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    Books (Spanish)

    • Poder Del Espiritu Santo Y El – (Spanish)


      Is something crucial missing from your congregation’s programs?

      Beneath the surface of churches’ programs and activities lies the more fundamental question of how leaders and churches can be enabled to discern and obediently cooperate with the guidance and empowering of the Holy Spirit.

      Since the Kingdom of God is an active expression of His reign on earth, it is extended and realized as individuals and churches seek and submit to His will and purposes.

      Growing the Church in the Power of the Holy Spirit offers a practical guide for nurturing with churches the dynamic cooperative process, drawing on a breadth of experience from around the world.

      Many leaders overlook the necessary precondition of discerning and cooperating with the empowering will of the Holy Spirit before putting their plans into action. But how is this to be accomplished?

      Seven dynamics facilitate this process.

      These factors, advanced by the church leadership and brought into being by the Holy Spirit, help congregations undertake such crucial tasks as preaching/teaching, worship, healing, governance, making disciples of converts, and evangelism.

      As believers actively cooperate with the Holy Spirit, the church is strengthened in its role of being a foretaste of the Kingdom of God.

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    • Cuando Un Milagro Es Todo Lo Q – (Spanish)


      Year after year, Ann Spangler has provided readers with uniquely appealing devotional books. When You Need a Miracle continues the tradition by selecting the best stories from her first two books, An Angel a Day and A Miracle a Day, to offer readers a picture of a God who is far bigger and better than most people think. By combining stories from the Bible with stories of contemporary men and women who have experienced miracles or angels, Ann helps readers recognize the hand of a loving, all-powerful God at work in this world of anxiety and uncertainty. Anyone who has longed for a miracle will take heart from the remarkable stories in this book. They remind us that, even in the midst of trouble and trial, one thing remains true: We belong to a God who is eager and able to care for us through his wisdom, kindness, and unfailing mercy. Each of these ninety devotions opens with a key Scripture and closes with a prayer.

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    • Oportunidad Perdida – (Spanish)


      When a young boy finds a mysterious object in the creek near his home, his parents launch an investigation that will eventually link the ancient object to such remarkable figures as George Washington Carver, Oskar Shindler, Joan of Arc, and Alfred Vanderbilt. Separate pieces of the artifact_with different but similar inscriptions_shape the lives of those who possess the object. With each new discovery come new questions: What is the connection between these objects? Is there is another piece? And, if so, how might this final piece complete the object and its message? Could it, indeed, change the very world with its power and wisdom? A dramatic epilogue reveals not only the origin and fulfillment of this amazing artifact, but also the guiding principles behind this story that can be applied directly to readers’ lives.

      ?Esta listo para hacer el descubrimiento personal de toda una vida?
      En un suburbio de Denver, la periodista Dorry Chandler y su esposo detective Mark, descubren un extrano objeto con un mensaje grabado en un idioma antiguo. Uniendo fuerzas con el antropologo Dylan Langford y su amiga la arqueologa, Abby Warner, el equipo queda cautivado por el misterioso artefacto y el mensaje desconcertante que parece datar de hace miles de anos.

      ?Descubrira el equipo el secreto detras de este objeto historico y misterioso? ?O su mensaje se perdera para siempre?

      Del autor del best seller del New York Times, El regalo del viajero viene una busqueda apasionante para descubrir el destino de la humanidad. La novela es una mezcla de ficcion fascinante, con una amplia investigacion, y un poderoso mensaje de esperanza, La oportunidad perdida ilumina los principios imperecederos para transformar el mundo.

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    • Esclavo – (Spanish)


      El autor y pastor Dr. John MacArthur revela una palabra crucial que revolucionara lo que significa el seguir a Jesus.

      A traves de la Biblia, los seguidores de Jesus han sido ordenados a someterse. Se les ha dicho que tienen que obedecer y seguir fielmente sin titubeos. Cada vez que los cristianos pronuncian la palabra Dios, ellos hacen una declaracion sutil pero profunda- Que Dios es nuestro dueno y que pertenecemos a El. De hecho, la Biblia describe a los creyentes como sus esclavos. Hemos sido comprados a un precio y ahora vivimos para Cristo como gente de su propia posesion.

      Vaya a una iglesia hoy en dia, ojee a traves de la mayoria de las traducciones de la Biblia y Usted no vera ni escuchara la palabra esclavo en ningun lugar porque se ha perdido en la traduccion. En este excitante libro el Dr. John MacArthur utiliza profundas ensenanzas biblicas y evaluaciones historicas para revelar una palabra olvidada que restaura la verdadera definicion de la Biblia sobre la libertad del cristiano.

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    • Como Trabajar Con Jovenes De 1 – (Spanish)


      18-25-year-olds are trying to find their place in society while living through an array of experiences that force them to reevaluate beliefs and assumptions they were raised with, which leads many students to disconnect from the church after high school.

      College Ministry 101 will help church leaders understand the colleg-age-stage in order to better minister to their needs. This book will provide leaders with practical mniistry philosophies about how to effectively minister to college students through mentor relationships, what students need in their day-to-day lives, how to work with volunteers in college ministry, and how to turn college-age students into genuine disciples.

