled with numerous examples and visual aids that show how narrative criticism brings the text to life, making it an ideal supplementary textbook for courses on the Gospels. Readers will gain hands-on tools and perspectives to interpret the Gospels as whole stories.
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Out Of The Shadows And Into The Light
$13.99This book uses the study of types and shadows to decipher the events of the larger Exodus story (slavery through the Promised Land). The material will lead the reader out of the shadows of the Old Testament into the light of the New Testament fulfillments. The purpose of this material is to challenge the reader’s understanding of the way these events have traditionally been interpreted. Alternate interpretations will be presented with accompanying reasons and scriptures.
The chapters are intended to take snapshots of the six major events comprising the Exodus. They will be organized according to the following headings. The Journey out of Bondage will encompass chapters 1-3, slavery in Egypt, the establishment of the Passover, and crossing the Red Sea; The Journey in the Wilderness contains only one chapter, 4; and The Journey into Promise will complete our investigation of the Exodus story by viewing the last two events, crossing the Jordan River and entering the Promised land, chapters 5 and 6 respectively.
Some chapters need an additional explanation on a particular point; an excursus is provided to promote clarity. At the end of each chapter is a Discipleship Challenge with which the reader is asked to personally apply the principles presented. A study guide is also provided for those who wish to use this material in a small/cell/life group atmosphere.
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Paul Theologian Of Gods Apocalypse
$35.00This collection of essays argues that Paul’s articulation of Christ and his saving work makes use of the categories and perspectives of ancient Jewish apocalyptic eschatology. Such eschatology is concerned with the expectation that God will finally and irrevocably put an end to the present order of reality (“this age”) and replace it with a new, transformed order of reality (“the age to come”). In Paul’s view, God has initiated this eschatological act of cosmic rectification in the person and work of Christ.
The essays included, two of them previously unpublished, investigate and illuminate various aspects of Paul’s christologically focused appropriation of ancient Jewish apocalyptic eschatology, particularly in his letters to the Galatians and the Romans. The collection begins with the author’s seminal essay on the two tracks of Jewish apocalyptic eschatology (forensic and cosmological) from 1989 and ends with an essay from 2016 containing the author’s retrospective restatement and elaboration of his views.
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No Half Truths Allowed Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)
$16.65When it comes to proclaiming the Gospel message, half-truths, vague notions, and generalizations can be dangerous.
In today’s Church, many people are spreading a gospel that is full of half-truths, unaware that they are believing lies about Who God is and what our roles as Christians are. Our responsibility as Christians is to dive into God’s Word and find His truths for ourselves. In this study guide, you will be directed to explore the Scriptures for yourself to find the true Gospel.
Designed as a companion piece to No Half-Truths Allowed: Understanding the Complete Gospel Message by Christine Paxon and Rose Spiller, No Half-Truths Allowed Study Guide is an interactive study guide with questions and Scriptures to help readers delve even deeper into understanding the complete Gospel message.
Though this study guide can stand alone without the book, it is designed as a supplement to give a richer and deeper understanding of the Gospel message and is easily adaptable for individual or small group study. Learning is enriched and more fun when we do it together!
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No Half Truths Allowed
$26.65When it comes to proclaiming the Gospel message, half-truths, vague notions, and generalizations can be dangerous.
What are the important truths we need to know and share with others? Is it enough to believe that God loves us and wants a relationship with us? Is it enough to “ask Jesus into our hearts”? Is it enough to recite the “sinner’s prayer,” or do we need to repent of our sin? Is going to church and serving others enough? Is what Jesus suffered more than a gruesome death on a cross? If Jesus, who is fully God, was crucified, did God die on Good Friday? Is God mad at us when we sin and happy when we’re behaving? Can we lose our salvation?
