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    Biblical Studies

    • Christianity At Corinth


      First Corinthians provides a unique glimpse info the life of a young Christian community in a Greco-Roman environment during the early decades of emerging Christianity. It supplies a range and richness of information about the early church that is unparalleled by any other New Testament document. Much effort has gone into reconstructing Christianity at Corinth; more recently, attention has focused on the Corinthian community itself. The scholarly picture of the Corinthian Christians throughout the period of modern interpretation has been far from constant, and their profile has altered as interpretive fashions have shifted. This collection of classic and new essays charts the history of the scholarly quest for the Corinthian church from F. C. Baur to the present day, and offers the reflections of leading scholars on where the quest has taken us and its future direction.

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    • Experiencing The Passion Of Christ


      144 Pages

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      Answering the why of Christ’s death.

      With the flood of questions and deep introspection that Mel Gibson’s blockbuster movie, The Passion of the Christ, is creating, John MacArthur responds with a workbook that answers those deep, personal, and sincere questions. So many people know about Jesus, but they don’t really understand why Jesus had to suffer and die. Experiencing the Passion of Christ will give you a front-row seat as Christ’s life unfolds. You will be placed on the scene, confronted up close with the painful events of the cross, but you will also see the majestic glory found in “the rest of the story.”

      * 13 intimate lessons on the suffering and significance of Christ
      * “Did You Know” sections providing historical tidbits
      * Corner verses on the bottom of every page
      * A summary section to help you understand the main points each week
      * A memory verse for each week

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    • Creation And Fall


      Volume 3 in a sixteen volume series offering a fresh, critical translation of Bonhoeffer’s writings, with introductions, annotations, and interpretation. Creation and Fall originated in Bonhoeffer’s lectures at University of Berlin in 1932-33 in which he called his students to focus their attention on the word of God as the word of truth in a time of turmoil.

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    • Gideon


      SKU (ISBN): 9781850785576ISBN10: 1850785570Jeff LucasBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2004Spring Harvest Bible StudiesPublisher: Authentic Print On Demand Product

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    • Septuagint Sexuality And The New Testament


      In this groundbreaking book William Loader shows how the Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures created new slants and emphases on sexuality that would leave their mark on the writings of Philo and the New Testament–and ultimately on Christian thought itself. According to Loader, “Some things are lost in translation, others gained.” The making of the Septuagint could not help but result in verbal connections, lost emphases, and novel wordplays that opened the door to new interpretations. One particularly important instance of this effect of translation is the Septuagint’s treatment of sexuality. In the course of his book Loader explores sexuality as it is presented in the Decalogue, the stories of Creation and the Garden of Eden, and the brief reference to divorce in Deuteronomy 24, looking in turn at their Septuagint translations, their use in Philo, and their possible impact on the New Testament. These fascinating studies have important implications for thinking about gender issues and male-female relations.

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    • Back To The Well


      Exploring six Gospel texts in which women encounter Jesus, Frances Taylor Gench encourages us to view these stories anew through the eyes of contemporary biblical scholarship. Summarizing and making accessible the work of a diversity of feminist scholars while also engaging many of the more traditional voices of the past, she examines each story’s language, structure, and literary and socio-cultural context, and recounts many traditional and contemporary interpretations. In the process, she opens up new possibilities for reading these texts. Includes helpful questions for discussion.

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    • Fortress Introduction To The Prophets


      An experienced teacher of the prophetic materials here provides students with an accessible entree into this fascinating aspect of Hebrew Bible studies. The author begins by asking five basic questions about Israelite prophecy and the prophetic books: Do the prophetic books witness to a real phenomenon of prophecy in Israel?; What is the relationship of the “classical” or “writing” prophets to the “pre-classical” prophets?; Where should we look for the origins of Israelite prophecy?; How do the prophets relate to their culture and society?; How does the prophetic collection of writings relate to the legal and historical traditions of Israel? Through literary, social, and theological analysis, the author then introduces the most noted of the Hebrew prophets, including Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, and Micah, with special attention to Jeremiah.

