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    Biblical Studies

    • Honor And Shame In The Gospel Of Matthew


      Jerome Neyrey clarifies what praise, honor, and glory meant to Matthew and his audience. He examines the traditional literary forms for bestowing such praise and the conventional grounds for awarding honor and praise in Matthew’s world. Neyrey argues that the evangelist Matthew was trained in conventional ways, and that his writing employs as many of the genres taught in the rhetorical handbooks concerning praise. Analysis from this standpoint, supplemented with cross- cultural studies from countries that border the Mediterranean, gives new insight into the gospel’s meaning and purpose.

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    • Historical Books


      This book introduces neophyte readers to the basic concepts of history and historical writing and provides a simple framework of events and periods that can be used to situate historical data reported in texts or presupposed by them. Standard interpretative methods are accessibly explained and illustrated by consistent reference to 2 Samuel 24. The focus of discussion moves from the narrow level of individual pericope to larger units of meaning. Because the ultimate goal is to expose the claims made on the reader by these biblical texts and to help the reader make sense of those claims, the interpretative spotlight rests on the present interaction of text and reader rather than on the past.

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    • Mothers Around The Manger


      Chapter 1. Tamar (Matthew 1:3,Genesis 38)
      Chapter 2. Rahab (Matthew 1:5,Joshua2; 6:15-25; Hebrews 11:31; James 2:25)
      Chapter 3. Ruth (Matthew 1:5; The Book Of Ruth)
      Chapter 4. Uriah’s Wife (Matthew 1:6; 2 Samuel 11-12; 1 Kings 1-2)
      Chapter 5. Elizabeth (Luke 1:5:5-25,36-45,57-66)
      Chapter 6. Mary (Luke 1-2)
      Chapter 7. Anna (Luke 2:36-38)

      Additional Info
      What impact did Jesus mother have on his earthly life? Mothers Around the Manger examines the lives of Tamara, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, Elizabeth, Mary and Anna, Jesus “great grandmothers”, his female forebears and how they influenced Jesus’ ministry.

      Allen reflects on the significance of these women in the larger story of Jesus and in our changing global needs of today. At a time in history where race, class, national and religious barriers are being reexamined and re-imagined, the lesson Jesus’ mothers provide us with are important building blocks for the coming millenium.

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    • Wisdom Literature


      This volume explores the similarities between ancient and modern “wisdom literature” and on the comparable literature from ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Canaan, then devotes a chapter to each book (Prover, Job, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Sirach, and Wisdom of Solomon), examining rhetoric as well as content.

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    • Gospel And Letters Of John


      Culpepper begins with a close examination of the relationship between John and the Synoptics and a summary of John’s distinctive thought and language. He then looks at the origins of the Gospel and the letters, the history of the Johannine community. After a brief orientation to narrative criticism, readers move to the traditional concerns of John’s theology. The student is then led through the texts of the Gospel and the letters. The final chapter examines the challenges and potential of these writings as documents of faith.

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    • Testimony Of Poets And Sages


      Preface – Reading As A Journey
      Chapter 1. Psalms: Prayer Book Of The Bible
      Chapter 2. Reading The Psalms
      Chapter 3. Prayer And Praise In The Psalms
      Chapter 4. What Is Wisdom?
      Chapter 5. Proverbs: Wisdom For Full Living
      Chapter 6. Job: Wisdom In Dialogue
      Chapter 7. Ecclesiastes: Search For Meaning
      Conclusion – The Testimony Of Poets And Sages

      Additional Info
      With a helpful amount of scholarly information on organization, form, and context, Bellinger will help you and your class explore the depths of the poetry and wisdom of Psalms, Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes. The Psalms, or hymns, of lament and praise nurture honest dialogue with God. The pragmatic teaching of Proverbs remind us of the sacred nature of all that God has created. And the speculation of Job and Ecclesiastes allows us to raise questions about the unexplainable and ambiguous aspects of life. These are texts from the community of faith for the community of faith.

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    • 1 Bible Many Voices


      This title is designed for anyone wishing to undertake academic study of the Bible. It is an introduction to biblical studies, focusing on both ancient and modern approaches.

