Books (Spanish)
Showing 1001–1050 of 1562 resultsSorted by latest
Vida Espiritual Victoriosa – (Spanish)
$16.99Live victoriously a full, abundant, and prosperous spiritual life based on the Word of God.
In La vida espiritual victoriosa you will learn to live victoriously by applying the fear of God to your life; receive much-needed spiritual discernment; experience spiritual growth and maturity; know the security of overcoming as a minister; be able to reject impatience and wait in quiet and silence; know the power of God through prayer; learn how powerful a weapon fasting is; understand the importance of obeying, applying, loving, and living in the Word of God; and be carried to the final victory by persevering and enduring to the end.Viva victoriosamente una vida espiritual plena, abundante y prospera al emplear las bases de la Palabra de Dios. En La vida espiritual victoriosa aprendera a vivir en victoria al aplicar el temor de Dios a su vida; recibira el discernimiento espiritual tan necesario; obtendra el crecimiento espiritual y la madurez; poseera la victoria sobre el pecado y la tentacion; caminara gozosamente sobre las aflicciones; tambien sabra la seguridad de ser un vencedor como ministro; tendra la habilidad de rechazar la impaciencia y esperar en silencio y quietud; tendra el poder de Dios por medio de la oracion; sabra cuan poderosa es el arma del ayuno; conocera la importancia de guardar, aplicar, amar y vivir en la Palabra de Dios; y sera llevado a la victoria final al perseverar y Apermanecer hasta el fin.
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Comentario Al Nuevo Testamento – (Spanish)
$13.99William Barclay was pastor of the Church of Scotland and professor of New Testament at the University of Glasgow. He is known and appreciated internationally for his art of Bible exposition. This 17 volume commentary the the N.T. is a required text in many Seminaries and Bible Institutes.
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Comentario Al Nuevo Testamento – (Spanish)
$14.99William Barclay was pastor of the Church of Scotland and professor of New Testament at the University of Glasgow. He is known and appreciated internationally for his art of Bible exposition. This 17 volume commentary the the N.T. is a required text in many Seminaries and Bible Institutes.
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When Heaven Weeps – (Spanish)
$18.99Un amor lo suficientemente fuerte como para estremecer sus huesos. Un sacrificio lo suficientemente poderoso como para hacer llorar al cielo.
Al finalizar la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un soldado traumatizado por la guerra, Jan Jovic, se vio forzado a infligir un juego de vida o muerte en una comunidad pacifica de Bosnia. En unas cuantas horas, este joven se enfrento con mas amor y odio que lo que la mayoria de la gente experimenta en toda una vida.Anos despues, Jan se convirtio en un mundialmente reconocido escritor con amplia influencia en Estados Unidos. Su pasado esta enterrado en las profundidades de su memoria hasta que sale a la superficie en los momentos mas inoportunos. El juego presenciado por Jan lo persigue… y sin darse cuenta lo lleva a una hermosa pero quebrantada mujer atrapada en el bajo mundo del crimen.
El ahora debe vencer un mal rara vez visto. Pero hay un costo, uno que hasta este soldado traumatizado por la guerra no se puede imaginar.
A love strong enough to bring a tremor to your bones. A sacrifice powerful enough to make heaven weep.
At the close of World War II, a shell-shocked solider, Jan Jovic, was forced to inflict a game of life and death on a peaceful Bosnian community. In a few short hours, this young man was confronted by more love and hate than most experience in a lifetime.Years later, Jan has become a world-renown writer with widespread influence in the United States, his past buried deep in his memory until at the most inopportune times. The game witnessed by Jan haunts him… and unwittingly leads him to a beautiful but broken woman caught in an underworld of crime.
He now must defeat an evil rarely seen. But there is a price, one that even this war-scarred solider can’t imagine.
