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    Pastoral Helps

    • John Wesleys Sermons


      Based on the critical edition of Wesley’s works, this anthology brings together in chronological order some of the finest specimens of his hortatory style. His plain, unornamented approach with a movement from law to gospel, ending with a strong emotional appeal and practical application was especially effective in outdoor settings.

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    • Leadership For Women In The Church


      This book is about how Christian women can identify and focus their leadership skills on tasks that need to be undertaken in the church. It is about how Christian men can recognize and use the leadership talents of the women in the church. Finally, it is about how local churches, those with denominational affiliation and those without, can integrate the full range of women’s abilities with the tremendous needs in the kingdom of God.

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    • Handbook Of Themes For Preaching


      So you want to preach on stewardship. Or on the Ten Commandments. Or on jealousy, education, war, abortion, the incarnation, decision-making, or any of 90 other topics. Turn first to this Handbook! You’ll find concise definitions, analyses, and discussions of every topic, all ably presented by experts. Contributors include Glenn Asquith, Reginald Fuller, E. Glenn Hinson, Basil Pennington, Timothy George, Wayne Oates, and many others.

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    • Clergy Ethics In A Changing Society


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664251611ISBN10: 0664251617Editor: Russell Burck | Editor: James Wind | Editor: Paul ComenischBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1991Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Gods Gift Cycle C


      SKU (ISBN): 9781556733123ISBN10: 1556733127James GarrettBinding: Mass MarketPublished: September 1991Publisher: CSS Publishing Print On Demand Product

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    • Caring Church : A Guide For Lay Pastoral Care


      This is a practical book in which this book of the author’s seminars can be an aid in achieving what many pastors speak much about doing…getting the laity active in the ministry of the church.

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    • Skilled Pastor : Counseling As The Practice Of Theology



      Introduction: Becoming A Skilled Pastor




      4.Theological Assessment
      6.Resources For Change

      Conclusion: The Metanoia Model


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      A splendid volume detailing the specific skills necessary for sound pastoral guidance in various situations. The author integrates theological reflection with practice, while incorporating religious resources with counseling technique.

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    • Preaching Old Testament


      Preaching Old Testament meets the need for more direction in how to preach from the Hebrew Bible. You will learn particularly helpful techniques for preaching the narrative portions of the Bible and why preaching from the Old Testament is theologically important.

      After exploring theological reasons for preaching in the narrative mode, Holbert introduces a narrative homiletics and discusses its definition, problems, and possibilities. He then introduces some of the methods and techniques of a literary analysis of the narrative portions of the Hebrew Bible, which includes such elements as plot, actions and speech, contrasting characters, and point of view.

      Two sample narrative sermons with brief comments inside the bodies of the sermons and extensive comments at the ends of the sermons illustrate how the pastor can read and interpret the Old Testament story.

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    • Planning The Church Year


      This guide for clergy, parish musicians, lay readers, and congregational representatives covers all the stages of organizing worship services for the entire year. Using The Book of Common Prayer and Hymnal 1982 as primary resources, it explores the rich variety of options-both time-honored traditions and accepted innovations. Times and seasons covered in depth include Advent, the Twelve Days of Christmas, Lent and Holy Week, Easter and the Great Fifty Days, and the Sundays after Epiphany and Pentecost. Planning the Church Year explains the preparations that make for meaningful holy days and special occasions, such as Lesser Feasts, Thanksgiving Day, Vigils, Michaelmas, All Saints’ Day, the bishop’s visitation, the Patronal and Dedication Festivals. Even summer Sundays can become “liturgical opportunities.” Details such as liturgical colors, music, and church decorations for each season and occasion make this the most complete handbook for those called to be at the heart of parish life and worship. Leonel L. Mitchell is an Episcopal priest and retired professor of Liturgics at Seabury-Western Seminary. He is the author of several books including Praying Shapes Believing, and The Meaning of Ritual, both available from Morehouse Publishing.

