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    Biblical Studies

    • Linguistic Analysis Of The Greek New Testament


      In this volume, a leading expert brings readers up to date on the latest advances in New Testament Greek linguistics. Stanley Porter brings together a number of different studies of the Greek of the New Testament under three headings: texts and tools for analysis, approaching analysis, and doing analysis. He deals with a variety of New Testament texts, including the Synoptic Gospels, John, and Paul. This volume distills a senior scholar’s expansive writings on various subjects, making it an essential book for scholars of New Testament Greek and a valuable supplemental textbook for New Testament Greek exegesis courses.

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    • Rethinking Early Christian Identity


      Maia Kotrosits challenges the contemporary notion of “early Christian literature,” showing that a number of texts usually so described-New Testament writings including Hebrews, Acts, the Gospel of John, Colossians, and 1 Peter, as well as the letters of Ignatius, the Gospel of Truth, and the Secret Revelation of John-are “not particularly interested” in a distinctive Christian identity or self-definition. Rather, by appealing to the categories of trauma studies and diaspora theory and giving careful attention to the dynamics within each of these texts, she shows that this sample of writings offers complex reckonings with chaotic diasporic conditions and the transgenerational trauma of colonial violence. The heart of her study is an inquiry into the significance contemporary readers invest in ancient writings as expressions of a coherent identity, asking, “What do we need and want out of history?” Kotrosits interacts with important recent work on identity and sociality in the Roman world and on the dynamics of desire in contemporary biblical scholarship as well. At last, she argues that the writings discussed made possible the rise of Christianity by effecting a “forgetfulness” of imperial trauma-and questions the affective dimensions of contemporary empire-critical scholarship.

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    • Joy In Luke-Acts


      This monograph explores the joy theme in Luke- Acts as it relates to the dynamics of rhetoric, narrative and emotion. The Gospel of Luke has been called the “gospel of joy,” and the joy theme has also been recognised in Acts. This theme, though, has received relatively little attention in NT scholarship. Joy in Luke-Acts examines the joy theme from a socio-rhetorical vantage point, showing that the joy theme empowers the Lukan rhetoric of reversal. The theme is a primary method in which the narrator seeks to persuade the reader to enter into the values and beliefs that characterise the ‘upside-down’ world in which YHWH has visited his people in Jesus.

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    • Story Luke Tells


      Among New Testament writers, who is the best historian? Without a doubt, says Justo Gonzalez, it’s Luke. Concerned about the particulars of people and events, Luke also gives readers the big picture, positioning the stories of Jesus not just in the history of Israel but in the history of humankind. Luke uniquely tells us the grand story of salvation – then and now.

      Gonzalez skillfully highlights key themes in Luke’s storytelling, including his strong emphasis on God’s “great reversals,” his keen interest in shared meals and their intimate connection to worship and communion, and his passionate underscoring of both the saving work of Christ and the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. Writing in a conversational style, Gonzalez draws readers into Luke’s story with fresh overviews and rich details, showing how Luke invites us to continue his gospel witness today.

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    • Making God Part Of Your Family


      If your family thinks the Bible is boring, it s probably because they don t know the full story! Veteran Bible teacher Michael Grady has compiled the Old Testament stories into concise, thought provoking doses intended to stimulate family discussions. The Old Testament is a history of God s family and you just might be surprised to learn who s in your family tree! These stories provide a unique combination: they are both simple enough for your children to understand and deep enough for parents to grow in the knowledge and wisdom of God s Word. This vibrant yet carefully researched volume will bring your family closer together and help you clearly establish your family s identity as children of God and brothers and sisters of Jesus.
      “Making God Part of Your Family” is not just a book of Bible stories. It is a study book. Whether your goal is to spend 10-15 minutes on a dinner-time devotional or bedtime reading with your children, or spend more in-depth study time together once a week, this flexible resource will make it easier to carve out time amidst hectic schedules to study the Bible together, and help you to:

      * Develop a better and deeper relationship with God our Father, and his son, Jesus;

      * Learn how we are part of God s family;

      * Learn how God expects us to live amidst the joys and sorrows of life;

      * Apply practical lessons and eternal truths to the situations you face today.”

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    • Countdown To The Apocalypse


      ISIS. Ebola. Social disorder. Religious persecution. Rampant immorality. Are these the harbingers of the biblical apocalypse, of the end of the world? If they are, what do they mean and when can we expect this to happen? In this eye-opening book, prophecy insider Robert Jeffress offers a reasoned look at these “signs” and what Jesus Christ himself meant when he talked about a future so horrendous that no human lives would be spared “unless those days were shortened” (Matthew 24.22). Did He have our time in mind? All over the world people are aware that something unprecedented in human history is about to happen. COUNTDOWN TO THE APOCALYPSE presents vital information that everyone, both inside and outside the church, needs to know to be prepared.

