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    Biblical Studies

    • Prophetic Literature


      Although the biblical books of the prophets are based upon the careers and experiences of some of the most talented and provocative individuals of their time, the books must be read first as literature. Each book displays its own unique organization, literary characteristics, and theological outlook in presenting the prophets. By guiding the reader through the literary structure and language of each of the prophetic books as well as the social roles of the indiviual prophets, this volume opens the reader to greater understanding and appreciation of the prophets of Israel and Judah.

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    • Beginners Guide To New Testament Exegesis (Student/Study Guide)


      Thoroughly accessible, this guide clearly introduces the essential methods of New Testament interpretation, giving students a solid grasp of basic skills while encouraging practice and holding out manageable goals and expectations. Numerous helps and illustrations clarify, summarize and illuminate the principles.

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    • Whispering The Word


      In the past twenty-five years there has been an explosion of work focusing on women in the Old Testament. However, because much of this work has reflected a perspective that is either uninterested in or hostile to theological implications of the text, many Christian feminists wonder if they can simultaneously maintain their commitment to principles of gender equality and their faith in the Scriptures, particularly the Old Testament.

      Writing in response to feminist biblical scholars who approach the Old Testament with a hermeneutic of suspicion, Princeton theologian Jacqueline Lapsley offers Christian feminists strategies to hear the subtle ideas and voices of the less powerful within the Old Testament texts. Reading and interpreting a number of Old Testament narratives in which women are prominent, Lapsley considers how these stories may reflect God’s word for us. In doing so, she demonstrates how the narrative often attempts to shape the moral response of the reader by revealing the intricacy and complexity of the moral world evoked. In this gentle shaping of the reader’s ethical sensibilities, she argues, is where God may be whispering a word for us.

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    • Bible After Babel


      Biblical scholars today often sound as if they are caught in the aftermath of Babel – a clamor of voices unable to reach common agreement. Yet is this confusion necessarily a bad thing? Many postmodern critics see the recent profusion of critical approaches as a welcome opportunity for the emergence of diverse new techniques. In The Bible after Babel noted biblical scholar John J. Collins considers the effect of the postmodern situation on biblical, primarily Old Testament, criticism over the last three decades. Engaging and even-handed, Collins examines the quest of historical criticism to objectively establish a text’s basic meaning. Accepting that the Bible may no longer provide secure “foundations” for faith, Collins still highlights its ethical challenge to be concerned for “the other” – a challenge central both to Old Testament ethics and to the teaching of Jesus.

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    • Contextualization In The New Testament (Student/Study Guide)


      As both a crosscultural missionary and a New Testament scholar, Dean Flemming is well equipped to examine how the early church contextualized the gospel and to draw out lessons for today. By carefully sifting the New Testament evidence, Flemming uncovers the patterns and parameters of a Paul or Mark or John as they spoke the Word on target, bringing these to bear on our contemporary missiological task.

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    • New Manners And Customs Of Bible Times


      A classic resource on biblical cultures—now even better! This updated edition features a reader-friendly format with colorful photography and artwork; detailed maps, diagrams, and charts; Bible review sections at the end of each chapter; Scripture and topic indexes; and even helpful tips for visits to the Holy Land. 400 pages, hardcover from Moody.

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    • Where You Go I Shall


      Where You Go, I Shall is a book that was born of experience and need. The authors, two of whom are widows and the third an Episcopal priest, were participants in a monthly support group for widows and discovered that many of the Bible’s remarkable women-Mary, Ruth, Naomi, Abigail, Anna, Tamar, Judith, and some who are unnamed-are widows. In this book, they tell and reflect upon the biblical stories, offering background for greater understanding, and the two authors who are themselves widows also reflect upon aspects of their own widowhood that relate to the biblical story. The result is a book that will provide understanding and comfort not only for widows but for all who love, care for, and minister to individuals who have been widowed.

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    • Introduction To Jesus And The Gospels


      Introduction: Theological And Historical Backgrounds
      Chapter 1. What Is A Gospel?
      Chapter 2. History Of Critical Methods For Gospel Study
      Chapter 3. The Gospel Of Mark
      Chapter 4. Q
      Chapter 5. Matthew
      Chapter 6. Luke
      Chapter 7. John
      Chapter 8. Other Gospels (Gospel Of Thomas, Infancy Gospels, Other Apocryphal Gospels); Chapter 9. Christian Interpretations Of Jesus;
      Chapter 10. The Historical Jesus
      Chapter 11. Conclusion
      Further Reading
      Notes: Subject Index
      (Charts, Sidebars, Illustrations, And Maps.)