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    • Transitions Through Adult Life


      26 Chapters

      Additional Info
      Transitions Through Adult Life is a summary of what is known about adults and how they develop. More than a book describing life’ crises, it portrays the potential of life’s transitions. It seeks to offer answers to the problems it analyzes. This book provides an overview of the various stages of adult life, what is typical in those stages, and how the church needs to be responsive to adults as they traverse the stages. The twenty-six chapters deal with young adulthood, middle adulthood, and older adulthood and most of the major events and challenges that one may encounter in those stages. Some of the specific topics include courtship, singleness, faith development, career, child-rearing, loss of loved ones, divorce, physical decline, etc. The chapters are succinct summaries of the significant dimensions of the topic calling upon existing research and the author’s own keen powers of synthesis.

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    • Until The King Comes Cycle C


      “Over and over again Christ comes to our hiding places and our living spaces to offer us the gift of salvation. He calls the “treetop followers,” the “grandstand Christians,” and the cowering outcasts alike to accept his visit into their places. Life has its ways of driving us all up trees. Christ offers us a way to come down.”
      — from the sermon on Zacchaeus
      Using Pentecost season lectionary texts, Schneider speaks directly to Christians today. The author takes the stories of Luke and John and develops contemporary illustrations understood by all modern-day believers.
      These thirteen sermons follow Common, Lutheran, and Roman Catholic lectionaries.
      Sermon titles include:
      – A Lesson from Prayers Overheard — Luke 18:9-14
      – Captive to the Word of God — John 8:31-36
      &full; Our Living Hope — Luke 20:27-35
      – The Potentate of Time — Luke 23:35-43

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    • Manual For Acolytes


      This manual is designed to describe those duties expected of one as the server. Server means one who assists-the terms acolyte, crucifer, and thurifer (as used in this manual) apply to specific responsibilities. No manual can be complete, inasmuch as the custom or use of each parish church varies.

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    • Prophets Pioneers And Possibilities


      “We have been called to travel lightly. We are on a journey of faith. None of us has arrived. We may remember a thrilling moment of decision when we first responded to the awakening of God’s love for us… We never know in advance where submission to the kingship of Christ will lead us.”
      — from the sermon for Christ the King Sunday
      Richard A. Hasler draws upon countless incidents from contemporary settings to bring the words of the Minor Prophets and 2 Samuel to contemporary Christian believers.
      Using scriptures from nine texts on the Old Testament, this book provides as many sermons for use in the Common Lectionary.
      Sermon titles include:
      – The Dreamer Within You — Joel 2:23-30
      – When God’s “No” Means “Yes” — Habakkuk 1:1-3; 2:1-10
      – Leaping for Joy — Malachi 4:1-6
      – No One Enters into the Kingdom… Save with Empty Hands — 2 Samuel 5:1-5

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    • Blow The Silver Trumpets


      “Larry Powell breathes life into scripture with a preacher’s imagination, a poet’s turn of the phrase, and a writer’s craftsmanship. He gathers vibrant illustrations from everywhere… but most of all, as you ponder these pages, you will look at Jesus Christ. You will listen to him, meditate on his messages, watch him in action.”
      — Bishop Richard B. Wilke
      The United Methodist Church
      The Arkansas Area
      Here are eleven sermons from John and Luke offering close inspection of texts and providing many modern illustrations. This book offers sermons for use in the Common, Lutheran, and Roman Catholic lectionaries.
      Sermon titles include:
      Show Us the Holy Father (John 14:8-17, 25-27)
      Receive the Holy Spirit (John 20:19-23)
      Just Speak the Word (Luke 7:1-10)
      Fleshing Out the Word (Luke 10:1-12)

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    • Called To Care


      Treating the whole of Scripture, Robert Kysar forges the connections between the practice of social ministry and the biblical images undergirding and motivating that ministry. Social ministry is more than charity: It wrestles with the very structures and systems that deprive and oppress. This book examines not only the usual “justice” texts but also those that seem to counter this position and shows how the Bible addresses practical, contemporary concerns and fears.

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    • School Triplicate Report Book


      Weekly, monthly & annual summary of Sunday School report for all departments (20 lines) (carbon paper included)

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    • Behind The Masks


      A leading pastoral counselor describes in everyday language eight common personality disorders that result in destructive religious behavior. Dr. Oates discusses how the Christian faith can ”unmask” disorders so the real person can emerge. Recommended for pastoral counselors.

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    • How To Train Volunteer Teachers


      Explores the purposes of teaching in the church, and offers specific advice on how to recruit, train, and support volunteer teachers. 20 workshops to enhance and empower educational programs in any church.