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    • Making God Part Of Your Family


      If your family thinks the Bible is boring, it s probably because they don t know the full story! Veteran Bible teacher Michael Grady has compiled the Old Testament stories into concise, thought provoking doses intended to stimulate family discussions. The Old Testament is a history of God s family and you just might be surprised to learn who s in your family tree! These stories provide a unique combination: they are both simple enough for your children to understand and deep enough for parents to grow in the knowledge and wisdom of God s Word. This vibrant yet carefully researched volume will bring your family closer together and help you clearly establish your family s identity as children of God and brothers and sisters of Jesus.
      “Making God Part of Your Family” is not just a book of Bible stories. It is a study book. Whether your goal is to spend 10-15 minutes on a dinner-time devotional or bedtime reading with your children, or spend more in-depth study time together once a week, this flexible resource will make it easier to carve out time amidst hectic schedules to study the Bible together, and help you to:

      * Develop a better and deeper relationship with God our Father, and his son, Jesus;

      * Learn how we are part of God s family;

      * Learn how God expects us to live amidst the joys and sorrows of life;

      * Apply practical lessons and eternal truths to the situations you face today.”

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    • Bound For The Promised Land


      Series Preface
      Author’s Preface

      1. Biblical Theology And The Land Promise
      2. The Beginning And The End: The Land And The Kingdom
      3. Making The Promise: Genesis
      4. Advancing The Promise: Exodus-Deuteronomy
      5. Partially Fulfilling The Promise: Joshua-Kings
      6. Fulfilling The Promise? Exile And The Prophets Of An Eschatalogical Hope
      A Concluding Summary Of The Old Testament
      7. The Fulfilment Of The Promise Inaugurated: The Gospels
      8. The Fulfilment Of The Promise Inaugurated: The Epistles
      9. The Fulfilment Of The Promise Consummated: The Eschatological Kingdom In Revelation
      A Concluding Summary Of The New Testament
      10. Theological Reflections

      Author Index
      Scripture Index

      Additional Info
      Just as the Old Testament book of Genesis begins with creation, where humans live in the presence of their Lord, so the New Testament book of Revelation ends with an even more glorious new creation where all of the redeemed dwell with the Lord and his Christ.

      The historical development between the beginning and the end is crucial, for the journey from Eden to the new Jerusalem proceeds through the land promised to Abraham. The Promised Land is the place where God’s people will once again live under his lordship and experience his blessed presence.

      In this stimulating study from the New Studies in Biblical Theology series, Oren Martin demonstrates how, within the redemptive-historical framework of God’s unfolding plan, the land promise advances the place of the kingdom that was lost in Eden. This promise also serves as a type throughout Israel’s history that anticipates the even greater land, prepared for all of God’s people, that will result from the person and work of Christ and that will be enjoyed in the new creation for eternity.

      Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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    • Jesus Jihad And Peace


      In the face of new violence in Iraq, civil war in Syria, and continuing revolution in Egypt, recognized expert Michael Youssef reveals the mystery behind Islamic terror organizations and exposes the unspoken threat radical Islam poses in the Middle East and, more surprisingly, to the free world.

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    • This Strange And Sacred Scripture (Reprinted)


      The Old Testament can seem strange and disturbing to contemporary readers. What should Christians make of Genesis 1-3, seemingly at odds with modern scientific accounts? Why does the Old Testament contain so much violence? How should Christians handle texts that give women a second-class status? Does the Old Testament contradict itself? Why are so many Psalms filled with anger and sorrow? What should we make of texts that portray God as filled with wrath?

      Combining pastoral insight, biblical scholarship, and a healthy dose of humility, gifted teacher and communicator Matthew Schlimm explores perennial theological questions raised by the Old Testament. He provides strategies for reading and appropriating these sacred texts, showing how the Old Testament can shape the lives of Christians today and helping them appreciate the Old Testament as a friend in faith.

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    • Gospel On The Margins


      Scholars of the Gospel of Mark usually discuss the merits of patristic references to the Gospel’s origin and Mark’s identity as the “interpreter” of Peter. But while the question of the Gospel’s historical origins draws attention, no one has asked why, despite virtually unanimous patristic association of the Gospel with Peter, one of the most prestigious apostolic founding figures in Christian memory, Mark’s Gospel was mostly neglected by those same writers. Not only is the text of Mark the least represented of the canonical Gospels in patristic citations, commentaries, and manuscripts, but the explicit comments about the Evangelist reveal ambivalence about Mark’s literary or theological value. Michael J. Kok surveys the second-century reception of Mark, from Papias of Hierapolis to Clement of Alexandria, and finds that the patristic writers were hesitant to embrace Mark because they perceived it to be too easily adapted to rival Christian factions. Kok describes the story of Mark’s Petrine origins as a second-century move to assert ownership of the Gospel on the part of the emerging Orthodox Church.

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    • Cleansed Lepers Cleansed Hearts


      Illnesses are perceived and understood differently across cultures and over time. Traditional interpretations of New Testament texts frame the affliction lepra (“leprosy”) as addressed either by ritual cleansing or miraculous healing. But as Pamela Shellberg shows, these interpretations are limited because they shift modern ideas of “leprosy” to a first-century context without regard for how the ancients themselves thought about lepra. Reading ancient medical texts, Shellberg describes how Luke might have perceived lepra and used the language of “clean” and “unclean” and demonstrates how Luke’s first-century understandings shaped his report of Peter’s dream in Acts 10 as a warrant for Gentile inclusion.