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    • Resistencia Y Gracia Cara – (Spanish)


      This book is about the life and thoughts of one of the most influential and historical people of the 20th century in regards to moral ethics. The author covers four chapters of the most important aspects of Dietrich Bonheoffer’s biography; his thoughts, his spirituality, his faith and the historical context of his life

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    • Lunes Con Mi Viejo Pastor – (Spanish)


      A totally burned-out young preacher reignites his faith and gathers wisdom for life while spending successive Mondays with an eighty-three-year-old pastor.

      “Deep inside in some uncertain part of my soul persisted this strange exhaustion that was difficult to explain and hard to endure,” writes pastor and author Jose Luis Navajo. Thinking of quitting the ministry, Navajo doesn’t know where to turn until he begins meeting with a seasoned man of the cloth-his “old pastor”-who, through successive Monday visits, offers a legacy of wisdom in the form of 15 unique principles. In lyrical prose, Navajo shares the personal anecdotes, fables, and deep spiritual insights offered by the old pastor and his wife. By turns funny, heartbreaking, and thought provoking, Mondays with My Old Pastor is a comfort to anyone who struggles in his or her walk with God. As readers follow Navajo’s journey from desperation to rejuvenation, they will find themselves similarly transformed and inspired. This moving, beautifully written account is sure to reignite every soul’s longing for renewal.

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    • No Se Trata De Mi – (Spanish)


      Pop culture and psychobabble tell us to make ourselves the center of the universe in order to be happy. Churches have communicated the false idea that God exists to give us all that we selfishly want. In this book, Max Lucado reminds us that it’s not about us; it’s all about God. Through this shift in thinking we can truly live an unburdened, happy life.

      La cultura pop y la psicologia popular nos dicen que, para ser felices, debemos ser el centro del universo. Las iglesias se encargaron de transmitir la idea erronea de que Dios existe para satisfacer todos nuestros deseos egoistas. En este libro, Max Lucado nos recuerda que no se trata de nosotros; se trata de Dios. Si deseamos una vida verdaderamente feliz y libre de problemas, necesitamos este cambio de enfoque.

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    • Autografo Sagrado – (Spanish)


      ?Podra el descubrimiento de este evangelio y las verdades que revela sacudir la fundacion de la iglesia?

      En un pequeno monasterio en Asia, un monje descubre una vasija de casi 2,000 anos de antiguedad que contiene un manuscrito que podria ser un original del evangelio. Este es enviado al Museo de Santa Sofia en Estambul. Turquia se encuentra en guerra y un monje llamado Johannes con su discipulo y un coronel, recuperan lo que podria ser el mayor descubrimiento arqueologico del siglo 21: el autografo del Evangelio segun San Juan.

      Despues de la guerra, el manuscrito es transferido al Reino Unido, donde es estudiado por cientificos y representantes del Vaticano, las Iglesias Ortodoxas y el Protestantismo. Los resultados son presentados en la iglesia y sus implicaciones alcanzan todo el mundo. Johannes, cuya edad tambien es un misterio, se ve obligado a exhibir capacidades sorprendentes, y su verdadera naturaleza esta vinculada con un misterio escrito en el manuscrito sagrado.

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    • Descanso – (Spanish)


      A unique blend of historical fact and engaging fiction showing the power of forgiveness. While digging up a withering wax myrtle tree beside his waterfront home on the Gulf coast, author Andy Andrews unearths a rusted metal container filled with Nazi artifacts and begins an intriguing investigation that unlocks an unspoken past that took place in his backyard . . . literally. In 1942, as the country gears up for a full-scale commitment to WWII, German subs are dispatched to the Gulf of Mexico to sink U.S. vessels carrying goods and fuel. While taking a late-night walk, Helen Mason-widowed by war-discovers the near-lifeless body of a German sailor. Enraged at the site of Josef Landermann’s uniform, Helen is prepared to leave him to die when an unusual phrase, faintly uttered, changes her mind. Set in a period simmering with anger and suspicion The Heart Mender offers the very real chronicle of a small town preparing itself for the worst the world has to offer. As cargo from torpedoed ships begins to wash up on the beach, Josef and Helen must reconcile their pasts to create a future. Blending his unique style of historical accuracy with unparalleled storytelling, New York Times best-selling author Andy Andrews offers a tale of war, faith, and forgiveness illuminating the one principle that frees the human spirit.

      Una mezcla unica entre hechos historicos y una ficcion cautivadora que muestra el poder del perdon.

      En 1942, los submarinos alemanes eran despachados para el Golfo de Mexico con el proposito de hundir a los navios de Estados Unidos que llevaban bienes de consumo y combustible. Al tomar un paseo nocturno, Helen Mason, viuda a causa de la guerra, descubre el cuerpo casi sin vida de un marinero aleman. Enfurecida al ver el uniforme de Josef Landermann, Helen esta preparada a dejarlo morir cuando una frase inusual, debilmente pronunciada, la hizo cambiar de idea.

      En El descanso, un pequeno pueblo debe prepararse a si mismo para lo peor que el mundo tiene que ofrecer, y Josef y Helen deben reconciliar sus pasados para crear un futuro.