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    • Survival Bible


      B-29THE SURVIVAL BIBLE Now, For The First Time, You Can Receive Guidance And Survival Skills For Responding To Life’s Difficulties And Tragedies. Over 70 subjects and 1,800 Scripture verses encourage your heart in areas such as…Child Abuse / False Accusation / Injustice / Depression and so many more. You will find strength to face each day as you study the Collection of Wisdom Scriptures in this book.

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    • Strange Woman : Power And Sex In The Bible


      From the Publisher: Adultery, harlotry, independence, and power. Few today would say that these are equal. But to the male-dominated, male-documented world of ancient Israel and early Christianity, a woman who asserted herself was the equivalent of a prostitute. In a world where religious law severely limited women’s opportunities, those who did use prostitution and adultery to find a form of freedom not readily available to most women were castigated for their actions. This new book from Gail Corrington examines the treatment some of these women recieved and illustrates how biblical texts often apply the term “adultery” to any independant female behavior….sexual or not.

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    • Holy Writings Sacred Text


      An internationally respected biblical scholar investigates the origins of the Christian canon. Barton explores the reasons behind the development of the New Testament and pursues the historical factors involved in combining these books with the Hebrew Scriptures.

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    • Praying On The Journey With Christ


      Here is a book of commentary and prayers based on the Gospel of John, the most intimate gospel of them all, written by one who was next to Jesus at the Lord’s Supper, the only disciple with Jesus at the cross, and the one given the commission to care for Mary, Jesus’ mother.

      This book will be a helpful resource for:
      Individuals or groups for devotional use
      Bible study leaders
      Youth workers
      Opening a worship service or church meeting

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    • Jewish Wisdom In The Hellenistic Age


      Jewish wisdom flourished under Hellenism in the books of Ben Sira and the wisdom of Solomon, as well as in a recently discovered sapiential text from Qumran. In this book, internationally known author John Collins presents a compelling description and analysis of these three texts and their continuing wisdom traditions.

      The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.

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    • Semitic Background Of The New Testament Volume 2 A Print On Demand Title


      The Semitic Background of the New Testament is a combined edition of two books by Joseph Fitzmyer that have influenced and shaped New Testament studies during the past few decades. / This second volume, A Wandering Aramean: Collected Aramaic Essays, explo

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    • Semitic Background Of The New Testament Volume 1 A Print On Demand Title


      The Semitic Background of the New Testament is a combined edition of two books by Joseph Fitzmyer that have influenced and shaped New Testament studies during the past few decades. / This first volume, Essays on the Semitic Background of the New Testament

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    • Jesus And Judgment


      Preface To The Fortress Press Edition

      The Question In Contemporary Scholarship

      PART ONE

      1. Introduction
      2. Judgment In The Hebrew Bible
      3. Judgment In Other Early Jewish Literature
      4. Summary And Conclusion

      PART TWO

      5. The Tradition And Message Of John The Baptizer


      6. Introduction
      7. The Judgment Of Israel
      8. The Judgment Of Individuals
      9. Summary And Conclusion

      Bibliography I (Part One)

      Bibliography II (Parts Two And Three)

      Additional Info
      Marius Reiser argues here that the theme of judgement lies close to the heart of Jesus’ proclamation. For Jesus, the certainty of the coming of judgement is the presupposition of the ultimate coming of the reign of God. Judgement and salvation are two sides of the same coin. This book offers a corrective to a one-sided emphasis on Jesus’ message of salvation – to say nothing of the picture of a noneschatological Jesus. This work, originally published in German, features a new introduction in which Reisner engages the current American discussion of the historical Jesus, particularly engaging Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan. Reisner goes on to offer and overview of the concept of judgement in early Jewish literature and in the preaching of John the Baptizer. He then concentrates on the teachings of Jesus, both sayings and parables. Included are excurses on important related motifs like the “divine passive” and “conversion.” Marius Reiser is Professor of New Testament at the University of Tubingen.

