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    Books (Spanish)

    • Despertar De Los Muertos – (Spanish)


      Hay una gloria en la vida, que la mayoria de las personas, incluyendo los creyentes, nunca ven. En este libro nuevo y revelador, John Eldredge presenta al corazon como el centro de la vida. No solamente el corazon es esencial; el corazon que Dios ha redimido tambien es bueno. Construyendo sobre estas verdades fundamentales, Eldredge muestra a los lectores por que el verdadero cristianismo es un proceso de restauracion, donde las partes quebradas de nuestro corazon son sanadas y las partes cautivas son liberadas.

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    • Como Por Orar Para La Voluntad – (Spanish)


      Descripcion (Description):

      Por aos, Stormie Omartian oro pidiendo: “Seor, cambia a mi esposo”. Entonces, se dio cuenta de que tenia que orar por ella misma, y examinar su propio corazon, antes de poder orar eficazmente por el.

      For years Stormie Omartian prayed the prayer, “Change my husband, Lord.” Then she realized that she had to pray for herself -and examine her own heart – before she could pray effectively for him. Her prayer became, “Change me, Lord.” In this book, she presents that process for all wives who want the power to pray for themselves and their husbands.

      Como orar por la voluntad de Dios para tu vida is ideal for women who have read Stormie’s bestselling books on prayer and want to move deeper into the power of prayer.

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    • Poder Para Vivir – (Spanish)


      Cuando damos mucho de nosotros, perdemos algo que apreciamos o sentimos que nuestra vida ya llego hasta donde podia, empezamos a sentirnos cansados, agotados y sin fuerzas. Donde conseguimos poder para vivir? Por que carecemos del poder que David tuvo cuando se enfrento al gigante? Donde esta el poder que Nehemias tuvo para volver a edificar las murallas de Jerusalen, el poder de los tres jovenes hebreos para hacerle frente a la adversidad, el poder que Ester tuvo para hacerle frente a un rey implacable, o el poder que Pedro tuvo para volver a levantarse, predicar con valor, y dar la cara por Cristo despues de haberle negado? Donde esta el secreto de estos hombres y mujeres? Ellos recibieron el Poder para Vivir. A traves de estas paginas tu descubriras la fuerza que se tiene cuando uno no solo cree en Dios sino que le cree a Dios.

      When we give much of ourselves, when we loose something that we value, or when we feel that our live has arrive at its final point we begin to feel tired, exhausted and without strength. Where do we find the power to live? Why do we lack the power that David had when he confronted the giant? Where is the power that Nehemiah had to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, the power of the three young Hebrews to confront adversity, the power of Ester to confront a renowned king, or the power that Peter had to lift himself up, preach with courage, and give his life for Christ after he had denied Him? Where is the secret of these men and women? They all received the Power to Live. Through these pages you will discover the strength that you have not only believing in God, but believing Him.

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    • Liderazgo Al Extremo – (Spanish)


      En su libro Liderazgo radical, el autor Marcos Witt ayuda a fortalecer en los jovenes el llamado que tienen en la vida y la importancia de ser lideres ante los que observan sus paso y su peregrinar en la vida. El mensaje vital es que todos tenemos el potencial de ser lideres, pero la pregunta es: Quieres ser lider? En este libro el autor consulta a los principales lideres cristianos hispanoamericanos para ofrecer respuesta a las fundamentales preguntas que los jovenes estan formulando, lo que hace de este libro un gran instrumento para pastores de jovenes y padres.

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    • Regalo Del Viajero – (Spanish)


      Asi como los libros de mayor venta de Og Mandino, esta narracion extraordinaria es una mezcla de ficcion amena, alegorias e inspiracion. El escritor de cuentos Andy Andrews le da a usted un asiento en primera fila, para presenciar el viaje de un hombre, que se convierte en la experiencia mas asombrosa de toda su vida. David Ponder ha perdido su trabajo y el deseo de vivir. Cuando es elegido sobrenaturalmente para viajar a traves del tiempo, visita a personajes historicos como Abraham Lincoln, el rey Salomon y Anne Frank. De cada visita emerge una decision para el exito, que un dia va a impactar al mundo entero.