If you’re not sure of the answers to any of these questions, you are not alone. Join Christine Paxson and Rose Spiller as they explore the answers to these and many other questions about the true Gospel message in No Half-Truths Allowed: Understanding the Complete Gospel Message. Learn what Jesus did for you, why He did it, and how you can articulate the Gospel to others. Also available is the companion No Half-Truths Allowed Study Guide, an interactive study guide with questions and Scriptures to help readers delve even deeper into understanding the complete Gospel message.
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How To Read Daniel
$22.99Beyond the familiar lions’ den and fiery furnace, much of the book of Daniel seems baffling to modern readers.
The first half recounts stories full of ancient Near Eastern protocol and imperial court drama; the second half features apocalyptic visions of monstrous beasts and cosmic conflict. Many Christians misunderstand or simply avoid the book. But failing to read Daniel well means missing a critical part of God’s message to us. According to Tremper Longman III, when we read Daniel on its own terms and in its original context, we’ll discover that all of the book is easier to understand than we might think. In this volume of the popular How to Read Series, Longman brings his expertise as an Old Testament scholar and teacher to orient readers to a proper engagement with Daniel. He examines the book’s genre, structure, historical background, and major theological message before diving deeper into each of the stories and visions. As we learn how to enter the world of Daniel, we find a message not only for his generation but also for ours: even in hostile circumstances, God is in control, and he will have the final victory. Longman draws out this theme of Daniel for the twenty-first century, finding help for faithful living in a toxic culture and hope in a troubled world. How to Read Daniel is the perfect starting point for anyone studying, teaching, or seeking a reliable guide to this ancient book.
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Odyssey Of Grace Part One The New Testament In Review From Matthew To Galat
$19.99In the Odyssey of Grace series, Cy Mersereau invites you to join him as he travels through the twenty-seven books of the New Testament. In this series, each book of the New Testament is summarized, with special consideration given to topics of common, and sometimes controversial, interest.
The journey begins with the coming of Christ in the four Gospels, then threads its way through the epistles and ends with Revelation, where time dissolves into the eternal state. Along the way, the reader will encounter adventure, history, theology, advice for practical Christian living, and become acquainted with some of the more fascinating personalities of the early church.
The author of each book has his own style, his own emphasis, and his own story that is part of the larger story of Jesus Christ and the redemption he purchased for us on Calvary two thousand years ago.
Some of the topics covered here include:
*Prophetical insights from believers of various backgrounds on the book of Revelation.
*The hotly contested miracle of Jesus turning water into wine.
*Judas, his betrayal of Christ, and how and when he died.
*A discussion of the book of Philemon to address the question of whether the Bible promotes slavery.
*A comprehensive look into why the Gospel of Mark has so many endings and which is the right one.Join in on the conversation as Cy discusses these questions, and so many more!
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Kingdom Manifesto Volume 1
$17.99Manifestos are very popular nowadays. Some, one could argue, have become infamous. Kingdom Manifesto, however, is a series of biblical studies on the Sermon on the Mount. This manifesto was originally given by the King of kings. The first volume is on the Beatitudes which the author entitled the Beautiful Attitudes. The author, Dr. Nelson Thermitus, has done an in-depth study of the Beatitudes; he has offered different ways to apply them and live them out in your Christian walk. These beautiful attitudes, once applied with the help of the Holy Spirit, will help you to become a better disciple of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The values of the kingdom are thoroughly explained. The book will aid you in assessing your values with those of the King and require a change in your behavior. This book could serve as a personal devotional or personal Bible study; it is also perfect for small group Bible studies. The author believes that Kingdom Manifesto can truly change the world and make it a better place. Happy reading.
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Old Testament Cosmology And Divine Accommodation
$30.00In order to reconcile the discrepancies between ancient and modern cosmology, confessional scholars from every viewpoint on the interpretation of the early chapters of Genesis agree that God accommodated language to finite human understanding. But in the history of interpretation, no consensus has emerged regarding what accommodation entails at the linguistic level. More precise consideration of how the ancient cognitive environment functions in the informative intention of the divine and human authors is necessary. Not only does relevance theory validate interpretative options that are inherently most probable within the primary communication situation, but the application of relevance theory can also help disentangle the complexities of dual authorship inherent in any model of accommodation. The results also make a salutary contribution to the theological reading of Scripture.