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    • Biblical Building Blocks For Small Groups


      Eleven sessions, based on such themes as “love one another,” “bear one another’s burdens,” “submit to one another,” and “encourage one another.” Includes guidelines and basic considerations for group formation.

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    • Joshua To Chronicles


      Joshua to Chronicles surveys the rich literature of the Old Testament books Joshua, Judges, Ruth, I and II Samuel, I and II Kings, and I and II Chronicles. Campbell argues that while these books may appear historical, they are more theological–better understood as Israel’s efforts to interpret their people’s experience. The book is helpfully structured with overview and review sections.

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    • Exploring New Testament Greek


      The first guide to New Testament Greek to assume no prior knowledge and prioritise quick and effective methods of learning. Contains useful pedagogical features such as Q & A exercises, a glossary of English grammatical terms and a glossary of key Greek vocabulary. This book also features a regularly updated companion web-site with exercises and revision notes – access is free for all who purchase the book. This practical textbook for undergraduate students and serving ministers is specifically designed to teach the reader about New Testament Greek, and to enrich the readers understanding of Scripture. Exploring New Testament Greek aims to cultivate a ‘feel’ for the Greek language and give insight into some central issues in New Testament study without a heavy investment of time and energy. Its priorities are accessibility and relevance for Bible study: it is set out in ten short chapters that encourage learning through a variety of practical exercises, and concentrates on those aspects of the language that lead directly t

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    • Road To Armageddon


      SKU (ISBN): 9780849991257UPC: 023755024862Charles Swindoll | John Walvoord | J. Dwight PentecostBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2004Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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    • Short Introduction To Hermeneutics


      Hermeneutics defines the rules used to search out the meaning of Scripture. Throughout church history, interpreters have approached biblical interpretation in different ways, using different tools and methods. This book conveniently and accessibly surveys major biblical interpreters and approaches to hermeneutics from the patristic period to the present days. It provides a theoretical basis for understanding the processes of hermeneutics in different faith traditions.

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    • Creating Significant Spiritual Community


      Nine sessions, based on such themes as “speak truthfully to one another,” “do not grumble against one another,” “do not provoke one another,” and “look out for one another.” Includes a unique chapter on small group worship.

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    • Building Spiritual Community In Small Groups


      Ten sessions, based on such themes as “accept one another,” “serve one another,” “teach one another,” and “honor one another.” Includes a special introductory chapter on “The Power of Community,” outlining the core biblical basis for small groups.

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    • Treasures Old And New


      The Pentateuch is one anchor of the Western religious heritage, a rich source of theological and spiritual instruction that can be plumbed again and again. In Treasures Old and New accomplished biblical scholar Joseph Blenkinsopp engages several interesting topics in dialogue with texts from the Pentateuch.

      In keeping with the view that the Pentateuch is far too multiplex to be encapsulated in a single theological system, Blenkinsopp has written Treasures Old and New as a “sketchbook” of theology in the Pentateuch. This fruitful approach allows him to consider themes that easily fall through the cracks of more systematic works of biblical theology. Among the many subjects that Blenkinsopp pursues are the role of memory in the construction of the past, the dependence of Christianity on Judaism, the close connection between sacrifice and community in Old Testament Israel, the proper meaning of human stewardship of the world, and belief (or lack of belief) in a meaningful postmortem existence.

      Blenkinsopp also explores well-known texts from less-well-known angles. The Garden of Eden story, for example, gains in resonance when read together with Gilgamesh, and the laws governing diet and cleanliness become clearer in the light of current ecological concerns. Readers will also learn from Blenkinsopp’s novel approach to such important yet enigmatic stories as the Creation, Cain and Abel, the Flood, the Tower of Babel, the Call of Abram, and Sodom and Gomorrah.

      Blessed with an extraordinary ability to transmit complex issues in concise and lucid fashion, Blenkinsopp shows that serious engagement with biblical texts, while sometimes demanding, can be intellectually and religiously rewarding.

