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Books (Spanish)

  • Aprenda El Greigo Del Nuevo Te – (Spanish)


    Let the one you’ve trusted for word studies for years teach you to read the New Testament in Greek!

    Created by W.E. Vine, the trusted author of the world’s most-used expository dictionary, this book is an easy “teach yourself” course for those who have no previous knowledge of Greek. Designed especially for the layperson, you’ll start by learning the Greek alphabet and by the third lesson you’ll be reading directly from the Greek New Testament!

    Complete with charts, tables, and diagrams, it is ideal for self-study. Vine’s Learn New Testament Greek is an all-in-one Greek grammar and lesson book.

    Permita que el que usted ha confiado para los estudios de la Palabra durante aos le ensee a leer el Nuevo Testamento en griego!
    Creado por W.E. Vine, el autor del diccionario expositivo mas utilizado en el mundo. Con este libro es muy facil “aprender por si solo”. Es para aquellos que no tienen conocimiento previo del lenguaje griego. Diseado especialmente para principiantes, usted comenzara por aprender el alfabeto griego y ya por la tercera leccion estara leyendo directamente el griego del Nuevo Testamento.

    Completo con graficos, tablas y diagramas, es ideal para el autoestudio. Aprenda el griego del Nuevo Testamento de Vine contiene lecciones y gramatica griega.

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  • Ministerio Juvenil 3.0 – (Spanish)


    This book should be in the personal library of any youth minister who values the ministry. This book will help the leader to see where we came from, why we do what we do, and where we should be heading to produce the results that God and this generation expect from us.

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  • Maestro Inolvidable – (Spanish)


    Descubra la dignidad,fraternidad y abnegacion encarnadas por la persona de Jesucristo.En El Maestro inolvidable, el quinto y ultimo libro de la coleccion Analisis de la Inteligencia de Cristo,Augusto Cury estudia el aspecto de Jesus como maestro, educador y artesano dela personalidad. Para formar seguidores capacitados a difundir sus palabras,Jesus eligio a hombres sencillos y desarrollo en ellos el arte de pensar, latolerancia, la solidaridad, el perdon, la capacidad de ponerse en el lugar delotro, el amor y la tranquilidad.En una epoca donde la educacionesta en crisis, el ejemplo de Jesus y sus discipulos nos ayuda a abrirlos ojos al verdadero sentido de la educacion: mas que transmitirinformacion,educar es producir la capacidad de pensar, de cuestionar, de superardesafios,de comprender el mundo y de mejorarse cada dia. Para cerrar con llave de oroesta coleccion, Cury nos muestra que Jesus fue el mayor ejemplo de dignidad,fraternidad y abnegacion que jamas piso la tierra.

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  • Sentado A Los Pies Del Maestro – (Spanish)


    Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus takes readers on a fascinating journey, helping them discover how learning about the Jewish world of Jesus can enrich their own faith. By exploring the land, culture, customs, prayers, and feasts, Ann Spangler and Lois Tverberg help readers to perceive Jesus through the eyes and ears of first-century Jews.

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  • Nombres De Dios (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study Guide)


    The Names of God: 52 Bible Studies for Individuals and Groups offers a unique approach to Bible study by presenting a 52-week study focusing on the names and titles of God and of Jesus, one designed to help readers experience the Lord in fresh and deeper ways. Drawn from Praying the Names of God and Praying the Names of Jesus, it includes additional Bible study questions, suitable for group and+L3 individual use.

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  • Casa – (Spanish)


    Frank Peretti y Ted Dekker, dos de los escritores mas reconocidos en novelas de ficcion, han unido sus fuerzas por primera vez para crear una historia como ninguna otra que hayas leido. Entra en La casa, donde te encontraras en medio del juego mortal de un asesino en el cual la unica manera de ganar es perdiendo y la unica manera de salir es entrando. Un juego, siete jugadores, y tres reglas.