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Liberating The Gospel
$28.31Liberating the Gospel is prefaced by Tom Wright’s claim that Christians have for too long “read scripture with nineteenth-century eyes and sixteenth-century questions,” and that it is urgently necessary they learn to read “with first-century eyes and twenty-first-century questions.” The central section of the book concentrates on reading the narratives of the Galilean ministry of Jesus within their first century context, then exploring Paul’s mission in the setting of the urban and imperial world of Rome, before offering reflection on the Apocalypse in the changed world following the destruction of Jerusalem. Smith then concludes his treatise facing the “twenty-first-century questions,” seeking to build a hermeneutical bridge to our globalized world. As a whole, this major book on Christian mission aims to contribute toward an understanding of how the dynamic message of Christ might be liberated to be heard as genuinely good news today, in the process potentially transforming Christianity, provided there is willingness to face opposition from a world resistant to the exposure of its injustices.
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Fuentes Que Dieron Origen Al N – (Spanish)
$18.99El objeto de estudio de este trabajo de investigacion, sobre Las fuentes que dieron origen al Nuevo Testamento, es el estudio de las fuentes literarias que sirvieron, primero para construir el pensamiento teologico que se encuentra plasmado a lo largo de todo el NT como el concepto Mesias, juicio, infierno inter alia; y segundo, para redactar los libros del canon del NT. Las fuentes literarias a las que nos referimos es la abundante literatura que surgio en el PI, como por ejemplo la literatura de genero apocaliptico, que sienta las bases de gran parte de la teologia cristiana. La literatura deuterocanonica o llamada apocrifa por la iglesia protestante, que fue una fuente muy importante de los redactores del NT, la literatura esenia, que es la literatura producida por la secta de los esenios que habitaba en las cuevas de Qumran y que fue forma parte del hallazgo de los Rollos del Mar Muerto. A esto hay que agregar la tradicion oral de los judios que posteriormente fue escrita en el talmud.
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Strangers On The Earth
$27.00Contrary to what we might imagine from its title, the Epistle to the Hebrews is immersed in Hellenistic thought. Its author demonstrates an acquaintance with Greco-Roman rhetoric, and often supports his arguments with the assumptions of Hellenistic philosophy. While he shares the apocalyptic worldview of other Jews in this period, he recasts it with the language of Middle Platonism.
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Pauline Solidarity : Assembling The Gospel Of Treasonous Life
$40.00Building on the themes established in the first two volumes of Paul and the Uprising of the Dead, Pauline Solidarity explores: (a) how the Pauline faction transforms relationships within the household unit in the new transnational family of God; (b) how dominant cultural conceptions of honor are rejected in the embrace of shame in the company of the crucified; (c) how vertical practices of patronage are replaced with a horizontal sibling-based political economy of grace; and (d) how the gospel of the Caesars is overcome by the lawlessness of the good news that is being assembled in an uprising of life among the left for dead. Along the way, many of the traditional themes associated with Paulinism (grace, justice, love, loyalty, sin, flesh, death, Jesus, spirit, life) are reexamined and understood as core components of a movement that was spreading among vanquished, colonized, oppressed, dispossessed, and enslaved peoples who were finding new (and treasonous) ways of organizing themselves in order to be life-giving and life-affirming, and in order to counter all the death-dealing structures of Roman imperialism.
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Figural Reading And The Old Testament
$30.58Don Collett, an experienced Old Testament teacher, offers an account of Old Testament interpretation that capitalizes on recent research in figural exegesis. Collett examines the tension between figural and literal modes of exegesis as they developed in Christian thought, introduces ongoing debates and discussions concerning figural readings of Scripture, and offers theological readings of several significant Old Testament passages. This book will work well as a primer on figural exegesis for seminarians or as a capstone seminary text that ties together themes from courses in Bible, exegesis, and theology.