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    • Many Things In Parables


      In this splendid introduction to the elusive rhetorical device central to the New Testament picture of Jesus, Charles Hedrick explores the nature of the parable and its history of use. He asks basic questions such as, what is a parable? is Jesus really the author of the parables? and what does a parable mean? and then reviews a range of sources–from Aesop’s fables to modern New Testament scholarship–to answer them. He also surveys the various ways the parables have been approached in literary criticism throughout history, giving specific examples of each method and delineating their strengths and weaknesses.

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    • Render To God


      Neyrey here interprets eight key New Testament books, providing a fresh look at theologies in the early church and introducing readers to the diverse ways in which the New Testament writers ”render to God the things that are God’s.” He begins with two Gospels, Mark and Matthew, and moves on to the Acts of the Apostles and three of Paul’s letters (Romans, 1 Corinthians, and Galatians). He then examines the formal and precise ways in which Jesus is called God in the Gospel of John and concludes with a discussion of how Hebrews uses ”eternity” as a fundamental concept for understanding God. Using a social-science methodology, he offers a unique perspective on the biblical text.

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    • Faith


      NavPress Print On Demand Title

      The Faith, book three of the four-part DFD 2.0 series, delves into the weightier concepts, and questions of the Christian life.

      Why should I trust the Bible?
      Who is Satan?
      How do I depend on the Holy Spirit?

      This study helps students find the answers to these questions. By learning and applying these concepts the user is well prepared to face life with a spiritual foundation.

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    • Walk : A Journey With God


      What does it mean to “walk with God?” What happens when the walk feels more like a sprint?
      The Bible challenges readers to walk with God, but many students don’t know where to begin. Book two of the updated Design for Discipleship study series maps out some guidelines to following Christ, walking with him. Perfect for youth groups or personal study, readers will discover how to apply their love of God to every aspect of their daily lives.

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    • Living Gods Love (Student/Study Guide)


      Do you want a deeper relationship with God? A closer walk with Jesus? A sense of the Holy Spirit’s constant presence? This book is for you. It serves as a simple and easy-to-follow signpost marking the path of daily relationship with God. God invites you into relationship with him, just as you are. Even if you’re not sure about God, even if you have no religious background, even if you’ve been a churchgoer all your life, God invites you to share his very life. It is a life richer than you can imagine.

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    • Childrens Stories Of The Bible


      The Bible’s children’s stories are often a child’s first glimpse of God. Recent surveys show that a high percentage of Christian adults still believe these childhood stories to be literally true. But most believers have never heard the adult versions of these stories with their additional detail and background, information that not only enhances their validity but also reveals new insight into the character of God. And for non-believers who’ve dismissed them as fairy tales or fables, this information provides logical reasons to reconsider their decision and open their hearts to God once again. Here, then, are the adult versions of the Bible’s children’s stories, actual occurrences of God’s earliest revelation of Himself to man. For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope (Romans 15:4).

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    • Biblical Leadership


      There are many different types of leaders–leaders in the business world, in government, in the home, and in the local church. Sadly, many times leadership has been completely contrary to what the Bible teaches. Many leaders are focused on what they can get from their positions of authority rather than on what they can give to the works in which they are involved.

      While some view it as a tool for popularity and power, leadership is a privilege. Leadership requires responsibility. We need biblical leaders who are people of integrity and humility–leaders who are willing to be different.

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    • Chosen In Him


      An exposition of the Epistles of Ephesians which approaches the book as a manual for Christian missions.

      This book is one of the finest practical theology works of our time. While not overly technical, it addresses in detail some of the most important biblical themes affecting both pastoral ministry and missions. Dr. Good demonstrates how a proper understanding of theology affects methodology and ecclesiology.

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    • Reading Mark : Engaging The Gospel


      A renowned scholar on the Gospel of Mark, Rhoads utilizes a variety of methods to plumb the depths of this earliest story of Jesus. From new forms of literary criticism, social-scientific explorations, and reader-response criticism, Rhoads brings fresh insights to Gospel studies.