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    • Jugar Junto A Dios – (Spanish)


      Esta serie nueva de cinco volumenes invita a los ninos desde preescolar hasta 6to. grado, a ingresar en nuestras historias sagradas. Basado en el metodo Montesori, Jugar Junto a Dios utiliza una cuidadosa forma de contar las historias de las escrituras, agradables figuras de las historias y una variedad de actividades creativas para animar a los ninos a buscar y encontrar sus propias respuestas a sus dudas de fe. Esta aproximacion unica a la educacion religiosa invita a los ninos a preguntarse acerca de ellos mismos, Dios y el mundo en una manera que es juguetona y significativa para ellos. Jugar Junto a Dios respeta la innata espiritualidad de los ninos y los anima a utilizar su curiosidad e imaginacion para experimentar el misterio y la gracia de Dios. Las sesiones de Jugar Junto a Dios pueden ser adaptadas para ajustarse a reuniones de 45 minutos hasta de 2 horas. Cada plan de leccion incluye la historia y una lista completa de materiales. Volumen 1: Como Dirigir las Lecciones de Jugar Junto a Dios Volumen 2: 14 Presentaciones para el otono. Volumen 3: 20 Presentaciones para el Invierno Volumen 4: 20 Presentaciones para la Primavera.

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    • Amor Y Respeto (Workbook) – (Spanish) (Workbook)


      Introducing the much-anticipated workbook to the groundbreaking book by the same title, Love & Respect.

      Psychological studies affirm it, and the Bible has been saying it for ages. Cracking the communication code between husband and wife involves understanding one thing: that unconditional respect is as powerful for him as unconditional love is for her. It’s the secret to marriage that every couple seeks, and yet few couples ever find. Based upon Ephesians 5:33 and extensive biblical and psychological research, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs reveals the power of unconditional love and unconditional respect and how husbands and wives can reap the benefits of marriage that God intended. Using Dr. Eggerich’s breakthrough techniques, this workbook provides excellent study material, whether for a group or for individual couples, as they seek to understand each other and God’s plan for their lives together.

      Descubra el secreto mas grande para un matrimonio exitoso.
      Los estudios psicologicos lo afirman, y la Biblia lo ha estado diciendo durante mucho tiempo. Descifrar el codigo de comunicacion entre marido y mujer implica entender una cosa: que el respeto incondicional es tan poderoso para el como el amor incondicional lo es para ella. Es el secreto del matrimonio que cada pareja busca pero que muy pocas encuentran. Basado en Efesios 5.33 en un estudio biblico y psicologico profundo, el Dr. Eggerichs revela el poder del amor y el respeto incondicional y como la pareja puede beneficiarse de un matrimonio que Dios desea. Utilizando las innovadoras tecnicas del Dr. Eggerichs, este cuaderno provee una excelente guia de estudio tanto para grupos o parejas que buscan entenderse y el proposito de Dios en sus vidas.

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    • Introduccion Al Griego De La B – (Spanish)


      Introduction to the Greek of the Bible vols I and II provide us with an enjoyable and organized way to study this biblical language. The easy-to-understand methodology that the author uses will allow readers to quickly learn Greek terminology and be able to read and translate the New Testament in Greek and the Septuagint.

      Introduccion al griego de la Biblia I y II nos acerca de manera amena y organizada al estudio de esta lengua biblica. La metodogia global que utiliza el autor facilitara que cada estudiante vea el logro inmediato de aprender griego coine como herramienta para poder leer y traducir el Nuevo Testamento en griego y la Septuaginta.

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    • Mas Que Apariencias – (Spanish)


      Is Something Missing in Your Life?

      Lysa TerKeurst knows what it’s like to consider God just another thing on her to-do list. For years she went through the motions of a Christian life: Go to church. Pray. Be nice.

      Longing for a deeper connection between what she knew in her head and her everyday reality, she wanted to personally experience God’s presence.

      Drawing from her own remarkable story of step-by-step faith, Lysa invites you to uncover the spiritually exciting life we all yearn for. With her trademark wit and spiritual wisdom, Lysa will help you :
      * Learn how to make a Bible passage come alive in your own devotion time.
      * Replace doubt, regret, and envy with truth, confidence, and praise.
      * Stop the unhealthy cycles of striving and truly learn to love who you are and what you’ve been given.
      * Discover how to have inner peace and security in any situation
      * Sense God responding to your prayers

      The adventure God has in store for your life just might blow you away.

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    • Poder De La Predicacion Y La E – (Spanish)


      Most preaching and teaching in the church engages only one of the senses-hearing. In The Power of Multisensory Preaching and Teaching, Rick Blackwood shows how recognizing and engaging the multiple senses of the congregation can lead to greater impact.

      Blackwood presents both biblical evidence and scientific research showing that the more senses we stimulate in teaching and preaching, the greater the levels of learner attention, comprehension, and retention. Blackwood addresses both the “why” and the “how” of multisensory communication. Regardless of one’s current skill level, this practical book can help anyone add multi-sensory elements to messages in order to take communication to the next level-more compelling, clear, and memorable. As a result of reading this book readers can be more effective as a communicator and teacher. The book includes tools, examples, and worksheets.