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    • 12 Hombres Comunes – (Spanish)


      Contrariamente a la creencia popular, no tenemos que ser perfectos para hacer la obra de Dios. Sin ir mas lejos, las debilidades de los doce discipulos estan preservadas para siempre a traves de las paginas del Nuevo Testamento. Jesus eligio gente comun, como pescadores, recolectores de impuestos, politicos fanaticos; y cambio sus debilidades en puntos fuertes, produciendo grandeza de la total inutilidad. MacArthur delinea principios del cuidadoso entrenamiento de los primeros doce discipulos, para los discipulos modernos como tu.

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    • Amor Mas Alla De La Razon – (Spanish)


      How do you explain a love that has no explanation? Reveals the God you’ve longed to encounter: a Father head-overheals in love with you and committed to your highest joy. In a world that cries to be loved, has God’s love impacted you? Deep down, do you still see him as a stern authority figure demanding that you get it right -or have you glimpsed your heavenly Father as he really is, smiling at you with impossible joy? John Ortberg pulls back the curtains of misconception to reveal what you’ve always hoped and always known had to be true. God’s love really is a Love beyond Reason. And it’s waiting to flood your life with a grace that can transform you and those around you.

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    • Heme Aqui Senor Enviame A Mi – (Spanish)


      Hoy en dia, miles de jovenes escuchan el llamado de Dios para entrar en el ministerio y en el servicio misionero. Hay una gran necesidad entre estos jovenes, y entre todos los que aspiran a entrar en el ministerio y servir al Senor, de saber como, donde y cuando obedecer este llamado. Dios mismo es quien esta poniendo a Sus siervos en el ministerio. En Efesios 4:11 dice: “El mismo constituyo a unos, apostoles; a otros, profetas; a otros, evangelistas; a otros, pastores y maestros”. Y es precisamente en Su llamado que descansa la autoridad por la cual el evangelio ha sido proclamado a traves de la historia de la iglesia.

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    • Alcanzando Al Dios Invisible – (Spanish)


      “How do I relate to a God who is invisible when I’m never quite sure he’s there?” –Philip Yancey Life with God doesn’t always work like we thought. High expectations slam against the reality of personal weaknesses and unwelcome surprises. And the God whom we’ve been told, longs for our company may seem remote and emotionally unavailable. Is God playing games? What can we count on this God for? This relationship with a God we can’t see, hear, or touch–how does it really work? Reaching for the Invisible God offers deep, satisfying insights that affirm and dignify the questions we’re sometimes afraid to ask. In this Gold Medallion Award-winning book, Philip Yancey explores six foundational areas: our thirst for God, faith during times when God seems unavailable, the nature of God himself, our personal relationship with God, stages along the way, and the end goal of spiritual transformation. Honest and deeply personal, here is straight talk on Christian living for the man or woman who wants more than pat answers to life’s imponderables. Ultimately, Yancey shifts the focus from our questions to the One who offers himself in answer. The God who invites us to reach for him–and find.

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    • Introduccion Al Aseoramiento P – (Spanish)


      La perdida de valores morales que llevan a considerar todo desde una perspectiva groseramente relativista; la situacion social y economica tan critica que lleva a tratar de protegernos de cualquier manera posible; el materialismo contemporaneo que nos hace creer que teniendo mas cosas seremos mas felices; y otros muchos aspectos similares, han provocado una crisis que se refleja y tiene sus efectos en la pareja y familia contemporanea. La sociedad ha contagiado su enfermedad a la familia.

      Asi pues, esta unidad basica sufre los devastadores efectos del tiempo y sociedad en que nos ha tocado vivir. Hay algo que se pueda hacer? Hay remedio que alivie esa enfermedad?