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  • Dos Tipos De Justicia – (Spanish)


    The Right Choice Provides Rewards–Now and Eternally!
    Legendary teacher E. W. Kenyon describes biblical righteousness. True righteousness is a gift from God that means the ability to stand in His presence without fear or any sense of guilt and inferiority. This righteousness is available to you right now…if you choose rightly. Then, you will:
    *Overcome sin and temptation
    *Receive God’s blessings
    *Tap into the power of the Holy Spirit
    *Experience the deep joy of fellowship with God
    *Powerfully witness to others
    *Develop miracle-working faith
    True righteousness can be yours today!

    La eleccion correcta proporciona recompensas, !ahora y eternamente!

    El legendario maestro E. W. Kenyon describe la justicia biblica. La verdadera justicia es un regalo de Dios que significa la capacidad de estar en la presencia de El sin temor y sin ningun sentimiento de culpa o de inferioridad. Esta justicia esta a tu disposicion ahora… si escoges correctamente. Entonces:
    *Venceras el pecado y la tentacion
    *Recibiras las bendiciones de Dios
    *Tendras acceso al poder del Espiritu Santo
    *Experimentaras el profundo gozo de la comunion con Dios
    *Testificaras poderosamente a otros
    *Desarrollaras una fe que obra milagros
    !La verdadera justicia puede ser tuya hoy!

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  • Aviso De Tormenta – (Spanish)


    Un analisis delinminente regreso de Cristo a la luz de los noticieros y los acontecimientosregistrados en las Escrituras. Losperiodicos matutinos se enredan con titulares e historias alarmantes planteandopreguntas que nadie puede contestar. En Avisode tormenta, el evangelista Billy Graham examina los problemas que enfrentaEstados Unidos hoy en comparacion con lo que esta por venir, como se revela enla Biblia. Responde las preguntas dificiles como solo el puede hacerlo, con unavision biblica artera; apuntando a la esperanza y la renovacion en Cristo, paranuestras familias, nuestra nacion y el mundo.Esta obra incluye un analisis profundoacerca de los cuatro jinetes de Apocalipsis, capitulo seis, asi como nocionessobre:Las senales de los tiempos.El Apocalipsis.Cuando estemos frente a Dios.

    An examination of the imminence of Christ’s return in light of today’s headlines and the events recorded in Scripture.The morning newspapers are jammed with alarming headlines and stories asking questions no one can answer. In Storm Warning,Billy Graham examines the problems facing America today compared with what is to come as revealed in the Bible. He answers the tough questions as only he can with astute biblical insight, and points to the hope and renewal found in Christ-for our families, our nation, and our world.

    Includes an in-depth analysis of the four horsemen of Revelation chapter six as well as insight on:
    Signs of the times
    The Apocalypse
    Standing before God

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  • Fundamentos Biblicos 3 Volume – (Spanish)


    A three-book series about the basics of Christianity

    The foundation of the Christian faith is built on Jesus Christ and His Word to us, the Holy Bible. This Biblical Foundation Series includes the foundation of biblical doctrines you need to help you lay a strong spiritual foundation in your life. The foundation truths from the Word of God are presented with modern day parables that help you easily understand the basics of Christianity. Use this book to lay a solid foundation in your life, or if you are already a mature Christian, these books are great tools to assist you in discipling others. May His Word become life to you today.

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  • Fundamentos Biblicos Volume 2 – (Spanish)


    Part of a three-book series about the basics of Christianity

    The foundation of the Christian faith is built on Jesus Christ and His Word to us, the Holy Bible. This Biblical Foundation Series includes the foundation of biblical doctrines you need to help you lay a strong spiritual foundation in your life. The foundation truths from the Word of God are presented with modern day parables that help you easily understand the basics of Christianity. Use this book to lay a solid foundation in your life, or if you are already a mature Christian, these books are great tools to assist you in discipling others. May His Word become life to you today.

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  • Fundamentos Biblicos Volume 1 – (Spanish)


    The foundation of the Christian faith is built on Jesus Christ and His Word to us, the Holy Bible. This Biblical Foundation Series includes the foundation of biblical doctrines you need to help you lay a strong spiritual foundation in your life. The foundation truths from the Word of God are presented with modern day parables that help you easily understand the basics of Christianity. Use this book to lay a solid foundation in your life, or if you are already a mature Christian, these books are great tools to assist you in discipling others. May His Word become life to you today.