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    • Introduccion A La Unidad Crist – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780687660636ISBN10: 0687660637Language: SpanishCarmelo AlvarezBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2011Publisher: Abingdon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Senor Librame De Mis Padres – (Spanish)


      This book is about giving you insight and understanding into the dynamics of your relationship with your parents, and helping you learn to use wisdom when you interact with them. You’ll walk away from this book with a whole new perspective on the relationship you have with your parents, and how to have an even better one.

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    • Descubriendo Tus Talentos – (Spanish)


      Are you confused about who you are or where you’re headed? Does your life seem cluttered and chaotic? Do you wish you understood God’s plan and purpose for your life? Do you want to uncover your God-given strengths? If you said yes to any of these questions, you’ve come to the right book.

      The first step is to know who you are. Remember, you’re a child of God-created by him with your own unique heart, abilities, personality, and spiritual gifts. God brought all those elements together in you so that you could serve him and the world in your own unique way.

      Inside the pages of this book, you’ll discover the place where your God-given passions and strengths intersect, and you’ll find the way you’re designed to serve. With interactive exercises and questions for you to answer, you’ll learn more about your:
      * Spiritual Gifts
      * Heart
      * Abilities
      * Personality
      * Experiences

      Understanding each of these areas of your life, you’ll begin to see who you are and how you’re designed to serve. You’ll stop serving because that’s what you’re “supposed” to do, and start serving from the depths of your heart and soul because it’s what you were created to do.

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    • Respuestas A Las Dificultades – (Spanish)


      Se ha preguntado alguna vez…

      -Como lidio con el estres? -Como me recupero del fracaso? -Como vencer la depresion? -Como vivir por encima de la mediocridad? -Como tener tranquilidad? -Como supero mis problemas? -Como confiar en medio de la crisis? -Como me meti en este lio? -Por que me sucede esto? -Como supero la soledad?

      Muchas personas saben que las respuestas a las dificultades de la vida estan en la Biblia, pero no saben donde ubicarlas.

      En este libro descubrira los pasos que debe dar para lidiar con los temores y problemas que enfrenta a diario.

      Ademas, podra ayudar a otros.

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    • Armagedon Economico Venidero – (Spanish)


      Never before have we read such jarring headlines, distressing news analyses, or dire predictions concerning the world’s financial future. The American housing market — or, more sentimentally, the American dream — began to collapse in 2006, taking with it large chunks of the global financial system. Millions of jobs worldwide have vanished forever. Did Bible prophecy predict this catastrophe? Are there biblical clues to how soon, if ever, a viable, long-term recovery can be sustained? Is the financial collapse just one of several signs that we are living in the final days of Earth’s history In THE COMING ECONOMIC ARMAGEDDON, David Jeremiah says we can know the meaning behind what we see in the daily news — and understand and prepare for living in the New Global Economy.

      Nunca antes hemos leido titulares tan discordantes, analisis de noticias tan inquietantes o alarmantes predicciones con respecto al futuro economico del mundo. El mercado inmobiliario americano, o mas sentimentalmente, el sueo americano, comenzo a desplomarse en 2006, llevandose con el grandes cantidades del sistema financiero global. Millones de empleos en todo el mundo han desaparecido para siempre. Predijo la profecia de la Biblia esta catastrofe? Hay indicaciones biblicas en cuanto a cuando, si es que alguna vez, puede sostenerse una recuperacion viable y duradera? Es el desplome economico tan solo una de varias seales de que estamos viviendo en los ultimos dias en la historia de la tierra? En EL ARMAGEDON ECONOMICO VENIDERO, David Jeremiah dice que podemos conocer el significado que hay detras de lo que vemos en las noticias diarias, y entender y prepararnos para vivir en la Nueva Economia Global.

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    • Poder De Transformar Su Vida – (Spanish)


      Have you ever wished that you could change something about yourself? A bad habit? Destructive thoughts? An unpleasant personality trait? Rick Warren, author of the bestseller ‘The Purpose Driven Church’, will help you plug into the power that can produce the lasting change you long to see in your life. He will introduce you to resurrection power—God’s power available to you to change your personality. As you read this book, you will learn how you can cooperate with God to allow his Holy Spirit to change you. And you will learn how to experience peace rather than pressure, joy rather than defeat, patience rather than irritation.

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    • Llamado A Liderar – (Spanish)


      John MacArthur, best-selling author and renowned pastor and teacher, draws 26 powerful leadership characteristics from the Life of the apostle Paul. Is leadership a title? Authority? Charisma? Whatever gets the best results? More than ever, Christians need a model of leadership that is based on God’s Word, that brings Him glory while accomplishing success, growth, service to others, personal and professional development, and more. In Called to Lead, best-selling author, pastor, and teacher John MacArthur explains the characteristics of a leader drawn from one of the Bible’s most renowned leaders, the apostle Paul. Focusing on Paul’s epistles, Called to Lead gives a biblically sound explanation of the twenty-six key qualities of a leader who can achieve results without forfeiting faith and obedience.

      ?Es el liderazgo un titulo?, ?Autoridad?, ?Carisma?, ?Lo que obtiene los mejores resultados?
      John MacArthur, autor de best sellers, pastor y maestro, senala las 26 caracteristicas poderosas del liderazgo en la vida del apostol Pablo.

      Mas que nunca, los cristianos necesitan un modelo de liderazgo que se basa en la Palabra de Dios, que le de gloria a El pero que al mismo tiempo alcance el exito, crecimiento, servicio a los demas, desarrollo personal y profesional, y mucho mas.