      El Dr. Maldonado nos muestra que para que la familia pueda procesar cualquier situacion critica que esten viviendo y salir avante por el camino de la recuperacion y el crecimiento, la mayor parte del tiempo requiere de orientacion, consejo, o asesoria. Asi pues, y desde la perspectiva cristiana, en este libro el Dr. Maldonado presenta los elementos basicos de la asesoria, los criterios que serviran para identificar a una familia sana e ir hacia ella, y las metas que se deben perseguir al asesorar y que serviran al asesor o consejero para promover el sano crecimiento tanto de la pareja como de la familia. Porque, a final de cuentas, la familia no es solamente el lugar donde encontramos refugio y alimento. La familia, por sobre todo, es el lugar donde nos formamos como y donde somos verdaderamente humanos y cristianos.

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    • Dificil De Creer – (Spanish)


      La creencia popular acerca de Jesucristo es la de un hombre gentil y de buen caracter que camino en esta tierra, ofreciendo a sus seguidores pequenas ensenanzas de sabiduria. Pero a veces fallamos en reconocer que si bien Jesucristo ofrecio un mensaje de perdon, tambien hablo de una manera exigente y desafiante acerca de lo que significa ser un seguidor de Cristo. En contraste con la superficialidad de muchas ensenanzas cristianas modernas, el doctor John MacArthur provee la verdad irrefutable de las ensenanzas y la vida de Jesus. En terminos simples y convincentes, el presenta claramente que es requerido de aquellos que lo seguirian. Yendo mas alla de la crucifixion y resurreccion de Jesus, MacArthur muestra a los lectores como Jesus, haciendo el ultimo sacrificio por la humanidad, modelo el compromiso y la obediencia amorosa que el requiere de nosotros.

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    • Secreto De La Paz Personal – (Spanish)


      La gente esta buscando respuestas a la confusion, la enfermedad moral y el vacio espiritual que oprime al mundo. Todos estamos clamando por direccion, por consuelo, por paz. Hay alguna salida para nuestro dilema? Podemos verdaderamente encontrar paz con Dios? Si! Pero solo si la buscamos en el lugar correcto. El secreto de la paz personal incluye verdades biblicas confiables por el renombrado evangelista, doctor Billy Graham, haciendo de este libro un regalo perfecto para evangelismo o alcance. El secreto de la paz personal ofrece una mirada en como vivir la vida en la plenitud de Dios.

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    • Donde Hallarlo En La Biblia – (Spanish)


      Puedes hallarlo en la Biblia… si sabes donde buscarlo. Si quieres saber lo que dice la Biblia sobre temas como el de las computadoras, la nutricion o la sicologia, no lo conseguiras en otras concordancias. Pero esta moderna fuente tematica te llevara a donde no llegan las otras, y sin ningun lenguaje teologico complicado.

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    • Juegos Para Refrescar Tu Minis (Teacher’s Guide) – (Spanish) (Teacher’s Guide)


      A library of ideas Do you want games that are dynamic, that make you run or exercise until you fall exhausted? Here’s a place to find them. Do you need quiet games for a small or passive group? You will find those here as well. In Games To Refresh, you will find more than 400 recreational activities, both indoor as well as outdoor, that adolescents will love. Ball games: Twice the fun for a meeting of the church leadership, with only half the heat. Basketball and volleyball games: Everything about throws and baskets. They go crazy over these extravagant transformations of the sports. Indoor games for large groups: Reserve the church gymnasium or another large room for an evening to develop camaraderie. Parlor games: Great for parties or informal reunions. And much more!

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    • Todos Son Normales Hasta Que L – (Spanish)


      Normal? Who’s normal? None of us are normal according to God’s definition, and the closer we get to one another, the clearer that becomes. In Everyone is Normal Till You Get To Know Them, professor and best-selling author John Ortberg takes on some thought-provoking questions as you look into the heart of God, at others and at yourself. Even better, you will find wisdom for drawing closer to others in powerful and impacting ways. With humor, insight and a gift for storytelling, Ortberg shows how community pays tremendous dividends in happiness, health, support and growth. This is where all of us, even weird and difficult people, find God’s love in tangible ways and discover the transforming power of being loved, accepted and valued just as we are.