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    • New Testament Story Print On Demand Title


      A Print on Demand Title

      This informative, clearly written book introduces the New Testament in two main ways: (1) it explains where the New Testament came from, and (2) it examines the New Testament writings themselves.

      Ben Witherington first tells how and why the New Testament documents were written and collected and how they came to be known as the New Testament that we have today. He then discusses the main stories and major figures in the New Testament. Witherington looks particularly at the Gospels, examining how and why their stories differ and pointing out what these ancient biographies actually say about Jesus. He also surveys the ways that these stories were told and retold, explaining how this literary development has influenced Christian theology, ethics, and social thought. Each chapter ends with a section called “Exercises and Questions for Reflection and Study” (written by Darlene Hyatt), making this book especially useful for Sunday school classes and group Bible studies.

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    • Davids Secret Demons Print On Demand Title


      A Print on Demand Title

      The Bible portrays King David as an exceptional man and a paragon of godly devotion. But was he? Some scholars deny that he existed at all. Did he? This challenging book examines the written and archaeological evidence critically in an effort to paint an accurate picture of one of the Bible’s central figures.

      Neither defending nor rejecting the traditions about David, Baruch Halpern, a leading scholar of biblical history and the ancient Near East, traces the origins of development of David’s persona. Because the biblical text clearly responds to concerns that can only be contemporary with David himself, we can believe that David was both real and a central actor in the historical drama of ancient Israel. Yet at the same time, the written record also shows that contemporaries understood David’s character to be much more unsavory trhan the tradition has hitherto allowed.

      Halpern digs beneath the layers of tradition to understand David as an individual, as a person. The man he uncovers turns out to have been complex, ambiguous, and – above all – surprising. According to Halpern, the image of David grew over time. He was the founder of the dynasty that perpetuated the texts about him, and they progressively exaggerated his accomplishments. But in the earliest writings David remains a modest figure, as this book shows for the first time. To understand David as a human being, one must keep in mind that he was primarily a politicians who operated in a rough-and-tumble environment in which competitors were ready literally to slit throats.

      Halpern’s work raises many provocative questions: Was David an Israelite or a Philistine? Was Solomon really David’s son? Did David take the throne of Israel by the consent or against the will of the people? How many murders did he commit on his way to the crown? Indeed, was David someone it would have been wise to even invite to dinner?

      The challenging arguments in David’s Secret Demons are sure to provoke all kinds of discussion among biblical scholars and general readers alike. In addition – a big bonus – Halpern’s accessible, at times humorous prose will itself draw readers everywhere into the compelling story of David found between these covers.

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    • Rabbi Reads The Bible (Student/Study Guide)


      Since its first appearance in 1991, under the title A Rabbi’s Bible, Jonathan Magonet’s introduction to the Jewish reading of Scripture has proved immensely popular, with Dutch and German editions. The informal style and wit open a wide range of scholarly issues to the general and specialist reader, and encourage a journey of discovery into unfamiliar traditional and modern Jewish approaches to the text of the Bible. For this new addition, Rabbi Magonet has added two new chapters, on the Biblical context of ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself’, and the inner logic of the Ten Commandments. Another humorous, yet challenging, sermon from the Annual Jewish-Christian Bible Week in Bendorf, adds a further example of creative reading with contemporary overtones. An updated suggested reading list adds to the value of this stimulating book.

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    • Covenant And Commandment


      Introduction: A Covenant With The Reader

      Part 1: The Covenant And The Commandments
      Chapter 1: The God Of Covenants
      Chapter 2: The Hebrew Looks At God
      Chapter 3: Humankind, Community, And History
      Chapter 4: The Covenant And The Law
      Chapter 5: The Ten Commandments: Their Origins, Character, And Scope

      Part 2: The Vertical Commandments
      Chapter 6: But First. . . A Word From God
      Chapter 7: The First Commandment: The Character Of God
      Chapter 8: The Second Commandment: Concerning Idols
      Chapter 9: The Third Commandment: On Using The Name
      Chapter 10: The Fourth Commandment: Confessing Our Humanity