      En Llamado a liderar, John MacArthur explica las caracteristicas de un lider usando como perfil a uno de los lideres mas reconocidos de la Biblia, el apostol Pablo. Centrandose en las epistolas de Pablo, Llamado a liderar provee una explicacion biblica racional de las veintiseis cualidades fundamentales de un lider para que pueda lograr resultados sin perder la fe y la obediencia.

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    • Sobrenatural – (Spanish)


      New Wine International

      iTu eres sobrenatural! Cada creyente en Cristo es un ser sobrenatural can un proposito sobrenatural – llamado a caminar en los caminos sobrenaturales del cielo mientras demuestran el Reino sobrenatural de Dios iaqui en la tierra! En Simple Sobrenatural, Joshua Mills comparte emocionantes testimonios personales, claves biblicas y directrices practicas que te lanzaran hacia un estilo de vida sobrenatural.

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    • Padres Confiados – (Spanish)


      If we are truly honest, most of us don’t really know what we’re doing as parents. We have good intentions, but daily frustrations and ongoing struggles might be evidence that we were better prepared to drive a car or pursue our career than raise children.

      To counter the usual trial-and-error method of parenting, Jim Burns offers time-tested advice and strategies for today’s busy families. Infused with his signature candidness and practicality, each chapter explores a different aspect of parenting–from breaking generational chains of dysfunction and creating a warm atmosphere at home to handling discipline issues and blessing your children with a legacy of faith. Helpful follow-up exercises and questions along the way reinforce the basics of good parenting and provide a foundation for developing your own family plan. You won’t find any quick fixes here, but you will learn how to make a positive difference in your family.

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    • Claves Para Un Liderazgo Genui – (Spanish)


      Many books have been written about leadership. There are authors who have been a great inspiration and who challenge us to reach beyond our limitations to achieve more than we ever thought possible. In Keys to Genuine Leadership we have selected the writings of some of the most well-known contemporary authors and carefully summarized catchphrases and ideas from some of their most inspiring books, all compressed here into one powerful volume. Here you will find the keys for learning how to influence people and become a truly genuine leader. This is a collection of the best of the best from today’s most relevant authors.

      Some of the authors: John Maxwell, Rick Warren, Dante Gebel, Lucas Leys, Bill Hybels, Osvaldo Carnival, Lee Strobel, and others.

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    • Antiguedades De Los Judios – (Spanish)


      One of the most important historic records of Judaism that survived the 1st century. The facts of that era help narrate the truthfulness of biblical stories and prophecies.

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    • Guerra Espiritual A Traves De – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9781612151120ISBN10: 1612151124Language: SpanishRuth NievesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 2010Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Alientate – (Spanish)


      This is the Spanish version of Have Heart: Bridging the Gulf Between Heaven and Earth. Desde que su hijo Josias se fue al cielo en su cumpleaos numero 19, Steve y Sarah Berger han desarrollado una nueva, contagiosa pasion y emocion por el Cielo, sus habitantes y la actividad que ahi se lleva a cabo. Como pastor y esposa de pastor, han aconsejado a innumerables familias es su tiempo de mas necesidad, pero el 14 de Agosto, 2009, Dios mando a su propio familia en una jornada que por siempre cambio sus vidas. Cuando doblaron sus rodillas y clamaron a Dios y buscaron respuestas en la Biblia, Dios comenzo a revelar su verdad por medio de pasajes familiares de la Palabra de Dios. “Alientate” representa el fruto de sus propios estudios del Cielo, lamento, corazones rotos, honrando el legado de un ser amado y viviendo cada dia con el Cielo en la mente. Si estas lamentando la ida de un ser querido o si tienes curiosidad acerca de como es el Cielo, “Alientate” te animara a poner tu confianza en Jesus y tu esperanza en el Cielo. Since their son Josiah went to Heaven on his 19th birthday, Steve and Sarah Berger have developed a new , contagious passion and excitement for Heaven, its inhabitants and it’s activity. As a pastor and pastor’s wife, they had counseled countless families in their time of deepest need, but on August 14, 2009, God launched their own family on a journey that has forever changed their lives. As they hit their knees and cried out to God and searched their Bibles for answers, God began to reveal fresh truth and healing from familiar passages in His Word. Have Heart presents the fruit of their personal studies on Heaven, grieving, broken heartedness, honoring a loved ones legacy and living each day with Heaven in mind. If you are grieving the passing of a loved one or if you’re just curious about what Heaven is like, Have Heart will encourage you to firmly place your trust in Jesus and your hope in Heaven.

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    • Santiago Pedro 1 Y 2 – (Spanish)


      Drawing on his vast experience as a communicator of God’s Word, master teacher and communicator Chuck Swindoll presents his legacy to all who read and love the Bible: Swindoll’s New Testament Insights series. Insights on James, 1 & 2 Peter, the newest addition to this landmark series, provides a wealth of colorful, detailed, and easy-to-understand insights into the letters of James and 1 & 2 Peter.