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Defending Shame : Its Formative Power In Paul’s Letters
$35.29Our culture often views shame in a negative light. However, Paul’s use of shame, when properly understood and applied, has much to teach the contemporary church. Filling a lacuna in Pauline scholarship, this book shows how Paul uses shame to admonish and to transform the mind of his readers into the mind of Christ. The author examines Paul’s use of shame for moral formation within his Jewish and Greco-Roman context, compares and contrasts Paul’s use of shame with other cultural voices, and offers a corrective understanding for today’s church. Foreword by Luke Timothy Johnson.
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Pauline Eschatology : The Apocalyptic Rupture Of Eternal Imperialism
$23.00When seeking to understand what Paul and his coworkers were trying to accomplish, it is no longer possible to ignore Graeco-Roman cultural, economic, political, and religious beliefs and practices. Nor can one ignore the ways in which colonized and vanquished peoples adopted, developed, subverted, and resisted these things. Therefore, in order to properly contextualize the Pauline faction, the traditional background material related to Paul and politics must be developed in the following ways: Pauline eschatology must be examined in light of apocalyptic resistance movements; Pauline eschatology must be understood in light of the realized eschatology of Roman imperialism; and the ideo-theology of Rome (its four cornerstones of the household unit, cultural constructs of honor and shame, practices of patronage, and traditional Roman religiosity now all reworked within the rapidly spreading imperial cult[s]) must be explored in detail. This is the task of Pauline Eschatology, the second volume of Paul and the Uprising of the Dead. In it, we will witness how Pauline apocalypticism ruptures the eternal now of empire, and this, then, paves our way for the detailed study of Paulinism that follows in volume 3, Pauline Solidarity.
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Bible In The Light Of Our Redemption
$24.99Written by beloved Bible teacher E. W. Kenyon, this challenging study course covers the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, highlighting the long view of God’s unfolding plan of redemption. Appropriate for groups or individuals, both the new believer and the mature Christian, it lays out the legal claim for who and what we are in Christ. This course will build your faith and challenge you to a deeper walk with our Redeemer.
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James : Consider It Pure Joy
$11.99In James, we find one of the clearest examples of the Jewish contributions to Christianity-a strong ethic. First-century Jews believed that body, soul, and spirit were one. Therefore, one could not act contrary to how one believed. Over the course of seven weeks exploring the concepts of practical Christian living presented in the book of James, you will discover: the secret of living a joy-filled life in the midst of trouble, the tools for finding salvation through obedient faith, how to keep the commandments by loving your neighbor, and how God wants you to live in Christian fellowship.
A faithful reading of God’s Word leads to a faithful response from God’s people. The Shaped by Scripture series teaches a simple, engaging method of studying the Bible that will lead to honest interpretation and a changed relationship with God.
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Genesis 12-27 : And God Said To Abraham
$11.99Genesis is the foundational book for the entire biblical canon. In Genesis we find the themes of creation, relationship, covenant, hope, and redemption that will come to characterize God’s grand story throughout the rest of the Bible, all the way to Revelation. Grab a Bible and a pen and explore what our response should be to these family- and relationship-centered stories. Journey through seven weeks of study that will cover both well-known and lesser-known narratives, including God’s call of Abraham, Abraham and Lot, God’s covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael, God’s test of Abraham, Isaac and Abimelek, and Jacob and Esau.
A faithful reading of God’s Word leads to a faithful response from God’s people. The Shaped by Scripture series teaches a simple, engaging method of studying the Bible that will lead to honest interpretation and a changed relationship with God.
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Bedrock Of Christianity
$18.99Can we all agree on some things about Jesus, regardless of our belief–or unbelief?