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    • Limites En El Noviazgo – (Spanish)


      Between singleness and marriage lies the journey of dating. Want to make your road as smooth as possible? Set and maintain healthy boundaries — boundaries that will help you grow in freedom, honesty, and self-control. If many of your dating experiences have been difficult, Boundaries in Dating could revolutionize the way you handle relationships. And even if you’re doing well, the insights you’ll gain from his much-needed book can help you fine-tune or even completely readjust important areas of your dating life. Written by the authors of the best-selling book Boundaries, Boundaries in Dating is your road map to the kind of enjoyable, rewarding dating that can take you from weekends alone to a lifetime with the soul mate you’ve longed for.

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    • Dialogo Ministerial – (Spanish)


      The complexity, demands and pressure of ministry are the main topic in many studies and debates. However, only a pastor knows about the defeats and victories of the ministry. This is a dynamic and inspirational book written for ministers with the purpose of clarifying some of the confusing aspects of the job.

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    • Fiesta Cristiana – (Spanish)


      Fiesta Cristiana is a bilingual collection of worship services that can be used with Hispanic congregations. Fiesta Cristiana not only contains traditional worship services, but also features services special to the Hispanic culture.

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    • Principios De Educacion Cristi – (Spanish)


      This book invites anyone, regardless of their profession, to participate in the great adventure of teaching Scripture. It stresses the importance of Christian education as it relates to the church’s mission, and provides a profile that Sunday school teachers should strive toward. It also provides instruction for developing an effective and attractive class plan, as well as techniques and activities that make the gatherings more interesting and transformational.

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    • Nehemias Dinomica De Un Lider – (Spanish)


      Learn from the life of Nehemiah the qualities and attitudes that turn a faithful man into a leader based on God’s will.

      Throughout the centuries we see the example of a man of God called to lead a nation that had been conquered and humiliated, directing the people to the joy of spiritual and material restoration. Learn the qualities and attitudes that make a man into a faithful leader, fulfilling God’s purpose, by observing the character and behavior of Nehemiah. Discover in God’s inspired Word the secret of success in your own life’s work, whether in the work of God or in the business world.

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    • Bosquejos Selectos Para Predic – (Spanish)


      : If you are a: _ Pastor or evangelist _ Minister or layman _ Student of homiletics _ Bible teacher You will find practical and inspirational help in the two works included in this book. In this study of homiletics, Jay E. Adams focuses on the need for messages that flow from a heart devoted to God so that the words may penetrate the heart of the listener. This book will help you to receive the Biblical message of God for the church and to preach it from the heart.

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    • Mi Salvador Y Vecino – (Spanish)


      Era enteramente hombre, pero enteramente Dios. Era completamente humano y completamente santo. Las mismas manos que hicieron el trabajo de un carpintero rudo realizaron milagros. El bebe indefenso en el pesebre se convirtio en el Salvador supremo del mundo. El maestro narrador Max Lucado presenta la vida de Jesucristo en un sorprendente contraste, revelando las irresistibles cualidades humanas y las innegables caracteristicas divinas de Jesus.

      Next Door Savior

      He was entirely man, yet entirely God. He was completely human and completely holy. The same hands that did the work of a rugged carpenter performed miracles. The helpless baby in the manger became the ultimate Savior of the world. Master storyteller Max Lucado presents the life of Jesus Christ in stunning contrast, revealing the irresistible human qualities and the undeniably divine characteristics of Jesus.