Un amor lo suficientemente fuerte como para estremecer sus huesos. Un sacrificio lo suficientemente poderoso como para hacer llorar al cielo. Al finalizar la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un soldado traumatizado por la guerra, Jan Jovic, se vio forzado a infligir un juego de vida o muerte en una comunidad pacifica de Bosnia. En unas cuantas horas, este joven se enfrento con mas amor y odio que lo que la mayoria de la gente experimenta en toda una vida. Anos despues, Jan se convirtio en un mundialmente reconocido escritor con amplia influencia en Estados Unidos. Su pasado esta enterrado en las profundidades de su memoria hasta que sale a la superficie en los momentos mas inoportunos. El juego presenciado por Jan lo
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Apuesta Del Cielo – (Spanish)
$18.99El ha dejado su pasado bien lejos… o eso es lo que cree. Kent Anthony es un brillante ingeniero de software que esta ganando mucho dinero con su carrera fenomenal. Por fin esta viviendo la vida idilica, alejado de ideas de robos, asesinatos y otras clases de conductas criminales horribles. Esta historia lo traera frente a frente con un mundo escondido mas real que lo que la mayoria de la gente piensa, un mundo en el que lo invisible es mas poderoso que cualquier cosa visible.
A brilliant young software designer on the brink of becoming a millionare…Two sleek, well-fed bank executives who know an opportunity when they see it… A Nike-clad grandmother who literally puts feet to her prayers…A beautiful young widow who uncovers a dangerous secret… On one level it’s a psychological thriller–a fascinating account of the (almost) perfect crime. On another level it’s a romance–the tale of bittersweet love that is (almost) enough to save a soul. But most of all it’s an imaginative window into a world more real and vital than most people ever discover here on earth, the unseen world where the real dramas of the universe–and of our daily lives–continually unfold. Heaven’s Wager is one of those rare novels that is both a page turner and a thought provoker. You’ll devour it in one sitting–then find yourself pondering it for months to come.
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Trueno Desde El Cielo – (Spanish)
$17.99What happens when the evil of terrorism collides with the love of God?
The world’s worst fears have dawned. Nothing stands in the way of total destruction. . . except the love of one woman.Deep in the Amazon jungle a young American woman and the son of plantation owners fall madly in love. For Tanya and Shannon, life is a paradise most only dream about. But today paradise ends. The jungle has hatched more than idyllic love. It has also spawned insidious evil. An evil shrouded in a plot so diabolically brilliant that all of America will be brought to her knees at the hands of a few terrorists. The plan is executed to perfection. There is no way out…save an ancient woman whose dark past has lead her to a life of prayer in preparation for the unspeakable terror about to be unleashed.
?Que sucede cuando la perversidad del terrorismo choca con el amor de Dios? Los peores temores del mundo han llegado. Nada impide la destruccion total, excepto el amor de una mujer. En la profundidad de la selva amazonica una joven estadounidense y el hijo de los duenos de una plantacion se enamoran locamente. Para Tanya y Shannon, la vida es un paraiso con el que la mayoria solo suena. Pero el dia de hoy el paraiso termina. La selva ha dado a luz mas que un amor idilico. Tambien ha producido perversidad insidiosa. Perversidad envuelta en una trama tan diabolicamente brillante que Estados Unidos caera completamente de rodillas a manos de unos cuantos terroristas. El plan se ejecuta a la perfeccion. No hay salida, excepto una anciana cuyo oscuro pasado la ha llevado a una vida de oracion en preparacion para el terror inefable que esta a punto de desatarse.
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Destinado Al Exito – (Spanish)
$14.99If you have read “The Champion’s Code”, you don’t want to miss this new book by Dante Gebel. It is motivating and disturbing. Dante clearly presents the way to have a successful life and how to leave your mark and footsteps for future generations to follow. This inspiring message will help you achieve purpose in your daily life and ministry.
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Infinito En La Palma De La Man – (Spanish)
$12.99El magico relato de nuestros origenes es probablemente el que mas fascinacion ha inspirado en la humanidad a lo largo de los tiempos. Pero, mas alla de los cuarenta versiculos que la Biblia dedica a Adan y Eva, mas alla incluso de la leyenda, como seria la vida de aquella inocente, valiente y conmovedora primera pareja? Como seria aquel universo primigenio? Cual fue el impulso que motivo a que Eva tomara la manzana prohibida? Y que pensamientos le pasaron por la cabeza a ambos una vez que comprendieron las consecuencias de lo que Eva acababa de hacer? Preparese para adentrar en un mundo fascinante y primitivo que lo llevara al comienzo de todo, a la historia en la que se basa la civilizacion judio-cristiana. Poesia y misterio se dan la mano en esta sorprendente novela que nos presenta al primer hombre y la primera mujer descubriendose y descubriendo su entorno, experimentando el desconcierto ante el castigo, el poder de dar vida y la crueldad de matar para sobrevivir. Esta novela que nos brinda Gioconda Belli es una parabola para nuestros tiempos y para un futuro inesperado que logra cautivar y complacer cada centimetro de nuestra alma.