Perhaps surprisingly, there is a lot upon which all scholars can agree. When surveying historical scholarship, there are certain truths about Jesus that Christians, agnostics, and skeptics must affirm.
In The Bedrock of Christianity, Justin Bass shows how–regardless of one’s feelings about Christianity–there lies a bedrock of truths about Jesus’s life and ministry that are held by virtually all scholars of religion. Through an examination of each of these key facts, readers will encounter the unalterable truths upon which everyone can agree. Useful for both Christians and non-Christians alike, this study demonstrates what we can really know about the historical truth of Jesus’ death and resurrection.
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Demons : What The Bible Really Says About The Powers Of Darkness
$24.99The truth about demons is far stranger–and even more fascinating–than what’s commonly believed.
Are demons real? Are they red creatures with goatees holding pitchforks and sitting on people’s shoulders while whispering bad things? Did a third of the angels really rebel with Satan? Are demons and “principalities and powers” just terms for the same entities, or are they different members of the kingdom of darkness? Is the world a chaotic mess because of what happened in Eden, or is there more to the story of evil?
What people believed about evil spiritual forces in ancient biblical times is often very different than what people have been led to believe about them today. And this ancient worldview is missing from most attempts to treat the topic.
In Demons, Michael Heiser debunks popular presuppositions about the very real powers of darkness. Rather than traditions, stories, speculations, or myths, Demons is grounded in what ancient people of both the Old and New Testament eras believed about evil spiritual forces and in what the Bible actually says. You’ll come away with a sound, biblical understanding of demons, supernatural rebellion, evil spirits, and spiritual warfare.
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Studies In The Deeper Life
$24.99This outstanding Bible study course by legendary teacher E. W. Kenyon was written to lead Christians into a deeper walk with the Master. Profound scriptural truths are presented in a simple and east-to-understand manner. As it takes you through the pages of the Bible, you will begin to see who you are in Christ, what He has done for you, and your standing before God the Father. An ideal study for both groups or individuals.
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Rapture Part 2
$14.99This second part of the book explains about the signs of heaven that are related to the second coming of the Lord Jesus.
His first coming is marked by a sign in the sky in the form of a star in the east as explained in Matthew 2:2:
Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.
God also gave signs in the sky relating to His second coming:
The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come: (Acts 2:20)
From 2014-2019 there were sixteen sky signs referred to the verse, in the form of nine solar eclipses and seven total lunar eclipses (moons like blood), thirteen of which occur right on the feast days of the people of Israel and three on the days that we interpret related to end-time events, that are on the day would be the beginning of great tribulation, on the day of the cessation of daily sacrifices, and the last day of great tribulation in Jerusalem.
Furthermore, the eclipses of years 2018 have the same interval of days with the ones in 2015, especially when reckoned from the calendar year beginning on the 1st day of Nissan and the other calendar year beginning on the 15th day of Shevat.
The Bible records that the end times will occur when conditions are safe and peaceful, but they will suddenly turn into chaos accompanied by severe persecution.
“For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” (1 Thessalonans 5:3)
In medical science, the normal gestation period lasts 266 days, and the Lord gave a lot of signs similar to pregnancy (266).
In addition, the book also explains the Israelite festivals and their meanings and prophecies. The Israelites have seven main feasts which are divided into two, namely the festivals of Rainy Season and the festival of Summer. The three festivals of the Rainy Season were fulfilled at the time of the first coming of the Lord Jesus. The four summer festivals in the form of the feast of the Trumpet, the day of Atonement, the feast of Tabernacles and the day of Hanukkah have not yet been fulfilled. Many theologians believe that the holidays will be fulfilled in connection with the second coming of the Lord Jesus.