      Additional Info
      “Jesus and the Gospels” is one of the most popular religion courses at colleges, and it is required at many seminaries and divinity schools.This textbook, written by an award-winning educator, is designed for a semester-long course in both these settings. Moreover, it could be used as a supplementary text in courses on christology, the historical Jesus, New Testament literature, and the Bible. Murphy will provide an introduction to the gospels that does justice to the full range of modern critical methods and insights. He will discuss the implications of these methods for how we understand the nature of the gospels and how we can read them today. The chapters will sketch the portrait of Jesus that emerges from each gospel, and then examine the “canonical” view of Jesus by comparing and contrasting these pictures, as well as the ones that emerge from the non-canonical gospels and from the modern quest for the historical Jesus.

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    • Students Guide To Textual Criticism Of The Bible


      In plain language and with ample illustration, Paul D. Wegner gives you an overview of the history and methods, aims and results of textual criticism. In the process you will gain an appreciation for the vast work that has been accomplished in preserving the text of Scripture and find a renewed confidence in its reliability.

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    • Romans In Full Circle


      The New Testament book of Romans has played an important role in the life of the church from the period of the early church and through to the present day. In this concise survey of the major theological changes associated with Paul’s letter, Mark Reasoner focuses on its history and interpretation, particularly through the works of Origen, Augustine, the medieval exegetes, Luther, and Barth. In so doing, he reveals that by a circuitous route, western Christians in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries are returning to reading Romans in ways very similar to Origen’s concerns in the third century. This is true particularly in regard to issues of the human will, sensitivity to Jews and Judaism, openness to the possibility of universalism, and a deconstructive reading of the obedience to government passage in Romans 13. Thus, in addition to giving a helpful overview of Romans itself, this book will help readers situate their theological questions within the two thousand-year history of conversations about Paul’s letter to Roman believers.

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    • Theological Introduction To The Old Testament (Revised)


      Helps readers come to a critically informed understanding of the Old Testament as the church’s Scripture – a witness of ancient Israel and witness to the church and synagogue through the generations of those who have passed these texts on as Scripture.

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    • Everything You Want To Know About The Bible


      Everything You Want to Know about the Bible(well, maybe not everything … but enough to get you started)An informative, brief, easy-to-read, and above allfunintroduction to the Bible.For many people, the Bible is like a foreign country: adusty old place they’ve never visited full of strangelanguages and odd customs. But many people haveheard of the Bible’s wonders and want to get a first-handlook. Everything You Want to Know about the Bibleisthe perfect guidebook for exploring the Bible in a faithfulbut fun way.This guide to the “ultimate manufacturer’s manual”communicates complex ideas and sophisticatedconcepts in a non-threatening way. At the same time, theauthors provide solid theology and sound informationabout the Bible. This resource-for Christians and theunchurched alike-is not only unashamedly evangelical,but also relevant, informative, accurate, and readable.This innovative introduction to the Bible has three parts:* The Great Journey-answers background questionsabout the Bible: Where did it come from? Who wroteit? When was it written? What’s it all about?*The Big Picture-delves into the content of the Bible itself, taking readers through the significant periods, events,and key people.* Stuff at the Back-gives suggestions on how to read the Bible and includes short essays from various writers abouttheir favorite Bible passage.

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    • Old Testament Prophecy


      This volume by Old Testament scholar Ronald Clements covers many aspects of research on the forms, structure, and theological message of the prophetic writings of the Old Testament. An introductory essay by Clements assesses the changing perspectives of literary and theological approaches to the study of the prophets during this same period. This book is for all who are interested in reading some of the most compelling Old Testament scholarship from one of the most respected scholars in the field.

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    • Grandes Necios De La Biblia – (Spanish)


      Te has sentido alguna vez como un verdadero tonto? Pues, animo estimado amigo! Hay otros que han hecho cosas peores:

      Adan y Eva trajeron el pecado al mundo.
      Esau vendio su primogenitura por un tazon de sopa.
      Jonas huyo de Dios y termino en la panza de un gran pez.
      El primer libro de las 20 historias mas sobresalientes de la Biblia, Grandes necios de la Biblia da un vistazo a 20 personas en la Biblia que tomaron decisiones necias y sufrieron las consecuencias. Escrito con una retorica aguda y concisa y sin un lexico cristiano o terminos teologicos dificiles, Grandes necios de la Biblia apelara a una audiencia general por medio de su lectura divertida e informativa.