      Part 3: The Horizontal Commandments
      Chapter 11: “Let Persons Be Persons”
      Chapter 12: The Fifth Commandment: Recognition Of Indebtedness
      Chapter 13: The Sixth Commandment: Respect For Persons As The Image Of God
      Chapter 14: The Seventh Commandment: Respect For Persons In The Male-Female Relationship
      Chapter 15: The Eighth Commandment: Respect For Property As An Extension Of Selfhood
      Chapter 16: The Ninth Commandment: Respect For The Integrity Of Society
      Chapter 17: The Tenth Commandment: The Inwardness Of The Law

      Afterword: Down From The Mountain

      Questions For Personal Reflection Or Group Discussion

      Additional Info
      Covenant and Commandment at first seeks to establish that the heart of Hebrew faith and thought is a vision of God as one who makes covenants-with Israel, with all humankind, and, indeed, with the whole creation. As a covenant-maker, God binds himself through his promises. It is Israel’s conviction that God is the kind of God who makes promises and keeps them. This conviction, as Christian contends, has given creative power and shape to the whole of Hebrew and Christian history.

      As the books continues, C. W. Christian contends that the Hebrew law, especially that expression called the Ten Commandments, can best be understood as a joyful response to God’s covenant grace, a response that embraces every aspect of our being: community with God, with each other, and with God’s world. Each of the commandments is then examined to discover how it may provide guidance in living unto God and in human community.

      Covenant and Commandment is ideal for either personal or group study on the nature and use of the Ten Commandments. A study guide with relevant questions is provided for reflection and discussion.

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    • Matthew : Storyteller Interpreter Evangelist (Revised)


      For the past ten years, the well-received first edition of this commentary has offered readers a way to look at scriptural texts that combines historical, narrative, and contemporary interests. Carter explores Matthew by approaching it from the perspective of the “authorial audience”-by identifying with and reading along with the audience imagined by the author. Now an updated second edition is available as part of a new series focusing on each of the gospel writers as storyteller, interpreter, and evangelist.

      This edition preserves the essential identity of the original material, while adding new insights from Carter’s more recent readings of Matthew’s gospel in relation to the Roman Imperial world.

      Four of the seventeen chapters have been significantly revised, and most have had minor changes. There are also new endnotes directing readers to Carter’s more recent published work on Matthew. Scholars and pastors will use the full bibliography and appendix on redaction and narrative approaches, while lay readers will appreciate the clear and straightforward text.

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    • Dominion And Dynasty


      Series Preface
      Author’s Preface
      1. A Book Or A Ragbag: A Literary Approach To Old Testament Theology
      2. The Beginning, Middle And Ending Of The Tanakh: A Preview Of The Storyline (Adam To David)
      3. The Narrative Storyline Begins (Genesis)
      4. The Narrative Storyline Continues (Exodus To Deuteronomy)
      5. The Narrative Storyline Continues: The Former Prophets (Joshua To Kings)
      6. Suspension Of The Storyline–Poetic Commentary Begins: The Latter Prophets (Jeremiah To The Twelve)
      7. Poetic Commentary Continues: The Writings (Ruth To Lamentations)
      8. Ending Of Poetic Commentary And Resumption Of Narrative Storyline (Daniel To Chronicles)
      9. Typology And New Testament Reflections
      Index Of Ancient Sources
      Index Of Modern Authors
      Index Of Scripture References

      Additional Info
      In this stimulating exposition, Stephen Dempster argues that, despite its undoubted literary diversity, the Hebrew Bible possesses a remarkable structural and conceptual unity. The various genres and books are placed within a comprehensive narrative framework which provides an overarching literary and historical context.

      The many texts contribute to this larger text, and find their meaning and significance within its story of ‘dominion and dynasty’, which ranges from Adam to the Son of Man to David, and to a coming Davidic king.