Surprisingly, when we interpreted end-time events based on data of solar eclipses and total lunar eclipses , Israel’s feasts and Bible verses, it turns
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Rapture Part 1
$14.99The end of times is a topic that always attracts the attention of the Lord’s congregation since the beginning, because in the last days, the believers will be raised into the clouds to meet the Lord. However, Lord Jesus also stated that in the last days, there will be a severe persecution. That is why they need to prepare themselves to face this severe persecution.In this first part of the book, the authors present very basic things that should be known by Christians, namely, things relating to the end times which include:Signs and marks 666 which must not be accepted by Christians.This section explains the link between “Biochip” and 666 and the reasons and verses that explain why God’s children may not accept chip666. What are the consequences for a child of God who receives Chip666 and what is the fate of a child of God who refuses to accept it.The importance of knowing the last world ruler, because from this kingdom will emerge ten kings and antichrists.There are four main end times figures, namely Satan, ten kings, antichrist and false prophets. The Bible clearly explains these four figures so we can interpret these figures today.Rapture: what and when.The rapture will occur after the time of tribulation but before the vials of God’s wrath. This means that God’s children will experience persecution.The difference between the tribulation period and God’s wrath period.Tribulation period: when it starts and ends.The events that occurred related to the opening of each seal of the seven seals in the Book of Revelation.Emergence and duties of “two witnesses of God.”When the appearance of two witnesses of God and what are their duties.Christian preparations and attitudes in the end times.Because at the end times all of God’s children will experience persecution, so much preparation must be done. Where the preparation is not only related to the physical but primarily spiritual preparation that requires time and sincerity.In addition, at the end of this book, the estimated “The Book of Revelation in a New Structure” is included.Many Christians have difficulty understanding the contents of the Book of Revelation. This happened, for one thing, because the contents and events in the Book of Revelation were not sequential from beginning to end, there are several events that were repeated in other sections, because the Apostle John wrote the Book of Revelation from two visions, where some of the two visions are related to the same things. If all the same events are
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Unmasking Revelation : A Study Of Revelation To Reveal Its Positive Message
$19.99The Book of Revelation was meant to ignite awe and worship.
There is a special blessing promised to all who read and obey the words of Revelation (1:3). Yet many Christians slam their Bible shut before reading because they find the end times prophecy to be confusing, weird, and even scary.
Revelation was never meant to be feared or skipped over. In Unmasking Revelation, Sam Chess walks through how Jesus left first century Christians with the hope of His return, and how the letter of Revelation was given as a guide to how it all would end. Jesus was going to victoriously win and satan, and death, and hell, and even the curse of sin itself (22:3) would be purged off this planet!
Through Unmasking Revelation, the difficult parts of Revelation become understandable, and the weird and frightening are “unmasked” to simply unfold the storyline of Jesus’ (and Christians’) final triumphant victory.
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Living Through The Struggle
$11.95Life isn’t fair. Struggles surround us at every turn. Whether it is a failure to meet your own expectations to dealing with a terminal disease, the struggle is real. The realities for each situation are different, but they are all part of living in a fallen world. Living Through the Struggle makes it clear that pressing on, even though it is hard, is worth it.
Many theologians publish works on various books of the Bible that are frankly too heady and deep for most readers. Other less weighty works skip over the difficult passages. Writing about living through the struggle is not a theological exercise for Nightingale, rather he does so with experience and understanding of living with an uncurable disease. Furthermore, he has helped so many others navigate through tough times and find encouragement by applying the principles found in 1 Peter. In all things, Nightingale points the reader to Christ who is sufficient.
Living Through the Struggle is both practical and theologically deep. Short chapters include a portion of 1 Peter text, reflections, background information, and personal challenges for the reader to examine their lives in light of God’s Word. It is ideal not only for personal use, but for pastors, counselors, and teachers.
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Beginners Guide To New Testament Studies
$24.99This accessible and balanced introduction helps readers sort out key views on the most important debated issues in New Testament studies. Well-known New Testament scholar Nijay Gupta fairly presents the spectrum of viewpoints on thirteen topics and offers reflections on why scholars disagree on these matters. Written to be accessible to students and readers without advanced training in New Testament studies, this book will serve as an excellent supplementary text for New Testament introduction courses.