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  • Cristiano Ateo – (Spanish)


    The Christian Atheist, by recovering Christian Atheist Craig Groeschel, is an honest, hard-hitting and eye-opening look into the ways people believe in God but live as if he doesn’t exist. From his own lapses in faith as a young man to the painful self-admission he had to make as an established pastor, Groeschel’s own journey will immerse you and challenge you into a deeper, Christ-filled life.

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  • Estudios De Doctrina Cristiana – (Spanish)


    A brief summary of all the doctrine of the Christian faith from Anthropology to Angelology, to Bibliology and Eschatology.

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  • De Gloria En Gloria – (Spanish)


    Todos en algun momento de nuestras vidas hemos experimentado la gloria de Dios. Pero hay un problema comun a la mayoria de los creyentes: la imposibilidad de mantener en el tiempo esa experiencia. La gloria es la manifestacion de la presencia de Dios y Claudio Freidzon nos ensena a encontrarnos con esa presencia de manera practica y diaria.

    We have all experienced in some time of our lives the glory of God. But there is a common problem within the majority of believers: the impossibility of being able to maintain the experience through time. Glory is the manifestation of God’s presence and Claudio Freidzon teaches us how we can daily find ourselves in that presence in a practical manner.

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  • Job Proverbios Eclesiastes Y C – (Spanish)


    Conozca su Biblia, developed in partnership with the Asociacion para la Educacion Teologica Hispana and the Evangelical Outreach and Congregational Mission unit of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is a unique Bible commentary series written in Spanish by leading Hispanic theologians and Bible educators. Justo L. Gonzalez, the General Editor for the series, is a distinguished biblical scholar and the author of numerous books, including Hechos (Acts) in this series.

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  • Mi Reflexion – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781615799480ISBN10: 1615799486Language: SpanishJeremias MartinezBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2010Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Por Que Me Persigues – (Spanish)


    Se volteo para asi recoger su cama y se dio cuenta de algo… !lo que menos ella deseaba ver!… estaba alli, parada frente a ella cual reflejo inerte, en un espejo, de alguien que no desea ser lo que es…

    No decia nada, no se movia, solo la miraba directo a los ojos como esperando que Nelly hablara. Nelly trato de ignorar su presencia, de no decirle nada, a ver si asi se desaparecia y la dejaba quieta. Asi que se movio alrededor de su cama recogiendola, acomodando sus cobijas y sabanas… Nelly se enderezo y volvio a mirar en la misma direccion…

    “Sabes que? no deseo saber de ti… siempre te las ingenuas para hacerme mal, para hacerme dao… Y como siempre… no vas a decir nada cuando te hablo… solo hablas cuando menos debes, y hechas a perder todo. Estoy cansada de ti, estoy cansada de tu presencia, estoy cansada de que siempre me persigas, que siempre estes detras de mi mirando todo lo que hago y acusandome de todo y por todo… simplemente estoy cansada de ti… !ESTOY CANSADA DE TIIIIIII”!… Gritaba Nelly sin poder contenerse en su enojo, mientras, lagrimas salian corriendo de sus ojos, deslizandose por sus mejillas, cayendo al suelo, donde quedarian solas y tristes para siempre…
    Sin importar cual sea nuestra posicion religiosa, o creencia espiritual, la realidad es que somos perseguidos por uno de los enemigos mas implacable y cruel que humano alguno pueda enfrentar. Muchos ni siquiera se dan cuenta de esta realidad, pero aun asi, si estuvieramos consientes de ello… Que podemos hacer para poder ser librados?… “si es que se puede” de un enemigo asi…

    Una historia llena de suspenso, intriga, y amor que (segun lees) te mantendra corriendo por tu vida, mientras te preguntas Por que Me Persigues?

