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    Biblical Studies

    • Old Testament Is Dying (Reprinted)


      The Old Testament comprises the majority of the Christian Bible and provides much of the language of Christian faith. However, many churches tend to neglect this crucial part of Scripture, leading to the loss of the Old Testament as a resource for faith and life.

      This timely book details a number of ways the Old Testament is showing signs of decay, demise, and imminent death in the church. Brent Strawn analyzes the Old Testament’s important role in Christian faith and practice and criticizes current misunderstandings that contribute to its decline, offering a way forward for all students of the Bible.

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    • Book Of Revelation Decoded


      Understand the connection between the Old Testament and the end times, what to expect during the last days, and how to stand firm in Christ in the face of opposition.

      Rabbi K. A. Schneider decodes the Book of Revelation, showing how the end-time events prophesied in the New Testament book correspond with the teachings of the Torah and the Hebrew prophets. You will discover how the Passover foreshadows the great tribulation, and what the Hebrew prophets reveal about the anti-Messiah, Armageddon, hell, the return of the Messiah, the millennial kingdom, heaven, and much more. As the world grows darker and darker, many people have a sense of impending doom. This book will teach you what to expect during the last days and how to stand firm in Christ even in the face of opposition.

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    • Hidden In Plain View


      Hidden in Plain View: Undesigned Coincidences in the Gospels and Acts revives an argument for the historical reliability of the New Testament that has been largely neglected for more than a hundred years. An undesigned coincidence is an apparently casual, yet puzzle-like “fit” between two or more texts, and its best explanation is that the authors knew the truth about the events they describe or allude to. Connections of this kind among passages in the Gospels, as well as between Acts and the Pauline epistles, give us reason to believe that these documents came from honest eyewitness sources, people “in the know” about the events they relate. Supported by careful research yet accessibly written, Hidden in Plain View provides solid evidence that all Christians can use to defend the Scriptures and the truth of Christianity.

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    • Preaching In The New Testament


      Series Preface
      Authors’ Preface

      Part I: Foundational Matters
      1. The Word Of God In Biblical Theology?
      2. The Language Of ‘preaching’ In The New Testament?
      Excursus 1: The Identity Of The Preachers In Philippians 1:14-18
      3. The Word Ministries Of All Believers

      Part II: Exegetical Studies
      4. 2 Timothy 3-4: The Preacher’s Charge
      Excursus 2: Biblical-theological Connections Between New Testament Preaching And Old Testament Prophecy
      5. Romans 10: The Preacher’s Commission?
      6. 1 Corinthians: The Power Of The Gospel In Authentic Christian Preaching
      7. 2 Corinthians 2-6: Beholding The Glory Of God In Preaching
      8. 1 Thessalonians 1-2: Preaching The Very Words Of God
      9. Hebrews: Preaching To The Gathered People Of God

      Part III: Summary And Conclusions
      10. Summary And Conclusions

      Index Of Authors
      Index Of Scripture References

      Additional Info
      Many Christians share the assumption that preaching the word of God is at the heart of God’s plans for the gospel in our age, that it is vital for the church’s health, and that it is the central task of the pastor-teacher. Many helpful books on preaching are available. The vast majority are concerned with ‘how-to’, but relatively few focus primarily on the character and theology of preaching according to Scripture. Two key, interrelated questions need to be addressed. First, is there such a thing as ‘preaching’ that is mandated in the post-apostolic context-and, if there is, how is it defined and characterized? Second, how does post-apostolic ‘preaching’ relate to the preaching of the Old Testament prophets and of Jesus and his apostles? In this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume Jonathan Griffiths seeks answers to these questions in the New Testament. In Part 1 he gives an overview of the theology of the word of God, surveys Greek terms related to preaching, and looks at teaching concerning the scope and character of other word ministries in the life of the church. In Part 2 his exegetical studies concentrate on teaching that relates especially to the post-apostolic context. In Part 3 he summarizes the exegetical findings, sets them within the context of biblical theology, and proposes a number of broader theological implications. Griffiths’s accessible, scholarly investigation will be of value to scholars, pastors, preachers and Bible teachers. Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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    • Deep Calls Unto Deep


      When Matthew first informed me that he was going to release this book, I was very excited. As a person with somewhat of a prophetic gifting myself, I anticipated what he had to say. And I certainly wasn’t disappointed! These 14 questions are some of the most common concerns that budding and even more experienced prophets have when they begin and as they move forward in their ministry.