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    • Prostitute In The Family Tree


      The Bible is funny! Very funny, according to this new book from Douglas Adams. But in order to discover this humor, Adams says, readers must take Bible passages in their entirety – not just as selected lines. When looking at the Bible as a whole, readers see not just selected, moralistic passages. Instead they see biblical stories with all their rough edges – the unethical and ambiguous characters, the unsolved problems, and the surprising endings. Adams’s book shows how seeing these faults in biblical figures and events strengthens modern Christians’ faith. In addition to pointing out cleverness in the Bible. Adams offers readers various practical methods and examples of how storytelling and some simple dramatic techniques can recover the biblical humor for today’s education, worship, and preaching.

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    • Elusive Israel : The Puzzle Of Election In Romans


      Cosgrove’s interpretation of Paul’s letter to the Romans is a study of the identity and destiny of Israel. He realizes that language allows for many possible interpretations, saying that Bible readers can never know for certain Paul’s intent, but they can establish a range of interpretations by taking the book in various contexts. Cosgrove also examines Israel as symbol and metaphor, nationalism and national differentiation in Pauline perspective, and the politics of God according to Romans 11.

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    • Mary Magdalene : Beyond The Myth


      A fascinating alternative to the traditional image of Mary of Magdala, with a detailed examination of the Gospel of Mary.

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    • Secrets Of The Journey 1


      A 7-Day Mentorship Program. Will give you a whole new perspective…Sometimes The Smallest Key Unlocks The Greatest Treasure. 9 Reasons Not To Make Decisions When You Are Tired / Treasuring Your Mentor / Improving Your Speech / Giving Your Seed A Specific Assignment. This Book Will Help You Get The Results You Want.

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    • Engaging The New Testament


      In addition to lucid introductions to each of the New Testament writings, this book offers a comprehensive survey of approaches to biblical studies, historical and cultural backgrounds, the historical Jesus, the rise of the resurrection faith, and attention to extracanonical materials. 63 illustrations. 3 charts. 6 maps.

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    • Paul And The Gentiles


      In Protestant circles it has been axiomatic to consider Paul’s doctrine of justification by faith to be the key to understanding his religious convictions. Now Donaldson (among others) identifies Paul’s mission to the Gentiles as the overriding theme and here strongly buttresses his views.

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    • Churchs Portraits Of Jesus


      Introduction – The Four Gospels: A Portrait Gallery
      Chapter 1. The Portrait Of Jesus In Mark
      Chapter 2. The Portrait Of Jesus In Matthew
      Chapter 3. The Portrait Of Jesus In Luke
      Chapter 4. The Portrait Of Jesus In John
      Conclusion – Who Is Jesus Christ, Anyway?

      Additional Info
      The Church’s Portraits of Jesus adds another voice to the ever-growing discussion about Jesus in recent media and scholarly conversations. While showing the unique portraits of Jesus offered by the four gospels-Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John-the book also establishes an approach to understanding the communities who shaped the portraits. As contemporary Christians explore their portraits of Jesus, Bridges provides excellent questions and guidance.

      This book is perfect for church, college and seminary classrooms that focus on the reading of the gospel narratives, theology, or interpretation approached. The Church’s Portraits of Jesus is also an ideal book for Sunday School groups looking for study books or other small groups within the church.

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    • Studies In Ancient Yahwistic Poetry A Print On Demand Title


      This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable.

      Ancient Yahwistic poetry is a particularly tempting field of study. In this small body of literature are preserved the oldest and most creative expressions of Israel’s faith. This study of ancient Yahwistic poetry by Frank Moore Cross Jr. and David Noel Freedman untangles some of the serious textual difficulties and linguistic obscurities that have been a challenge to students of the Hebrew Bible for many generations.

      The result of a joint doctoral dissertation originally submitted in 1950 and published in 1975, this volume has withstood the test of time; it offers analysis and conclusions regarding the Old Testament’s Yahwistic poetry that remain as innovative and authoritative today as they were almost fifty years ago. Following an important introduction to the study of Yahwistic poetry, the book focuses in detail on “The Song of Miriam” (Exodus 15), “The Blessing of Jacob” (Genesis 49), “The Blessing of Moses” (Deuteronomy 33), and “A Royal Song of Thanksgiving” (2 Samuel 22 = Psalm 18). This edition also includes new prefaces by Cross and Freedman that give their present perspectives on this classic work in biblical studies.