      “To the end of my days, my major goal in life is to communicate the Word with accuracy, insight, clarity, and practicality.”-Charles Swindoll Combining rich, rock-solid scholarship with a storyteller’s imagery and passion, Chuck Swindoll has a gift for sweeping people into the immediacy of the Scriptures. Featuring maps, timelines, holy land images and more,, Swindoll’s New Testament Insights, is a landmark series – the legacy of a master teacher and communicator to the church of Jesus Christ. You’ll gain remarkable new insights into the Bible. God’s Word will come alive for you, filled with drama, power, and truth, as you journey with Chuck chapter by chapter through the New Testament.

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    • Capellania Institucional Minis – (Spanish)


      Written in Spanish, this manual gives pastors and lay leaders an overview of the ministry of the chaplain.

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    • Sutil Poder Del Abuso Espiritu – (Spanish)


      No one should leave church feeling manipulated, controlled, shamed, or condemned. But places of shelter and encouragement can become abusive if spiritual leaders begin to use their authority to meet their needs for importance, power, or spiritual gratification. Here you’ll discover how to identify an abusive church and also how to break free from its destructive legalism. Topics covered include:
      * How spiritual abuse develops–and why those under its grip often don’t see it
      * The subtle ways that leaders and systems “hook” and control believers, robbing them of their joy in Christ
      * Scriptural help in recognizing healthy spiritual relationships
      *Effective strategies for escaping abusive situations

      Insightful, practical, and solidly grounded in Scripture, this book has what you need to recover a grace-filled relationship with God and His church.

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    • Como Sobrevivir En Un Mundo Ll – (Spanish)


      Aprenda a dejar ir la ira destructiva — !Y sus relaciones con Dios y los demas seran transformas! En este poderoso libro, Stanley hace un distincion entre la piadosa “indignacion justa” y la nociva ira y el resentimiento; muestra como podemos identificar la ira en nuestras propias vidas; revela sus consecuencias de largo alcance, y ofrece medidas concretas para avanzar hacia el perdon y la curacion.

      Learn to let go of destructive anger—and your relationships with God and others will be transformed! In this powerful book, Stanley distinguishes godly “righteous indignation” from harmful rage and resentment; shows how we can identify anger in our own lives; reveals its far-reaching consequences; and provides concrete steps for moving toward forgiveness and healing.

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    • Liderazgo Con Proposito – (Spanish)


      In these twelve chapters about leadership, Pastor Rick Warren examines the life and ministry of Nehemiah. In his book, Rick uses analogies and important points of view about what well-rounded success of difficult tasks looks like. These lessons and Biblical principles will help leaders achieve success while maintaining their integrity and accomplishing God’s plan for their lives.

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    • Promesas De Dios Para Ninos – (Spanish)


      An easy way to help young boys see God’s promises and how they can rely on His love in their daily lives. The promise verses in this book are selected from the bestselling International Children’s Bible(R) to offer comfort and encouragement when a boy is feeling afraid, lonely, worried, angry, dissatisfied, discouraged, sad, rebellious,impatient, or sick . . . and when they need reassurance of God’s protection, love, forgiveness, help . . . and that He listens when they pray. It’s a great way for children to hide God’s Word in their hearts. Sample text: Sometimes it’s hard to tell the truth when you feel like youhave something to hide. But remember-when it’s hard to be honest: God promisesto reward Truth-not Lies! “You must do thesethings to enjoy life and have many happy days. You must not say evil things.You must not tell lies.” Psalms 34:12-13

      ?Necesitas de una forma facil que ayude a los ninos a ver las promesas de Dios y como pueden confiar en su amor en sus vidas diarias?
      Los versos de promesas en este libro son escogidos de la Nueva Biblia al Dia para ofrecer ayuda y animo cuando un nino se siente asustado, solo, preocupado, enojado, decepcionado, desalentado, triste, rebelde, impaciente o enfermo. Y cuando los ninos necesitan estar convencidos de la proteccion, el amor, el perdon y la ayuda de Dios; y que El les escucha cuando oran. Este libro ofrece una maravillosa oportunidad para que los ninos atesoren la Palabra de Dios en sus corazones.

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    • Vision – (Spanish)


      Tomorrow won’t be better. David Wilkerson tells us about a vision he received. None of the predictions in this book will be unfamiliar to those of us from this century. What will happen? Read this book and learn the truth that you will read about tomorrow in the newspaper.

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    • Promesas De Dios Para Ninas – (Spanish)


      An easy way to help young girls see God’s promises and how they can rely on His love in their daily lives. The promise verses in this book are selected from the best-selling International Children’s Bible(R) to offer comfort and encouragement when a girl is feeling afraid, lonely, worried, angry, dissatisfied, discouraged, sad, rebellious, impatient, or sick . . . and when they need reassurance of God’s protection, love, forgiveness, help . . . and that He listens when they pray. It’s a great way for children to hide God’s Word in their hearts. Sample text: Monsters. Spiders. Being alone. Do any of these things make you feel afraid? When you start to feel fear, hold on tight to these words: God promises to take your fear away! “So don’t worry, because I am with you. Don’t be afraid, because I am your God. I will make you strong and will help you. I will support you with my right hand that saves you.” Isaiah 41:10

      ?Necesitas de una forma facil que ayude a los ninas a ver las promesas de Dios y como pueden confiar en su amor en sus vidas diarias?