      Repleto de referencias historicas de los tiempos biblicos y tratando de mantener la exactitud biblica, Grandes necios de la Biblia se convertira en un gran material de apoyo para los estudios biblicos de lideres, miembros o de pastores en sus sermones.

      Ever feel like a real dummy? Well, take heart, dear friend! There are others who have done much worse:

      Adam and Eve brought sin into the world.
      Esau sold his part of the family fortune for a bowl of soup.
      Jonah ran from God and ended up in the belly of a big fish.
      Pharaoh stubbornly withstood ten plagues before he let the Israelites leave.
      The first book in the Top 20 Bible Series, Grandes necios de la Biblia takes a look at twenty people in the Bible who made really dumb decisions and suffered the consequences. Written in a sharp, concise rhetoric and without any Christian jargon or tough theological terms, Grandes necios de la Biblia will appeal to a general audience through a fun, informative read.

      Filled with historical references to biblical times and intent on biblical accuracy, Grandes necios de la Biblia will also provide great supplemental material for Bible study leaders and members, and also for pastors’ use in their sermons.

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    • Contagious Holiness : Jesus’ Meals With Sinners


      Series Preface
      Author’s Preface

      1. The Current Debate
      2. Forming Friendships But Evading Enemies
      3. Contagious Impurity
      4. Jesus The Consummate Party Animal?
      5. Pervasive Purity
      6. The Potential Of Contemporary Christian Meals

      Index Of Modern Authors
      Index Of Scripture References
      Index Of Ancient Sources

      Additional Info
      Honored in 2006 as a “Year’s Best Book for Preachers” by Preaching magazine.

      One of humanity’s most basic and common practices-eating meals-was transformed by Jesus into an occasion of divine encounter. In sharing food and drink with his companions, he invited them to share in the grace of God. He revealed his redemptive mission while eating with sinners, repentant and unrepentant alike.

      Jesus’ “table fellowship” with sinners in the Gospels has been widely agreed to be historically reliable. However, this consensus has recently been challenged, for example, by the claim that the meals in which Jesus participated took the form of Greco-Roman symposia-or that the “sinners” involved were the most flagrantly wicked within Israel’s society, not merely the ritually impure or those who did not satisfy strict Pharisaic standards of holiness.

      In this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume, Craig L. Blomberg engages with the debate and opens up the significance of the topic. He surveys meals in the Old Testament and the intertestamental period, examines all the Gospel texts relevant to Jesus’ eating with sinners, and concludes with contemporary applications.

      Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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    • New Testament Church And Its Ministries


      New Testament Church And It Ministries lays out God’s plan for the church’s construction and His concern for the active involvement of every member in their ministry and calling. Emphasizing the function of the members, each of the five-fold ministries is defined and developed in the context of its function in the Body of Christ..

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    • King James Version Bible Commentary


      The King James Version Bible Commentary is a complete verse-by-verse commentary. It is comprehensive in scope, reliable in scholarship, and easy to use. Its authors are leading evangelical theologians who provide practical truths and biblical principles. Any Bible student will gain new insights through this one-volume commentary based on the timeless King James Version of the Bible.

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    • Conversion Of The Imagination


      The Conversion of the Imagination contains some of the best work on Paul by first-rate New Testament scholar Richard B. Hays. These essays probe Paul’s approach to scriptural interpretation, showing how Paul’s reading of the Hebrew Scriptures reshaped the theological vision of his churches.

      Hays’s analysis of intertextual echoes in Paul’s letters has touched off exciting debate among Pauline scholars and made more recognizable the contours of Paul’s thought. These studies contain some of the early work leading up to Hays’s seminal Echoes of Scripture in the Letters of Paul and also show how Hays has responded to critics and further developed his thought in the years since. Among the many subjects covered here are Paul’s christological application of Psalms, Paul’s revisionary interpretation of the Law, and the influence of the Old Testament on Paul’s ethical teachings and ecclesiology.

