Books (Spanish)
Showing 1601–1650 of 1802 resultsSorted by latest
Senor En Que Puedo Servirte – (Spanish)
$14.99Helpful ways for people who want to be involved in the work of the kingdom.
En estos dias de gran crecimiento de la obra evangelica, Dios esta llamando a miles de personas a que le sirvan. Si usted es una de ellas, es my oportuno que lea este libro. Muchas personas con buenas intenciones han comtedo graves errores, y este autor desea ayudarle a que no los cometa usted. Es necesario que sepa que:
*Cuando dios llama en serio
*Dios no regala talentos para desperdiciarlos
*El que oye consejos, llega lejos
*Dios recompensa la fidelidad
*Con la ayuda de dios podremos ser creativos
Este livro le explicara estas cosas y muchas otras para que se convierta en un siero de Dios de los que el mundo necisita.Dios esta en continuo movimiento y este siempre es hacia adelante. Marchemos con El. escuchemos su voz para conocer las estrategias que El quiere usar para alcanzar a las nuevas generaciones. Dejemos que el Senor nos encuentre listos, dispuestos y preparados para ir a sue mies…no importa donde este esa mies!
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Ministerio De Jovenes Con Prop – (Spanish)
$18.99If you long to reach kids and see their lives changed by God, this comprehensive guide shows you how.
Moving to the fundamental purpose of evangelism, discipleship, friendship, ministry and worship, “Purpose Driven Youth Ministry” uses the experience of Saddleback Church to illustrate what a youth ministry can do. Here are nine basic principles that will help you: -Connect the power of God with an enthusiastic and committed leadership -Define the purpose of your ministry and communicate it effectively -Identify your potential audience -Create programs that reach your audience and fulfill God’s purposes -Implement processes that move students to maturity -Enhance your ministry with clearly defined values -Team up with parents to involve the whole family -Find volunteers and help develop them into participating leaders -Persevere through tough times and thrive in an ever-changing environment.
Balancing both theory and practice, “Purpose Driven Youth Ministry” can be applied to any church setting, regardless of size, denomination, facilities, resources, and existing leadership.
This book will help you develop a ministry that equips students rather than a ministry that coordinates events. Doug Fields says, “My goal for this book is to coach through a plan to build a healthy youth ministry that isn’t dependent on one great youth leader and won’t be destroyed when the youth worker leaves the church. It’s not a book on how to grow your youth ministry with six easy steps; it’s about identifying, establishing, and building health into your church’s youth ministry.”
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Apocalipsis Sin Velo – (Spanish)
$19.99There has long been a need for a practical approach to the book of Revelation that everyone can understand. This book includes an artist’s concept of each symbol in the book, together with charts and diagrams of the thrilling events being prophesied. With Dr. La Haye’s gift of clarity, the book is a very readable commentary for the layperson, Bible teacher, and pastor. Even new Christians with no prophetic background will benefit by reading it. One veteran pastor and teacher of prophecy who had used the book in its original edition said, “I have over fifty commentaries on the book of Revelation and I can say without hesitation this is the best.”
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Caso De Cristo – (Spanish)
$17.99The project: determine if there’s credible evidence that Jesus of Nazareth really is the Son of God. The Reporter: Lee Strobel, educated al Yale Law School and award-winning former legal editor of the Chicago Tribune_with a background of atheism. How reliable is the New Testament? Does evidence exist for Jesus outside the Bible? Is there any reason to believe the resurrection was an actual historical event? This colorful, hard-hitting book is no novel. It’s a riveting quest for the truth about history’s most compelling figure. The reader will determine ultimately what is the verdict in The Case for Christ.
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Diez Mandamientos Del Noviazgo – (Spanish)
$13.99Esta obra le dara ayudas utiles para crear relaciones buenas y perdurables.En el encontrara lineamientos practicos, penetrantes y sin rodeos, que le ayudaran con sus preguntas y frustraciones respecto al noviazgo.
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Misterio De La Voluntad De Dio – (Spanish)
$15.99This is a book about the life long journey of getting to know God and His will for you, not about easy answers.
Este es un libro sobre la jornada de toda una vida de conocer a Dios y su voluntad para con nosotros, no de respuestas faciles. Muchos piensan que si pudieran descubrir ese plan de Dios, marcharian sin esfuerzo por la vida. Pero la vida no es asi. Probablemente el mayor error al tratar uno de descubrir la voluntad de Dios radica en el concepto de que, si hago esto, la lucha terminara, las preguntas cesaran, las respuestas llegaran y vivire feliz para siempre. Pero eso es un cuento de hada. No es la realidad.
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Como Jesus – (Spanish)
$14.99Where did we get this idea that we can’t change? From whence come statements such as, “It’s just my nature to worry.” “I’ll always be pessimistic. I’m just that way.” “I can’t help the way I react. I have a bad temper.” Such thoughts are not from God. He can no more leave a life unchanged than a mother can leave a tear untouched. His plan for you is nothing short of a new heart. If you were a car, God would want control of your engine. If you were a computer, God would claim the software and the hard drive. If you were an airplane, He’d take His seat in the cockpit. But you are a person, so God wants to change your heart. Max Lucado tells how God loves you just the way you are, but He refuses to leave you there. He wants you to have a heart like His. He wants you to be Just Like Jesus.
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Promesas De Dios – (Spanish)
$9.99The Spanish language version of God’s Promises for Your Every Need, this little book of Scriptures will set the mind and heart at ease. Topics include courage, patience, comfort and forgiveness. Scriptures are indexed.
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Comunidades Transformadas Con – (Spanish)
$15.99El autor analiza la estrategia del reino de las tinieblas y senala como vestir las armas de luz en esta batalla. Su recorrido por diversos paises se America Latina dara al lector las herramientas y estrategias necesarias para transformar las ciudades a traves de la oracion.
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Vida En El Reino Romanos – (Spanish)
$9.99Vida en el Reino: Para un crecimiento constante en la fe (Estudio de Romanos) forma parte de una serie de guias de estudio que se caracterizan por cubrir de manera atractiva y esclarecedora un libro de la Biblia y temas del poder, enfocados a provocar la vida dinamica llena del Espiritu Santo.
Vida en el Reino: Para un crecimiento constante en la fe (Estudio de Romanos) is one of a series of study guides that focus exciting, discovery-geared coverage of Bible book and power themes-all prompting toward dynamic, Holy Spirit-filled living.
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Nuevo Diccionario De Religione – (Spanish)
$17.99Basic information about almost all the different kinds of religious organizations that currently work in the Hispanic world or that had left a deep impression in universal history. Even though it is not a biographic dictionary or encyclopedia, this book reflects a rigorous study of the sources and an incredible capacity to present the information in a clear and precise way.
Informacion basica en relacion con casi todas las organizaciones y movimientos religiosos que actualmente se desenvuelven en el mundo hispanoamericano o que han dejado una huella apreciable en la historia universal de las religiones. Aunque no se trata de un diccionario biografico, ni de una enciclopedia, esta obra refleja un estudio riguroso de las fuentes y una increible capacidad de sintesis para presentar los datos en forma clara y precisa.
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