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    Pastoral Helps

    • They Came Together In Bethlehem


      This book provides a complete worship resource for busy pastors …

      Sermons for Advent, Christmas Eve, and the Sunday after Christmas
      Advent candle readings with scripture verses
      Pastoral prayers
      Children’s object lessons
      Dramatic monologues which can be presented by the pastor or a lay person

      Assign the materials … schedule the sermon titles … then relax and enjoy the season with your family as you employ these inspiring materials in your congregation.

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    • Culture Of Disbelief Cycle B


      Through fascinating anecdotes and narrative stories, Donna Schaper relates these ancient texts to contemporary situations. She skillfully applies the Gospel of life and hope to circumstances of suffering and death.

      Chapters include:
      Letting Death Go — Mark 8:31-38
      Paying Attention To The Modern Light — John 3:14-21
      Junk Food And Holy Tables — John 18:1-19
      Being Spiritually Odd — John 20:19-31
      … and more!

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    • Out Of The Whirlwind Cycle B


      Writing on the lectionary texts from Job, Stroman deals with extremely contemporary issues. We discover in these messages that Job’s struggles are the same as ours. The texts from Ruth and 1 Samuel introduce us to four important Old Testament women: Naomi, Orpah, Ruth, and Hannah. They all play an important role in the biblical narrative, as well as providing insight into vital current issues.

      Chapters include:
      *Taking The Good With The Bad — (Job 1:1; 2:1-10)
      *Making Our Feelings Known — (Job 23:1-9, 16-17)
      *The Tale of Three Women — (Ruth 1:1-8)
      *God Remembers — (1 Samuel 1:4-20)
      … and more!

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    • Parables Of Jesus Cycle B


      The parable is the most well-known literary form presented in the Gospels – and since narrative or story sermons are such a prominent element in the contemporary pulpit, pastors are preaching on the parable texts more frequently than ever.

      This book provides a thorough and complete examination of each of the parables in Cycle B of the Revised Common Lectionary. Each parable study includes:

      discussion of the theme
      spiritual food for the journey
      application of the parable to contemporary life
      openings for preaching
      points of challenge and questions to ponder
      exegesis and explanation of the parable
      context of the parable

      These studies will be a classic resource for preaching … or useful for Bible study and inspiration.

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    • Defining Moments Cycle B


      The Old Testament readings in the lectionary are often neglected during the Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany seasons in favor of the more direct and easier-to-preach New Testament passages. William Self brings his creative imagination to these scriptural passages and gives them new life for the preacher.

      The sermons of this veteran preacher are written with the pew in mind. They are for people who hurt, for people who wait, for people who face defining moments, and for churches that struggle to proclaim the Gospel. Amply illustrated from life and literature, these sermons can be read for inspiration by lay persons and clergy alike.

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    • Ashes To Ascension Cycle B


      These sermons lift up the themes of suffering, reconciliation, and the unmerited goodness of God extended to all through Jesus Christ. Stroman never loses sight of the kerygma in his tightly packed messages. He addresses a world where hatred and violence prevail with the message of divine love, which has enriched souls and kindled faith throughout the centuries.

      Titles include:
      Beginning The Journey To Calvary — 2 Corinthians 5:20b
      Once And For All — 1 Peter 3:18a
      Promises — Promises — Romans 4:21
      The Right Person For The Job — Hebrews 5:5-10
      Life – And Then Some — 1 John 5:9-13
      … and more!

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    • Partners In Ministry


      Could you use a partner in your ministry? Utilize the laity! Writing from the standpoint that ministry is the fundamental vocation of all Christians, the authors provide practical guidance on how the work of clergy and laity complements and strengthens each other; understanding of the functions of each; and direction on building ministry teams.

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    • Next Voice You Hear


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664500405ISBN10: 0664500404David SteeleBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1999Publisher: Geneva Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Adoptees Come Of Age


      Drawn from the compelling stories of people who have been adopted, this book provides an intelligent and accessible description of the distinct and spiritual challenges faced by adoptees and their families.

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    • New Beginning For Pastors And Congregations


      This wise and practical guide provides clear insight for both pastors and congregations on how to begin a healthy, productive new pastorate or make a fresh start in an ongoing ministry. Author Kennon L. Callahan, today’s most sought-after church consultant, has conferred with thousands of pastors and congregations, helping them discover their strengths and gifts and showing them how to work together in service to their community and mission. Here he offers fresh suggestions on how pastors and congregations can ensure a solid future together, whether they are newly beginning or beginning again.