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Theology Of The New Testament
$81.25Following his well-received Apostle Paul, prominent European scholar Udo Schnelle now offers a major new theology of the New Testament. The work has been translated into English from the original German, with bibliographic adaptations, by leading American scholar M. Eugene Boring.
This comprehensive critical introduction combines historical and theological analysis. Schnelle begins with the teaching of Jesus and continues with a discussion of the theology of Paul. He then moves on to the Synoptic Gospels; the deutero-Pauline, catholic, and Johannine letters; and Revelation, paying due attention to authorship, chronology, genre, and canonical considerations. This is an essential book for anyone with a scholarly interest in the New Testament.
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Do Miracles Happen Today
$7.99Lots of extraordinary stuff happens in the Bible. People walk on water. People touch handkerchiefs and are healed. People disappear into the sky. Did these really happen? What was their purpose?
And do miracles happen today? How do we respond if someone says they’ve seen a miracle happen? Should we hold healing services? What can I say to a child about praying for healing? How should we react when prayers for healing aren’t answered?
In this warm and accessible book, Tim Chester looks at the Bible’s view of the existence and purpose of miracles and gives a careful and balanced view on whether healings and other miraculous things happen today.
It will help Christians to explore these questions and others regarding miracles, signs and wonders, and know how to pray.
Includes additional questions on:
– Why did Jesus tell people not to tell others about his miracles?
– How should I respond when I hear a claim that a miracle has happened?
– Should we hold healing services?
– What can I say to a child about praying for healing?Questions Christians Ask are short, readable books which clearly explain how the Bible answers the tough questions Christians are asking.
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Fragrance Of Jesus
$21.65The Fragrance of Jesus looks at 20 of Jesus’ miracles in terms of them being glimpses of God’s kingdom; as demonstrations of God’s power and also illustrations of qualities that will be experienced in his kingdom: some here and now and some when Jesus returns. Patrick Coghlan invites readers on a personal journey of discovery, encouraging them to understand prayerfully more about the kingdom–and apply lessons from Scripture to their daily lives and experiences.
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Rediscover Jesus : A Pilgrim’s Guide To The Land, The Personalities, And Th
$21.65Rediscover Jesus is a pilgrim’s guide to the land, the personalities, and the language of Luke. Based on an actual study tour to the Holy Land with twenty-nine people from different backgrounds, it focuses on discovering the real Jesus–his ministry and passion–through the accounts of Luke the evangelist; the challenge of discipleship, and living out Luke’s vision of discipleship. Individuals and groups may find the suggestions for further reflection and discussion at the end of each chapter useful, as well as the questions and answers at the end of the final chapter.
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Essential Guide To The Bible
$9.99Looking for a quick & compact summary of each book of the Bible? See key information about all 66 books of the Bible at a glance.
The Bible has sixty-six books, more than a thousand chapters, and was written by about forty different authors. This full-color guide gives you a quick, 4-to-6-page introduction to each book of the Bible, and it’s packed with over 150 charts, overviews, and pictures!
Get a Solid Overview of All 66 Book of the Bible
Want a solid overview of the entire Bible? From Genesis to Revelation, Essential Guide to the Bible helps you make sense of the Bible at a glance! This full-color guide gives you a fantastic 4-to-6 page overview of each book of the Bible, and includes:
*The purpose of the book
*The theme and how it fits in with the rest of the Bible
*The author, date, audience, and brief history of that time period
*Outline and key verses of each book so you can find important stories fast
*Maps, time lines, charts, and full-color photos
*Archaeological discoveries that give insight into the culture of the time
*Explanation of how Jesus is reflected in each book
*Practical applications for God’s people todayAdd to cart1 in stock
Hope Of Israel
$34.00This volume highlights the sustained focus in Acts on the resurrection of Christ, bringing clarity to the theology of Acts and its purpose. Brandon Crowe explores the historical, theological, and canonical implications of Jesus’s resurrection in early Christianity and helps readers more clearly understand the purpose of Acts in the context of the New Testament canon. He also shows how the resurrection is the fulfillment of the Old Testament Scriptures. This is the first major book-length study on the theological significance of Jesus’s resurrection in Acts.