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  • En Un Instante – (Spanish)


    Seth Borders has one of the world’s highest IQs. Now he’s suddenly struck by an incredible power–the ability to see multiple potential futures–and he stumbles upon Miriam, a beautiful Saudi Arabian princess who has fled to escape a forced marriage. Cultures collide as Seth and Miriam are thrown together and forced to run from forces determined to kidnap or kill Miriam. An intoxicating tale set amidst the shifting sands of the Middle East and the back roads of America, Blink engages issues as ancient as the earth itself . . . and as current as today’s headlines.

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  • Habilidades De Comunicacion Es – (Spanish)


    Escribir para ser leido.Para un liderazgo mas asertivo y de alto impacto, hay que empoderar a los profesionales en la competencia de la comunicacion. Empoderar al funcionario en la asertividad de su comunicacion lleva a la empresa a un mayor nivel de impacto en la rentabilidad de su negocio. Durante quince anos como consultora de empresas del sector financiero y de multinacionales, Sonia Gonzalez ha desarrollado una metodologia muy practica para lograr la claridad, fluidez y concrecion de la forma de comunicarse de los profesionales. Este libro, numero uno de la serie Comunicacion inteligente, ofrece claves practicas para eliminar los bloqueadores comunes de la expresion escrita, tales como claves para ordenar las ideas; profundizacion para una transmision de ideas mas asertiva y persuasiva; puntuacion como clave de oro para alcanzar ritmo y armonia de los textos; y casos concretos para apreciar el efecto sorprendente “antes y despues” de los textos.

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  • Habilidades De Comunicacion Ha – (Spanish)


    Vale mas saber poco pero decirlo bien, que saber mucho y no tener idea de comunicarlo. Para un liderazgo mas asertivo y de alto impacto, hay que empoderar a los profesionales en la competencia de la comunicacion. Empoderar al funcionario en la asertividad de su comunicacion lleva a la empresa a un mayor nivel de impacto en la rentabilidad de su negocio. Durante quince anos como consultora de empresas del sector financiero y de multinacionales, Sonia Gonzalez ha desarrollado una metodologia muy practica para lograr la claridad, fluidez y concrecion de la forma de comunicarse de los profesionales. Este libro, numero dos de la serie Comunicacion inteligente, ofrece una metodologia practica, de comprobados resultados, que permite corregir las debilidades comunes de los lideres en sus presentaciones. Con claves sencillas y aplicables, se efectuara un cambio extremo a la comunicacion hablada, tanto en el fondo de que se dice como en la forma de como se lo dice.

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  • Habilidades De Comunicacion Y – (Spanish)


    Hablar para ser escuchado.Para un liderazgo mas asertivo y de alto impacto, hay que empoderar a los profesionales en la competencia de la comunicacion. Empoderar al funcionario en la asertividad de su comunicacion lleva a la empresa a un mayor nivel de impacto en la rentabilidad de su negocio. Durante quince anos como consultora de empresas del sector financiero y de multinacionales, Sonia Gonzalez ha desarrollado una metodologia muy practica para lograr la claridad, fluidez y concrecion de la forma de comunicarse de los profesionales. Este libro, numero tres de la serie Comunicacion inteligente, expone la virtud superior de la gente inteligente, el escuchar. El escuchar es la capacidad de atender en forma dinamica, de desarrollar el “musculo” de guardar silencio o callar los pensamientos, para atender y entender al otro. Es mucho mas que apenas oirlo, es poder escuchar no solo lo que dice, sino lo que no dice pero lo transmite con el metalenguaje de sus actitudes, expresiones y gestos.

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  • Jesus El Sanador – (Spanish)


    Multitudes have been healed while reading this book!

    Experience the Power of Faith in Your Life

    Dr. Kenyon had a rare gift for presenting deep, profound biblical truths in a simple and easily understood way. You, too, can be inspired to step out and receive your healing, like the many multitudes of others who have read Jesus the Healer and were healed. Explore these rich truths with Kenyon, and discover how to:
    *Receive physical and emotional healing
    *Remove hindrances to healing
    *Be free from fear, guilt, and shame
    *Experience a new joy in your life
    *Become a stronger soulwinner
    *Develop a miracle-working faith

    Share these powerful truths, and see how God can use you to bring healing to others.
    You, too, can personally receive God’s healing touch!