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    • Brother Of Jesus Friend Of God Print On Demand Title


      A Print on Demand Title

      For centuries, the Epistle of James has stirred controversy. These landmark studies broaden the debate. Johnson explores the epistle’s social and historical background; and its place in Scripture, use of Jesus’ sayings, context within Hellenistic moral discourse, and themes of friendship and gender. An accessible collection for scholars and laypeople alike!

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    • Nineveh Or Bust


      Resistantly Following God’s Calling. God never calls us to something that takes little effort, is low risk, or will not have insignificant impact! So following God takes hard work and great faith but always leads to eternity advancement! Nineveh or Bust examines the life of the prophet Jonah and what happened once he received God’s call to minister to the heathen Assyrians in Nineveh. As we will see, Jonah did not respond positively; in fact, he resisted God’s calling-just as we do! This book examines Jonah’s autobiography, including his rebellion, his experience in the belly of the large fish, his ministry in Nineveh, and his reaction after 120,000 repented and turned to God. The author provides convincing evidence to arguments that have caused some to doubt the veracity of Jonah’s encounters at sea! Finally, you will see God’s grace and compassion on a godless people as an entire city repented. In contrast, you will see how unloving and merciless Jonah was as he complained about the Assyrians’ redemption. You will be surprised by God’s response to his enlisted servant!

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    • Kingdom And The Power


      Long regarded as one of the premier theologians of the New Testament, Paul Minear has inspired generations and influenced the path of biblical scholarship. The Kingdom and the Power represents Minear’s most thorough exposition of the New Testament message, spanning the range of genres and theologies within the biblical record. In clear prose, Minear sets forth the heart of the early church’s proclaimation and shows its enduring relevance for the modern church.

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    • Temple Theology : An Introduction


      Should not be ignored by anyone interested in Judaism and the origins of Christian Faith.

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    • Godawful : Connections Between Biblical Journeys And Life Transitions


      Whether it’s leaving home, having children, losing a parent, or retiring, we spend much of our lives passing through transitions — and it is often very stressful to cope with changing circumstances, as we feel lost, confused, and depressed, sometimes even wondering “Where is God in all of this?”

      The scriptures offer valuable guidance for navigating these difficult passages. Andre Papineau suggests that if we think of biblical journey stories (such as the Prodigal Son or Jonah’s journey to Nineveh) as accounts of life transitions, we can begin to understand the profound spirituality of our own transitions — no matter how “godawful” the experiences may seem.

      By viewing transitional experiences and journey stories through a common lens, this enlightening book provides abundant insight into both the scriptures and the human condition, helping us to see how the hand of God, yes even “Godawful,” is at work in our everyday lives. Each chapter includes helpful exercises and discussion questions, making it an ideal individual or group study resource.

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    • Bible Truths Unmasked


      There are truths contained between the pages of even the most well-worn Bible-truths that have been hidden for generations. The Bible is a simple book to understand, and yet there are promises of God that have not been fully experienced by Christians since the days of the apostles. Tradition, false doctrine and unsound teaching have been used by those opposing the Truth to obscure the clear teaching of Scripture.

      Bible Truths Unmasked will challenge you with a fresh look at some of the familiar promises of God.

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    • Reading Womens Stories


      Literary criticism has developed as one of the most important and evocative methods for interpreting biblical narratives. John Petersen delves deeply into three stories of women in the Hebrew Bible (Hannah, Deborah, and Tamar) and explores issues of reading character, plot, and point of view.
      By addressing these concepts in depth and with subtlety, he is able to show how human experience is depicted using a variety of structuring, focusing, and interpretive devices. Beyond analyzing these narratives, he teaches readers how to get more out of every biblical story they read.

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    • Conflict And Identity In Romans


      What was Paul’s purpose in writing to the Romans? Utilizing archaeology, epigraphy, and social-scientific methods, Esler concludes that the apostle was attempting to facilitate conflict resolution among the believers in Rome—especially between Judeans and non-Judeans. In the process, Paul hoped to establish an identity for them that would incorporate various groups into a unified entity.