      These twenty stimulating, thirty-minute workshops show how to train volunteer teachers in a way that will dramatically increase the effectiveness of your Christian education program. After exploring the purposes of teaching children, youth, and adults in the church, Delia Halverson offers specific advice on how to recruit, train, and support volunteer teachers. Sunday school superintendents and education chairpersons will find this information invaluable as they recruit teachers, affirm them in their ministries, and plan training events.

      Workshops offered in the book include: planning a session; keys to motivating students of all age groups; developing Bible skills in all age groups; storytelling in the classroom; creativity for you and your student; worship in the classroom; teaching prayer in the classroom; caring for students; teaching with questions and discussion; music in the classroom; and developing a learning center. Each workshop outline shows you which materials you will need for the workshop. One or more handouts for use in the training event are included. The book also features a bibliography of additional materials to enhance the workshops.

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    • From Bondage To Bonding


      1. Codependency: A Self-Focused Way Of Life
      2. Self-Forfeiture: Resigned To Helplessness
      3. Self-Contempt: Inclined To Feet Worthless
      4. Self-Aggrandizement: Desperate To Control
      5. Self-Sufficiency: Determined To Stay Safe
      6. Self-Deception: Committed To Denial
      7. Fervent Longings
      8. Painful Losses
      9. Self-Protective Pretense
      10. Autonomous Independence
      11. The Healing Of Grief
      12. The Wonder Of Grace
      13. The Freedom Of Surrender
      14. Reciprocal Grace: Free To Love And Forgive
      15. Courageous Vulnerability: Free To Abandon Denial
      206 Pages
      16. Mutual Freedom: Free To Relinquish Control
      17. Spiritual Vitality: Free To Trust And Obey
      18. Sacrificial Love: Free To Risk And Suffer

      Additional Info
      Codependency is a hot topic these days; dozens of new books about it appear each month. Trouble is, many of them deal only with escaping damaging codependent relationships—not with healing and rebuilding them. Groom (author of Married Without Masks) takes a more biblical approach. In uncomplicated language, she helps you see how codependency is actually bondage to sin and how the Gospel can restore you to healthy biblical bonding with God and others.

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    • Preaching The Miracles Cycle C


      Your partner in intelligent, meaningful sermon preparation.

      The Situation. The Setting
      Cultural and Historical Contexts
      Other Lectionary Texts for the Day
      Parallel Gospel Texts
      Meanings and Deviations of Key Words
      Suggested Sermon Themes
      Sermon Outlines
      Preaching Illustrations

      Nine Miracles Include:
      Water miracle — Luke 3:15-17, 21-22
      Fish miracle — Luke 5:1-11
      Life miracle — Luke 7:11-17

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    • Pluralistic Vision


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664252434ISBN10: 0664252435Milton CoalterBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1991Presbyterian Presence Twentieth Century ExperiencePublisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Is The Cross Still There


      In these ten baptismal sermons, George M. Bass explores some of the questions that surface during Lent and Easter:

      Does the cross really have anything significant to say about life and death?

      Why is baptism so important in the worship of Lent and Easter?

      What does my baptism into the death and resurrection of Christ really mean?

      Is baptism more than an initiation ceremony into the Christian Church?

      How do baptism and communion affirm the meaning and validity of the cross during Lent?

      In the exploration of these questions, Bass hopes to assist pastors and their people to experience a fuller participation in Lent and Easter and the new life all share in Christ.

      The sermons in the book are cast in the context of the question: “Is the cross still there?”

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    • 44 Questions For Church Planters


      Answers the question “Why start new churches?” and shows how to reverse the decline of new church development. Schaller offers tested advice based on more than thirty years of working with leaders responsible for developing new churches.

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    • Symbols Of Sacrifice Year 1


      The sacrificial life of Christ is a major focus of Lent. Symbols Of Sacrifice provides congregations with opportunities to create visual worship aids representing Christ’s life during worship.

      Each weekly presentation builds a growing reminder of Christ’s sacrifice for the congregation.

      This series offers a list of symbols and explanation of the symbols. These are provided for the Sundays of Lent and Easter Sunday.