      Los versos de promesas en este libro son escogidos de la Nueva Biblia al Dia para ofrecer ayuda y animo cuando una nina se siente asustada, sola, preocupada, enojada, decepcionada, desalentada, triste, rebelde, impaciente o enferma. Y cuando las ninas necesitan estar convencidas de la proteccion, el amor, el perdon y la ayuda de Dios; y que El les escucha cuando oran. Este libro ofrece una maravillosa oportunidad para que las ninas atesoren la Palabra de Dios en sus corazones.

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    • Judaismo Mesianico – (Spanish)


      Lucas Park Books
      El Rabino Joseph S. Berrios-Zaborsky hace una gran contribucion al mundo teologico hispano con esta excelente introduccion al judaismo mesianico. Este libro es lectura obligada para cualquier persona que desee conocer el signifi cado y el uso adecuado de los simbolos y las practicas judias a la luz de la fe en Yeshua, el Mesias de Israel.”

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    • Abraham Lincoln Su Liderazgo – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9781602557987ISBN10: 1602557985Language: SpanishCesar VidalBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2010Publisher: Groupo Nelson Print On Demand Product

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    • DESARRAIGANDO LA IRA – (Spanish)


      Tired of getting angry?
      Find freedom to apply the truths of the Word of God.

      Uprooting Anger: Destroying the Monster Inside is a collection of thirty-one meditations on Scripture passages that help to obey God’s command to get rid of anger. Each meditation is accompanied by a Bible study to encourage the application of truth to our lives.

      Uprooting Anger is appropriate for individual or group study.

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    • Relaciones 101 – (Spanish)


      Great leaders understand that their team is only as strong as its weakest link. And healthy, nurtured relationships are key in making your team operate as a well-oiled machine. In Relationships 101, John Maxwell offers time-tested principles for connecting with people and building positive working relationships within an organization. The unique, pocket-size format puts straightforward, practical information at your fingertips. Topics include: What Do I Need to Know about Others? How Can I Become a Better Listener? What Does It Mean to Have Integrity with People? How Can I Serve and Lead at the Same Time?

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    • Guerras De Los Judios – (Spanish)


      An eyewitness account of a turning point in Judaism, Christianity, and all of Western civilization, this work chronicles the Jewish revolt against the Roman Empire. Written by a leader among the Jewish resistance, a non-Christian who switched sides and collaborated with Rome, it is among the few sources of information about 1st-century Judaism.

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    • Martires Y Perseguidores – (Spanish)


      The most complete study of the history of martyrdom and persecution leading up to the 20th century.

      This book contains extensive material rich with facts that help the reader to understand the historical context of the persecutions that have marked and influenced our history.

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    • Historia Del Pensamiento Crist – (Spanish)


      In it the author offers us an interesting and detailed account of the development of the christian way of thinking from its origins until our present day.

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    • Juan – (Spanish)


      Conozca su Biblia, developed in partnership with the Asociacian para la Educacin Teologica Hispana and the Evangelical Outreach and Congregational Mission unit of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is a unique Bible commentary series written in Spanish by leading Hispanic theologians and Bible educators. The twenty-five volume series, which covers all the books of the Bible, also includes three general volumes designed to introduce readers to the Bible and to biblical study: La Biblia en espanol: Como nos llega (The Spanish Bible: How It Came to Be); Como se forma la Biblia (How the Bible Was Formed), and Como estudiar la Biblia (How to Study the Bible). Justo L. Gonzalez, the General Editor for the series, is a distinguished biblical scholar and the author of numerous books, including Hechos (Acts) in this series.

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    • Romanos – (Spanish)


      Conozca su Biblia, developed in partnership with the Asociacian para la Educacian Teologica Hispana and the Evangelical Outreach and Congregational Mission unit of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is a unique Bible commentary series written in Spanish by leading Hispanic theologians and Bible educators. The twenty-five volume series, which covers all the books of the Bible, also includes three general volumes designed to introduce readers to the Bible and to biblical study: La Biblia en espanol: Como nos llego (The Spanish Bible: How It Came to Be); Como se formo la Biblia (How the Bible Was Formed), and Como estudiar la Biblia (How to Study the Bible). Justo L. Gonzalez, the General Editor for the series, is a distinguished biblical scholar and the author of numerous books, including Hechos (Acts) in this series.

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    • Plan B – (Spanish)


      Learn how God often does His best work in our most hopeless situations. What do you do with a shattered dream? Or an unmet expectation? What do you do when your life isn’t turning out the way you thought it would? What do you do when you have to turn to Plan B? In Plan B pastor and author Pete Wilson uses real life stories of disappointments and hurts along with the biblical stories of men and women like David, Joseph, and Ruth to help readers come to grips with the truth that they will face situations that in themselvesthey are completely unable to handle but that in them God is simply trying to getAthem to surrenderAtheir plans so thatthey can receive His. He identifies our common responses to difficulties and offers hope,helping us to Understand what God might be up to See how surrender helps usto receive God’s plan Embrace the community of believers Reconcile a God of love with a life of tragedy and suffering Wilson points readers to the cross as not just the starting line but the centerpiece of our story with God and shares that it is there we turn in our Plan B and find the undeniable relationship between crisis and our hope followed by true spiritual transformation. “God wants to live inside the questions” says Wilson and then reminds us that “the cross is proof that He does not always change the circumstance but that He always has a purpose in every circumstance. He will never let go of us. He will hold us and His cross will be an anchor for us.”