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    • Apocalyptic Literature


      Nowhere is the biblical text stranger than in the apocalyptic literature of the Old and New Testaments. In this volume, Stephen L. Cook makes the puzzling visions and symbols intelligible to modern readers. He begins with definitions of apocalypticism and apocalyptic literature as he introduces readers to the social and historical worlds of the apocalyptic groups. He then addresses the biblical books of Daniel and Revelation and other important but lesser-known examples.

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    • Paul : A Jew On The Margins


      Paul’s messianism put him at the margins of Pharisaism, his preaching placed him in tension with the Synagogue, and his Gospel set him on the outer border of Hellenistic religion. This book explores the tensions and creativity that Paul’s marginality let loose. In six short chapters, Roetzel explains Paul’s complex relationship to first century Judaism and elements of the early church. In so doing, he tackles a great many of the most disputed areas of Pauline theology: How can we speak of Paul as a convert? How far did Paul accept the apocalyptic myth? What are we to make of Paul’s theology of weakness? How far did Paul embrace pluralism? And how could Paul preach that Gentiles shared in God’s election without excluding Jews?

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    • Putting Jesus In His Place


      This is a study of the Historical Jesus that pays close attention to the role of space and place, from house to kingdom, for understanding Jesus’ identity. Halvor Moxnes employs a sociological and anthropological approach that promises to give greater depth to our perceptions of Jesus.

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    • Joshua Generation


      In its exploration of the life of Joshua, Israel’s early leader, the Joshua Generation reveals the timeless keys to a successful twenty-first century life. Based on the instructions that God gave to Joshua, the author reveals God’s secret to a life that is prosperous and successful. To truly know God and have the success that He promised, you must know and apply that secret. Do you want to be blessed beyond measure? Do you desire to love and trust God, even if it means losing your life? Open your heart to the message that God gave to Joshua and let Him speak to you today. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Let Him bless you as He blessed Joshua thousands of years ago. Study the truths shared by this book, apply them to your life, and stand back as God sets the Joshua Generation ablaze with His fire. Don’t miss out on the message God has for you! Don’t get left behind on the incredible journey that He has planned for your life. Learn how to begin it today!

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    • Revelation Revolution 1


      Revelation Revolution is volume one of four volumes on the book of Revelation. The reader will receive insights to the most debated book of the Bible, which unveils the person and the work of Jesus Christ. The book reveals the meaning of the three feasts of the Lord (Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles), and how those feasts are related to the finished work of Calvary. This book brings spiritual revelation and information to Christians who are bound in legalism and view the book of Revelation as a scary book full of gloom and doom. Readers will see that the book of Revelation shows Christians the finished work of Jesus Christ and who they are in Christ. The fear that has accompanied some of the past teaching of the book of Revelation will be removed as the reader ceases from his own labors, enters into God’s rest, and matures in grace and truth.

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    • Fiery Throne : The Prophets And Old Testament Theology


      Zimmerli was one of the leading experts on Ezekiel and Jeremiah of his generation. Hanson has done us all a great service by collecting in one place some of his most important pieces on questions like the visionary experience, the prophetic word, and later reinterpretations.

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    • Road Map To The Future


      An easy-to-read study of the events relating to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ Road maps are used every day. A Road Map to the Future will show you how to discover the future that God has in store for our world and its people. This handbook/sourcebook, designed for worldwide distribution, will permit you to peer into the future by means of hundreds of Bible texts. The thirty-one “bite-sized” chapters will rapidly make you aware of the great future events. Tied to the teaching about the Second Coming of Christ are many major Bible doctrines. You will read current events with greater perception. It will be a pastor’s helper and an excellent tool for small group study and discussion. It has a strong evangelistic emphasis, and it will encourage believers to live holy lives in the light of Christ’s Coming. “I have had the privilege and honor of knowing the author as a friend, mentor, missionary, minister, prayer warrior, and even as a patient. Now, after reading his book, I also know him as a teacher and scholar. A Road Map to the Future provides an excellent ‘nuts and bolts’ approach to the study of the ‘end time’ events. I wholeheartedly and enthusiastically endorse this book.” -C. Jake Lambert, Jr., M.D., F.A.C.S. “The author haas provided a basic and thorough outline of prophetic events, in language that all are able to comprehend. It will help every Christian to work through the maze. This book is interesting, true to the Bible, and highly recommended.” -John H. Stoll, Th.M., Ph.D, Founder and Director, ASK, Inc. “I have known Dr. Fogle (pastor, missionary and professor) for many years. I believe this book will be helpful to believers today around the world and that it can lead some to accept Christ.” -George Verwer, Founder and International Director, Operation Mobilization