      An aspiring prophet might go to a meeting, hear the prophet speak and listen to him or her call out words of knowledge and pray for people. They see the “glamor” of the spotlight and think that they want that life and that they can easily do what the prophet does.

      What they don’t see is everything that happens behind the scenes–the years of prayer, time in the Word and developing intimacy with Jesus. They don’t see the sacrifices the prophet makes–the self-denial, days of fasting and giving up friendships that don’t promote a godly lifestyle.

      This book delves into some of these topics and much more. You, the reader, will love hearing Matthew’s perspective on how to handle some of these sensitive matters as he answers each question in his trademark simple and straightforward manner. I was thrilled to edit this for Matthew and know you will enjoy reading it!

      If you have any editing needs, I am happy to help you. You can find out more about me at my website at or email me at Happy reading, and God bless you!


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    • Womanist Midrash : A Reintroduction To The Women Of The Torah And The Thron


      Womanist Midrash is an in-depth and creative exploration of the well- and lesser-known women of the Hebrew Scriptures. Using her own translations, Gafney offers a midrashic interpretation of the biblical text that is rooted in the African American preaching tradition to tell the stories of a variety of female characters, many of whom are often overlooked and nameless. Gafney employs a solid understanding of womanist and feminist approaches to biblical interpretation and the sociohistorical culture of the ancient Near East. This unique and imaginative work that is grounded in serious scholarship will expand conversations about feminist and womanist biblical interpretation.

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    • Alive In Him


      God’s grand plan for the redemption of creation has been in motion since before time began. The book of Ephesians lays out this glorious vision, highlighting the coming of Christ’s kingdom on earth-a kingdom that will arrive in full one day. In Alive in Him, Gloria Furman leads us deep into the biblical text, exploring the book’s main themes and showing us how the blessings we have received in Christ empower us to walk in a new way. Designed to be read alongside the book of Ephesians, Alive in Him draws us into the plotline of Scripture, directing our gaze to the love of Jesus Christ-a love that has the power to transform how we live.

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    • Deep Calls Unto Deep


      When Matthew first informed me that he was going to release this book, I was very excited. As a person with somewhat of a prophetic gifting myself, I anticipated what he had to say. And I certainly wasn’t disappointed! These 14 questions are some of the most common concerns that budding and even more experienced prophets have when they begin and as they move forward in their ministry.

      An aspiring prophet might go to a meeting, hear the prophet speak and listen to him or her call out words of knowledge and pray for people. They see the “glamor” of the spotlight and think that they want that life and that they can easily do what the prophet does.

      What they don’t see is everything that happens behind the scenes–the years of prayer, time in the Word and developing intimacy with Jesus. They don’t see the sacrifices the prophet makes–the self-denial, days of fasting and giving up friendships that don’t promote a godly lifestyle.

      This book delves into some of these topics and much more. You, the reader, will love hearing Matthew’s perspective on how to handle some of these sensitive matters as he answers each question in his trademark simple and straightforward manner. I was thrilled to edit this for Matthew and know you will enjoy reading it!

      If you have any editing needs, I am happy to help you. You can find out more about me at my website at or email me at Happy reading, and God bless you!


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    • Bible True Relevant Or A Fairy Tale


      The Bible is constantly condemned as outdated, legalistic and irrelevant, yet it’s widely owned and cherished worldwide. Despite ownership it often lies unread and scarcely believed, even by Christians. The reason – it’s not accepted as the infallible word of God, but worse many reject it as fictitious and immaterial.

      This book directly addresses the truth and relevance of the Bible and questions issues such as:

      – Was there really a talking snake in the Garden of Eden?

      – How could Moses possibly write a factual account of creation 2,500 years after the event?

      – Are abortion and homosexuality ok?

      – Are Heaven and Hell real places?

      – Are God and Allah the same God?

      – What is the Trinity?

      Robert skilfully demonstrates the answers through direct scripture quotation with little writer’s bias.

      Paul tells Timothy; “all scripture is God breathed” and in Genesis we read; “God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” If the followers of Jesus inhale the God breathed scriptures their souls will truly abound with life. This book sets out to inspire Christians to believe God at his word.

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    • Bible True Relevant Or A Fairy Tale


      The Bible is constantly condemned as outdated, legalistic and irrelevant, yet it’s widely owned and cherished worldwide. Despite ownership it often lies unread and scarcely believed, even by Christians. The reason – it’s not accepted as the infallible word of God, but worse many reject it as fictitious and immaterial.