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    • Contours Of Christology In The New Testament


      Contours of Christology in the New Testament features first-class biblical scholars who steep readers in the biblical texts about Jesus. These essays focus on the New Testament writers’ various understandings of Jesus, their differing emphases seen as contours in the common landscape of New Testament christology. Sweeping in scope, the volume begins with a look at early christology and covers the whole of the New Testament from the Gospels to Revelation.

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    • Walking Wisely Workbook (Workbook)


      From beloved Bible teacher Charles Stanley comes a practical ten-chapter workbook that addresses real life solutions and teaches us how to apply God’s wisdom to our problems as we handle finances, relate to others, care for our physical health, and carry out day-to-day duties.

      In Scripture, wisdom is portrayed as a most important treasure, something to be sought after with consistent discipline. We, as Christians, tend to think of wisdom as something to be attained-an ideal to which we aspire. Charles Stanley contends that genuine wisdom is evidenced in how we live. The truly wise person is one whose values, perspectives, career goals, and daily decisions are all shaped by the wisdom found in Christ.

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    • Cross And The Prodigal


      Bailey has been living and teaching in the Middle East for 40 years; thus, his knowledge of customs and practices there is matchless. From his extensive firsthand observations, he is able to offer unique insight into the meaning of Jesus’ parables as they relate to law, honor, forgiveness, etc.

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    • Mark : New Testament 2


      In this Ancient Christian Commentary on Mark, the insights of Augustine of Hippo and Clement of Alexandria, Ephrem the Syrian and Cyril of Jerusalem join in a polyphony of interpretive voices of the Eastern and Western church from the second century to the seventh. St. Mark’s Gospel displays the evocative power of its story, parables and passion as it ignites a brilliant exhibit of theological insight and pastoral wisdom.

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    • Studies In Matthew


      Translated by Rosemary Selle

      The work of one of the world’s foremost New Testament scholars, Ulrich Luz, this book gathers eighteen penetrating studies of Matthew’s Gospel, available here in English for the first time.

      Luz’s groundbreaking work ranges widely over the critical issues of Matthean studies, including the narrative structure and sources of the Gospel and its presentation of such themes as christology, discipleship, miracles, and Israel. Several chapters also outline and demonstrate the hermeneutical methods underlying Luz’s acclaimed commentary on Matthew, for which this book can serve as a companion. Luz is particularly conscious of the Gospel’s reception history, a history of interpretation connecting us with the past that determines so many of our questions, categories, and values. Studies in Matthew thus constitutes a noteworthy contribution to biblical hermeneutics as well as to exegesis.

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    • How To Read Genesis


      Creation in six days

      Woman from the side of man

      “Sons of god” taking “daughters of men”

      A massive disaster and an animal rescue boat of biblical proportions

      Abraham, Sarah, Hagar and the ongoing saga of a dysfunctional family

      These are just a few of the episodes that Genesis conjures up. But we miss the point if we focus on what seems strange to us. And we distort the message if we demand that this book answer questions that are strange to it. To read Genesis intelligently, we must consider the questions, the literature and the times in which Genesis was written.

      In How to Read Genesis Tremper Longman III provides a welcome guide to reading and studying, understanding and savoring this panorama of beginnings–of both the world and of Israel. And importantly for Christian readers, we gain insight into how Genesis points to Christ and can be read in light of the gospel.

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    • Metodos De Estudio Biblico Per – (Spanish)


      This “how to” book explains in detail 12 different ways to study the Scriptures – living, step-by-step instructions. You will learn various personal study methods including: devotional, biographical, topical, book background, chapter analysis, book synopsis and word study. It has been translated into seven languages.

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    • Enoch And Qumran Origins


      The rediscovery of Enochic Judaism as an ancient movement of dissent within Second Temple Judaism, a movement centered on neither temple nor torah, is a major achievement of contemporary research. After being marginalized, ancient Enoch texts have reemerged as a significant component of the Dead Sea Scrolls library unearthed at Qumran.

      Enoch and Qumran Origins is the first comprehensive treatment of the complex and forgotten relations between the Qumran community and the Jewish group behind the pseudepigraphal literature of Enoch. The contributors demonstrate that the roots of the Qumran community are to be found in the tradition of the Enoch group rather than that of the Jerusalem priesthood.

      Framed by Gabriele Boccaccini’s introduction and James Charlesworth’s conclusion, this book examines the hypotheses of five particularly eminent scholars, resulting in an engaging and substantive discussion among forty-seven specialists from nine countries. The exceptional array of essays from leading international scholars in Second Temple Judaism and Christian origins makes Enoch and Qumran Origins a sine qua non for serious students of this period.