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    • Paul Between Damascus And Antioch


      What happened between Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus and his first missionary journey to Antioch? During these crucial years Paul rethought the implications of Christ’s life in light of the Old Testament in ways that have since become normative. Well-researched and thought-provoking.

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    • Unholy In Holy Scripture


      The Bible is the most widely read and translated book in the world, and its influence is immeasurable. Nonetheless, according to Gerd Ludemann, its use by Christians is highly selective. Ludemann asks, what about those parts of the Bible that contain God’s command to exterminate entire peoples or those texts which demonize other faiths? He focuses first on the practice of Holy War and then on the anti-Judaism of New Testament writings. He also tackles the question of how, given this destructive side of Scripture, we can continue to be Christians. In response, he points to the person of Jesus and his example.

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    • Gospel Of Matthew


      The Interpreting Biblical Texts series are well suited as basic textbooks for upper level college an seminary courses in Old and New Testament. Used along with other resources, such as commentaries, these volumes can help students learn to interpret the text. Donal Senior’s clear guide to Matthew provides treatment of the Gospel’s themes, a survey of modern scholarship, and solid exposition of the text

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    • Creation And Fall Temptation


      In this enlightening study, Dietrich Bonhoeffer offers a careful textual analysis of the story of creation, approaching the biblical tale with the eye of a philosopher and the soul of a true Christian.

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    • Reading The Old Testament (Expanded)


      Reading the Old Testament is intended for students who have already learned some of the techniques of biblical study and who wish to explore the wider implications and aims of the various critical methods currently in use. It provides an independent assessment and comparison of the latest development against the old, with chapters on form criticism, redaction criticism, canonical criticism, structuralism, reader-response criticism, and postmodern approaches.

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    • Jesus At 30


      John Miller’s Jesus at Thirty adds a new dimension to historical-Jesus research with a judicious application of psychological insight to the task of historical biblical scholarship…. The book is eminently readable, well-documented, and tinged with the excitement of discovering a fresh perspective from which to contemplate the Jesus of the Gospels – and the one who stands behind the Gospel portrait.

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    • Runway


      Suppose you are flying alone at night. It is stormy and you are lost. Your fuel is running low…. You are about to give up when suddenly there is a break in the clouds and there below you is a narrow string of lights. A place to land! Thank God! Would you be angry because the path between the lights is narrow? No! It guides you to life! With this opening statement in his introduction, Dr. Robert Tuttle leads to a fascinating study of the Ten Commandments.

      These much-needed messages will become sermon fodder for pastors preparing a series on the commandments. Each one is well illustrated to hold both reader and listener interest.

      Chapters include:
      The Ten Commandments And The New Morality
      False Gods And False People
      The Rediscovery Of Reverence
      The Christian Home, Our Hope For A New World
      Life Yields Only To The Honest Man
      Uncontrolled Desires Will Wreck Your Life
      … and more!

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    • Jesus Que Nunca Conoci – (Spanish)


      Yancey offers a new and different perspective on the life of Christ and his work and ultimately who he was and why he came. It gives a moving and refreshing portrait of the central figure in history. In this book we will discover a Jesus Christ who is creator, challenger, audacious, compassionate and convincing.

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    • Book Of Acts In Its Diaspora Setting Volume 5


      Impressive archaeological research characterizes this important new study of the relation of Jews to the societies in which they lived during the period of dispersion. Levinskaya surveys commonly held views about this difficult aspect of Jewish history and challenges current views regarding the true nature of Jewish missionary activity.

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    • Letters Of Paul (Student/Study Guide)


      Cousar outlines the considerations that emerge from the most recent scholarly consensus about the nature of Paul’s theology and how we have access to it. Cousar also addresses the social and cultural considerations that enrich a reading of Paul’s letters and the historical and literary factors that affect our appropriation of these texts.

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    • Pentateuch


      Designed for use in upper level college and seminary courses, this volume of the Interpreting Biblical Texts series helps students interpret the Pentateuch. It addresses issues essential for studying the Pentateuch and examines the latest thinking and learning about the social and cultural considerations that enrich a reading of these documents.