      Aprenda como Dios hace su mejor obra en nuestras situaciones mas desesperadas.
      ?Que hace usted cuando un sueno desbaratado o una expectativa insatisfecha le hace volverse al Plan B? El pastor Pete Wilson usa historias actuales de tragedias junto con historias biblicas para ayudar a los lectores a afrontar sus propias situaciones y por medio de ellas aprender que Dios esta trabajando para ayudarles a entregar sus planes y recibir el que El tiene para ellos. El autor nos ayuda a:
      Comprender que Dios pudiera estar llevandonos a un plano superior
      Ver como rendirnos nos ayuda a recibir el plan de Dios
      Tomar parte de la comunidad de creyentes
      Reconciliar a un Dios de amor con una vida de tragedia y sufriendo.

      Wilson destaca que la cruz no es simplemente el punto de inicio sino el punto central de nuestras historias con Dios donde nos volvemos a nuestro Plan B y encontramos la innegable relacion que existe entre crisis y la verdadera transformacion espiritual.

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    • Arqueologia Biblica – (Spanish)


      Marcos L. Howard vive en Espaa, junto con su esposa Sarah, desde el ao 1984 y tienen tres hijos. Marcos se licencio en filologia inglesa en Asbury College en 1978. Consiguio su primer master en la enseanza del ingles como idioma extranjero de la Universidad de Ball State en 1985, y un segundo master en estudios biblicos del Seminario Teologico de Asbury en el ao 2000. Habla cuatro idiomas con fluidez y lee otros seis, incluidos el hebreo y el griego biblico. Como hobby, lee libros y revistas sobre la evidencia cientifica relacionada con la creacion, sobre temas linguisticos, y sobre la arqueologia biblica. Ha publicado varios articulos en revistas cristianas y ha dado numerosas conferencias publicas sobre estos temas, tanto en Espaa como en los Estados Unidos, su pais de origen. Actualmente escribe y ensea cursos en relacion con la Biblia y la fe cristiana y participa como anciano en su iglesia local.

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    • Lado Oscuro De Lo Sobrenatural – (Spanish)


      You’ve seen movies and TV shows or read books that have supernatural ideas. A lot of times, it’s entertaining. Boys who are warlocks with magical powers, women who see the future, a girl who sees and talks to dead people-as ideas go, these have great potential to tell a good story. But is it real? And if so, what does that mean to me?

      The Dark Side of the Supernatural will show you the truth behind the supernatural. It’s a handbook that separates truth from fiction, while looking at each topic in light of the Bible.

      Bill Myers has spent years researching supernatural phenomenon, and has even made movies about it. In this book, he’ll share his research, along with interviews and true-life experiences of psychics, Satanists, people who have been possessed, and even abducted by aliens. The stories he shares may sound like Hollywood movies, but they are based on real events.

      His encounters with a variety of supernatural topics will open your eyes to what is real and what is fantasy. You’ll learn more about:
      * Wicca and witches * Reincarnation * UFO’s * Ouija boards * Angels and demons * Ghosts and near-death experiences * Satanism * Vampires, and more

      If you’re curious about these issues, or have friends who are caught up in them, The Dark Side of the Supernatural will uncover the truth and explain how to help.

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    • Mas Alla De Tu Vida – (Spanish)


      ?Que ocurriria si sacudieramos al mundo con esperanza?
      Estos son dias dificiles en la historia de nuestro mundo. Miles de millones de personas son pobres, y millones permanecen hambrientas o sedientas cada dia. Las enfermedades cobran miles de vidas diariamente. Pero a ti y a mi se nos ha dado una oportunidad para influir de manera positiva. ?Que ocurriria si lo hicieramos? ?Infiltrando las cuatro esquinas con el amor y la vida de Dios? Somos creados por un gran Dios para hacer grandes obras. El nos invita a vivir nuestra vida no solo en el cielo, sino aqui en la tierra. ?Que ocurriria si vivieras de tal manera que tu muerte fuera simplemente el comienzo de tu vida?

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    • Caso Del Jesus Verdadero – (Spanish)


      A journalist investigates the most recent attacks against the identity of Christ. The figure of Jesus has become the target of an intellectual war, and receives continuous attacks from different flanks: classrooms in universities, bestsellers, and the internet. These violent attacks against the traditional image of Christ have confused many people with spiritual inquiries and have sown doubt among many Christians. But, what happens if we submit all these radical affirmations and revisionist theories to a detailed test? In The Case For the Real Jesus, awarded legal editor Strobel asks polemic questions like: Did the church hide ancient extra-biblical documents that offered a more approximate picture of Jesus than the four gospels? Did the church distort the truth about Jesus, manipulating the ancient texts of the New Testament? Is it true that new discoveries and explanations discredit the resurrection? Are the new arguments that say that Jesus is not the Messiah true? Has Christianity acquired its basic ideas from mythology? It evaluates the arguments and evidence that prominent atheists, liberal theologians, Muslim academics and others have presented. He examines them carefully, and then renders his own verdict on The Case for the Real Jesus.

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