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    • Connecting With The Congregation


      Whether you know it or not, the timeless principles of rhetoric are at work in your preaching. When you take time to master this ancient art form, you’ll learn to consider not only what you’re saying but where, how, and to whom you’re saying it. You’ll soon get your message across with new power!

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    • Fed By Gods Grace Year B


      This collection includes communion and postcommunion prayers for every Sunday and selected special days. Can be used in congregations that offer single or separate prayers for bread and cup and by congregations that do not use the lectionary.

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    • Videos That Teach


      With Videos That Teach you can use clips from 75 of the best recent movies on video — already collected and organized by topic and Bible reference, complete with start and stop times — to illustrate your lessons and launch provocative discussions among your students. Discussions that get kids talking about themselves and life, about God and the Bible. Browse the book to find the movie clip you like, or use one of the Quick Clip Locators (by topic of Bible reference) to quickly find the perfect reinforcement for your lesson. Or build an entire lesson from a clip–with each clip are summaries of the movie and the clip, start and stop times, Bible references, and discussion starting questions. And given the breadth of movies in Videos That Teach you’re almost guaranteed to find what you want for a topic to teach of a discussion to lead — Forrest Gump, The Spitfire Grill, Michael, City Slickers, Romeo and Juliet (1996), Grand Canyon, Mrs. Doubtfire, Naked Fun, Fried Green Tomatoes, Mr. Holland’s Opus. And lots more. Whether you’re a youth worker, Bible study or small-group leader, or Sunday school teacher, with Videos That Teach you’ll get your students thinking biblically instead of merely absorbing passively.

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    • Modern Preacher And The Ancient Text


      How to choose and isolate a coherent section of Scripture, outline the main points, decide on a universal principle, choose alternate ways to preach the material (e.g., didactive, narrative, or textual), and deliver it in a creative, imaginative fashion.

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    • Grounded In God (Revised)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780819218353ISBN10: 0819218359Suzanne Farnham | Stephanie Hull | R. Taylor McLeanBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 1999Publisher: Morehouse Publishing Print On Demand Product

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    • Feminist And Womanist Pastoral Theology


      In the last decade, the focus of pastoral theology has shifted dramatically from care defined as counseling to care understood within a wider social, political, and religious context. Feminist and womanist theory as well as feminist and womanist faith convictions have played a key role in this development. This collection of essays identifies the many changes occurring in definitions of pastoral theology, care, and counseling; defines and develops new methods and approaches; and attends to the implications of these changes for congregational care and theological education

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    • Creative Bible Lessons In 1-2 Corinthians


      Christian adolescents in the 21st century face pretty much the same situations as the first-century Christians in Corinth did — an indulgent, profligate, choose-your-own-god society. The latest in the Creative Bible Lessons series, Creative Bible Lessons in 1 & 2 Corinthians is a 12-lesson curriculum with an issues-oriented spin on living one’s faith in the real world. It lets teenagers wrestle with the tension between biblical instruction and cultural realities. These 12 studies about the not-so-easily-tamed people of Corinth and their founding pastor Paul of Tarsus pave the way for youth workers and Sunday school teachers to teach high schoolers about conversion, transformation, failure, leadership, authority, and God’s constant saving love even in the midst of people making a mess of things. Here are some of the not-so-ancient issues you’ll explore in this study: Give Me Liberty or Give Me Love, Friends Don’t Let Friends Go Unforgiven, Those Pesky STDs (Sexually Tough Decisions), Love Is . . ., No Easy Answers, Show Me the Money, and Ouch! Of course, there’s lots of what the Creative bible Lessons series is known for: provocative and relevant discussion starters, to-the-point scripts, high-energy games, reproducible pages of interactive activities — all in the context of hard-core Bible study

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    • Wild Truth Journal Pictures Of God


      We can’t “see” our invisible God. Fortunately, Scripture uses lots of metaphors, providing us “pictures” of his nature. By picturing God as an artist, baby, lion, dad, and more, your junior highers will discover God’s character traits, what he does, and how it changes their own thoughts and behavior. Features 50 journaling devotions.

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    • Reenvisioning Theological Education A Print On Demand Title


      The future of the church in North America must include the recovery of its missional identity. Robert Banks does a masterful job of taking the fact seriously and bringing it to bear on the way we do seminary education. His analysis is thoroughly grounded inthe ferment of recent decades about the character of theological education. Based on that, he dares to open up a spacious vision for the reformantion of church ministry and seminary education along lines that a missional model wourl require. All of us in the seminary establishment will have to engage the issue he raises and give serious consideration to what a missional understanding of the church implies about training for pastoral leadership.