      This book directly addresses the truth and relevance of the Bible and questions issues such as:

      – Was there really a talking snake in the Garden of Eden?

      – How could Moses possibly write a factual account of creation 2,500 years after the event?

      – Are abortion and homosexuality ok?

      – Are Heaven and Hell real places?

      – Are God and Allah the same God?

      – What is the Trinity?

      Robert skilfully demonstrates the answers through direct scripture quotation with little writer’s bias.

      Paul tells Timothy; “all scripture is God breathed” and in Genesis we read; “God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” If the followers of Jesus inhale the God breathed scriptures their souls will truly abound with life. This book sets out to inspire Christians to believe God at his word.

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    • Interpreting Old Testament Wisdom Literature


      In popular perception, Wisdom literature is a “self-help” or “philosophy” section of the Old Testament library-the odd and interesting bits of canonical mortar between History and Prophets. Themes that are prominent elsewhere in the Old Testament receive only scant attention in the wisdom books. Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes focus on everyday life rather than on God’s special dealings with the nation of Israel. But Old Testament scholarship has come to see the wisdom of the wise as reflecting an aspect of the Israelite worldview, not something totally foreign. The covenant beliefs are presupposed, even if rarely rising to the surface. Wisdom must be learned from parents, teachers, and friends, but it is ultimately a gift from God-not primarily intellectual but intensely practical. The issues addressed-justice, faith, wealth, suffering, meaning, sexuality-are highly relevant today. The focus of this volume is on both wisdom books and wisdom ideas. The first section surveys recent developments in the field of Old Testament wisdom, and the second section discusses some issues that have arisen in Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes, and examines the Song of Songs as a wisdom text. The final section explores wisdom in Ruth, in some Psalms, and in the broader field of Old Testament narrative (from Joshua to Esther), while also examining wisdom, biblical theology, the concept of retribution in wisdom, and the vexed issue of divine absence. The following contributors are featured: Christopher B. AnsberryCraig G. BartholomewLennart BostrAmRos ClarkeKatharine J. DellDavid G. FirthGregory GoswellErnest C. LucasBrittany N. MeltonSimon StocksLindsay Wilson

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    • Salvation By Allegiance Alone (Reprinted)


      Corrects common misconceptions about faith and works and offers a fresh understanding of salvation as allegiance to Jesus the King.

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    • Perfecting The Saints 3 (Student/Study Guide)


      This book is written with the threefold goal of, 1. Bringing all glory to Jesus Christ, 2. (Matthew 6:13). 3. Making disciples who may grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, (2 Peter 3:18). 4. Using talents in good stewardship of what has been entrusted, to gain more talents besides. (Matthew 25:14-30). After writing my second book entitled, “Perfecting the Saints: Volume 2, Bible study and Commentary on the book of James.” I decided to write another book to further the series. With the goal that hopefully, these writings would edify and bless believers in the Body of Christ and advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Along with the fact that I had allot of time to spend toward a productive goal, I decided to use this treasure trove of opportunity to write this book too. This book is intended to be a study aid, and also to preserve the books of Titus, Philemon, and Jude, while providing scriptural insight and commentary about them. Please feel free to have your Bible present, to look up scripture references. All scriptures are taken from the King James Version of the Bible. Dear reader, Let us now proceed to the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, The Gospel of Jesus Christ. (Mark 1:14-15).

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    • Lucifer : Angel Of Light Or Darkness


      Lucifer’s name is mentioned only once in scripture, yet, he remains a powerful evil influence over the world. This has been the case from the time of Adam and Eve to today and will remain so until final judgment is executed upon the Earth. What is Lucifer’s ultimate goal? How can we fight such a daunting adversary when angels themselves, with their supernatural strength, dare not contend with him? Furthermore, since the Bible tells us that Lucifer is the god of this world, what kind of merchandise does he use in tempting us to sin? The scripture is clear in its description of who he is and what he intends. Being the fallible beings that we are, how can we resist the evil temptations that can draw us away from the True God of heaven who is the Creator of all things? It is God. Who separated the light from the darkness, according to Genesis chapter one, and it is He who separates good and evil through His living Word, Jesus Christ; therefore, it’s in Him alone that we have hope and salvation, not in Lucifer, nor in ourselves. This work is intended to reveal who Lucifer, our great adversary, really is, his attributes, merchandise, and his goals. But, foremost, through this work, the true King of Kings and Lord of Lords will also be revealed.