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  • Tr3s – (Spanish)


    Imagine answering your cell phone to a mysterious voice that gives you three minutes to confess your sin. If you don’t, he’ll blow the car you’re driving to bits and pieces. So begins a nightmare that grows with progressively higher stakes. A powerful novel of good, bad, and all that lies in between, Tr3s is a psychological thriller that starts full-tilt and keeps the reader off balance until the very last suspense-filled page.

    De la mente de Ted Dekker: Tr3s, ahora en tapa rustica.Imagina que al contestar tu celular, escuchas una voz misteriosa que te da tres minutos para confesar tus pecados. Si no lo haces, va a hacer volar en pedazos el automovil que estas manejando. Asi empieza una pesadilla que se va desarrollando con consecuencias cada vez mas graves. Una novela imponente que trata de lo bueno, lo malo y todo lo que hay entre ambos, Tr3s es una historia de suspenso psicologico que arranca a plena velocidad y tiene al lector desbalanceado con curiosidad hasta la ultima pagina.

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  • Rostro De La Traicion – (Spanish)


    While home on Christmas holiday, a seventeen-year-old Senate page takes her dog out for a walk and never returns. Reporter Cassidy Shaw is the first to break the story. The media firestorm that ensues quickly ensnares Federal Prosecutor Allison Pierce and FBI Special Agent Nicole Hedge … who just happen to be Cassidy’s best friends. It appears the young page was romantically involved with a senator-a senator now under suspicion for her disappearance.

    As time begins to run out for the missing girl, Cassidy, Allison, and Nicole fight to locate her before its too late, even while each fights her own personal battles-a stalker, single-motherhood, and an abusive relationship.

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  • Discipulado E Interpretacion – (Spanish)


    “Discipulado e interpretacion” es un llamado a realizar la gran comision de nuestro Seor Jesucristo: “id y haced discipulos”. Pero hacer discipulos requiere que todo cristiano tenga un esquema hermeneutico para entender el texto escrito de la tradicion cristiana. Si entendemos bien, podremos ensear bien y asi formar discipulos buenos que se reproduzcan en otros discipulos, y estos en otros, y estos en otros. Pero si nos desviamos, estaremos propensos a perder el gozo de nuestra mision.

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  • Como Encontrar El Amor De Tu V – (Spanish)


    Encontrar al amor de tu vida es obligatorio para sentirte realizado en la pareja, pero como encontrar a esa persona? Que caracteristicas debe tener? Cuando es el momento de casarse?Eso y mucho mas es lo que responden Hugo y Tati Martinez en este libro. A traves de estas paginas ellos te ayudaran a considerar las diferentes etapas que se transitan en el noviazgo y, sobre todo, te ayudaran a conseguir una relacion exitosa con una persona que sera la indicada para tu vida.

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  • Asuntos Internos – (Spanish)


    Two of the most influential leaders in today’s church share secrets never before told regarding leadership and the mission that God has given them. Dante Gebel and Lucas Leys have collaborated here for the first time to produce a book that speaks directly about real leadership, opening their hearts to reveal intimate experiences and to share their ideas about what leadership should be in the future. This book is full of gems and treasures that will help you to be honest with yourself and to rediscover the purpose that should be motivating your leadership and the responsibilities that God has given all of us to influence the next generation.

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  • 101 Preguntas Y 101 Respuestas – (Spanish)


    How many times have the questions arising in our minds seemed to remain unanswerable? How often have we repeated these questions to people who also did not know the answers? And how many times have they asked us questions that we also cannot answer? Lucas Leys presents 101 difficult questions along with direct answers for each one. He offers answers that are well reasoned and balanced from a biblical and spiritual perspective so that young people can deepen their faith. Whether you are a youth leader who needs to the right answers to give or a teenager in search of satisfactory answers, this book is for you.

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  • Mujeres En El Ministero – (Spanish)


    Presents four viewpoints regarding the role of women in the church. They are the traditionalsit, those who favor male leadership, those who favor joint leadership, and those that see women as equal to men in regard to leadership in the church.