      For Luke, “cleansing” was how the favor of God announced by Isaiah was extended to Gentiles, and the stories of Jesus’ cleansing of leprous bodies in the Gospel are the pattern for the divine cleansing of Gentile hearts in Acts. Shellberg illuminates Luke’s understanding of “cleansing” as one of his primary expressions of the means of God’s salvation and favor, breaking down and breaking through the distinctions between Jew and Gentile. Shellberg’s conclusions take up the value of Luke’s emphasis on the divine prerogative to declare things “clean” for discussions of inclusion and social distinction today.

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    • Compact Guide To The Whole Bible (Reprinted)


      This compact, one-semester introduction to the Bible prepares students to begin reading the biblical text as Christian Scripture, focusing on the meaning of Scripture for the church. The editors and contributors–experienced teachers with expertise in different parts of the Bible–orient students to the whole of Scripture so that they may read the biblical text for themselves. The book first explains what Christians believe about Scripture and gives a bird’s-eye survey of the whole biblical story. Chapters then introduce the story, arrangement, style, and key ideas of each division of the Old and New Testament, helping readers see how the books of the Bible make a coherent whole.

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    • Dignity And Destiny


      Magisterial, up-to-date study of what the Bible really teaches about the image of God

      Misunderstandings about what it means for humans to be created in God’s image have wreaked devastation throughout history – for example, slavery in the U.S., genocide in Nazi Germany, and the demeaning of women everywhere.

      In Dignity and Destiny John Kilner explores anew what the Bible teaches about humanity being in God’s image. He discusses in detail all the biblical references to the image of God, interacts extensively with other work on the topic, and documents how misunderstandings of it have been so problematic. Locating Christ at the center of what God’s image means, Kilner charts a constructive way forward and reflects on the tremendously liberating impact that a sound understanding of the image of God can have in the world today.

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    • More Than His God Card


      Many readers of the Bible assume that when Jesus did a miracle it was, fundamentally, to prove that He was God-Jesus was pulling out His “God Card.” What is startling is that Jesus never made the case that this was the primary purpose of His miracles.

      What if Jesus was intending to reveal something different, something more, something beyond merely proving His identity? Seeing as Jesus’ miracles were such a significant part of His ministry, if we miss what His miracles do reveal, we may be missing out on great insights into the One who loves us and came to rescue us.

      Like the restoration of a great Old Master’s painting, Brian leads his readers to a fresh vision of what is conveyed in the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ miracles. Uncovering what is there, in the text, we see the miracles in a reinvigorated, vibrant way. You will never read about the miracles in the same way . . . and you will catch a renewed and compelling glimpse of Jesus.

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    • Paul Within Judaism


      In these chapters, a group of renowned international scholars seek to describe Paul and his work from “within Judaism,” rather than on the assumption, still current after thirty years of the “New Perspective,” that in practice Paul left behind aspects of Jewish living after his discovery of Jesus as Christ (Messiah). After an introduction that surveys recent study of Paul and highlights the centrality of questions about Paul’s Judaism, chapters explore the implications of reading Paul’s instructions as aimed at Christ-following non-Jews, teaching them how to live in ways consistent with Judaism while remaining non-Jews. The contributors take different methodological points of departure: historical, ideological-critical, gender-critical, and empire-critical, and examine issues of terminology and of interfaith relations. Surprising common ground among the contributors presents a coherent alternative to the “New Perspective.” The volume concludes with a critical evaluation of the Paul within Judaism perspective by Terence L. Donaldson, a well-known voice representative of the best insights of the New Perspective.

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    • Through The Bible In One Year


      A 52-Lesson Introduction to the 66 Books of the Bible

      For more than three decades, Through the Bible in One Year has brought greater insight into God’s Word to thousands of believers. Taking the reader completely through the Bible, book by book, this acclaimed learning tool spells out the progressive, step-by-step revelation of God’s will, shows how it has become manifest over the centuries, and explains how it affects believers’ lives today.

      With each study, the reader will learn…
      *How to identify major themes in each book of the Bible
      *How to memorize key Scriptures
      *How to recognize God’s central messages
      *How each book came into being and the role it plays in the Bible story

      By embarking on this yearlong journey, believers will see the Bible unfold as a beautiful, divinely inspired true story, with a beginning, a middle, and an end yet to come. And by embracing its themes and truths, they will be better prepared to meet life’s daily challenges.

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    • Your Gifts Discover Gods Unique Design For You


      An indispensable companion to the Your Gifts Spiritual Gifts Survey, this book takes an in-depth look at each of the nine team gifts, and provides specific examples of people in the Bible who match each respective gift. Perfect for use in small groups, this dynamic new book reveals steps to nurture and activate your gift in practical ways. You will learn about the potential roadblocks that can inhibit your gift, as well as pitfalls to avoid going forward. God created you with purpose and passion-learn how you can take the gifts He has given you and use them to advance His Kingdom in ways you never imagined. It’s time to go deeper-it’s time to discover God’s unique design for you, and become the person He created you to be. Includes: 160-page paperback and a copy of the Your Gifts Spiritual Gifts Survey so readers can discover their spiritual gifts as they learn how to use them more effectively.