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    • Understanding Creation : A Concise Biblical Doctrine Of Creation


      What is creation? Is creation automatic or progressive? When and where did God begin creation? In vs. 1 or vs. 3 of Genesis 1? What is vs. 2 all about? How long did it take God to create, and how old is creation? How many accounts of creation are there, one or two? If two, are they contradicting? These and many other relevant questions on creation are theologically answered in this booklet.

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    • Myth Of Rebellious Angels


      The mythical story of fallen angels preserved in 1 Enoch and related literature was profoundly influential during the Second Temple period. In this volume renowned scholar Loren Stuckenbruck explores aspects of that influence and demonstrates how the myth was reused and adapted to address new religious and cultural contexts.

      Stuckenbruck considers a variety of themes, including demonology, giants, exorcism, petitionary prayer, the birth and activity of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the conversion of Gentiles, “apocalyptic” and the understanding of time, and more. He also offers a theological framework for the myth of fallen angels through which to reconsider several New Testament texts-the Synoptic Gospels, the Gospel of John, Acts, Paul’s letters, and the book of Revelation.

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    • Gospel Beyond The Gospels (Student/Study Guide)


      Within a few decades of the death of Jesus of Nazareth, there emerged within the infant church five literary and theological geniuses: Paul and the writers of the Gospels. No works of literature have been subjected to such close, persistent scrutiny by so many over the centuries. Yet the Gospels continue not only to fascinate, challenge and inspire, but to reveal new treasures and throw up fresh problems. Much depends on the questions we ask of them and the level of curiosity and honesty we bring to this task. For while the Gospels represent four magnificent attempts to come to terms with Jesus and the God he revealed, we cannot be surprised when they fail. We should, however, be astonished that they take us so far into Truth – then point even further on. In this glorious book, Trevor Dennis urges us to follow some of those pointers, to investigate where they lead in the search for the bright gospel beyond the Gospels. We will find ourselves in territory that is sometimes disturbing and sometimes heartening . . . But never less than truly exhilarating.

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    • Leading A Life Of Balance (Student/Study Guide)


      Most of us desire to have balance in our routines. We want to get to the place where our household, work, diet, rest, and exercise schedules are all in perfect harmony. But as believers, we know that if we don’t have spiritual balance, we will never truly have balance in any other area of life. For this reason, we have to consider the state of our heart and determine whether anything is taking priority over God. In this study, readers will have the opportunity to examine our levels of balance and see how they measure up against Jesus’ example. For it is only when we start within-and allow God to work in us-that we can find the equilibrium we need.

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    • Hearing The Message Of Daniel


      In many corners of the world these days the climate of hostility hangs over any overt Christian faith commitment. Any kind of Christian commitment is now assumed to imply intolerance and often prompts reactions that range from a low-grade hostility and exclusion in the West to the vicious and murderous assaults on Christian believers in Pakistan, Nigeria, Kenya, Egypt, Syria and Iraq and elsewhere. Such issues are not new. Christians have faced them ever since Nero’s lions, and even before that. Jews also have faced the same questions all through their history, most tragically sometimes enduring horrendous persecution from states claiming to be Christian. So it is not surprising that the Bible gives a lot of attention to these questions. The book of Daniel tackles the problem head on, both in the stories of Daniel and his friends, and in the visions he received. A major theme of the book is how people who worship the one, true, living God-the God of Israel-can live and work and survive in the midst of a nation, a culture, and a government that are hostile and sometimes life-threatening. What does it mean to live as believers in the midst of a non-Christian state and culture? How can we live “in the world” and yet not let the world own us and squeeze us into the shape of its own fallen values and assumptions? The book was written to encourage believers to keep in mind that the future, no matter how terrifying it may eventually become, rests in the hands of the sovereign Lord God-and in that assurance to get on with the challenging task of living in God’s world for the sake of God’s mission.

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    • Isaiah Old And New


      Reading the Book of Isaiah in its original context is the crucial prerequisite for reading its citation and use in later interpretation, including the New Testament writings, argues Ben Witherington III. Here he offers pastors, teachers, and students an accessible commentary to Isaiah, as well as a reasoned consideration of how Isaiah was heard and read in early Christianity. By reading forward and backward Witherington advances the scholarly discussion of intertextuality and opens a new avenue for biblical theology.