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  • Comentario De La Epistola A Lo – (Spanish)


    Bruce offers a magnificent interpretation of the original Greek by taking into consideration the historical context and the theology of the epistle of Galatians. He also includes the latest discoveries in the study of the apostle Paul.

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  • Greek Course – (Spanish)


    The self-taught method applied in this book allows each student to advance at their own pace in learning Koine Greek.

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  • Hermanos No Somos Profesionale – (Spanish)


    In this book, John Piper pleads with pastors to abandon the secularization of the role of pastor and to be dedicated to the prophetic, Biblical calling to a radical ministry.

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  • Amor Sexo Y Noviazgo – (Spanish)


    What does it mean to be single AND sexual before God?

    This book is not just another sermon on the evils of premarital sex. With testimonies from real people, it will become your partner in the challenges of living out your sexuality in accordance with God’s design, as expressed through biblical principles. Its clear, scientifically-based explanations of biophysical and psychological factors show you the physical, emotional, and spiritual implications of sexuality in all its expressions. This book wrestles with what it means to be both single and sexual in a culture that offers one disappointing answer after another. You’ll come away with a brilliant vision of young men and women who are strong and fully realized in their sexuality in a way that reflects God’s glorious design within a broken world.

    ?Quequiere decir ser soltero Y sexual en los ojos de Dios?Esto no es un mero sermon sobre los males del sexoprematrimonial. Con testimonios de gente real,este libro pretende ser tu companero en los retos que representavivir tu sexualidad en concordancia con el diseno de Dios, expresado enprincipios biblicos. Provee amplias explicaciones claras y bien fundamentadas cientificamente(en los procesos biofisicos y psicologicos) para que conozcas y comprendasadecuadamente las implicaciones a nivel corporal, emocional y espiritual de lasexualidad en todos sus aspectos. Lucha con que quiere decir ser soltero ysexual en un entorno cultural que ofrece miles de respuestas que desilusionan.El libro pinta un bello cuadro de jovenes varones y mujeres, fuertes,realizados en su sexualidad de una forma que refleja el glorioso diseno Dios enun mundo roto.

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  • Jesus Que No Puedes Ignorar – (Spanish)


    Best-selling author John MacArthur gives readers a fresh look at how Jesus addressed attacksagainst the truth.

    Meek and mild. Politically correct. A great teacher. These are the popular depictions of Jesus. But they aren’t the complete picture. Maybe because it’s uncomfortable, or maybe because it’s inconvenient, Christians and non-Christians alike are overlooking the fierceness of the Savior, his passionate mission to make the gospel clear and bring people into the Kingdom of God: a mission that required he sometimes raise his voice and sometimes raise a whip.

    In the much-needed message of El Jesus que no puedes ignorar, renowned Bible teacher and best-selling author John MacArthur reintroduces the compelling and often unsettling passion of Jesus’ ministry. MacArthur points to the compelling picture of the real Jesus the world is so eager to gloss over. And he calls readers to emulate Jesus’ commitment to further the kingdom by confronting lies and protecting the truth of God.

    John MacArthur, autor de gran exito de ventas, ofrece alos lectores un vistazo nuevo a la manera en que Jesus enfrento los ataques encontra de la verdad.Manso y dulce. Politicamente correcto. Un gran maestro. Estasson las representaciones populares de Jesus. Pero no son la imagen completa. Pasamos por alto la dureza del Salvador, su misionapasionada de presentar claramente el evangelio y traer a la gente al reino deDios. Era una mision que a veces requirio que alzara su voz y levantara un latigo.En el tan necesitado mensaje de El Jesus que no puedesignorar, el renombrado maestro de la Biblia y autor de gran exito de ventas JohnMacArthur vuelve a introducir la persuasiva y a menudo inquietante pasion delministerio de Jesus. MacArthur hace resaltar la imagen persuasiva del verdaderoJesus que el mundo tiene tantas ganas de pasar por alto. Y hace un llamado alos lectores a imitar el compromiso de Jesus de promover el reino confrontandolas mentiras y protegiendo la verdad de Dios.