      Symbols are:
      Sponge and stick
      Linen cloth
      Bread and cup

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    • Aids To The Psalms Cycle C


      The Psalms are wonderful sources of encouragement, enlightenment and strength. This series explores the Psalms for Cycle C of the Common Lectionary using New Revised Standard Version of the Bible texts.

      Each meditation is in three parts. First is the Psalm itself. Second is the alternate image, offering readers new insights to stimulate their vision of the Psalms. Third is the reflection section, offering a short analysis and comment on the passage.

      Aids To The Psalms is appropriate for liturgical aids, Sermon starters, personal and group meditation and Christian education.

      Among the Psalms of Cycle C are:
      Psalm 8 — O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth.
      Psalm 23 — The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
      Psalm 51 — Have mercy on me, O God.
      Psalm 100 — Make a joyful noise to the Lord.

      This is part of a three-book set on exploring the message of the Psalms.

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    • Puzzle Of The Cross


      Following the theme of the cross as a puzzle, Elmer E. Burrall offers a sermon, prayer and order of service for the five Sundays of Lent plus Maundy Thursday. As a visual part of worship, this series provides directions to design a cross puzzle to display in church sanctuaries. Each week, based the sermon topic, a new piece of the puzzle fits into the cross.

      By Maundy Thursday the cross puzzle is complete.

      Sermon topics are:

      One page of hymn suggestions is provided for the worship services in this series.

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    • What Is Narrative Criticism


      This book is the first nontechnical description of the principles and procedures of narrative criticism. Mark Allan Powell distinguishes literary criti cism from various modes of historical criticism–source, form, and redaction–and also delineates several types of literary criticism–structuralist, rhetorical, reader- response, and narrative. He then describes, analyzes, and illustrates the categories that narrative criticism employs, such as implied author and reader, narrator, character, events, settings. Mark Allan Powell is Assistant Professor of New Testament and Director of Continuing and Post-Graduate Studies at Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio.

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    • Sex In The Parish


      Karen Lebacqz and Ronald Barton examine the gift of sexuality in relation to the parish and the dynamics of sexual desire and temptation. Included in this book are the expreiences of a pastor who did not set appropriate limits; explainations of how the pastoral role affects sexual contact between pastor and parishioner; suggestions for a framework of ethical analysis; an examination of questions for women in ministry, single pastors, and pastors who are gay, lesbian, or bisexual; and a review of ethical issues related to persons who carry responsibilities for the structures of ministerial practice.

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    • Homiletics


      To Barth, one of this century’s most influential theologians, theology should never be an end in itself. Instead, it should be ”nothing other than sermon preparation.” Now, in this new translation by Geoffrey Bromiley and Donald Daniels, students can meet and wrestle with Barth’s homiletical definitions and ideas on sermon preparation, including his understanding of the ways preachers should interpret Scripture. Barth presented this material as seminar lectures in Bonn in 1932-33.

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    • Greatest Wonder Of All Cycle C


      ohn Braaten takes biblical passages from the Lent and Easter season and weaves them into messages for today’s Christians. This book of sermons follows Common, Lutheran, and Roman Catholic Lectionaries. The 17 messages include texts from Matthew, Luke, and John.

      Sermon titles include:
      The Pitfalls Of Practicing Piety — Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21
      Our Christian I.D. — Luke 4:1-13
      The King Who Came To Die — John 19:16b-22
      A Strange Kind Of Glory — John 13:31-35

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    • Embodied Word : Preaching As Art And Liturgy


      Liturgy as the work of God’s people gives the preacher a place to stand-an organic connection with an intentional sacramental community, says Rice. The place of preaching is the community, Christ’s body, and the hermeneutic that governs homiletical exegesis, style, and presentation comes from the liturgical situation of the sermon.

      The Embodied Word puts preaching in its proper place-in the presence of the baptistry and close to the table. As Rice explores the implications of that placement for the specific concerns of homiletics, the use of Scripture, and the appropriation of the arts, he concludes that the movement of the sermon is from text to table and that the action of the liturgy both depends upon and empowers the word.