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    • Perfecting The Saints 1


      In detailed and orderly fashion, Jonathan Hollis expounds powerful Biblical revelation designed to edify and build the believer’s faith and relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, and thereby supplement and strengthen their walk with the Savior.

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    • Sinai And The Saints


      Biblical scholar Jay Todd examines the question of the role of the Old Testament law in the Christian life. He argues that Christians are no longer subject to Old Covenant law, but it can still help us understand better the message of Scripture and the good news of Jesus Christ.

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    • Gospel The Book Of Mark


      Be inspired to live an altogether different kind of life rooted in a more radical kind of love. Long description: In his fresh and life-giving translation of the Gospels with sparkling commentary, spiritual innovator Thomas Moore strips the Gospels of their theological agendas and reclaims them as a fundamentally new way of imagining human life. He blends scholarship and pastoral guidance to highlight the Gospels’ teachings on earthly, rather than otherworldly, living in which community, compassion, inclusiveness, prayer and healing are key elements. He draws deeply from Greek philosophy, literature and spirituality to craft an accurate and challenging yet accessible translation that, free of religious moralism and dogmatism, is beautifully imaginative and inspirational.Be inspired to live an altogether different kind of life rooted in a more radical kind of love.

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    • Wethair


      WETHAIR is a departure from the traditional elementary-level what-we-believe studies for new Christ followers. It is a relational conversation between a new believer and a seasoned believer who has shared in the process of helping thousands of new believers get traction for their journey. Many new believers feel overwhelmed, find themselves easily distracted, or sadly duped into shallow promises of success. WETHAIR will toughen you, equip you, and motivate you to never give up.

      Though in Christ we are forgiven and adopted into the family of God, we will experience wilderness and dark nights of the soul. We will need guidelines in order to examine our lives without being beaten down by regrets. We will learn to shape our testimony as we see God continuing to work in our life. We will evaluate our visible and invisible habits. We will discover how much urgency and energy we are applying to our appetites. We will pursue new avenues for getting involved so that our service makes our faith real, and we will wrap these steps together with daily relentless restlessness. Never lose your Wethair.

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    • Perfecting The Saints 2 (Student/Study Guide)


      In his second book in the series Perfecting the Saints, Jonathan Hollis expounds powerful Biblical revelation and commentary from the Book of James, designed to edify and build the believer’s faith and relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, and thereby supplement and strengthen their walk with the Savior. With keen insight and detailed instruction provided to encourage, admonish and exhort believers to seek, and love Jesus Christ with all their heart, soul, mind and strength, this book contains valuable insights gleaned from the Book of James. In this book, the Epistle of James is provided, in order preserve the epistle, and for the convenience of the student’s student. Scripture cross references are provided in relation to the Biblical text to enrich the Bible student’s study and meditation of God’s Word, for the purpose of walking out revelation, and living the truths learned in Christ Jesus. Being a great companion study guide and an inspirational work of biblical revelation, intended to enhance and grow the believer’s knowledge in Christ Jesus, this book will make a valuable addition to the Bible believing student’s library. With much hope, that the truth contains herein will aid in setting people free in the Lord Jesus Christ, as it is written, “Then said Jesus unto the Jews which believed on him, if you continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed: and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” -John 8:31-32

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    • Clash Of Kingdoms


      From the bestselling authors of The Rise of Babylon and The ISIS Crisis, the essential guide for Christians about what Bible prophecy foretells concerning current events in the Middle East-especially the rise of ISIS and the resurgence of Russia-while providing a way to find peace and hope in the face of end times concerns. ISIS, Russia, and Iran are daily atop headlines and are among chief sources of intensifying unease among Americans about how current world conflicts will unfold. Using the Old Testament texts of prophets Ezekiel and Daniel as foundational passages, Bible experts Charles Dyer and Mark Tobey explain the connection between Bible prophecy and real-time events such as the growing alliance between Russia and Iran; the unsettling of the region as ISIS ravages countries and redraws boundaries; and the pull of Turkey and Saudi Arabia into the fray by Russian encroachment, Iranian meddling, and the United States’ inability to create and lead a coalition. Simultaneously, Dyer and Tobey provide practical encouragement and spiritual principles for finding comfort, strength, and perspective in an unsettling time while laying out a strategy for responding out of faith rather than fear in the face of end times concerns.

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    • Biblical Textbook Of Salvation


      The advantages of this book is that you can learn how to achieve salvation within only 455 pages.