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Vive Tu Sueno – (Spanish)
$16.99Most people John Maxwell encounters have a dream. In fact, he’s asked thousands about their greatest aspirations. Some describe their dream with great enthusiasm and detail. Others are reluctant, almost embarrassed, to talk about it. Regardless of their zeal or fear, the same question drives every person with a dream: Can I achieve it?
Sadly, most people have no idea how viable their dream is. They hope to achieve it, yet hope is not a strategy. What people need is a way to test their dream.
John C. Maxwell ayuda a la gente acontestar diez preguntas poderosas que revelan un futuro en el que se cumplensus suenos.La mayoria de la gente con la que se encuentra John Maxwelltiene un sueno. De hecho, el ha preguntado a miles acerca de las aspiraciones masgrandes que tienen. Algunos describen su sueno con gran entusiasmo y detalle. Otrosse muestran reacios, casi avergonzados de hablar de ello. Independientemente desu celo o temor, la misma pregunta impulsa a cada persona que tiene un sueno: ?Lopodre alcanzar?Tristemente, la mayoria de la gente no tiene idea de loviable que su sueno es. Espera alcanzarlo, pero la esperanza no es unaestrategia. Lo que la gente necesita es una manera de poner a prueba su sueno.En !Vive tu sueno!, Maxwell trae a la realidad eltema del sueno personal. Brinda a los lectores direccion poderosa y practicapara sus vidas guiandoles a traves de diez preguntas que les ayudaran a crearun camino claro y convincente hacia su sueno.
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Camino Hacia La Riqueza En Acc – (Spanish)
$17.99More people will become millionaires through entrepreneurship in the next few years than in the past 200 years combined. And you can be one of them. Get access to business guru Brian Tracy’s proven formula to start, build, manage, and grow your business successfully. By taking these specific actions that lead to business success, you can achieve your dreams of perpetual wealth.
Topics include:
Selecting the right product or service
Getting ahead of the competition
Closing more sales than ever before
Determing accurate costs and setting appropriate prices
Eliminating unnecessary costs and expenses
Testing your market quickly and inexpensively
Advertising and attracting more prospects
Getting the money to grow your business
Increasing profitabilityEl doctor Charles Stanley ensena a los lectores a confiar en el inmutable caracter de Dios y les muestra como eso puede cambiar sus vidas.Todas las decisiones que tomamos se basan en innumerables detalles, suposiciones y creencias. “?Deberia aceptar el trabajo?”, pregunta ella. “?Deberia mudarse nuestra familia a otro estado?”, se pregunta el. Luego evaluamos los datos y las circunstancias y sacamos nuestras conclusiones. En esta obra, En armonia con Dios, el doctor Stanley anima y desafia a los lectores a enfocar la vida desde un nuevo angulo: conociendo y considerando el caracter de Dios. Si sabemos quien es Dios y lo que esta planeando, ya habremos tomado muchos pasos hacia su respuesta y el plan que tiene para nuestras vidas.
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Agorafobia – (Spanish)
$13.99Following the theme of the book The Emerging Generation, Junior Zapata describes what he considers to be the condition of many Christians in Latin America concerning daily personal evangelism, and talks about how the Christian church should lose its fear of the world and how to approach the “pre-believer” culture, as he calls it.
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Actitud 101 – (Spanish)
$13.99Great leaders understand that the right attitude will set the right atmosphere, which enables the right responses form others. Author John C. Maxwell addresses what shapes a person’s attitude and whether or not attitude can be changed. He addresses the common feeling of failure and shows how to overcome obstacles. Understanding success as a journey rather than a destination, he explains, is the key to good leadership.
Los grandes lideres comprenden que la actitud correcta brinda el ambiente adecuado que posibilita que los demas tengan las respuestas apropiadas.