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    • God Images And Self Esteem


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664251994ISBN10: 0664251994Carroll SaussyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1991Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Teaching Minister


      The authors says the clergy, regardless of their appointment (as parish clergy or judicatory executives, for example), should understand themselves primary as teachers of the Christian faith. They claim it is both wrong and disadvantageous to mainline churches when clergy act as administrators or psychotherapists or in any other way that is fundamentally different from acting as a teacher. The first half of the book shows the urgency of recovering the understanding of ministry and demonstrates that the church has always witnessed to the importance of teaching as an indispensable component of ministry and of the life of faith itself. The latter half of the book provides examples of how the primary role of teaching can be used in the church.

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    • Pastor Evangelist In The Parish


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664251314ISBN10: 0664251315Binding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1991Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Called Or Collared


      Will help you discover your unique calling, whether as clergy or laity.

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    • Shaping Character A Print On Demand Title


      The teaching of ethics and the transmission of values once performed an integrative function in the Christian college curriculum; however, they have gradually become relegated to a subspecialty status within the philosophy or religion department.

      Arguing that ethics is everybody’s business, Arthur Holmes presents in this book a concise survey of moral education – its goals and methods – in the Christian college. Arising out of a three-year Christian College Consortium project, Shaping Character reflects the insights of a rich variety of experts, writers, and faculty members. Holmes first orients his readers to the present ethical climate, to theological dimensions and distinctive in ethics, and to moral development theory. He then poses three overall objectives of ethics education – forming the conscience, making moral decisions, and developing character – and fleshes out each objective with particular goals.

      Throughout the book Holmes makes suggestions about the role of faculty and staff, paying special attention to teaching methods and noting the context and dynamics of college life in general. The final chapter summarizes how the Bible functions in ethics. Shaping Character is meant for all Christian college teachers, professors, and administrators concerned about student values and the moral condition of our society. The book will serve as a valuable and practical guide for teaching ethics in every department.

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    • Black Preaching : The Recovery Of A Powerful Art (Revised)


      Learn how black culture and preaching style empower black congregations—and what methods all preachers should know. In this one-volume collection of The Recovery of Preaching and Black Preaching, Mitchell shows you how to add power and vision to your sermons through storytelling, imagination, and other aspects of preaching style that are rooted in black culture. .

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    • Ordinary People Extraordinary God Cycle B


      SKU (ISBN): 9781556732591ISBN10: 1556732597Robert NoblettBinding: Cloth TextPublished: December 1990Publisher: CSS Publishing Print On Demand Product

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    • Prayer In Pastoral Counseling


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664251284ISBN10: 0664251285Edward WimberlyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 1990Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Theological Approaches To Christian Education


      This sequel to Seymour and Miller’s popular Contemporary Approaches to Christian Education offers new information and ideas regarding the major theological issues within Christian education today. In one volume, the world’s leading Christian educators reflect on such issues as tradition in the church, religious pluralism, human development, spirituality, ecumenical learning, feminist and liberation theology, practical theology, and hermeneutics.

      Contributors include Charles R. Foster, Susanne Johnson, Fumitaka Matsuoka, Melanie A. May, David Merritt, Mary Elizabeth Mullino Moore, Romney Moseley, Robert T. O’Gorman, Richard R. Osmer, Marianne Sawicki, and Choan-Seng Song.

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    • Come Sunday : The Liturgy Of Zion


      From the Publisher:” COME SUNDAY: THE LITURGY OF ZION by William B. McClain Companion to “Songs of Zion”; discusses liturgical time, spirituals, gospel songs; includes Scripture/ lectionary index.

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    • Como Predicar Expositivamente – (Spanish)


      “Liefeld takes us through some tricky topics. This book had an agreeable and warm tone, in reverence to the Sacred Scriptures but without avoiding the problems and challenges of our day and age. I’m convinced that seminary graduates within the last decade will come to use this book as a useful guide for the major problems that a preacher in any congregation will face.” David L. Larsen, President of the faculty of the Institute of Theology Evangelical Trinity

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    • From Generation To Generation


      Based on years of experience as a pastor and professor of theology, John Leith reflects on the dilemma of the church today as primarily “a crisis of faith.” He states that renewal is found within Scripture and the tradition of a believing, worshiping community–in hearing the word of God, particularly in preaching, in teaching, in the sacraments, and in Christian conversation.

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    • Church With Aids


      This book looks at the experiences of people with AIDS as a means of examining the way Christianity views the problem and deals with it on both personal and community levels. This book begins by sharing the experience and ministry of those living with AIDS. Also presented is a series of theological reflections on what living with AIDS means for the renewal of the church. Russell also asks how the traditional church might be seen differently by those struggling with AIDS. The final section, is designed as a tool for study and discussion groups.