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    • Poor Banished Children Of Eve


      This is an investigation of the problem of the symbolization of woman as the incarnation of moral evil, sin, devastation, and death in the Hebrew Bible, and how this symbolization of a particular gender interconnects with the issues of race/ethnicity, class, and colonialism during the times of its production.

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    • Genesis The Movie


      The creation story stands as one of the most famous and familiar in Scripture. But, says best-selling author Robert Farrar Capon, most of us misconstrue it. The reason? We have fallen into the habit of reading Genesis the way we read all of Scripture – as a manual of religious instructions. To break this (bad) habit, Capon here offers a whimsical yet wonderfully fruitful approach – watching the Bible as a historical movie whose director is God. Though Capon does have fun with this concept, he’s very serious about its liberating effects. “When you watch a movie,” he says, “you never ask questions about whether the events depicted actually happened. Instead, you accept the history the director shows you on the screen.” And, as Capon points out, we typically suspend judgment of a film until we’ve seen all of it, letting later scenes inform and enrich earlier ones. That, he says, is exactly how we need to see Genesis – as just the beginning of the whole movie of Scripture. Using this novel approach in “Genesis, the Movie,” Capon develops a commentary of theological scope and depth on the first three chapters of Genesis. He gives every verse as it appears in the Hebrew, the Septuagint, and the Vulgate, as well as in the KJV, RSV, and NRSV versions of the Bible. Making extensive use of Augustine’s commentary on Genesis in his “Confessions” and “De Genesi ad Litteram,” Capon also shows the interpretive freedom with which the church’s fathers and mothers approached Scripture. This book is as much Capon the charming writer-teacher as it is Capon the scholar, characterized as it is by the conversational, entertaining style for which Capon is so well known. Enriched by Capon’s signature wit, imaginative wisdom, and broad-ranging engagement of saints, poets, and religious thinkers across the centuries, “Genesis, the Movie” presents a remarkable new look at Scripture that will delight and challenge its many readers.

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    • Peacemaking : Resolving Conflict Restoring And Building Harmony In Relation (Stu


      Love’s detailed Scriptural study of peacemaking describes Jesus’ keys to conflict resolution and harmonious relationships. It equips church planters and church leaders to understand and embrace Jesus’ way of developing God-honoring, satisfying relationships. Here is a powerful resource for anyone who wants to make a difference in a world of conflict, broken relationships, and pain.

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    • Fragile Stone : The Emotional Life Of Simon Peter (Student/Study Guide)


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      Songwriter and musician Michael Card explores the dynamic, contradictory life of the apostle Peter. The fruit of years of careful study, this book revisits well-known passages and discovers unexpected insights, painting a portrait of Peter that is both familiar and jarring. With a scope spanning the entire New Testament, Card reveals how the impetuous fisherman of the Gospels was transformed into the pivotal leader of the early church. The life of Simon Peter thus serves as a model for Christian discipleship, offering hope that we likewise can be changed as Jesus calls us to follow him. This companion study guide provides nine inductive Bible studies on the life of Peter, with discussion questions for group study or individual reflection.

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    • Fortress Introduction To The New Testament


      One of the world’s foremost biblical scholars outlines what we know about the history, literature, and religion of the 27 books of the New Testament, condensing years of research and reflection, while taking full advantage of modern European monographs. Dense and stimulating.

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