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Paul And The Language Of Faith
$40.99A dynamic reading of Paul’s faith language, outlining its subtle nuances as belief, trust, and faithfulness.
Faith language permeates the letters of Paul. Yet, its exact meaning is not always clear. Many today, reflecting centuries of interpretation, consider belief in Jesus to be a passive act. In this important book, Nijay Gupta challenges common assumptions in the interpretation of Paul and calls for a reexamination of Paul’s faith language. Gupta argues that Paul’s faith language resonates with a Jewish understanding of covenant involving goodwill, trust, and expectation. Paul’s understanding of faith involves the transformation of one’s perception of God and the world through Christ, relational dependence on Christ, as well as active loyalty to Christ.
Pastors and scholars alike will benefit from this close examination of Paul’s understanding and use of faith language. For Gupta, Paul’s understanding involves a divine-human relationship centered on Christ that believes, trusts, and obeys.
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Boundless God : The Spirit According To The Old Testament
$28.23The word ru^ah (commonly translated as breath, wind, spirit, or Spirit) occurs in the Old Testament 389 times–more frequently than torah, shalom, or sabbath. In this volume, a popular Old Testament scholar, whose previous books have received wide acclaim, cracks open the challenging and provocative world of the Spirit in the Old Testament, offering readers cogent yet comprehensive insights.
Grounded in scholarship yet accessible and inviting, this book unlocks the world of the Spirit, plunging readers into an imaginative realm of fresh senses, sounds, and skills. The book gives readers the opportunity to recapture Israel’s tenacious sense of the Spirit’s energy as it was expressed by a series of vibrant verbs: blowing, breathing, coming, resting, passing, pouring, filling, cleansing, leading, and guiding. Readers will encounter in these pages all of the Old Testament expressions of the Spirit–passages that will challenge the conventional, confront the commonplace, and transport them to a world of wisdom, work, and wonder.
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Story Retold : A Biblical-Theological Introduction To The New Testament
$60.00New Testament introductions tend to fall into two categories: those that emphasize the history behind the text through discussions of authorship, dating, and audience, and those that explore the content of the text itself. Few introductions have integrated the Old Testament into their discussions, and fewer still are those that rely on the grand narrative of the Old Testament. But the New Testament was not written within a vacuum. Rather, it stands in continuity with the Old Testament. Israel’s story is the church’s story. In The Story Retold, G. K. Beale and Benjamin L. Gladd explore each New Testament book in light of the broad history of redemption, emphasizing the biblical-theological themes of each New Testament book. Their distinctive approach will encourage readers to read the New Testament in light of the Old, not as a new story but as a story retold.
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Gods Challenge To A New Generation (Audio CD)
$14.99In this stirring message, Derek Prince inspires young men and women to embrace the important roles God has ordained for them in these end times, face their unique challenges, and overcome the satanic pressures upon them.
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In The Garden
$15.99Consider not only the lilies of the field, but all the plants, trees, herbs, shrubs, and flowers that play a role in the biblical narrative through this illustrated guide. From the barley Ruth harvested to the hyssop David craved, from the frankincense the Wise Men brought to Jesus to the sycamore tree Zacchaeus climbed, the Bible is peppered with allusions to the plants that were a part of daily life in the ancient Near East and in New Testament Israel. With original illustrations, this beautiful gift book clarifies the biblical references to fifty plants in four categories–trees and shrubs, flowers, edible plants, and medicinal plants–and provides delightful new insights into the Word of God. Includes an index to each plant with corresponding Bible references, a calendar of Jewish festivals and their associated plants, and tips for growing your own Bible garden.
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