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    • Desechando Habitos : Ayida Par – (Spanish)


      Highly motivating reading for any congregation which has stagnated or is caught up in a seemingly irreversible decline. Offers 20 shocking truths that thriving congregations have discovered to help overcome self-destructive practices. Serves as a much-needed early warning system

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    • Atravesando Fronteras – (Spanish)


      Nuestra “casa”, mas que un lugar fisico, es un conjunto de recuredos que nos permite comprender mejor quienes eramos, quienes somos, y puede ayudarnos a comprender quienes seremos. Ese sentido de pertenencia es el que nos define. Algunos dejan su “casa”, su hogar, muy pronto en sus vidas; para ellos es muy dificil encontrar su centro emocional. Estan, a veces, condenados a una vida sin equilibrio. Pero tambien es una existencia con mucha libertad. Sin frontera alguna, estos eternos viajeros no dejan de buscar aventuras y experiencias limite esperando encontrar algun dia, como Ulises, un lugar que puedan llamar su “casa”. Asi empieza el viaje de la extraordinaria autobiografia de Jorge Ramos, un periodista que encarna este espiritu aventurero a la perfeccion, y que espera, algun dia, encontrar un lugar en el cual se sienta como en casa. Por primera vez, Jorge Ramos, el mas prestigioso presentador de noticias en espanol comparte su vida personal con sus lectores, televidentes y radioescuchas. Hable de lost amores de su vida, de su pasion por el periodismo de sus viajes y entrevistas y de su propio concepto de realizacion espiritual. Es, al mismo tiempo, una invitacion a aprovechar al maximo cada instante de nuestra vida. En este libro conocemos al hombre de la television al que millones de latinos e hispanoparlantes le han dado toda su confianza durante anos. Asi descubrimos que Ramos es alguien que comprende que para vivir plenamente, hay que tomar riesgos, y que sin riesgos no hay recompensa. Ramos cuenta de sus conflictos, de nino, con los sacerdotes benedictinos, de sus luchas como estudianted en Los Angeles a principios de los ochentas, de su primera incursion en el periodismo norteamericano y de las advertencias de las grandes cadenas de television en ingles de que jamas llegaria a un puesto importante si no perdia su acento. Se equivocaron. De esta manera Ramos nos abre las puertas al mundo de los medios de comunicacion en espanol, un mundo que muchos criticos veian como innecesario e irrelevante y que ahora se ha convertido en uno de los sectores mas poderosos de la cultura estadounidense. Con las historias de las muchas guerras que has cubierto, los lugares que has visitado y los poderosos y temidos lideres mundiales que ha entrevistado, Ramos cautiva a sus lectores contandoles la trayectoria y los altibajos de un periodista que llego a un pais que quisiera llamar su casa, pero que no puede. Descubrimos tambien, a un hombre cuya atraccion por las e

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    • Escuela Dominical El Corazon D – (Spanish)


      : This book will challenge the Church to return to the systematic study of the Word of God. We are in need of men, women and children with strong Biblical foundations, but many congregations have pushed Sunday School to the side. The author challenges the Church with hope for a positive response.

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    • En Busca De Paz – (Spanish)


      Por que en una epoca en que la confusion parece ser la norma algunas personas se desorientan y se confunden mientras otras mantienen una sensacion de calma? El Dr. Charles Stanley ensena al lector como tambien puede tener esa sensacion de paz en tiempos de dolor y sufrimiento si se acerca a la misma fuente de esa paz.

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    • Cristiano En La Aldea Global – (Spanish)


      : During the past two decades a whole series of events has taken place on our planet, contributing to a change in human relationships and to the creation of a new kind of society on a global scale. The goal of this book is to contribute to the discussion of the great questions of modern times, questions that demand clear and convincing answers based on the Christian faith.

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    • Lecciones Biblicas Creativas D – (Spanish)


      In Creative Bible Lessons on the Life of Jesus, you will find 12 solid lesson plans and lists to use in teaching about Jesus’ short ministry here on the earth. These lessons will help make your teaching more entertaining and will take your students to the central theme: Jesus’ life is relevant and timely for Christians today. Contains teaching aids that help stimulate small groups discussions, learning games, humorous scripts, sketches and, many more creative study resources. The lessons explore the life of Jesus as: God, Man, Savior, Healer, Servant, Shepherd, Provider, Redeemer and Hero.