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Filipenses Colosenses 1 Y 2 Te – (Spanish)
$15.00SKU (ISBN): 9780806657813ISBN10: 0806657812Language: SpanishAwilda Gonzalez-Tejera | Editor: Justo GonzalezBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2009Conozca Su Biblia # 3Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product
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De Genesis A Deuteronomio – (Spanish)
$15.00SKU (ISBN): 9780806657769ISBN10: 0806657766Language: SpanishGuillermo Munoz | Editor: Justo GonzalezBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2009Conozca Su Biblia # 2Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product
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Predicador Y La Oracion – (Spanish)
$6.99Prayer is the engine of preaching – before, while and after sharing the sermon with the hearers. In order to speak to men about God, you first have to speak to God about men. Prayer keeps the focus on God where it should always be – not on the preacher.
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Toma El Riesgo – (Spanish)
$15.99You can find our culture’s obsession with avoiding risk everywhere, from multiple insurance policies to crash-tested vehicles. But is ducking risk the most productive way for us to live? Surgeon and author Dr. Ben Carson, who faces risk on a daily basis, offers an inspiring message on how accepting risk can lead us to a higher purpose.
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Parabolas De Lucas – (Spanish)
$17.99Where is the cross in the parable of the prodigal son? Muslims have used the father’s forgiveness in this parable to question the need for a mediator between God and man. Presented from a Middle Eastern perspective, Kenneth Bailey powerfully demonstrates the essential Christian message in this parable. Discover the tensions between law and love, servant hood and son ship and honor and forgiveness.
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Pastor Pacificador – (Spanish)
$14.99Thoroughly exploring the theology of reconciliation, Poirier adds lessons from personal experience and lists practical steps for effective mediation. With this comprehensive guide, you can embrace peacemaking confidently as a way to glorify God through the overcoming power of the gospel. And, as Jesus promised all peacemakers, you will be blessed.
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Revelacion Divina Del Oracion – (Spanish)
$16.99!La oracion realmente funciona!
Muchos cristianos se preguntan por que no pueden vencer sus pecados y sus tentaciones, y cual es la razon de que sus oraciones pidiendo por una mejor salud, bendiciones financieras, y restauracion en sus relaciones con otras personas, no han recibido respuesta.
La autora de Best Sellers Mary K. Baxter comparte visiones y revelaciones acerca del poder de la oracion, que abren los ojos hacia una nueva perspectiva.
Sus respuestas personales tan asombrosas te van a ayudar a:
” Vencer temores, ataduras y fracasos
” Poder escuchar claramente la direccion de Dios
” Recibir sanidad y liberacion de todo tipo de adicciones
” Poder vivir el tipo de vida que deberias vivir
” Experimentar el poder de Dios diariamente!Descubre los secretos que estan en la oracion
para poderosas victorias transformadoras el hoy mismo!When you pray but don’t see an answer, you can be tempted to think God isn’t listening to you. Yet even when you do not visibly see God at work, He is actively answering your requests in the invisible realm. In A Divine Revelation of Prayer, Mary K. Baxter and George Bloomer share fascinating dreams and revelations concerning the power of prayer and their experiences with answered prayer as they’ve ministered throughout the world.
You will discover…
* How our prayers are received in the spirit realm.
* How to pray in expectation.
* How to live in confident faith that God’s will has been done as you wait for the physical manifestation of your answer.
* Why you should never give up on prayer but rather give in to God.
* How to discern and overcome hindrances to your prayers.
* How to exercise the power of prayer in your everyday life.
Ask for God’s help, and He will make you an overcomer in every facet of your life.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Convirtiendose En Lider – (Spanish)
$16.99Active su potencial de liderazgo
El Dr. Myles Munroe, autor de libros de exito, aclara el mito de que solamente algunas personas estan destinadas a ser lideres, mientras que todos los demas estan destinados a ser seguidores. Usted puede llegar a convertirse en el lider que Dios dispuso usted fuera.
Descubra como…
“Activar su potencial de liderazgo.
“Desarrollar un legado positivo.
“Encontrar recursos para cumplir con su mision.
“Desenvolver su funcion original en la vida.!Reconozca sus habilidades de liderazgo innato y llegue a ser el lider que se supone usted debe ser!
Becoming a Leader has been used by Fortune 500 corporations, universities, and international organizations as a tool for leadership development. Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe reveals the secrets of dynamic leadership that will turn your leadership potential into a potent reality. With the insight of Dr. Munroe, you will be able to:
-Become a front-runner as you overcome barriers to effective leadership.