      The Bible has 1,200 pages which are all very useful but some of the Christian Testament consists of history while most of the Jewish Testament consists of history.

      Many pieces of the most important information are repeated several times in the Bible, but this book presents each piece of information just once or twice so that less reading is needed to learn the narrow path toward salvation.

      Thus, you can learn what you need to know with less reading and with less time.

      This book is for Christians, Jews, and everyone else!

      I know that the Bible can be difficult to believe but the Bible contains prophesies which can help the Bible prove itself to be true.

      Some of the prophecies have come true, some are coming true now, and the future prophesies will come true.

      Many people have had near-death experiences, some good and some bad! The after-life is forever so we all need to be pretty darn sure before we disregard biblical information because once you die, that’s it!

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    • Bible Crash Course For The Sunday School Dropout


      The book is a straightforward and easy-to-read chronological summary of the Bible. Discussion questions at the end of each section stimulate thought and conversation for the reader or small group and reinforce the material in the chapter. You’ll journey smoothly through the content of the Bible, gaining a greater understanding of the people, geography, and timelines. God’s absolute love for mankind will beam through as the story of his purposeful plan to bring us all home to him unfolds.

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    • Basic Introduction To The New Testament (Revised)


      A modern classic for a new generation of Bible readers

      The writings of internationally respected preacher and teacher John Stott continue to speak to millions of readers around the world. This book-originally published in 1954 as Men with a Message-introduces readers to the message of the New Testament writers, including Mark, Matthew, Luke, John, Paul, and more.

      This trim new edition presents the text of the book’s 1994 edition, which was updated and expanded by Stephen Motyer at John Stott’s invitation. It bears the vintage Stott hallmarks-comprehensive knowledge of his subject, acute intellectual rigor, and powerful analysis-while Motyer’s updating work makes the book accessible to today’s audiences by lightening the language and referring to more recent biblical scholarship.

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    • Heart Of The Story


      The Heart of the Story will help you see God’s Word in a new and inspiring light. In the Bible’s seemingly disconnected stories, you’ll discover one grand, unfolding epic – God’s story from Genesis onward – and your own life-story contained within it. “To understand the Bible,” says author and pastor Randy Frazee, “you need bifocal lenses, because two perspectives are involved. The Lower Story, our story, is actually many stories of men and women interacting with God in the daily course of life. The Upper Story is God’s story, the tale of his great, overarching purpose that fits all the individual stories together like panels in one unified mural.” In this new edition, Randy dives deeper in the Upper and Lower stories and shows how both perspectives will open your eyes to the richness and relevance of the Bible. Illuminating God’s master-plan from Genesis to our daily lives, The Heart of the Story will encourage you to experience the joy that comes from aligning your stories with God’s.

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    • Stage Is Set (Reprinted)


      Pastor and Bible teacher considers the sweeping claims of Bible prophecy in light of the upheaval evident in our world today, showing God has not lost control of his creation and his sovereign plan includes ultimate victory for the church and salvation for Israel.

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    • Created And Creating


      William Edgar considers the undeniable role that culture plays in understanding the Christian’s vocational calling in the world. Exploring texts in the Old Testament and the New Testament-both those that appear to restrict cultural engagement as well as those that encourage cultural activity. Edgar offers a biblical defense of the cultural mandate.

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    • Revelation : A Twelve-Week Study


      If you enjoy love and romance then the study of Revelation is for you. Revelation reveals a love affair gone wild. Jesus Christ is wild about you and loves you more than your heart can imagine. If you like adventure, you’ll find it here. Revelation is exhilarating and is action-packed. Jesus is patiently waiting. Come.

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    • Revelation : A Twelve-Week Study


      If you enjoy love and romance then the study of Revelation is for you. Revelation reveals a love affair gone wild. Jesus Christ is wild about you and loves you more than your heart can imagine. If you like adventure, you’ll find it here. Revelation is exhilarating and is action-packed. Jesus is patiently waiting. Come.

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    • Tenderness Of God


      A Few Words About My Approach
      1. Becoming A Pilgrim People: Journeying Together
      2. Disruption And The Need For Connection: Searching For Meaning
      3. Touched By Tenderness: Encountering God
      4. The Revolution Of Tenderness: Practicing Misericordia And Communio
      5. The Ground Of Our Belonging
      6. The Invitation
      ?Epilogue: Let The Revolution Begin!