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    • Preaching In And Out Of Season


      This excellent resource provides help for ministers who must plan their sermons not only according to the liturgical church year but also in response to the secular calendar of national holidays and public ceremonies, and in response to the program calendar of local and denominational emphases. Individual chapters discuss preaching about racial relations; family, church, and nation; the global witness of the church; work; evangelism; stewardship; and giving thanks. Suggestions for sermons on each theme are provided as well.

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    • Teenage Q And A Book



      1. .Parents
      2. .Self-Image
      3. .Peer Pressure
      4. .Friends
      5. .Dating
      6. .Love
      7. .Sex
      8.. Abuse
      Selected Bibliography P. 197

      Additional Info
      Here are the ANSWERS You’ve Been Wanting…To the QUESTIONS You’ve Been Asking

      In The Teenage Q & A Book you’ll find answers to more than 230 questions like:

      * How can I get along with my parents?
      * Why do I feel the way I do about myself?
      * How can I resist when all my friends do drugs?
      * How can I make more friends and keep them?
      * How can I get a date?
      * What’s the best way to turn down a date?
      * How do I know if I’m really in love?
      * How far can I go physically before it’s wrong?
      * How can I handle the feeling I have from being sexually abused?

      In The Teenage Q & A Book no question is off-limits. Josh McDowell and Bill ]ones answer your questions with honest, frank and straight-to-the-point answers. You’ll find simple, biblical solutions to your life’s toughest issues!

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    • Ministry Of Nurture


      Discipling teenagers means building a real-life faith into them. Which is exactly what youth ministry veteran Duffy Robbins explains how to do — definitively — in this sensitive, in-depth, and practical look at leading your kids into discipleship. No stranger to the challenge of discipling young people, Duffy draws from his decades of youth ministry experience as he describes a thorough, flexible discipleship program you can use with your students. In The Ministry of Nurture you’ll find– How to make faith practical in everyday life – How to help your kids develop their own faith – Seven keys to effective discipleship – How to help your kids build a faith that lasts – How you can help your kids apply their real-life faith in three key areas of the Christian life: outreach, nurture, and service – An important look at the two sides of peer pressure in the lives of young people — Whether you’re new to youth work or a veteran, The Ministry of Nurture is an indispensable addition to your youth ministry library.

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    • Spurgeons Sermon Notes


      Manufactured On Demand Title

      Charles H. Spurgeon was a master preacher whose passionate and powerful sermons are still pertinent and applicable to contemporary society. What preacher wouldn’t want Spurgeon’s thoughts on Sunday’s text!

      More than 190 of Spurgeon’s finest sermons have been broken down into comprehensive outlines by David Otis Fuller. Covering texts from Genesis through Revelation, pastors, teachers, and Bible students can easily locate on-target, ready-to-use outlines for their sermon series or Sunday school class.

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    • Women In Travail And Transition


      Greater knowledge of woman’s experience, this book argues, will enable all caregivers whether female or male to provide better pastoral care when the gender specific presuppositions of that care are examined. Nine women collaborate to explore how women’s life experience both necessitates and models a new, systematic pastoral care. It is the first book to address the broad range of women’s pastoral care needs.

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    • Studying Interpreting And Applying The Bible (Student/Study Guide)


      Studying, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible combines into one volume the popular trilogy by Walter Henrichsen and Gayle Jackson: – A Layman’s Guide to Studying the Bible – A Layman’s Guide to Interpreting the Bible – A Layman’s Guide to Applying the Bible This book will help students as well as ministers, young people and old alike, as they learn to study Scripture more easily and conveniently. The chapters on studying the Bible help the beginning or experienced Bible student mine God’s Word for its riches through verse analysis, chapter analysis, the overview of a book, the study of a topic, and the study of Bible characters (including charts, diagrams, and other helpful illustrations). The unit on interpreting the Bible explains Bible interpretation based on grammar, history, and theology. The section on applying the Bible moves beyond study to life applications, enabling a person to – be motivated to make personal application – move beyond a “to do” list to an internal desire to obey – consider the risks involved in obeying – use specific application principles.

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