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    • Approved Getting A New View Of You


      SKU (ISBN): 9781606836439ISBN10: 1606836439Beth JonesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 2014Publisher: Harrison House Publishers Print On Demand Product

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    • Your Gifts For Teens 50 Pack


      Once you have accepted God’s greatest gift of Jesus Christ, unwrap the spiritual gifts He has given so you can grow and become the person you were meant to be! Your Gifts will guide you through a 20-minute survey to help you discover your gifts and how you can use them to fulfill God’s plan for your life. More than 5 million people around the world have discovered their spiritual gifts through taking the Your Gifts survey, enabling and quipping them to serve with effectiveness and fulfillment at home, work, and in their churches. What better time than now to understand how God desires to release you with passion and purpose as you begin to put these gifts into practice! YOUR GIFTS FOR TEENS is based on the best-selling spiritual gifts survey for adults. It has been fully revised and updated to appeal to today’s tweens and teens (middle and high school ages). Administered in 20 minutes, it is a fun and valuable tool for helping 12- to 18-year-olds discover, understand, and use the gifts God has given to them to reach their generation for Christ.

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    • Your Gifts For Teens 10 Pack


      Once you have accepted God’s greatest gift of Jesus Christ, unwrap the spiritual gifts He has given so you can grow and become the person you were meant to be! Your Gifts will guide you through a 20-minute survey to help you discover your gifts and how you can use them to fulfill God’s plan for your life. More than 5 million people around the world have discovered their spiritual gifts through taking the Your Gifts survey, enabling and quipping them to serve with effectiveness and fulfillment at home, work, and in their churches. What better time than now to understand how God desires to release you with passion and purpose as you begin to put these gifts into practice! YOUR GIFTS FOR TEENS is based on the best-selling spiritual gifts survey for adults. It has been fully revised and updated to appeal to today’s tweens and teens (middle and high school ages). Administered in 20 minutes, it is a fun and valuable tool for helping 12- to 18-year-olds discover, understand, and use the gifts God has given to them to reach their generation for Christ.

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    • Healing In The Gospel Of Matthew


      1. Methodology
      2. Matthew 8:1-4
      3. Matthew 8:5-13
      4. Matthew 8:14-15
      5. Matthew 8:16-17
      6. Matthew 8:18-27
      7. Matthew 8:28-34
      8. Matthew 9:1-8
      9. Matthew 9:9-13
      10. Matthew 9:14-17
      11. Matthew 9:18-26
      12. Matthew 9:27-31
      13. Matthew 9:32-38
      14. Conclusion

      Additional Info
      Although healing constitutes both a major theme of biblical literature and a significant practice of biblical communities, healing themes and experiences are not always conspicuous in presentations of biblical theology. Walter T. Wilson adopts an interdisciplinary approach to the healing narratives in the Gospel of Matthew, combining the familiar methods of form, redaction, and narrative criticisms with insights culled from medical anthropology, feminist theory, disability studies, and ancient archaeology. His focus is the New Testament’s longest and most systematic account of healing, Matthew chapters 8 and 9, which he investigates by situating the text within a broad range of ancient healing traditions. The close exegetical readings of each healing narrative culminate in a final synthesis that pulls together what can be said about Matthew’s understanding of healing, how Matthew’s narratives of healing expose the distinctive priorities of the evangelist, and how these priorities relate to the theology of the Gospel as a whole.

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    • New Heaven And A New Earth (Reprinted)


      In recent years, more and more Christians have come to appreciate the Bible’s teaching that the ultimate blessed hope for the believer is not an otherworldly heaven; instead, it is participation–through a resurrected soul and body–in a new heaven and a new earth brought into fullness under the transformation of God’s kingdom. Drawing on the full sweep of the biblical narrative, J. Richard Middleton unpacks key Old Testament and New Testament texts to make a case for the new earth as the appropriate Christian hope. He suggests its ethical and ecclesial implications, exploring the difference a holistic eschatology can make for living in a broken world.

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    • Prophet Of Hope


      “Zechariah, Haggai, and Malachi complete the Old Testament canon-their faces turned toward the sunrise but conscious that darkness still brooded deep over their contemporaries. They remind one of the crisp breeze that awakes a little before the dawn, and announces its advent, to hush itself into silence and expectancy till the sun appears.”
      -F. B. Meyer

      As the people of Israel returned from exile in Babylon, they found their nation, including their temple, in ruins. Out of this rubble came the prophet Zechariah with a message of hope, proclaiming that their God had not forsaken them. He was still at work and planned to live again with His people in Jerusalem. He would save them from their enemies and cleanse them from sin.

      Zechariah’s prophecy of the coming Messiah would later serve the apostles as an explanation for the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and they would quote the prophet often in their gospels.

      Legendary Bible scholar F. B. Meyer takes the reader through the book of Zechariah, providing background, context, and commentary that bring clarity and understanding to this important and God-inspired prophet of hope.

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    • Your Gifts For Teens


      Once you have accepted God’s greatest gift of Jesus Christ, unwrap the spiritual gifts He has given so you can grow and become the person you were meant to be! Your Gifts will guide you through a 20-minute survey to help you discover your gifts and how you can use them to fulfill God’s plan for your life. More than 5 million people around the world have discovered their spiritual gifts through taking the Your Gifts survey, enabling and quipping them to serve with effectiveness and fulfillment at home, work, and in their churches. What better time than now to understand how God desires to release you with passion and purpose as you begin to put these gifts into practice! YOUR GIFTS FOR TEENS is based on the best-selling spiritual gifts survey for adults. It has been fully revised and updated to appeal to today’s tweens and teens (middle and high school ages). Administered in 20 minutes, it is a fun and valuable tool for helping 12- to 18-year-olds discover, understand, and use the gifts God has given to them to reach their generation for Christ.