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    • En El Ojo De La Tormenta – (Spanish)


      Come face-to-face with Jesus when He experienced more stress than any other day of his life aside from his crucifixion. Before the morning became evening, he has reason to weep, run, shout, curse, praise, and doubt. If you know what it means to be caught in life’s storms…if you’ve ever ridden the roller coaster of sorrow and celebration…if you’ve ever wondered if God in heaven can relate to you on earth, then this book will encourage and inspire you.

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    • Como Compro Inteligentemente – (Spanish)


      Estirar el dinero parece ser lo que todos desean. Como vivimos en una sociedad donde impera el consumerismo, se hace dificil comprar lo que se necesita no por emociones ni deseos. En su libro Como compro inteligentemente?, Andres Panasiuk presenta siete principios faciles de aplicar al comprar, asi como una guia precisar para hacer mayores inverisones.

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    • En Sus Manos – (Spanish)


      In God’s dwelling place there are different types of vessels. Evangelist David Greco explains how God works with us to transform our lives and turn us into vessels. The divine Potter turns us each into a different vessel. He makes vessels of honor, mercy, chosen, clean, broken, of dishonor, and of hate. And He molds each one to make them useful and for His glory. Do you know which type of vessel you are?

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    • Biblia Que Leyo Jesus – (Spanish)


      Philip Yancey has a way of confronting our most cherished but misguided notions about faith. In The Bible Jesus Read, he challenges the perception that the New Testament is all that matters and the Old Testament isn’t worth taking the time to read and understand. Yancey admits that, like many Christians, he usually avoided the Old Testament. After all, why bother with writings that can be so baffling, boring, even offensive to the modern mind? But a surprising discovery awaited Yancey when he began to explore how the Old Testament related to his life today. Those seemingly irrelevant Hebrew Scriptures took on a startling immediacy, portraying a passionate relationship between God and people against the broad backdrop of human experience. Like nothing else, the Old Testament depicts the cries, the complaints, the deep, insistent questionings of the heart, the stuff of life we all must contend with. With his candid, signature style, Yancey interacts with the Old Testament from the perspective of his own deeply personal journey. From Moses, the amazing prince of Egypt, to the psalmists’ turbulent emotions and the prophets’ oddball rantings, Yancey paints a picture of Israel’s God–and ours–that fills in the blanks of a solely New Testament vision of the Almighty. Probing some carefully selected Old Testament books–Job, Deuteronomy, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, and the Prophets–Yancey reveals how the Old Testament deals in astonishing depth and detail with the issues that trouble us most. The Old Testament in fact tackles what the New Testament often only skirts. But that shouldn’t surprise us. It is, after all, the Bible Jesus read. The Bible Jesus Read will give you abundant new insights into the heart of God the Father. And as you read with a fresh eye the prayers, poems, songs, and bedtime stories that Jesus so revered, you will gain a profound new understanding of Christ. “The more we comprehend the Old Testament,” Yancey writes, “the more we comprehend Jesus.”

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    • Como Salgo De Mis Deudas – (Spanish)


      How to get out of debt seems to be a question on everyones mind. In his book Como salgo de mis deudas? (How Do I Get Out of Debt) author Andres Panasiuk examines the reason why so many are in debt and then gives practical advise on how to get out of debt and stay that way.

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    • 17 Leyes Incuestionables Del T – (Spanish)


      Todo el mundo es parte de un equipo.

      Si usted esta casado, usted y su conyuge son un equipo. Si es un empleado, usted y su compaeros de trabajo son un equipo. Si usted da su tiempo a una iglesia u otra organizacion, es parte de un equipo de voluntarios. En su estilo unico y facil de entender, el Dr. Maxwell explica de una manera sencilla de retener el proceso de construir un equipo ganador y como ponerlo en practica.

      17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork

      Everyone is part of some team.
      This book contains laws that you can count on when it comes to getting people to work together, but it tells them in such a way that you can start applying them to your life today.