      Additional Info
      At moments in history, individuals have embodied the gospel message with creativity and passion. One such moment began when a returned veteran named Francis Bernardone found a whole new world in a desolate space just outside Assisi: a leper colony. Drawn to discover the incarnate God, and joined by a collaborator as able and determined as he, Francis and Clare of Assisi’s desire to live authentically in gospel simplicity ushered in a revolutionary sensitivity to the presence of God within the human community.

      Today, eight hundred years later, the first pope to take the name Francis invites us to engage the “revolution of tenderness” to which we are “summoned by the God who became flesh.” The example of Pope Francis gives us a new and vivid sense of just how compelling radical sincerity and reverent encounter with others can be. Capitalizing on the legacy of Francis and Clare and the energy of a visionary pope who raises critical questions about how to be faithful to the gospel, The Tenderness of God invites readers into a rich conversation across time and space about how to recapture our humanity and nurture our God-given capacity to live meaningfully and joyfully in communion with others.

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    • Proving The Age Of The Earth


      Offering a quick look at how the age of the Earth should be calculated using the Bible and then showing how it dovetails marvelously with available scientific evidence, the author first builds a foundation for proper interpretation of the Bible and for correct understanding of recorded data from the sciences.

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    • Whispers Of My Heart


      Don’t know what words to say in prayer? Feel like your prayers don’t reach God? Are some of your prayers answered ” no”? Does God want to hear from you-or only others?

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    • Gideon The Sound And The Glory


      Joseph Ganci

      The Canaanite age of iron finds a simple woodsman lost in the forest of fear and doubt, challenging Ba’al, the Amorite god, to rescue his one true love. He grows into a mighty man of valor conquering the Midian Empire

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    • Hidden Tradition Of The Kingdom Of God


      The Kingdom of God has long been a major concern of scholars. Margaret Barker offers an insightful and thought-provoking investigation of the background and context in which the first Christians spoke of the Kingdom.

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    • Our Greatest Treasure


      Is the Bible a trustworthy document, or is it filled with errors and contradictions as claimed by the skeptics? In Our Greatest Treasure, we examine the evidence.

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    • Road Maps For The Non Pauline Epistles And Revelation


      This book is intended as an initial set of roadmaps (detailed expository outlines of each book) for others to explore the infinitely beautiful terrain of this portion of God’s Word. Not every geographical marker has been mapped-nor could it be. But it is a guide to help you navigate through the major highways and back trails of the non-Pauline epistles and Revelation, as you make your own roadmap, which accurately reflects the hallowed territory, yet is unique to your journey and ministry context.

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    • Apostolic Bedrock : Christology Identity And Character Formation According


      In this study, Peter arises as the preeminent guarantor of the early Christian witness, especially as he displays the confluence of Christology, identity, and character formation derived from various New Testament writings associated with him.

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    • Dual Reception : Eusebius And The Gospel Of Mark


      The ending of Mark’s Gospel is one of the great unsolved mysteries. However, interest in the Markan conclusion is not a modern phenomenon alone. Comments about the different attested endings date back to Eusebius’s Ad Marinum in the fourth century. Responding to the apparent discrepancy between the timing of the resurrection in Matthew and Mark, Eusebius notes one may solve the difficulty in one of two ways: either ignore the passage on the basis of the manuscript evidence or harmonize the two passages. Unfortunately, Eusebius’s comments are all too often viewed through the lens of the modern text-critical endeavor, and for that reason, his intent has largely been missed.

      A Dual Reception, a volume from the Emerging Scholars series, argues that Eusebius’s double solution can be read as recognizing the authority of both the Longer and the Abrupt Conclusions to Mark’s Gospel. The solution represents his ecumenical synthesis of those authors who preceded him, the “faithful and pious” from whom the Scriptures have been received. Only with this understanding of the double solution may we fully appreciate Eusebius’s dual reception, which is indicative of a different approach to the issue-one that prioritizes the question of reception over authorship, and one that is comfortable affirming a pluriform canon.

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    • Paul The Ancient Letter Writer


      A respected New Testament scholar introduces epistolary analysis, showing how focusing on the form and function of Paul’s letters affects exegesis.