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    • Is Jesus The Only Savior


      In this timely book for believers, inquirers, and skeptics alike, James R. Edwards faces head-on the question of whether or not Jesus is indeed the sole savior of the world. After tracing the currents of modernity from the Enlightenment to the Jesus Seminar, Edwards contends that the assumptions of the most skeptical historical-Jesus scholars are no more intellectually defensible than the claims of faith. He then assembles extensive support to show that Jesus considered himself the unique and saving mission of God to the world.
      Edwards devotes the second half of the book to discussing Jesus as savior in light of contemporary cultural currents, specifically addressing the thorny issues of religious pluralism, moral relativism, postmodernism, and the quest for world peace. Illustrated with real-life stories, “Is Jesus the Only Savior?” gives a fair hearing to twenty-first-century concerns while upholding historic Christian faith.

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    • God At Your Wits End Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      In God at Your Wit’s End Study Guide, author and counselor Marilyn Meberg probes the corners of our minds to uncover the faulty thinking that leads to feelings of uncertainty about our faith. She then explains how God affirms and even welcomes our humanity in the midst of our brokenness as she guides us through question and answer sections specifically designed to assist us in our journey. As she continually points us to the awesome power of God’s majestic truth, she helps us reshape our thinking as we re-establish the foundations of our belief in a loving God.

      Complete with thoughtful applications and probing study questions, each chapter of this study guide is designed for either group or personal study and in-depth reflection with extra space for journaling answers and thoughts

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    • Prayer Secrets : 4 Keys To Results


      SKU (ISBN): 9780972859080ISBN10: 097285908XSusan ParrBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2005Publisher: Word Production LLC Print On Demand Product

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    • Sacred Sorrow Experience Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      The Bible gives hundreds of examples of godly men and women who cried out to Him. And God was moved by their tears. On your own or with a group, study the lost language of lament. Go even deeper into the eye-opening message of A Sacred Sorrow and discover what’s been missing in your prayers and worship. With this Bible study, you and your small group can fully grasp the importance of voicing your heart’s joys and pains to the Father. Job, David, Jeremiah, and Jesus Himself understood the necessity of lament. Learn why it’s still a vital part of the worship experience.

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    • Faith Of The Outsider


      This book offers a probing, insightful look at the “outsider” motif running through the Bible. The biblical story about God’s covenant with “insiders” – with Israel as the chosen people – is scandalous in today’s cultural climate of inclusivity. But, as Frank Anthony Spina shows, God’s exclusive election actually has an inclusive purpose.

      Looking carefully at the biblical narrative, Spina highlights in bold relief seven remarkable stories that treat nonelect people positively and, even more, as strategically important participants in God’s plan of salvation. The stories of Esau, Tamar, Rahab, Naaman, Jonah, Ruth, and the woman at the well come alive in new ways as Spina discusses and examines them from an outsider-insider point of view.

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    • Jesus In The Gospels


      According to renowned biblical scholar Rudolf Schnackenburg, a truly historical portrait of Jesus is unattainable because the primary sources written about Jesus were not historical records as such. What is attainable, however, is a faith interpretation of Jesus’ life and works, gleaned from the writings of those closest to the life of Christ: the four Gospels. Thus, Schnackenburg provides a full faith interpretation of Jesus as each Gospel community portrayed him. A surprising number of commonalities about Jesus are revealed, and a fully recognizable portrait of Jesus emerges.

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    • Complete Book Of Whos Who In The Bible


      This popular collection of books not only provides key Bible facts, character profiles, important places in history, and descriptive timelines, but it makes learning enjoyable.

      The Complete Book of Who’s Who provides readers with a complete listing of people in the Bible with descriptions of their lives and accomplishments.

      The Complete Book of When and Where tells intriguing accounts of 1,001 events in Christian history and their significance. Includes a comprehensive timeline.

      Back Cover Copy
      Information on Every Person in the Bible Is Now at Your Fingertips!