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    • Que Comeria Jesus – (Spanish)


      The Christian market is flooded with diet and exercise programs, each claiming to be “God’s way” to healthy living. While some of them are based on biblical principles, and some have even proven effective for weight loss, there is not one program leading the pack daring to answer the question What Would Jesus Do? Or better yet, What Would Jesus Eat? This comprehensive eating plan examines Scripture and reveals what we know Jesus ate and what we can confidently infer He ate. Using current medical research, What Would Jesus Eat? demonstrates why the diet Jesus followed is ideal for twenty-first century living as well. Readers will:
      Understand why foods forbidden in the Old Testament dietary laws are unhealthy for us.
      Learn how to follow Jesus’ eating model with foods that are available today.
      Realize the health benefits of the food Jesus ate and the health risks of the food He avoided.
      The second half of the book equips the reader with tools to effectively follow the plan — recipes, nutritional information, and practical advice. For those desiring to safely lose weight and for those seeking a healthier, Bible-based eating program, the only question to ask is, What Would Jesus Eat?

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    • Cambios Que Sanan – (Spanish)


      In this ground-breaking book, Dr. Cloud takes the reader step-by-step through the four basic tasks of becoming mature image bearers of God: Bonding to others – Separating from others – Sorting out good and bad in ourselves and others – Becoming an adult — Dr. Cloud not only explains and describes each task, he also identifies the problems that result when we fail to accomplish that task, and he shows us what changes to make in our lives in order to bring about healing.

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    • Harry Potter Y La Biblia – (Spanish)


      The famous stories about Harry Potter and his training as a young wizard continue to amaze audiences. But, where is the positive message for today’s children? Are they illusionist tricks or occult practices? Richard Abanes answers these and many other questions using the Bible as his foundation and exposes the truth behind the popular stories.

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    • Introduccion Al Antiguo Testam – (Spanish)


      El Estudiante avanzado del Antiguo Testamento podra encontrar en esta introduccion un analisis sobrio del estado actual de la disciplina, y los pastores y pastoras, al igual que los maestros y maestras de escuela biblica-descubriran en sus paginas buenas ideas para elaborar estudios que ayuden a las congregaciones a entender y disfrutar la importante literatura biblica veterostestamentaria.

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    • Introduccion A La Etica Cristi – (Spanish)


      El estudio de la etica no solamente nos lleva a entender mejor las complejas situaciones que hoy dia enfrentamos, tambien nos ayuda a discernir lo que subyace tras nuestras decisiones. La etica nos ayuda a descubrir, aclarar, afirmar, cambiar, reformar o trasformar valores y fines que motiva nuestra conducta.Este libro nos proveera con las herramientas teoricas necesarias para conocer, describir y analizar los retos etico/morales que hoy dia enfrentamos los cristianos.

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    • Introduccion A La Teologia Cri – (Spanish)


      Una clara, concisa y atrayente introduccion a un campo que esta regresando una vez mas, especialmente entre los laicos comprometidos con el renovado interes en el crecimiento espiritual dentro del contexto de una tradicion eclesiastica. Como historiadores del cristianismo, los autores de este libro ofrecen una introduccion a las doctrinas cristianas tradicionales. Escrito en un estilo claro directo, este libro presenta una resea de las raices, los contextos particulares, y los entendimientos doctrinales de temas como la teologia, Dios, el ser humano, Jesucristo, la iglesia, y la esperanza

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    • Principios De Predicacion – (Spanish)


      Se requiere una habilidad poco usual en el manejo del idioma literario para combinar profundidad y sencillez para definir terminos profesionales en lenguaje laico y a la vez hacer un libro de texto y manual de inspiracion. Pablo Jimenez tiene esa capacidad. Su tratado sobre la predicacion esta redactado en lenguaje sencillo y ampliamente ilustrado. Es suficientemente ameno como para servir de material suplementario o de inspiracion a quienes solo quieren disfrutar un poco de buena lectura y de la cual sacar ideas para su uso personal. Sin embargo a la vez esta obra es suficientemente profunda como para convertirse en libro de texto para institutos teologicos, colegios o seminarios.