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  • Maleta – (Spanish)


    A moving story of common wisdom from the best-selling author of El regalo del viajero.
    Orange Beach, Alabama is a simple town filled with simple people. But they all have their share of problems: marriages teetering on the brink of divorce, young adults giving up on life, business people on the verge of bankruptcy, and many of the other obstacles that life seems to dish out to the masses.

    Fortunately, when things look the darkest, a mysterious old man named Jones has a miraculous way of showing up. Communicating what he calls “a little perspective,” Jones explains that he has been given a gift of noticing things that others miss. In his simple interactions, Jones speaks to that part in everyone that is yearning to understand why things happen and what we can do about it. Based on a remarkable true story, The Noticer beautifully blends fiction, allegory, and inspiration.orever.

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  • Poder De Las Conexiones – (Spanish)


    The world’s most respected leadership expert gives five principles and five practices to expose and break the invisible barrier to leadership and personal success.

    You have a good idea but can’t convince your peers of its merit. You crafted a groundbreaking strategy, but the team trudges on in the same old way. Certain people seem to moving forward in their career while you seem to be stuck. If this describes you or someone you know, the problem is not the quality of what you have to offer. The problem is how you connect with people to create the results you desire.

    In The Irresistible Power of Connection, John Maxwell takes readers through the Five Connecting Principles and the Five Connecting Practices of top-notch achievers. He believes that a person’s ability create change and results in any organization, be it a company, church, nonprofit, or even a family, are directly tied to their ability to use the teachings of this book.

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  • Trump – (Spanish)


    Tough-minded real estate developer and star of The Apprentice, Donald Trump asked 100 of the world’s most successful real estate experts to tell him the best real estate advice they ever received. The answers are insightful, practical, and particularly helpful for anyone wanting to profit from the current uncertain real estate market, whether commercial or private.

    Donald Trump, promotor inmobiliario y estrella del programa de television, El Aprendiz, le pidio a 100 de los expertos mas exitosos en el area de los bienes raices que le dieran el mejor consejo sobre los bienes raices que ellos habian recibido alguna vez. Las respuestas son perspicaces, practicas y particularmente utiles para aquella persona que desee obtener ganancias en el incierto mercado actual, sea comercial o privado.

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  • Decisiones Inteligentes – (Spanish)


    In this book students will learn how to gain more wisdom and apply it to every aspect of their relationships-from being a good friend to dating relationships to handling conflict. They’ll find the stories and lessons in this book will help them become wise in their relationships.

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  • Hermeneutica – (Spanish)


    This is an indispensable resource for any minister who preaches the Word. The author offers a practical and effective guide to the proper interpretation of Scripture. This book will be a useful tool for the pastor in his preparation and study of the Bible.

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  • Amor Y Respeto – (Spanish)


    Successful couples know that harmony and happiness in marriage are not achieved by love alone. There is the other side of the Ephesians 5:33 equation respect. Yes, a wife needs love. But a husband needs respect. Based on extensive biblical and scientific research, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs reveals the secret to couples meeting each other’s deepest needs: Without love she reacts without respect, and without respect he reacts without love and a destructive, vicious cycle begins.

    Love and Respect is a groundbreaking book, to be featured on Focus on the Family, which offers much-needed help to husbands and wives everywhere. It introduces the biblical teaching of unconditional respect, and that it is as powerful as unconditional love. Discover the secret revealed by God that cracks the communication code between male and female and reap the benefits of marriage as God intended.

    Descubra el mas grande secreto para un matrimonio exitoso.?Quequiere usted para su matrimonio? ?Quiere tener paz? ?Quiere sentirintimidad? ?Quiere sentirse valorado? Entonces, pruebe un poco de Amor y respeto.Basadoen Efesios 5.33 y vasta investigacion biblica y psicologica, el doctorEmerson Eggerichs revela por que los espsos reaccionan negativamente eluno con el otro, y como pueden tratar con este conflicto rapida, facily biblicamente.