      This is your ultimate resource for learning about the people of the Bible. Perfect for when you’re

      Studying God’s Word
      Preparing a lesson for your small group
      Answering questions about people listed in the Bible
      This popular reference book includes
      All the people in the Bible arranged in alphabetical order for easy reference
      Quick Takes on prominent people in the Bible that give information on their strengths, weaknesses, and lessons from their lives
      Information and background that answers questions such as:
      Where does Barnabas first appear in the Bible?
      Who is Ezekiel’s father?
      Who is Belteshazzar, and how did God use him?
      Get quick info about any person in the Bible!

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    • Sexuality And The Jesus Tradition


      Discourse related to sex excites passion and debate, partly because sexuality is a central aspect of what it means to be human. Following up on his recent book on sexuality in the Septuagint, William Loader here explores what the Christian Gospels and related writings have to say about sexuality, how they reflect the faith and social values of their day, and what impact they’ve had on our own.

      Sexuality and the Jesus Tradition is thorough in its investigation and compelling in its analyses. Loader examines all of the passages that convey views about sexuality in the Gospels and other first-century literature, including the Gospel of Thomas, and the influence in Paul of the Jesus tradition. Among the interesting topics covered are attitudes concerning lust, perspectives on marriage and divorce, and views about celibacy. Loader shows how, despite the passing of two thousand years and massive social change, these ancient texts contain common issues that we still grapple with today.

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    • Remembering Abraham : Culture Memory And History In The Hebrew Bible


      According to an old tradition preserved in the Palestinian Targums, the Hebrew Bible is “the Book of Memories.” The sacred past recalled in the Bible serves as a model and wellspring for the present. The remembered past, says Ronald Hendel, is the material with which biblical Israel constructed its identity as a people, a religion, and a culture. It is a mixture of history, collective memory, folklore, and literary brilliance, and is often colored by political and religious interests. In Israel’s formative years, these memories circulated orally in the context of family and tribe. Over time they came to be crystallized in various written texts. The Hebrew Bible is a vast compendium of writings, spanning a thousand-year period from roughly the twelfth to the second century BCE, and representing perhaps a small slice of the writings of that period. The texts are often overwritten by later texts, creating a complex pastiche of text, reinterpretation, and commentary. The religion and culture of ancient Israel are expressed by these texts, and in no small part also created by them, as they formulate new or altered conceptions of the sacred past. Remembering Abraham explores the interplay of culture, history, and memory in the Hebrew Bible. Hendel examines the Hebrew Bible’s portrayal of Israel and its history, and correlates the biblical past with our own sense of the past. He addresses the ways that culture, memory, and history interweave in the self-fashioning of Israel’s identity, and in the biblical portrayals of the patriarchs, the Exodus, and King Solomon. A concluding chapter explores the broad horizons of the biblical sense of the past. This accessibly written book represents the mature thought of one of our leading scholars of the Hebrew Bible.

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    • Breaking Eves Curse


      In Breaking Eve’s Curse, Dr. Frank Hultgren presents a biblical perspective of healing, particularly in the area of women’s illnesses. The book addresses healing for the mental, physical, and emotional illnesses that women encounter. Dr. Hultgren identifies techniques for overcoming problems in women’s cycles and childbirth. Using the Genesis account of the creation, the fall, and the curse, he provides a unique perspective on the role of women in following biblical teaching to break free from a perceived curse on them for generations. The book traces the traditional teaching of the curse through the Old and New Testaments, and it presents a fresh understanding of the abilities of men and women to break the strongholds off of their lives through a belief in Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.

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    • Is The New Testament Reliable (Reprinted)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780830827688ISBN10: 0830827684Paul BarnettBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2005Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Ruth And Naomi Find Joy After Tragedy


      The book of Ruth is a favorite of many Bible readers. It tells the story of an Israelite family that relocated from Bethlehem, Judah, to the country of Moab because of a famine. Unfortunately for Naomi, her husband and two sons all died within a period of ten years. The widows of the two sons were left with Naomi.Naomi blamed God for the tragedies that overwhelmed her. She decided to return to her home in Bethlehem, and her two daughters-in-law agreed to go with her. After traveling awhile, Naomi changed her mind and asked the daughters-in-law to return to their homes in Moab. After many tears, Orpah took Naomi’s advice. But Ruth decided she would not leave, so they continued the journey together to Bethlehem. I have written some unrecorded details that I hope will spark the imagination. I also hope that you will discover how a God of compassion rewards those who put their trust in him.