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    • Mapa Para Alcanzar El Txito – (Spanish)


      Dificil tarea es definir el exito. La mayoria de las personas lo hacen equivalente a la riqueza, el poder y la felicidad. Pero el verdadero exito no es algo que uno adquiere o logra. Mas bien es un viaje que se emprende y que dura toda la vida. En un estilo fresco, directo y lleno de buen humor, John C. Maxwell nos hace participes de sus ideas acerca de lo que significa ser exitoso. Revela una definicion que pone el exito genuino a su alcance, y le motiva para seguir luchando por sus suenos.

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    • Minuto Americano – (Spanish)


      An interesting and inspiring collection of history vignettes, one for each day of the year. Well-known national holidays and achievements are recalled in fascinating detail as well as little known facts of courage, sacrifice and captivating American trivia. A great gift for any journalist, teacher, student, radio host, politician, or avid history buff! A book you won’t want to put down!

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    • Si Quieres Caminar Sobre Las A – (Spanish)


      Peter may have gotten out of the boat nearly 2000 years ago, but Jesus’ invitation still stands today. But what is waiting on the other side could just be a lot of water and very little chance of remaining above it. As Jesus’ followers, we can follow His calling, but can we walk on water? To walk on water means to: * Face our fears and not allow others to have the last word in our lives. * Discover God’s calling for your life and follow it for the rest of your life. * Experience God’s power in your life in order to achieve what wasn’t possible in your own strength. Christ walked on water successfully. There’s only one thing that you need to do before you can walk on water successfully: You need to get out of the boat!

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    • Mujeres Que Hacen Demasiado – (Spanish)


      Are you tired of being what other people want you to be? Are you overwhelmed with work, guilt and stress? In this book, the author teaches women that doing less and more efficient work is better than doing too much. The reader will discover God’s purpose for her life and how to achieve it, as well as some tips on how to deal with everyday stress.

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    • Jugar Junto A Dios – (Spanish)


      Volume 3 (Winter) sessions includes 20 presentations based on stories about the Advent season and the feasts of Christmas and Epiphany, followed by the parables.

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    • Jugar Junto A Dios – (Spanish)


      Volume 2 (Fall) sessions has an opening lesson on the church year, followed by 13 Old Testament stories, from Creation through the prophets.

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    • Conducta Del Creyente – (Spanish)


      In a simple manner, this book discusses the ways in which Christian people should behave based on the letters of Paul to the Corinthians. In it the author points out that the vital element in developing the behavior stipulated by the Word of God, is Jesus Christ.

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    • Todos Los Nombres De Dios En L – (Spanish)


      La humanidad ha llegado a entender mejor a Dios gracias a los nombres, titulos e imagenes que lo identifican en la Biblia. Por ejemplo: Nombres: Jehova, Soberano Dios, Dios Eterno Titulos: Creador del cielo, Dios de verdad, Dios de justicia Imagenes: Fortaleza, Alfarero, Padre. La humanidad ha llegado a entender mejor a Dios gracias a los nombres, titulos e imagenes que lo identifican en la Biblia. Por ejemplo: Nombres: Jehova, Soberano Dios, Dios Eterno Titulos: Creador del cielo, Dios de verdad, Dios de justicia Imagenes: Fortaleza, Alfarero, Padre.

      Humanity has come to understand God more fully by way of the names, titles, and images used to identify Him in the Bible. These three aspects include examples such as: Names: Yahweh, Sovereign Lord, Eternal God. Titles:Creator of heaven, God of truth, God of justice. Images:Fortress, Potter, Father.

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    • Camino A Emaus – (Spanish)


      A multi-authored, ecumenical book presents a theology of ministry based on the experience of Hispanic communities in the United States, with a variety of essays relating a biblical passage to a specific ministerial theme, such as the transforming power of the Resurrection. (Christianity).

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