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    • Heretics : The Other Side Of Early Christianity


      According to the commonly held view, early Christianity was a time of great harmony, and heresy emerged only at a later stage. To the contrary, Gerd Ludemann argues that the time from the first Christian communities to the end of the second century was defined by struggle by various groups for doctrinal authority. Drawing on a wealth of data, he asserts that the losers in this struggle actually represented Christianity in its more authentic, original form. Orthodoxy has been defined by the victors in this struggle and it is they who subsequently silenced alternative views and labeled them heretical. Ludemann’s findings are important as well as liberating for the understanding of both Christianity and the Bible. Readers will gain a new understanding of Jesus and the early church from this compelling and controversial book.

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    • Gods Self Confident Daughters


      In this study, Anne Jensen provides an exhaustive account of the many roles that women played in the early church and their subsequent marginalization by the later church. This book is required reading for anyone interested in the history of the church and its impact on the lives of women throughout the ages. To what extent has Christianity promoted the liberation of the woman and to what extent hindered it? In the textbooks and handbooks of traditional study the early church is usually treated as if the first Christian women and men lived in isolation.

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    • Interpreting The Symbols And Types (Revised)


      The number seven, the color red, the tabernacle, the Morning Star . . . when symbols like these appear in Scripture, are Christians meant to understand them on more than one level? In this easy-to-use guide, Conner translates “the language of the divine” for believers seeking subtle shades of biblical meaning

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    • Psalms Through 3000 Years


      William Holladay examines the origins of the Psalms as well as their use in Judaism and Christianity throughout history. The result is an informative overview of the Psalms, which have been chanted, sung, and recited through the past three thousand years. The book is broken up into three major parts: The Psalms Take Shape – A Reconstruction; The Psalter through History; and Current Theological Issues. “In a serious work studded with human interest stories, Professor Holladay shows how the Psalms can be pitched to a modern key without losing the freshness of the first song. . .Read this work and you will make the Psalter your own prayer book.” -Frederick W. Danker. William Holladay is Professor of Old Testament at Andover Newton Theological School, Boston, Massachusetts.

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    • Victorious Christ : A Study Of The Book Of Revelation


      Many Christians avoid the book of Revelation. Because of its apocalyptic concerns and use of symbolism and imagery, readers often find Revelation difficult to understand. C. Freeman Sleeper offers a logical and nonthreatening way for people to study Revelation. First, Sleeper helps readers ask the basic questions. Then he goes through matters such as imagery and symbolism and their use in other literature written around the same period. Finally, he deals with difficult issues in interpretation and the implications of Revelation for Christians today. This is a great guide for non-specialists in search of a reliable and interesting exploration of the book of Revelation. C. Freeman Sleeper, at the time of this book’s publication, was Professor Emeritus of Religion at Roanoke College in Virginia.

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    • Spirituality Of Mark


      Mitzi Minor offers a reading of the Second Gospel that emphasizes the book’s instruction for a life of faith. Mark, according to Minor, provides extensive guidance to Christians on how to live authentically – even radically – in Christ. Its messages of profound faith and boundless love are timeless. The only comprehensive examination of Markan spirituality currently available, this book is of immense value to those preaching and teaching the Gospel of Mark, as well as to all who seek to expand their life in faith.

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    • Portraits Of Paul


      These pioneers in applying cultural anthropology to the New Testament re-examine Acts and the Epistles, drawing contrasts between modern and ancient views of personality. They show how public speeches were shaped by conventions of rhetoric and morality, while honor/shame and gender distinctions cause us to misread Paul.

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    • Jesus Under Fire (Revised)


      Who is Jesus? What did he do? What did he say? -Are the traditional answer to these questions still to be trusted? – Did the early church and tradition “Christianize” Jesus? – Was Christianity built on clever conceptions of the church, or on the character and actions of an actual person? These and similar questions have come under scrutiny by a forum of biblical scholars called the Jesus Seminar. Their conclusions have been widely publicized in magazines such as Time and Newsweek. Jesus Under Fire challenges the methodology and findings of the Jesus Seminar, which generally clash with the biblical records. It examines the authenticity of the words, actions, miracles, and resurrection of Jesus, and presents compelling evidence for the traditional biblical teachings. Combining accessibility with scholarly depth, Jesus Under Fire helps readers judge for themselves whether the Jesus of the Bible is the Jesus of history, and whether the gospels’ claim is valid that he is the only way to God.