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    • Ending Of Mark And The Ends Of God


      Among his many contributions to New Testament studies, Donald Juel was perhaps best known for his treatment of the ending of Mark’s Gospel. He saw the open-endedness of Mark as powerfully unsettling for the reader who desires to tame and predict God’s actions. In this series of essays, edited by Beverly Roberts Gaventa and Patrick Miller, theologians begin with Juel’s own work and reflect on the “unsettling” in the context of their own work.

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    • Can I Get A Witness


      Blount contends that Revelation is essentially a story of suffering and struggle amidst oppressive assimilation. He examines the image of the lamb as a model for witness and shows how Revelation’s hymns can be glimpsed as coded calls to champion God’s cause and the cause of transformative liberation.

      In this accessible and provocative study, Brian Blount reads the book of Revelation through the lens of African American culture, drawing correspondences between Revelation’s context and the long-standing suffering of African Americans. Applying the African American social, political, and religious experience as an interpretive cipher for the book’s complicated imagery, he contends that Revelation is essentially a story of suffering and struggle amid oppressive assimilation. He examines the language of “martyr” and the image of the lamb, and shows that the thread of resistance to oppressive power that runs through John’s hymns resonates with a parallel theme in the music of African America.

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    • Nimrod : Darkness In The Cradle Of Civilization


      The Bible barely mentions his name, but people of antiquity knew him well. Ancient historians recorded substantial information about him. Who was Nimrod? How could such a man be of such importance to today’s believer? God’s history is replete with accounts of His followers suffering terrible persecution. People of today’s world are largely unaware of a lesser-known story, written by the blood of many believers at a time following God’s destruction of the Old World. Nimrod was born into a New World, recently recreated by God. This virgin creation was untainted by the wickedness of the Old World. However, innocence did not last long. Eight people had traveled God’s floodwaters of judgment in the security of His ark, but the curse of sin still tainted their souls. The prince of darkness wasted no time sowing seeds of rebellion in fertile hearts. He handpicked Nimrod to transform the New World into a cauldron of rebellion. The post-flood world began in present-day Iraq. Several cities conquered by Nimrod are still in existence today. The events happening in present-day Iraq are not coincidental. The world will witness more conflict and fulfilled Bible prophecy in this land-until God’s Seed returns to fulfill the ancient prophecy recorded in Genesis 3:15.

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    • Back To The Garden The Marriage The Purpose


      Back to the Garden, the Marriage, the Purpose is the third book in the Back to the Garden purpose series. It is written for those desiring to walk as one in God’s promises for marriage while growing together into a “tag team” for His glory.

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    • Nimrod : Darkness In The Cradle Of Civilization


      The Bible barely mentions his name, but people of antiquity knew him well. Ancient historians recorded substantial information about him. Who was Nimrod? How could such a man be of such importance to today’s believer? God’s history is replete with accounts of His followers suffering terrible persecution. People of today’s world are largely unaware of a lesser-known story, written by the blood of many believers at a time following God’s destruction of the Old World. Nimrod was born into a New World, recently recreated by God. This virgin creation was untainted by the wickedness of the Old World. However, innocence did not last long. Eight people had traveled God’s floodwaters of judgment in the security of His ark, but the curse of sin still tainted their souls. The prince of darkness wasted no time sowing seeds of rebellion in fertile hearts. He handpicked Nimrod to transform the New World into a cauldron of rebellion. The post-flood world began in present-day Iraq. Several cities conquered by Nimrod are still in existence today. The events happening in present-day Iraq are not coincidental. The world will witness more conflict and fulfilled Bible prophecy in this land-until God’s Seed returns to fulfill the ancient prophecy recorded in Genesis 3:15.

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    • Deceptions And End Time Prophecy


      What is written in God’s Word, the Bible-the book that is never out of date-about astrology, the theory of evolution, wizards and witches, false prophets, and the “end times”? What are the signs of Christ’s return as stated in His own words, and what will Heaven be like? Who will be involved in the Battle of Armageddon? In a straightforward, easy-to-understand style, Deceptions and End Time Prophecy: God’s Warning and His Promise answers these and other questions and warns of deceptions prevalent today. It tells the truth about Jesus, who He was and is, and how, as foretold, He is God’s greatest promise to humanity.

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    • Growing Closer To God


      Harvest House Print On Demand Title

      For every Christian who wants to know God more intimately, here is a practical Bible study designed to help any believer deepen his or her walk with God. The reader will learn about God’s ways, His purposes and plans–and His intimate love for every child of His.