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    • Your Gifts : Spiritual Gifts Survey


      Once you have accepted God’s greatest gift of Jesus Christ, unwrap the spiritual gifts He has given so you can grow and become the person you were meant to be! Your Gifts will guide you through a 20-minute survey to help you discover your gifts and how you can use them to fulfill God’s plan for your life. More than 5 million people around the world have discovered their spiritual gifts through taking the Your Gifts survey, enabling and quipping them to serve with effectiveness and fulfillment at home, work, and in their churches. What better time than now to understand how God desires to release you with passion and purpose as you begin to put these gifts into practice!

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    • Covenant And Commandment


      Series Preface
      Author’s Preface

      1. The New Testament And The Reality And Necessity Of Works,
      obedience And Faithfulness
      2. Obedience, Works And Faithfulness: Moving From Old
      Testament To New Testament
      3. Old Covenant, New Covenant And The History Of Redemption
      4. The Cross And The Reality Of Works, Obedience And Faithfulness
      5. Union With Christ And Its Relationship To Works, Obedience
      and Faithfulness
      6. Justification, Judgment And The Future
      7. The Reality And Necessity Of Works, Obedience And

      Index Of Authors
      Index Of Scripture References

      Additional Info
      From a close study of key Old and New Testament texts and interaction with historical and contemporary theologians, Bradley Green shows how different aspects of the Christian life are each God-elicited, real and necessary. Reaffirming the best Reformed voices, this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume provides a biblical theology of the nature, role and place of works, obedience and faithfulness in the new covenant.

      Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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    • Parables Unplugged : Reading The Lukan Parables In Their Rhetorical Context


      1. Introduction: Toward A Natural Hearing
      2. The Bad Samaritan (Luke 10)
      3. Odd Images Of God (Luke 11:5-13; 18:1-8)
      4. Persuading The Pharisees (Luke 15)
      5. The Steward On Trial (Luke 16:1-9)
      6. A Final Plea: The Wicked Tenants (Luke 20:9-19)
      7. The Father Of The Bride (Luke 14:12-24)
      8. The Rich Man In Hell (Luke 16:19-31)
      9. Conclusion

      Additional Info
      For far too long, Lauri Thuren argues, the parables of Jesus have been read either as allegories encoding Christian theology-including the theological message of one or another Gospel writer-or as tantalizing clues to the authentic voice of Jesus. Thuren proposes instead to read the parables “unplugged” from any assumptions beyond those given in the narrative situation in the text, on the common-sense premise that the very form of the parable works to propose a (sometimes startling) resolution to a particular problem. Thuren applies his method to the parables in Luke with some surprising results involving the Evangelist’s overall narrative purposes and the discrete purposes of individual parables in supporting the authority of Jesus, proclaiming God’s love, exhorting steadfastness, and so on. Eschatological and allegorical readings are equally unlikely, according to Thuren’s results. This study is sure to spark learned discussion among scholars, preachers, and students for years to come.

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    • Framing Paul : An Epistolary Biography


      All historical work on Paul presupposes a story concerning the composition of his letters — which ones he actually wrote, how many pieces they might originally have consisted of, when he wrote them, where from, and why. But the answers given to these questions are often derived in dubious ways.

      In Framing Paul Douglas Campbell reappraises all these issues in rigorous fashion, appealing only to Paul’s own epistolary data in order to derive a basic “frame” for the letters on which all subsequent interpretation can be built. Though figuring out the authorship and order of Paul’s letters has been thought to be impossible, Campbell’s Framing Paul presents a cogent solution to the puzzle.

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    • Knowing Jesus Through The Old Testament


      We cannot know Jesus without knowing his story. Today the debate over who Jesus is rages on. Has the Bible bound Christians to a narrow and mistaken notion of Jesus? Should we listen to other gospels, other sayings of Jesus, that enlarge and correct a mistaken story? Is the real Jesus entangled in a web of the church’s Scripture, awaiting liberation from our childhood faith so he might speak to our contemporary pluralistic world? To answer these questions we need to know what story Jesus claimed for himself. Christopher Wright is convinced that Jesus’ own story is rooted in the story of Israel. In this book he traces the life of Christ as it is illuminated by the Old Testament. And he describes God’s design for Israel as it is fulfilled in the story of Jesus.

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    • Bible In 90 Days Participants Guide


      The Bible in 90 Days Participant’s Guide includes one chapter for each week of study. Features include book overviews, personal progress charts, room to journal, questions for reflection, and questions for small group discussion. This guide provides Bible in 90 Days readers encouragement to keep going in their daily readings. The Bible in 90 Days is both a Bible and a curriculum that allows individuals to complete what for many Christians is the goal of a lifetime-to read through the Bible completely, from “cover to cover,” in a manageable time frame.