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    • Exploring The Gospel Of John


      In Exploring the Gospel of John, scholars of international standing gather to honor D. Moody Smith by examining the trails he has blazed in Johannine scholarship. Every aspect of the study of John is represented in this book, including the historical origins of the Johannine community, the religious traditions in the gospel within and beyond early Christianity, the Fourth Gospel’s literary dimensions and theological concerns, and the distinctive challenges presented by the Gospel’s interpretation. This book is indispensable for all interested in the Fourth Gospel. For researchers, it summarizes the modern history of Johannine scholarship as it points the way for its advancement in the next century. For pastors and students, it offers a comprehensive, up-to-date, and reliable guide to this important New Testament book.

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    • Introducing The New Testament (Revised)


      Archibald Hunter has thoroughly revised and updated this work. At the same time, he has preserved its outline and organization. This widely acclaimed book has already become a standard reference for teachers, ministers, college, and seminary students.

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    • Johannine Faith And Liberating Community


      Building on recent developments in biblical studies, David Rensberger explores new avenues of interpretation of the Fourth Gospel made possible by the rediscovery of its social and historical settings. He looks to the first generation of readers and considers the range of meanings the Gospel might have held for them. He sees that behind the “spiritual” there is the possibility of social and even political interpretations. He discusses the relation of John’s Gospel to liberation theology and to contemporary questions on the role of the church in the world.

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    • Biblical Hebrew For Beginners


      Have you ever wondered what Adam really said to Eve? Or what God said to Job? Learning Hebrew can be easy – and fun. This book shows you how to master the essentials of the language in clear, simple steps – starting right from scratch with the Hebrew alphabet on how to read passages from the Bible itself. There are simple exercises (including answers), a word list, and plenty of examples throughout. Whether you are studying in a group or by yourself, this book will make the words of the Bible come alive in a way you never imagined before. ‘For learning Hebrew, the best way is to have an expert by your side. Here is the next best thing – Hebrew without such an aid and without tears! I commend the book warmly.’ Lord Coggan (formerly Archbishop of Canterbury).

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    • What Really Happened To Jesus


      Were the resurrection appearances real physical events – or nothing more than grief-induced hallucinations? What does it mean to say, Jesus rose from the dead? Dissatisfied with what he regarded as evasive answers given by theologians and scholars about the nature of the resurrection of Jesus, Gerd Ludemann here subjects the New Testament traditions to a thorough investigation. In particular, Ludemann is concerned with the story of the empty tomb and the subsequent appearance stories first related by Peter. Ludemann’s startling and somewhat radical conclusions have created a stir in Europe. This book, written for nonspecialists, presents Ludemann’s provocative conclusions. Readers will find a positive, albeit a revolutionary, new way of viewing the resurrection.

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    • Sowing The Gospel


      This is a scholarly look at the literary currents of Mark’s historical setting. It is intended as literary history, which attempts to make more sense of Mark as a whole than than other approaches have been able to do. By examining the literary conventions of Mark’s day, the Mary Ann Tolbert hopes to make the message of Mark more clear. Tolbert is the George H. Atkinson Professor of Biblical Studies at Pacific School of Religion in Berkely, California.

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    • Interpreting The Book Of Revelation


      Full of insights developed from a lifetime spent studying, teaching and modeling God’s Word, Interpreting the Book of Revelation promises to become an indispensable resource in any library. It is the author’s assurance that despite one’s eschatological persuasion or opinion regarding the contents of this book, the reader will gain valuable insight into the interpretation and understanding of this miraculously inspired Book of Revelation.

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    • Thrice Trumpeted Truths


      Thrice trumpeted truth, CLEARLY spoken 3 times exhibits more than 100 unique Bible truth triples. Its search and find format is for scholar, group leader or the curious skeptic. Could this book generate a new, unique approach strategy? It spawns curiosity for exploring the Bible- then intrigue-then awe at the written word.

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