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  • Solo Para Ellas – (Spanish)


    Finally a book meant specially for girls. This is the alternative for talking about true love, the best ideas for becoming beautiful and all of those subjects included in popular magazines but untouched within the church environment. In this book the reader will find articles written by leading women such as Kristy Motta (who also is the editor of this volume), Aline Barros, Gloria Vazquez, Karen Lacota, Rocio Corson, Valeria Leys, Ingrid Rosario, Raquel Lopez, Gimena Sanchez and many more.

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  • Vocacion – (Spanish)


    En nuestro peregrinaje cristiano todas las personas hemos oido la llamada de Dios para estar a su servicio y divulgar sus buenas nuevas. El autor de esta obra nos ayuda a prestar mejor atencion a esta llamada divina y sus implicaciones. In our Christian journey, we have heard God’s call to serve others and to share His good news. Jose Rodriguez helps readers to better understand and identify this divine call to make thoughtful career choices.

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  • Predicacion En El Siglo XXI – (Spanish)


    In a contemporary culture so decadent and devoid of values, we find it necessary to develop new models of effective preaching that put into practice the Christian mission as well as the values of the Kingdom.

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  • Fe Que Vence Al Mundo – (Spanish)


    “In June 2005, it was a great privilege to welcome Fr. Raniero to open our International Alpha conference. His address on that occasion, Faith Which Overcomes the World, has been an inspiration to all of us involved with Alpha and we are most grateful to him for allowing us to publish it in this booklet.” Nicky Gumbel, Holy Trinity Brompton

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  • Vision Para Vivir Romanos – (Spanish)


    Drawing on his vast experience as a communicator of God’s Word, Chuck Swindoll presents his legacy to all who read and loves the Bible: Swindoll’s New Testament Insights. Volume one in this brand-new, landmark series provides a wealth of colorful, detailed, and easy-to-understand insights into Paul’s letter to the Romans.

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  • Catastrofe De Corinto – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780825412547ISBN10: 0825412544Language: SpanishGeorge GardinerBinding: Trade PaperPublisher: Editorial Portavoz Print On Demand Product

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  • Padres A Prueba De Crisis – (Spanish)


    Fights at school, sexual abuse, eating disorders, school crises – the list goes on and on. Hardly a day passes without a local crisis at involving junior highers or high schoolers. This practical resource covers the whole continuum of private and public crisis, equipping parents to work with their kids to deal with any crisis in a way that helps the individual and helps the family stay intact.

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  • Jeremias Y Lamentaciones – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780825413520ISBN10: 0825413524Language: SpanishIrving JensenBinding: Trade PaperEverymans Bible CommentaryPublisher: Editorial Portavoz Print On Demand Product

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  • Palabras Que Mueven Montanas – (Spanish)


    Experience God’s Power!

    “He who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.” (John 14:12)

    Through authors’ Kenyon and Gossett’s words and ministry, you will discover what happened in their lives-and what can take place in your own life. Find out how you can…
    ” Walk in divine health and wholeness.
    ” Overcome the power of evil.
    ” Experience God’s power in your life.
    ” Perform the miracles that Christ did.
    ” See the “incurable” healed.
    ” Lead the lost to Christ.
    ” Minister in God’s anointing.

    Here you will discover how you can personally receive God’s healing touch and how God can use you to bring healing to others.

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  • Claves Para Hombres – (Spanish)


    Llenas con pensamientos muy motivadores y consejos muy practicos, estas frases inspiradores del autor de Best SellersDr. Myles Munroe proveen sabiduria para que puedas vivir tu vida de acuerdo con los propositos de Dios. Claves para los Hombres capacita a los hombres para que puedan entender el proposito que Dios les dio, asi como sus cualidades unicas, y sus relaciones con los demas- incluyendo su relacion complementaria con las mujeres- de tal manera que puedan llegar a realizar su destino y todo su potencial.

    Filled with motivating insights and practical advice, these inspiring quotes from best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe provide wisdom for living your life according to God’s purposes. Keys for Vision shares truths on how to make your dreams and hopes a living reality. As you meditate on these truths, your mind will be renewed and your life will be transformed. You will understand the Creator’s original design so you can fulfill your unique, God-given purpose in the world with joy and confidence.

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