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    • Consider Leviathan : Narratives Of Nature And The Self In Job


      1. Consider The Ostrich
      2. Eco-Anthropologies Of Wisdom In The Hebrew Bible
      3. Eco-Anthropologies In The Joban Dialogues
      4. Eco-Anthropologies In The Joban God-Speech
      5. Natural Theologies Of The Post-Exilic Self In Job
      Epilogue: The New Nature And The New Self

      Additional Info
      Theologians and philosophers are turning again to questions of the meaning, or non-meaning, of the natural world for human self-understanding. Brian R. Doak observes that the book of Job, more than any other book in the Bible, uses metaphors drawn from the natural world, especially of plants and animals, as raw material for thinking about human suffering. Doak argues that Job should be viewed as an anthropological “ground zero” for the traumatic definition of the post-exilic human self in ancient Israel. Furthermore, the battered shape of the Joban experience should provide a starting point for reconfiguring our thinking about “natural theology” as a category of intellectual history in the ancient world.

      Doak examines how the development of the human subject is portrayed in the biblical text in either radical continuity or discontinuity with plants and animals. Consider Leviathan explores the text at the intersection of anthropology, theology, and ecology, opening up new possibilities for charting the view of nature in the Hebrew Bible.

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    • Did God Really Command Genocide


      A common objection to belief in the God of the Bible is that a good, kind, and loving deity would never command the wholesale slaughter of nations. Even Christians have a hard time stomaching such a thought, and many avoid reading those difficult Old Testament passages that make us squeamish. Instead, we quickly jump to the enemy-loving, forgiving Jesus of the New Testament. And yet, the question doesn’t go away. Did God really command genocide? Is the command to “utterly destroy” morally unjustifiable? Is it literal? Are the issues more complex and nuanced than we realize?

      In the tradition of his popular Is God a Moral Monster?, Paul Copan teams up with Matthew Flannagan to tackle some of the most confusing and uncomfortable passages of Scripture. Together they help the Christian and nonbeliever alike understand the biblical, theological, philosophical, and ethical implications of Old Testament warfare passages. Pastors, youth pastors, campus ministers, apologetics readers, and laypeople will find that this book both enlightens and equips them for serious discussion of troubling spiritual questions.

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    • Paul And The Politics Of Diaspora


      Introduction: Theorizing Diaspora
      1. Negotiating Diaspora In Ancient Hellenistic Judaism
      2. Paul, The Diaspora Jew
      3. Paul And Others In Diaspora Space
      4. Paul Among The Nations
      5. Paul’s Travels As Transcultural Narrative
      6. Conclusion

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      It is a commonplace today that Paul was a Jew of the Hellenistic Diaspora, but how does that observation help us to understand his thinking, his self-identification, and his practice? Ronald Charles applies the insights of contemporary diaspora studies to address much-debated questions about Paul’s identity as a diaspora Jew, his complicated relationship with a highly symbolized “homeland,” the motives of his daily work, and the ambivalence of his rhetoric.

      Charles argues for understanding a number of important aspects of Paul’s identity and work, including the ways his interactions with others were conditioned, by his diaspora space, his self-understanding, and his experience “among the nations.” Diaspora space is a key concept that allows Charles to show how Paul’s travels and the collection project in particular can be read as a transcultural narrative. Understanding the dynamics of diaspora also allows Charles to bring new light to the conflict at Antioch (Galatians 1-2), Paul’s relationships with the Gentiles in Galatia, and the fraught relationship with leaders in Jerusalem.

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    • Paul : Apostle And Fellow Traveler


      Covering the entire Pauline corpus the reader finds a man who was adept at persuasive arguments and providing theological answers to real and, often, thorny congregational issues. Readers have a keen understanding of Paul’s place in the early church, the relationship between church and synagogue, and the relationship between the teaching of Paul and that of Jesus. These discussions set Paul firmly within the church that existed before he joined, finding that he became an adherent to much that preceded him.

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    • Discovering Romans : Spiritual Revival For The Soul


      Discovering Romans: Spiritual Revival for the Soul is a popular level guide by outstanding Bible teacher S. Lewis Johnson that opens up the motivating truths found in the apostle Paul’s powerful letter to the Romans. Anyone hungry to grow in practical understanding of Scripture will profit from Johnson’s rich teaching that stimulates both mind and emotions. This beloved pastor and professor works through the text engagingly, providing both clarifying insights and life applications along the way. Each chapter ends with reflection questions, making this volume useful not only for individual reading (or preparation for teaching) but also in small group Bible studies.

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    • To Make A Long Story Short


      A baby is born to an unwed mother in a barn. The child grows up in an obscure mountain village until he emerges-a man with a revolutionary message. His out-of-the-box thinking and non-conformist charisma infuriate the guardians of the status quo who determine to destroy him, along with his dangerous ideas. Love and hate; life and death stand their ground in the ultimate face-off. But who will have the last word? Fascinating charactersand fast-moving action, laced with humor, trace the thread of the original Bible story, allowing the narrative to live afresh today.

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    • To Make An Old Story New


      Human history is traced from our once-upon-a-time origins through the great disaster that nearly wiped the human race from the planet. From an insignificant family of displaced nomads, kings and poets arise who shape human destiny. Fascinating characters, fast moving action, and sparkling humor track the thread of the original Bible story, allowing the narrative to live afresh today.