-Discover natural leadership qualities lying dormant within you.
-Understand that true leadership means deploying others to become as good as or better than you are.
-Be encouraged, provoked, and stimulated as your leadership gift within is activated.
True leadership is not something you grasp but something you become.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
En Armonia Con Dios – (Spanish)
$15.99How do you make all the choices you face every day? Stanley reveals that understanding, considering, and trusting God’s character will help you align your life with the direction he has for you. Discover how to know when to make big decisions; what God has for your future; whyyou’re in difficult circumstances; and more.
Como usted toma todas las decisiones que enfrenta cada dia? Stanley revela que el comprender, considerar, y confiar en el caracter de Dios le ayudara a alinear su vida con la direccion El tiene para usted. Descubra como saber cuando tomar grandes decisiones; lo que Dios tiene para su futuro; por que usted se encuentra atravesando circunstancias dificiles; y mas.
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Secrete De La Oracion Eficaz – (Spanish)
$15.99The secret behind every victorious Christian in every age has been finding the answers to their problems, needs, and anxieties in the “secret of effective prayer.” In this book you will find the secret of prayer that will humble you; it will make you a person of integrity; you will gain the holiness we all need; you will receive divine wisdom; you will know the power of God; you will make decisions in the center of God’s will; you will live out the knowledge of God; your daily life will be intimacy with God; you will learn to hear God’s voice; and, finally, you will know how to receive God’s answers to your prayers.
Get ready to experience a whole new spiritual dimension. Get ready to climb higher in your daily communion with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And get ready to be used by God like never before when you finish this book.
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Comentario De La Epistola A Lo – (Spanish)
$25.99With this commentary, Gordon Fee has proven to be one of the best New Testament commentators in our time. This work includes an introduction of the book of Philippians as well as explaining what the book meant to those reading it when it was written and what is means for us today.
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Maestro De Los Emociones – (Spanish)
$13.99Study the personality of the one who revolutionized the trajectory of the human race.
In El Maestro de las emociones, the second book in the Analisis de la Inteligencia de Cristo collection, Augusto Cury studies Jesus’ emotions and explains how he was able to endure the most difficult trials in the name of faith. Throughout his life story, Jesus proved that it is possible to face pain with wisdom. He had plenty of motives to abandon his calling and become a closed, aggressive person. Yet he was an icon of joy, freedom, and hope. Jesus’ example helps us improve our quality of life and avoid psychological illnesses like depression, anxiety, and stress. Analysis of his brilliant behavior lights up our consciences and opens us up to the infinite wonders of existence.Estudie la personalidad de aquel que revoluciono la trayectoria humana.
En El Maestro de las emociones, segundo libro de la coleccion Analisis de la Inteligencia de Cristo, Augusto Cury estudia las emociones de Jesus y explica como el fue capaz de soportar las mayores pruebas en nombre de la fe. A traves de su historia, Jesus demostro que es posible encarar el dolor con sabiduria. El tenia todos los motivos para desistir de su llamado y convertirse en una persona encerrada y agresiva, pero, a pesar de eso, fue un icono de celebracion a la alegria, a la libertad y a la esperanza. El ejemplo de Jesus nos ayuda a mejorar la calidad de vida y a prevenir enfermedades psiquicas como la depresion, la ansiedad y el estres. Analizar su brillante comportamiento enciende la lampara de nuestra consciencia y nos hace personas mas abiertas para las infinitas maravillas de la existencia.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Mujer Sus Tensiones Y Depresio – (Spanish)
$14.99Rediscover the joy of being all the woman that God called you to be.
David Hormachea takes a close look at the issues that women face in today’s world, both in the home and at work. Women tend to have more anxiety and are very driven; men are also imperfect people who need to learn. Hormachea then explores tensions in the home and interpersonal tensions that affect most women, such as low self-esteem, the lack of appropriate romanticism and intimacy, daily pressures, small aggravations with big side effects, unhealthy family relationships, and changes in the female body. He concludes by outlining vital actions for living with dignity.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Historia De Un Angel – (Spanish)
$11.99We know the Christmas story well – or do we?
There’s the journey to Bethlehem. No room at the inn. A stable birth. The Star.