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    • Grand Sweep : 365 Days From Genesis Through Revelation (Large Type)


      Study the whole Bible in a year with J. Ellsworth Kalas. The Grand Sweep: 365 Days from Genesis through Revelation guides adults to read through the Bible in a year, reading three to four chapters daily. The Psalms and Proverbs are scattered throughout the reading as devotional elements. Because the plan moves through the Bible in biblical sequence, readers grasp the grand weep of the Scriptures–something missed in most Bible studies that take up only a certain book or section of the Bible. Also, daily readings are manageable; someone who is just beginning a serious devotional life need not feel threatened or inadequate. By the time readers finish their year of reading, they will have a grasp of the biblical story from beginning to end. And with it, because of the daily discipline, a stronger devotional life. Kalas also provides a faithful daily summary of each day’s reading, but with a devotional quality to encourage warmth of spirit as well as knowledge of mind. Congregations, study groups, and individuals can begin The Grand Sweep at any time during the year with this study. Allow at least 30 minutes daily when using this resource. Includes a reflection from son David Kalas and selected quotations from Kalas’s 35 books. The book includes: Questions or directions and daily devotional summary/commentary for Days 1-7 each week call for written response to the assigned Scripture and provide a devotional element. “Prayer Time” suggests a focus for daily and weekly praying and invites you to identify persons and concerns for prayer. “How the Drama Develops” summarizes the week’s Scripture and situates it in the ongoing biblical story. “Seeing Life Through Scripture” invites you to view life through the lens of Scripture in order to draw guidance and insights for living. Think of yourself in conversation with Scripture. “The Sum of It All” in a verse or verses, sums up the week’s Scripture. Over the course of fifty-two weeks, the verses become a synopsis of the biblical story.

      The Grand Sweep is designed for personal use. The added component of a Leader Guide enables congregations and study groups to share the experience. It provides an overview of how to use the book as a study, along with specific content for weekly, monthly, or occasional group meetings.

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    • Servant Of All


      Biblical encouragement for pastors and Christian leaders who struggle with ambition

      There is a deep tension between the biblical view of servant leaders and the status that Christian leaders today often desire and pursue. Many pastors and other church leaders, like it or not, struggle with ambition. In this book Craig Hill mines the New Testament to help Christian leaders deal with this issue honestly and faithfully.

      Hill examines such passages as the Christ Hymn in Philippians 2 to show how New Testament authors helped early Christians construct their identity in ways that overturned conventional status structures and hierarchies. Status and ambition, Hill says, are not often addressed forthrightly in the church, as Christians either secretly indulge those impulses or feebly try to quash them. Hill’sServant of All will help Christian leaders reconcile their human aspirations and their spirituality, empowering them to minister with integrity.

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    • Ascent Into Heaven In Luke To Acts (Student/Study Guide)


      Luke’s two-volume work contains the only narrative depictions of Jesus’ ascent into heaven in the New Testament. The significance of the event at the end of the Gospel and the beginning of Acts have long been recognized. While select studies have focused on particular aspects of these accounts, however, the importance of the ascension to Luke-Acts calls for renewed attention to the narratological and theological significance of these accounts. Here, leading scholars discuss the ancient, literary and theological contexts of the ascent-into-heaven accounts for the next generation of interpreters.

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    • Anomalous Jew : Paul Among Jews Greeks And Romans


      Lively, well-informed portrait of the complex figure who was the apostle Paul

      Though Paul is often lauded as the first great Christian theologian and a champion for Gentile inclusion in the church, in his own time he was universally regarded as a strange and controversial person. In this book Pauline scholar Michael Bird explains why.

      An Anomalous Jew presents the figure of Paul in all his complexity with his blend of common and controversial Jewish beliefs and a faith in Christ that brought him into conflict with the socio-religious scene around him. Bird elucidates how the apostle Paul was variously perceived – as a religious deviant by Jews, as a divisive figure by Jewish Christians, as a purveyor of dubious philosophy by Greeks, and as a dangerous troublemaker by the Romans. Readers of this book will better understand the truly anomalous shape of Paul’s thinking and worldview.

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    • Ruth The Foretelling Of The Bride Of Christ


      Faithful Life Publishers

      This fascinating story of love and redemption breaks all time barriers, foretelling the exact story of our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Only God Himself could construct the prophecies of these romantic events in the lives of Boaz and Ruth.

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    • Biblical Theology : The God Of The Christian Scriptures


      John Goldingay takes the New Testament as a portal into the canon of Scripture. Without relying on the scaffolding of later creeds or doctrines, he constructs a biblical-theological cathedral from the materials and categories that Scripture provides. Richly informed and cleaving closely to the biblical text, it is an impressive achievement.

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