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    • Skeletons In Gods Closet


      “How can a loving God send people to hell?” “Isn’t it arrogant to believe Jesus is the only way to God?” “What is up with holy war in the Old Testament?” These are difficult questions that our family, our friends, our culture–even we ourselves–are asking. The Skeletons in God’s Closet pulls these skeletons out of the closet to show that they were never really skeletons at all–but part of the good news that God is good and coming to redeem his world.

      Hell is not an “underground torture chamber” God creates to torture sinners, but a destructive power we unleash that God has promised to redeem his world from–it represents an extravagant act of mercy. Judgment is not “churchgoers go to heaven, everyone else goes to hell,” but God coming to raise humanity from death and set his world right by calling things out as they really are–and the results are a shocking surprise. Holy war is not “the strong using God to justify their conquest of the weak,” but God arising on behalf of the weak when the tyranny of the strong has raged for far too long–he is the hope of the world.

      Mercy. Surprise. Hope.
      Not what we usually think.

      Ultimately, The Skeletons in God’s Closet uses our toughest questions to provoke paradigm shifts in how we understand our faith as a whole: we’ll pull the “skeletons out of God’s closet” to reveal they were never really skeletons at all. We’ll grapple with the “skeletons in the ground” of tragedy, injustice and death in our world–to explore resurrection as God’s good answer. Most importantly, we’ll affirm that God is good “in his very bones”–not just in what he does but in who he is.

      This is a book that sings loudly, boldly and clearly: God is good and coming to redeem his world.

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    • Jesus The Temple And The Coming Son Of Man


      A seasoned Gospels scholar offers an in-depth commentary on Mark 13, the so-called Little Apocalypse. Was Jesus speaking of the end-time return of the Son of Man or the coming destruction of Jerusalem or both? How can we know? Here is a careful and insightful commentary on an important and puzzling discourse of Jesus.

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    • Which Of The 31 Zechariahs Is Which


      An entirely new type of Bible handbook! Includes a listing of all 3237 Bible characters with brief biographies of each. Same-named characters are differentiated with subscripts and a free download file allows searches for even these same-named persons.

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    • Election Of The Lesser Son


      1. Paul’s Grief For Israel, 9:1-5
      2. God’s Faithfulness For Israel, 9:6-29
      3. Israel’s Failure To Hear, 9:30a??10:21
      4. God’s Grace For Israel, 11:1-32
      5. Paul’s Praise To God, 11:33-36
      6. Results

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      God chooses Israel (salvation “first to the Jew and then the gentile”), but without showing favoritism? Paul genuinely grieves for Israel as one speaking “in” Christ, yet prays to be cursed, cut off from Christ? Romans 9-11 remains one of the most difficult and contested biblical texts in scholarship today. Theological discussions often limit the focus of this passage to God’s sovereignty, emphasizing that God’s mind is not known, or to Paul’s defense of God’s faithfulness, insisting that Israel has failed. Less attention has been devoted to Paul’s unique form and style, which, rightly understood, resolve significant issues, revealing the merciful and wise character of God in his choice of Jacob, the lesser son.

      David R. Wallace demonstrates how Paul weaves two distinct Jewish literary forms together–lament and midrash-into a logical narrative concerning Israel’s salvation. Attention is given to Paul’s poetical structures, key literary terms, and use of Old Testament contexts. The result is new insight into the meaning of the letter, and into the theology of Paul.

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    • Encountering Jesus : Character Studies In The Gospel Of John – Second Editi


      Preface To The Second Edition
      1. Introduction
      2. Jesus: The Life-Giving Revealer
      3. John: Witness Par Excellence
      4. The World: Enveloped In Darkness But Loved By God
      5. “The Jews”: Opponents Par Excellence
      6. Andrew And Philip: Finders Of People
      7. Simon Peter: A Shepherd In The Making
      8. Nathanael: The Genuine Israelite
      9. The Mother Of Jesus: A Catalyst In His Ministry
      10. Nicodemus: In The Twilight Zone
      11. The Samaritan Woman: An Unexpected Bride
      12. The Royal Official: His Word Is Enough For Me
      13. The Invalid At The Pool: A Lame Response
      14. The Crowd: A Faceless, Divided Mass
      15. The Twelve: Slow But Sticky
      16. Judas Iscariot: The Black Sheep Of The Family
      17. The Man Born Blind: Once I Was Blind But Now I See
      18. Martha: The Ideal Johannine Confessor
      19. Mary Of Bethany: At Jesus’ Feet
      20. Lazarus: The Dead Shall Hear His Voice
      21. Thomas: Let Me See And Touch
      22. The Beloved Disciple: The Unique Eyewitness
      23. Pilate: Securing A Hollow Victory
      24. Mary Magdalene: Recognizing The Shepherd’s Voice
      25. Joseph Of Arimathea: Faith And Fear
      26. Conclusion

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      Applying a comprehensive theory of character to the Gospel of John, Cornelis Bennema provides a fresh analysis of both the characters and their responses to Jesus. While the majority of scholars view most Johannine characters as “flat,” Bennema demonstrates that many are complex, developing, and “round.” John’s broad array of characters and their responses to Jesus correspond to people and their choices in real life in any culture and time. This book highlights how John’s Gospel seeks to challenge its readers, past and present, about where they stand in relation to Jesus.