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    • Wide Wide Circle Of Divine Love


      The issue of religious pluralism has become a focal point of discussion in our post-9/11 world and in this book Old Testament scholar Eugene March seeks to help us understand this pluralism in the context of current biblical scholarship. March hopes the book will “bring research and experience together to enable the understanding and practice of genuine tolerance founded upon a positive appreciation for God’s providential gift of religious pluralism.”

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    • Cross From A Distance


      Series Preface
      Author’s Preface

      Why Address The Topic?
      Approach And Method
      The Cross At A Distance: God Up Close

      1. The Cross And The Abolition Of Religion
      2. The Necessity Of The Cross
      3. The Cross As “The End Of The World”
      4. The Cross: Where God Comes Chose
      5. The Cross, Resurrection And The Hope Of Humanity

      Index Of Modern Authors
      Index Of Scripture References
      Index Of Ancient Sources

      Additional Info
      “They brought Jesus to the place called Golgotha. . . . And they crucified him. . . . Some women were watching from a distance.” (Mark 15:22, 24, 40).

      At the climax of Mark’s Gospel, Jesus of Nazareth is put to death on a Roman cross. The text tells us that, in that lonely hour, a group of women were watching the crucifixion “from a distance.” In a sense, they are given a stance toward the cross that we can share.

      In this exploration of Mark’s Gospel, Peter G. Bolt looks at why the cross is so prominent in the narrative, asks what contribution Mark’s teaching can make to our understanding of the atonement, and shows how this teaching can inform, correct and enrich our own preaching of the gospel in the contemporary world. This New Studies in Biblical Theogy volume helps us to stand in wonder before the God who has come close to us in the cross of Jesus Christ and to live in hope for the better things to come.

      Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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    • Bride And The Broken Wineskin


      “Must read material for serious Christians! As the end time storm clouds gather, it is time for an open and honest appraisal of the Church. The Bride and the Broken Wineskin steps outside the religious forms that currently limit the Church and makes a powerful call for a return to biblical team structure, capable of growing each believer up to his, or her, FULL ministry and potential service. The Author draws on many years of experience pastoring, ministering and prayerful bible study to provide the simple, yet powerful answers capable of re-energizing the Church to fruitful growth as we seek to bring In the end time harvest of souls.” -Gary Robinson – A Geophysicist, and an Elder and minister to the body of Christ God views what we call “church” and sees two expressions: The Bride of the Lord Jesus 1. Passionate for her Groom. 2. Submitted to Jesus as her only head. 3. Flexible and desirous for the Lord’s will. The Old and Broken Wineskin 1. Functional yet lacking true passion for the Lord. 2. Dominated by man. 3. Rigid and motivated by self-interest. The Question we must ask is, “our church” an expression of the bride or the old wineskin? We must endeavor to remove obstacles that keep us from being the expression of Christ’s glorious bride on the earth, encourage pure worship, and surrender to Jesus the only Head of the church Brother Steve has some very valuable insight into the plight of our immature and broken condition as the Church. We must as individual believers; get our life from Christ, via the presence of His Holy Spirit. Steve rightly points out that eternal fruit is thus produced, and that our present focus on the organization tends to hinder the healthy growth of the organism, that glorious body of Christ, the Bride. May the Redeemer indeed reclaim and build His Church, as HE desires. -Marc Felder – A Minister of the Gospel that has established churches In the U.S. and Ireland

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    • Promise Of His Appearing


      The book of Second Peter has long troubled biblical scholars and interpreters who have disputed its authorship and its claims about the imminent return of Christ. Leithart offers a preterist reading of the epistle, arguing that it describes first-century events rather than the end of history. He maintains orthodoxy, avoiding hyper-preterism, affirming both the real future return of Christ and the epistle’s authenticity.

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    • Discovering The New Testament


      Discovering the New Testament combines all the elements you’re looking for in a survey of the New Testament – thorough, sound biblical scholarship, combined with an eye-catching format and a writing style that’s easy to understand.

      Objectives defined for each lesson
      Personal questions to help you relate the Bible to your life
      Sidebars to explain theological points
      Keywords identified and defined on each page
      Study questions for review of the material
      Summary statements at the end of each chapter
      Listing of resources for further study at the end of each chapter
      An eye-catching format that’s attractive to the eye;
      EVERY page is in full colorShort, readable chapters

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