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    • Christian Teachers In Public Schools (Reprinted)


      1. Walking A Fine Line
      2. Teaching Morals And Values
      3. Planning Curriculum
      4. Religious Freedom And The Law
      5. Applying The Law In The Classroom
      6. Traditional Faith And The Secular Humanism Debate
      7. A Cloud Of Witnesses

      192 Pages

      Additional Info
      If Christian teachers in public schools are often unsure how to relate their faith to their work. How can I teach Christian values without Christianity as a foundation? How can my faith influence my teaching? What can I say in the classroom? Or after class?

      Christian Teachers in Public Schools provides an invaluable resource for Christian teachers faced with such questions. offers:
      – a discussion of how to plan curriculum in ways that stay true to one’s faith
      – an overview of the legal aspects of religion and the public schools
      – ways to teach Christian values in a multicultural community
      – practical guidance for applying the law to the classroom
      – testimony and advice from numerous Christian teachers in state-sponsored schools
      Teachers, administrators, prospective teachers, and parents who wish to learn more about public schooling and the Christian faith will find this a thought-provoking book.

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    • Medieval Church


      Fervently committed to God, gifted preachers have left us a priceless legacy in their proclamation of the Word. Old explores a thousand years of medieval preaching, from sixth-century Byzantium to Renaissance Italy. His in-depth analyses of medieval sermons illuminate the rich diversity of faith in this golden age of church history.

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    • Authentic Transformation : A New Vision Of Christ And Culture


      SKU (ISBN): 9780687022731ISBN10: 0687022738Glen Stassen | Diane Yeager | John YoderBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 1999Publisher: Abingdon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Reclaiming Your Story


      “Healing you inner child” is common cliche for one of the imperatives of popular psychology: overcoming childhood patterns of relationship and self-understanding in order to become an independent, mature adult. Taking this thinking deeper, Jordan argues that we must examine the dynamics in our families of origin in order to rid our psyches of hurtful assumptions about our spiritual selves and about the nature of God’s love for us.

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    • 32 Ways To Become A Great Sunday School Teacher


      So you finally volunteered to teach Sunday school. Don’t panic! This resource will teach you how to effectively study a Bible passage, use questions in teaching, create a positive classroom atmosphere, and much more. Whether you’re a first-time teacher or a seasoned veteran, this invaluable guide will help you find your way!

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    • Imagining A Church In The Spirit A Print On Demand Title


      Everyone has an opinion about why mainline churches are declining, but few provide concrete, workable ideas to help stem the tide. As an academic, Johnson effectively couples his suggestions with McDonald’s pastoral experience. Together, they seek to re-energize the body of Christ with new vision.

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    • 1 Church Many Congregations


      Does your church struggle to reach your surrounding neighborhoods because of social boundaries? The Key Church Strategy presents the Christian message in a way that respects the indigenous concerns of different cultural groups. Discover how 300 churches in 27 states have used this outreach plan to link traditional and nontraditional congregations under a single sponsoring church!.

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    • Gods Wisdom


      An understanding of the educational process in theological terms. Hodgson argues that God’s Wisdom, which is incarnate in paradigmatic teachers like Jesus, forms and transforms humans by evoking critical thinking, heightened imagination, and liberating practice. Sheds new light on liberal education.

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    • How To Meet In Homes


      This book is an invitation to revolution!
      Warning: Do not read this book if you enjoy Sunday morning church services!
      This book is for those believers, be they Catholic, Protestant, Conservatives, Fundamentalists, or Pentecostal/Charismatics who want to utterly abandon it all, from top to bottom, and start over in a way that is a revolutionary, radical departure from all present-day church practices.

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    • Bible And The New York Times


      This collection of vividly illustrative sermons by a leading contemporary Episcopalian preacher eloquently heralds the Christian call to faith in the face of modern challenges.

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    • Practical Theology A Print On Demand Title


      Though the field of practical theology has developed rapidly in recent years, little work has been done to build a solid theoretical foundation for the discipline. This erudite work by a leading international figure in the field offers one of the first attempts to formulate a complete theory of practical theology for scholars, teachers, students, and those directly involved in pastoral ministry.

      Designed to serve as a reference tool, this volume provides the necessary theoretical discussion for work in the entire discipline of practical theology. Gerben Heitink first surveys the historical development of practical theology from the thought of Schleiermacher to the present. He then outlines the theoretical aspects of practical theology, looking especially at the hermeneutical, empirical, and strategical points of view. Finally Heitink discusses the various contexts in which practical theology takes place.

      Conversant with ministerial practices worldwide and sensitive to all church traditions, Heitink’s Practical Theology is the best one-volume work available on the subject.