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    • Authors Of The Deuteronomistic History


      Part 1: The Deuteronomistic History: An Introduction To Issues Of Authorship, Date, And Influences
      1: The Deuteronomistic History Since Martin Noth
      2: The Deuteronomist(s) According To Noth: An Assessment
      3: Deuteronomy As The Linchpin To The Deuteronomistic History
      4: Grammatical Constructions Showing Later Editing In The Deuteronomistic History
      Part 2: An Analysis Of The Texts
      5: The Editing Of The Book Of Deuteronomy
      6: The Editing Of The Book Of Joshua
      7: The Book Of Judges: An Apology For Kingship
      8: 1 Samuel: History Vs. Polemic
      9: 2 Samuel: The Apology Continues: David’s Fall From Grace
      10: 1 And 2 Kings
      11: Conclusions
      Appendix: Character Parallels Between Saul, Ishbosheth, And The Judges

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      Peterson engages one of the most enduring controversies in current critical scholarship on the Hebrew Bible, the identities and provenances of the authors of the various “editions” of the Deuteronomistic History. Critically reviewing the presuppositions of scholars reaching back to Martin Noth, and using careful analysis of motif and characterization at each redactional level in each book of the Deuteronomistic History, Peterson asks where we might locate a figure with both motive and opportunity to draw up a proto-narrative including elements of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and the first part of 1 Kings.

      Posing his questions in the form of a “Whodunit?” Peterson identifies a particular candidate in the time of David who had both knowledge and a theological and political agenda, qualified to write the first edition. He then extends the method to identify the particular circle who became the custodians of the Deuteronomistic narrative and supplies successive redactions, informed by the original formative vision, down to the time of Jeremiah. Careful argumentation yields surprising results at each stage.

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    • My Fathers Tears (Student/Study Guide)


      Offers a fresh, compassionate, biblically-based understanding of salvation that will arouse great interest. Will resonate deeply with a postmodern generation, not easily won by a sin-focused, guilt-edged Gospel.

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    • Theodicy In Habakkuk


      This extraordinary work explains how the writer of the book of Habakkuk resolves the issue of theodicy. Reading the book as a literary whole, Grace Ko uses a holistic, synchronic approach to investigate how its writer presents his case, and how he reaches the final resolution of his problem. Since theodicy is a common human issue raised during atrocity, Habakkuk’s experience becomes a source of hope and resolute faith for the believing community in the midst of severe adversity.

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    • Physically Disabled In Ancient Israel According To The Old Testament And An


      In a unique way this study probes the linguistic, sociological, religious and theological issues associated with being physically disabled in the ancient Near East. By examining the law collections, societal conventions and religious obligations towards individuals who were physically disabled Fiorello gives us an understanding of the world a disabled person would enter. He explores the connection between the literal use of disability language and the metaphorical use of this language made in biblical prophetic literature as a prophetic critique of Israel’s dysfunctional relationship with God.

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    • Jesus Is The Question


      Contrary to some common assumptions, Jesus is not the ultimate Answer Man, but more like the Great Questioner. In the Gospels Jesus asks many more questions than he answers. To be precise, Jesus asks 307 questions. He is asked 183 of which he only answers 3. Asking questions was central to Jesus’ life and teachings. In fact, for every question he answers directly he asks-literally-a hundred. Jesus is the Question considers the questions Jesus asks-what they tell us about Jesus and, more important, what our responses might say about what it means to follow Him. Through Jesus’ questions, he modeled the struggle, the wondering, the thinking it through that helps us draw closer to God and better understand, not just the answer, but ourselves, our process and ultimately why questions are among Jesus’ most profound gifts for a life of faith. A game-changer of a book.

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    • Who Was Jesus


      Originally published in 1993 and reprinted numerous times, N. T. Wright’s Who Was Jesus? considers many questions raised by three controversial books about Jesus: Barbara Thiering’s Jesus the Man, A. N. Wilson’s Jesus: A Life, and John Shelby Spong’s Born of a Woman. While Wright agrees with those authors that the real, historical Jesus has many surprises in store for institutional Christianity, he also presents solid reasons for discounting their arguments, claiming that they “fail to reach anything like the answer” as to who Jesus really was.Written from the standpoint of professional biblical scholarship yet assuming no prior knowledge of the subject, Who Was Jesus? shows convincingly that much can be gained from a rigorous historical assessment of what the Gospels say about Jesus. This is a book to engage skeptics and believers alike.

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    • Crown And The Fire


      This reissue of a long-popular book contains thirteen powerful meditations and sermons challenging readers to reassess their own responses to Jesus’ death, his resurrection, and the continuing influence of his Spirit on those who follow him today.In Part One Wright considers not the customary seven last words that Jesus spoke from the cross but, rather, seven words that various people spoke to the cross — people like Mary and the Roman centurion, who witnessed the crucifixion, and Pontius Pilate, who helped to instigate it. Part Two contains five sermons and one biblical exposition on such themes as the meaning of the resurrection, the call of God, and the nature of the presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

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