But is that the whole story? What about the hidden happenings that might have surrounded the Savior’s birth? Was the arrival of Jesus a quietly profound event? Or did it provoke heavenly battles, gatherings of angel armies, and a scheming Satan?
Through the eyes of the archangel Gabriel, envision the single most significant moment in history from a different perspective – Heaven’s perspective.
It’s a journey of the imagination, revealing what might have happened that very first Christmas.
Nosotros conocemos muy bien el relato navideno- ?No es asi? Una jornada hasta Belen. No hay espacio en el Meson. Un nacimiento en el establo. La estrella. Pero, ?Es esa toda la historia? ?Y que hay de las cosas que sucedieron “tras bastidores” durante el nacimiento del Salvador? ?Fue la llegada de Jesus un gran evento inmerso en una silenciosa calma? O ?Provoco batallas celestiales entre ejercitos de angeles y un manoso Satanas? Observa el momento mas significativo de la historia a traves de los ojos del arcangel Gabriel. Observa desde una perspectiva diferente: La perspectiva del Cielo. Es un viaje en la imaginacion, revelando lo que habria podido ocurrir esa primera Navidad.
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Grandeza Para Cada Dia – (Spanish)
$21.99Live to your best!Every issue of Reader’s Digest features a story that exemplifies people living to their best, often through adversity and challenge. This collection of inspiring stories, the best from the Reader’s Digest archives, are brought together with pertinent commentary from Dr. Stephen R. Covey to become an inspiring and life-changing resource for anyone who wants more from life. The format lends itself to either serious study or more casual perusal. Topics include: Searching for Meaning, Taking Charge, Starting Within, Creating the Dream, Teaming with Others, Overcoming Adversity, and Blending the Pieces. The collection includes some of the world’s best-known and most-loved writers, leaders and celebrities: Shakespeare, Walt Disney, Maya Angelou, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Erma Bombeck, Betty Ford, and many others. Only from Reader’s Digest could such a broad and deep collection of writings be collected and assembled into this cohesive work.
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40 Dias Con Proposito Guia De (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study G
$12.99he Purpose Driven Life DVD Study Guide is a six-week, video-based small group study of The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren-the book Publishers Weekly declared the “bestselling nonfiction hardback in history.”
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Magnifica Obsesiona – (Spanish)
$17.99Despite worldly success, many people search futilely for meaningful lives. Celebrities attempt suicide. Religious leaders admit spiritual emptiness. What is missing from lives that seem perfect-but are actually hollow at the core? Anne Graham Lotz says the answer is intimately knowing God as Abraham did-and being known by Him-as His friend.
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Comentario De Las Epistolas 1 – (Spanish)
$19.99Written in understandable language so that the general public can understand it, it also goes deep so that pastors and teachers will find it helpful. Fee uses footnotes to give depth to his commentary on the books of 1st and 2nd Timothy and Titus.
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Hermeneutica Entendiendo La Pa – (Spanish)
$24.99Duvall and Hays use general principles of interpretation so that the reader can read, understand and apply Bible passages. They offer practical exercises to guide us in the process of interpretation.
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Renueva Tu Corazon Se Como Cri – (Spanish)
$18.99How often, when we look around, do we focus on the spiritual immaturity of many believers? This bestseller teaches us how to change our heart so that every aspect of our being is in harmony with the kingdom of God. At the end of every chapter there are questions for personal reflection or group study.
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Principios De Jesus Sobre Las – (Spanish)
$16.99Nothing matters more than relationships-and no one understands them better than Jesus. Based on an exhaustive study of what Jesus did and said about relationships, this book guides readers on a forty-day journey that will bring new health and richness to their marriages, families, friendships, and all the relationships in their lives.
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Historia General De Las Mision – (Spanish)
$25.99Los doctores Justo L. Gonzalez y Carlos F. Cardoza nos presentan esta historia de la expansion del cristianismo a traves de las misiones, a la vez inspiradora y aterradora, que nos sirve de llamado y de advertencia. Nos llama a seguir la linea esplendorosa de quienes antes de nosotros dieron testimonio de su fe como misioneros. Y nos advierte que, como cristianos fieles, hemos de preocuparnos por las consecuencias de nuestras acciones y nuestras actitudes.
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