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    • Counseling Troubled Teens And Their Families


      Counseling Troubled Teens and Their Families by Andrew J Weaver, John Preston, and Leigh W Jerome. Subtitled: A Handbook for Clergy and Youth Workers. Uses case studies to explain the convergence of psychoanalytic theory and practice with the realities of the pastoral counseling situation

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    • Catch The Age Wave


      1. The Church Of Tomorrow
      2. The Senior Surge
      3. Developing A Christian View Of Life And Aging
      4. Ageism – Is It Real In The Church?
      5. New Beginnings For Your Senior Adult Group
      6. Target-Group Evangelism
      7. Practice Oikos Evangelism
      8. Incorporate Newcomers
      9. Establish A Small-Group Network
      10. Stimulate Spiritual Growth
      11. Provide Recreational, Social, And Physical Activities
      12. Stimulate Intellectual Development
      13. Make It Happen
      184 Pages

      Additional Info
      Senior adult ministry isn’t what it used to be. The comfortable assumptions and recycled programs that were the basis for local church ministry are being challenged. Baby boomers are hitting middle age and retirement. And their own parents are living longer. Authors Win and Charles Arn have updated and supplemented Catch The Age Wave with ideas, examples, and advice to help the local church leader start and maintain a senior adult program. In addition, they have added practical program ideas to use in any local church setting. New challenges for a new day. Catch the Age Wave won’t let you miss the boat.

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    • Waking To Gods Dream


      Bone-weary pastors can easily slip into survival mode, leading to spiritual stagnation for themselves and their flock. Relating his own brush with burnout, Wills shares how his large church went from decline to dynamic growth. Learn how the personal commitment of his leaders—more than mere innovation—helped infect the congregation with a vision for outreach.

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    • 4 Pages Of The Sermon


      Discover a new method of organizing both the preparation and content of your sermons! Wilson focuses on what he calls the “four pages” of a sermon, each addressing a different theological and creative component. Amply illustrated with examples from contemporary sermons, this guide provides a fresh approach to the sustained discipline of sermon preparation..

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    • Uncommon Minister 1


      “Power Principles for Hitting Your Target for Success in Ministry”
      Volume 1

      When God wants to touch a nation, He raises up a preacher.It is uncommon men and Women of God who have driven back the darkness and shielded the unlearned and rebellious from devastation by satanic forces. An Uncommon Minister is prepared through season of pain, encounters with God, and mentors. Having sat at the feet of uncommon mentors his entire life, Dr. Murdock shares practical but personal keys to increase the excellence and productivity of your ministry “The Uncommon Minister” is handy, convenient and easy to read. Your load will be lighter, your journey happier,and your effectiveness increased in “doing the will of the Father”.

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    • Stewardship Scrapbook


      This remarkable book represents the very best of William Phillippe’s lifelong stewardship files: materials he has used in four decades of training, talks, and sermons about giving to the church. It includes biblical texts, sermons, sermon ideas, inspiring stories, quotations, and other miscellaneous suggestions and aids for ministers, lay leaders, and others interested in the many facets of stewardship.

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    • Praising God : The Trinity In Christian Worship


      Explores ways to enrich the language of Christian worship while remaining faithful to the church’s affirmation of God as Trinity. The authors encourage gender-inclusive language for the Trinity, and offer pastoral and theological suggestions about trinitarian language in the worship service.

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    • Leadership In The Wesleyan Spirit


      The purpose of this book is simple— to reclaim a vision for church leadership from the great spiritual awakening known as the Wesleyan movement.

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    • Seeing Through Our Tears


      Here is a book that will enlighten and encourage all who struggle to understand and come to terms with their own tears-as well as those people who care for them. In a style that is at once engaging, psychologiclaly sound, and wonderfully faith-filled, Bagby presents a journey to understanding and wholeness.

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    • 5 Star Church (Reprinted)


      Ever wonder how a restaurant or hotel earns a five-star rating? Is it the people? The location? The service? In most cases, it is all of this and more. Why should your church be any different? The Five Star Church reveals how you can pursue Christian excellence and uphold the Lord’s command to “honor one another above yourselves” (Romans 12:10). It contains tips, tools, and the inspiration you need to build a top-quality church that people will flock to and participate in. Now matter how small your ministry or budget, God can use your church effectively to make everyone there feel welcome and cared for–the marks of a five-star church!

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    • Cartas A Mi Amiga Maltratada – (Spanish)


      David Hormachea takes on a very hot topic in today’s society: abuse. Without compromising the privacy of his confidants, Hormachea allows us to enter the world of abuse through the testimonies he has received from abused people who face this unfortunate situation daily.

      David Hormachea aborda un tema verdaderamente candente en nuestros dias: el maltrato. Sabiamente, y sin lastimar la privacidad de sus confi-dentes, nos permite entrar a traves de los testimonios que ha recibido al mundo de las personas maltratadas y que a diario soportan las mas crueles heridas de este flagelo.

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    • 1 Bible Many Voices


      No single approach to reading the Bible can do justice to its complex history and content. Gillingham, provides one of the most accessible and helpful introductions to the Bible. This volume clearly outlines the main issues in understanding Scripture and demonstrates, using Psalm 8 as an example, the best method for reading the Bible today.

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    • Preaching While The Church Is Under Reconstruction


      In this book the author constructs a framework for how to preach in this time of transition and failing certainties. He demonstrtes that, enlivened by the work of God’s Spirit, it is possible to preach with vision and insight, and help God’s people perceive their place in the world which God is creating anew

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    • Pastor As Moral Guide


      Adultery, divorce, racism, teen pregnancy, white-collar crime, living wills — these are among the many complex moral issues that Christians face and for which they often seek guidance from their pastors. This book is designed to assist pastors in developing their skills in providing moral guidance to their parishioners in a culture characterized by both ethical confusion and increasingly complex moral choices. Rebekah Miles, a gifted thinker and writer, guides the reader through the landscape of the moral life and offers a simple but profound map of the moral terrain along with practical tools to enable pastoral caregivers to serve more effectively as moral guides.

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    • Survival Or Revival


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664257347ISBN10: 0664257348Carnegie CalianBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 1999Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • 52 Arrival Activities For Childrens Choirs


      A collection of reproducible activities designed for use by children’s choir directors in the pre-rehearsal time when chilren are coming into choir rehearsal. Includes paper-and-pencil activities such as music word searches, music mazes, “find the picture,” musical symbols matching games, and other similar activities.

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    • Nailing Down A Board


      Based on his many years of experience serving on boards of churches, ministries, and charities, noted theologian Charles Ryrie offers practical advice applicable to a wide variety of organizations and ministries. Learn how to secure board members, train others to serve effectively, and make the most of meeting times

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    • Leading The Team Based Church


      Learning The Circle Dance Of God.

      Building On A Receptive Cultural Environment.


      The Covenanting Team.

      The Visionary Team.

      The Culture-Creating Team.

      The Collaborative Team.

      The Trusting Team.

      The Empowering Team.

      The Learning Team.

      Epilogue: A Word Of Encouragement.

      Resource: Two Examples Of Staff Covenants.



      Additional Info
      In Leading the Team-Based Church, George Cladis issues a clarion call for ministry teams to embrace a fresh leadership model that is not based on hierarchy, but on a process of collaboration that mirrors the relationship of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He reminds us that today’s cultural environment–where authority has basis in trust, innovation reaps rewards, and spirituality takes root in life and work–has matured past the need for the hierarchy of traditional church leadership where the pastor had the final say. Through down-to-earth stories from his own experience and those of clergy in both mainline and evangelical churches, Cladis offers an exciting alternative to the traditional forms of church leadership, enabling pastors, congregational leaders, and staff to breathe new life into their ministries and unleash the full potential of the entire ministry team.

      Cladis, pastor of a fast-growing mainline congregation, demonstrates how cultural changes affecting all our institutions–not just the church–are making it easier to adopt this new model of leadership. Cladis’s practical advice will enable ministry teams to work together in ways that both embody the Christian message and call forth the full creativity and love of the entire team.

      “Just when it seems that all that can be said has been said on the subject of ‘teams’, just when one has tired of the gumming of the label ‘team’ on everything in sight, along comes perhaps the most significant religious book on teams yet published. Cladis juxtaposes the theological and cultural context for team-based ministry in a model presentation of what a conversation between Bible, theology, and culture should look like.”–Leonard Sweet, dean, The Theological School and vice president, Drew University

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    • Beyond Silence And Denial


      In the past two decades, most of the literature on death and dying has been written from the perspective of psychology or New Age spirituality. This comparative silence on the part of Christian writers has meant that a renewed awareness of the “naturalness” of death has not brought with it a deepened appreciation of the place of death in biblical faith. Bregman re-connects these strands of thought by bringing a biblically informed mode of spiritual refection into conversation with the current literature on grieving, loss, and suffering.

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    • Pastoral Counseling


      In this invaluable resource for pastors and seminars, James Dittes offers answers to some of a minister’s most basic counseling questions: How do I guide counseling conversations yet empower those who feel helpless? How do I negotiate relationships with people who I may counsel on one day and from whom I must seek housing allowance on the next? Can I be psychologically adept while remaining theologically faithful?

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